



The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I have a drawing on the board. It is Drawing #1, and what it is supposed to be depicting is the seven major energy centers with the center one, the fourth one, the heart center, accentuated, and I have drawn it in the likeness of the human heart just for the purpose of our understanding. Now, of course, we have an etheric part of our physical body so our spiritual heart may very well look like this, but it is not important. If the image that I have drawn here is not exactly what it looks like, that is not important. We are dealing with spiritual principles here, and I am trying to show you the City of God which encompasses....I may even be wrong. I am saying as of this message that the right side of the heart is the side which is a part of the City of God, and that the left side of the heart is the part which is a part of the City of Leviathan, and I may have that backwards. I probably have it backwards. Why? Because when I bring these studies forth my carnal mind is usually very much involved, and I frequently see it backwards. So I, personally, do not think it is all that important.


What I am trying to show you is that there are two spiritual cities, and we must be a citizen of at least one of these cities. If possible, to be a citizen of both of them because our human spirit is in the heart center, and there is two cavities of the heart, the right and the left. For the purpose of this message, I am saying that the Serpent is possessing the left cavity of our heart center, and that left cavity which has two chambers, an upper and a lower chamber. I am saying that the upper one is our potential for good, and the lower chamber is our potential for evil. We will see if the Lord corrects me on that, but that is where I am going tonight.


My major point to you right now is to indicate to you that the Serpent's spiritual city encompasses the three lower centers, and one side of the heart center. The heart center is our reality. This is where we are. Our arms and legs are just appendages that help us get around. We are basically dwelling physically in our nervous system, and spiritually speaking in the heart center which is apparently very close to the physical heart because I have a lot of spiritual sensations where my physical heart is.


Now, I am anything but an artist so it should be obvious to you to see that I have drawn the City of God called Jerusalem or Michael's City or the Lord Jesus' City, I have drawn it much smaller than Babylon, and that was not deliberate. It just came out that way. I intended to draw both cities equally. If there is any difference in size I have not such knowledge at this time.


I would also like to point out to you that this drawing is just for your edification. The reality of it, it is not an actual drawing, OK? The reality of these two spiritual cities is that one is one top of the other. I have stretched them out, and I have drawn them vertically, but actually Leviathan's City is lying on top of, it is folded back over the City of God. I do it this way so that you can see it.


Now the name of this message is the Circumcision of the Heart. I hope to give you some understanding as to what this circumcision is.


This is Drawing #2 broken down into Parts A and B. Part A is supposed to be human circumcision. I made it as non-explicit as possible but I did not know how to do it, but you can see that in human circumcision that the foreskin is fully removed and discarded, the purpose being that the organ underneath should be uncovered. In spiritual circumcision we see that it is really a very different thing. We see that it is the Mind of Christ piercing through a muscle. A muscle is very tough to pierce through. A surgeon will tell you that it is very tough to cut through a muscle when they want to perform surgery.


The Mind of Christ is raised from the dead in Leviathan's City, in the left side of the heart, and His goal is to pierce through the muscle that separates the left from the right side of the heart. Now we might even say that this muscle is the firmament or a manifestation of the firmament. There are a lot of answers that I do not have. I do not know whether we can say we are above the firmament when we pierce through into the right side of the heart or whether we have to be in full stature to do that. I really do not know.


For the time being I am suggesting to you that there are a series of firmaments that we cross over, a series of levels that we ascend to, and that this piercing through from the left side of the heart to the right side of the heart for us it is, at the very least, a manifestation of the firmament. I know it was for me. My whole life changed when I pierced through, and I did not even know what I pierced through until very recently, but I have a testimony that I have given to people who study with me many times that I had a piercing through. When I first started doing these deep studies I was in absolute torment. I was doing these studies, the Mind of Christ in me was doing these studies from underneath Satan's ocean on the left side of my heart, and I was in such torment I had to call for prayer several times during a six hour study session, and it was torment to me. Then one day it was not torment anymore, and everything reversed and the greatest moments of peace and happiness and joy in my life today are when I study.


I have given this testimony and described it as a piercing through, but I did not know what I pierced through. Now I know what I pierced through. I pierced through from the left side of my heart which is a part of Leviathan's city to the right side of my heart which is a part of the City of the Lord Jesus Christ through my union with Him which is by faith. His City through the spirit of Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, above even higher than the Crown Center has put His hand down into this world, and the hand that He sent down is the Holy Spirit, and Abel was raised from the dead in me. Abel in me has a connection with the hand that was put down into this world, particularly into my own cosmos, my own world.


For me, I can say this is true, I definitely crossed over into the world above, and I do not think many people have. If the sign that you have crossed over into some expression of the world above is that you live like I live then not many people have crossed over. When you are in heaven, and to be in the City of God you are in heaven, so to be in any manifestation of heaven at all is service to God. There is no way that you are going to be abiding in heaven and not be in service to God through the things of the Spirit. There is no way. You become a preacher, you become a teacher, you become a Son of God. When you cross over you do the things of the Lord's life. Very few have crossed over.


It is a journey, and it is a hard journey, and you just do not jump from point A to point B, you have to go through. You have all kinds of help, you have help from the Spirit of Christ, you have help from the brethren that the Lord sends to support you, but we are all circumcising our self. Christ in us is circumcising Himself by piercing through this muscle. At this point, I believe it is in the etheric part of our physical body and breaking Satan's hold on Himself and abiding in the lowest level of the City of God which is the right side of the heart.


Let me read this. The muscle between the two cavities is a spiritual foreskin. It is not discarded. Not only is it not discarded, I believe that it works like a valve. When a part of you passes through it closes up right behind you because all of our human spirit has to get through. Now Abel, the Mind of Christ, is the sperm of the semen. Abel, the resurrected Mind of Christ, is the sperm of the semen. We are filled with the semen of God, but what happened is that the sperm of the semen died, and we all died. Abel is the resurrected seed, the resurrected sperm. When he crosses over, the waters of the semen, at least in my case, are still possessed by Satan on the left side of the heart. I am in two places at once. Didn't Jesus say He was in two places at once. He was in heaven and earth at the same time. That is the whole principle of Jacob's ladder. That is the principle of the sons of Zadok in the Old Testament .


We minister in two worlds. I minister in two worlds. I have given this testimony frequently. What goes on in this house is awesome, and I do not even really recognize how awesome it is until I let someone see it, like June, a couple of years ago, and she absolutely flipped out. I am much worse now than I was three years ago when we were in Nigeria, and she saw me studying and talking to God, and she was flipping out. When Rita used to live with me I finally had to come to the conclusion that I was in my office studying and talking to God, and she was manifesting in the other room. It is very hard to be in the same house with me when I am that involved with God. Why? Because when I am that involved with God the spirit world is stirring up. Satan is going crazy when I am that deep in my communion with God in the right side of my heart center. Satan over here in the left side of your heart center is stirring up a big storm very similar to what we read about in the book of Jonah. Why is she stirring up a big storm? She wants to knock me out of the right side of the heart center.


For whatever reason, by the grace of God I am planted pretty steady, but if someone else is in the house they might feel the cyclone. Now, every once in a while she still knocks me out depending on what is coming against me. She just stirs up this sea, starts thrashing and rolling and rocking, but I am just getting stronger every year in my ability to stay in....what happens when she thrashes and rocks and rolls? I get drawn back under her influence. I believe that the resurrected Abel in me stays in the right side of my heart center, but when this sea starts rocking and rolling and thrashing it affects me over here on the right side. How does it affect me? I cannot concentrate. I cannot study. That is how it affects me. So it is an overcoming.


When the resurrected Abel gets over to the right side there is a part of us that is still over in the left side, the human spirit, that is a part of Leviathan mixed with Satan. She is dispersed through Satan's water so we are in two places at once, and we are really doing two things at once. Abel who is now over on the right side of the heart center is pushing onward, pushing upward to the throat center. That is where Adam was raised from the dead. It is another level of power.


So Abel's driving upward but all of him is not in the right center. The waters that he is attached to are still in the left center. So it is like a double whammy. The part of him that pierced through is still pressing upward, but there is a part of him that is left behind, that Satan has a real grip on, and Satan is pulling this way, and the Lord Jesus Christ is pulling that way and sometimes you feel like you are on a see-saw, up and down, up and down. The spiritual life is very stressful. There are two spiritual powers wanting to possess you. That is what this training is all about, learning how to lend our strength and our will to the Spirit of Christ so that we go up and not down.


The spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is up here in the throat center. The Lord Jesus is beyond the crown center. He is in the eternal world. He sent an aspect of Himself down through the crown center, through the brow center, and that aspect abides in the throat center. From the throat center the Spirit of Christ has put a hand down into the lower realms. Now the Spirit of Christ when He extends Himself down into the lower centers is called the Holy Spirit. But up here in the throat center He is the Spirit of Christ, and He is pulling on us over here, and Satan is pulling on us down here.


So, the spiritual circumcision is the piercing through from the left side of the heart center to the right side of the heart center. We see that the foreskin is the muscle between the two cavities, and we see that in spiritual circumcision nothing is discarded. It is a piercing through and a leaving behind which is the exact opposite of human circumcision.


Are there any questions about any of this? Any questions about what the circumcision of the heart is? It is not necessarily cutting something away and discarding it. It is piercing through into the heart of God, and the part that you leave is still there, and the war still goes on. This is a major obstacle, getting circumcised, and of course before you can get circumcised you have to have a male organ. You have to have something to circumcise, and what is it that you circumcise? Your male organ is the resurrected Abel also known as the Mind of Christ, the seed of God that is flowing with your human spirit. Now the human spirit is like unto semen, and semen has water and sperm.


People that do not have the seed of God have barren semen. They are not fertile. When you receive the Holy Spirit you have received the seed, and now the waters that flow through you, your semen has become virile and capable of begetting the Mind of God. Although some people can be born with the seed, I believe I mentioned that this morning. The virile seed was deposited into the tribe of Judah of the Nation of Israel approximately 5,000 years or so years ago or more, more than 5,000 years ago.


Once you receive the Holy Spirit the waters of your life have now become virile. They become virile in God, but that seed has to be quickened. Abel has to be raised from the dead. The sign of his resurrection is a new way of thinking, righteous thinking. It is not healing. It is not deliverance. It is not miracles. It is not tongues. It is not prophesying. It is not any of the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are the signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit which is the virile seed, not necessarily fertilized seed. The Mind of God is wisdom, righteousness, desire for righteousness, desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, a desire for truth, and, of course, truth and righteousness manifesting from you, if you can discern it, are the fruit of the spirit. What we have on the TV today is all signs, no fruit. People are walking in their old nature. No signs of righteousness.


I tell you, when I meet somebody that really has the Spirit of Righteousness a fear goes through me. Me, in my position. I just see that holiness there. I see that Spirit of Righteousness, and I am not tangling with them. I do not see it very often. Sometimes I see it in one person, not all the time. I recognize righteousness when I see it in somebody. I do not want any trouble with them. That is why a war with someone who believes in their cause even if their cause is completely wrong, someone that really believes what they believe, it can take a lot to knock them out. Someone that is not it for the money, someone that really believes.


Now I just said two different things. I was talking about a Spirit of Righteousness, then I was talking about somebody that really has a cause which is not necessarily righteous. What I am trying to tell you is that when someone has a Spirit of Righteousness people are afraid of them. People have a fear of them. They may not even understand why, but they have a fear of them. There is not much righteousness in the Church today. I see it from time to time, but not much.


Any questions on this circumcision of the heart as to what it is?


COMMENT: Concerned the stony heart and the heart of flesh.


PASTOR VITALE: I do not think that the Scripture is referring to a material hardness. It is referring to a lack of response to God. Can you hear that? It is not a material hardness. It is a hardness toward God, and that hardness toward God is right here in this membrane that separates us from Him and keeps us under the influence of Satan on the left side of the heart. The bottom line is that we are trying to pull all of our spirit out of the left side of the heart. Now, we did some translations on Elijah and the smiting of the Jordan, and the edge of the sea. I suggest to you that this is the edge of the sea right here, that muscle that separates one side from the other, and Satan is over here on the left side. That is where she is.


Now, the Scripture talks about crossing Jordan, and when Elijah wanted to cross Jordan he took off his mantel, I think the Scripture says, and he smote Satan. What does that mean? It means that at that point Elijah found the strength to bring all of his spirit which is mixed with Satan in the sea on the left side of the heart, and he brought it over to the right side and probably higher, to the right side and all the way up. I do not believe Elijah had the power to take his human spirit from the left side of his heart center when he was only on the right side of his heart center.


I believe, for anyone, for the Lord Jesus, for Elijah, to take his whole spirit with him that man has to have ascended to his throat center, at which point the Lord Jesus Christ comes rushing in through the crown center and connects with him. There is a union. The man who has ascended to the throat center he is Christ, the resurrected Adam. When he gets that high the Lord Jesus who abides in the eternal realm of God comes in through the throat center, crosses over his brow center, and joins with the resurrected Adam, and the result of that is that the resurrected Adam goes even higher into the brow center where he has dominion over Satan. And from this high place the resurrected Adam, the resurrected Adam is Christ, who is now married to the Lord Jesus Christ, goes back down into the heart center to gather up his whole spirit and set her free, and that is the smiting of the Jordan. They come down like a fire. The resurrected Adam, and the Lord Jesus Christ above, they are a burning fire, a consuming flame, and they come down and they burn up this sea and get every last vestige of the human spirit out.


Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: When you are looking at this drawing, if you turned it down and they were laying down it would be like a firmament which would be the muscle.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I see what you are saying.


COMMENT: When you said the fire comes down into the left cavity is that the boiling of Satan?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is the boiling of Satan. It is the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire is the Christ who is the resurrected Adam joined to, not the spirit of the Lord Jesus, but actually married to the Lord Jesus who is above. They are the Lake of Fire, and they boil Satan, they get every last vestige of the human spirit out, and she falls away to dust, and she has no power without that water.


I want to tell you that there is pain involved in the circumcision. Without pain there is no gain, but you need to know. There is no circumcision without judgment. We have to get out of these Pharisaical ideas. It is a good thing as long as you are doing it in the right spirit, and we have to be careful for that mocking spirit and that indignation or any spirit that would exalt herself above everybody else, but the Sons of God expose the sin nature without condemnation which is the first step towards the circumcision of the heart, and the end of that, of course, is full deliverance from hell. There is no deliverance without these exposures.


I think the problem that everybody has is that either they cannot or they think they cannot do it without condemnation, but you can do it without condemnation, you can, because you can do all things in Christ, but if you do it in the wrong spirit you have to hear me tell you, and you have to overcome your pride, and you can do all things in Christ. It is the only way for yourself. Even if you do not want to be in the two-witness company, for your own deliverance from hell you have got to see sin in yourself without condemnation. Of course, once you learn to do it for yourself you will go with God.


COMMENT: I just want to know if that pain is the judgment? The Pain that you feel. The carnal mind feels pain when you have a judgment. When you see the sin in a person, and they cannot see it, and it is painful to realize that sin is within you.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, OK, that is part of the piercing through. The recognition of the sin is part of the piercing through because there is delusion on the left side of the heart. Reality is in the right side of the heart. You are under witchcraft. Satan is the super witch so when your consciousness is abiding in the left side of the heart you are under all of this delusion, all of this wrong thinking. So when you start to recognize that you are in delusion, and that this is sin and that it is OK to call it sin what is happening is your sword -- you can only think that with the Mind of Christ -- is cutting through. But whether or not it is actually judgment I am not sure. I really would have to look at that. A quick answer is not coming up. You may be using the wrong word or either I do not understand what you are saying at the moment or you are using the wrong word.


COMMENT: It is interesting to see that this body is standing up, and if it were laying down it would be passive so there is no way that they were going to make it. This whole body is a person that is standing up and ready to fight to go through, but if they were laying down they would not get anywhere because they would be trampled over by the enemy.


PASTOR VITALE: But we are all lying down.


COMMENT: But this shows us standing up.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is just the way I have it drawn on the board, and this is our spinal column, but spiritually thinking we are lying down and we are being trampled by many. That is the exact point, that is why it is so hard because we are under her feet. It is very popular to say that Satan is ashes under our feet, but the truth is we may or may not be ashes but we are under her feet. That really is the truth of it. We are down here, our consciousness is all down here, she has captured us, and we are trying to get up here. So we are under her feet, definitely. Spiritually speaking, if our consciousness abides down here, we are under her feet. What is her feet? Her feet is her mind.


So we are under the influence of her mind, and we are being trampled. What part of us is being trampled? Every time we agree with our carnal mind instead of our Christ mind Christ is being trampled under the feet of the carnal mind. And visa versa, every time we agree with our Christ mind instead of our carnal mind, our carnal mind has been trampled under the feet of our Christ mind, and this is the war. We have got two minds in us, and they both want to be the mind that thinks through us. There is no way that you are going to think with your Christ mind without shedding the blood of your carnal mind. Until you resist unto the blood, unto the shedding of the blood of your carnal, do not think that you have pierced through. All these Christians out there, all these Kingdom preachers, you think you are piercing through, you think you have a chance of piercing through? Not until you resist unto the shedding of the blood of your carnal mind.


COMMENT: This is hard because we are the cause, if we give into our carnal mind we are letting that rule instead of Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Exactly. Somebody might say, well the carnal mind is so strong, but we, our personality, our conscious mind, and Christ, are stronger in the long run than Satan and Leviathan, but when we start out we could be so low down that we could have many defeats until we rise up, but we have to look at our experience and see that no matter how many defeats that we have had we are still going forward, three steps forward, two steps backwards, four steps forward, two steps backwards. When you look behind you, you have to see that you have made progress, but there will be defeats, there will be battles lost, but the war must be won because no one can defeat Christ, and if we are clinging on to Him we all are strengthened, doing our part, we must prevail, but it is a long war. I will not lie to you. It is a long war.


I have some definitions on the heart that I would like to read on to the message, and then I have some Scriptures that have to do with the turtle, and as soon as we take this picture and I read the information on the heart I will review on this message what the turtle is, and we will go from there.


COMMENT: I think this is the most explanatory explanation of the whole business about the heart.


PASTOR VITALE: Thank you so much.


I would like to relate the turtle to the heart. I can see you saying, how is she getting to the turtle from the heart? Their are not many Scriptures on the turtle, I pulled them out, and I have translated most of them. The turtle is translated in the New Testament usually as turtle dove. It is the same word that can be translated turtle or turtle dove. Now turtle doves are part of one of the animals that are acceptable sacrifice under the old covenant, and it is always two turtle doves.


In Luke 2:28 it talks about the two turtle doves, and they are never to be divided. You divide the cow and other animals that you sacrifice, but the two birds we are told in Luke 2:28 are not to be divided, but the younger should be joined to the older bird. You may recall that in the New Testament we found out that a dove is a symbol of the Mind of Christ in man. We found that when we studied about Jesus' baptism, and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove, and we found out that what that means was that it was the Holy Spirit in an animal, that the whole mind was given unto Jesus Christ. I will go over the verse with you. I am not doing it right now. I just want to connect the two.


This is how I got this revelation of the circumcision of the heart that the two birds cannot be separated, but one must be bound to the other according to Luke 2:28 which I am sure is referring back to some Old Testament Scripture. Now what is that saying to us? It is saying that for so as we are in the body, this left cavity is not going to be discarded, but it will be bound to the right cavity in a position of domination. The two must be bound together, and the left cavity must be under the dominion of the right cavity, and we heard that this morning when we did the study on Christ in the manger.


As soon as the Mind of Christ was imparted to the spiritual men and ascended, what happened to those spiritual men, those shepherds, those incarnated immortals? They pierced through from the left side of their heart center to the right side of their heart. Christ was imparted to the left side of their heart and pierced through immediately. They had a different experience than we have. Elijah was standing right there. They had a profound spiritual experience. There was great power imparted to them. Christ was imparted to the left cavity, and immediately pierced through. Michael was present, Elijah was present, great power was present. That is why after the first fruits stand it is going to be much easier for other people to see. It will happen much more quickly because the power will be present.


So the Mind of Christ was imparted to those men, and they pierced through to the right side. Remember I said it sounded like it was a temporary full stature, and then Christ who was on the right side of the heart said, come let us go to Bethlehem and see what these living voices told us. So Christ on the right side of the heart was talking, Christ, the Mind of Christ, the resurrected Abel, was talking to Cain, the nature of the fallen man on the left side of the heart, and said, I am in charge, I am the boss, let us go because the mind that prevails controls the body.


The Mind of Christ was telling the carnal mind and Cain, the fallen nature, I am directing this body, let us go, start your legs walking. Now we will never have authority over our carnal nature when we are fighting on her level. This warfare that is going on down here on the left side is very hard because we are on her level, but we are not on her level because we do have the Holy Spirit. It is much easier when you pierce through to the right side, and it gets much, much easier when you pierce through into your throat center, and then when you get to your brow center you are really cooking.


COMMENT: You talked about in the past that the heart is the airport. Which part of that would be the airport?


PASTOR VITALE: It would be the right side because the throat center is where Adam is resurrected, and there is a lot of power in that. You have to get to the airport, you have to get from the left side of your heart to the right side of your heart, and once you get to the right side of your heart you have every reason to hope that you are going to ascend into the throat center which at that point you are well on your way. The hardest part is getting from the left side of your heart to the right side of your heart which requires circumcision, the piercing through, which is the circumcision. That is the hardest part. It is just like getting a car started. Once it starts rolling it is going under its own power. It gets easier and easier. I think the trials get harder and harder, but you are stronger and stronger, and you have all this knowledge to boot, and things really are better. They are better for me.


My walk was really hellish, let me tell you. It was absolutely hellish. The day my judgment started was absolutely hellish. There is still warfare and there is still trouble. There is always trouble. There is trouble every day, but you learn how to cope with it, and once you develop these skills it is just a way of life that is all. In my case anyway, it was not knowing how to deal with the problems that were devastating. Not knowing how to deal with the problem and then being physically frail which is no longer the case. It was just devastating. The Lord has fixed all that up.


Does anybody not understand how I am relating the study of the heart to the turtle dove as a sacrifice, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament? There are always two birds. There is a pair of birds. When I did the Alternate Translation, it is not obvious in the King James, I found out that what it was really saying was that it was the two cavities of the heart. This is a sacrifice of the heart. The spiritual understanding of this physical sacrifice of two real birds, there is a spiritual meaning behind it, and the spiritual meaning behind it is that you have to pierce through to the left side, but you do not have to pierce into the right side of your heart, but you do not discard the left side. You bind the left side to you under your authority.


Brethren, we are learning to rule and reign over our carnal mind which is the left side unless I wake up tomorrow and the Lord tells me it is the right side, but the principle is still the same. We must separate from Satan's influence on the left side of our heart center and get into the right side of our heart center which is a part of the City of God and, as soon as we separate from the rest of our carnal mind we must start ruling over her. We must punish her every time she tries to control us. We must punish her every time she lies to us. We must punish her every time she manipulates us or controls us or makes a fool out of us, and you cannot do that unless you are willing to admit that your carnal mind or someone else's carnal mind has manipulated you or controlled you or made a fool out of you. You must admit it for you to rise up and punish it. Each time you punish her it is weakening her more and more so that she loses her power to control you. This is what we are into.


COMMENT: This is back on the turtle dove. It is amazing, regular doves keep the same mate.


PASTOR VITALE: They are always paired?




PASTOR VITALE: We will take the picture, and I will read you the info about the heart onto the message, and we will start translating several Scriptures on the turtle dove. I do not think I made it clear that the symbology of the two doves relating to the two cavities of the heart indicates that our spirituality is in the heart, because birds signify spirituality. So the left side of the heart is Satan's spirituality, Satan's high place, and the right side of the heart is the low place of the City of God, but it is higher than Satan's high place. The right side of the heart is the lowest place of the Kingdom of God that we could be in which lowest place of the Kingdom of God is higher than Satan's highest place which is the left side of the heart which is a part of Leviathan's City.


Did Jesus not say something like that, that is why I just laughed because that Scripture popped into my mind. Did He not say that the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than the greatest -- ? Well, the Scripture turns out to be, the King James translation makes it sound like it is Jesus talking about John the Baptist saying that the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist who was the greatest prophet born of a woman. That is the King James translation. We found out Jesus was really talking about Himself, and I tried to look for the Alternate Translation, and there are many Scriptures I have commented on, but I have never takes a lot of time to phrase it and put it in good English and get it into the Alternate Translation, so apparently I did not do it with any of those Scriptures.


I will just leave it with you. As we looked up every word, we found out that Jesus was saying, the least in the Kingdom of God, the youngest in the Kingdom of God. He was talking about Himself, and the spirit of Elijah was in Jesus, not in John the Baptist, but the Lord just quickened to me that is what Jesus was talking about when He said the least in the Kingdom of God, the least that has pierced through, is greater than the greatest prophet that exists on the left side. That is what He was saying. Is that not exciting? No matter how small you are, and men may not know you, men may not honor you, you may be very average person, but if in your heart you have pierced through to the right side you have more power than any of the prophets who are serving God from the left side of the heart. I find that exciting.


We see the Kingdom of God is a part of the City of God. Michael's city, Jesus' city, Jerusalem, it has a lot of names. That is it right here on the right side of your heart unless I have it backwards, but it is on the side of your heart that is attached to the City of God.


COMMENT: Is it also called Zion?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not know, but I do not think so. I think I looked that up once and I found out that Zion was a particular level of spiritual maturity. I do not think that it was the City of God, but I could be mistaken.


COMMENT: The reason I asked is there is a Scripture, a Psalm, I think that says Zion, the City of our God.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the City of our God? Well, it may be true. I am not really equipped to answer it. It may very well be true. I want to point out that this is the second time to my knowledge that this has happened. I think the first time it happened with you that a question was asked when I did not ask for questions but it was OK because you were flowing in the spirit. It was Ok, but what you did did not grieve the spirit, that spirit on me that is teaching. Now our ultimate goal is that you should not have to raise your hand, but that everybody should be flowing in the spirit to such a degree that you do not have to conform to these carnal rules. We only have carnal rules until we get enough control over our carnal mind to flow in the Spirit of Christ. Technically, from the carnal side I had not asked for any questions, but you were OK because where the spirit of God is you are above the law. Can you understand that? When you are in your carnal mind you are under the law, and you have to obey the rules. But if you are truly in Christ you transcend the law. OK? Praise the Lord.


We will read some of these definitions about the heart.


Anatomy: The chambered, muscular organ in vertebrate that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system. A similarly functioning structure in invertebrates. The vital center and source of one's being, emotions, sensibilities. Just wanted to give you the physical definition.


I am down at the bottom of page 2 now.


The heart: A muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body; the pear shaped human heart is about the size of a fist and lies just left of center within the chest cavity; the contractions of heart muscle or myocardium are entirely self-stimulated. The heart is divided into two cavities by a wall of muscle. Each cavity is divided, in turn, into two chambers. The upper chamber is called atrium and the lower chamber is called ventricle. Blood from the veins, high in carbon dioxide, but low in oxygen, returns to the right atrium and enters the right ventricle which contracts, pumping the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. Blood rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide returns from the lungs to the left side and enters the left ventricle which contracts forcing the blood into the aorta from which it is distributed throughout the body. The blood is prevented from backing up by a series of valves.


We know, of course, that there is an etheric part of our physical body. I just described the physical heart. There is an etheric part of our physical body so we have an etheric heart in the etheric part of our physical body, and that is the heart that is pierced, and it is not our physical heart that is pierced.


I am going to start at the bottom of page 7. I did say Luke 2:28 earlier on this message. I was incorrect. It is verse 24, and I will read you verse 23 just to lead into what we are talking about here. Luke 2:23 - As it is written in the law of the Lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. Now I want to point out to you that I have never noticed before, this is the law of the Lord. It is not the law of Moses. In this same chapter it talks about "after Mary's purification," after having the child, according to the law of Moses, but we see that circumcision is according to the law of the Lord. We know that Lord means Controller, and that is talking about Adam as the Controller, he is the Controller of the Serpent. I do not really know what it means except that it seems to be referring to the spiritual law. I just thought I would point it out to you because I have never noticed it before.


As it is written in the law of the Lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. I want to suggest to you that the opening of the spiritual womb, now the heart is the womb, is the piercing through. That is the opening of the womb. Every male that opens this womb, that pierces through into this right side is holy unto the Lord. I want to tell you Brethren, I am telling you, that if you are hearing these messages, and you want this experience do not think that your life is going to stay the same because it is not. When you pierce through into the right side, when you pierce through into the side of the heart that is a part of the City of God you become a priest. You have heard that we are kings and priests unto God. You cannot have the power without the responsibility, and without the life that goes with it.


Now I do not know how this is going to work out if you are married and you have a family. I really do not know, but I am telling you that when you pierce through your life will never be the same. You become a priest. Your whole life is going to change, and you become a male, every male that openeth the womb, the male in you is the Mind of Christ. It is Abel in you. Every male who openeth the womb, every male who pierces through that wall that gets you into the ground floor of the City of God is holy unto the Lord. You are no longer your own.


You think you are not your own now, you have not even begun yet. You literally live for Him. He is your portion, and I am very interested to see how this is going to happen or how this is going to affect people who are married. I am curious to see what it is going to do with your life. I do not know. The only thing I know is my life, and I know that I do not have any time for any natural things. I am curious to see what He is going to do with it. It does not mean that your piercing through has to be like mine, but I do know that when you pierce through into the City of God you become a priest because only priests are in the City of God. It is a priestly city.


Verse 24 - And to offer, Mary and Joseph were coming to offer a sacrifice, according to that which is said in the law of the Lord. A pair of turtle doves or two pigeons, that is the sacrifice for the male who opens the womb. I will tell you right now we are translating the word "pigeons" to "birds," but the word "turtle dove" we are translating "turtle." Both in the Hebrew and the Greek it is the same word that could be translated turtle or turtle dove, and you may recall several months ago, I forget the series that it was in, it may have been the Rudiments of Kabbalah, I talked about the fish that was in the primordial ocean. The Hebrew Scripture, as far as I could see, only says fish. It does not define the fish. I found in Hindu writings that they said that the fish at the bottom of the sea was a turtle so I did some research on it, and I felt that this was accurate. We will re-do that study on this message.


It is amazing what I found listed under turtle. The turtle is a eunuch, has to do with Tartarus, one of the words in the New Testament, one of the words that is translated hell, and I came to the conclusion that it must be a turtle in the primordial sea, and I told the Lord I would believe that until He told me otherwise. So we see the turtle is a member of the Serpent's household, and it was the turtle herself who was instrumental in killing Adam. Remember, the primordial Serpent was a consciousness that existed in a primordial ocean. She had no form. She was water, the waters of creation, laced with earth, but she had a consciousness. She was a being that did not look like we look. She was a being that probably did not even look like the ocean out there, she had no form, but she had a consciousness.


At one point of her ocean she gathered enough of her earth together to form a solid aspect of herself. Is that not what Jehovah is doing? Did He, Jehovah, not send Elohim to form a solid representation of Himself? Well, that is what the Serpent did. She wants to do everything that God is doing, and she formed a solid representation of herself. I do not know how solid it was. It was not as solid as we are, but it was more solid than she was who had no form at all. The Hebrew Scripture says that solid representation of herself was a fish, and the Hindus say it was a turtle, and I researched it, and when I researched it and found that the information that I had about a turtle was consistent with believing that the primordial Serpent's form was a turtle, I went searching through the Interlinear Text looking to see if I could find a turtle.


I could not find any turtle anywhere in the King James translation. I did find turtle dove, and I found that the Hebrew and the Greek word translated turtle dove could also be translated turtle, but I looked at the context of every verse that I saw this word in, and it looked like turtle dove fit. I did not understand it, I just left it with the Lord, and now as I worked on the message that we did this morning, Christ in the Manger, I had gone ahead to verse 24 and the revelation of this turtle dove, in this verse anyway, meaning the turtle, the primordial turtle, the spirit of revelation just fell on me, and it led to this message.


We will be translating turtle dove as turtle, as the primordial turtle who attacked Adam. Now this is the revelation I am moving in right now. What happened to the turtle? Where did Leviathan come from? Leviathan is a sea Serpent, a snake, a water snake. I have some definitions on that too. How did we get from the turtle to the sea Serpent? Well, this is the revelation I am walking in now.


Remember, let me remind you, that all of the waters when they were drawn above the firmament which is called the sea the window underneath the firmament was to be dry and barren. What happened is that the seas, the double portion of the waters that were in the upper room crashed or fell down into the lower room, and the double portion of the water, the negative seas are now down here called Satan. The name is Satan. The negative seas are called Satan. The turtle existed in the waters underneath the firmament, not in the seas.


There was urine underneath, and semen above, and then at one point Elohim called for all the waters to go up above. The turtle existed when there was still urine underneath the firmament, unclean water. Is everybody following me? The turtle still existed, but the Serpent broke through the hedge and the turtle went through and attacked Adam's ox, and Adam's ox turned against him and he was overcome by the Serpent's household, and now all of the waters belong to the Serpent, and all of Elohim's breath that have been breathed into the creation belong to the Serpent. So this turtle absorbed all of Elohim's breath that was in the upper window, and she became a sea Serpent. Everybody OK? She became a sea Serpent. This is what I am walking in right now.


I was amazed as I did this study on sea serpents, and we will get to it eventually in this message. Do you know that a Serpent, the whole length of the Serpent is one long spinal column? I did not know that. It is like one long spinal column. They have many vertebrae just like on a human spinal column. What hit me between the eyes was, Wow that is the Serpent. We know that is where the fiery Serpent manifests herself, up and down the spine of the etheric part of the physical body, and we know that the spine and the brain stem and the brain and the whole nervous system, basically, is what we are. Everything else is just a garment that we are wearing.


We are our nervous system, the brain, and the spinal column. I knew that the fiery Serpent manifested up and down the spinal column, but it just really hit me. When I saw what our spinal column really is, we are a humanized Serpent. Jesus called us serpents. If this is the first message you are reading He clearly said we are serpents, but it just hit me, it just really hit me between the eyes. It is just one more indication that in this physical form we are serpents. Now, you have to ask yourself, brethren, why you want to take this body with you? You have to ask yourself why you love this body so much. It is the Serpent's body, only more evolved than the actual Serpent that we know of today.


Let us translate Luke 2:24 - And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtle doves or two pigeons, and to offer her, I amplified carnal mind as a victim. That word sacrifice can mean victim. Remember, the sacrifice is always, the Lord willing, the carnal mind. The sacrifice is either the carnal mind or the Christ mind. It is our mind that is being sacrificed. One mind is sacrificing the other mind. So in an offer to the Lord it is the carnal mind that is being sacrificed.


Victimized, I would like to victimize my carnal mind, this is a godly victimization. May she be victimized forever and ever. May she be victimized unto her death. And to offer her carnal mind as a victim or a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of Adam, the controller, and the two shall be tied together. That word "pair" we are translating it "together." And the two shall be tied together, the turtle, not a turtle dove, but a turtle, the primordial turtle. And "or" we are translating "and," the two pigeons young. And this is what the Lord gave me: And to offer her carnal mind as a victim or as a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of Elijah, the Controller, and the two, the turtle and Christ, the younger of the two minds, shall be tied together. Now I have changed that law of Adam to the law of Elijah because I am having some trouble remembering that, but the Lord reminded me that at the time that Luke 2:24 is talking about, Elijah was the savior of Israel, and it was the law of Elijah who is the Lord, the Controller. I do not have any more information on that right now.


And to offer her carnal mind as a sacrifice according to that which is said -- the Lord just spoke to me about that. He said the law of Elijah is the spiritual law that is imparted in this dispensation. It is the law of the Lord Jesus Christ to us, the law of Christ, which is the law that is behind the whole Doctrine of Christ, the spiritual authority that is organizing us and training us to destroy our carnal mind. This is what it is, the law of Christ. The law that enables us to live in the lower realms of heaven while still in the body. That is the law of Christ or to Israel the law of Elijah, and when we follow that law, when we live out of the Mind of Christ and sacrifice our carnal mind, we can be in heaven and earth at the same time. Well, thank you Lord for that information.


And to offer her carnal mind as a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of Elijah, the Controller, and the two, the primordial turtle that is still in her and Christ, the younger of the two minds. Now the turtle is a mind that, apparently, in this Scripture is talking about the carnal mind. The turtle's mind. And the two, the turtle's mind and Christ, the younger of the two minds, shall be tied together. Our of this one verse I got that whole revelation on the circumcision of the heart. So we see in the drawing of the heart center, broken down into two cavities, we see a location of the two minds, and they are described in the Scripture as two pigeons, the two birds, and they must be tied together, and what is the name of the Mind of God? It is called the Kingdom of God.


What is the name of the Mind of God when He has bound unto Himself the carnal mind? The Kingdom of the Two Heavens, the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of God alone is the Mind of Christ alone, and when Christ overcomes the carnal mind and binds her unto Himself so that the two operate as one mind they are called the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of the Two Heavens. That, I taught a couple of years ago. I taught that in XXXXX basement, and here it is right here in Luke 2:24. And the two minds, the mind of the turtle, and Christ, the younger of the two minds, shall be tied together. Does anybody not understand that? There are two minds, and this Scripture is saying the turtle's mind, the mind that grew out of the turtle, the carnal mind.


And the two minds, the turtle's mind, and Christ, the younger of the two minds, shall be tied together. This is the law of Elijah, and to us it is the law of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the law of Christ is the Spirit of Christ. I know that I have taught this before, maybe not in exactly these words, but spirit is law. So if you have the Mind of Christ the law that you are under is the Spirit of Christ. So if you want to live out of the Spirit of Christ, if you want to be under the law of Christ, you have to be living out of the Mind of Christ, and the only way you can live out of the Mind of Christ is if you bind the carnal mind under you, and that is the law of Christ. In Luke 2:24 Jesus was not ascended and resurrected yet, and Elijah was the Savior of Israel so the Scripture says, the law of Elijah. Is everybody OK? Praise the Lord.


I think that I would like to go back to page 3 and start with some of these definitions, starting with snake. The reason I looked up snake is that I have this revelation that the turtle became the sea Serpent, was the primordial Serpent who became the sea Serpent, Leviathan, who incarnated the carnal mind, and just as the Hebrews of Jesus' day said, Our father, we know that Abraham was not their immediate father, but they considered their ancestors their father. In this same manner, apparently, this Scripture, Luke 2:24, which is a quote from the Old Testament is referring back to the turtle as the predecessor of the carnal mind, or as the true father or the true mother of the carnal mind. I do not know why that Scripture does not refer back to the Serpent as the true predecessor of the carnal mind, I do not know, I do not have that revelation yet, but this is the use of the word turtle in this and in several other Scriptures that I found.


I looked up the word Serpent because the turtle became a Serpent. Everybody OK? We really should be doing turtle first, but for some reason I have snake down on my notes first so we will do that one first. When I looked up sea Serpent the encyclopedia that the sea Serpent is a mythological animal that has been spoken about a lot, but no one has really ever found a sea Serpent.


Snake: A limbless reptile, no feet, of the order of snaca which also includes the lizard. The snakes extremely long narrow body has many vertebrae, and paired internal organs are arranged linearly rather than side by side. It sounds like what I have got on the board there. Can you hear that? They have paired internal organs. Like we have two lungs, they are not side by side, they are one on top of the other, like riding up that whole line that I have drawn on the board there. All snakes are deaf, and we know that the Scripture refers to several snakes as being deaf to the Mind of God. Some snakes, constrictive, crush their prey by wrapping their bodies around it and squeezing. Others, venomous snakes, inject a toxic substance into their victims. And we have a picture of a snake for you. Isn't that something? This is the outline that our spinal column is based upon. Only, we are serpents that have limbs. The Serpent has grown limbs.


A turtle is also a reptile with an armor like shell and strong, beaked, toothless jaws. Now I find that very interesting that the Serpent has toothless jaws. I haven't shown it on this drawing tonight, but on previous drawings we found out that Satan has teeth. Where are Satan's teeth? Where are they located? The turtle is toothless, but she became a sea Serpent. Now, we know that snakes have teeth.


COMMENT: I thought it was the fiery Serpent. Between the fiery Serpent and Leviathan.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is true. The fiery Serpent, the lowest center, the root center, is the lower row of Satan's teeth, and Leviathan in the second center is the upper row, and the two teeth together are Satan. She is the bite. She is what was added in so many words to the turtle. The turtle had no teeth, became a sea Serpent with teeth, and Satan is the teeth of the lower world, the Serpent's teeth, the whole Serpent. I thought that was very interesting that the turtle had no teeth.


The land species are called Tortoises, and the name Terrapin is generally applied to large fresh water or brackish, salt water, species. That word Terrapin, all I could see was teraphim in it. It is so much like it. I looked up the word., and they date back to, turtles date back to the earliest dinosaurs. I looked up the word teraphim, in the middle of page 5 I quoted Hosea 3:4 which says: For the children of Israel shall abide for many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without an image and without an ephod and without a teraphim.


Strong's #8655, teraphim, means idolatry, idol, images, a family idol, a household, shrine, and it is the plural of #7495, a healer, teraphim, a family idol. The comment that I have is that there is an unused root just above that word. That is Strong's #8655, and Strong's #8644 there is an unused word, tera. It is the same letters less the plural, and it looks like to me it is a singular form of teraphim. That unused root means caluminating (?), a false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation, the utterance of maliciously false statement, slander, and all of these words reach back into teraphim.


So we see as far as the Scripture is concerned, Hosea 3:4, is saying that this is God's judgment. And He said that the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, without a prince. A king is a natural king. Prince is a spiritual leader. Without a sacrifice, without a spiritual cover, so they are not going to have the good things of God, but neither are they going to have their images or their terephim. They are slandering God. They will have no god at all. That is what that is saying.


At the top of Page 4, this is the first definition of turtle. Any of various aquatic or terrestrial....?...., have horny and boney or leathery shell into which the head can be withdrawn. If you go down a little below that, it says that the word turtle comes from the French word tortue, old French from mediaeval Latin tartaruca, and you keep on going and we have....and they keep giving you all these root words that it came from, and finally it says, from the late Greek ?, occupying ?, and it says, see eunuch. Now we know that Tarturus appears in the New Testament. I have that on page 5. Tarturus, Strong's #5020, it is the name of the subterranean region, doleful and dark, regarded by the ancient Greeks as the abode of the wicked dead. Well, I do not really believe that is what it means. The second definition is to be thrust down to Tarturus, to hold captive in Tarturus.


I did a study many years ago on the words that are translated hell, and I saw that the people in Tarturus were not in any kind of pain. I drew the conclusion at that time that....well, this world is hell....that it was the people living in this world who were not yet under judgment, and life was not bad for them. Life was good for them. They were not yet under judgment, but today I look at Tarturus as the good side of this world. There is good and evil. You can see that there are two cavities in the heart center, and in the cavity which is connected to the Serpent's city there is an oracle and a ventricle which I think symbolize those who are having the good life. They are people who are very happy in their life here, and those whose life is absolutely hell here, and I believe Tarturus is the place in hell where people do not have it so bad.


If you have experienced heaven, then Tarturus would be as terrible for you as any other place. But for the people who are in Tarturus they are not at all unhappy. They are having a good life. This word is one of the roots that turtle is derived from so I suggest that it is a witness, that turtle is a manifestation of hell, and that it is a witness that the primordial fish, the original fish that the Serpent formed herself into was, in fact, the turtle. I do not know where the Hindu's got that information, but apparently it seems to be accurate.


Also, our definitions say, see eunuch. See eunuch. I never really preached this to you, but the Lord was giving me some deep translations in Genesis 1 and 2, and one of the words that kept coming up when I was applying Kabbalistic principles was eunuch. The Serpent is the eunuch. She separated herself, she killed her husband, separated herself from God, and made herself into a man to start her own world. Jehovah pronounced a judgment upon her. He said....and I did this by looking up the meanings of all the individual letters. It was a very deep study, and Jehovah said, You have made yourself a male, but you are barren. I, therefore, pronounce you a eunuch. I call you a eunuch. You have made yourself a male, you have captured Adam's widowed spirit and made her your wife, and you are reproducing, and you are on your way to forming a creation. Well, you think that you are a male, think that you are a man, but you are barren. You cannot bring forth any living thing. Everything that you bring forth will be dead. The whole creation that the Serpent has made is dead including us. We are still dead. We are not alive until we are fully resurrected. We have life within us, but we are not alive. Hopefully that life that is within us will join with us and raise us from the dead fully.


I have one more definition here, Tortoise, a terrestrial turtle. I guess that is enough right now. I have a definition of eunuch for you. A eunuch is a castrated man, employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts. A man or a boy whose testes are non-functioning or have been removed. That is our spiritual eunuch. The Serpent is a male, she has made herself a male in this world whose testes are non-functioning. They haven't been removed, she has testes, but they are barren.


Here is the Scripture about Tarturus, II Peter 2:4, For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto they are reserved. So life is not so terrible down here if they do not know any better, but the best life down here compared to the life in the spirit would be very painful once you have experienced life in the spirit.


Let us move on to page 6. I have three verses in Song of Solomon, Chapter 2, that I translated. Verses 10, 11, and 12.


Verse 10: My beloved spake and said unto me, rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.


Verse 11: For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.


Verse 12: The flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. Now how could the voice of the turtle be heard in our land? Even if the Scripture is talking about the turtledove, it does not make any sense that the Scripture would say the voice of the turtle is heard in the land. It has to have a spiritual significance. So, applying everything that we have heard in this message that the turtle is speaking about the primordial turtle, let's see what these three verses are saying.


Verse 10: My beloved spake and said unto me, rise up my love, my fair one, and come away. Loved one is a word that can be translated relative, brother, uncle, and at least for the time being I have translated it relative. I do not know how I will translate it in the Alternate Translation. So, my relative said to me, stand up, that is a translation of rise up. Stand up and be proven or tested. I am not going to go check this out today, but if anyone wants to check this out you can look in the Interlinear Text yourself. My beloved spake, my loved one said to me, stand up, rise up, and be proven and tested. Oh, I have it here. Rise up, the English word rise up was two words. It was a translation of two words, Strong's #6965 and #8705. One of those two words means to be proven or tested. Either the King James or the Brown, Driver, Briggs said it could be translated proven, and in the context of the whole verse, we are making it...


The word love we are translating companion. I love my companion, and fair one we are translating beautiful.


We have another two words together, #8705 and #1980 that we are translating lifestyle, and for the purpose of. Here is our Alternate Translation. And my relative said to me, follow my lifestyle my beautiful companion so that you may be tested until you stand up. Of course, we know that the Old Testament is talking about the spirit of Elijah. To us, it is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. And my relative said to me, follow my lifestyle, my beautiful companion, so that you may be tested until you stand up.


Verse 11: For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The word for, we are translating because. Winter we are translating darkness. Past we are translating overflowing. All legitimate words in either Strong's or Brown, Driver, Briggs. The rain showers from above. The word over we are translating above. Gone we are translating to carry away, and there is a word that is not translated, Strong's #8705, it means for the purpose of.


Verse 11: Because Satan's darkness is overflowing. I am identifying the rain showers as the spirit of Elijah in the Old Testament. It will be the Spirit of Christ in the New Testament. Because Satan's darkness is overflowing Elijah's rain showers from above to carry you away for the purpose of -- I want to suggest to you that in the case of Israel and in the case of Christians who backslide, Christian's who are in a high place who backslide. I am talking about Christians who are pierced through into the other side of their heart which is a part of the City of God, what happens sometimes is the darkness that is on the side of the heart center which is a part of Leviathan's city. Now remember we are talking about spiritual darkness that can rise up and vibrate out without leaving their place. Now, what is the name of the darkness in the heart center? We found out it was called Ashtoreth in the Old Testament, and the Devil in the New Testament. It is the actual reality of the person.


Our spirit abides in the heart, our personality abides in the heart, what we are abides in the heart, and our heart is engraved with the nature of the one that we represent. So what this Scripture is talking about is Ashtoreth rising up the darkness of the side of the heart center that is in the Serpent's city, rising up to try to reclaim that part of the resurrected Abel that is pierced through into the side of the heart which is in the lower aspects of the City of God. It is a continuous rising and falling. We heard about this in Jonah too. Jonah rose right up. Abel and Jonah rose up and wanted to obey Jehovah, but Ashtoreth in the other side of the heart center went after him to stop him and get him back.


This is what happens when we fall, when we backslide, or when we are overcome. We go on with God, and the spiritual powers of the enemy vibrate after us and tries to capture us, literally envelope us in this spirit, and the part of us that they are trying to envelope is our mind. Apparently, the mind is in the heart or it is founded in the heart. Mind is spirit so I am sure it spreads out in many aspects. That is what this is talking about here. Of course, Israel was continuously backsliding. This, I would suggest to you, is what happened to her. Israel was laid hold of by whoever it was before Elijah, Michael, I do not even know what the name is, but I would say Michael before Elijah, before Elijah became the father of Israel. Israel's human spirit was laid hold of and carried over to the side of the heart center that a part of the City of God and nailed there.


That is why Jesus is the nail, but because they did not go over to the other side because of an overcoming, they were carried there from point A to point B without overcoming. Ashtoreth in the negative part of the heart center was able to vibrate over and capture them, to kidnap them and bring them back. When you pierce through into the side of your heart center that is in the Kingdom of God it is much harder to get you back because you have gotten there through your own efforts, of course in the power of God, you have gotten there by overcoming, and you have had experiences, and you have learned how to deal with the Devil and Satan, and it is much, much harder to get you back when you have gotten over into the Kingdom of God by defeating your enemy battle after battle after battle.


If someone just gives you the gift it is very hard to hold on to it, and outside of a miracle from God not many can. That is why the Lord Jesus is not just picking up the whole creation and dumping us into the Kingdom of God. Why does not He do it? It would not do us any good. We have to become strong in our own right. We are supposed to be kings and priests. Are we going to be little babies over in the Kingdom of God that does not know what they are doing? No. By the time you pierce through you will be a king and a priest. No women and children ruling over us. Spiritual males ruling over us. So you have to go through what ever you have to go through to become a spiritual male.


I tell you the truth, I have been telling you this for years, what you start with depends a lot on what you came into this world with. If you came into this world with a genius IQ and great faith and a disciplined mind and healthy habits and extremely mentally healthy, and you have faith in God on top of all this you might go through faster than someone who came into this world with rejection from the womb and a dysfunctional home and very poor discipline and very poor concentration, it might take you much longer than that other person.


Everybody is not starting from the same place, but neither is God a respecter of persons because what you come into this world with is a result of the curses and blessings on your family line. God is fair, and He is fair in that He is giving the same opportunity to everybody, and He is there to help everybody equally. Although one walk might be a little harder than the other, everybody has the same opportunity to overcome if you just do not faint. If you do not give up, you have got to make it, but you have to do it His way. You cannot make your own rules as most of the Church is doing. Look at our numbers. You cannot make your own rules, but if you are willing to go His way you have to make it. I cannot tell you how long it will take, but you have got to make it.


Ashtoreth's darkness is overflowing Elijah's rain showers from above to carry you away for the purpose of. That verse does not end. There will have to be an interspersion.


Verse 12: The flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. It sounds like a beautiful verse, but we see it is talking about our enemy, the turtle. The flowers appear in the earth, time of pruning. That word singing can be translated pruning. The word birds is not in the Hebrew. Is come, the voice of the turtle is heard in our earth. The word land is the same Hebrew word as in the phrase, the flowers appear in the earth, but I just changed it back to the earth.


It is talking about our personal cosmos, the earth that our spirit dwells in. I have been preaching here for a long time a flower typifies the Holy Spirit. The fruit typifies Christ. The signs that the spirit are coming forth in you is just like a plant in our physical world. First the plant comes forth, then the flower comes forth, then the fruit comes forth. The flower typifies the Holy Spirit, the fruit typifies Christ, but we know there is a false Holy Spirit in the land, and there is false fruit in the land because there are two vines. There is a true vine and a false vine. I suggest to you that this word flowers is talking about the Holy Spirit, but we do not know at this point whether it 's Holy Spirit or the false Holy Spirit, but apparently when I put this together I decided it was the false Holy Spirit.


The false Holy Spirit appearing in the earth, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our earth. The time of pruning is come. What that is saying to me, Brethren, is that the false vine is in the earth. The flower, the false Holy Spirit is appearing, and the fruit of the false vine is described as the turtle in Song of Solomon. Why is it described as the turtle and not the Serpent? Why is it described as the turtle and not Leviathan? I do not know. Maybe some day the Lord will explain it to me. This is what we have with the interspersions.


This is Song of Solomon, Chapter 2, Verses 10-12. And my relative said to me, Ashtoreth, darkness, is overflowing Elijah's rain showers from above to carry you away. Remember what I told you earlier on this message that when we get into the side of the heart center that is a part of God's City, in our case it is the spirit of Christ, or the spirit of Elijah, where ever you are, where ever you are coming from. The spirit that comes from God, whatever its particular name is, is coming down through the crown center and is abiding in the throat center. From the throat center, that spirit sent from God whether you call it the spirit of Elijah or the spirit of Christ, it is a spirit sent from God, is reaching His hand down into the heart center that is at the bottom of the City of God, and He is reaching for you.


We are stuck in a hole, Brethren, He is reaching for us. He wants to grab us and yank us up. So Ashtoreth, on the side of your heart center that is a part of Leviathan's city, is overriding Elijah's rain showers. That is the spirit of Elijah according to the Old Testament that is flowing down on the side of the heart center that is the Kingdom of God. So we see Elijah's showers coming down from above and Ashtoreth's darkness coming over from the other side, and the word is, my beloved who is abiding in the Kingdom of God, the side of the heart center that is the Kingdom of God.


Wake up, wake up, because the darkness from the Kingdom of God, like fog is just rolling over on to your side of the heart center and completely covering over the spirit that is coming down from the throat center. And you cannot even see it happening. That is the implication there. You cannot even see it happening. You are under the rain, and you are enjoying the rain, and the rain of the spirit of God is turning to darkness, and most Christians cannot even tell the difference. I condemn you not, but most cannot tell the difference. They cannot distinguish between the darkness that comes from Ashtoreth on the left side of your heart center and the light that comes from the spirit of God up above. They cannot tell the difference. Praise the Lord.


Do I condemn you for that? No. I am exposing your weakness whoever is reading this message. Whether it is someone here or someone outside. Why am I telling you this, to make you feel bad, to embarrass you, to hurt you, to condemn you? No. Arise, take action, confess to the Lord you cannot do it if you cannot do it. Confessing that you cannot do it is the first step in being able to do it. Jesus said I come to heal the blind. If you say you can see, there is nothing I can do for you.


And my relative said to me, Ashtoreth's darkness is overflowing Elijah's rain showers from above to carry you away so that the flowers of the false Holy Spirit, this is the reason why she is doing it, so that the flowers of the false Holy Spirit, many flowers in many individuals, can appear in the earth so that the voice of the turtle can be heard in our earth. And the voice of the turtle is the one who speaks for the turtle, and the carnal mind speaks for the turtle. Ashtoreth's darkness is overflowing from the other side of your heart center, overflowing the spirit that is coming from above for the specific purpose of carrying you away, for the specific purpose of the false Holy Spirit appearing in the earth, for the specific purpose of the carnal mind, the voice of the turtle, to be heard in the earth. The whole significance is that while your consciousness is abiding in the Kingdom of God on the right side of your heart center the voice of the turtle is silenced. Remember, the two birds have to be bound together. The two sides of the heart center must be bound together under the dominion of the Mind of Christ. This is the Kingdom of the two heavens. The turtle is silenced.


The time of pruning is come, my beautiful companion, but if you follow my life style you will be tested until you stand up. What does this mean, the time of pruning? It means the warning is going out, the darkness is overriding the spirit from above. Do what you have to do. You are being tested, take the victory, confess your sins, repent. If you cannot do it do not ? it out. Confess that you are in trouble, you cannot handle this trial, whatever the problem is, do what you need to do, be tested until you overcome, but there will be many who will not overcome, and they will be pruned away. There is no reason to live in fear. If you hear this message and you are afraid it is just a tactic of your carnal mind that is moving to stop you from even trying. If your heart is right towards God you have nothing to be afraid about. This is not about your strength. This is about your submission to God, and no matter how weak or strong you are when you are in a true submission to Him He meets you where you are and fills you out to the fullness of the strength that you need to overcome. It is all in Him. Your job is to submit and obey.


I would like to read it again: And my relative said to me, for us it is the Lord Jesus Christ, Ashtoreth's darkness is overflowing Elijah's rain showers from above to carry you away so that the flowers of the false Holy Spirit, and that is in the people now. We are talking about the people who are carrying the false Holy Spirit. Can appear in the earth so that the voice of the turtle which is the carnal mind can be heard in our earth; therefore, the time of pruning has come my beautiful companion, but if you follow my lifestyle you will be tested until you stand.


Any comments or questions before we go on to the next verses?


Jeremiah 8:7, I see I did not translate this one so I will just comment on it. Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times, and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming, but my people know not the judgment of the Lord. I just put that in because it mentions the turtle, and I think the significance of it is that the Serpent's household all know what is going on. Brethren, all the people in the Occult know what is going on, only the Church does not know what is going on. It is the truth. Is it not the truth?


Psalm 74:19, Oh, deliver not the soul of thy turtledove unto the multitude of the wicked. Forget not the congregation of thy poor forever, and of course we see another example of the carnal mind of the King James translators, unfortunately, making Jehovah look like this One that we are supposed to be shriveling and in terror of, oh God please do not deliver the soul of the sweet turtledove over to the multitude of the wicked and forget not your congregation. This is not our God, brethren, this is the carnal mind translating these Scriptures as if Satan were God because this is how Satan's servants feel.


This is our translation. The word "not" we are translating the Serpent. Deliver, you can translate that to deliver up. The multitudes, Strong's #2416 does not mean multitude at all. It means high which is life, the living. That is the word that is one of the two words that is translated living soul. That is the word translated "multitude." In this particular verse, it means the ones who are alive through a relationship with Jehovah through Elohim. That is why the word living is used. Multitude is really not clear. It is talking about the multitude of people who have life because they are connected to Jehovah through Elohim. That is what they are talking about.


The word "wicked" is not in the Hebrew. Soul, the turtle, spiritual life. That word congregation is also #2416. It is the same word that is translated multitude. Once they translated it multitude, and the other time they translated it congregation, but both times it is referring to the spiritual life. It is the word translated living out of the phrase living soul. The weak and afflicted. Not, we are translating Leviathan. And forgets, for the age.


Alternate Translation, Psalm 74:19: The primordial Serpent delivers the living soul up to the turtle and Leviathan forgets the life of the weak and afflicted for the rest of the age. Now, who is the living soul? Adam became a living soul. The primordial Serpent delivers the living soul, delivers Adam, Adam the living soul, up to the turtle, the fish which is the form of herself, and what it does not say there is that the turtle and the Serpent killed the living soul. The turtle absorbs the energy of the spirit of that living soul and becomes Leviathan, the sea Serpent. All of that is out, and the next verse says, and Leviathan forgets the spiritual life of the weak and afflicted for the rest of the age. What is this talking about? It is saying that the primordial Serpent delivers up Adam, the turtle kills him, takes his energy, increases into Leviathan, the sea Serpent who incarnates this fallen world in which Leviathan forgets the needs or forgets about nurturing the spiritual life of the weak and afflicted in this fallen world for the rest of the age.


I am going to say it again. The primordial Serpent delivers up Adam, the living soul to the form of herself, the turtle, who kills him, steals his spirit, and increases into Leviathan, the sea Serpent, who incarnates this whole fallen world in which fallen world the needs of the people who have spiritual life because of their faith in God are forgotten about for the rest of the age. It excited me to find this Scripture because I have had an exhortation like that several times over the last six months.


Christ has risen in me with great passion on this issue since we have been into all of these occult and Eastern teachings. They are high and lofty and they promise wonderful things, and if you are an intellectual person your pride just goes soaring to the sky because you can understand all this stuff, and all these promises are wonderful, but there is no help for the weak. There is no help for the weak and afflicted from these Eastern philosophies. Their help is in telling you that if you do good in this lifetime things will be better in the next lifetime. There is no help for the weak, the afflicted, the dying or the tormented for the rest of this age. Well, there is no help from Leviathan . Thank God there is help from the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that some verse!


The primordial Serpent delivers Adam, the living soul, up to the turtle who steals his spirit, increases into Leviathan, the sea Serpent, who incarnates this whole world, which world has no provision whatsoever for the spiritual life of the weak and afflicted for the rest of this age. Awesome!


Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: Going back to Luke 22:23-24, As it is written in the law, every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy unto the Lord. The Church takes this to mean that the first son that the mother has that opens up the matrix.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I know that is what the Hebrews believe, and I have no reason to believe that the Lord does not honor it or that Jehovah did not honor it unto the Old Covenant, but there is a spiritual application to it. I think if we did a survey we would probably find that every male that opened the womb and practicing Jewry does not turn out to be a holy man. I think we could safely say that. So we see that the fulfillment of the Scripture where every male is holy is in the spirit. Every male who pierces through their heart center, the muscle in the heart center, becomes holy, but every human male that is born of a human woman is not a holy man.


Here is just one more example of how the law that the Jews lived under in the Old Testament is a type of the spiritual reality. What am I saying? I am saying that a law like that is only partially fulfilled in the flesh, but will be 100% fulfilled in the spirit. If you pierce through and you get to the other side you are going to be a priest. Do not think that being a priest means that you are going to hop on a free ride somewhere. If you are going to be a priest you are going to give up a lot of the things of this world, and you are going to be consecrated unto the Lord. You are going to be married to Him.


COMMENT: I see on the drawings, you had just mentioned being married to Him, but on the drawing it is on the crown center so it is almost like when you pass through, it is like an engagement.


PASTOR VITALE: Right. It is not the full marriage. In the full marriage you are in a very high place. Actually there are three stages to the marriage so I guess you could call it an engagement, but there are three levels of drawing closer and closer and closer to the Lord. The first level, of course, is when the Holy Spirit joins with your human spirit. I am half slain in the spirit, and I cannot remember the next stage, but there are at least three levels of joining, and the last one forever we shall be with the Lord. That is the catching up from the brow center to the crown center and forever we will be with the Lord. There is no falling back from that place.


Of course, you can see how it becomes harder and harder to backslide what you overcome as you ascend because if you look at the board when you head for the throat center, when you attain to the throat center, Ashtoreth, the darkness in the kingdom of darkness, the side of your heart center that is a part of Leviathan's city, you are at a whole different level. When you pierce through from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of God you are still side by side. You are just separated by a wall, but once you ascend into the throat center, Ashtoreth has to now ascend -- I do not even know if she is capable of it -- but the darkness can cross over from the left side of the heart center to the right side. She can go over that wall. She can hop that hedge and affect you, but once you move into the throat center you are in a whole different level. From where I am now I do not believe she has the power to go up. Now the throat center is where the Eagle is. The Eagle guards the whole creation, guards the whole visible world, we are told, and the visible world is in the heart center. What ever is in the heart center, the side of the heart center that is prevailing is that which sends forth the spiritual information that produces your life. It literally makes your life what it is, brings relationships in, governs events in your life, whatever is in your heart.


I mentioned this earlier on the message that when you are on the same level it is really hard to win a battle because when you are on the same level with somebody ideally you have to get up higher than them. You have to be stronger than them. You have to have stronger weapons than them, and that is what we move into when we move into the throat center. Unless the Lord shows me that I am wrong, I do not think the darkness can go up. She can just go over. When we ascend to the heart center we have a great deal of dominion over her. My whole point is that it is harder and harder to backslide and to be overcome as we ascend.