The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team



Praise the Lord, brethren, we have an interesting message this morning, and the title of it, Kundalini, Serpent-Fire, Seraphim is based on the revelation that the Hebrew word Seraphim means fiery serpent, and that the fiery serpent that the Scripture is speaking about is the very same Kundalini of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Theosophy.


Kundalini is a Sanskrit word which means Serpent-Fire. And who is this Kundalini? She is an energy source that is referred to as the Serpent because her energy source coils, she is coiled at the base of the spine of every human being in the root center or the root chakra, and so the people who use the Sanskrit term call her Kundalini. The people who use the English term, the Theosophists, perhaps some Hindus, relating to English speaking audiences, refer to her as Serpent-Fire, and the Hebrew Scriptures refers to her as Seraphim or Fiery Serpent. I am convinced that Kundalini, Serpent-Fire, and Seraphim are all the same energy source which is found in all human beings.


I found two significant Scriptures or series of Scriptures using this word, one negative and one positive. The account of Moses with the Serpent on the pole in the wilderness is an account of the Serpent-Fire rising in the Hebrew children because of their rebellion. Lord willing, we will get to that today, or at least I have prepared it in our notes today, but I do not know how far we are going to get. The other account of when Isaiah sees the Seraphim is describing the redeemed Seraphim.


Now remember, the Serpent was a part of the original creation before the fall so I do not even know if redeemed is the right word; although you might say redeemed because to redeem means to purchase back. The Serpent is a part of the creation, but she must be in her God-ordained position which is the ground floor window, or the lower room, and where we are right now -- there is so much knowledge coming through here, who knows where we will be a month from now, but when the creation first began to be formed there were two windows in the abyss.


The lower window, or the lower room, and the upper room, and the Serpent was relegated to the lower room, the lower window, but she bypassed the gatekeeper, she got through the hedge. She is the Serpent who found a hole in the hedge, and she entered into the upper window and killed Adam and destroyed the Living Beast. The Living Beast died.


So we can say that the Serpent is being redeemed. She is being purchased back by the true owner of the creation. That is a scriptural term, to buy and sell, and, technically speaking, when the Serpent killed Adam and absorbed his spirit she purchased Adam's spirit. So it is legitimate to say that the resurrected Adam who was resurrected in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ today is purchasing back His possession, which is the Serpent. The lower window was necessary. The creation that God is making is an image -- what we see is an image, so the creation has to have darkness and light just as a negative has darkness and light, and both the lower window and the upper window are necessary for the image of Jehovah to appear as a world, whatever that is going to look like.


The Serpent is a part of the creation. Some Christians become very distressed at the thought of the Serpent being redeemed, but it is not a redemption in the sense of the Serpent who has been so evil is being made good. What is happening is she is being purchased back, she is being forced into the position ordained for her by God and coming under the authority of the Sons of God because she is appearing in each of us. When she does that she will become good -- not righteous, but good.


The Serpent is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She is either good or evil, and when she is in charge she is evil, and when she is under authority she is good, and we know that this is true of many of our children. When you keep them under a righteous authority the child is good. The child is not righteous. The child has to be under the law, and the child will be evil or good depending on the degree to which he is kept under a righteous law, or kept under a law.


Praise the Lord! So this is where I am coming from, and I do not know whether we will touch on any more Scriptures than the Serpent on the pole in the wilderness which is the negative aspect of the Serpent-Fire in the Scriptures, and Isaiah's account which is the account of the Serpent-Fire under the authority of the resurrected Christ. And what is the sign that the Serpent-Fire is under the authority and restored and redeemed? The sign is that her thoughts line up with the thoughts of God. What happened is that the Serpent had a thought apart from the thought of God. She had a different viewpoint.


We were talking about that earlier. In this country we are so politically correct that a lot of people, now this is very common thinking in this country, say well I have a different viewpoint, but there is only one correct viewpoint. In a controversary both parties will have an incorrect viewpoint, but there is only one correct viewpoint. God's viewpoint is the correct viewpoint so there really is a right or wrong. In this politically correct society many today are trying to say there is no right or wrong, it is just how you see it. But there are absolutes, and God's view is the absolute right, and every deviant thought from God's thoughts, is just that - a deviant thought. So unless we can acknowledge and recognize the Mind of Christ where He is manifesting we will not have a revelation that if our view does not line up with that view then there must be something wrong with our view, and this is what we were talking about earlier. It is coming out under the anointing now.


In order for us to learn that our view is wrong or accept that our view is wrong and learn from it, we must first recognize that the view which appears to be different is the view of God, and what is the view of God? It is the Mind of Christ. So, if you cannot recognize that someone that has authority is speaking out of the Mind of Christ, at least the prayer should be, Lord Jesus, if that person is thinking out of the Mind of Christ and I am not, please reveal it. But stop the controversary. There should be no controversary. But this is what happened. The Serpent had a different thought than the thought of God. Her mind deviated. When the Body of Christ is fully functioning, and the Mind of Christ is manifesting in all of the parties to a discussion, there will be agreement.


Now, there will not necessarily have to be a religious form of agreement where everybody thinks the same exact thing word for word. We are each individuals, and we are each creative beings, but no matter what we have to contribute to the conversation if we are in the Mind of Christ all opinions will flow together. There will be no contradiction. Do you understand that? There will be no contradiction, no controversary. You may express it one way, and I may express it another way, but the basic foundational idea of what we are trying to say will be in agreement, and this is the movement of the Body of Christ. When two ideas are completely at odds with one another, either both ideas are out of the carnal mind or one is out of the carnal mind, and the other is out of Christ. Christ cannot be divided. The carnal mind can be divided against itself.


This is the account of Kundalini, and it is just one more proof that the Scriptures knows all about Kundalini. I do not see how this could be any clearer a word in the Hebrew Scriptures that means Serpent-Fire or Fiery Serpent, and the Sanskrit is Serpent-Fire. I do not see how it could be any clearer, and the Hebrew and the Judeo-Christian Scripture is a very spiritual book that is basically referring to mankind's dilemma, because we have a dilemma. We have a fallen, vile condition. We experience pain and pleasure, and we are subject to a continuous cycle of births and deaths which is not the Lord's will for us. We are in a fallen condition, and our human condition, the condition of fallen man, is the same for Christians, for Jews, and for the practitioners of every other religion. We are fallen.


When the God of Israel comes to a man, He comes to influence our fallen selves, but we are still fallen, and we have everything that every other fallen man has. We have the same bodies as all of the fallen men, and we have the same carnal mind as other fallen men, but the God of Israel has come to change us because in that change our hope is deliverance from an endless cycle of births and deaths and living an existence of pain and pleasure.


Now the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, I am finding out, has very little to say about the details of our fallen spiritual condition, but the Judeo-Christian Scriptures refer to our fallen spiritual condition, and here is a prime example in the Fiery Serpent. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures acknowledge that Kundalini exists, that Kundalini is present in all unregenerate men -- all men who die, all men who are in a physical body, all men who are born of a woman, have this Serpent-Fire, this Hindu Serpent-Fire. it is not that it is Hindu, but the knowledge of Kundalini has come largely out of Hinduism.


Now the Judeo-Christian Scriptures just alludes to it, just acknowledges that it is there, but there is no instruction in the Scriptures as to our fallen spiritual being as to the understanding of it, and we just have, without understanding, instructions as to how to deal with it. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures acknowledge that fallen man is evil, that we fell from a condition of sinlessness into an evil mind. So the Judeo-Christian Scriptures reveal our sin nature, the sin nature of all men. It gives us a law, and says to us that this is what is right and this is what's wrong, and if you choose to follow the law you can have a decent life in this world. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures talk about how it happened to us, and gives us some information about what Adam was like before the fall, and the Judeo-Christian Scriptures give us a promise of redemption and restoration to a sinless state, but there are no details. There are no details.


Even when you start getting revelation in the Scriptures, and it talks about Christ and you start understanding some of the things in it there are actually no details about how we can relate this to the human body. We talk about an ascension, we talk about Sonship, we talk about Full Stature, we talk about being a spiritual being, but there is really no instruction with regard to our particular mind and body and physical experience as to how this is going to happen to us. I was a little surprised at first to find the Lord directing me to the Theosophical and Hindu teachings to get this information until He explained to me that all of this information about fallen man is available through fallen man and the god of fallen man, the Serpent.


Since fallen man is the product of the Serpent, she is the expert on us anyway, not that Jesus does not know about our spiritual condition, I hope you understand that, but the Lord said that this aspect of your own fallen body and your own fallen mind is all written up there in the Serpent's literature, and when I send you -- if you are listening to this message, I do not suggest that you pursue any such study unless the Lord is sending you into it -- He said, I will go in there with you, and I will acknowledge everything that is true, and I will warn you about everything that is not true. This is what we are doing in this ministry.


We have had several messages on Theosophy, and then we started on Jonah which we have not finished yet, and we are finding that all of these teachings are now starting to crisscross, cross over one another. We have some Scriptures that we will do today including the Scriptures in the New Testament which, I do not know about you, but I never understood. I never understood Paul talking about being baptized into Moses, but I now understand it, and all of this understanding is coming forth as we understand more and more deeply our true spiritual nature. The Scriptures reveal our heart, reveals that man has an evil heart of disbelief, but the Judeo-Christian Scriptures talk about the Serpent-Fire, but it does not tell you what she is, and if you do not have this knowledge you will never understand what the Scriptures say.


We have several principles converging in this message. I am also going to bring in somewhat of a review and somewhat of an enhancement of the levels of consciousness. You may recall several months ago the Lord revealed to us that there are 12 levels of consciousness, and I wrote them up as best I could at the time, and the Lord has been refining them for us ever since. I do not have the 12 levels by revelation. I am not really talking any more about the levels of consciousness that the Lord has not specifically revealed to me because He has pretty much rewritten everything that I told you at the beginning. I only have through the eighth level of consciousness, and through the first five levels we see that there are three aspects under each level of consciousness. So, I want to review that with you. Why do I want to review that with you? Maybe I should show the concept of Kundalini first. I will do that first.


We have discovered that the so-called chakras of Hinduism and Buddhism and Theosophy really do exist in all human beings, just as the Serpent-Fire exists in all human beings. We all have the so-called chakras or centers of energy, energy centers. That is what they are, energy centers. These energy centers are receiving discs for energy that comes from a different plane of existence, and it is our understanding that without an inflow of energy from the high spiritual realms, we die. Human beings die.


That we are born with a measure of vitality, we receive some vitality from food, we receive some vitality from the sun, and we also receive energy from sources that are in different spiritual planes, and the part of our body that connects to the other spiritual planes to receive this energy are these energy centers, of which there are seven major ones. There are other intermediary centers in-between.The Scriptures talk about ten. Hinduism and Theosophy say seven. The Scriptures say ten. As we did the translation of Revelation 13, I am of the opinion that the Scriptures talk about ten. And I am told that there are several more between the brow center and the crown center, there are two or three right in between here, and that there are also two or three down between the root chakra and the navel. Apparently, there are many of these energy centers. The Scriptures say ten. Hinduism says seven primary ones. Whether or not we will get more information on the ten, I do not know what the Lord is going to give us.


The hope of fallen man is that our consciousness shall ascend to a place where this body stops dying, where we no longer become ill, where we are no longer dependent on things outside of ourselves to keep us safe and healthy and content. The answer to all our problems apparently is an ascension of consciousness. This is a difficult concept for those of us who have been living our whole life out here in outer darkness, but we are not this physical body, and neither are we this personality, but we are spirit.


We are spirit, and as we ascend spiritually our spirit becomes more and more developed, but for those of us who have spent a whole lifetime not engaged in spiritual things the only part of ourselves that we know is this physical body and our personality which is passing away. Our physical body and our personality are just given for this experience of this lifetime, but there is a spirit inside of us that is eternal, that is a part of God. It originally came from God, and this is who we are. At this present time this human spirit which comes from God is captured by the Serpent.


I am going to start with the Hindu teaching, and I am going to relate it to our understanding as Christians, and then we will go on with translating these Scriptures. In drawing #1, I have demonstrated here two principles of physics, called conduction and induction, and we are talking about the movement of energy or the transference of energy. Now just off the top, conduction, when energy moves by conduction it begins at point A and it winds up at point B, and there is nothing left at point A. All of the energy is transferred to another position. In induction, when the energy starts to move it gives out more or less a shadow of itself we might say. First of all, static means not moving, static means stagnant, and dynamic energy is moving energy. Energy that is static is stagnant, and energy that is moving is dynamic.


We see that in conduction, when the static energy begins to be conducted, the whole of the energy is transported to another location, and at the end of the conduction there is no energy left from the starting position. Everything moves. With induction the original energy source is not depleted. The original energy source is still static, but it more of less gives off a dynamic aspect of itself. If you want an example, this is a non-realistic example, it would be as if we could stand in a position where there is a shadow of ourself on the wall, and the shadow would go forth and do something that we would like it to do in another room, in another location, in another country. That is a dynamic aspect of the static energy.


People do that all the time. That is what an ambassador is. The President of a country or a head of State, he stays in his office with full authority, but he sends out an ambassador. He sends out a representative of himself, somebody who thinks like he does, somebody who understands fully what the jead of State's position is, and not only speaks for him but has the authority up to a point to make decisions based upon the fact that he is thinking like the head of State thinks. We see that energy that moves by induction is an expansion of himself. We might even relate that to childbearing. It is an expansion of ourself. It is all our energy. If you are the mother it is your flesh and blood, plus your energy, plus your spirit, everything that is now in this child, but hopefully you are not depleted. Hopefully you are a strong woman, and you are as strong as you were before the pregnancy. So these are the principles conductive and inductive movement of energy.


We are on drawing #3 now, and this is a study in the Serpent's incarnation because we are all incarnations of the Serpent. I have drawn three circles depicting three aspects of incarnation because this is the best way I know how to do it. Now remember the primordial Serpent is the waters that is in the ground floor window that has earth dissolved in her. Remember me teaching you that? It is if to say we are looking out on the ocean here in Long Island and that ocean has an intelligence, not only as intelligent as we are, but a far superior intelligence to ours, but she is not in a physical body. She is water. That is who the primordial Serpent is, and in her window was a fish.


You may recall we found out that fish was a turtle, and what this primordial Serpent did was she gathered together mud from the ground, from the bottom of the ocean bed, and made herself a form. So the primordial Serpent was both the water in the lower window and the turtle in the lower window. She was both. Can you hear that? Just as Jehovah is Himself, and He is also the Lord Jesus Christ. It is all God, one God. Hear, Oh Israel the Lord your God is one God. Two different forms of the same person.


When the Serpent killed Adam and absorbed his spirit she became the fabric of this present creation. Now, the Scriptures talk about fabric a lot. I have been talking about that for years. We found out that a member of the Serpent's household is the warp of the woven garment. Remember that teaching? This is the principle, that this whole creation, not just this world, but outer space, not only the planets in space. but the space itself, including the space here in this room and outer space, is a woven garment. The background of the worlds as we know them exists upon a woven garment ,just as if you are getting ready to do petit point or any kind of embroidery, you get a piece of mesh, you paint your picture on it, and you start stitching. Or if you are an artist you sketch out, some artists sketch out the painting before they start with the colors.


So the background of everything from outer space to inner space to our own bodie, we are a woven garment within a woven garment within a woven garment. The reason I drew the primordial Serpent this way, with the lines crossing each other, is that the primordial Serpent is the background, she is the mesh that you start stitching when you are painting a petit point picture with embroidery. She is static. The Serpent in her role as the primordial Serpent, she does not move. She is the background, she is the foundation of the worlds and the galaxies as we know it. She is static. She does not change, and she is woven together, she is the waters when Elohim came forth, she is the earth, she is particles of earth, and she has absorbed Adam's widowed spirit.


So she is a woven garment. All the worlds that are known to us are founded on her, but by the principle of physics, called induction, she has sent forth a part of herself. She sent forth a part of herself, first of all into the turtle, which I have already talked to you about. She is static. She has not changed. She has not lost any strength, but she has formed herself into a turtle which is a fish that moves around in the ocean which she is. What we are talking about here is incarnation, incarnation from its very roots.


The next stage is, out of the turtle comes forth, what we are calling right now, the Dragon, which is in the sea of the astral plane. If you can recall some of the drawings that I have had on the board about the planes of existence, we are descending, this would be called according to the Hindu's anyway. We know that Jehovah and Elohim is higher than this. Jehovah and Elohim are the highest. Hinduism, Theosophy and Buddhism they call those planes the unknown. We know them. The unknown has become known to us. The unknown is Jehovah and Elohim, and then we come down and there is the spiritual plane and the mental plane and the astral plane. Remember all those teachings? That is what we are dealing with here. This primordial Serpent, I am not sure, but she is probably liken to the spiritual plane, and then we come down, and we see the fish and the turtle, probably on what they call the intuitive plane. I may not be having this right, as I was not planning on teaching that today, and my memory may be wrong, and then as we descend. Both the Serpent and the Dragon are in high spiritual planes.


Then when we get to the Dragon, incarnation is coming closer and the Dragon is partially in the spiritual plane and partially in the mental plane, partially attached to man, because she is the collective subconscious mind of humanity. It is the Dragon who sent off sparks of herself and brings forth incarnation in man as we know him, or incarnation as a rock, or incarnation as a vegetable. I talked to you about the theories of incarnation. It may very well be true. Remember, this is not Jehovah's creation. This is the Serpent incarnating, and the teaching that seems to be accepted in the religions of the world who worship the Serpent is that sparks come off of this Dragon. He sends off sparks of himself as a human male would send off sperm of himself, except that the sparks of the Dragon are both male and female and they are capable of incarnation, and these sparks go forth and gather atoms and molecules, physical matter around themselves.


The theory of reincarnation is that one of the first things they become is a rock, and that this intelligence, an intelligence that comes from the Dragon through many incarnations, becomes educated enough, or experienced enough, to draw atoms from these worlds that the Serpent has created and draw them around herself and make herself into a human being. The Lord has not told me otherwise. It may very well be true.


This is not Elohim's creation. This is the Serpent's creation. Why are we studying the Serpent's creation? Because we are the Serpent. We were born of this form of incarnation. Now, Star Trek talks about a matter stream so if you want to use that terminology, I have never seen it anywhere else, you might say this spark of the Serpent which is in invisible realms continues to descend and enters into the matter stream which is filled with atoms and molecules of chemical elements as we know them, and becomes magnetized. The spark of the Serpent becomes magnetized and starts drawing unto itself matter and forms a body around something, and this is happening inside of a woman's womb. Now this is spiritual incest. The Serpent has divided herself into male and female so that she can reproduce. I have been teaching that for a long time, everybody OK with that?


The Serpent rejected her true husband, Adam, and she divided herself into male and female so that she could reproduce. Now this Dragon here, He is likened to a fertilized ovum in a human being, an ovum that has been fertilized. It has been joined with a sperm, and becomes a germ cell. I have used the word zygote here. The male and the female cells joined so completely that they become a zygote, the first cell of a new baby. It is also called a germ cell, a beginning cell, a seed. So the spark of the Dragon that goes forth that descends even further into this world. I just ran out of run on the board, but this drawing of this man should be below the Dragon. Now, here's the germ cell, this is where it comes.


Drawing #2, the germ cell descends into the invisible planes of this world, and here it is. Now, the germ cells both male and female has attributes of the Serpent and it has attributes of the fish or the turtle as the Serpent made itself, and the two together are the Dragon. The Dragon is both part Serpent and part fish, part male and part female, and the spark of the Serpent that is released is male and female, and that spark descends, still in the invisible planes (we are talking about incarnation now), enters into the matter stream, that germ cell, and starts gathering matter around itself. Also, the germ cell breaks up according to the principle of induction.


Now the germ cell will eventually become what we are now finding out to be the Fiery Serpent or the Serpent-Fire or Kundalini. That germ cell, just like you take a seed, and you put it in the ground and a plant grows up from the seed, there is still seed in that plant, is there not? If you pick a piece of fruit off of a peach tree, there is still a seed inside of the peach. No matter how many times you plant the seed you get a plant, but there is still seed inside of the fruit. Kundalini, Serpent-Fire in the individual, is that original seed that descended into the womb of a woman and started drawing matter around itself, except, with regard to human incarnation, we see that the matter that this germ cell is drawing unto itself is from the mother's body.


God only knows, I do not have all the information here, but this germ cell, that is what happened, drawing blood and tissue to itself. Now blood and tissue is not enough, the body has to be energized. We are all the produce of energy, so this germ cell -- in other words, according to this teaching, the spiritual seed, not the egg from the woman or the sperm from the male, the spiritual seed around which a new born baby is formed is what eventually becomes the Serpent-Fire at the base of the spine, but, she also, according to induction, gives off her energy, sends out her energy, and the energy goes forth and gathers together the body of the baby and all of the specialized organs. In Kundalini, we have the aspects of the primordial Serpent and the fish, and we are a water-based creation, so the primordial Serpent is water, and the fish is the being in the water. We are talking about incarnation.


And, of course, there is an Ox present. Remember Adam made an Ox? The Ox was different than the turtle because the Ox was infused with Adam's energy. So here we are down here in this world, and we are part Ox and part turtle or fish, and we have the Serpent's mind. We have the inheritance of the Serpent and the fish and the Ox, but praise be to God, we also have Adam's widowed spirit, and that is our hope of salvation. So my whole point is, I am trying to identify Kundalini for you, Serpent-Fire who rests in the base of the spine at the root chakra in every human being that is born, as far as I know. That is who she is. She is the germ cell that came down originally from the primordial Serpent, and she is the source of the original energy that has produced a child. Is everybody OK with this? Do you know what I am talking about?


I am going back and forth between drawing #2 and #3 here. Now, with regard to this word Leviathan, I know in past teachings I had decided that it was Leviathan at the base of the spine. At this point I do not know what is Leviathan because what I did not make clear, let me make it clear now, is that each of us within us there are two aspects of the Serpent. Kundalini, Serpent-Fire, the original germ cell, has sent forth her energy, and that energy that she sent forth from herself has become the Serpent that is in our brain. The Serpent that is in our brain is our conscious mind. At this point I do not know who Leviathan is. I will see if the Lord will reveal it to me, but the main thing that I want to tell you this morning is that there are two Serpents within us, and I will show it to you, I hope.


I have so many notes, and it seems to take so long to get across to you, not that it is your fault, it is me. It just seems to take so long to cover the subject adequately. But it is very clear in the account of Moses with the Serpent on the pole in the wilderness that there were two Serpents. It is not clear in the King James translation, but there were two Serpents. One is the Fiery Serpent which is the Seraphim, and the other is Nachash, simply the word for Serpent that appears in Genesis when the Serpent was speaking to the woman, and both of those words are in the account of Moses with the Serpent on a pole, but those two words together are translated Fiery Serpent. But, of course, Seraphim alone could be translated Fiery Serpent, so for all intents and purposes, Nachash is not translated. There were two Serpents. There were, and there are two Serpents. It is just as if the Serpent and the fish are one. They are one, but they are two.


There is Jehovah and there is Elohim, and there is Adam, but, Hear Oh, Israel the Lord your God is one God -- different manifestations, different aspects, but they are one. So there are two Serpents in us. I remember standing at this board a couple of years ago when we were doing Creation Revisited, when the Lord was revealing that there was a sea serpent and a serpent of the earth. Do you remember that? I was standing right here, I was at that edge of the board saying, well, who is the Serpent in the earth? It was within two years ago.


Not only is there a Serpent in the earth and a Serpent in the sea, but both of those Serpents are in us. The Kundalini resides at the base of the spine deep down in the earth of our body. Of course, she is not in our physical body. She is in a spiritual aspect of our physical body which Theosophy calls the etheric double, and I tell you again, as far as I know, the Lord has given me no name for this. I am using the names that the Serpent's people have given it because, as far as I know, Jesus Christ is not doing this teaching. In any event, we know that the Seraphim or the Fiery Serpent is using the same name as the Sanskrit Kundalini, the Serpent-Fire.


So, Kundalini is in the earth, this is the way it looks to me now. She is in the earth, and the Serpent that is up in the brain is existing in the fluids of the body. Also, another reason I have chosen to label these aspects this way, is that Theosophy does teach that the Kundalini is directly related to the primordial Serpent. Well, that would be backwards, then. I have to think about that before we come back. Oh, I know why. I read in a book on Theosophy that the primordial Serpent, even though she is water, if I understood what I read, she is presently in the center of the very globe of this planet, if it is true, creating the physical elements. I will not go any further because I may not have it exactly right.


I am no expert on Theosophy. I have read some of their books, and then again, I do not really know that the Lord agrees with it. So, this is the way I have it for now, and I am not going to break my brain and your brain. I am going to leave it the way it is unless the Lord tells me otherwise, but I see that I have on the board that the Kundalini is directly related to the first source, the Serpent, and that the Serpent in the brain is directly related to the fish that was in the lower window a the beginning. And where did I get this from? I got it from a Theosophy book, so it could be wrong, but basically, what I am telling you is true, this is the basis pattern of incarnation of fallen man. Do you understand what I am saying? That it is possible that Kundalini should be related to the turtle, and that the brain should be related to the Serpent. I do feel in my spirit that Kundalini is the source power, so we are just going to leave it like that for now.


The germ cell that came forth, more or less, you might say, divided, but it did not divide according to conduction. It divided according to induction. There was one and now there is two, but the original germ cell is in its full power, and we do have a Scripture like that, that June pointed out a couple of times, in Zechariah 4, there was one woman and then there were two. Remember that Scripture, we had that on another message, it was one woman and then there were two, and when they went into the basket they became two. So when the germ cell went into the flesh it became two. Now, the Serpent that I am calling Leviathan, is related to the brain, our conscious mind.


Our conscious mind is an aspect of the Serpent. These again are the two beasts of Revelation 13. There is the first beast, the Serpent in our brain which is our conscious mind, and the Kundalini is the second beast that had two horns and spoke like a Dragon. She is the representative of the Dragon. Now I did not mention this. Now here is a new principle, I have never told you this before, that apparently we have a personalized subconscious mind. I have just told you that we have a collective subconscious mind, that is what I have told you up until now because I did not know that Kundalini was there.


I did not understand that she was our subconscious mind. So when we talk about martial arts, for example, and the veiling of our subconscious mind, remember those teachings in the 5th Level of Consciousness and the Two Resurrections where I tell you that the coming spiritual involves using your spiritual mind, and that our conscious mind is carnal, but the spiritual aspect of our mind is our subconscious mind, and our subconscious mind is trying to rise up and put our conscious mind underneath it so that we could be spiritual. That is the procedure, whether we are becoming spiritual in the Serpent, or whether we are becoming spiritual in Christ.


We have got to get rid of this conscious carnal mind. It is killing us. It is death. This carnal mind is death, but it has been there for our protection for a season, and it is supposed to be protecting us from Kundalini rising up and becoming our mind. Kundalini, or the Serpent-Fire, she is our personal subconscious mind, the subconscious mind within us, but she is right out of the Dragon, which is the collective subconscious mind. So there is another step in there that I did not see before.


I told you that we had an unconscious mind which was collective. It is the sea, Satan. That we have a conscious mind which was personal, and that we also have a subconscious mind that was collective, which is the city that we go in when we become spiritual. When I did the teaching on becoming spiritual, and I said that we have to get rid of our conscious mind and live out of our subconscious mind to be spiritual, at the time that I taught it I guess I thought we had to live out of this collective subconscious mind because that was all that the Lord had shown me. Now I am finding out that a spark of this collective subconscious mind is in each individual.


So now, we have a personal conscious mind and a personal subconscious mind, and I would imagine we have a personal aspect of our unconscious mind. The only thing that is really ours that we do not share with anybody else is our conscious mind. Our personal subconscious mind is directly connected to the collective subconscious mind. That is how telepathy works, that is how we have spiritual communication outside of Christ. There it is right there. When we become spiritual what's happening here, and right now we are not talking about Christ, this is all in the Serpent's household. Kundalini wants to repress our conscious mind so there has to be a meeting or a marriage of Kundalini rising in our spinal column, and the Serpent in our brain descending.


There has to be a union in there, you see. When our conscious mind and our subconscious mind meet it is the end of our conscious mind. Can you hear that? Once there is an experience there. Again, I will talk about a young virgin. Once the young virgin connects with a man her virginity is gone. She has had an experience that has changed her whole life, even if she never has another one again, she will never be the same. She is had an experience, and its changed her whole life. What we are talking about here, brethren, is spiritual incest. A part of ourselves, our subconscious mind, wants to marry another part of ourselves, our conscious mind with the specific purpose of doing away with all of the defenses of the conscious mind. Our subconscious mind wants to swallow up our conscious mind. Now Jesus is here. He wants to marry our conscious mind.


Christ is here, and I do not want to get into that too deeply now, we will do that next, Christ is here laying hold -- now, of course, there is a personality in there. Now our human spirit, I guess, is utterly spread through our whole being. Now the Holy Spirit is coming, and the Holy Spirit wants to marry our human spirit and our personality. So we have two spiritual males vying for each one of us, each one of us which is our human spirit and our personality. Those are the two aspects of our self that are being vied for by the Serpent who is already in us and the Holy Spirit who was given to us to bring forth Christ.


There is an incredible war going on whether you are aware of it or not, and it is for us, and the more strongly Christ is entrenched in us the more violent the war is effecting us. If Christ is not entrenched in you, there is no conflict. This is the point I would like to make with you. There are two Serpents in us. There is a Serpent in our conscious mind and there is a Serpent in our subconscious mind that is lying dormant. Now the Serpent in our conscious mind is really another aspect of the subconscious Serpent, and together the Serpent is giving us consciousness. Remember now, we are offspring of the Serpent, and all of our bodily functions and all of the instructions given to the physical brain and the energy that is flowing through us, it is all coming from the original seed, your original germ cell, which is Kundalini. So there is a positive aspect of Kundalini that is operating in us to give us consciousness.


Now brethren, we need this consciousness. For Christ to be raised up in us we need to be as healthy and active as we can be until He is strong enough to possess us. So there is a positive aspect of the operation of the Serpent in our lives. She is keeping this body alive. I preached a lot on that at one point. If that offends you, I am sorry, but I am telling you Jesus Christ is not keeping me alive at this point. If He was I would not be able to die because He is Life. The only reason I could die is that the one who is keeping me alive is death, and she dies.


There are two Serpents seeking to make an incestuous union, and the Serpent in the brain and in the consciousness of man is attempting to convince our personality to do whatever is necessary to cause Kundalini to start to ascend. And where she wants to ascend to, brethren, is the third eye; the brow chakra or the brow center. Both the Serpent in our brain and the Kundalini in the root chakra wants to get into the brow center. Why? Because the brow center is the supernatural center. She wants to utterly possess us, and make us into a supernatural being with the Serpent as the source of our supernatural power.


So the race, brethren, is to get to the brow chakra. Now, what is interesting is that, from what I can see in the Scriptures at this point, there is a lot more talk about the brow center than the crown center. I have not done an exhaustive study on it, but from what I can see Jesus is talking about the crowns. John talks about the crowns in the Book of Revelation. Paul talks about winning a crown, but I do not see much about winning a crown in the Old Testament. If it is there it is not obvious to me, but there is a lot of talk about the place between the eyebrows, and I believe, and I would like to show it to you in the Scriptures that the Lord gave me for you today.


I believe that Israel, when they were under Moses, were a supernatural people. I have believed that for quite a while, but I am convinced now more than ever that they were supernatural people, that their consciousness had ascended into the brow chakra, and thereby they were gods. The Scripture says, Ye are gods but you shall die like men. Why? Because they were overthrown in the wilderness. The Hebrews who had supernatural power, whose consciousness was dwelling in their brow center, were overthrown. What does that mean? It means Christ had ascended in them. Christ had laid hold of their consciousness, ascended into the brow chakra, and they were supernatural beings in righteousness, but they were overthrown. And, I believe, in many instances, that the Serpent-fire moved right in and overtook the brow center.


I have mentioned this principle to you. As spiritually high as you are in God, when you fall the Serpent moves right in and takes over. The way is open. When Christ is flowing out of your brow center, Christ is an energy source, and when He is in your brow center, He is flowing through your whole body. He is flowing through all of the centers beneath you. He is energized your whole body. You are open, you are flowing, the gates are open. So, if the Serpent can succeed in separating the elements of Christ -- what are the elements of Christ? The human spirit, and, of course, in our case it is the Holy Spirit. In the case of Israel, it was Moses' spirit, and I will show you that when we get to our translations.


Moses' spirit was connected to Michael above who had raised Adam from the dead in him, and all of the spirits of the men of Israel were swallowed up into or drawn into Moses' spirit. That is how they were baptized into Moses. Moses was the mediator. Our mediator is the Lord Jesus Christ who has sent His Holy Spirit down into the earth to us. So His Holy Spirit has touched our human spirit and ignited it and enlivened it, and as Christ begins to grow in our human spirit, at some point, Christ is going to marry the Holy Spirit.


Now this is a little different than I told you before. I am sorry, but I am doing the best that I can. We are on a journey. We do not marry the Lord Jesus until we get to the top of our head. The one that we marry that is going to bring us to the brow chakra is the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit quickens the human spirit, and Christ begins to grow, and at some point -- remember that is in our heart center, at some point there is a joining of Christ to the personality and to the Holy Spirit. So there is a marriage to the Holy Spirit, even though the Holy Spirit quickened us. This is all spiritual incest, but when God goes it, it is OK.


So, to be overthrown in the wilderness means that Christ was occupying the brow center. Do you know that Scripture that Jesus says, Occupy until I come? I always wondered about that. It was such a military term, and I heard it preached in the church that raised us up, but I never felt that I really understood it. Brethren, Jesus is saying, Occupy until I come; occupy the brow center until I come to the crown center. Hold on because until we are connected to Jesus who is above we can be overthrown. So, it is not enough to ascend into the brow center. Hold that position. I am going to say it again.


Our human spirit is dead, the Holy Spirit touches our human spirit and gives it life and Christ begins to mature in us, and at some point there is a union between the Christ in us and the Holy Spirit, and then a third element our personality, and those three together, Christ in us, the Holy Spirit, and our personality, are ascending up the spiritual aspect of our spinal column.


We are starting in the heart now, and we are ascending to the throat, and there are all centers along the way, and we are trying to get to the brow center, and all of these areas are open, and we are spiritually active, and Kundalini is going to ascend through the path that we have opened, and she is going to be following us up. She wants to overturn us, and she wants to take the hill that we have captured. We are occupying this place. It is probably Zion. When they were overthrown in the wilderness, what happened was that their three-fold cord, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and the personality, unraveled and Kundalini got right in there, laid hold of the human spirit, the Dragon from above, Kundalini from beneath, they laid hold of the human spirit that was in the brow center, and these Hebrews became spiritual giants in the Serpent.


As you will see when we get to the translations the King James translation has failed again when it says that they were overthrown in the wilderness because Jehovah was displeased with them. This is not what the Interlinear text says at all. It says they were overthrown in the wilderness because, that word displeased can mean to prefer, they preferred the Serpent over God. They were overthrown because they preferred the Serpent over God. We will be overthrown when we prefer the Serpent over God, and if we are in denial, well, the only one we are deceiving is ourselves. I tell you, brethren, every Christian that you have ever known that has been overthrown has been overthrown because they have preferred the Serpent over God because the Lord Jesus Christ takes care of His own. The Lord Jesus Christ takes care of His own. He is a faithful husband.


Now I am not talking about a temporary slip. I am not talking about a temporary backsliding, and I am not talking about being temporarily overcome in your flesh, as I was when I went into the hospital and thought I was finished. I thought I was finished, but Jesus did not think I was finished because He takes care of His own. So if you are overthrown, brethren, you have not preferred Christ. Whether you know it or not, whether you are in denial or not, whether you believe it or not, He has called you, and you have not come. Whether you have the Holy Spirit or not, whether you speak in tongues or not, whether you cast out devils or not, He has called you to a higher place and you have not come, if you are overthrown.


So, I have given you this whole teaching on incarnation as a foundation to help you. I just break up when I see these translations of these Scriptures that it is not true that Jehovah was displeased with these Hebrew children and turned them over to the Serpent. When I see the Truth that He is faithful, and the Hebrew children were unfaithful and preferred the Serpent, and that is why they were overthrown, I just start to cry. I have been teaching here for two hours. This is my foundation. I hope that I have laid it in your heart and in your minds. This is the foundation for our understanding of our own spiritual ascension in Christ. The Holy Spirit is given unto us to raise us up from this vile state of consciousness that we are in. We are down here in darkness, we are down here in death. Even me.


We are in death until we ascend into the sixth center, when we become a supernatural person. We are still in death. The Lord spreads out a table in our presence in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death. We have this glorious Word, and the glorious move of His spirit, but we are abiding in death, all of us. The cross-over point, the crossing point, is somewhere apparently between the throat center and the brow center, and I find that very interesting because all of our organs of cognition are in the head. Here is the throat center here. We have to get past the mouth, we have to get past the nose, the sinuses. Our head is us. The rest of our body is just appendages that help us to get around and get things done. We are our head and our nervous system, that is what we are.


So remember the Kundalini is coming from the root, and the Holy Spirit enters right into our hearts so we have got a head start, but the Kundalini is stirring up all these centers down here, in particular, lust and sexuality, and that is what happened to the Hebrew children in the wilderness when Moses ascended. I have not done that in-depth, but at this point I am absolutely convinced that the Hebrew children had a spiritual experience, and that the whole account of the exodus was a spiritual experience. There is a witness to it in our translations, which are slipping my mind right now, but as I did the translations I said, Would you look at that, a witness that the whole exodus was a spiritual experience of a condition of slavery down here in their lusts, and the Scripture that we will be doing shows not that the Hebrew children were caught in their lusts, but that they had ascended to the brow center by the power of the gods of Egypt. Their consciousness had ascended to their brow center in the Serpent, the Hebrew children.


So this is what it is all about, brethren, the Lord wants us to come up to be a supernatural people and to go forth and help the rest of the world. But this is our calling, to be gods, but to be gods in Christ, not to be gods in the Serpent. You are called to be Christ, the Son of God in the flesh to a tormented world. This is our experience. I do not know if I made it clear or not, when we get up to that brow center we still have the Serpent pummeling us from above, Kundalini trying in every way to stir up our lusts, our sexual lusts, envy, pride, pride in ministry, selfishness, all that is down here below the waist, in the centers below the naval and including the naval.


Kundalini is down here beating the war drums, trying to get our consciousness back down below the heart, giving us pleasurable experiences so that we will walk away from the hardship of this journey upwards. Then we have the Serpent at the top. If you give up the lusts, not just sexual lusts, but the lusts of the things of this world, then we have the Serpent in our brain giving us all this false doctrine saying, You do not need to recognize your sin nature, you do not need to expose your sins, come on up. At this point, I cannot tell you I am completely convinced yet, but you know what I am thinking? That when the Hebrew children were complaining about t that light bread, I think they were complaining about the doctrine.


I think that the Hebrew children were very involved in the spiritual life of Egypt, and brethren once you are spiritual, once you are into doctrine like this, could you ever go back, can you go back to something less? Your mind just wants more and more, and the more you are involved in the spiritual life and the doctrine associated with it the more your mind is exercised, and the more your mind is exercised the more you want, it literally becomes food to you.


I know I have told you this, that on the occasion that I have to go fellowship with my family I have to really be careful how I deal with myself. I have to take tapes or however I work it out because I know if I am away from this, if my mind is not actively engaged in the things of God for any length of time, my Christ mind goes down, and my carnal mind goes up, and I am in torment. I believe these Hebrew children were very engaged, very involved in doctrine and spiritual experiences in Egypt, and there must have been a period of time when they were crossing over to serve the Living God, a time of instruction. It was not even a time of instruction, the Lord just reminded me, whatever Moses was teaching them, he was emphasizing the exposure of the sin nature.


You all came through this when you came here. Almost all of you had very active counseling ministries, praying for other people, and I remember I started telling you that you have got to lay it down because it is a ministry -- yes, the Lord gave it to you, but it is a ministry out of your carnal mind, and if you want Christ to rise in you and give you supernatural ministry you have to be willing to lay this down for a season. Lay down the carnal ministry and receive the instruction, expose your sin nature, learn the doctrine, and pray that Christ comes forth and gives you supernatural ministry. That was my instruction when you all came here. It is a hard word. It was painful for most of you, if not all of you.


Well, it must have been something like that with Moses. He must have said to them something like this, The Lord Jehovah wants to give you spiritual power in God, He wants to give you spiritual power greater than the spiritual power that you have in Egypt, but in order to get spiritual power with God you have to expose your sin nature, condemn it, and destroy it, and get a whole new nature and a whole new mind in God. So, there had to be a season where the degree of spiritual power and the excitement of the doctrine, or the satisfaction of the doctrine that was satisfying their mind, was diminished. There had to be some pulling back while the work of dealing with the sin nature was being done with, and that was the light bread that they despised. I just feel it very strongly in my spirit. I have not found any Scriptures yet. They despised that light bread. They wanted deep doctrine. They wanted meat. They wanted spiritual experiences, but there is a period of waiting from when Christ is conceived in you and He ascends in you, and then your sin nature has to be put under, so that when the miracles come, it is Christ doing it and not the Serpent, and it just takes time.


You cannot have your sin nature ripped out over night. I do not think your mind could bear it. I think of all the sins the Lord has exposed in me, I do not know that I could have borne it if He showed them to me all at once, and I went pretty fast. I saw a lot very quickly, but everybody is not the same. You cannot bear it. Well they just wanted spiritual power and authority right away, and they despised this light bread.


Let me give you a possible example of it. Take someone very high in witchcraft, who has exercised a lot of spiritual power and has been very deep into Hindu Buddhist or New Age doctrine, and they have an experience with the Lord Jesus Christ, and they are convinced that they have to give up their spiritual experiences and their doctrine, and they come into a church that is preaching the rapture, or even if they come into a church that is teaching Sonship -- Sonship is baby stuff compared to what we are into now -- and they are put in a church where the spiritual experiences they are given are speaking in tongues and prophesying on the floor of the church and interpreting tongues and bringing forth the Word of knowledge.


There was a time when that kind of thing really excited me, the Lord used me mightily with those gifts. I prophesied from the floor of the church frequently. It was very exciting for me, but now if the Lord were to send me back to a church like that I know that I would be in pain because of the light bread that I was being fed, and I know that happened to me when the Lord pulled me out of the church that I was raised up in. It was a mature church for what we have in the United States right now, and He sent me into churches less mature, and I despised that light bread. I despised it so that I did not go to church for a year, and I was angry and bitter at God, and one day He sent a prophet to me to say, If you return unto me, I will return unto you.


And I said, Lord, when did I leave you? But I did not take any chances. I said, Lord I do not understand what you are saying, and I do not even see it and I think it is probably wrong, but I will say, Amen, I return unto you, Lord. I do not know what I did or when I left you or how it happened, but I will do what you say, just give me some spiritual life, give me my spiritual life back. And I found out that a whole year I was disobedient to God because He wanted to send me to a church with light bread, and I thought I was too good to go to that church. I thought I was too educated to go to that church. That is what I think their light bread was. Moses did not bring a company of raggedly slaves out of Egypt. He brought out a company of spiritually sophisticated men and women. Does anybody have any questions about anything so far? Any comments?


We will break for dinner, and when we come back I hope to get to the notes. The reason I am the notes with the levels of consciousness is because I am relating the levels of consciousness to our spiritual ascension. Once the Holy Spirit joins with our human spirit we are already in our heart center, and the way that we get from our heart center to the brow center is through the levels of consciousness which are reconciliation, justification, sanctification, election.


So we will review them, and then after we review them the Lord willing we will do those translations that I told you about which will demonstrate these principles in the Scriptures, and I hope to show you, that what happened to the Hebrew children and Moses in the wilderness with the Serpent on the pole, was exactly what I was just talking about. The Hebrew people were spiritually powerful, their consciousness was abiding in the brow center, but they despised the Lord. They chose the Serpent over the Lord. How did they choose the Serpent over the Lord? They despised the leader that He had given them. That is what that was all about. I do not know if you recall it or not, but the people were mumbling and grumbling against Moses, and the serpents came. The King James says that Jehovah sent fiery Serpents on them, but the truth of the matter is that when they grumbled against the God-ordained authority, the Christ that was a three-fold cord that was woven together in their brow center started to deteriorate.


I will show you that in the Hebrew. The cord started to pull apart, and the Serpent came rushing up through the open channels, through the open chakras, and captured the human spirit, and they lost their supernatural position in Christ, and the Serpents took them over. The Serpent moved right in, and they were supernaturally evil. That is what that was all about. The higher you go in Christ, the more careful you have to be about confessing your sins and repenting. Now maybe I am sounding like a fanatic lately, but I am not telling you anything that I do not live myself, and I do it in the spirit continuously as the Spirit moves upon me.


I am just confessing the fact of my spiritual weakness, asking the Lord to forgive meand cover me and help me to do the job that He is given me to do, that I should be blameless, because I cannot be blameless without Him. I cannot be blameless, we cannot be blameless, we are not blameless, we are guilty without condemnation, but you have go to know what you are or you will think that you are something that you are not, and if you think you are something that you are not, you will never get up to become a supernatural person. So truly, the more you receive, the more is required of you. I am encouraging you to not lay hold of this message and try and do it in the flesh. It has to come from Christ in you. The confession and the repentance, it has to come from Christ in you.


It starts in your carnal mind, it starts in the flesh, but it ends in the Spirit. So what you do if you are hearing this message, and you want to partake of the glory that comes from walking in this kind of submission to Christ, the prayer that you pray is, Lord, may Christ in me repent continuously, help me to do it. And help me to do it in the Spirit because God is Spirit, and He must be worshiped in Spirit and in the Spirit of Truth. He is waiting for us. There is no day set, and the season is at hand, the season is now. Whoever runs the race can get through, the door is open, and we are preaching the ground rules. The door is open, come on in. I stand at the door, and I knock.


COMMENT: When you were using the pointer to show the Kundalini going up to the brain, the thought came to me that the atom was split.


PASTOR VITALE: That is very interesting because there is great energy off when the atom is split, so that really makes a lot of sense. We are split and all of the energy that was given off produced the man. That is very good.


COMMENT: Last week I was thinking about what the Lord told me a long time ago, about the brain being the Serpent, and the thought came to me about the lower, and the Lord brought to mind about the larger and smaller intestines. I thought to myself, that is just like the brain is, like a snake.


PASTOR VITALE: We are you saying, that Kundalini is one and the Serpent in the brain is --one is larger and the other is the smaller? Yes, that is very interesting.


COMMENT: You really brought it to my mind today about Moses, that there were two Serpents. I just never connected with that, and I am connecting with the larger and the smaller intestines as well.


PASTOR VITALE: I think the Lord is showing you there is one above, and there is one underneath, but it is not obvious in the King James that there were two Serpents. You see, there are two different words that mean Serpent. One is Seraphim, and one is Nachash, and the Seraphim is translated fiery Serpent, but the King James just translates it fiery, and then it takes the Hebrew word Nachash, which means Serpent, and it says fiery Serpents, but if they would have translated it literally they would have had to say fiery Serpent Serpent, so instead of saying the Serpent twice, they just got rid of one because they did not understand there were two Serpents. I did not put it on the message, although it is clear on the drawing, that Satan is the fluids, not only of our physical body, but the moisture in the whole atmosphere. And whereever water is appearing in the universes,Satan is the fluids. 


We are back from dinner, and we are continuing on with the message from this morning. The name of the game is spiritual ascension from our heart center unto the brow center. The Holy Spirit joins with our human spirit in the heart center and ascends to the throat center in which condition we are still mortal men under the influence of Christ, but when we pass over and our consciousness ascends to the center between the brows we become supernatural men. This is our goal.


If you have the Holy Spirit, if you have reason to believe that Christ is being formed in you, you have reason to believe that you are living out of your heart center every time you are living out of Christ. Now, on the occasions that you are living out of Christ you have to be at least in your heart center, but on the occasions that you are living out of your carnal mind you could be anywhere lower than that. The Scripture says to think on high things. We have a choice as to what we think about. We have a choice as to what we talk about. We have a choice as to what we put our mind on, and as you think, so are you. If you are thinking out of the mind of Christ you have to know that you are no lower than your heart center. Depending on what you are thinking out of your carnal mind, you could be anywhere beneath your heart center. So, it is our choice where we abide. We do have a choice.


I want to start now with a review, and there are some changes in this on the levels of consciousness. As I told you this morning, when the Lord first gave me this concept I wrote up the 12 levels of consciousness. I thought they were right at the time, but He is been working with us on one at a time, and He has pretty much changing everything that I originally told you. I feel that I only have the knowledge from Him -- well, I really have heard from Him through 5 and 6 and 7 and 8. I probably have heard from Him through 8. The levels 1-5 each have three sub-levels underneath them. I would image that each of the 12 levels of consciousness have three sub-levels. I just do not know what they are. For levels 6, 7, and 8, I do not know what the sub-levels are at this time. Now remember, we are starting in the heart center.


The first level of consciousness is Reconciliation of the personality to the Holy Spirit. We are reconciled to the Holy Spirit. Now remember, the Holy Spirit is the sperma of Jesus Christ. Jesus who was Christ is abiding above the firmament. He is in the high spiritual plane. He is in the highest spiritual plane with Jehovah, but He has sent His seed to be in the earth.


Remember what we had on the board this morning about the principle of induction? Jesus is in the highest spiritual plane, and a part of His energy, a part of Himself, is down here in the earth. This concept of the Trinity is an absolute idolatrous and pagan concept. Hear O Israel, your God, the Lord your God is one God. There is only one God, but He has the authority to send out aspects of Himself to different places and to perform different functions, but there is just one God. There are not three separate persons. It is a lie, and that concept comes out of paganism. The Lord Jesus is in the highest plane, but the sperm of Himself, that part of Himself that has the power to reproduce the life, the very life blood, the spiritual life blood of Jesus Christ in the fallen individual, is in the earth. Can you hear that?


So, the first level of consciousness is Reconciliation of our personality to the Holy Spirit, and we see that there are three levels under that. A relationship with the Holy Spirit, recognition of sins, and repentance. This is all part of the first level of consciousness. Now, as soon as you are reconciled to the Holy Spirit, we are talking about the heart center. Please note that I put in brackets the words hope and faith. That is very interesting, because the Lord has given me a revelation of faith, hope, and charity which I never had before. Actually, it should be hope, faith, and charity. Sometimes in the Scripture, and I have been talking about this for years, we get our verses or our sentences in the verses in the wrong order. That is what the Alternate Translation is all about, putting them in a logical order. I believe that the order should be hope, faith, and charity.


What is hope? We know that the Scripture does say that first we hear the message of His salvation, and we have the hope that it will happen to us. The foolishness of preaching gives us the hope, and then the hope produces faith. First, we hope that it will happen, and then, we have faith that it will happen, and faith is Christ being formed in you. Our faith is worthless. We need the faith of the Son of God. So we hear the message preached, our carnal mind has hope, and the faith of the Son of God is formed in us.


So it is hope, faith, and charity. Charity is the translation of the Greek word agape. I would like to suggest to you, that the hope begins in your heart center, and it is a relationship with the Holy Spirit by which the Holy Spirit is not engrafted to your human spirit. You hear the message, and you hope that maybe it is true, or maybe it could happen to you, and through this hope you are reconciled to the whole Godhead through a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the aspect of Jesus Christ that is in the earth.


The second aspect of the first level of consciousness is Recognition of Sin, and that is a confession by faith. We are sinners. You must have heard that preached when you first came to the Lord. You have to admit that you are a sinner. We admit that we are a sinner, that we cannot stand up against God, that we are all sinners. This is a general repentance, and that comes forth as faith begins to form in our heart center. We recognize sin. Now what this is really saying is that as the Holy Spirit grafts to your human spirit and Christ is conceived, it is Christ in you that is looking at the othe -- it is a separation.


As the Holy Spirit cleaves and grafts to your human spirit, now that there is a new you, you can look at the old you and say, Yes, I am a sinner. Did you ever hear the expression that you cannot see the forest for the trees? When Christ is not being formed in you, when the only mind you have is the carnal mind, it is very hard to see that you are a sinner, but the sign that the Holy Spirit is grafted to your human spirit and Christ is conceived is that you recognize that, Yeah, I am a sinner. So, that is the faith being formed in you. You are still in your heart center.


The third aspect of Reconciliation is repentance by faith. I am sorry that I am a sinner, but there is really no specific change. You may be giving up major, obvious behavioral sin, smoking, drinking, adultery, fornication, behavioral sins. That is all a part of reconciliation to the Godhead through a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Try to understand, that as we can attest to the fact that we are having these experiences, our consciousness is ascending from the heart center upward toward the throat center. We are ascending.


Let us say this. Under reconciliation, recognition of sin, confession by faith and repentance by faith. Let us say that the Holy Spirit is drawing closer to our human spirit, and at the point that the Holy Spirit actually grafts to our human spirit we have entered into justification, the second level. The Holy Spirit is fully grafted to the human spirit, and the results of full grafting, full union between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit is that the exposure of the hidden sins of the heart begin, and this is the exposure of the man of sin. It is not behavioral sin. It is nothing that you could see with your eyes. If you are a very, very sharp person you may be able to pick up very subtle things that people say and very subtle behavior. This is a very difficult aspect for a lot of people. A lot of people say to me, What did I do? What did I say? I want to change it. It is nothing that you did or said. It is something that has proceeded forth from your heart that Christ in me has perceived. It is sin, ascending like vapor up from the sin nature, and in a lot of people it is very, very hard to see.

That is why the Two-Witness Company is going forth to expose the hidden sins of the heart, because there is no way that your consciousness is ascending into the brow center in righteousness without the exposure of the hidden sins of your heart. If you go up there, if your consciousness ascends up there, and your sin nature is still manifesting freely, your sin nature will be up there with you, and you have to understand that it is impossible for your sin nature and Christ to occupy the same spiritual center. Only one can prevail, and if you cannot recognize the operation of your sin nature, the one who will prevail is your sin nature, and your spiritual power in righteousness will be overthrown. No one is out to get you.


Jesus is not out to get you. He wants all of us to ascend in consciousness to a place of spiritual authority and righteousness where we are inviolable, where our grandchildren cannot be in car accidents, where we do not get sick, and in which we do not walk around limping because arthritis is bothering our knee. Jesus Christ wants something good for us, but there are spiritual laws that have to be satisfied or we will not be able to abide in what He has for us.


Jesus knows that our carnal mind and the Serpent -- we established this morning that there are two Serpents within us. We are vipers. Jesus told the Pharisees that we are vipers, that these words Serpent and Serpent-Fire are taking about spiritual powers that are vicious. This is no game. Whoever reaches the stronghold first or the high place first, the brow center, controls the whole person, and if your sin nature is not being repressed, Kundalini is going to be up in your brow center, and there will be no way you can repress your sin nature if you cannot recognize it when it is manifesting. That is what the judgment is all about. Not to get you or hurt you or embarrass you, but to save your life. That is the bottom line.


We are on justification. The Holy Spirit grafts to the human spirit, the hidden sins of the heart, which is the man of sin is exposed and confession and repentance of specific sins. The only way we can confess and repent of specific sins is if we see it. It is very, very hard to see it. What we are doing here is, if I tell you, or someone else tells you who is anointed to do it, if you believe they are in Christ, if they tell you that a particular sin has just manifested in something that you said that you thought was harmless but you cannot see it, the correct behavior is to say, Lord, I am going to believe this is true. If it is not true, then this cannot hurt me, and I am going to confess this sin on faith because I cannot see it, and I am asking you to show it to me so that my confession can be powerful. It is only when we really see it and confess it that the power to root it out is imputed to us. Confess on faith and ask the Lord to help you, because I cannot see without hindrance, there are still some hindrances in me, but I see more than all of you here. I see your enemy, the destroyer of your soul. I see her activity.


The third level of consciousness is Sanctification. We are talking about the embryonic Christ. The newly conceived Christ, that is an embryo, divorces, or separates from the carnal mind by warfare. How do you separate from your carnal mind? The only way you can separate from your carnal mind is by falling out of agreement with it -- I recognize that I did not realize it when I was saying it, but that was sin that rose up in my heart that manifested in those words. I rebuke you, I do not want to be like that, I do not want to think like that, I do not want to feel like that; therefore, I flee unto Christ, Paul says, and I reject you, and I rebuke you, and I curse, and I break your power over me to think evil through me. That is exactly what Paul was talking about when he said, If you do this, it is no longer you, but sin that dwelleth in you, and no sin is imputed unto you.


If a sin is pointed out to you, whether you can see it or not, if you could just take that attitude, there is no sin imputed. What does that mean, that there is no sin imputed unto you? We are talking about the sowing and reaping judgment. If you can either see the sin yourself or someone points it out to you, when you can receive it, that blocks the sowing and reaping judgment right there. That is the end of it, it stops right there. It is not that there is no judgment for your sin, but your sin has been judged by the white throne judgment. There is a reaping and sowing in the satanic judgment, which is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil.


If you have manifested a spirit of witchcraft, destruction is coming on your family somewhere, but if someone in Christ points out the manifestation of witchcraft, that you had no idea of, you are shocked, but that was a spirit of witchcraft that rose in you -- if you can just say, OK, I receive that you perceived it, I hear what you say, it makes sense and I am going to repent, it kills the satanic judgment, because the white throne judgment has replaced it, and you have repented with understanding. You have understood that, yes, this is what manifested out of your mind, and you are going to work on not doing it any more. You are now under grace in that area, and every time that sin manifests in you, the Lord will remind you until it is completely rooted out of you.


I war every day. I am a terrible sinner, there is great wickedness in my mind. Sometime I cannot even bear to look at it, but I keep exposing it, and I keep confessing it to the Lord, and I keep asking Him to have mercy on me, and the sowing and reaping judgment is forestalled. It cannot touch me. The evil cannot touch me because it is no longer me, but sin that dwells in me, and the day of her destruction is near.


Sanctification -- we are talking about the embryonic Christ divorcing the carnal mind by warfare. We have to fight against our own nature. The new righteous mind that Christ has given us wars against our own self in three stages. Separation from the evil conscious mind which manifests as selfishness. Pride that is selfishness is not really concerned with other people that much. It is just, I want, I want, give me, me, I, I am going to do what's best for me. That is the kind of pride that comes out of the conscious mind. The kind of pride that comes out of the unconscious mind, which is Satan, is destruction, and that manifests as envy and hate. What we have discussed in the past is that Satan will break somebody's resolve to do something. It will weaken their resolve to do something, and that is a manifestation of Satan.


If somebody that you know tells you that they want to go on a diet, or they want to give up a certain kind of food, or they want to go on to some kind of discipline, and you have a choice of supporting them or tempting them to do what they do not want to -- do not get hung up on your conscious mind -- if what comes out of your mouth is a temptation or a suggestion or a seduction for them to do what they are resolving not to do, but they are weak, that is a manifestation of Satan using your unconscious mind. That is what it is. You do not have to plan it, you do not have to plot it, you do not have to think about it. If you are breaking somebody's resolve to do something, Satan has manifested through you. You have committed adultery. You have had an incident of spiritual intercourse with Satan.


Now, if you have done it, do not get all messed up over it. Just tell the Lord, I did it, but I want to stop. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus to those who are called according to His purposes, because if you condemn yourself it is just another trick of your carnal mind that is trying to stop you from killing your carnal mind. If you are under condemnation, it is your carnal mind. As long as your carnal mind is manifesting she is alive and well, and she has to be buried. Therefore, condemnation in itself is the sin of pride. Our goal is the middle path. Confession, acknowledgment that it is there, no great emotion or panic that you are this terrible person, but just get rid of the thing. Just get rid of the thing.


Separation from your evil subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is usually responsible for malignant pride, which is largely identified by scapegoating, by refusal to or failure to take responsibility for one's actions and throwing it off on the other person. The conscious mind is selfish -- me, myself, and I s all that matters. The subconscious mind says, Oh no, not me, it is her. Now we are involving another person here. Scapegoating involves another person, and I call that malignant pride. It is more serious than the selfishness of me, myself, and I. The unconscious envy and hate is malevolent pride. That is the word the Lord gave me.


The fourth level of consciousness is Election of Christ over the animal life. Now this whole world, everything we do here, is a part of the animal life. All of the labor that we do, bathing your baby and dressing her up and whatever labor you do here, as precious as it is to you, it is part of a lifestyle which is on a very low spiritual plane. The Lord is not asking you to hate it -- He is not asking you to do anything. He is offering you the opportunity to ascend in your consciousness to a place where you will be a supernatural person, and He is telling you that if you want His offer, He is giving us an invitation that is all throughout the Scriptures.


He is inviting us, and if you accept His invitation to ascend in a high spiritual plane you must know that this is not an opportunity to which we can apply the principle of induction. It is conduction. You cannot stay in the animal plane and abide in the high spiritual plane also. If you accept His invitation you will be conducted, your consciousness will be conducted from your heart center to the center between your eyebrows, and there will be nothing left of you in your heart center. Whatever is down here in this heart center, you have to leave it and emigrate into the center between the brows. He is not forcing anybody in this hour. He is inviting us. You do not have to go if you do not want to.


He said to the Gideons, Send all the fearful home. You do not have to go if you do not want to, and in this hour it is a matter of choice. I think it will probably always be a matter of choice. The reason He is starting today, in most instances, in people who are devastated in one way or another, either from severe physical illness or emotional problems or whatever your story is. There has to be some kind of devastation in your life, whether you are recognizing it or not, if you have come this far. As the first fruits stand up in full stature they will be a beacon to the world, to the rest of the world that thinks they are happy. We have millions of people int his country that think they are happy.


They have many material blessings here, they have family life, they have sex, they think they are very happy, but they see what it is to be a spiritual man, when they have something to compare their life to they will realize the superiority of the life that Jesus Christ is offering us, and they will willfully come. Especially at the very last when the people who have not chosen to come up until that point, when they realize that this timeline is coming to an end, they will surely come then, and those who do not, at that point, will cease to exist.


Election of Christ over the animal life, election of Christ over material possessions, election of Christ over family life, election of Christ over human sexuality. Brethren, if you are looking for a husband or a wife, and the Lord has not given you a mate, He is not being cruel to you. You may be called to be a eunuch in His Kingdom. There is nothing wrong with these things as long as He lets you have it. I will tell you more and more how I pray because I find out that people really have trouble praying.


My prayer is, Lord, I like material things, I have to admit to you I am not a person who loves poverty, I am not a person who loves a restricted life, I like nice things, and there are a lot of things in this world that I can enjoy and that I do enjoy. My prayer is, Lord, I want everything that You are willing to give me, but at the point that I cannot have both, there is no contest, I choose You. No matter what it is, I choose You, but I will take anything and everything of this world that You are willing to give me, and enjoy it. I enjoy my comfort, I will not lie to you. I enjoy my comfort, and I will take whatever He gives me, but if He takes it away, He takes it away.


The fifth level of consciousness is Adoption of the personality. Christ comes under obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has grafted to our human spirit and Christ is being formed, and then that Christ that is being formed -- the Holy Spirit is Father to the Christ that is being formed in us. The Holy Spirit is the parakaleo. He is leading us to Jesus. There was some talk Friday night about Him pointing us to Jesus. He is not pointing us to Jesus. He is leading us to Jesus, and Jesus is above the firmament.


The Holy Spirit's job is to raise our consciousness up to the brow center, and Jesus is standing at the door of our crown center, and there will be a communication between us at that point. That is how the Holy Spirit brings us to Jesus. So, there is a marriage of the Christ, of the developing Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and then there is a union between the developing Christ, the Holy Spirit and the personality. They twist together like a three-fold cord.


The adoption of the personality is that Christ comes under obedience to the Holy Spirit )Christ fuses to the Holy Spirit), and Christ and the Holy Spirit fuse to the personality. Now, those three things may be happening simultaneously, and I have in my notes that Christ fusing to the Holy Spirit is the full baptism with the Holy Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit, the receiving of the Holy Spirit is the grafting of the Holy Spirit to our human spirit, and that the lesser manifestation is not the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the experience that you have when your human spirit is grafted to the Holy Spirit, and then Christ marries the Holy Spirit and ascends to the brow center. If you are truly baptized with the Holy Spirit, your consciousness has ascended to the brow center.


Now, please remember, that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is not necessarily a permanent condition. The Holy Spirit is typified by water, and water rises and falls, rises and falls. If your anointing is coming out of the Holy Spirit, it rises and falls. You are not in the same place all the time. I am not in the same place all the time or everyday, so it is possible for your consciousness to be somewhere between your heart center and the center between the brow, and anytime the Holy Spirit wants to, He can just catch you up into your brow center. It has happened to me several times except that I did not understand what happened to me, but now I understand. The Lord Jesus has something for me to do. Perhaps He wants to impart something to you, some knowledge or some message, or He wants to reveal Himself to you, and He will energize your human spirit whereever you are in your maturation. He will energize your consciousness, and you go shooting up to the brow center.


I had an experience once that it seemed very close to being under water. Now I know what that means because the Holy Spirit is water. I did not know it at the time. Everything was just floating. It was wonderful. I have been with the Lord 19 years. It happened several times. It was just wonderful. Now, whether or not I was actually in my brow center at the time, I am not sure, but I think I was, and the reason the Lord did this is that He wanted me to pray for a man who He intended to help. So the Holy Spirit joined Himself to Christ in me, dragged me up to the brow center, gave me spiritual power, and the man was helped. That has happened to me several times in 19 years. Maybe four times, for the Lord's purposes.


So the Holy Spirit rises and falls, and I think Peter was speaking to someone in the Scripture, and it says, And Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, pronounced the judgment on this man. Peter, in my opinion, was never in a permanent condition of abiding in his brow center. He manifested in his carnal mind quite a few times. There is a record of it in the Scripture. So Peter was present, and the Holy Spirit wanted to execute a judgment through him. He laid hold of Christ in Peter, dragged him up to the brow center. Now you have to realize that when your consciousness is in the brow center your carnal mind is completely repressed. It is very important that you understand that.


The significance of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is that your carnal mind is completely repressed, and that you are living out of a supernatural mind That is why the sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is that you speak in other human languages. I do not know if I was fully ascended into the brow center because if I was I never spoke in other languages. If I was fully ascended into the brow center, and the distinguishing sign is that I was fully baptized in the Holy Spirit, then I would have to say that everybody that is fully baptized does not have to speak in other tongues, but the problem is I do not know and you do not know if you were fully up here. You could have been anywhere your throat center and your brow center. Do you understand what I am saying? So, we do not know if your consciousness could have ascended to your brow center without you speaking in other human languages. We do not know about that.


The point that I am trying to make right now is that it does not necessarily abide forever. The anointing that abides forever is what happened to Jesus. He was anointed of the Holy Spirit. He was not baptized with the Holy Spirit. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit. It was not water in Him that was rising. It was oil in Him that was rising. There is a difference between the Holy Spirit and the oil of Christ. So, it is very possible for any one of us that have received the Holy Spirit, that has a relationship with the Holy Spirit, at anytime that He wants, to raise us up to the brow center for His purposes. But you do not stay there forever. As soon as His purposes are accomplished you come down, and you come down to the level of your instruction.


You see, we are all growing, and we are maturing, and we are climbing up this ladder, and we are ascending a step at a time, as we overcome our carnal mind, as we study to show ourselves approved, and overcome our carnal mind. We are ascending slowly. For an emergency, the Holy Spirit catches us up to a place which is completely disproportionate to the degree to which we have overcome our carnal mind. Do you follow me? Do you know what I am saying? So, when you have finished your assignment you drop back down to the place that you have already progressed to.


We can be baptized in the Holy Spirit many times, as the Lord has need for us to be that high. As we keep on studying to show ourselves approved, and as we continue to destroy our sin nature, when we ascend into the brow center, because of our labor in Christ, we will never go down again. So it will not be the baptism of the Holy Spirit any more. It will be the oil of Christ Jesus having ascended to the brow center, and no man can take it away from us.


The sixth level of consciousnessI have down for now, Warfare with the immortals of the fourth dimension. That is what we see in Revelation, Chapter 12, Verse 7. I know that we have experienced a degree of warfare. Everybody here is a warrior, but I believe we have not seen anything yet. I believe that when we ascend into the brow chakra we are really going to face a severe conflict with the Dragon's angels in the fourth dimension, and, of course, we are full well able to overcome, but there is going to be a conflict.


The seventh level of consciousness is occupation of the center between the brow. As we approach the brow center the immortals in the fourth dimension do not want us entering into the brow center. We are talking about a military action here. I mentioned this earlier. We are to ascend into the center between the brows, and occupy it. Jesus says, Occupy until I come, and He is coming in the crown center. We will be ascending beyond the brow center, and He will be entering the brow center, and we are going to meet Him in the air somewhere between the brow center and the crown center. Jesus said, Occupy until I come.


So we are going to have a war probably just as we approach the brow center. Either we will have the war then, or as we ascend to it they will converge on us and try to knock us out. I am not really sure, but it seems to me that the intelligent military move is that they would try to knock us out before we even get in. We have got a big war coming. All of us here have been warring for years. I have been warring for years, but we have a war on a level that we have never warred on before. It is a war on a different level. I do not exactly know what it will be, but it definitely will be a war of the mind, and this is part of our training. Our mind is being trained here. We are being trained in mind warfare. That is one of the things that we are learning here.


Even if you could ascend to the sixth center, if your training in warfare is not adequate you will never occupy it, you will never hold it. That is why what Jesus has invited us to and what we are headed to right now could never be imparted by the laying on of hands. It requires knowledge and understanding and experience and endurance which only comes from experience.


You will never ever hold on to what Jesus gives you if you do not attain it yourself. If it is given to you, if it is handed to you, you will not hold it, and I know someone right now who was in business with her father, making a lot of money, and her father died and left her the business. All of his friends tried to help her, and she could not do it. She has given up the business. She could not do it. She could not hold it. She did not build the business; it was handed to her, she could not hold it. Jesus is not giving us a hard time. We must fight our way into the Kingdom, because if we do not fight our way into the Kingdom we will never stand. As soon as we get there we will be knocked out, and this was the whole principle behind Adam's test.


The Lord is being blasphemed by the whole Church world today over Adam's test. Yes, God tested Adam. It was a righteous test. Adam was handed the Kingdom, and he could not hold it. I condemn him not, but the truth is he could not hold it so he is now having experiences, overcoming experiences, and when he takes the Kingdom back he will hold it. I do not know about you, but that makes sense to me. I do not know how the whole Church world has bought this lie. It amazes me. The answer is that their carnal mind has gotten ahold of them.


The seventh level of consciousness is occupation of the sixth center, and the eighth level of consciousness is marriage to the Lord Jesus who is above the firmament, and we are meeting Him in the air somewhere between the sixth and seventh centers.


Now, I gave you a few Scriptures on hope because I wanted to emphasize that this word hope which, to me, never was a particularly power word, but this word hope  signifies the Holy Spirit. Hope is the un-engrafted Holy Spirit. Faith is the engrafted Holy Spirit in the heart center. Charity or agape love is Christ, the Holy Spirit and your personality in the sixth center. I always saw faith, hope and charity as nice words, but that they were notreally significant. They are very significant. Hope is the Holy Spirit. Hope is the Holy Spirit before He is engrafted to our human spirit.


Let us just take a few minutes to go over these Scriptures.


Acts 16:19, And when her master saw the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silasm and drew them into the market place unto the others. This hope is not the Holy Spirit. This hope is a negative hope. When the masters saw that their hope of their gains was gone, when the masters saw that their spiritual power was gone. Now if I am not mistaken, this Scriptures occurs right after Paul rebuked the spirit of divination in the woman that was traveling with Jesus. So when they saw that their hope of their gains was gone, Paul killed their spiritual power. Paul knocked out their spiritual power. He knocked out their hope to accomplish their goals.


Acts 23:6, And when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; of the hope and resurrection of the dead, I am called in question. I never understood that. Paul said, I am called in question because of the Holy Spirit and because of the resurrected Christ. That is what he said. I understood the resurrection of the dead, but I never understood what he was talking about when he said, I am called on the carpet because of hope. In other words, Paul was living in his experience, he was strongly joined to the Holy Spirit. Christ was raised from the dead in him, he was in Jesus' stead, and the Pharisees and the Sadducees wanted to kill him because of his commitment to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus Christ. The resurrection of the dead that He is talking about is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. For that reason, He is being persecuted.


Acts 26:6, And now I stand, and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers. And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made unto our fathers. The promise is that you will be a supernatural people, and the hope of the promise is that vehicle which will accomplish the promise. And what is going to accomplish the promise in our life? How are we getting to the brow center? You have to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. It starts with a relationship with the Holy Spirit. So, Paul is saying, For the hope of the promise, for the beginning of the promise, for the vehicle that produces the promise, for the seed that produces the promise, he is judged. Because of the Holy Spirit he is judged because he is obeying the Holy Spirit because his whole life is given over to the Holy Spirit.


Acts 26:7, Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope sake, King Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews. Unto which promise? That is the promise of salvation, the promise of being a supernatural people ascending to the brow chakra, the promise of our twelve tribes, serving God day and night for the hope to come. Paul said, I am serving God day and night, waiting for my ascension into the brow center. Serving God day and night. That does not necessarily mean working your fingers to the bone. It means serving God with your Christ mind and serving God with your carnal mind. The carnal mind can be good or evil, and your Christ mind can control your carnal mind. When you are in your carnal mind, let it do good deeds. Let your carnal mind submit to your Christ mind, let your carnal mind bow her knee to the Christ. So long as she is manifesting, may she be a good witness to the glory of her husband, Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Acts 28:20, For this cause, therefore, have I called you, to see you and to speak with you because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain. The hope of Israel, the Holy Spirit is what Israel has been hoping for. The hope of Israel, the potential in Israel for Christ to be raised from the dead, and for them to become a supernatural people. Paul says he is bound with this chain. If I remember the context of the Scripture correctly the chain is Christ Jesus that was binding him to this ministry for the hope of Israel. The Holy Spirit had called Paul into service. Actually, Jesus Christ called him into service, but his relationship at least at the beginning was with the Holy Spirit, that part of the Lord Jesus who was in the earth.


Romans 4:18, Who, against hope, believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. So, against the hope, against the spirit of his carnal mind, he had to oppose the spirit of his carnal mind to believe the Spirit of God that came to him so that he might believe that he would be a father of many nations. Now, this must be talking about Abraham and, of course, the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus' seed, and did not exist at that time, but it was talking about the Spirit of God. He had to oppose the spirit of his carnal mind to receive the spiritual communication from God. I guess it would be Elohim in this context. He had to go against the spirit of his carnal mind to believe Elohim who was giving him hope that he might become the father of many nations.


Romans 5:5, And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us. We are not ashamed that we have this hope. We are not ashamed of the Holy Spirit. We are not ashamed of the seed that has the potential to raise Christ and cause our consciousness to ascend to a supernatural place. We are not ashamed of it, because the love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Spirit, and we know that the Holy Spirit is the hope of Israel. He is saying that this hope is now coming to pass because the love of God has sent us the Holy Spirit, the vehicle by which Christ will be raised from the dead, in the individual, the next step. Are there any questions or comments at this point?


COMMENT: When you were talking about ascending consciousness, I heard the Lord say, Promotion comes from the Lord. I had always thought promotion was like: in the business world, you get a promotion. Just like vengeance comes from the Lord, or even in the ministry, you get a change in your job. I never, ever thought of it as ascending levels of consciousness, and that it is the Lord who promotes you.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I think it means all of those things. I think that Scripture is valid on whatever level of consciousness we are abiding, but it also means that, yes, we shall ascend by the power of God into a supernatural state of consciousness. Amen.


Numbers 21:6, And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. That makes Jehovah sound really bad. I worked it up. I have an Alternate Translation and then an amplified. And Jehovah divorced, that is a translation of the word sent, the people. He did not send fiery serpents after them. He divorced them. When He divorces us we are open to all kinds of curses and attacks. When Jehovah divorces you, the fiery Serpent heads right for you. Can you hear that? There is a big difference. Now this Hebrew word can easily be translated divorce. It was the carnal mind of the King James translators that translated this Scripture saying, Jehovah sent them, get them man, get them, sic them. Jehovah never did any such thing.


And Jehovah divorced the people. Why? You may recall they were complaining and mumbling against Moses, His servant. And the Serpent and the fiery Serpent -- I mentioned that on the message earlier in this morning's message -- in the King James translation the word Serpent just appeared once, but in the Interlinear Text they are two different words. Serpent (Nachash) and fiery Serpent (Seraphim). And the serpents and the fiery serpents -- now the reason the words are plural is that the Serpent and the fiery Serpent shot forth in each individual. It was not that any one individual was attacked by a snake pit of serpents.


The Serpent, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind of every individual shot forth as soon as Jehovah divorced them. Sometimes it is appropriate, and this is one amplification, to take two translations of one word. So these words shot forth are a second translation of the word sent. Jehovah divorced, and shot forth. The whole purpose of it being just one Hebrew word; the whole significance of it being one Hebrew word is cause and effect. Jehovah divorced, the Serpent shot forth. It is perceived as one action. Jehovah left, the Serpents moved in. No vacuum. Cause and effect.


And the ungodly gain gnawed on them. I have translated the word bit twice. And the serpents bit them, the King James says. But we are translating that word bit as gnawed which is obvious, to gnaw on them. But another translation of that word is increase, ungodly gain, and it is talking about usury. The major significance of the word is usury, and usury is interest, an unlawful percentage of interest. We have laws against usury in this country. That is the principle behind loan sharking. Loan sharks are illegal money lenders, and sometimes they charge as much as 50% interest, and you are not able pay them back. It is a crime, and you go to jail if you are caught doing that. It is illegal to charge 50% interest. The amount of interest that can be charged is set by the government, and as far as the Hebrews were concerned it is not legal to charge interest to anyone you are helping in Israel. At least, according to the civil law of Israel, you could not charge interest to an Israelite, only to a non-Israelite. Did you know that?


Well, that was the civil law, but to the best of my knowledge, the religious Jews that keep the law do honor that. As a matter of fact, I was told that there a very, very wealthily man that lives somewhere in New York State, I did not put his name on the message, and he is an Orthodox Jew. I do not know if he is ? with the black hats and coats or not, but at least he is orthodox. He lives in an orthodox community, and anybody that needs money, any member of that community that needs money just calls his house, and they get the loan.


You do not have to tell them what you need it for, you get the loan, no interest, when you have the money you pay it back. For the Jews who follow the law this is a big thing, helping their brother Israelites. You should not be making money on friends. We have some connections with a couple of health food stores for the people of the ministry that want vitamins, and at the time, my father was living with me, and we had some health care aides here. To anyone who wants these vitamins there is no money made here, I give them to you at the discounted price that I get them. You are not supposed to make money off of your friends. I had a friend working as a health care aide, and when I made them this offer, because I was making it to all the health care aides, they thought that I was making money off of them. Now this person is a Christian, but could not believe that I would not make money off of them.


So this is a Christian with an unregenerate mind. This particular Christian. And this is what I have against Tupperware parties. If you want to go to Tupperware parties you go, but I do not have Tupperware parties, and I do not go. It is OK if I know that you are in the business, and I have a need for Tupperware, and I look you up because I want a piece of Tupperware, that is OK. But when you call me up and you say, you are my friend and I am having a Tupperware party, and I am under an obligation to go because you are my friend, this is ungodly. It is an ungodly soul tie, and it is an ungodly obligation.


So there was an ungodly gain, and I want to suggest to you that the ungodly gain was the Serpent-Fire that joined with the Serpent of the conscious mind and went rushing into the sixth center between the brow. Jehovah divorced them, there was a hole in their hedge, and the Serpent-Fire and the Serpent's ungodly increase went running in to take the hill. When the Serpent-Fire got there she gnawed on them. I do have a study on the word gnawed. We will get to it in a little while.


I have translated the word bit twice. Again, it is a cause and effect. The ungodly gain, the Serpent-Fire gains the sixth center, went charging in, and when she got them, she gnawed on them. Cause and effect. And the gathering of the people. Now, this is a translation of the word people. I see in my notes we are dealing with the word #5971 and that is from another Hebrew word #6004 which means the gathering together of the people. So the ungodly gain gnawed on them, and the gathering together of the people died prematurely. Now what is the gathering together of the people? It is the three-fold cord of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the human spirit (the personality).


Now, this is the Old Testament. Let me get the words right. The human spirit, the personality. Now all of these were baptized into Moses. So it was Moses' spirit who was connected to Adam and Michael that was actually in their spiritual being sustaining them. Moses' spirit was twisted together with Michael and Adam on one end, and on the other end, Moses' spirit was twisted together with the human spirits of the individual Hebrew and with their personality.


The Scripture says, And the gathering together of the people. That is the gathering together of the people. Now the first time you hear it, it sounds like the people are gathering together, but I want to suggest to you that it is the gathering together of the people through Moses to Adam, and Michael and to Jehovah. It is the gathering of the people unto God, and each individual person was gathered unto Moses, or baptized into Moses, and through Moses, gathered unto God. It says the gathering of the people died. Jehovah divorced them, Kundalini went rushing in, gnawed on them, and the three-fold cord disintegrate. And the people's connection to the Godhead above separated, and they experienced spiritual death. I do not believe they experienced physical death. They experienced spiritual death. Are you with me, is this making any sense to you?


And they died  prematurely. That is a translation of the word died in the King James. It can be translated die prematurely, and I choose that word because they were not supposed to die. The reason they died was that they were supernatural beings, their consciousness abiding in the brow center, and they were mumbling and grumbling and complaining against Moses. They were filled with pride and envy, and what does that mean. brethren? There is no pride or envy or complaining and mumbling and grumbling in Christ. You have to be in your carnal mind to be mumbling and grumbling and complaining. So these Hebrews were abiding in a supernatural place and living out of their carnal mind. Can you hear this?


Their consciousness was in a supernatural place, and they were thinking with their carnal mind, and Jehovah divorced them. Now this is exactly what I was talking about approximately a half hour ago or the beginning of this message. This exposure of our sin nature is essential, because you have got to know that when you ascend to the brow center in Christ, if your carnal mind is thinking through you or speaking through you, the Lord Jesus is going to divorce you, and it is not a punishment. It is a cause and effect event. You cannot be dwelling in a supernatural place in Christ Jesus and yielding to your carnal mind, because the result of that behavior will be that, by your own choice, you will have chosen the Serpent over the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the reality of it. The King James translation is not the reality. Jehovah does not punish you. The Lord Jesus Christ does not punish you. He does not send serpents to bite you. He does not despise you. He is not displeased with you, but when you turn towards the Serpent you turn your back towards Jesus, and the natural fruit of that action is that you separate from Him.


Amplified translation, So Jehovah divorced the people, and the serpents and the fiery serpents shot forth, and the ungodly gain gnawed on them, and the gathering together of the people and their gathering together with the captain died prematurely. I am sorry, I did not read you the whole thing from above. I was saying, And the gathering together of the people died prematurely, and the gathering of the people. That word people is there twice. And the gathering together of the people died prematurely, and the gathering together of the people with the captain....people appears three times. Fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and the people died.


There is a word there in the Interlinear Text, much. Now does that sound like a simple word? And much people of Israel died, King James. That is the Hebrew word translated much. It is a very important word. It is a Hebrew word that is short for Rabbi. It means captain of the host. It is a word that refers to Jesus Christ, or in the Old Testament, it would be the Resurrected Adam. The captain of the host, and it is translated much. So the gathering together of the people died prematurely. Now I make it clear if you look at the amplified translation. In the next paragraph I make it a little clearer.


The first gathering together of the people is the human spirit, plus Moses' spirit, equals Christ raised in the individual. The individual human spirit, plus Moses' spirit. Now it is not the Holy Spirit, it is Moses' spirit that raises Christ in the individual, and then Christ in the individual was twisted together with Michael above the firmament, because Moses was twisted together with Michael above the firmament. Michael raised Adam from the dead in Moses. Moses raised Adam from the dead in the people. Michael came down and raised Adam from the dead in Moses.


When Moses went to the people he was the personification of the Resurrected Adam plus Michael. That is what we call Christ Jesus today. Moses went to the individual people, joined his spirit to their human spirit and raised Adam from the dead in the people. Because Adam was raised from the dead in the individual and attached to Moses' spirit the individual person was also twisted together with Michael from above, because Moses was twisted together with Michael from above. Can you hear that? So this cord was untwisted. Jehovah divorced the people, the Serpent-Fire came in, and this union started to fall apart. The altar was breaking down.


Remember, in Noah the altar was rebuilt for the third time. Jehovah is in the eternal world, Michael is up in the eternal world. He never leaves. He is attached to Elohim and Jehovah. Adam is raised in the earth of the individual, and we are re-connected to the eternal world above. When Adam is raised from the dead in us, and we are connected to the one who is above -- in the Old Testament it was Michael, in the New Testament it is the Lord Jesus -- we are re-connected to the eternal Godhead. That is what we are headed for.


It is the Holy Spirit's job to get our consciousness into the brow center, and then there is just a short distance between the brow center and the crown center. Jesus is waiting in the eternal world. Jesus, connected to the eternal world, is waiting at the brow center, and when we make that connection, when we meet Him in the air between the sixth and seventh center, the altar will be reestablished in our individual life and we will be re-connected to eternity. It will be impossible for us to die. That was Jesus' testimony. It was impossible for Him to die.


Apparently, this is the condition that Israel was in in the wilderness. They were reconnected to Michael. They were way beyond where we are. Adam was raised in the dead in them, and the altar was reconstructed in their life. Can you imagine that? The altar was reconstructed in their life, and they were mumbling and grumbling and jealous of Moses, and when they yielded to their carnal mind, the natural consequence of their agreeing with their carnal mind pulled them away from their union with Jehovah. Jehovah did not do anything. They pulled away from Him. The Scripture says He divorced them, but the reality is that they pulled away from Him. Brethren, He wants us. He probably wants us more than we can imagine because we cannot even relate to Him on His level, but when we pull away from Him He lets us go and He lets us have our experience. That is what this whole world is all about. We are experiencing consciousness without Jehovah.


So Jehovah divorced the people, and the Serpents and the fiery Serpents shot forth, and the ungodly gain gnawed on them. That ungodly gain is a union of the Serpent, which is the conscious mind, and the fiery Serpent, which is the Kundalini. They come together, and there is a spiritual increase there that would be likened unto Christ Jesus for us. And the ungodly gain gnawed on them, and the gathering together of the people. That is the human spirit plus Moses' spirit, which formed Christ. And their gathering together with the captain of Israel, that is the Resurrected Adam, or Christ in them plus Michael, died prematurely. Their new life died prematurely. It was not supposed to die. Any questions on that?


We have a word study on the word gnaw. In the dictionary it means to bite, to chew on. It also means to diminish gradually. I want to suggest to you that these unions of the Resurrected Adam in the individual that was twisted together with Moses' spirit, and then that union twisting together with Michael above, they diminished gradually. Brethren, I want to tell you that I have experienced this. It is so wicked, it is so gradual, you do not know that it is happening. I want to tell you, that when it happened to me I had to really resist being angry at God.


Why does it happen in such a subtle way? Why is not it obvious? Well, it should have been obvious. I should have known that what I was doing was wrong, but you do not know it because your conscience is seared, and by the time you wake up, in many cases, it is too late. It was not too late for me. God had mercy on me. It happens so slowly that most people do not understand they are backsliding. What happened to me was that I had such an intense relationship with the Lord that one day I woke up, and I said, Hey, I am not hearing, the Lor id not talking to me. I realized that He was not talking to me, and I did not even know what was wrong. So I went before Him and said, Lord, why are you not talking to me? And that was what saved me. He responded to me, and told me and I repented, and I was restored. But if you do not have that intense relationship with the Lord, that you would recognize it if He does not talk to you that much in the first place, you may never even realize that you are backsliding. It is gradual.


To erode or diminish gradually, to bite or chew persistently, to cause erosion or gradual diminishment. And that word gnaw is in Revelation 16:10, which says, And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain. This Greek word translated gnawed appears only once. This is the only time it appears in the whole New Testament. It is Strong's #3145, and it means to handle or squeeze, to chew, to consume, to eat, to devour. This understanding of the word gnaw gave us a new translation of Revelation 16:16which we are now translating, And the Holy One, Christ Jesus, the Holy One... 


Of course, this has now given me whole concept of the seven vials. Brethren, it is the seven chakras. That is what it is. The seven seals are the opening of our spiritual power. Our consciousness is ascending up to the sixth or perhaps the seventh center. It says seven so let us say the seven centers, and then once we get up there we are going to be pouring out of them. Our consciousness is ascending up, and when we occupy the supernatural aspects of our person, we will start pouring out. First, we have to pour in and occupy, and then, we start pouring out the spiritual power, and this is the seven vials. The seven seals is the opening up and the possessing of the centers, and the seven vials is the pouring out of the centers.


Here, we are talking about the fifth center, and we know that the fifth center is the throat center. You are not a supernatural man if you are abiding in the fifth center, but that is a pretty good place to be. Let me qualify that. If you have only ascended to your fifth center you are not a supernatural man, but the whole principle is that once you occupy the sixth and the seventh centers your consciousness can pour out of any one of those centers. To be honest with you, I do not know at this point why our consciousness would be pouring out of the fifth center or the fourth center or the sixth center, but apparently where there is going to be spiritual ministry of different levels, that once we ascend to the crown center we can pour out of any of our centers to accomplish a particular work. Is everybody OK with that? Are you following me? I do not have the details right now.


And Christ Jesus, the Holy One....the Scripture says, The Holy One. I have put Christ Jesus in brackets because I know the Holy One is Christ Jesus. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast. That word angel I translated it Holy One. We will be Holy Ones at that point. What does that mean? It means that, at the point that we have ascended up to the seventh chakra, and have the power to pour out of our spiritual centers, we will be sinless, and we will be Christ Jesus.


And Christ Jesus, the Holy One, poured out of His fifth center upon the first center, where the wild animal is. I put first center in brackets because I know that Kundalini is down in the root chakra, but, of course, I am realizing now that we do not really know where she is, that as this warfare comes from the Sons that we pour out of our fifth chakra. How do I know that Kundalini has not ascended to the second, third, and fourth chakra, so I will take this verse out of my translation. Does anyone not understand? OK, I will try again.


Our consciousness is ascending to the seventh chakra. We are going to be powerful spiritual beings. Once we get up there, apparently there is going to be spiritual ministry that we will do, and depending on the spiritual ministry that we want to accomplish, we will be manifesting out of our sixth chakra, out of our fifth chakra, our of our fourth chakra, depending on what it is we want to do. Can you relate to that? You will be using a different level of power for different accomplishments.


The Scripture says that the Holy One, that Christ Jesus in us, poured out of His fifth center, so apparently He wanted to accomplish something here, and what He wanted to accomplish required Him coming down to the fifth center. Coming down from the seventh center to the fifth center, which is the throat, to accomplish a particular spiritual ministry. What the Scripture says that He wanted to accomplish is that He poured out of His fifth center upon the center where the wild animal is, and He blinded her kingdom. The wild animal is Kundalini, but Revelation says the beast, the wild animal.


When I put this translation together I amplified it, and I said, The Holy One poured out upon the first chakra, or the root chakra, because we know that is where Kundalini is. Can you follow that? And now I am saying to myself, as I look at my translation, we do not really know that Kundalini was in the root chakra. Maybe Kundalini was ascending. Maybe the reason Christ Jesus came to pour out His power upon Kundalini was because she was trying to creep up... Now remember, when we are occupying the supernatural mountain, when our consciousness is in the sixth and seventh chakra, Kundalini is not taking this lying down. She wants to get into those centers, and she wants to untwist us from our union with the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps, by the time the Holy One is pouring out of the fifth center, maybe Kundalini had already ascended to the fourth center. We do not know where she was when this happened, so I have to change that translation.


Can anybody discern this incredible anointing that is rolling in here? We have not had one like this for a while. What does this mean? It means we are very high, and the cloud is upon us. This is the cloud of God. Everything looks fuzzy. Does it look fuzzy to anybody else? Father, I pray that you let her see it, I pray that you let her see it. The cloud of the Lord has descended upon us.


We are taking out that first sentence because we do not really know where Kundalini is. At this point, my guess is that the reason Christ Jesus is pouring out upon her is that she has left the first center, and she is probably trying to break into the heart center. Can anyone tell me that Scripture, something of life issues out of the heart? The heart is a main center. You have to have access to the heart center if you are going to ascend any higher. So apparently Kundalini has to occupy the heart center if she is going to have any hope at all of getting into the sixth center.


So I would suspect that if Christ Jesus was pouring out of the fifth center -- now, the fifth center is the throat. It is just above the heart. Kundalini was either occupying the heart center or really attacking the heart center, and Christ Jesus in the individual descended from the seventh chakra down to the fifth chakra. Why do you think He did that? He wanted to get as close as He could to Kundalini and pour out upon her and cover her over. She was either in the heart chakra or attacking it, one or the other.


And Christ Jesus, the Holy One, poured out of His fifth center upon the center where the wild animal is and blinded her kingdom, and their poverty began to diminish. That word poverty is a translation for the word pain. And they gnawed their tongues for pain. In our translation I had not translated the word tongue, and the word tongue  translates as mind  because the tongue and the mouth only speak what the mind is thinking.


The word pain is translated poverty, so we are talking about the poverty-stricken mind, which is the carnal mind. Christ Jesus, the Holy One, poured out of His fifth center upon the center where the wild animal, Kundalini, or the Serpent fire, is and blinded her kingdom. The King James says, and her kingdom was full of darkness.


And their poverty-stricken mind began to diminish, began to disentangle, began to come apart. The same thing that happened to the Hebrew children in the wilderness. The Serpent-Fire that was joined to the personality was twisted together with the Serpent from above. They all started to untwist from one another. I have been praying, I believe the Lord showed me how to do it, and I have been praying recently that the hot oil of the Holy Spirit pours into the lower chakra, and I have been feeling the fiery Serpent in there. So apparently I have been praying this Scripture. Any questions or comments at this point?


Numbers 21:7, Therefore, the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee, speaking to Moses. When you speak against a God-ordained authority you are speaking against the Lord. Pray unto the Lord that He take away the Serpents from us, and Moses prayed for the people. What the people were saying, get rid of Kundalini. She is causing us a lot of trouble. Now, I do not know exactly what they were experiencing, but I have read all kinds of accounts of an ascended Kundalini that can cause physical ailments, can cause actual pain, can cause mental pain, and that the yogis in India who raise up Kundalini apparently have devised methods of raising her up that is beneficial to them, and not detrimental.


The word that I read, that I understand, is that Kundalini raises up spontaneously. It is possible to have a bad trip. When these yogis raise her up they literally control her and direct her through the chakras that they want her to go through. When she rises suddenly of her own accord it can be very painful, so I am told. I only know one person who had some what of an experience with the spontaneous ascension of Kundalini. Actually, I know two people who have had that experience, and they both told me it was terrible. I cannot relate to it. I have never had that experience.


The word pray, And Moses prayed for the people, is talking about intercession. That Moses should intercede with his relationship with Michael, who is the intermediary between himself and Jehovah, that Jehovah should take away the Serpent, should force Kundalini back down into her nest.


This is my comment:  The fiery Serpents are not mentioned here. This Hebrew word in this verse 7 is just Serpent. I am asking a question that I do not know the answer to. The people were not saying, Take Kundalini away. They were saying, Take the Serpent away, and I do not know why they were doing that. We are saying that the Serpent is their conscious mind. I do not know what was going on, and I do not have an understanding of what was going on when the Kundalini, which is our individual subconscious mind, rises up and meets the Serpent of our conscious mind from above, and there is some kind of a spiritual increase there. I do not really know why the Hebrew children were asking Jehovah to just take away the Serpent from above. I do not know if they were not aware of the fiery Serpent or not, but this is the comment that I wrote down as I was doing this study, and I do not know the answer.


The fiery Serpents are not mentioned here, just the Serpent. Did the Hebrews not understand that there are two manifestations of their fallen nature within them? The Serpent, appearing as the conscious part of their carnal mind continuously, and the seraphim, rising up the spinal column in a marriage to that Serpent, to meet that Serpent. which is the conscious mind which produces satanic spiritual strength in the sixth center. There is another marriage, that is the double portion. When the Serpent's fire rises up and joins with the Serpent of the conscious mind, that is the double portion, and then the double portion ascends from the sixth center to the seventh center and marries the Dragon in the astral plane. When that union takes place between the Seraphim and the Serpent of the conscious mind, there is a spiritual increase right there, an increase in power. So did the people not know this?


The fiery Serpents are not mentioned here, just the Serpent. Did the Hebrews not understand that there were two manifestations of their fallen nature within them? The Serpent appearing as their conscious mind continuously, and the seraphim rising up the spinal column to marry the Serpent which produces satanic spiritual strength in the sixth center, and then the second marriage between the Serpent's double portion, that is the Seraphim that is married to the Serpent in the individual, and the Dragon in the astral plane, which is in the seventh center. In other words, the Dragon is doing what Jesus is doing. Jesus is standing at the door of our seventh center and knocking, and He wants to meet us in the air. We have to get to the sixth center. That is the airport.


We cannot ascend from the fifth center or the fourth center. If we want to ascend into a union with the Lord Jesus Christ we must get to the place where He is waiting for us, and that place is the sixth center. In the satanic resurrection, the Dragon is in the place of Jesus. He is waiting at the seventh center. Only Jesus is connecting us to the eternal realm of God, and the Dragon wants to marry us into the astral plane, the emotional plane. So my question is, Why are the Hebrew children just asking to be delivered from the Serpent and not from the Serpent-Fire. I do not know the answer, but I do wonder.


I have a question in my mind. Is it possible that the Hebrew children knew that there was spiritual power in the Serpent? They really did not want the Serpent-Fire to go down because they knew if she want down that they would lost their spiritual strength. You see, Jehovah had divorced them so now, if the Serpent-Fire goes down, they would not be supernatural people anymore. Then why were they asking the Lord to take the Serpents away? I do not have the answer. I hope the Lord gives it to me so I can share it with you. I expect there will be one more part to this message when we go into the Scriptures in Isaiah about the redemption of the Seraphim.


Numbers 21:8, And the Lord said to Moses, Make thee a fiery Serpent and set it upon a pole, and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live. And Jehovah said to Moses. This word make, we are translating it either pass or pressed. Pressed yourself or pass yourself, the fiery Serpent. Get past her, get ahead of her, get on top of her and press her down under you. I want to point out to you at this point, that Jehovah is saying to Moses, You do it, put the fiery Serpent under you. And the significance here is that Moses is twisted together in a spirit tie with the Hebrew children.


Moses was a father to Israel just as the Lord Jesus is a father to the Church. So when Jehovah gave instructions for the redemption of the Hebrew children, He gave it to Moses, and He said, You do it to yourself, because the Hebrew children were Moses' self. Moses was the head, and the Hebrew children were the body for this administration of Jehovah's spirit in the wilderness. Otherwise, it would not make any sense because the Serpent-Fire was not on top of Moses. Moses was still -- how do I know Moses was still in the seventh chakra? Because he was hearing from Jehovah. Moses' consciousness had to be in the seventh chakra.


He was hearing from Jehovah. So why is Jehovah telling him to get on top of that Serpent? Jehovah was talking about Moses' body and saying to get on top of that Serpent, and it is in the spiritual aspect of all the people that you are mediator for. And Jehovah said to Moses, Pass over, get above, and press down under yourself the fiery Serpent, and direct her, that is a translation of the word ?. Direct yourself above her. Yourself is a translation of the word it, and above is a translation of the word upon. Get on top of that fiery Serpent and direct yourself above her. Either pass by her or get above her and press her down under you.

Now this word pole, a legitimate translation of this word pole in the lexicon is column, and I believe that it is talking about the spinal column. And Jehovah said, And everyone who rises, that is the translation of come to pass. And I am amplifying the words above her. Moses is going to help the Hebrew children. He is going to press down that Serpent-Fire, and He is going to direct himself. All the Hebrew children are attached to his spirit. Their spirit is attached to his spirit, and He is going to direct himself above the Serpent-Fire. And Jehovah said, And everyone who rises above her, everyone who does not separate from Moses. Everyone's spirits are all twisted together with Moses, and He is getting past the Serpent. He descended into hell. He went past the Serpent. He secured his connection with the people he was attached to, and now He is directing himself above her and leading captivity captive, and every one of the Hebrew children that go with him, or that turn towards him, are going to ascend above the Serpent, and he is the criteria.


Let me finish this out for you. And everyone who rises above her shall receive the increase. That means they will be attached to Michael again. See, what happened here was the Hebrew children were disengaging from their union with Michael. Moses was in the middle. He was mediator. Moses was still attached to Michael, but the Hebrew children, because of their activity in their carnal minds, what you do not use, you lose. They were living out of their carnal minds, their Christ mind was dissolving, and had separated from Michael.


The Scripture says that Jehovah divorced them. He separated from Michael, so when Moses prayed, Jehovah said, Now descend down into the spiritual beings of the people you are attached to, and help them to climb up above that fiery Serpent, and everyone who rises above the Seraphim in themselves will receive the increase. They will be re-connected to Michael. That is the increase. They will be reconnected to Michael when he recognizes Abel. I have amplified Abel, his living self. Living is a translation of the word live.


That did not make too much sense, but here is our amplified translation. And Jehovah said to Moses, Direct yourself above the fiery Serpent in their spinal column and pass over her. I say this because Moses was already above her. And Jehovah said to Moses, Direct yourself above the fiery Serpent in their spinal column, and pass over her, and press her down into the root center where she belongs, and Adam, the increase, shall rise in everyone who distinguishes between Abel, his living self, and the Serpent.


We have the Hebrews. Moses is in the place of the Holy Spirit, if that will help you to understand. Moses twists together with the human spirit of the Hebrews and Abel is raised from the dead. They received the mind of Christ. They receive a righteous mind. Moses is the mediator, Moses is in the role of the Holy Spirit, joins with their human spirit, and a righteous mind is raised in them, Abel. Then Abel starts to ascend along with Moses, and they ascend and when they get to the sixth center Abel increases into Adam. There is an increase.


The human spirit twists together with Moses' spirit who's twisted together with Michael above, and they start ascending in their consciousness, and when they get to the sixth center, Adam is raised from the dead. Adam is the increase, and what this Scripture is saying is that these Hebrew children separated from Michael, who was above, Adam in them died, they fell down. And they were unregenerate men, and after Moses intercedes, Jehovah said, Go down into their spirit and join with their spirit again, give them that righteous mind, raise Abel, and everyone who can distinguish or tell the difference between their righteous mind, which is Abel, and their carnal mind, will receive the increase. I will raise Adam back up again. Can you hear this?


It is the same thing today. We are challenged to tell the difference, to distinguish between Christ in us, Abel is rising in us. We have a righteous mind, but we are still mortal. The righteous mind in a mortal man is Abel. The righteous mind in an immortal man is Adam. So when our consciousness ascends to the brow center we become supernatural beings, and that righteous mind, which was Abel, has now been given the increase, and increased into Adam. Moses interceded for the people.


He said, Jehovah, please give them another chance, and Jehovah said, I will give them another chance, but it is a conditional chance. You had a spirit tie with these people, enter into them, join with their human spirit again, and raise up a righteous mind and see if their personality will tell the difference between their righteous mind and their carnal mind. And everyone who recognizes the difference and rejects their carnal mind will again rise into Adam. So Jehovah's deliverance was conditional. Look brethren, Jehovah has standards, and He is not raising us up, and He is not saving us, and He is not delivering us unless we meet His standards, and every standard that He gives us is doable. He would not require something of us that we are not capable of, but He never said it would be easy, but we can do all things in Christ.


We are not going to ascend to a position of supernatural power living and thinking like carnal men. We are not going to do it. We are only going to ascend to supernatural power in God in righteousness, if we are living out of our righteous mind, and we will not live out of our righteous mind if we are in agreement with our carnal mind, because our personality chooses who we will agree with. Here is our example right here. We are not up that high yet, but no matter how high up you are when you fall into agreement with your carnal mind, you have turned your back on whatever measure of Christ is manifesting in you, and the fruit of it is divorce, but we have an Advocate in the heavenlies. We do have a Mediator, Christ Jesus. But you have got to repent.


The whole significance behind saying, Yes, I can tell the difference between my righteous mind and my carnal mind, the significance of that is that you have to admit that the carnal mind is sin. It was that carnal mind that was complaining about Moses and about Jehovah and I fell into agreement with it, but I repent, there is a difference between my righteous mind and my carnal mind, and now I choose my righteous mind, and Adam will rise from the dead in you.


And Jehovah said to Moses, Direct yourself above. Make sure you are higher than the fiery Serpent in their spinal columns, and pass over her and press her down for them. Now, you may recall we have had teaching that is what the Holy Spirit does for us. He is the controller. The Holy Spirit is the controller, controlling our carnal mind. This is what Moses was doing for them, or Jehovah was saying that this is what you should do for them. Make sure you are above the fiery Serpent, pass over her, and press her down because the fiery Serpent has risen above their consciousness, they are under her, they are subject to her, she has prostrated them, and they are under her dominion. So go down and do it for them. We have had quite a bit of teaching on this.


We have also had the teaching that this is what the apostles were doing in the early Church, that the disciples that desired to take dominion over their carnal mind but were not strong enough to do it, went to Peter, or at least Ananias went to Peter, and said, Join with me, join with my righteous mind in putting my carnal mind under me. That is what that whole account in Ananias and Sapphira was about. It is a poor translation.


So Jehovah said to Moses, Direct yourself above the fiery Serpent in their spinal columns, pass over her, press her down into the root center where she belongs. I added that in. It is an amplification. And Adam, the increase, shall rise in everyone who distinguishes between his living self, Abel, and between who? It does not say between his living self and who? I had to amplify, and the Serpent or the carnal mind. Adam will rise in everyone who can distinguish between the two minds. If you recall our study about Elisha and Elijah, when Elisha knew that Elijah was being taken up, Elisha said, Father, I want to stay righteous, I want to stay above Christ, because Elisha was dwelling in a high spiritual place because Elijah was repressing Elisha's carnal mind. Remember that?


And when Elijah was taken up, Elisha knew that he would not have the strength to keep the carnal mind in check by himself. So he said, Elijah, I want the power to keep my carnal mind in check, and Elijah said, I cannot promise this to you, but I will tell you how to tell the difference. I do not recall the exact words in the account, but pretty much what Elijah said was, If you can see the glory of God when I release you, when I am no longer with you holding down your carnal mind, if you can see the glory of God, you will know that the Lord has answered your prayers. And the whole significance was that if you are in your carnal mind you will never see the glory of God.


So if you see the glory of God you know that Jehovah has answered your prayer, and Adam is still risen in you. When Elijah separated from him, Elisha held out. The chariot of Israel and the horsemen saw the glory of God. Then his crisis came, his carnal mind broke free and almost destroyed his -- actually did break free, but the spirit of Elijah came down from heaven and joined with Elisha, who was joined to his righteous mind. Elisha was joined to his righteous mind. He chose righteousness, and the spirit of Elijah came down, twisted together with him and controlled his carnal mind. There is a choice involved.


We cannot be yielding to our sin nature and twist together with righteousness. It will not work. So we must resist it. It is not easy. I live with this every day. It is not easy, but we must resist it. First, we have to recognize unrighteousness in our mind, that she is not there with our agreement. She is in our mind but not with our agreement. We agree with Christ this is wrong, and if it has to do with a person, we rebuke the evil thoughts, we bless the person, we pray for them, and we ask God to keep us blameless. This monster is in the midst of us, but we are challenged not to agree with her. that is the challenge. It is not easy, but it is doable if you cry out to Jesus.


Page 5, The human spirit in the unregenerate man is joined to the Serpent which is his conscious mind. Kundalini or the fiery Serpent, the Seraphim, is the subconscious mind in the individual. We told you that this morning, and Satan is the collective unconscious mind, which is the sea of the astral plane. The Dragon in the astral plane is the collective subconscious mind of fallen mind. Please note that Moses' spirit and the resurrected Abel in the people are one spirit, in that it is Moses' spirit that separated their human spirits from the Serpent and joined with them to raise Abel from the dead. Remember the Scripture, He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. Moses was a mediator in a physical body. The man, Christ Jesus, is a spiritual mediator but He is in the physical bodies of men who are not yet supernatural men today, but the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome, and He is no longer in a physical body.


The Scriptures that we just translated connected in my mind to 1 Cor. 10:1-5, so we are going to look at a few of those Scriptures. Verses 1-5. Verse 1, Moreover brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our fathers who were among the cloud... among is a translation of the word under. ...among the cloud, and all walked over the sea. Over is a ranslation of through, and walked is a translation of path. I am suggesting to you that the cloud is talking about the fourth dimension, immortals. The sea typifies the astral plane, and the cloud is higher than the astral plane. The astral plane is the sea.


You may recall several months ago I had it on the board for you that the fourth dimension immortals are higher than Satan. Satan is the sea, and the fourth dimension immortals are higher than she is. What Paul is saying -- I will read you the Alternate Translation, just let me give you these notes. The pillow in the wilderness is Michael. The cloud was Adam. A cloud equals consciousness in the sixth center, which is higher than the astral plane. A cloud is consciousness in the sixth center, whether it is the consciousness in Christ or it is the Serpent's consciousness, that is what the cloud typifies.


The Alternate Translation is, Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant about the fact that all of our fathers are among the immortals in the fourth dimensions, who are above the astral plane. I know this is a radical translation, but I believe that as I was doing it the Lord was talking to me about the Hebrews that actually left Egypt. They were very spiritually high in the ungodly powers of Egypt. I mentioned earlier this morning, I do not believe that they were ragged, physical slaves, building pyramids. I believe that the Hebrew children were assimilated into Egypt, and that they were a spiritual people that had completely gone over to the spiritual powers of the land, and that they were spiritually high. They were supernatural beings dwelling with the immortals in the fourth dimension, which means their consciousness was in the sixth center.


Verse 2, And were all baptized into Moses in the cloud, and the cloud is the fourth dimension, and in the sea. Our Alternate Translation is, But everyone that was in the fourth dimension, or all of the Hebrews that were in the fourth dimension and in the astral plane, were baptized into Moses. The Hebrews that came out of Egypt were spiritual beings in the Serpent, but they crossed over, and they were baptized into Moses. They stayed spiritually high, but they crossed over from the gods of Egypt to Moses.


Verse 3, And did all eat the same spiritual meat, and they ate the same spiritual food as Moses ate. Spiritual food is doctrine. They shared Moses' doctrine. Moses was very deep in doctrine. Moses had all of the wisdom of God, and our fathers in the wilderness shared that wisdom. They were not uneducated slaves. They were spiritual people. They were spiritual in their experiences, and they were spiritual in their doctrine. They were very sophisticated. If they were living today, I would say that they were extremely well versed in Hindu, Buddhist, and Theosophical doctrine. And they ate the same spiritual food as Moses ate, and Adam is the bread from heaven. Jesus said, I am the bread that came down from heaven, and Jesus was the resurrected Adam. So Moses ate the bread from heaven. He had all the knowledge. He remembered all the knowledge that is in Adam. Spiritually high.


Verse 4, And did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock which followed them, and that rock was Christ. And they did all drink the same spiritual drink. What is the spiritual drink? Remember the message we did last week on The Last Supper. Jesus was talking about the bread and the wine. They ate the same spiritual bread. They partook of Adam. Adam was raised from the dead in them, and they partook of the same spiritual drink, which is Michael, the spirit from above. The reason they all drank the same spiritual drink was because they all drank of that spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ. And their human spirit was joined to Adam, the same spiritual water that Moses was joined to.


Remember, Adam was the waters. Adam is the waters from above. And their human spirit was joined to Adam, the same spiritual water that Moses was joined to, because Adam and Moses were joined to Michael, and the two, Adam and Michael, were that spiritual rock that discipled them. I see that I did not write down that word which discipled is a translation of. Perhaps followed them. The rock that followed them. That word can be translated discipled. And that rock was Christ in Moses. And their human spirit was joined to Adam, the same spiritual water that Moses was joined to, because Adam and Moses were joined to Michael, and the two, Michael and Adam, were that spiritual rock that discipled the Hebrew children, and that rock was Christ in Moses.


Now, I never really questioned this before, but at this point, I really think it is very naive to think that the Scripture is saying that the Hebrew children ate the same physical bread and drink that Moses did. This is all spiritual. They were spiritually high. They had been initiated into the mysteries of Egypt, and they were delivered by Jehovah and ? into a high spiritual condition, living out of the brow center. The Scripture that says that the Hebrew children were not circumcised in the wilderness. Spiritual circumcision. Their carnal minds got on top of the Christ mind, and they were never circumcised. Adam was raised from the dead in them, and they experienced the supernatural ministry of Christ, but they were not circumcised.


They never cut the carnal mind off of Christ. that is what destroyed them. They never separated from their carnal mind. We have talked about that a lot, right here on this message. The Lord Jesus can give us the whole thing. He can raised us up to the seventh chakra. We will not be able to hold the land if we have not overcome our carnal mind. The Hebrew children were not separated. They would not acknowledge their sin nature and/or war against it. They loved it too much.


Verse 5, But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness. God was not well pleased. We are translating that word not to the Serpent. But the Serpent in the many of them preferred, that is the translation of the word well pleased, the God overthrown because. I put the wrong words in brackets. Overthrown should be in brackets, and we are going to use cast down as our translation. That is what we have. It does not make any sense, But the Serpent in the many of them preferred the God cast down because in the wilderness. Alternate Translation, But Christ in the many of them was overthrown in the wilderness because they preferred the Serpent over God.


I did receive a revelation today of what the wilderness is. I have never really been sure of it. This is the first word that I have had on it. The wilderness is the upper room, or the upper window, that is just devastated ever since Adam was murdered. It became a wilderness. So as we begin to ascend -- well, in our case, Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. So the upper room is restored. For us, the upper room is restored. We are in the wilderness until we are established there, but the wilderness is the wilderness of the upper room that we have not been occupying.


I will read you those five verses together. Moreover, brethren, I do not you to be ignorant about the fact that all of our fathers were among the immortals in the fourth dimension, which is higher than the astral plane. I do not want you to be ignorant, but our fathers were very high spiritual beings. But everyone that was in the fourth dimension, and apparently there were some in the astral plane also, were baptized into Moses, and they ate the same spiritual food that Moses ate. That is Adam. They ate the bread from heaven, and their human spirit was joined to Adam, the same spiritual water that Moses was joined to, because Adam in Moses was joined to Michael, and the two together were that spiritual rock that discipled them, and that rock was Christ in Moses, but Christ in the many of them was overthrown in the wilderness because they preferred the Serpent over God. I will take this over the King James. It is your choice. I will stay with this.


I have a witness for you, an Alternate Translation that is already done. I took it out of our Alternate Translation Bible. This goes back a little, and I think I am witnessing to Jehovah's commandment to Moses to pass over the fiery Serpent and press it down. I relate that command to Luke 6:38. I should have printed out the King James. Will you please get that and read it in the King James? Luke 6:38: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.


Our Alternate Translation is: Live the sacrificial life and Abel, your good side, shall rise from the dead, and Christ shall agitate the fiery Serpent and separate her from the Serpent that is above, and press her down under Himself, and you shall become spiritual, you shall receive power, and you shall over flow the Serpent, but be careful because it shall be revealed whether your sacrifice is of righteous Abel or the rebellious, murderer, Cain, when you reap what you sow into spiritual maturity.


In other words, the Scripture is saying that when you ascend into spiritual maturity, when you receive your double portion, when you increase, either into Adam or a high manifestation of the Serpent ,and whether you marry the Lord Jesus above, or the Dragon, when you ascend into the spiritual height, it will be revealed who you sacrificed. If you sacrificed your carnal mind, you will appear in the spiritual world as a mighty champion for the Lord Jesus Christ, but if you have truly sacrificed your righteous mind, Abel, you will appear as the Dragon, you will appear as the archetype of the Dragon, which is Goliath. You will appear in the spiritual world as the representative of the Serpent. So, the Scripture is saying that you cannot fool anybody.


I want to read it again. Live the sacrificial life and Abel, your good side, shall rise from the dead and Christ shall agitate the fiery Serpent and separate her from the Serpent above and press her down under Himself, and you shall become spiritual and overflow the Serpent, but be careful, if you are starting to fool around with spiritual ascension now, if you are starting to become spiritual be careful, because it shall be revealed whether your sacrifice is righteous Abel, or the rebellious murderer, Cain, when you reap what you sow, when you get your double portion it will be obvious who you serve. It will be obvious who you serve. When you get your double portion you will be seen, whether you are Adam, or whether you are the Dragon.


What this is saying is that God is promising you spiritual things, but you have to know that when you start on this path to spiritual maturity you cannot fool around, that you have to either kill your carnal mind which is Cain in you, or you have to kill the Christ mind. You can be in all the denial you want, but when your increase comes, when it becomes obvious whether you are male or female, it is going to be obvious for the world to see. So you may be in denial now, but when you come out, when you make your public appearance, your denial will not do you any good. Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: Do you believe that Moses was at the sixth chakra when he went into the wilderness because of the occult training that he received?


PASTOR VITALE: That is a very good question. I do not know what the answer is, but I suspect that it may be true because he went to dwell with a Midian priest. We have to get it into our head that this Bible is spiritual, and Moses went to live with a Midian priest. He went to live with a pagan priest. The man was high in witchcraft. Second witness, Moses saw the burning bush. I do not think he saw a literal burning bush. He saw something in the spirit. It was Christ appearing in his mind. After all those years, Christ appeared in his mind. Moses was a highly spiritual man. The chances that he was in his sixth chakra are very great. that is my opinion, I do not really have any proof for it right now, but that is what I think.


COMMENT: Is it my understanding that there was no manna at all, no bread? Was it all spiritual, even the fowl, everything was all spiritual?


PASTOR VITALE: That is what I think, and to me this is very radical, but I believe that this is what the Lord is showing me. My testimony is that when we were doing that series on Moses, right when we were doing that series, I went in to have dinner one night, and I put on the TV, and there was a program on the Exodus, saying they have found no physical evidence that there was ever an Exodus. They cannot even find Mount Sinai, and I was absolutely shocked. Now I find out that they do not even know which pharaoh enslaved the Hebrews, and there is no record of a pharaoh drowning in the Red Sea, and now here they cannot locate Solomon's Temple. I do believe that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were real, and I do believe that Joseph went into captivity in Egypt. I do believe that his brothers came and emigrated and relocated in Egypt. I do believe that. For far as the Exodus goes I do not think they were ever physically enslaved.


COMMENT: The movie people are not going to like you.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, praise the Lord! I do not know about you, but to me this is a much more exciting understanding. Also, something else that I always wondered about, because this world is giving Jehovah a black eye, and the King James translation says that Jehovah said to Abraham, Your descendants will go into captivity for 430 years in Egypt. That sounds like it was prophesied and ordained by Jehovah that the Hebrew children should be slaves, like the way Hollywood shows it, for 430 years. I could never understand that.


Now, I cannot guarantee you that I am giving you the ultimate truth, but the explanation that is in my heart now makes much more sense to me than the King James translation. Why did the Hebrew children go into captivity for 430 years? I understand it now because the Ooccult power of Egypt had to be broken. It was not even Jehovah's desire that they should be in bondage to the gods of Egypt for 430 years. It took them 430 years to overcome the gods of Egypt. Now understand this: God sent the Hebrew children on an assignment. I have not even studied the account of the famine in the Interlinear Text, but Jehovah sent the Hebrew children to Egypt on an assignment to break the occult power of Egypt, and they went in there, and they became entangled in the gods of the land, and it took them 430 years to get out.


The Church is already hanging out for 2,000 years. We have had the power for 2,000 years, to come out of the bondage that the Christian Church is in today. The bondage is in our mind. For 2,000 years we have had the power to ascend in our mind to the sixth chakra and become supernatural people, and it has not happened.


As far as I know, there have been no supernatural people since the apostles, and the whole Church is waiting to die and be raptured to get supernatural power. Two thousand years! 430 years was nothing. The Church today, our assignment is to break the power of the Indian religion, which is Hinduism and Buddhism and all of their children. The Hebrew children were sent to break the power of Egypt, and it took them 430 years, and the Church is raised up to break the power of the Indian religions, and so far it has taken us 2,000 years.


The third witness that I have is that when the Lord first me He spoke to me, scared me half to death, the voice sounded like it was coming out of me. He had given me a miracle, He had given me a job, it was a miracle job, I knew it, and He said, I am the Lord your God who has brought you out of the land of Egypt. All these years I knew it was the Lord, and He just did exploits with me after that, miracle after miracle after miracle, but all these years, it was 19 years ago, I could not understand why He would say to me, I have brought you out of the land of Egypt. I said, Lord, I am not in Egypt. But I was in Egypt, you see, and I am still in Egypt. Well, maybe I am in the wilderness now, but I was in Egypt in my mind. I was a son of God embroiled in the land, so to me, that is another witness, my personal experience that He said to me, I have taken you out of the land of Egypt. I never understood it until then. So, all that I could say to you is that what I have just told you makes more sense to me than the King James translation.


COMMENT: The Scripture that says, I have called my son out of Egypt, means that He has taken us out of our carnal mind, then.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the carnal mind is Egypt. The mind of the flesh. It does not have to be a physical Egypt. We do not even know that Jesus' parents took him to Egypt. We do not know where they went. Maybe they were just carnal people for all those years. I do not know anything anymore, but I do know this, that I am not distressed by this condition of my mind, because I would rather be telling you that I do not know anything and be open for Jesus to give me truth than to be walking around in bondage to a religious spirit that has me believing stories as silly as Santa Claus. If you stop to think about it, we are in the middle of a series on Jonah now, and do you really believe that God put Jonah inside a whale for three days? well, the whole Church believes it. I would rather believe this, and I would rather be open. If I am wrong, let the Lord correct me. I am going forward.


With the kind of anointing that He has poured out on this meeting tonight -- the strongest witness that all of this is true is the anointing that He is pouring out on the meeting, and also we must look at our lives. You cannot look at your life over a period of months, but I look at my life over a period of years, 19 years I have been with Him, and He has brought me out of hell. I am healthier than I have ever been, all kinds of good things happening in my life, to me and my family, and He is prospering me.


My enemies are defeated, I am prevailing over my enemies, so when you look at somebody trying to discern whether or not they are a person of God, all these things must be looked at. You must look at their lives. I tell you this not out of any source of bitterness, but if somebody who has been preaching for years has trouble in his household, his daughter is bringing forth an illegitimate birth, and his life is going backwards, that is something to be concerned about. Your life has to be going forward, God has to be prospering you. That is the sign that He is with you. Do you understand what I am saying? So, I am going for it, and whoever wants to come along for the ride you are welcome, and whoever does not want to come, that is OK. I am going through. My drive in life is not to convert the world. My drive in life is to receive the promise that has been promised to me.


COMMENT: I am hearing in the spirit, humble yourself before the Lord.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen. We must humble ourselves before Him or we will never get up there. There is no way we could do it ourselves.


COMMENT: I still do not understand why it changed from Abel to Adam raised from the dead into the sixth chakra.


PASTOR VITALE: We are talking about the mind of God, we are talking about a righteous mind, and the mind of God in a mortal man is Abel. When the mind of God is imparted to a mortal man the name of that mind is Abel, but when that man's consciousness ascends to the sixth chakra he now becomes a supernatural man, and the name of the mind of God in a supernatural man is Adam. So Abel matures into Adam.


COMMENT: What level of consciousness is that when Adam is raised to the sixth chakra?


PASTOR VITALE: We become immortal. At the beginning of this message, we said that the sixth level of consciousness is warfare with the immortals on the fourth dimension. We become immortal, and we engage in warfare with the immortals of the fourth dimension, and we occupy the sixth chakra. So that is the sixth and seventh level of consciousness, operating out of the sixth chakra.