188 - Part 1

Part 1 of 8 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



OK. Revelation 21. And hopefully, well we'll start with verse 1. We'll see how far we'll go. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. And there was no more sea." Now this word new is Strong's 2537, and it means recently made. That means something was created that didn't exist before. And we're pretty deep into symbology in this ministry, so I'm not going to waste too much time on it, but heaven refers to mind, which is spirit, mind is spirit, and earth refers to the soul, which is made out of the dust. So when the Scripture says, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth," it means I saw a new mind and a new soul. Now let me remind you that a mind is spirit inside of a man. When a spirit is outside of a man, it's called spirit alone, and when it gets inside of a man it's called mind. It's called his mind. The mind of man is spirit. And we have found in other teachings that the spirit of man is three-fold. There is a male spirit, a female spirit and an offspring, and all three are one. And in the fallen man, -- excuse me, could you, oh that's over there -- in the fallen man -- anybody remember what the male spirit is?




The male spirit is Satan and the female spirit is the human spirit, also known as Eve --


And then the carnal mind.


-- and the offspring is the carnal mind. And all three are one. And they're called the mind of man. And another name is the heart. Now Revelation 21 is speaking about a new heaven and a new earth. And what it's talking about is the new mind and the new soul which appeared in the man, who? What was the name of the man that the new heaven and the new earth appeared in? Jesus, the name of the man was Jesus. The name of His mind was Christ. And the name of His soul was the New Jerusalem. He was a human being on the outside, just like we are. But on the inside, He was different. And the way that He was different, was that His three-fold mind had a different Father than the mind of fallen man. The Father, or the male spirit that was in the mind of the man Jesus, the new heaven, what was the name of the male spirit? It was the Father. The female spirit is always the same, human spirit, also known as Eve. And the offspring is? Christ. And this is the mind that was in the man Jesus. And Revelation 21 expresses it as a new heaven and a new earth, or a new soul. And the reason His soul is new, the reason His soul is new is that when you get a new mind, it renews your soul. We've been teaching that here, haven't we? We only have one soul. God made a living soul. It's in many members, just like a plant produces many leaves. And when the mind in that soul is death, you have what the Scripture calls the dead soul. When you get a mind in that soul, in the same soul that has life, you have a renewed soul. So the soul in the man Jesus of Nazareth was the same soul that His fallen mother had. But it became renewed because He received a mind from His Father that was life. And the Scriptures describe it in Revelation 21 as the new heaven and the new earth. And just as a point of information, at this point the old Jerusalem is not the dead soul. The old Jerusalem is the mind of Christ that existed in Israel.


The mind of Christ that existed in Israel. Jerusalem is the city of God. Jerusalem is the city of God. It was erected in the nation of Israel with an imputed anointing. Let me remind you of the imputed anointing. There was a manifestation of the mind of Christ in the nation of Israel that was not a three-fold cord. It did not have three parts to it. It was merely the Father and the human spirit. They had a relationship. They were very close, but they were not joined and there was no offspring. It was a two-fold cord. The nation of Israel. That's how they lost it. That's how they lost the mind of Christ. Israel went into captivity and was scattered, wiped off the face of the earth. Nobody knows what happens to the 10 tribes. They're affectionately known as the Ten Lost Tribes. Judah was two tribes. Judah and Benjamin, they exist today. But by and large, they have lost the manifestation of the mind of Christ. It was in a condition. What was? The mind of Christ that rested upon natural Israel was of such a formation that it could be dismantled. And dismantled it was when God pronounced judgment on Israel and sent them into Babylon for 70 years. They physically came out of Babylon, but they lost the headship of Christ. Anybody know what God did with it? What happened with the headship of Christ? It went to the Gentiles. It went to the non-Jew.


The headship of Christ is upon the church today. And the mind of Christ that is upon the church today, much to the disagreement of many of the ministers, but I must differ with them because this is the truth. The headship upon the church today is a two-fold cord. It's the same kind of headship, the same kind of structure of the mind of Christ that was upon natural Israel. It's a two-fold cord, have a relationship with the Father, but they have not been joined to Him and there is no offspring. And they can lose it. But nevertheless, in this hour, the Father, in some far distant corners of the earth, is starting to join with the human spirit of some of the members of the church. He's starting with a very small group. And He's bringing forth His Son in them, Christ. And this group of Christians, who are moving into or in whom a three-fold mind is starting to emerge in them, spiritually, look very different than the people in the church that have a two-fold cord for the mind of Christ. And by and large, the church does not recognize the latest move of the Spirit, which is to bring forth His man-child in the hearts of men.


Bringing forth this man-child in the hearts of men requires the death of what? The death of the carnal minds of men. And we'll see in chapter 1 of Revelation 21, we're going to find out that the old heaven and the old earth are passed away, the old heaven and the old earth. Now remember, it's the same earth, but it becomes old when the creation gets a new mind. So I'm suggesting to you that verse 1 of chapter 21 is speaking about the man Jesus of Nazareth. Why? Because to-date He is the only one that has had the completion of this experience, that a new mind was born in Him and that new mind renewed His earth, or His soul. And then the Father permitted wicked men to crucify His body and while He was on the cross, the Christ mind that was in Him crucified the carnal mind, slaying the enmity in His flesh. And at the time that John was writing the book of Revelation, Jesus was the only man that this happened to. But the promise is to everybody.


One of the major problems men have is the rate of speed at which God moves. He moves very slowly to the thinking of men. Very, very slowly. And now 2,000 years later, where a lot of people are saying, "Well, where is this Jesus? There's no peace in the world." I have someone that tells me this all the time. I have a couple of people. My father says it to me all the time. Two thousand years. It had to be a farce. It had to be a phony. But it's a mystery that one day to God is as a 1,000 years to men. And in this hour, 2,000 years later, in some unseen, unadvertised, hidden places in a few believers, He's starting to do the same work that He did in the man Jesus. And it's His full intention to reach out to the entire world who are hating Him, who are rejecting Him, because they don't understand His ways. And who can understand the ways of God? It's impossible to understand the ways of God with our carnal minds. So therefore, we fight Him.


The Scripture says men with their carnal minds oppose themselves. What does that mean? It means that Jesus is come to give you what? Life, and life more abundantly. He has come to give us life. And we reject Him because we don't understand. And the church in which the two-fold manifestation of the mind of Christ has been erected doesn't understand. And they are rejecting the message of God. And they are rejecting the work of God. And they are persecuting the people that ar- -- in whom this experience is emerging. And the people who preach this message are being persecuted by the traditional church. Why? Because they're giving a message that's different than what they've known so far. And we find that when Jesus appeared on the earth, He was a Jew. He went to the Jews. He was raised up in the traditional Levitical law. He was a religious Jew. And He was preaching a message that was different than the rabbis were preaching. And the Pharisees wanted to kill Him. Why? Because people don't understand. They don't understand. So in the book of Acts, I remind you that Gamaliel, the very wise teacher, told the Jews, "Leave it alone. Don't persecute people preaching something different. Leave it alone. If God's not blessing it, it will surely collapse." Praise God.


OK. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away." This word passed away is Strong's 3928. And it means to neglect, to omit or to pass by. The mind that Jesus of Nazareth inherited from His mother was neglected. What does that mean? It means that the man Jesus of Nazareth didn't use it. He didn't use it. He used the mind that He got from His Father. And again I remind you of the bird, that when he's flying in the heaven, he does not use his feet. Brethren, our carnal minds must be neglected. We must refuse to use them. That's how they will die. If you don't use your muscles, they will die. It's -- the word that describes it is atrophy. If you don't walk for 10 years and you stand up, you probably would fall down. We must stop using our carnal mind. And therefore it will fall away. It will be neglected. It will be omitted and it will cease to exist.


So "the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea." Now I remind you that the sea typifies the unconscious mind of fallen man, whose name is what? Who's the unconscious mind of fallen man? Satan is the unconscious mind of fallen man. He is a spirit. Satan is a spirit and he is present in the mind of every human being. The worldly people know, they don't know it's Satan, but they know he exists. The psychiatrists have a word for it. They call it libido. They know that if it's not controlled, if it's not restrained by our conscious mind, which is our morals and our ethics, if we just did everything that our unconscious mind told us to do, we would surely be destroyed. Our unconscious mind is the place of our wild raging passions which must be restrained and modified by intelligence, by morality and by common sense that knows that certain things will bring destruction upon our life.


So we see verse 1 telling us that the man Jesus received a new mind and because He lived out of that mind, which was Christ, His old mind, which is His carnal mind, ceased to exist for lack of use. And when His carnal mind ceased to exist for lack of use, His unconscious mind also ceased to exist. Now what does this mean, brethren? It means that the conscious mind is merely the expression of the spirit, which is our unconscious mind. The Scripture is saying that there is no way that the man Jesus of Nazareth could have succeeded in rejecting His carnal mind without first defeating the unconscious mind that He inherited from His mother. Because the unconscious mind, which is spirit, is the father of the conscious mind. Is not the Father, the unconscious mind of Christ? Well the carnal mind has a father. His name is Satan. And did not Jesus say, "The Father is greater than I?" Satan is greater than the carnal mind. The spiritual authority, the spiritual power, the spiritual warheads, the spiritual walls of defense, the spiritual armor of the carnal mind are all in his father, whose name is Satan. There is no way any man can reject and overcome his carnal mind without first defeating the defender of the carnal mind.


Our Father in heaven defeated Satan in the man Jesus of Nazareth. And because Jesus' Father overcame Satan in the mind of the man Jesus, the man Jesus was able, by the Christ mind, which He received from His Father, to overcome the carnal mind whose father is Satan. The unseen battle must first rage in the unseen realm of the spirit. In our lives today, the Lord Jesus Christ is waging a warfare against Satan on our behalf. He is also duplicating the life of Christ in us. He's causing it to be born in us. And because the Lord Jesus Christ is fighting for us in the realm of the spirit, that means if we fight out here in the realm of the soul, out here in the conscious mind, out here in the personality of man, the victory is assured. And thus we have the Scripture, "If we fight, the victory is assured." Now I'd like to give you an Alternate Translation of Revelation 21:1, but before I do, I'd like to mention something that I think I left out. The Greek word translated first, the first heaven and the first earth, it can also be translated former. Former. The former heaven and the former earth. The carnal mind and the dead soul which appeared in the earth before the living mind and the living soul that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth is the carnal minds of men, and of course, the dead soul that it was expressed through.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 21:1, "And I saw a new mind and a new soul because the former mind and the former soul were covered over. And there was no more unconscious mind."


Amplified Translation. Revelation 21:1, "And I saw the mind of Christ renewing Jesus' soul. And Jesus wasn't living out of the carnal mind and the dead soul which He inherited from His mother. And His dead unconscious mind didn't exist anymore."


What happened to His dead unconscious mind? Anybody know? It was swallowed up by the Spirit of God. Satan is swallowed up by the Spirit of God. We have a message by that name, "Satan Swallowed Up." When the Christ mind was crucified to the carnal mind, it was the swallowing up of Satan. And Satan shall continue to exist in a new form. Satan, when he's swallowed up by the Spirit of God in a man's mind, dies to his existence as a wild ravenous beast, or in some Scriptures, he's called a raging bull. He dies to that form of existence and he becomes a, what? Anybody? That bull is castrated. He becomes an oxen. I think the word for an animal is gelded. The bull becomes gelded, if I'm not mistaken. And he becomes an oxen, an animal that serves man. Satan's not going to be wiped out forever. There is a place for him in the creation, under the complete control and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that function is to give form to the creation. Satan is part of the physical structure of this creation. Remember, the Father is spirit. And the whole purpose of this creation is that He wants to be seen in a physical form, in a physical, visible form. And Satan is the pestilence in the earth which is covering over the spiritual creation, giving it form. There is a place for him. There is a function for him. He must be tamed just as the wild animals of this world system, such as elephants and even tigers have been tamed and subjected to the use of their human masters. Satan will be tamed, broken like a bull or a wild stallion, and brought into the servitude of his spiritual master, which is Christ.


Verse 2, "And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband." "And I, John, saw the holy city." And I mentioned it earlier, let me remind you, that the hol- -- well first of all, let me remind you that every human being is a city for spiritual life. Spiritual life which is invisible and has no form or shape could be likened to water, is unstable, it takes the shape of the vessel that it's in, lives inside of men. We are the cup that holds spirit, and there is more than one kind of spirit in this world today.


So John saw the holy city. Now holy means without sin, so the city without sin -- I don't know if I made this clear before -- but the cup that holds the spirit is not this physical body. It's the soul that we live in. Did I say that? I didn't say that. OK. Let me put it on the board for you. Spirit is likened to liquid. The Scripture describes a cup as the soul, or I should say the Scripture describes the soul as the cup which contains spirit. We have several Scriptures about a cup. I think most of them are in the book of Revelation. We have a few in the prophets. OK. So the cup is the soul and depending on what spirit it contains, makes it either the old soul or the new soul, the new man or the old man. OK? And we've also found -- I don't want to spend too much time on this -- but we did find Scriptures which talk about seven vials, seven vials. And when we looked that word up in the Greek, we found that that word can be translated saucer. So what is the name of the vessel that contains the soul, that contains the spirit? It's our physical body.


OK, now, what confuses a lot people is that in some Scriptures, Paul refers to the soul as the body. Frequently Paul refers to the soul as the body. So we have to be very careful to find out whether we're talking about the physical body or whether we're talking about the celestial body. Paul clearly said there is a celestial body and there is a terrestrial body. The celestial body is a heavenly body. And the terrestrial body is an earthly body. Now when the spirit in the cup is Christ, the soul is a celestial body. When Christ is the spirit that's in the cup, the cup becomes a celestial body and it's called the renewed soul, the inner man, the New Jerusalem. When it's the carnal mind that's in the cup, it's the old man or it's the terrestrial body. It's the body made out of earth. Because when the spirit is Satan, the carnal mind is appearing as the mind, and the carnal mind is earthy. The old man is of the earth, earthy. The new man is of the spirit. Amen. Or the new man is the Lord from above, that's how the Scripture goes, right? The new man is the Lord from above. The first man is of the earth, earthy, and his mind is carnal. And therefore his soul, which is the body of the carnal mind, is earthy and it's terrestrial. The new man is the Lord from heaven. His mind is Christ and His soul is heavenly and holy and He is the new man. Everybody OK on that? It's really not the most important thing if you don't get it.


So the holy city is who? The holy city is the soul of the man Jesus that has been renewed because His mind is become Christ. "And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven." Coming down from God out of heaven. Well what does that mean? Heaven, we said, is Christ. We said the new heaven is Christ, right? The spirit in here. This is Christ. OK. And this is heaven. So what does it mean, it's coming down from God? Christ has a head. What's the name of Christ's head?


The Father.


The Father. They're in there together. The Father rests in His Christ. So the New Jerusalem originates with the Father. And let me remind you where the Father is. The Father is outside of the cup. Remember, the Father is eternal. He's inside of man and He's outside of man. And He is the head of Christ. Christ is in the cup. The Father's in the cup also. He's also outside of the cup. Christ is not outside of the cup. So the new, the renewed soul, His glorious vessel originates with the Father, which is pure spirit. It is passed into Christ, which is the Spirit of the Father in the mind of a man. And then it passes down into the soul of that man, renewing the soul and giving life, eventually, to the body. I don't know if it mentions the body in the Scripture or not, but it does touch the body eventually. We fou- --


"And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband." And we have many Scriptures that say that Jesus is marrying the church. But everybody thinks He's coming out of Mars. I don't know. They think He's coming on a spaceship. I don't know where they think He's coming from, that He's floating down from heaven with a pair of gossamer wings or something. No, Christ is arising from within us. He's arising from within us. He is appearing in men. And when He matures in the individual into a full-grown man, He is going to marry the soul that He's in. Now as Christ arises in you, He is quickening your mortal body, which is your soul. OK? He's giving life to your soul. And when He arrives at a position of full spiritual manhood, He's going to join Himself to your soul so completely, that the two shall be one flesh. And our example is human marriage.


See, right now, in this condition, and this is the condition that the man Jesus of Nazareth was in, He was Jesus the Christ. The mind of God in Him was at a condition of full spiritual manhood, of full strength. And He did miracles. And His body was preserved and His soul was given life. But the mind inside of Him was separate from His soul and His body. They were not joined. They were just resting in one another. At the resurrection of the crucified man, the whole man Jesus, all of these elements were completely combined to make one new creation. Jesus said, "and of the two, he made --" wh- -- of the two what? Of the two minds, of the carnal mind and of the Christ mind, He made one new man, the creation of God. And there was no longer any separation.


So this joining is described in verse 3 as a marriage. So the New Jerusalem, the renewed soul of the man Jesus the Christ, was coming down from God out of heaven and She looked like a bride and She was prepared as a bride who was adorned for Her husband. And this Greek word translated prepared, I suggest to you that it means emotionally prepared. And I'd like to tell you that joining with Christ is no easy or simple thing. Christ is the lake of fire. God is a consuming fire. He burns. And what does He burn? He burns sin. Now all of us have sin in us. Every one of us has sin in us. So as Christ gets close to us, there can be a moment that's painful. You can have some painful moments as He burns up the sin in your mind. And you have to be emotionally prepared for this joining. And what is the emotional preparation? I personally believe that it's understanding. I believe that it's the same kind of understanding that you give to a woman who's having her first child. And you tell her, well there are going to be some moments of pain. There are things you can do to make it easier, and there are things that you can do that are going to make it harder if you don't cooperate. But you got that baby inside your womb and it has to come out. And you've got to go through. And there is a spiritual application to this. Once Christ gets conceived in you, He's got to come out. He's got to be born. The Scripture clearly states we're having a spiritual baby. We're told we'll be saved in childbearing. We're told -- and that's in 1 Timothy, I believe -- we're told in the book of Revelation that a man-child is being born, in chapter 12. Once He gets inside of you, brethren, He's got to get out.


Now we have a pretty large church world today that is singing and dancing and exercising spiritual gifts and experiencing the spiritual life of God, and they think it's fun. Well I guess it is fun. They're prophesying and they're speaking in tongues and they're dancing in the spirit. It feels good. But what they don't know is that that Holy Spirit has gotten inside of a lot of them and implanted Himself in them. James clearly speaks about the engrafted word, that that seed must be implanted in you. And once He's inside of you, brethren, He's got to get out. And as He starts to come out, as He starts to mature in you, He is burning all the sin that's in His way. And that's when we start to hear about the fiery trials. That's what it's all about. It's for a season. Sometimes it's not pleasant, but it's going to save your life.


They cut me open a couple of years ago. I didn't love it. I didn't love it. But it saved my life. But the real bottom line here is that this message is not being preached. We have thousands of people that have been impregnated by the Holy Ghost. They don't even know what's happened to them. And they're about to go under deep judgment without understanding. And that is a tragedy. But the bottom line is, if Christ is inside of you, He's coming out, with your understanding or without your understanding. And the results of it will be that He'll save your life. But the Scripture clearly states that we oppose ourselves, that we are like people who are drowning. And the lifeguard comes out and starts beating up the -- and the person that's drowning starts punching the lifeguard in the face. You know, that really happens. I don't know if you know that. It really happens. Sometimes the lifeguard has to give him a right cross and knock him out because he's going to drown the two of them. The man's hysterical. So we have a lot of hysterical women in the church today that aren't dealing too well with the distress. Paul clearly stated that there is a present distress. Does anybody not know that? That Paul said we're involved in a present distress?


OK. And the Greek word translated adorned is 2885 and it means to put in order. So this bride, she's the renewed soul of the man Jesus the Christ. She's prepared emotionally. I believe Jesus knew exactly what to expect and exactly what was to happen to Him. And She was also -- I should say He -- well She in relationship to God, His soul in relationship to Christ was female. She was adorned. She was put in the right order. And again, we're going back to what I had on the board before, that the soul of the man Jesus was in the right order. The Father, Christ and the soul. And because She was in the right order, She was prepared for the joining. You can't be joined to Christ if you're not in the right order. You're a perversion. The whole creation's a perversion. We're fallen. And we need to be saved. That's all we need, a Savior, because we're fallen and we have a mind, which is death, that is imparting death to our soul and to our physical body.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 21:2, "And I, John, saw the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven. And She was emotionally prepared to be joined to the mind of Christ, which had been fully born in Her. And She was in the correct moral order."


Now I'd like to point out to you that the preparation is of the soul and that the correct moral order is of the spirit. This New Jerusalem, the soul or the renewed soul of the man Jesus, was spiritually prepared. And what was Her spiritual preparation? Her spiritual preparation was that Her mind had become Christ. The correct moral order is the Father, Christ and the soul, or the man, underneath. And She was also emotionally prepared. Emotions referring to the soul, and emotional preparation, we said, is with understanding.


Amplified Translation. Revelation 21:2, "And I, John, saw Jesus' renewed soul coming down from God out of Christ. And She was in the correct moral order and emotionally prepared to be joined to the mind of Christ which was within Her."


And ha- -- Now please note that this is the joining of the spirit, which is Christ, which is in the correct moral order to the soul which is fully prepared with understanding. It is the permanent joining or the marriage of soul to spirit. And let me remind you that human marriage is from soul to soul, and that it is being permitted to men and women in this fallen world for a season. But the true marriage is not soul to soul. The true marriage is soul to the Spirit of God. And when the proper season comes, the Lord will require all of His creation to give up the form of marriage that we see in the world today and to marry Him. And I remind you there is no marriage or giving in marriage as we know it here in heaven. "And I, John, saw Jesus' renewed soul coming down from God out of Christ. And She was in the correct moral order and emotionally prepared to be joined to the mind of Christ which was within Her." This is the glorification, brethren. This is speaking about the glorification of the man Jesus of Nazareth.


Verse 3. "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, 'Behold. The tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people. And God Himself shall be with them and be their God.'"


The Greek word translated tabernacle is speaking about something that's made of green boughs -- boughs as cut off from a tree -- such as the tabernacle of God was before Solomon built the temple. There was a tabernacle in Shiloh and it was made of live branches that were cut down from trees. And the implication here is that the living, well tabernacle, the Greek word translated tabernacle is also the Greek word that means tent. And a tent is something that's made out of skin. It's talking about the physical body. It's talking about skin. It's talking about skin. It's talking about the physical body of the man Jesus.


"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, 'Behold. The tabernacle of God.'" The man Jesus of Nazareth was their tabernacle of God. And if you recall, in the tabernacle, there was a holy place and there was an altar in the holy place. Well there was the physical man Jesus, then there was the New Jerusalem that was within that, then there was the mind of Christ, which was within that. It was like the temple had the holy place and the most holy place and the mercy seat and all these different layers. Those were all types of the physical order of the man Jesus of Nazareth. And as He is glorified in verse 2, we hear in verse 3 a great voice, which is the voice of the Father coming out of heaven, which I remind you is Christ. And it was saying, "Behold. The tabernacle of God is with men." And what that means is, as we've been taught here, that when the man Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and raised from the dead, He ascended back up into pure spirit form, became one with the Father, and in this hour is pouring out of His Spirit upon this whole planet. He's raining upon this planet. And salvation is now available to all men. Why? Because the man Jesus of Nazareth gave up His life. He could have lived forever in that tabernacle because His mind was Christ. He could have lived forever. That body would have never died. But He gave it up so that He could return to pure spirit form, so that He could rain on us. And when a drop of Him gets inside of us, He's going to do the same thing in us that was done in the man Jesus of Nazareth. He's going to bring forth a new mind in us. And the name of that mind is Christ. And in the individual it's called Christ, more specifically, Christ Jesus.


And that mind starts growing from a seed. So you can have the mustard seed which is the beginning of that mind in you. But it has to grow up in you, has to grow up in you and it has to be used -- now go back to verse 1 -- we have to start living out of the mind of Christ and ignoring our carnal mind for our carnal mind to die. Now to ignore our carnal mind, we have to wound our carnal mind. We have to wage war against it because it doesn't like being ignored. Our carnal mind doesn't like being ignored. It has a spiritual authority attached to it. The name of the spiritual authority of the carnal mind, does anybody know what it is? It's witchcraft. A spiritual power that the carnal mind uses to accomplish its purposes is witchcraft.


Now a lot of people hear that word and they think of the wilds of the jungles where witchcraft is common. Well that is witchcraft too, but there is also a witchcraft of the mind. Its name more specifically is Leviathan. It operates strongly in pride and it has power to hurt. It has power to bring people into submission to oneself. It's a warfare of the mind. A lot of people are smart enough to know that in this world there is warfare of the mind. Someone's always trying to bring someone else into subjection to them. Someone's always trying to bend somebody to their will. Somebody's always trying to get their way. That's what this world is like down here. Sometimes it's legal. We see it in policemen where it's not -- we see it in policemen and they have a gun to back up their strong mind. Sometimes we see it between nations and the armies have guns to back up their strong mind. But what we're seeing today, and I'm sure it's been going on for a long time, is a warfare of the mind that is not evident in the physical realm.


We see people walking around saying, "I love you. I love you," and then speaking something or manipulating or controlling in some way to get someone else to do something that will benefit the person that's supposedly doing the loving. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? That word is used lightly today, "I love you," as you plunge a knife in my back. Better get your definition straight. Love is sacrifice. If I love you, I do what's best for you even if it will be of a loss to me. Now if I'm manipulating you to do something that's going to benefit me, that's not love. That's manipulation. Let's get our definition straight. Don't lie to me. I don't like it. And if you give me a story like that, I'm going to tell you right to your face that it's not love and that it's manipulation.


And this kind of inexperience is part of the burning that comes forth from the mind of Christ that's in me. So if you've got sin in your mind and you think you're going to use it against me -- you know, a lot of people they don't know that they have sin in the way they think. They don't know that it's sin. But, brethren, when you're hanging around somebody that's got the mind of Christ, you better get ready to have sin in your mind exposed. And hopefully, you'll humble yourself when it's exposed, and apologize and don't do it again, not to anybody. Don't do it again to anybody. Why? Why don't we have to do this to anybody?


Because in this hour, we have available to us the greatest power in the universe to get our needs met. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't have to do that to people. What we need is a relationship with Jesus and we need to tell Him what we need. We don't have to lie, rob, cheat, steal, manipulate, control, finagle, con. We don't have to do it anymore. Because all of those activities, when we do them, there is a spiritual law in effect that says you shall reap what you have sown. So if you do these things to somebody, it's going to get done to you. And if it's not getting to you the next day, don't be deceived. Because sometimes the justice of God takes a long time to be revealed. But I promise you, that if you make a habit of getting your needs met at the expense of other people, by trampling over other people, and using them, the day will come that it will surely happen to you. But you see, if we turn to Jesus, and we say, "Lord, I have a need. Help me." When He meets your need, there's no recompense. There's no evil that will come back on you. When we go through Jesus, there's no evil reaping what we have sown, because His spiritual power is legal.


And there's a big misunderstanding about Jesus, especially amongst men. They think that it's not manly to be a Christian. It's a big mistake. It's a big mistake. He is the epitome of manhood. He is a warrior. If you have been raised in a church where you've been taught that He's an infant, you've been taught incorrectly. He grew up. He was an infant. He grew up to a full grown man. He was crucified and He was raised from the dead and He is a mighty, mighty spiritual warrior, fully able to give you everything that you need. Everything. He is above the law of this world system. There is not anything He cannot do.


Some people don't understand why, as most of us, don't understand His ways. Because He's looking at us from such a high place, and He might think that what we ask for today would not be good for us. Just like when you have a two-year-old. I was just in my nephew's house not too long ago. And my niece wanted another candy bar. And they told her no and they tried to hide it from her. And they did everything they could and she found it. And they finally had to just confront her and say, "No. You'll get sick." And she had a temper tantrum. So sometimes we ask God for things that it would not be to our benefit to receive at that moment. Now sometimes we say, "Well what are you talking about, you know? I asked Him to save my mother from dying. I asked Him and He let them die." Well I have answers for that, but I'm not going to go into it on this message. All I can tell you is that His ways are much higher than our ways. And we can't understand Him. But He's good. And He's righteous. And His motives for doing things are perfect. Our motives are imperfect. Our motives are imperfect. He is perfect. And if what He has done looks evil to us, it's because we don't understand. He loves us with a love that we cannot comprehend. You see, Jesus doesn't come to you and say, "I love you," and then use you. He doesn’t do that. And the reason is that He doesn’t need you. He is totally self-sustaining. You don't have anything that He needs. When He is pouring out His love upon us, and He has one goal in mind, He may give us little blessings along the way, but He has one primary goal in His mind. And that is to raise this whole creation form the dead. And just like the lifeguard, if He has to punch us in the face to raise us from the dead, He's going to do it.


Now let's get on with this message. "And He's saying, 'Behold. The tabernacle of God is with men." Well what does that mean? The tabernacle of God, the Lord Jesus Christ returned to pure spirit form, is pouring out of His Spirit and He's now back down here in this world system, which is called hell, in a new form. He has changed His form. He no longer looks like a human being. He's no longer the man Jesus of Nazareth. He is now, what's His name?




He is now the Holy Spirit. He is now the Holy Spirit. He's in the earth today in the form of the Holy Spirit and He's raining on the hearts of men. And when He gets inside of your heart, He joins with your what? With your human spirit. He joins with your human spirit. And He, and She gives birth to Christ. He is reproducing His mind in you. And when His mind is born in you, it shall give life to your flesh. And it shall preserve your body. Glory to God.


So the tabernacle of God, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, is now with men. He came back to earth. He didn't ever have to come back here again. But He did it because He loves us. That's the love of God, brethren. It's not the love of man. "And He will dwell with them." He's going to dwell with us. He's going to get inside of us and He's going to live with us. "And they shall be His people." And when He gets inside of you, brethren, and when His Christ starts to be formed in you, you shall be His people.


Now, let me remind you, to be His people, you have to be ruled by Him. So we have a whole church world out there, dancing and singing and shouting and yelling and some churches they run around the church, and there's nothing wrong with that. And they walk out the door and they cheat you in business dealings. And they're out there cursing their wives and mistreating their children without repentance. It won't do, brethren. It won't do. He's winking at it for a season, but it won't do. So if you're going to be His people, you have to come into submission to Him and you have to start acting like you're His son. And if you're not doing it, He's going to what? He's going to rain down judgment on you, just like a loving parent will paddle their own children. You can't go on doing it in church. You've got to stop doing it, all you preachers out there that are cheating and lying in business dealings. You've got to stop doing it or He's going to stop you. "He shall dwell with them." And when He dwells with them, He'll be inside of them and they'll be His people because He's going to chasten them. And He's going to rule them from within. And God Himself shall be with them and shall be their God.


Well now let me just give you some definitions here. This word he shall be with them -- I'm backing up a little. "And he shall dwell with them." That word with means in the midst of, so it's another witness that He's going to be enjoined with them. Thayer says that word means in the midst of, denoting union. "And they shall be His people." And this Greek word translated people, is referring to those who are of the same stock or the same heritage and the same language. And what that means is when Christ begins to develop as your mind, God is forming a new nation. Right now we have Italians, we have Spanish, we have Hungarians. We have many nations based on a flesh birth. But when Christ starts to come forth in His people, we're told in the Scripture, God is creating a new nation not based on physical heritage but based on spiritual heritage. When your mind is Christ, or when the mind of Christ is functioning in you in any measure, we have a new citizenship. Isn't there another Scripture that says, "Our citizenship is in heaven"? And so we'll be of the same stock, which means we're going to have the same Father and we shall speak the same language. That means no disagreements. Now that's not an ungodly thing not to have disagreements. We have some people that won't fight and that won't express themselves and won't talk. Well it's not a bad thing to not fight. But we should have communication. And there should be a discussion and a reasonable compromise and a reasonable meeting of the minds. But when our mind is Christ, there will be no disagreement because everybody will be thinking with the perfect mind of Christ. Righteousness will appear in everybody's mind. No more disagreement.


See in the world today, we have some people who are righteous, some people who are unrighteous and then varying degrees of righteousness. We have courts of law. We have the Supreme Court because no one can decide what's right. But when the mind of Christ is ruling in men, everyone's going to know. So we'll all speak the same language. "And they shall be His people. And God Himself shall be with them and be their God." And I'm suggesting to you that God Himself will be in the form of the Christ Jesus, which is being born in us. And He will be their God. That doesn’t mean He's going to be their God up there in heaven somewhere. It means that He's going to be their God, dwelling in the midst of them and ruling from the midst of them. And I remind you of the Scriptures about the white throne judgment of Christ in the book of Revelation. He will be in the midst of His people. He will be surrounded by His people and He will be ruling. And what this means is that the mind in the renewed man will be ruling our life, not in tyranny but in righteousness and in liberty.


And the Scripture tells us that we think we're free now, but we're not free. We already have a spirit in our head. We have a mind in us. Its name is the carnal mind and it's ruling us now. We've just been with him for so long we think it's us. But there's a taskmaster in our mind that's forcing us or encouraging us to do things that will reap destruction upon us. But when Christ is our mind, we're told that His yoke is light and His burden is easy. He's not going to hurt us like our carnal mind is hurting us. And if you're not aware that you're being hurt, it's that it's just a lack of understanding, because our carnal minds are bringing great destruction into our life because of wrong thinking. OK. In the garden, the midst of them will be Christ Jesus, and He will be their ruler.


Let's see if I can give you an Alternate Translation on verse 3. "And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying, "Look. God's temple, Christ Jesus, is in the midst of men. And because He shall live together with them and be the God in the midst of them, every member of the living soul shall be of the same stock and speak the same language. And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lo- --." Now notice that the Lo- -- that the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ has become the Father and as He brings forth Christ Jesus in us, the Son is coming forth in us. "And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying, "Look, God's temple is in the midst of men." The Lord Jesus Christ is now in the midst of men and He's bringing forth Christ Jesus. So we can really say that He's in the midst of men in the form of the Lord Jesus. It gets a little hairy here. The temple is the Lord Jesus Christ, but when He gets inside of us, He brings forth His offspring. And He's inside of us in the form of Christ Jesus. Let me try this again. "And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying, "Look. God's temple, Christ Jesus, is in the midst of men. And because He shall live together with them and be the God in the midst of them, every member of the living soul shall be of the same stock and speak the same language."


Verse 4. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be any more pain. For the former things are passed away." And what are the former things? The former things is the life, is not the life but the existence in this realm of death, which is called hell, that's been passed away. And we see here that death, sorrow and crying and pain are associated with this existence down here in hell, where the carnal mind is lord. "And God shall wipe away their tears." Now this, the Greek word translated tear, well first of all, let me tell you that the Greek word translated wipe away is 1813 and it means to complete, to wash, to anoint, to cover over, to overlay. And the Greek word translated tear just means tear. So I went into Webster's Dictionary and I found out that a tear is a drop of saline fluid. Saline means salt. It's a drop of salty fluid. It's a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter, and it's an act of weeping or grieving. So what I want to suggest to you that this tear is, is that it's typifying the living soul. Let me review this teaching with you. We know that water typifies spiritual life in the soul realm.


Well let's start at the top. Spirit, in the realm of the spirit, is typified by what? Gas, gas, vapor. If we're using water as our type, water in the form of vapor typifies spirit, that means outside of this world, outside of a man. OK? Spirit, in this world system, is typified by water. I'm sorry, spirit in the realm of the soul, that's in the mind, OK? The soul is typified by water and spirit in this world system is typified by ice. So we see that we are typified by water. Outside of this world, it's vapor. It's steam. Inside of this world, in the soulish realm, it's water. And when it gets out to our body, it's hard. It becomes hard, like an ice cube. That's what our body is. Our body is 96 percent water. But it's become hard like an ice cube. And I remind you that our world is not up and down. The world of the spirit is in the center, and then the soul layers out. And then the physical body is out here. Another name for this out here is outer -- outer what?




Darkness. OK. Outer darkness. And I remind you that when we do go up into outer space, the scientists know that we're not going up. That's why it's outer space. It's not upper space. It looks like the spaceship is going up, because of the positioning of this planet. But he's not going up. When we're dealing with this physical world, this would typify the earth. And when a spaceship takes off, it goes this way. And this would be outer space. So spirit is steam or vapor. Soul is water. And this physical body is likened to an ice cube. So we see here in Webster's that a tear can either be liquid -- well let me read it to you exactly. "A transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter." And I'm suggesting to you that this tear is talking about this world system, which is water-based, 96 percent water. And it's referring both to the soul, which is liquid, and to the physical body, which is hard like an ice cube.


And these tears are going to be wiped away. This world system is going to be wiped away, both in the realm of the soul where it's liquid and this physical body where it's hard, where we corrupt, where bugs bite us and we get rashes, or we get hit by a car and our arm could get cut off. It's going to disappear. And we're told that it's going to be replaced with a what? With what kind of a sea? With a crystal sea, which is a hard sea. It was going to be replaced. We're going to get a soul and a body that's going to be indestructible. The bugs can bite all they want. If they can -- did you ever see one of those cartoons, where a mosquito tries to bite somebody and the stinger gets all bent up? Did you ever see anything like that? I like those cartoons. He tries to bite somebody -- oh God, one of these days I'll learn to draw -- OK, and his stinger gets all bent. So we see that the tears are going to be wiped away. And I remind you that wipe away means to complete, wash, anoint, cover over, overlay. Well how could you complete a tear? How could you complete this world system?


Brethren, we are lacking. We are negative. The Scripture clearly teaches that we are in the condition of death because we are lacking our life. And who is our life? Who's our life? Christ is our life. Christ is our life. We're lacking something. He's our life. He's our righteousness. We are complete in Him. We're lacking. So I repeat to you again, and I'm going to keep on telling you this, I'm not against casting out demons. Jesus did it. It's a legitimate spiritual ministry, but it is not the be-all end-all. The be-all end-all is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Demons can be likened to stones and weeds that are found in ground that you try to ploy to plant the seed. If the Holy Spirit cannot penetrate your heart and implant Himself and engraft Himself to your human spirit, you may need some deliverance. You may need some stones and some weeds cast out. But I caution everybody listening to this message, do not make an idolatry out of deliverance. It is a means to an end, and the end of all things is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


And I remind you in the Old Testament, there was one of the prophets or one of the students in Elisha's school of prophesy that inadvertently put a poison mushroom in the stew and he went running to Elisha, said, "There's death in the pot." Brethren, there's death in our pot. There's death right in here, right inside of us, right inside of this body. It reigns. And the disciple went running, "Elisha! There's death in the pot." And what did Elisha do? Elisha, the mighty prophet of God, what did he do? Did he pour it out? Did he start all over again? Has the Lord poured us out and started all over again? No, but Elisha added something to the stew, and it neutralized the poison and the pot was good for food. We're lacking something.


And again, on the other hand, our medical system, they do many good works. They help people. They cut you open. They're always taking something ou- -- well sometimes they're putting plastic or organs in or somebody else's organs in, you know, and getting a little ghoulish here or there, you know. Always playing around. They're just playing with what they've got. They're playing with what they've got. We're lacking something. Our problem is a lack. And the Lord Jesus Christ is in the process of adding what we are lacking to the entire creation. It's just taking a couple of thousand years. That's our problem. But hang in here, because the time is at hand. The time is at hand. We're going to see this thing. We're going to see it.


So, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Now that's, we just read in the verse before that God's going to be in the midst of them. And we found out that the Son of God is Christ Jesus, who has been born in you. Once again, the three-fold cord, not a two-fold union of the Father and your human spirit, without a penetration and without an offspring, but the three-fold cord of Christ, which is produced by the joining of the Holy Spirit with your human spirit. He's going to be in the midst of you. And when He gets in the midst of you, He's going to wipe away your tears. He's going to complete your fallen humanity, which is lacking something. He will complete you. Hallelujah. That's good news. He's also going to wash you. He's going to wash away your sins. He's going to anoint you. The word anoint is referring to oil. He's going to cover you with His -- He's going to wash away your sins and then He's going to cover you with His Spirit, which is healing and health and life and victory in every area. Then He's going to cover you over completely -- and we've done some teaching on that. He's going to cover you over and overlay you. Do you know what it means to overlay you? You know what gold plate is? He's going to completely cover you in every area and seal it in. And we found out that that's the second stage of resurrection. It's called the circumcision without hands, where Christ arises from within your carnal mind and -- let me put that on the board for you.


We found that the resurrection of the dead is in three stages. Who's the dead? Who's the dead? Anybody know who the dead is? No, who's the dead? Christ is the one who died at the beginning of time. Christ died at the beginning at -- well not at the beginning of time, at the fall. When Christ died, the creation fell. He's the dead one. I remind you that the soul was never alive. To be alive implies that you have the ability to give that life to somebody else. The living soul was never alive. The living soul was the recipient of the life that was in Christ, which was Her mind. Did everybody hear that? The living soul was the receiv- -- the recipient, the one who had received, the one who had been made alive because the life of God in the form of the mind of Christ was Her mind. She had no strength to give that life to anybody else. And when the mind of Christ died, there was no longer any mind to impart life to Her. She died with him. So Christ who died at the beginning of time, because who killed him?


The carnal mind.


Good. We finally got it. OK. The carnal mind killed Christ at the fall. And we find that the Father is resurrecting the dead Christ in three stages and as the Christ is resurrected, the soul and the bodies of men will receive healing and life.


The second stage, -- well let's start it from the beginning. The first stage of the resurrection is the resurrection of the dead what? What of the dead? What's the remains of Christ in you?


The human spirit.


The dead human spirit. She's dead in us. The Holy Spirit is coming. He is joining with Her. And they are producing a Christ. And all three are one. And this is the mind of God in a man, which takes the single name of Christ. OK? So when Christ is raised from the -- well let's talk about Jesus of Nazareth. Christ was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth. His mind was Christ. But when the Holy Spirit first entered in, He had to pierce through the carnal mind that the man Jesus had received from His mother. Everyone OK? OK. And that Holy Spirit, which was the seed of the Father, entered in to the carnal mind of the man Jesus, joined with the human spirit and produced Christ. So we see Christ dwelling within a sac called the carnal mind. The Scripture describes it, the carnal mind, as the grape skin and Christ as the flesh of the grape. And the Scripture clearly teaches us that the grapes have to be, what?




Have to be crushed. This carnal mind has to be crushed and ripped so that the Christ or the wine of the Spirit can get through. And we see in the second stage of resurrection that there must be a penetration. The Scripture calls it the circumcision without hands. It's the circumcision of the heart. It's the circumcision of this carnal mind which is also called the heart of the fallen man.


And we found Scriptures that have shown that this carnal mind is porous -- I'm not sure if I spelled that right. The carnal mind is porous, which means liquid can seep through it. Liquid can seep through it like a sponge. If you put water on the top of a sponge it will eventually work its way to the bottom of the sponge. And the life of Christ is typified as what? What's the life of Christ typified as? Anybody? Blood. So we see when the Father gave Jesus permission to circumcise His Christ mind, the life of Christ, which is typified by blood. That's liquid. It's liquid. It started to seep through. It started to seep through the carnal mind which is porous. And it appeared on the surface of the carnal mind as what? Anybody remember? Nobody remember. As big drops of blood. We're told in the account of Jesus in the garden that great drops of blood appeared. And what happened over here is that all of these drops connected. And what happens when blood forms on the outside of your skin? What happens to that blood?


It clots.


It clots. And we get a what?


A scab.


A scab. We get a scab. We get a scab. So what's happening here, or what happened to the man Jesus of Nazareth was that the life of Christ went to the outside and it forced the carnal mind to the inside. It clotted. You've got a scab on the outside of the carnal mind and its name is Christ. The carnal mind we're told in other Scriptures is a wound. When this creation died, the Lord describes that death as a wound to His spiritual creation. But now we see Christ clotting over that carnal mind. And what is a scab over a wound mean? It means healing. It means healing. It's the healing of our mind. That's the second stage of the resurrection. Christ goes to the outside.


And the third stage of the resurrection is that Christ, from His dominant position, kills the carnal mind. Pierces Him through. The Scripture calls it the crucifixion of Christ. And we're told by Paul of the twain of the two minds of the carnal mind and of the Christ mind, God made one new man, the first cell of the creation of God, because we all are many members of one body. And as we all go through the same experience that the man Jesus went through, what God is doing is adding cells to His glorified body that will never corrupt, that will never die, that will live forever, not in an eternal torment but that will live forever in the peace and joy that comes through union in the soul with Go- -- and in the spirit of course, with God.


So we see this phrase that the God in the midst of us is going to wipe away our tears. That is a very important phrase. He's going to do a lot more than wipe away our carnal tears. He's going to save our life in such a permanent way that we will never fall again. His c- -- will never be able to happen to us again, that we could fall down into hell. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." And of course, I remind you that eyes typify the many divided souls of this one living soul, of which we are all a part. "And there shall be no more death." That's this condition that we live in. It's spiritual death. You wonder why your body is dying. It's because your soul's already dead. Brethren, your body could not die if your soul was alive. If you had a mind that was alive, this body wouldn't die. The only reason your body dies, is because your mind is death and your soul has no life. This body is a slave we're told. It's a slave. It's like a plastic mask. It's an expression of the spiritual life that dwells within us. And when that life within us is life, is the true life of God, this body could never die. I honestly don't know -- I would like to know -- honestly don't know if someone whose mind was completely Christ, if they were in an automobile accident, for example, if something happened to their flesh, if they would grow out another one or if it would be indestructible. I'm not sure.


I know one man who had his thumb cut off. And he said a whole new thumb grew out. I was speaking to him and his wife -- and she said that she saw it. This man was a very gifted man. Now remember, in this hour, we see these things happening as gifts. It mea- -- and what does a gift mean? It means that you've received this supernatural power without a purification of your sin-filled heart. It's just a gift. And what it really is is a message from God saying that, "Look. One man has a gift. Another man has this gift. But I want you to know that when I bring forth the three-fold Christ, it's going to be available to everybody." And I've heard, there are many testimonies like this written down. I know someone whose father was a Pentecostal preacher. I'm told extremely gifted along these lines. And he backed up his car once in a loading area, in a truck loading area. There was a man there and he didn't see him and he smashed the guy like an eggshell between his car and the loading area. And he ran and, I guess he, I don't know what he prayed but the guy was just completely made whole in front of him. Now this is a gift. It happens here or there. And everybody doesn't have the gift. I don't have that kind of a gift. But in Christ, when your mind is made alive in Christ, when this body is smashed, it will be immediately restored. I just don't know exactly how. I'd like to know. I guess I'll know some day.


"And there shall be no more death." That's not talking about death of your body. It's talking about the condition of your mind. "Neither will there be any more sorrow." The Greek word translated sorrow means mourning for the dead. And we, whether we are aware of it now, the whole creation is in mourning for our own death. So there's, you know that, you have to have spiritual eyes. There's good times. Everybody has good times. But by and large, everybody mourns. There's always a loss of somebody or something. The whole creation's in mourning.


"Nor will there be any more crying." The Greek word translated crying is Strong's 2906. And it means a lot more than crying. It means outcry. And it's speaking about the wail or the wailing of those in distress. Brethren, God hears the cries of this creation. He hears our pain. And to Him, it's the wailing of a woman who's trapped down in a pit. We're His wife. The whole creation is the wife of God. And we've fallen down into a deep pit. And He is getting us out. The bottom line is that one day to God is a thousand years to men. And we've seen a lot of pain down in this pit, waiting for Him to rescue us. But He's going to do it. He hasn't forgotten us.


"Neither shall there be any more pain." And the Greek word for pain is 4192. It means labor, toil, intense desire and great trouble. And I'd like to remind you that all of these words describe our emotional condition down here in hell. We must labor for everything that we need. And I remind you that when a mind is alive, all we do is think it and it appears. I don't know if we'll need chairs to sit on in that condition, but all we will do is think it and it will appear. OK. But down here we have to labor, physically labor. We have to plant; we have to grow the food. We have to chop down the tree. We have to make the chair. And I remind you that this is part of the curse that God pronounced upon the creation after the fall. That we shall labor. Adam shall labor by the sweat of his brow. That was the pronouncement of God. Toil. Intense desire. We suffer with our passions down here.


I want to tell you something. That passion, all kinds of passion, is an open door to bring torment into somebody's life. It can be a good thing, if it's enjoyed in the parameters that God has set up. It can be a good thing. But I want to tell you that there is at least as many if not more people suffering because of emotional needs than those who are being satisfied with their emotional needs. Everybody knows, everybody that knows anything really knows that that's true. I tell you, even in marriage, don't assume because you get married that your needs are going to be met. The most disastrous marriages occur between two people that enter into a marriage thinking the other person is going to meet their needs. And they both wind up with zilch. I tell you the truth. Go into a marriage expecting to give everything you've got and what you get back you'll be grateful for. We've got a whole country full of disillusioned people. We've got some immaturity in this country today. We've got a whole country full of disillusioned people who are truly hurt. I don't mean to be mocking them. They are truly hurt because their needs are not being met. And they were sold a lie. Well if you did this, your needs are going to be met. If you do that, your needs are going to be met. Brethren, there's no guarantees. No guarantees. Even if you live together and try it out first, doesn't mean a thing. Doesn't mean a thing. I tell you the truth. Your best bet is to latch onto Jesus and ask Him to meet all your needs.


You know, even the world will tell you; even the world knows that if you put all your hopes into human relationships, you're going to get in trouble. People that aren't Christians that have wisdom will tell you. Get an interest in your life. Develop an interest in your life. Because when the romance wears off of your marriage, if you don't have an interest in your life, you're going to be out there chasing members of the opposite sex, getting into trouble. And we've got AIDS today. There's nothing -- it's not even like it was 40 years ago. It's dangerous to fool around today. Get yourself an interest in life that you are not dependent on another person for. Develop a skill. Find out what you like. Find something in your life that you have total control over. If you want i- -- if it's golf, you should know that if you're depressed one day and you want to play golf, you can do it. That you don't need another person that's going to say yes or no or not feel well or play with your emotions or maybe there is nobody in your life. And that opens the door for torment.


All of these things, whatever it is that you may need, that it requires another person to fulfill, it's wonderful if there's another person in your life. And sometimes there's another person in your life and it's only for a season. People die. People going. Sometimes men are called into the army when they're married. Sometimes people get sick. Nothing's forever. Set yourself up. Get yourself some things that are going to give you satisfaction, that are going to make you feel good, that you can be accomplished at. Because you never know what the rul- -- what life has in store for you. And I'm telling you truth. Wise people in the world know it. If your only means of satisfaction requires another person to be with you, to be satisfied, you're in trouble. If not now, it's coming. It's not good. And what we see in this country today, more and more, are married couples that don't develop other friendships. They get married and their friends all fall away. It's not at all uncommon that one mate is jealous of the other's family. What we see is it's called the nuclear family. A man and a woman and a couple of kids, and they lock everybody else out.


I knew a couple once, lovely young couple, the guy was talented. He sang in a barber's quartet. He was really good. And he belonged to two or three different groups. He didn't get paid for it. It was just fun. And they would go and they would give benefits in the hospitals and everything. He was married one month. He gave up all three groups. What'd you do that for? Well, you know, my wife likes me home. That's not right. That's not wisdom. I tell you, you're going to wind up hating each other. Anyone hearing this, don't do that to each other because you're going to wind up hating each other. And what's happening in this country frequently, is that the married couple will make each other their everything. And then when the day comes that your wife or your husband can't fulfill your need, it's going to be a disaster in the marriage. No one person could fulfill your every need. It's not possible. And it's not a fair burden to expect that other person to try to do it. You look at European marriages. There's a lot of freedom. Lot of freedom. If parents live in different state or a different country, it's not at all uncommon for a woman to go visit her family for a month. You try to do that in the average marriage, I can't speak for everybody, in this country, you know, it's looked down upon. It's not wise. Your build- -- we're building disaster for ourselves. Well look at the divorce rate. Something's got to be wrong.


OK. "And there won't be any more pain." Which means labor, toil, intense desire or great trouble. There's great trouble down here, brethren. This is hell. And the people are wailing in distress and mourning and God hears our cries. And we're told in verse 4, chapter 21 of the book of Revelation, that the former things have passed away. And the Greek word translated former means first. It means what I'm just talking to you about for the last half hour, the things that are a result or are the product of the carnal mind have passed away. Labor, toil, intense desire, great trouble, wailing, mourning and spiritual death have passed away. And another way that we've been expressing this is that the immaturity of the creation has passed away. There's great distress and immaturity. Look at babies. I went out for a bagel this morning, and this family came in with four daughters. I felt like saying God bless you, four girls. And they were so cute and the baby was, she was adorable. But you could see that she was spoiled. And she was crying. And the parents seemed to be sensitive people. They just didn't want to disturb the rest of the restaurant. So they were pretty much doing whatever she wanted. They were a beautiful family. I didn't meant that in any negative way. She was really cute. All that I'm saying is that in immaturity, there is great distress. You know how easy babies cry. They're just in great distress. Well in our spiritual immaturity, there is great distress, emotional distress. Even down here in hell, there's immaturity. I condemn you not. Let's try and mature. Let's try and mature.


I saw a docudrama on Douglas MacArthur the other night. Really blesses me watching movies about strong men. You know. And he said that in his belief, fear was a weakness. I don't condemn you. I've, well I don't have too much fear. I used to be terrified. I used to be a terrified person. I've come very far. Right now, if I experience fear, I'm strong enough to just, I just crush it. I just won't receive it when it tries to get up on me. But it's not a sign of maturity. Everyone understand me? I'm not condemning you. We know the truth. The truth is going to set you free. Some people that are very afraid, they think that everybody else is very afraid too. If somebody doesn't tell you that such and such is an immaturity, you might think that it's normal. I just experienced that last week. Speaking to somebody I was counseling, somebody, and they told me that they thought a particular thing was normal. I said, no way. You've got to rebuke that thing. Don't let that run your life. So I don't condemn you. If you have fear, rebuke it. It's very ungodly. Winston Churchill said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." It's a great enemy. Fear is a great enemy. Don't receive it. Fight it. Make it your enemy.


So "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there any more pain for the former things are passed away."


Let me try and give you an Alternate Translation on verse 4. "And God shall cleanse and cover over the divided living soul with His anointing. And Her many parts shall be complete in Him. And She shall no longer be in mourning or wail in distress because of Her separation from Him, which separation is spiritual death. Nor shall She labor to survive in this world system or experience great trouble because of the intense desires of Her carnal mind. Because the immaturity of the creation has passed by." Hallelujah.


Verse 5. "And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold. I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write. For these words are true and faithful.'" Now remember that God the Father is sitting upon the throne of His Christ. And the phrase all things means the whole, this whole creation. The Greek word translated true refers to the one that has the true nature corresponding to the name. "I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write. For these words are true and faithful.'" It means that they're true to the nature of God. And the word faithful refers to those who show themselves faithful in the transaction of business, the executive of commands or the discharge of official business. What I believe to be the true understanding of this verse is a little difficult. It's not -- I don't believe that the way it's translated is what the Lord intended, so let's take this a little bit at a time.


"And He that sat upon the throne said." So it's the Father sitting upon the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. "And He said, 'Behold. I make all things new.'" Well I remind you that the Lord Jesus Christ has become the Father and it's Christ in us, is Christ Jesus. So, well, let me, I don't want to confuse you. Let me tell you this. We've taught here that the throne of God is a two-fold throne. A two-fold throne. And it's the Father sitting on the throne. And the first level of the thro- -- I can't draw. The first level of the throne is the Lord Jesus Christ. And the second level of the throne -- does anybody want to guess?


Christ Jesus.


Christ Jesus. So we see that the Father, once again, is out here in the realm of the spirit. And in the mind of a man, Jesus Christ has become the Father and Christ Jesus in you has become the Son. OK everybody? There's only one throne. It's two layers. So the Lord Jesus Christ that was sitting upon -- and what does it mean to sit upon Christ Jesus? It means He had authority over Him. He was ruling. "He said, 'Behold. I make all things new.'" We can say, "Behold. Look. I'm renewing the creation." Remember, when we put the mind of Christ in, the soul is being renewed. That's what He's saying. "Behold. I'm giving you a new soul. I'm renewing the creation."


"And then He also said unto me, or He said unto me again, 'Write. For these words are true and faithful.'" Now it's this last phrase that I'm going to give you a different translation on. Of course it sounds like John was told to write, to pick up a pen and ink and write this book. But I want to suggest to you that the Father was telling Christ Jesus to write the nature of the Father upon men's souls. And I'm going to go into it in a little more detail. And I want to remind you that the second generation of Christ, which we are, are to do the greater works. Jesus clearly said that we would do the greater works. And there's all kind of controversy in the church about what the greater works are. Brethren, the greater works is the completion of the Father's work. And what is the Father doing? He's making a creation. And the last thing to be done is the engraving of the nature of the Father upon the souls of men.


Brethren, we are the creation of the Lord, but you don't have to be a genius to know that we're not in the image of God. I want to tell you, nine out of ten preachers are out there saying we're in the likeness and the image of God. You have got to be kidding, man. Give me a break. We are in the likeness of God in that we are made out of the same or a similar substance to that which the Father is made out of. And that is what? What is the Father made out of?




Spirit. We are spirit. We don't look like it, but our true reality is spirit. We're living in a city. We're living in a house. We are not in the image of the Father. If we were in the image of the Father, we would be alive and we would not be dead. And our bodies are dying and getting sick because we're dead. We're down here in hell. This is the place where the dead live. It's the place of the living dead. The church preaches that. It's a place where you go after you die while you still have an existence. We have pain and torment and we're tortured all the time. Open up your eyes. See what people don't understand is that it's our spirit that died. Our spirit died and we fell down to this existence, which is hell. This is it right here. Nobody gets through a whole lifetime without some kind of trouble. And in this day and age, a lot of people have a lot of trouble. And there's a lot of tormented people around today, on every level. I want to tell you, you're not supposed to die a slow, agonizing death. You're supposed to close your eyes and go to sleep when it's your time to die. Hospitals filled with...


You know, when I was in the hospital for my surgery two years ago, I was in Stony Brook. And the wards are circular. And after you have abdominal surgery, they, you have to get out there and walk or you can get pneumonia. So I was walking around and around and around. And I was on a major surgery ward where most of the people had had heart surgery. And I don't know whether it's everywhere or I guess it's probably everywhere. But they don't, they're not using thread to sew you up anymore. They're using staples. They're using copper colored staples. And as I walked around the hall, I would pass two people in a room, and they're all laying there in these white gowns with these copper staples going right up to their neck. It was like out of a science fiction magazine. It was bizarre. It was bizarre. You know, you have to have spiritual eyes to see it. I know that the medical community can extend life. I know that they can. But they can only extend the life of the people that God grants the ability to go on. If God has taken your life, there's nothing they can do for you, you know. And I know that they've done a lot of good things for a lot of people. And God is permitting it so long as we're in this condition. But I have to tell you that from God's eyes, this is really sick. I mean, He put me in the hospital. I had, He gave it to me. I had major surgery. I'm not against it at all. And it's the mercy of God for those who are down here. But God has better things for us, brethren, than this. You're sitting there with copper staples. It was, it reminded me of a science fiction movie I had seen once. God has better things than this for us, brethren. I tell you He does.


What made me start on that? Why did I talk about that? Oh yeah. I said that I want to suggest to you that we are the generation of Christ. We should be given the commission to do the greater works. And that is to write the nature of God upon the souls of men. And how do you write the nature of God upon the souls of men? What it means is, practically speaking, you have to somehow impart the mind of Christ in them, because the nature of God is in the mind of Christ. And this is what our job is, to speak the words that are going to cause the seeds of life to fall upon men that will bring forth Christ in them. And it's not happening in the church today. I'm not against the church today. But people have got to know that there's another step. We have a church world out there that thinks they're got all that there is to get and they're going to die and get raptured, and it's not true. All I'm saying is wake up. What you're doing is wonderful and it's good. But it's not the end of it. Wake up. There's more. There's more. God wants to give you life. You're not going to get raptured and fly away to heaven and sprout angels' wings. It's children's fantasies, along with Santa Claus.


So this phrase here in verse 5, and this is the commandment of the Father to the Son, which we are, "Write. For these words are true and faithful." And I'd like to remind you that the words that, we are the words of God. That's the name of this ministry, Living Epistles, Epistles, well, meaning books, not words. But we are the expression of God. We are the words of God. I see I didn't write down the Scripture for you here, but there is a Scripture. I think it's in the Psalms, it's either in Psalms or in the book of Job, where it says we are the, the words of God are tried in the fire, or purified in the fire seven times. Seven times in the fire. And that's talking about the people who have the mind of Christ in them who are going through trials to have their sins purified. So we are the words of God. Does anyone have a problem with that? Believers that have the mind of Christ in them, we are the words of God. So let me read you again here, verse 5, "Write, Christ Jesus, write. For these words, these believers, are true and faithful." And I'm going to suggest to you further that what the Scripture is saying, write the nature of, is write the nature of God upon the hearts of people, so that they might be true and faithful. Because fallen man is not true or faithful to God. We're not. We're not true and we're not faithful. We're not a true representative of His nature. Everybody knows that that knows anything. And we're not faithful to God either because we continuously fornicate with our carnal minds, spiritual fornication. We're the harlot of Revelation. We agree with all kinds of ungodly spirits. Spiritual fornication is in the mind. It's with your thoughts.


And I would like to take a few minutes to go over Ezekiel 9 with you. This is the account of the judgment starting with verse 2, well we'll start with verse 1. "And he cried also in mine ears with a loud voice saying," -- this is the Father -- "'Cause them that have charge over the city to join near.'" These are the men that have the mind of Christ. They have charge over the city. "And let every man bring his destroying weapon in his hand. And behold. Six men came from the way of the higher gate." Six indicating that they're human men. "And they came from the way of the higher gate which lieth towards the north. Every man had a slaughter weapon." And this slaughter weapon, I remind you, is to destroy the carnal mind which is killing us. It's an act of mercy. "And every man had a slaughter weapon in his hand. And one man among them was clothed with linen." And linen is a type of what?




Righteousness, in the Scripture. One of them was righteous. So we have a whole bunch of carnal men that aren't righteous yet. I want to tell you, no one in the church world is righteous. I'm not righteous. I'm not righteous. I'm not righteous. To be righteous, you have to be perfect. So amongst them, there was one who was perfect. And who's the one who's perfect? Christ in them was perfect. And he had a writer's inkhorn by his side." He had something he was going to write with. "And they went in and stood before the brazen altar." Who remembers what brass stands for? Anybody?




Judgment. OK. So we see the judgment of the church. And I remind you that the judgments of God are merciful and they are designed to destroy death that life might appear in us. "And the glory of God, of the God of Israel, was gone up from the cherub, whereupon He was." Well I don't want to -- let me just skip down here. OK. Verse 4. "And the Lord said unto him, 'Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem.'" Now this is God's people. He's talking about Jerusalem. "And set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in God's church." So for those people who have [UNINTELLIGIBLE], these people, this judgment's on the people in the church. Now you don't hear them preaching it. And they'll throw you out if you tell them, but I just read it in the Bibl- -- I didn't make up this Bible. It's in Jerusalem. And God says to everybody that's in the church, that's looking at the sin of the church, and it's grieving them and vexing them, they're going to get God's nature. That's what it says, given God's nature. Because if you desire righteousness, God will give it to you. If you don't desire it, He'll probably give you what you want. And what you want will kill you.


So this is the account of the judgment. I really don't want to spend any more time on it. I just want you to link it up with Revelation 21 for you. And I'm going to translate that last phrase, write, for these words true and faithful. I'm going to translate that "write my nature upon the many members of the living soul so that they may be true and faithful to me." "And the Lord Jesus Christ said to Christ Jesus, 'Look. I'm renewing the creation. Therefore, write My nature upon the many members of the living soul so that they may be true and faithful to Me.'" What a merciful God. Our unfaithfulness to the Lord and our lack of being in His image or our lack of being in His nature is killing us. "And therefore He is sending forth His faithful people to give us what we need to be true and faithful so that we can live."


Verse 6. "And He said unto me, 'It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." The word done is Strong's 1096 and it means to come into existence. And what the Father's saying here is it's done. It's come into existence. What's come into existence? The provision to save the creation. Jesus Christ gave up His life, was crucified, was raised from the dead, and He's pouring out of His Spirit. The work is done. The hardest part is done. That's what it's saying. It's done. The mind of Christ is available to men. Now all we have to do is plant the seeds. "I am Alpha and Omega." And those are the two letters of the Greek alphabet, the first letter and the last letter of the Greek alphabet. And what it means is the beginning and the end. The beginning meaning the origin, as Strong's 746. It means He's the origin of the creation. And I suggest to you that He is the lamb that was slain so that the immature creation could be founded. And He is also the end of the creation. This Greek word translated end, it means the limit at which a thing ceases to be, the end of the fallen condition of the living soul. Also, Jesus Christ is the end of the law. Now remember, this creation is physical. It has boundaries. There is an end to it. And where this creation ends, is outer space in the physical world and it's the realm of the spirit, outside of this creation. Remember I showed you, I drew a ball and I said the realm of time is within. Eternity. Eternity has no boundaries. Has no beginning and no end. And time exists within eternity. So Jesus Christ, He's the beginning. It was His life that caused this creation to be founded. And the end of this creation, this creation comes to an end in Him. When the creation becomes spiritual, that's the end of us. The end of us is to become spirit. And he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. We're to be joined with Him completely. That's our fa- -- that's what we've come into this world for, for union with the Father.


"And he said unto me, 'It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." Athirst, the Greek word translated athirst means to be without water. It means to be dry or lacking spiritual life. And I remind you that this fallen soul is the desert. She is without water. She is dry. And She is dying because She lacks spiritual life. So God is coming to this fallen living soul and He's giving Her a fountain. A fountain is a source which comes forth from underneath the earth. Now remember, Christ in you is the hope of glory. The salvation is not pouring out of the sky. It's not pouring out of the sky. It's coming up from within you. We have a whole church world waiting for Jesus to come in a spaceship or something. I said that athirst means to be dry and that's referring to the dead, to this dead soul. She's lacking the water of God's life. She's a desert. And a fountain -- excuse me -- a fountain is a source which comes forth from underneath the earth. And the life, it's the life of God which is piercing through. A fountain which comes forth from underneath the earth and it's the life of God which is piercing through into the earth. This, I believe, is the Holy Spirit. I don't believe it's the Chr- -- it's Christ Jesus and the reason for that, the reason I'm going to tell you that, the reason I'm drawing that, that I'm taking that stand is that the Scripture says He's giving to all who will drink of the water of life freely. And I believe the Holy Spirit is available to everybody. In this hour, Christ Jesus is not available to everybody. The Scripture clearly states, "Let us go on to perfection if the Lord permits." But the Holy Spirit, which is the seed, which can bring forth Christ in us, is available to everybody. And there's healing and blessings in Him. So, and that free gift, of course, is the promise of salvation.


Now, a lot of Christians get confused over this when they hear about the spiritual labor that's necessary to bring forth Christ. Now remember, because we're carnal, God has given us a natural example of every spiritual truth to help us understand. And we know that women who bear children have a labor. Some women are blessed. You know, their labor's only a half an hour. But even so, it's a labor. And it is a birth. And there is a spiritual labor to bring forth this new mind in us that's going to save our life. And it's true that salvation is a free gift. That which is the free gift is the Holy Spirit which will bring forth Christ in you. But when Christ comes forth in you, it's a spiritual, well when He comes forth in seed form, it's a spiritual labor to wound your carnal mind, to stop using your carnal mind and to live out of Christ so that your carnal mind passes away and ceases to exist. Because it's not until the mind of Christ is fully your mind and your only mind that your soul will receive life. So the free gift is the weapon of God. The free gift is the seed of life. The free gift is the vehicle by which your soul will be saved. But once you get the free gift, you have to pick it up and wield it as a weapon against that which is killing you. And that's a big misunderstanding in the church.


There's something else I didn't tell you here. In verse 6, "And He said unto me," -- this is Christ Jesus speaking to John. Now when you review this message as you go down the verses, you see first it's the Father talking to Christ Jesus and now in verse 6, it's Christ Jesus talking to John. And He's saying, "And Christ Jesus said to John, 'Man's new mind now exists and I, who am both the immature and the mature creation, shall give this spiritually dead soul the Holy Spirit freely.'" OK. Remember, Jesus spoke to Christ Jesus and now Christ Jesus is speaking to the man, John. We've seen this happen when we studied the book of Daniel. We went through similar verses in the book of Daniel. So for Christ Jesus to be speaking to the man, John, He has to be speaking to the man John's humanity. And now this information is coming into the conscious mind of men. And that's what's happening to us right now. Christ Jesus in me is speaking to whoever's going to hear this message and whoever's here is speaking to mankind. "And Christ Jesus said to John, 'Man's new unconscious and conscious mind now exists. And I, who am both the immature and the mature creation, shall give this spiritually dead soul the Holy Spirit freely.'" Now please note that Christ Jesus is the Lord Jesus Christ in you. It's the reproduction of the Lord Jesus Christ in you. Because He's saying, "I am both the immature and the mature creation. I'm the both, I am the sum total of all of the experiences of the Son of God in the flesh since the beginning of time." And when someone that has Christ Jesus preaches to other people and that seed of life goes forth, it does go forth in the form of the Holy Spirit. Because it doesn't become Christ Jesus until the seed implants in the soul of the other person. So Jesus said, "My words are spirit and My words are life." So as I preach to you, if it's Christ in me preaching, the spiritual seeds that are falling upon you are not Christ Jesus. Because when the Lord is in the form of a seed, His name is the Holy Spirit. When He engrafts to your soul, He brings forth Christ Jesus. And I just remind you that every function that the Lord operates in has another name. And it's to help us understand these difficult spiritual things. Every time He's doing something different, He has a distinct name. It's all of the Spirit of God. It's all the Spirit of God. But each time He does something specific, He gives Himself a different name, a variation of His name so we can easily identify what He's doing. If He uses that name, we can easily identify what He's doing.


Verse 7. "He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be His God and he shall be My son." This is still Christ Jesus speaking to John in verse 7. And He's telling him about God's plan for the salvation of humanity. He's saying that there is someone who shall be able to overcome the wickedness of the carnal mind which is possessing the cities of God in this hour. And that is us, humanity. The cities of God are the individual human beings on the face of the earth today. And that champion, that savior who will overcome is the Lord Jesus Christ, birthed inside of the individual person. And when our Lord Jesus Christ births Himself inside of the individual person, He changes His name when He's inside of you and when He's inside of me, growing in us, His name becomes Christ Jesus. So Christ Jesus is the one who will overcome all things. He will possess and become Lord and Ruler over this entire creation, the individuals and the entire world system. But it will be Christ in us that's overcoming and as we reject our carnal minds and begin to live out of Christ, it will be the individual in union with his God overcoming. But I have to make the point that it is a many-membered Christ Jesus that has the authority to overcome the carnal mind. But we must work with Him. And it looks like it's us and it sounds like it's us and it is us, overcoming by the power of Christ Jesus within us. But as far as God is concerned, there is only one champion. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in men and He's the one that's winning and purchasing back this creation for the glory of the Father. The one who overcomes shall inherit all things. But what are we overcoming?


Our carnal mind.


Our carnal mind. Once Christ Jesus is conceived in us, we must join with Him to overcome and kill our own carnal mind which is killing us. So "he that overcometh shall inherit all things." And that means to inherit one's portion. Brethren, we have an inheritance coming. Our inheritance is the life of God. Our inheritance is the life of God. I know it's commonly preached in the church that we have an inheritance coming and that it's ours because the Lord Jesus Christ died. If there, to receive a benefit from a will, the person that has willed it to you must die. Have you heard that teaching in the church? Well it's wrong. That's not what the Bible says. Look it up in the Greek. You have not inherited anything because the Lord Jesus Christ died. But because the Lord Jesus Christ died, you have received the seed of His life which is bringing forth Christ in you. For you to receive the inheritance, your carnal mind must die. Your carnal mind must die. For the mind of Christ to give life to your soul and to preserve your body, for you to receive the full benefits of your inheritance, your carnal mind must die. And we have a whole church world that thinks they're going to stay just like they are, that they're not going to change, that they're not going to change and they're going to go to heaven and walk on streets of gold and live in some mansion somewhere. It's not true. It's not true. You've got to give up your sinful ways and start walking after righteousness if you want to be delivered from death.


And you're talking to someone who was dying when the Lord received me. I've been saved from death at least four, I think it must be four times. I lost count. He saved my life at least four times and why would He have to save my life at least four times? Because there was so much trying to kill me because of sin on my family line, and in my own life, that even after He saved my life once, it kept rolling on me. I would have died at least 15 years ago. I have a sister that died at 47 and another sister that became very, very ill in her 20s, but she's still alive. But she's been sick her whole life. So you would say, "Well if He's such a faithful God, why do you keep on dying?" Brethren, He's keeping me alive until the mind of Christ is perfected in me. He's keeping me going. He's putting Band-Aids on me. He's patching me up until the mind of Christ is born in me, at which point this will never happen to me again. So He's keeping me going. But there was heavy sin on my family line and it's killed a lot of us. He had mercy on me and through me, my whole family. Because what He'll do when He has mercy on a family, is that He'll pick out one person and He'll go to them and He'll, the person, when the person responds to Him, the blessings not only go on the one person, but they extend to the entire family. What He's done for me has touched my entire family. There's not a doubt in my mind.


So we are up to -- OK. We're still on verse 7. I just want to go over that for another minute. "He that overcometh shall inherit all things." That is the life of God and also the whole creation. This whole world is supposed to be ours. We're not supposed to be getting killed by ticks and all that. This is supposed to be our world. We're supposed to have complete and total dominion over it. So we're going to inherit the spiritual life of God plus this whole world plus our bodies, our souls and this whole world system. "And I will be his God." That means Christ Jesus within you will rule. "And he shall be My son." But if you look that up in the Greek, it doesn’t say my son. If you look that up in the Greek, it says the son, the son. So I remind you of what I told you earlier, that Christ Jesus, when formed in us, shall be the Father and we, each of us, are a member of the one Son. There's only one begotten Son of God. And we have a lot of Christians in the Kingdom church today that think that they're all individual begotten sons of God. And, brethren, this is not true. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. That means that He is the seed. He is the seed that is seeding the entire creation with the life of God. We are not in the function of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the function of -- does anybody remember? What is it our job to do? To engrave the nature of the Father upon the multitudes. But the spiritual authority by which we're doing this is the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only seed. He is the incorruptible seed. We are cuttings of that seed. Jesus.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 21:7, "The one who conquers his carnal mind shall receive the living soul as his inheritance. And I will be his God and he shall be the Son. Christ Jesus shall be the internalized God of the creation. And we, all of us, shall be members of the Son." Now remember the internalized Christ Jesus is still the Father. His name just changed because now He's inside of the individual. It's all the Father. He's everything.


Verse 8. And this is the last verse. "But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whore mongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Now we have a lot of people reading this Scripture and going around to individual people saying, "Well you're fearful and you're a murderer and you practice witchcraft and there's no way you're getting into heaven. And you're getting thrown into the lake of fire. You're going to burn forever in hell." Brethren, all of these qualities that appear in verse 8, all of these qualities are in everyone that is fallen. Some people a little more than others. But if you're fallen, you've got them all. And what this verse is saying is that your carnal mind is not going into heaven. Your carnal mind's not going in with you. The only way you shall enter into heaven, and what's another word for heaven? Life. The only way you shall enter into life is when your carnal mind is utterly destroyed and useless, where you're not living out of your carnal mind at all. And the other major point of this verse -- and I'll go over it in a little more detail in a minute -- the other major important point of this verse is this. The Lord is saying, when Christ Jesus is being born in your mind, when Christ Jesus is being born in your mind, you now have two sides to you or two parts to you. You have a negative part and a positive part. If you know anything at all about basic chemistry of physics, you know that an atom has negative and positive particles. We are a creation that is being made and we can be expressed as an atom - A-T-O-M. This creation can be expressed as an atom. Right now, we have all of the negative particles and we don't have the positive particle. We are an unbalanced creation. But once Christ Jesus begins to be formed in us, we will have received our positive charge. And what this verse is saying is that that side of us, which is negative, that has all of these negative qualities in everybody alive, every human being that is fallen, has these qualities or at least the potential for them. All of those qualities which are in their carnal mind are being cast into the other part of them, which is Christ. Christ is the lake of fire. Our God is a consuming fire. He is a fire that burns and destroys sin. And when He starts to appear in a human being, who has sin in their mind, what Christ does is burn up that sin. That's the fiery trial we were talking about earlier. So all of the sin in you, as described by all these qualities, is going to be burned up when Christ starts to appear in your mind. So we see that the lake of fire is not a terrible torment as portrayed by the church today. And this teaching comes out of some pagan religions that preached about a fiery hell long before Christianity ever existed. And these pagan teachings were absorbed into Christianity. It is not a Christian teaching. It is a pagan teaching. It is not in the Bible, unless your carnal mind wants to see it there.


You know, I was in a church meeting once where the preacher believed very much like what I'm preaching here. And he opened the floor to questions and answers. I do it here all the time, but it was very unusual in that church. And it was a much larger group than we have here. And, brethren, you should have seen the manifestations of the people that wanted their own relatives burning in hell, the women that wanted their husbands burning in hell because they'd been cheating on them for years. I'm not kidding you. I witnessed it. I was there. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe -- were you there that night?


I was there.


I'm telling you. It was an eye-opener. They don't want to believe this message. Because that person that's been hurting them for 20 years, they want them punished. But my Bible says, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." My Bible says love your brethren. Pray for those that hate you. And bless those that despitefully use you. And let vengeance be Mine. Wives, fully manifested at the thought of their cheating husbands not going to hell. Brethren, this lake of fire and eternal torment is a doctrine of the carnal minds of men. And it is one of the things that is about to get tossed into the lake of fire when Christ appears and becomes your mind.


So I'm just going to take a few minutes to go over this. We'll talk about what these qualities mean, and I hope to convince you that they're just talking about people as we know them. Well the word fearful means to be afraid. To be unbelieving is Strong's 571. And it means to be without faith. And our faith is Christ, is it not? It means to be without Christ. It means to be without Christ. So that would include the people that have the Holy Spirit but who have not conceived Christ. So what does that mean? How can they get thrown into the lake of fire, which is Christ, if they don't have Christ? It means they're going to get Christ. God's taking this whole creation. He's just not doing it fast enough for our carnal minds. But He's going to take this whole creation, one way or another. So we see those that have fear, those that don't have Christ, the abominable. That's Strong's 948, and it means to break wind or to stink. And I suggest to you it's talking about those who are manifesting Satan's spirit in their unconscious mind. Satan's getting cast into the lake of fire, we know that. We're told about that right in the past chapter here, right in chapter 20 we're told all about that.


"And murderers." I remind you that Cain was a murderer from the beginning. And I want to suggest to you that the carnal mind is a manifestation of Cain. Well let me remind you of this, about this, that the story of Cain and Abel is a parable. Remember that? It's a parable. And it's speaking about the first offspring of Eve which had both a carnal mind and the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ was typified by Abel and the carnal mind was typified by Cain. And when the offspring came forth, the mind of Christ had authority over the carnal mind. And He was offering up of the fat of His flock. And I want to suggest to you that Abel's sacrifice was that he had his carnal mind under his feet. Abel's sacrifice was Cain. He was offering up his own soul. Cain typified the carnal mind. And the carnal mind is just earth. We just talked about it. He's dry earth. He's desert. And he had no fat of his flock to offer up, because he was it. He wasn't about to offer himself up. So he offered the Lord his carnal works. And the Father said to him, "Stay in your place and stay under the authority of the spiritual man -- or what? Sin is lying at the door. And what that means is if you rise up and overtake the mind of Christ in you, sin is ready to move in and take over the whole creation. So those who are murderers are those who are manifesting and living out of the carnal mind.


"Whore mongers." Interlinear translates it fornicators. It's Strong's 4205 and it means a male prostitute. A male prostitute. Now we know that the whole living soul is God's wife and she's female. So where do we get a word male prostitute from? I want to suggest to you that it's referring to all the believers in whom Christ is appearing. Now when Christ appears in you, you become a man. Remember the definition of spiritual man? Spiritual manhood depends on your mind, not on your body. When your mind is Christ, you're strong in your mind and you're a spiritual man. So the male prostitutes are those in whom Christ is appearing. They're not faithful to God. Christ is present but they're still living out of their carnal mind. They're not waging war against their carnal mind. Now if you're a man, you're a soldier. You're supposed to be killing your carnal mind so that you could receive life. And we have a group of people in the church in whom Christ is being formed, but who are not living out of, they're not resisting their carnal mind. They're in full agreement with their carnal mind. And God calls them male prostitutes.


Sorcerers. Strong's 5332, one who prepares or uses magical remedies as a means of supernatural power over natural forces. Well we pretty much know what that is. And I want to tell you, brethren, it includes the medical community. This is not a popular thing to say but I tell you the truth. But just as the Scripture says, the marriage bed is not defiled. It is legal to engage in sexual activity if you're married. God says it's OK. God says it's OK to go to the doctor. I believe God says it's OK to go to the doctor, but it's still witchcraft. And I wait for the day that I don't have to use it. I wait for the day that I don't have to use it. But it's witchcraft that God has permitted us to use. It's an act of mercy if supernatural healing is not available to you and He doesn't want you to die, go to the doctor. But it's still witchcraft. I tell you the truth. So if you need it, please use it. If you need doctors, please use doctors. Don't anyone misunderstand what I'm telling you. But if you fail to do it, ask God to let you partake of His supernatural healing. The truth shouldn't hurt you. It's supposed to set you free.


Idolaters. Strong's 1496, a worshipper of false gods. A worshipper of false gods. And the false god, brethren, is your carnal mind. Your carnal mind is the beast who is in the image of Satan. The carnal is the beast of Revelation which is in the image of Satan. Our carnal mind, we're not in the image of God. We're in the image of Satan. Now don't go flying off the handle. Satan is not a red freak with horns and a tail. He is a spirit. He's not good. He's the opposite of God. And anything that's good in your life is good because the teachings of God have modified the nature that you were born with, because you were born with the nature of Satan. And your mother taught you to respect people. And she taught you how to lead a, and your father too, taught you how to lead a decent life, and how to get along with people and how to survive in this world so that you don't grow up to be an animal. But human babies have to be trained up or they go off because our nature is not the nature of God. So the worshipper of the false gods is us. We're worshipping the image of the beast by agreeing with our carnal mind.


"And all liars." The word all, it's Strong's 3956, and it means the whole. And the Greek word translated liars means the lying ones. The whole of the lying ones, Strong's 5571. The whole of the lying ones. And I want to suggest to you that the lying ones is everybody that doesn't have the nature of God that says they have the nature of God. We're all lies. God is the truth. Jesus is the truth. Amen. Satan is the lie. What does that mean? He's the imitation. We are an imitation of what God intended this creation to be. He intended us to be glorious, to have dominion over the whole physical world and over our body and over our soul. We are spirit. He intended us to have dominion over everything. And we're not what He intended us to be because the mind that's inside of us is the mind that was brought forth by Satan. And this whole creation is a lie. What we appear to be is a lie. And we have many people that get very upset when I preach the carnal mind has to die. Because they cannot, in their minds, cannot separate themselves from their carnal mind. They think they will cease to exist when their carnal mind dies. And they're having trouble understanding that you won't cease to exist. That it's your human spirit that's being separated from Satan and the carnal mind and joined to Christ and the Father. And you'll no longer be in a vile body and a vile soul, but you'll be in the New Jerusalem and you'll enter into glory. So if you can't see it, at least try to believe God. So the lying and the whole of the lying ones are all of the members of the living soul, because we're all a lie right now. We're a shadow of what God intended us to be. We're a shadow of the glory that He intends for us.


"And all of them shall have their part in the lake of fire and the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Shall have their part, that's Strong's 3313. And the Interlinear says the part of them, meaning that part of them. Now I already explained this to you. I didn't do it in a scholarly way. It means that part of them and it's designed to be used in a context where the whole and its parts are distinguished. That means there is a whole creation. And there is one part of it which is the carnal mind and another part of it which is Christ. And the Scripture here says that all of these people with all of these qualities, that part of them shall be cast into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. That part of them, the carnal mind that's got all of this stuff in it. And how is our carnal mind going to be cast into the lake of fire? Anybody know? What's another way of saying it? The carnal mind, well the lake of fire is who?




Christ. The lake of fire is Christ in you, the hope of glory. So we're saying that the carnal mind is going to be joined to Christ. Can you hear that? If the carnal mind's going to be cast into the lake of fire, and the lake of fire is Christ, is that not the same thing as saying the carnal mind will be joined to Christ? OK? And how will Christ in the carnal mind be joined? Through what? Through crucifixion. Amen. And of the twain, he made one new man. The crucifixion of Christ is the death of the carnal mind, and the renewing of your soul and the preservation of your body. The word burning means consuming. The word fire is from a root which means to purify. The fire of Christ purifies. It does not torment in hell forever. Did you ever see those pictures of people in hell and the devil comes over and he burns you? Aah! Don't burn me. He comes over and he burns you again. The mind of man is amazing. God doesn't do that to people, brethren. If God does hurt you, it's because you're not doing what you need to do to save your life. And it's likened to a parent paddling a child. God does not torture people, brethren. He's much too big for that. And the Greek word translated brimstone, Strong's 2303, means divine incense. Burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify and ward off contagion. So this whole concept of the lake of fire indicates purification and the warding off of spiritual contagion, which is sin. "Shall have their part in the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone." This word which is Strong's 3588. And it's used to designate a thing that is the only one of its kind. And I suggest to you that the second death is the only one of its kind.


Chapter 20, verse 14 speaks about the second death also. So I just want to take a minute to go over that with you, just to give you a second witness to what I was just saying. Chapter 20, verse 14 says, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire." This is the second death. And a lot of people that read the Bible read that and they think that it means that the lake of fire is the second death. But if you look at this in the Greek, brethren, it doesn't mean that. You'll find that the phrase the second death is referring back to death in hell. Now read it again with me. Verse 14, "And death and hell were case into the lake of fire." Still referring to the subject, and death and hell, this is the second death. It wouldn't at all be good grammar to say that the second death is referring to the lake of fire. The lake of fire is modifying death and hell. The lake, to be cast into the lake of fire is speaking about the subject, which is death and hell. And what the phrase is saying is, and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire, and this death and hell is the second death. And we've talked about that. Here let me review this for you. The first death. Anybody remember what the first death is? The first death is the death of the lamb, the lamb that was slain so that the earth could be founded. OK? The second death was the death of the righteous creation, which is Christ. That's the second death. And the result of the second death was that we fell down to hell. We fell down into hell and death because of the second death. I'm going to say it again. The first death was the lamb who was slain so that the earth could be founded. The second death was the death of the righteous creation, or the death of the mind of Christ. And the result of the death of the mind of Christ was what we are now. We are the result of the death of the mind of Christ. We are death and hell. The creation which was life died and became death and the world that we exist in is hell. So let me read verse 14 for you again of chapter 20, "And death and hell," which is, death is our carnal mind and hell is this world system, "were cast into the lake of fire," which is Christ. Death and hell, which is the second death, were cast into Christ. Everybody OK? It's the second witness to what I just taught you in verse 8 of chapter 21.


And I did have some grammatical note for you there. In verse 14 of chapter 20, where it says, "this is the second death." The Greek word translated this, if you look It up in Thayer's it indicates that the phrase the second death is referring back to that which was previously mentioned. That's in Thayer's Lexicon. Now the lake of fire, again, was modifying death and hell. So the second death, it's clearer in Thayer's, in the grammatical text, that it's referring back to the subject, death and hell. So we have two witnesses here that the lake of fire and the destruction of the wickedness listed is the combining of the carnal mind and the mind of Christ, which combining, or which crucifixion, of the one to the other will kill the carnal mind. It will not kill Christ. And of course, the death we're speaking about is a spiritual death.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 21:8, "But the fearful members of the living soul, who haven't conceived Christ, and those whose unconsc- --." Now why would you be fearful if you haven't conceived Christ? Brethren, the Scripture states that those who don't have Christ are afraid all the day long. Because when we're separated from God, it produces fear. People are fea- -- their minds are failing them for fear in this world today. Is there going to be a war in Yugoslavia? Is there going to be a war in the Middle East? Is the stock market bottom going to fall out? Am I going to lose my job? Our whole world is shaking with fear. The only security is in Christ. And the Scripture clearly states that those who are out of Christ are fearful. So that's why we say the fearful members of the living soul, who haven't conceived Christ, He's our security.


"And those whose unconscious and conscious mind is Satan and the devil, that's everyone that's in their carnal mind. And those who are still fornicating with Satan in the carnal mind, that's everyone who's living out of their carnal mind. And are making use of Satan's spiritual power and worshipping the carnal mind and all of those who don't have the nature of the Father, that's everybody just mentioned, all of which are a part of the renewed living soul, which is the second death, or the carnal mind, shall find themselves under the dominion of Christ, who is consuming and purifying sin by the spiritual authority of the Divine Incense, which is the Spirit of Christ."


Recap. Revelation 21:1-8. "And I saw the mind of Christ renewing Jesus' soul. And Jesus wasn't living out of the carnal mind and the dead soul which He inherited from His mother. And His dead unconscious mind didn't exist anymore. And I, John, saw Jesus' renewed soul coming down from God out of Christ, and She was in the correct moral order and emotionally prepared to be joined to the mind of Christ which was within Her. And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying, 'Look. God's temple, Christ Jesus, is in the midst of men. And because He shall live together with them, and be the God in the midst of them, every member of the living soul shall be of the same stock and speak the same language. And Christ Jesus shall cleanse and cover over the divided living soul with His anointing and Her many parts shall be complete in Him. And She shall no longer be in mourning or wail in distress because of Her separation from God, which separation is spiritual death. Nor shall She labor to survive in this world system or experience great trouble because of the intense desires of Her carnal mind. Because the immaturity of the creation has passed away.' And the Lord Jesus Christ said to Christ Jesus, 'Look. I'm renewing the creation. Therefore, write My nature upon the many members of the living soul so that they may be true and faithful to Me.' And Christ Jesus said to John, 'Man's new unconscious and conscious mind now exist. And I, who am both the immature and the mature creation, shall give this spiritually dead soul the Holy Spirit freely. Christ Jesus shall receive the living soul as His inheritance and the Lord Jesus Christ shall be His God. And Christ Jesus shall be the Son. But the fearful members of the living soul who haven't conceived Christ, and those whose unconscious and conscious mind is Satan and the devil, and those who are still fornicating with Satan and the carnal mind, making use of Satan's spiritual power and worshipping the carnal mind, and all of those who don't have the nature of the Father, all of which are that part of the renewed living soul, which is the second death, shall find themselves under the dominion of Christ, who is consuming and purifying sin by the spiritual authority of the Divine Incense, which is the Spirit of Christ.'" Praise God.


08/04/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

08/12/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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