Part 6 of 9 Parts 


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord. I have revised verses 1 through 4. Starting with verse 5 through 11, I have virtually re-translated all of those verses. Now, as I tell you many times, every Scripture can be understood on many many levels of depth. So the earlier translations are not wrong, so far as they are all based on the spiritual principles that the Lord has brought forth here and they are certainly more accurate than the King James or the other carnal translations. But this happens to me all the time. Apparently, I am not yet mature enough for the Lord to just bring me right into the very depth of the Scripture that I am capable of understanding at this time. He brings me into it in stages.


Also, as I have told you before, it would be ideal if I could translate the whole Chapter and then go back before I preach it all. But the Lord does not do it that way. He lets you go with me through my work, as I build up to the point where I get this Scripture, which is accurate for today. Next month, there may be more changes and probably will be. So this is basically the change that has taken place. I did notice in the earlier parts of this message that there were spiritual Philistines and that there were physical Philistines. I guess I hadn't really worked it out yet, who were the spiritual Philistines and who were the physical Philistines. This is where we are today.


This whole chapter, at least so far, Chapter 15 of the Book of Judges, is talking about Samson and the men of Israel. Now I do not doubt that there were physical Philistines who are the present day Palestinians. It is my understanding that they are the present day Palestinians. I do not doubt that there were wars between the Hebrews and the Philistines, because they are still such bitter enemies. But the bottom line is this; everything that happens to human beings happens on many levels. It happens within us spiritually and it happens in our physical relationships. The esoteric or the deep hidden meaning of the Scripture has to do primarily with the individual and what is happening within ourselves. The more carnal the revelation gets, the more it is referring to the conflict between the Hebrews and the physical Philistines. Being called to a very deep spiritual ministry, we are being called to the depth of the Scripture, as deep as we can comprehend it at this time. There is no doubt in my mind it is not anywhere near the ultimate, not even a fraction close.


So the message of this ministry is designed to help us to look into our own heart and to see our own sin nature and to understand what we can expect from other people as we ascend in Christ. Now as we ascend in Christ, as we become more spiritual beings, our relationships with other people become more and more bisected. We relate to them on two different levels. The more spiritual you are, the more likely you are to be relating to people with a knowledge of it, on two different levels. You have to be able to recognize the operation of the carnal mind in people and you have to know which people you can talk to about it and you have to know which people are aware of what they are doing, of the evil that they do because we all do evil. Otherwise we would not be dying. You have to be able to evaluate people and understand and check it out with the Lord; to what degree they are aware of the evil that they do and to what degree they are willing to admit it, if they are aware of it; to what degree they are in denial. You have to know who you are up against. You have to have an evaluation of your relationship. Is it strictly carnal? Is it spiritual? Is your relationship founded on truth? Based on all of those factors, how do you deal with someone whose mind is attacking you?


Because brethren, if you do not know understand that as Christ arises in you, the carnal minds of your most beloved brother, husband, wife, mother, friend of forty years; their carnal mind will get around to attacking you. This is just the reality of ascension in Christ Jesus. If you want to go on, you have to believe that. If you choose not to believe it, I am telling you prophetically, you will not go on in Christ. Why? Because the carnal minds of all of your beloved relationships will kill you; they will kill Christ in you. If you cannot believe that they are attacking you, you will not fight and you will die spiritually. That is the reality of our ascension.


So this is what the Lord has shown me, that the deeper we understand the Scripture, the more it is concerning self and our immediate spiritual relationships; spiritual relationships. The physical relationships are controlled by the spiritual relationships. Now this is one of the hardest lessons for rising sons to understand and even when they understand it, to begin to implement it. One of the hardest things to implement, get this into your head, that no matter how much you are being attacked, the worst thing you can do is respond in the physical. The worst thing you can do is respond out of your carnal mind.


One of the greatest gains of your overcoming is your arrival at the point where you could look at that person who is saying something wrong or attacking you and not attack back. They may be saying it with a sweet smile on their face. They may be putting a knife in your heart with a sweet smile on their face. Or they may be verbally abusing you. But when you get this revelation, you do not fight back on that level, but you fight in the spirit; that means without rancor. To determine whether you are responding in the spirit, in the mind of Christ or your carnal mind, it has to be Christ coming out of you. Like I said, that is another whole message.


When you get to that point, that you could look at this person totally attacking you, and rebuke the sin nature in them, but pray for the very best that God will do for them and the very best that God will do in your relationship; when you get to that point, which is very hard to get to, you will have won a victory. When people attack you, it is provocative, it hurts you, it wounds you. You want to come back at them. That is your sin nature that wants to come back at them. When you get to the point that your sin nature is so harnessed and you are riding that sin nature like a horse; when you've got a saddle on that sin nature and you are sitting on top of it and that horse cannot throw you, there is nothing that any man can do that will harm you. Now I am not there yet, but I am doing a lot better than I used to do, but I have got a vision of this. I believe it with all my heart that when we break that horse that is within us, that carnal mind, every victory in this world will be taken in the spirit; in the spirit.


I believe this is what Jesus meant when He said, be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Paul said, he who wars does not get entangled with the disputes of this world. Everything is controlled by the spirit. But if you try to control your life out of the Spirit without restraining your carnal mind, then you become a witch. When we start to deal with every problem in the spirit without admitting sin, without putting yourself before the Lord and saying what did I do wrong in the circumstance, it is witchcraft. What is my sin? What is my contribution? How do I deal with this? God knows whether you are in the mind of Christ or whether you are in the carnal mind. When you start dealing with your life in the spirit, secretly, and it is not Christ, you become a practicing witch. So your sin nature must be exposed and dealt with. It must be harnessed and saddled. It is like breaking a wild horse. Of course, Christ has to be formed in you first or there is no one to break the wild horse. The personality cannot do it because the sin nature is mind, male, and the personality is female to the mind. So there is no way that the personality will break her own carnal mind. It has to be another mind coming in that will break the carnal mind and rescue the female personality. Of course, that mind is Christ.


I may have mentioned it on the previous messages that it was not clear to me who were the physical Philistines and who were the spiritual Philistines. I finally sat down with it yesterday. I spent several hours just going over the already translated verses and this is what the Lord has given me. The physical Philistines were the tribe of Judah, for this esoteric understanding of the Scripture. Now you may recall that in the earlier messages of this series, I mentioned a group mind. I do not remember which part it was. I told you that when anyone tries to get delivered from their carnal mind that no man is an island. Every human being is a part of a group mind, probably multiple group minds; group mind of your family, group mind of your friends, group mind of your immediate family, group mind of your extended family. Satan will rise up in the mind of the people that you have these close soul ties with, to come against you, to stop you from breaking ranks with the group mind. I have talked about a group mind from time to time, although not for awhile, until this series. It is very real.


The best example I can think of at the moment is an alcoholic, whose whole family is suffering with this alcoholic and struggling and crying and saying, Oh Papa, when are you going to give this up? Look at how you are wrecking the family. Oh Mom, when are you going to give this up; you are wrecking the family. Mom and Pop wakes up one day and goes to AA and stops drinking and the whole family flips out. Do you know that there is a high percentage of couples that get divorced after the person stops drinking. It is very common that the marriage breaks up when the person finally stops drinking. Now this is typical. I am not saying it is everybody. All of a sudden the members of the family are all upset that Dad is going to an AA meeting every day. This man is running for help, not only to stop drinking, but to find out and understand his own motives and to make the necessary personality changes that will make this victory over drinking permanent. All of a sudden, the family is jealous that he is going to AA. They are jealous of his commitment to another family.


Brethren, this whole creation is fallen. It is an extremely rare person in this world who really wants only the best for another person, even when that best means that they have to sacrifice for the one they love to have what is best for them; very rare, extremely rare. So whether it is on an unconscious level or a subconscious level or a conscious level, it is still truth. So you are not in this alone. This is not just your carnal mind that you are fighting against. It is the carnal mind of the whole group mind that you belong to and all of the hate minds that you belong to. Your colleagues at work used to be your best friends. All of a sudden, now you are a Christian; they are talking behind your back and they do not want to have lunch with you anymore and they think that you are weird. It is a group mind at work. It is a group mind at home. There is your husband's family; there is your wife's family, many multiple group minds. Children frequently get very upset when you turn to the Lord or when you turn towards any pursuit that you are willing to give your all to. This is not just concerning God. You want to be a professional, you want to be a dancer, you want to be a writer, whatever you want to do; if it is going to take you away from that group, that carnal mind is going to rise up to try to stop you and not always openly. Frequently it is with subtle discouraging remarks. Brethren, people are wicked. The nicest people are wicked. People who do good things, when envy rises up in them or pride and possession rise up in them, their wickedness is revealed. Do not be deceived by what people look like or what their lives look like. We are a fallen race of people.


To the best of my knowledge, the only men and I think they are very few, who do not discourage and resent and resist people that they are close to, going in a different direction, are people who are enlightened people who are aware of their own motives. What a lot of people do is that they will make a decision and they will say, Well, I am not going to interfere with my son's life. He is married, he is a grown man, and I am not going to say one word to him about what he does. But it is just lip service. Their unconscious and subconscious mind is moving with great power to bind him and his wife and the whole family to them. To put bands on them, to control them and a lot of people who do this, they really think, Well, I did the right thing because they said the words.


The whole world lies in wickedness, brethren. Therefore the only people who could really be living the most Godly life style possible while they are still down here in hell, are the people who are aware of their own thoughts and their own emotions. If you convince yourself that you have said the words and that you are not going to interfere in your children's life and your subconscious mind never ceases, never sleeps, never rests, from trying to control them and force them to do what you want them to do, whatever it is that you want them to do, you are in denial. As an example, maybe they visit you twice a week or maybe you want them to visit three times a week, whatever. How can you stop doing it? How can you really have a godly relationship with your children, if your subconscious mind is doing the exact opposite of what you say you are doing?


At some point, these children will rise up and pull back and you will say, woe is me, what did I do to deserve this? So it is impossible to live a sacrificial lifestyle until we first become aware. We have to have a relationship with our unconscious and subconscious mind. If you are not in relationship with your unconscious and subconscious mind, these elements of your unconscious and subconscious mind are definitely doing the maximum evil that they are capable of doing. Everybody has certain limits; I will not murder; I will not steal; I will not commit adultery. Everybody has their limits. Of course, some people murder, steal and commit adultery. But if you are a person who has these limits; I will not murder; I will not steal; I will not commit adultery, your unconscious mind cannot make you do that, if you are truly determined not to do it. But what if you are not educated about envy and about pride and manipulation and control? What if you are not educated about it? Your unconscious and subconscious mind, believe me, are manifesting to the max. That is what I mean when I say manifesting to the max. That is up to the limit where you say, I will not murder; you cannot make me do that. I will not commit incest; you cannot make me do that. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


So this is the reality of our human race and it is not just Christ. You dare to rise up and be different from the rest of the family and you have a war on your hands. If you decide to marry a girl and the rest of the family prefers the other girl, everybody is saying, oh, it is your life, Johnny, it is your life. But their heart is yearning for you to marry the other woman. Brethren, it is our human condition. The person who is brave enough to look into their own heart and really see what is there and have a relationship with their unconscious mind and their subconscious mind; it is only that person who can lead the ideal kind of life, considering we are still fallen. That person is, spiritually speaking, a hero. Now what kind of a relationship are they having with their unconscious and their subconscious mind? A relationship with warfare. You are not going to be friends with your unconscious and subconscious mind.


When I say have a relationship with them, I mean you need to be privy to every thought that they are thinking. The thoughts of your unconscious and subconscious mind are frequently not verbalized. Not only are they not verbalized, they are keep the thoughts undetected. I cannot get into the whole message on thought now, but it starts way down in the depths of your unconscious mind. If you develop the ability to perceive the seeds of these thoughts as Satan, you will realize Satan is the one who sows the seeds in the earth of your personality. The finer your discernment is, the sooner you could perceive it, the easier it is to pluck it out of the earth before it sprouts and has any growth.


So for the purposes of this ministry, not only this local group here, for whoever the Lord is sending these messages to, for the level of ministry that we are at, the Lord is telling me that Chapter 15 of the Book of Judges deals with this. It is the second chapter that we are doing that is dealing with Samson. It has to do with Samson and the group mind of the men of Judah. Brethren, it was my personal experience. Christ came forth in me in a Pentecostal Church and I was attacked in that Church continuously. I could not understand it at the time. I could not figure it out. But I was attacked. If Christ rises in you, you are different. The carnal mind attacks everything that is different. The Christ mind rejoices in creativity. You know, it is only recently that I understood the call when He said, love does not rejoice in evil. Recently, that came to my understanding that there really is a rejoicing in evil. There is a rejoicing when someone fails. Very few people will admit it. But it is a manifestation of pride and envy, that is deep in your heart. You are glad when the person fails. Paul said, that is not love. He said that is not agape. That is not the mind of Christ.


So Samson ascended when Adam was raised from the dead in him. According to my understanding of Judges 15 right now, the men of Judah opposed him. You may recall from Chapter 14, he also went to the men of Judah and saw their thought forms. He saw that they were miserable and unhappy. He went to tell them his esoteric doctrine in the hopes of setting them free. You may recall that from Chapter 14. Eventually, at the end of our studies, I will intersperse all of the chapters. I believe that this Chapter 15 is talking about these same men that Samson went and brought his esoteric doctrine to. They were spiritual men. You may recall at the end of Chapter 14, the men who listened to Samson's esoteric doctrine chose Satan over the resurrected Adam in Samson. The carnal mind must be judged or she will turn us away from Christ. The carnal mind must come under the spiritually violent judgment of Christ Jesus or the personality will never turn to Christ. So the next question we have to ask ourselves is this; how could spiritual Philistines be in Judah? So let us understand who the spiritual Philistines are.


Not too long ago; as a matter of fact, I believe it was in the Samson Series in Judges, Chapter 14, the Lord started dealing with us about powers and principalities. He revealed to us that the powers of this world are the beings that exist in other worlds that are formed from the earth and the waters of Jehovah's seminal fluid. They are not formed from the virile seed. They are the powers of this world and to my understanding at this time, they are basically insects. Now believe me, I have just got my toe in the water, but I know, at least, some of them are insects.


I understand that there are many of them, as there are millions and billions of insects in this world. There are millions and billions of spiritual insects on other plains of consciousness or in other dimensions. Both words are correct, whichever word you need to understand it. Now whether or not all of the beings in these other plains of consciousness are insects, I do not know. At this moment, that is what I believe, but who knows what the Lord will teach me next week. But at the time that this knowledge came forth, I was not sure who the principalities were; talking about powers and principalities. I was not sure who the principalities were. I know that the Lord has been dealing with me on that for a while now. But I do not believe I preached it to you. I may have said the principality is Leviathan; she is the principle one. Leviathan is the principle fish. We even had that in a recent message. I made a joke out of it. I said there is a principle dog in the White House. His name is Buddy. So why cannot there be a principle fish? That is how it came up in the Scripture; Leviathan, the principle fish.


But now the Lord has taken it a step further. I have known this for awhile, but I have not preached it. Let me put it to you this way. If Leviathan is the principle fish, the Lord has shown me that Leviathan is a collective name for all of the spiral seed of Jehovah's semen that was captured by the earth. Leviathan has put her larva in every human being born of a woman. That is the worm that Jesus talks about; where your worm dieth not. So Leviathan is the viral seed that was engraved with the nature of the earth. Now apparently, and I cannot tell you that I understand this completely, but it does make sense to me; the virile seed of Jehovah's semen was in Adam, all the seeds that would increase into all of the potential civilized men within Adam, just like a woman has all these ovum in her ovaries. But these seeds had not yet received what we would call today the DNA. They had not yet received or permanently received (I am not sure) the genetic code which says you are in the righteous image of Jehovah. They were sperm either without a genetic code or without the genetic code permanently grafted to them. When Adam died, all of his seed spread out and was captured by the earth and the earth imparted her genetic code to the virile seed; if you can hear it.


Now I have a memory in my mind to share with you. When I was in Florida, I had an experience that really shocked me. I do not get upset very easily, but this really was distressing to me. There was a spider crawling across the floor. I picked up a shoe or whatever and I hit it and the spider was pregnant. If I didn't know that I just killed the mother spider, I would not even know they were baby spiders. They were like little black dots and they just scattered in every direction. It just horrified me. I had to go running after them with a shoe to kill them. So somehow, I do not have the complete understanding yet. Maybe if there was a geneticist here right now, he could even explain it to me, but I am not a geneticist.


The spiritual sperm came forth from Jehovah, yet somehow, through the process that Elohim was using to build the spiritual man, even though the sperm came forth from Jehovah, somehow the genetic code of Jehovah's nature was not yet secured in them. When Adam died, all of these virile seeds just went scattering, just like my experience with the spider. The earth apprehended them and the scriptural term is engraved them in her own image, somehow. They did come forth with the genetic code of Jehovah. The scriptural term is engraved in His image. Adam was to guard the garden. He was to guard the virile seed until they matured and were able to take care of themselves. When Adam died, the earth captured the seed and she erased the nature and put her own nature in. They were not Jehovah's nature. The Serpent erased that nature because the seed was still in seed form. They were not grown men. Now there are ministries that preach that we existed with God before this form and they preach it that we existed as full grown spiritual men, but we were not. We existed in seed form.


Apparently the earth was able to re-engrave the seed when that seed was separated from Adam. So the many virile seed are called the many fish that swim in the rivers in Genesis 1. The waters were filled with fish. That is talking about the virile seed of Jehovah's semen. It is those virile seed that collectively in their fallen condition are called Leviathan. Leviathan incarnates this race and she places her larva or her worm in the individual human being. So we are Leviathan. I have been preaching here for years about our pride. Job talks about his Leviathan. We all have a Leviathan within us. She is the Fiery Serpent. Leviathan is within all of us, personally and on a collective level. So we are the principalities. Fallen mortal man is the present day manifestation of the virile seed in its condition of being re-engraved with the nature of the earth and formed into a corrupt mind.


So therefore we are the spiritual immigrants. Philistine means spiritual immigrants, the ones who have immigrated from the other side of the flood and from other ages. We are the descendants of that virile seed who has been flowing through all of the ages that humanity has existed in, in many different forms. We are the present day expression of that virile seed. We are the spiritual immigrants. Therefore the Scripture can say and it is legitimate for us to believe that the spiritual Philistines were in Israel. Everyone has a carnal mind, which the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan are not only a large part; they are really it. It is just that they increase and Satan comes into being also. We are the spiritual immigrants. We are the Philistines. We are the spiritual Philistines.


So what I hear the Lord saying, is that the physical Philistines that were fierce physical human beings, were expressions of the evil side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But we could be on the good side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and still be spiritual Philistines because when the carnal mind rises up to do evil, we are a spiritual Philistine. Does anyone not understand what I am saying? It is the same principle as me saying we are all capable of every sin known to man. Maybe John Smith is in Attica doing time for murder; maybe he physically murdered somebody, but spiritually speaking, Jesus said that when you hate your brother, you've murdered him.


So we are spiritual murderers. But the man who actually picked up a weapon and took a human life permanently killed a physical body; he is a physical murderer. But we are all spiritual murderers. There are physical Philistines, a people called the Palestinians who are the physical descendants, I understand, of the men of Philistia in bible days. But also spiritually speaking, men who are barbarous men, who go in and murder other people and attack other nations and conquer them; spiritually speaking, they are Philistines. The Philistines were known for their magic and their occult practices. They were spiritual giants who engaged in occult practices and magic and they were evil. They were filled up with evil.


Now there are men like that in this world today. Then there are people who lead socially acceptable lives. But on the occasion that their carnal mind (Satan or their subconscious mind, which is the Fiery Serpent in them) rises up in evil using witchcraft, no matter how subtle, to stop their brother or sister from doing what God has called them to do or what is their heart's desire to do, that person becomes a spiritual Philistine. There has to be witchcraft involved to be a spiritual Philistine. Now you can be a spiritual Philistine today and not be a spiritual Philistine tomorrow because we are a mixture. There are all aspects of ourselves. We can be good today and evil tomorrow. We can be good this minute and evil the next minute. But for the purposes of Judges, Chapter 15, the manifestation of the men of Judah or of the carnal minds of the men of Judah that was opposing Samson's ascension with regard to this specific event, were spiritual Philistines. Every man in Judah whose carnal mind rose up to oppose Samson and was not restrained by that man was a spiritual Philistine.


Now I believe that there were men in Judah who had Christ raised in them, who were resisting their carnal mind. I believe there were men in Judah who rejoiced in Samson's ascension. They were not spiritual Philistines for this criteria, for this event that we are talking about. For every man in Israel, whose carnal mind rose up to oppose Samson's ascension, where the personality of that man did not restrain his own carnal mind, that man was a physical Philistine, for the purpose of this event with regard to Samson. Does anybody not understand what I am talking about?


We are not all the same thing every time. We can be righteous in one decision and not another. Look at what happened to Noah. He was righteous. Elohim and Jehovah took him to the other side of the flood and he became unrighteous. Right here at the very same moment in time, we can be righteous in one relationship and unrighteous in another relationship, if you can hear that. There are men who love their wives and families, but yet they are crooks. They go out and rob banks. So these men of Judah, probably were very devout men, but they were religious and they were keeping the law. When Christ arose in one of them, they rose up as one man to cast Christ or the resurrected Adam down, which is exactly what happened to Elijah, if you remember the study in Elijah.


The King James Translation says Elijah came and he killed all the prophets of Baal. First he said to the men of Judah, the Scripture says the men of Judah were present with the prophets of Baal. The prophets of Baal was their carnal minds. Elijah said, who's on the Lord's side and not one man said anything because Christ was dead in them or buried. They were all in their carnal mind, so no one answered. This is the same principle. So at this point, we have completed verses 1 to 13 and the Lord has shown me that this account of Chapter 14 and 15 so far has nothing to do with the physical Philistines for our depth of study. I do not know how to do a carnal translation. But for the depth of study that we are at, this whole battle is within, Samson's battle within himself and his battles with his fellow countrymen.


I have told you here many times, that as you start to rise up to war against your carnal mind, the first aspect of your warfare when Christ rises in you, is with your own carnal mind. When you overcome your own carnal mind and she cannot stop you, the next battle is with your primary relationship, your husband, your wife or your children, then with your parents, then with your employers. As you overcome the carnal mind in these other groups that you are affiliated with, the resurrected Christ Jesus in you, spreads outwards and as you become more and more of an overcomer, you become more and more capable of strengthening and supporting other people who are fighting against their group mind.


I am not going to just read these translations. I am going to do an exhortation on the translations since we are coming from a whole different point of view since part number one. I will give a brief or in-depth exhortation as the Lord leads me. I have interspersed here.


Verse 1: In the day of judgment for Samson. See, I thought that it was just the day of judgment for Samson alone, but I believe now that it was the day of judgment for the whole tribe of Judah. Brethren, when Christ rises in us, it is the day of judgment for our carnal mind. It is also the day of judgment for everyone who opposes that resurrection because they come under the judgment of Christ. So it becomes judgment day for them. We affect everyone in our life.


Do not be deceived because you look around and you do not see your family coming to Church and having the kind of relationship with the Lord that you have. That does not mean that they are not under judgment. When Christ is risen in you, everyone that you have a relationship with is under judgment. That is why it is so important that you do not yield to your carnal mind because you really hurt people when you yield to your carnal mind, whether you know you are doing it or whether you are in denial about it. If Christ is risen in you, judgment goes out in every relationship that you have. So if you are not restraining your carnal mind, the judgment switches over to the Satanic judgment. That was what I was trying to say.


If Christ is risen in you, you are the ark of God. Everywhere you go, judgment is falling. Brethren, everywhere I go, judgment falls. Now if you walk as Christ walked, the judgment ends in their good. No matter how destructive it appears because of their sin, the result of it is salvation or at least reconciliation with the Lord. But if you are not walking as Christ, if you are walking in a criminal mind even though Christ is raised in you, if you are not policing your own criminal mind, you are causing havoc. The fact that it is unconscious and subconscious is not even a question of an excuse. It is that it is happening. Everybody has an evil side to them. If Christ is risen in you and you are not restraining your evil side, that evil side is going forth and saying, I am Christ and causing havoc in people's lives and you are responsible. Everyone of you; you are responsible. To say I was not aware of it is not good enough.


We all have to be on our faces before God continuously saying, Lord, what will you show me about myself? What sins, what crimes are being committed by parts of myself that I cannot see? So when the day of judgment comes and judgment falls on everyone that has a relationship with the personality in whom the judgment has risen because Christ Jesus is the judgment. So the term, the day of judgment means Christ has risen. He is the judge.


I think I did not explain that other part. Let me try again. When Christ has risen in a personality, if that person is living out of that righteousness and you deal unjustly with them, you come under the white throne judgment. However it manifests depending on the sinner, depending on the depth of the sin and whether or not they repent and I do not mean lip service, whether or not they truly repent; the end of it will be spiritual growth. But if Christ is risen in you and you are not dealing honestly with your brethren, even though Christ is in you, if your relationships are coming out of your carnal mind, Satan is judging those people, bringing chaos into their life.


You have  got to hear this; it is very important. If Christ is risen in you and you are having relationships with other people where Christ is risen and you are not dealing honestly with them, you are living out of your carnal mind, you are not living out of Christ. Satan is trying to judge them. Satan is judging Christ. If there is any legal ground in their life, which we all have legal ground, Satan is bringing chaos into their lives. I do not know that you all understood that, but we will go on anyway. Of course, there has to be legal ground for Satan to hurt anybody. But none of us is perfect and we all have legal ground.


So if you are a person who has Christ risen in them and you are in relationships with people who have Christ risen in them and you are dealing dishonestly with people who have Christ risen in them, who are not perfect yet, who have legal grounds; you are literally siccing Satan on them. You are siccing Satan on them in their weak areas and of course it is a test for them to see if they will take the victory. But it is an intensified Satanic judgment that comes against them and for the person who is walking in Christ who is mature enough to stand under that kind of barrage and take the victory in Christ Jesus, there will be deliverance for them. But for those who are in the mind of Christ, who are not strong enough to deal with the tornadoes, there is a lot of damage being done. I hope you can hear that very fine line. There has to be a legal ground on the other person's end, but you have sicced Satan on them. Is everybody OK with that? Somebody is manifesting here, but we will just go on.


In the day of judgment; that is our translation of the wheat harvest, Samson the young male goat of Astarte, the she-goat, punished the Fiery Serpent. We established in our study of Esau and Jacob that they were called young male goats of Astarte, the she-goat, also. We explained that every human being born of a woman in an animal body; a male is considered a goat and Astarte is the she-goat. That is just another name in the Serpent's household or if you want to call her Leviathan. It is just different cultures using different names. This is one of the names used in the Old Testament. You might say Leviathan incarnates us. The Old Testament says Astarte. Leviathan incarnates us and when we are born of a woman, we are a goat. This is a big stumbling block for the Church. God did not make this creation. God made the spiritual substance which is the foundation of this creation. The Serpent laid hold of it and misused the spiritual substance and brought a corrupt world into existence. God did not make us like this.


We are supposed to be spiritual civilized men, but we are goats and we are vipers. To be a male goat means that you are simply born of a woman and you are not controlled by the mind of Christ. When you are controlled by the mind of Christ, what do you become? You become sheep. When you are controlled by the carnal mind, you are a goat. To be a male goat indicates that you are born with inherited spiritual power. Everyone is not born with equal amounts of inherited spiritual power. Some people are just born with powerful witchcraft. They are just born that way. Samson was one of those men. So to be a male goat means that you are born of Leviathan, the she-goat, called Astarte in the Old Testament, for the purpose of explaining our study. To be a male goat, it means that you are born with a large amount of spiritual power. The question is, who will wield that spiritual power? Will your carnal mind wield that spiritual power? Will the widowed Fiery Serpent in you wield that power or will Adam rise from the dead and wield that power in you? That is the question.


Now I have heard of people who are born into this world with a lot of spiritual power and they desire to be good. When they realize they have spiritual power, it scares them and they try to restrain it. But all they can do is restrain their behavior. Their mind is still doing whatever it is doing. Without the resurrected Adam or in the New Testament, without Christ Jesus in us, to restrain the evil side of us, we may never know the depths of what our carnal mind is doing, unless we are in this program to become aware, like we are being made aware here. You have to be willing to face it and stop it. You face it so that you could stop it. You do not face what is in your heart to condemn yourself. You face what is in your heart to stop her. We must have a relationship with our evil side. We must police her and monitor her and keep her in line. If you are denying her, she is doing whatever she wants. She is that mother that is looking away while that child wrecks the house.


In the day of judgment, the wheat harvest, Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she-goat punished the Fiery Serpent. When we first translated this verse, I preached on that quite a bit. Samson punished the Fiery Serpent within himself. What that means is, Samson was a man born with high spiritual power and to be manifesting high spiritual power, the Fiery Serpent in you must be ascended. It means the Fiery Serpent in you is ascended. Now listen, when Jehovah made His covenant with Israel, that spiritual covenant that Jehovah made with Israel stirred up the spirituality of the men of Israel. When Jehovah made this covenant with them, that which was given to Israel, which was the resurrected Adam, controlled the Fiery Serpent and kept her or prevented her from doing evil. But we find that continuously, at periodic intervals, in the men of Israel, that the Fiery Serpent would break the bands, would break away from Adam's restraints, and kill Adam. Even if he was still alive in an individual, the Fiery Serpent would break away from the resurrected Adam and join with leviathan to do her evil deeds.


There is a psalm that says, Why do the heathen rage and say, let us break our bands, let us break the bands off of us. What bands? Adam is the band that was given to Israel as a gift through a covenant with Jehovah so that they should manifest spiritual power in righteousness and not in good and evil. What happened to Israel, continuously, was that in many many men that Adam was raised from the dead, they just went over that very fine line where they started doing goodness instead of righteousness and goodness is witchcraft. When I say men, I mean men and women because I believe women manifested this power too. But because they were doing good deeds, they could not tell the difference. They didn't recognize that they had separated from the resurrected Adam and that they were serving leviathan because they were doing good deeds, healing arts, and whatever else they were doing. This is happening in the Church today. A lot of people in the Church are engaged in witchcraft and they think it is God because they do good deeds.


You know, when I first came to the Lord, I was in total ignorance. I was not raised in the Church. I used to read tarot cards. I would not do anything evil with those tarot cards. I was very responsible in what I told people. I thought it was OK. I didn't know it was sin. I had to repent when I found out. So there are people doing black magic with tarot cards and people really trying to help people with counseling through tarot cards. Many of them really think that it is OK, but it is witchcraft.


So we see that there is a lot of spirituality, an inherited spirituality in Judah because of the covenant that Jehovah made with Israel. Through that covenant, spiritual power was imparted and it became a part of their genetic heritage. We know that in the days of Samson, the King James says Judah was being oppressed by the Philistines. Well, I do not know whether they were being oppressed by the physical Philistines or whether it was the carnal mind rising up in them to overturn and kill the resurrected Adam. Now maybe both are true. I would never argue with anybody about it. Unless the Lord gives me some further information, I would not deny that there was warfare between the physical Philistines and Judah because I do not know. But no one could tell me that the esoteric meaning of this Scripture is not the Philistines in the carnal mind rising up to kill Adam in the Hebrews. No one can tell me that that is not true because I know that is true. So it is either both are true or just the spiritual is true, but the spiritual is true. I know because I experience it frequently and there was a time that I experienced it every day of my life.


I guess I still do experience it every day of my life. I experience my own carnal mind trying to kill Christ in me and I experience other people's carnal minds, whether they know it or not; it does not matter. I experience other people's carnal minds trying to bring down Christ in me, frequently. I walk in the revelation knowing that I am responsible, that the fact that someone's carnal mind tries to bring down Christ in me, whether they know what they are doing or whether they do not know what they are doing, does not excuse me from not taking the victory. So if ever my Christ mind is overturned, I must repent of sin. I did not take the victory. That is my warfare. This is the warfare that was going on in Israel in the days that Samson was raised up.


You have to ask yourself, why out of all Israel, Samson was sent to Judah. Does anybody know, out of all the twelve tribes, why Samson was sent to Judah? Samson was sent to Judah because Judah, in particular, the descendants of David, have the root of the tree of life. So when Jehovah comes to bring deliverance to a nation, whether it be Israel or the Church, to a nation or to an individual, when Jehovah comes to bring deliverance, Jehovah's deliverance is the resurrection or the regeneration of the tree of life, which imparts the wisdom and the power which is necessary to overshadow one's carnal mind and keep it prisoner.


You see, power is not enough. Power is not enough to control our carnal mind. This is not a battle of power alone. It is a battle of righteousness which is manifested through wisdom. There are certain things that you do not do and if you do do them, you are vulnerable to the power of your other side. You are only more powerful than your other side when you walk in the wisdom that goes with the power. Wisdom is power. In this world you can be powerful without wisdom. You can be powerful without morality. But in Christ you cannot be powerful without wisdom and morality goes without saying, because the power is in the wisdom because the wisdom is Christ. So if you have power without wisdom, that means you have power without Christ. If you have power without Christ, it means the chances are you are moving in the spiritual power that you were born with, if you can hear it.


So Samson punished his Fiery Serpent. Samson punished the Fiery Serpent within him, which is the subconscious mind of the man. It is not an ideal word. It is the word from the King James, but all that it means is Samson was high in spiritual power and he said to the Fiery Serpent in him, you will not use my spiritual power for unrighteous causes. I will put you under my feet. I will punish you. I will drive you down under my feet and (now this is the personality of Samson) only the resurrected Adam will lay hold of my spiritual power. I resist you. That is what it means by he punished her, the Fiery Serpent.


The Fiery Serpent is male to the personality. The Fiery Serpent is female to Leviathan, but she is male to the personality that she lives in. The Scripture indicates that the males, which are the virile seeds of Jehovah's semen that have been captured by the earth are so fierce that they are not capable of repentance. They must be beaten. So the Lord Jehovah has sent the Lord Jesus Christ. In this generation, it is Adam manifesting as the Lord Jesus Christ to beat the Fiery Serpent into submission. That is our own subconscious mind. That is us! But of course, there are two parts of us. We are the personality which is female and the carnal mind which is male. We found a Scripture that says the males or the carnal mind is so fierce that she will never repent. She must be beaten into repentance. The only way she is going to be beaten into repentance is if the personality that she is married to, the personality that the mind is married to, which is female to the mind, is in agreement with the resurrected Adam to beat down that evil side of ourselves.


So the Lord Jesus Christ comes and He reasons with the personality. The mind must be beaten. So this means that just about everybody, as far as I know, that receives the Holy Ghost, that answers an altar call, that claims that they repent, have a surface repentance. But it is just a surface repentance that says, Lord Jesus, I want you to be the Lord of my life. That is the personality that has repented. Therefore it goes without saying, that the next step, as you draw closer to the Lord Jesus, is that the criminal male mind, that you, the personality who repented is married to, must be beaten. The woman has come to the Lord Jesus and said, save me. But not many know what they are asking to be saved from. They are asking to be saved from the mind that they are married to. So after the Lord Jesus receives you, when you are ready, He brings you under judgment, which is the judgment of the criminal mind that is killing you. Because it is the personality that dies from generation to generation and we are not supposed to be dying. But we die because the mind that we are married to is a criminal mind.


So when you say, Lord Jesus, save me, and you get the Holy Ghost, that is just the beginning. Jesus is coming to kill the mind that is causing you to die from generation to generation. This is the experience called judgment, which is not pleasant and it can be painful. But the truth will set you free. If you can understand this message, it will help you get through it. The carnal mind is a criminal mind, you see. You've got to get the mind of Christ first, and that mind of Christ must replace your carnal mind. That carnal mind must die. It has to die. We, the personality, must die to the lifestyle of the carnal mind because a lot of people, even when they get the mind of Christ and start thinking differently, they still stay in their old habits. So we must die to the carnal mind and we must die to the lifestyle of the carnal mind to go on with God and to be fully saved. We are not saved. You are not saved until you stop dying. You are not saved after death. It is just a fantasy that is in the Church. You know, I used to believe in Santa Claus, but I grew up one day and I do not believe in Santa Claus anymore.


So Samson punished the Fiery Serpent within himself and he said, I will be a righteous man; you will not raise your head up. Stay down there in the root energy center. Even more than that, in accordance with our translation of verse 1, Samson punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife, saying, 'I will go into the chamber of my wife'. So we see, that not only did Samson put the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious part of his carnal mind under his feet, but he said, I will join with you, I will marry you and in that marriage, I will change your nature. You see, the Fiery Serpent is a ravenous beast. The Song of Solomon talks about her a lot. She is an army. She is a biting stinging army that tries to kill the righteous husband who comes to marry her because he is coming to restrain her from doing evil. She is evil and will always be evil, but the Fiery Serpent will not always do evil because she will be converted into a seraphim and the seraphim do not do evil. The seraphim cry, Holy, holy, holy, in front of the throne of God all day and all night. Of course, the meaning of Seraphim is the Fiery Serpent; the Serpent in the midst of the flames. Who is the fire? Our God is a consuming fire. Adam is the fire. The resurrected Christ Jesus is the fire. So when the fire joins with the Serpent, she abides in the midst of his flame continuously and those flames prevent the evil one from doing evil.


So Samson not only punished his wife to stop her from doing evil through him, but he was not going to leave it at that point. He wanted to marry her and in that union, castrate her for all intents and purposes because once the Fiery Serpent is joined to Christ Jesus in us, she loses her ferociousness. She takes on His nature. You see, every time you come into a relationship with somebody, especially if Christ is in you, there is always a power play. If you have not experienced this yet, you will. When you come into a relationship with somebody, there is always a power play, except in very rare occasions where one person is very docile and automatically is willing to submit, which is very rare in our world. There is always a power play, no matter how subtle it is, for who will dominate in your relationship when Christ is risen in you, especially if you are in a position of authority or even if you are not in a position of authority. We must be educated to know as to how to evaluate every relationship that we have with every person, so that we relate to them in the right manner.


To manifest authority with another person who really has authority over you is a spirit of Jezebel. But frequently it is just ignorance. If the personality intends to live righteously, as soon as they receive this education that this is really wrong and it is a spirit of Jezebel to take authority over the person who has authority over you, the personality says I refuse to do it. I will not let my criminal mind cause me to behave that way. This is why the more knowledge we have when we sin, the more stripes we receive. For those of us who abide in ignorance and we are all in ignorance in some area, no matter how enlightened we may think we are. We all come to an area in which we are ignorant, in which there is darkness we do not understand. So if we do wrong things, if we do evil because we do not understand, Jesus said the stripes are few. But once you've been told by someone in the language that you understand, that this is wrong and you continue to do this wrong thing, the stripes become stronger and stronger because now you have no excuse. So a lot of people, even though they hear that something is wrong, they are so in the groove of doing it that way that they cannot stop without strong blows. But you must be careful that you do not only change your behavior and not change your heart. Your heart has to change also.


So we see that Samson intended not only to bruise the Serpent under his heel, but to join with her so as to castrate her because who wants to spend their whole life holding down some raving screaming lunatic? Eventually you would like them to stop raving and screaming and live in peace with you. This is the fruit of that union and that union can take years, as the resurrected Christ Jesus in you penetrates and mixes Himself with your carnal mind. The miracle of the whole thing is that this carnal mind which is a vicious serpent in several aspects can join with Christ Jesus. Satan is the mad dog. The Fiery Serpent is the biting Serpent that stings. At the moment, I am not sure what Leviathan does.


It is amazing that Christ Jesus can join with her and not be destroyed. That is the miracle of it. Not only is He not destroyed, but He neutralizes the dangerous murderous aspects of the carnal mind, herself. So we see that Samson had this revelation. He said, I am going to do it. I am going to marry her. But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, Samson's father, appeared and would not permit him to go in. The evil waters of Leviathan are Satan. Leviathan is the sea serpent and she abides in the polluted waters of creation. I see that I amplified evil. This word waters must have been a prefix. The reason I amplified evil is that somewhere in a future verse, the words evil waters were used, so I amplified it up here.


But Samson's father appeared and would not permit him to go in. Now I have to tell you that when I first preached that verse, I thought that it was just Leviathan in Samson, but I now realize that it was the collective Leviathan. I did not get it when I first preached verse 1. Samson was punishing the Fiery Serpent within himself, like a single one of Leviathan's larva, one of Leviathan's offspring; Samson, just a single man. For Leviathan to appear, Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind. Leviathan is the collective name for all of the Fiery Serpents of humanity. But in this particular instance, I believe the name Leviathan signifies the group mind that Samson was attached to and it seems to be the men of Judah. That is the way the translation is going now. So Samson was not just up against his own self or Leviathan in himself. He was up against the collective mind of Judah.


So we see that the evil waters of Leviathan appeared and would not permit him to go in. We should really say the father of the group mind or the father of the subconscious mind of Judah. I will have to work on that and see how I will phrase it. That is everything that I spoke about in the introduction. Samson could not just say I will do this thing without all of the men that he was attached to in the subconscious plane rising up to stop him. The heathen world says we are all one. Well, they are right. It is true. But where they are wrong, where their truth comes to an end, they deny that Jesus Christ is not all one. He stands apart from the earth and the mind of this world. But we are all one under the surface of these physical bodies; in the unconscious mind and in the subconscious mind we are connected like underground caverns. The people that we have a relationship with influence us the most. This is why the Scripture says be careful who you are friends with. The Scripture says, Do not be friends with an angry man. Sin is catching. Who you associate with is very important. The less you are skilled at spiritual warfare, the less your ability to recognize someone else's mind penetrating your mind and trying to seduce you to think the same way, the more likely you are to be seduced. What do you need the warfare for?


Yet in our society, today, it is political correctness to say, Just fellowship with everybody. It is a complete denial of all spiritual principles in this society today. Then for many years, the west has been very unspiritual, but we had strict rules. Maybe it was religious, but they were healthy rules. Now all the rules are coming down in this society, in large parts of this society and only the people who are spiritual, with understanding, are going to survive. Because the physical rules are taken away. So you need to know and be praying for your children that are in school. We have children with criminal minds murdering teachers today. You have to be praying over your children's minds that they are not penetrated and seduced. If you are an adult and you are in a work place where all kinds of sin is allowed and you are not spiritual enough to know that you have to resist every foreign thought that is ungodly and every foreign suggestion that is coming into your mind; if you do not know you have to do that, you can be seduced into a lifestyle that you really never would have chosen. It used to be that we did not fellowship with people that were sinners by the definition of the Scripture. But now everybody is mixed. Everything goes and everything is acceptable. Praise the Lord.


So Leviathan, the father; not Samson's father, but the father of the Fiery Serpent appeared. Samson was going to convert the Fiery Serpent within him and the Fiery Serpent is the larva or the worm of Leviathan and Leviathan in the minds of all the other people that did not resist her rose up to stop Samson from capturing her baby. Can you hear this?


We know that the Fiery Serpent is not really Leviathan's baby because the Fiery Serpent, that virile seed that was taken over by the earth has become an earth worm. It never belonged to Leviathan in the first place and Leviathan is the manifestation of the Primordial Serpent in our age. So this baby does not belong to Leviathan, but Leviathan thinks and acts like this baby worm does belong to her. Here is the power play. Will this baby worm be born in the image of the Serpent or will the original owner take her back and birth her in His image? That is what it is all about, brethren. We, the personality, will bear the fruit of this battle, just like in our physical world. The wife and the children are subject to the sins of the husband and the father. If he is a sinful man, it will damage the family. If he is a man that is submitted to God and doing the best that he can to live a holy life, the wife and the children will prosper. We, the personality, are the wife of the Fiery Serpent. So if she is born in the Serpent's image, we are going to pay the price. We, the personality, will pay the price, with eternal torment.


So it really is in our best interest to agree with our new husband, who is really our old husband, the Lord Jesus Christ, to defeat this criminal mind that we are married to. Now brethren, people have got to hear this message. They have got to hear this message. All this fantasy about, Oh, Jesus will take care of me. No, He will not. Not in the way you think. Jesus is taking care of you by telling you the truth, by telling you the truth of your condition and giving you a battle plan for overcoming your own fallen condition. But if you choose to deviate from that truth or that battle plan, He is not running after you to get you back. If you think He is, you are going to find out otherwise, because He is not. Christians die every day. Christians get sick every day. Christians get cancer and aids and venereal disease every day, even the ones living holy. Sometimes wives get venereal disease from straying husbands.


So we see that Leviathan, the father of the Fiery Serpent, rose up to defend her worm, her larva within Samson, from being engraved in the image of the resurrected Adam. Samson said, concerning the personalities; that is a translation of the word, footsteps, meaning reflection. Concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah. The reason I amplified in Judah there was because in subsequent verses, I found out that we are talking about Judah. The spiritual immigrants are the Fiery Serpents. Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants.


I just spent quite a bit of time explaining it to you. We are the personality, female, and we are married to this criminal mind, which is the spiritual immigrant; the virile seed that was in Jehovah's image that immigrated into this world engraved with the nature of the earth. The spiritual immigrants have existed, well probably have always existed, and then it was Elohim's commission to form them into a civilized man. But the personality has not always existed. The personality is made of the earth. The Fiery Serpents are the immortals. The personalities who are married to them are immortals. The Fiery Serpents are the immortals. They are spiritual beings. They are not serpents like in your garden. Jehovah's virile seed are the immortals. These seeds, these sperm are appearing as Fiery Serpents in individual human beings today. Jesus!


Now I do believe that there are immortals that are not incarnated at this time. Now I have said this before, but maybe in not the exact same way as I am about to say it now. To the best of my knowledge at this time, the immortals that desire to incarnate are superior beings, superior to us because we are the ox. We are the personality. But when they incarnate in a man, they lose their memory and they become weak for a season. They become infants. They have to be raised by parents. They have to come to adulthood and they lose their memory and frequently they do not know that they are incarnated immortals. Some of them gravitate towards spiritual activities, but others do not. Many just get lost in this earth of the incarnation as a human being.


It is the desire of the immortals that are not incarnated to do what Jesus is doing; to be able to come to a human being that is already raised up and enter into that human being without losing their memory. It is the desire of the immortals that are not incarnated to be able to enter into a human being like you or me and become their higher mind and live through them without having to go through the birth process and without losing the memory of all their knowledge, whatever knowledge they have. Now this is what Jesus is doing. He is coming to us after we are already born and raised by human parents. What is happening right now is that Jesus is raising up the sons of God. When we ascend to the brow center, we will be able to bring other human beings up to that high place very quickly, where they will have the knowledge that we are gaining after all these years of laboring and studying. If they do not receive it immediately, it will come to them very quickly, in a very short period of time, certainly not like what it is taking us to go through.


That is what Jesus is doing. Well, the immortals want to do that, too. But they want to impart their criminal mind to people. It is already happening. It is already happening. You hear young teenagers on a murder spree. Where is this coming from? They have received a criminal mind. Now we are all born with a potential for good and evil. But I honestly do not know what we are going to be seeing in the days and the years to come. But I know that when an immortal will join himself to an already existing human being, that they will be doing great evil. Now whether or not this murder spree we are seeing in the schools; whether that is the evil or whether it is much worse than that, I honestly do not know. It is a possibility that what we have seen so far is not even the immortals having entered in. But you see, before an immortal can enter in and utterly start living through another human being, they have to bring that human being to a certain level of evil within themselves.


We are all good and evil. We can be either primarily evil or primarily good. There is that scale of one to ten. We could be a two or a three, which is towards the evil side. So what is happening in our society right now with all of these video games and everything being done to tear down morality, that is possible, humanity is being prepared for evil. They are being navigated towards the evil side or navigated towards the negative side of their own potential until they reach the place where an immortal can reach down and grab them. That is a direct analogy to what I tell you about the aerial center. Here we are hoping to ascend into the brow energy center. We must gravitate towards the heart center because the hand of the Lord that is about to grab us and catch us up, does not go down any lower than the heart center.


So we have to get to the heart center and maybe that is just another way of saying, we have to gravitate to the good side of our potential. Maybe that is all it means. Maybe I just had a revelation here. Maybe that is what it means, gravitating into the heart center. I have told you many times that those who come to the Lord today; we go from evil to good to righteousness. So maybe that is the symbolic meaning of ascending into the heart center. We must gravitate to the highest degree of goodness that we are capable of gravitating to, so that the hand of the Lord can grab us and catch us up to the righteousness of the brow energy center. Well, the same thing is happening on the other side of the scale. All of the evil in our society today is designed to seduce and influence people.


When you get down low enough, Leviathan's hand will grab you and join with you in a degree of an evil relationship that far surpasses the evil known to common human beings today. So we have to either gravitate towards the good side or gravitate towards the evil. If we gravitate towards the good, we are caught up; if we gravitate towards the evil, we are caught down. But do not be deceived thinking that gravitation to your good side is good behavior. Good behavior is very important in this world, but if your behavior is good while your heart is evil, you are gravitating towards the evil side. Do not be deceived. It is your heart that has to gravitate towards the good side. Good behavior is wonderful. Where would we be without good behavior? We would be in a society of chaos. We must have good behavior, but good behavior alone will not do it. The heart must gravitate towards the good side. Your heart is the Fiery Serpent within you. She is our mortal foundation.


I was giving a testimony about someone who sent me an e-mail. I do not know how old her son was. I know she is a strong Christian, so I cannot believe he was young enough that she could not tell him not to do this. Maybe he is even living apart from her. But she said he went to see the movie called Matrix. I had never heard of it. Did anyone hear of the movie Matrix? What is it about? She said it was about the same exact thing that happened in Colorado where that young boy randomly shot and killed people in a high school. She really did not want him to go. She said it was like a complete duplicate of what happened in Colorado. So all of these movies and all of this violence is preparing the people who are opening themselves to this, to receive an evil husband. It is gravitating or navigating them towards their evil side, which is a preparation for the joining of Leviathan to them. I may not have the names right, Leviathan or who rose up in them. I do not know, but they are being navigated to a position of spiritual marriage in evil that will catch them up to a high place of evil that will be painful for the personality. That is what is happening today.


So we are on the second verse in our column here, but it is verse 3. And Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah. So we have just established now that the spiritual immigrants are the Fiery Serpents within the men of Judah. Samson said, I am free from guilt. Now I just made a correction over here, where I have written in there; I am is against Satan. I believe the Lord just told me Samson is saying, I am free from Satan. I am against Satan. He says, 'I am free from guilt because I am against Satan. I am not in agreement with Satan, the evil waters and I am in the righteous moral order'.


I have to look at that original text to see if I would still use the word, puts, in there since I now have a deeper understanding of what is being said here. Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants. Concerning the personalities who are married to the spiritual immigrants; concerning the personalities who are married to the Fiery Serpents that are within our spiritual being. They are in our etheric body. He said, 'I am innocent'.


What does that mean? I am not committing adultery with the Fiery Serpent within me. That is what Samson is saying. I am not committing adultery with the Fiery Serpent. Samson was saying, I am a personality who is not committing adultery with the mind that I am married to. This is our challenge today; those of us that have the two minds. We are all married to the Fiery Serpent or we would not have any existence. But for those of us in whom Christ is being formed, you are challenged to not have a sexual relationship with our husband; to abstain, even though we are still married to him, living with him and sleeping in the same bed with him. That is our challenge.


Samson said, I am doing it. He said, I am against Satan. I am against Satan, the evil waters. I am going to have to look up this last phrase and see how it should be. So we will go on to the next verse. But it looks like he is saying, I am against, I am innocent, I am free from guilt because I am against Satan. That means, I see Satan; I recognize her; I disagree with her continuously; and I am in the right moral order. He could only be in the right moral order if Adam is raised from the dead in him. The right moral order is the mind of Christ, which is the resurrected Adam, the personality underneath and the Fiery Serpent underneath her. But Leviathan, the father of the group mind of Judah said, You, Samson, are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and that you hate Leviathan; therefore I am giving the Fiery Serpent who is my widowed friend and your beloved bride, to Leviathan.


Let us take that a little bit at a time. You know we do not have any reason to believe that the men of Judah said a word to Samson. We do not even know whether they were conscious of what their subconscious mind was saying. All we know is that the Scripture says, Leviathan rose up through the minds of the men of Judah and said to Samson, 'Well, you say that you hate Satan and Leviathan and I will punish you for that'.


I spent quite a bit of time explaining the scriptural meaning of the word hate on the first part of this message. It does not mean hate as man means hate. What it means is when Samson stood there and said, I am against Satan and I will not have anything to do with her; scripturally speaking that is hate. Even if Christ is in you, if you are still living out of your carnal mind and do not listen to Him no matter what He says, you hate Him. Of course, we have a perversion of that in our society; one mortal man saying to another mortal man, you do not love me. What do you mean, I do not love me? Well, you do not do what I want you to do. But what you want me to do is ungodly. Well, that means you do not love me. Then the other person has to stand up and say, If that is your definition of love, then I do not love you, but I will do the righteous thing. That is a perversion of the scriptural meaning of love and hate. Love means you submit to me and hate means you do not submit to me; but this is with regard to a righteous man. Praise the Lord.


So Leviathan, the father of the group mind of Judah said to Samson, I heard you boasting proudly, that you are not in submission to Satan and Leviathan. I heard you say it and therefore I am going to give the Fiery Serpent in you my widowed friend and your beloved bride. Leviathan is saying, my widowed friend. So we find and we see that the Fiery Serpent is widowed. The question is why is she widowed?


The Fiery Serpent who is not married to the resurrected Adam is a widow. Even when she is married to herself and we have established this; that the Fiery Serpent who is not married to Christ Jesus or the resurrected Adam, she is married to herself, that she ascends from the first into the third energy center and as she ascends, she brings into existence spiritual insects. As she enlivens those lower energy centers, spiritual insects come into existence. The Scripture calls them moths. The world calls them fairies. The Fiery Serpent has a relationship with these spiritual moths or fairies, as the world calls them. The Scripture says she is married to herself because she has generated these moths. That is the principle behind the word, widowed.


If you are not joined to the Lord Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament to the resurrected Adam and the Spirit of Elijah, you are a widow. If the Fiery Serpent is not joined to Adam, she is a widow. So Leviathan is telling Samson, the personality, Because you dared to say that you have the power to not submit to Satan and Leviathan, myself; I am going to show you that you do not have that power. You dared to say that you are going to punish your Fiery Serpent and marry her? You are going to enter into her chamber. You are going to have spiritual sex with her. Well I am here today to show you how weak you are, despite your bragging. I am going to take that Fiery Serpent that is in you and I am going to give her in marriage to Leviathan and I am going to show you, that you do not have the power to perform your words. That is what Leviathan said to Samson and it was not just Leviathan and Samson. It was the collective group mind that came to that single man, Samson, and said, we will not let you do it. I would go so far as to say to you that it was manifesting in the men of Judah, most likely, as envy. They offered up Jesus for envy, that it was Him and not them.


Therefore, I heard you say it and I am going to prove that you cannot perform your word. Therefore, I am giving the Fiery Serpent, who is my friend and your beloved bride. Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent are friends; they are related to one another. She is widowed because she is not married to the resurrected Adam. So we see that the Fiery Serpent is the bride. I guess at this point, he could not be talking to Samson. He would have to be talking to Adam. If you see, I have Samson amplified there, but Leviathan, the father of the group mind of Judah, said to Samson, You are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and Leviathan. That would have to be Adam in there because the Fiery Serpent is the bride of Adam, not the bride of Samson. OK, I am sorry; let us leave that Samson. But Leviathan, the father of the group mind of Judah, said to Samson, I heard you boasting proudly that you hate Satan and Leviathan. The significance there is that Samson could never be boasting proudly if Adam was not raised from the dead in him. Samson is boasting that he has nothing to do with Satan and Leviathan. He could never ever have that kind of victory without Adam being raised from the dead in him. So this is understood here.


I heard you boasting proudly that you are not in submission to Satan and Leviathan, therefore I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent, the one who is not yet married to the resurrected Adam; I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent to your friend Adam. I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent, the beloved bride of your friend Adam to Leviathan. Leviathan is saying, I am going to do through you the exact opposite of what your mouth says. Have you ever said you were going to do something and find that you do not have the power to do it. Well that is Leviathan in you opposing you or Satan in you opposing you and stopping you from doing what you, the personality, desire to do. So the group mind of Leviathan raised up envy in the men of Judah and came to Samson and said, So you think that Adam within you is going to marry the Fiery Serpent because you are not in submission to Satan and Leviathan. Well, I will show you. I am going to give the widowed Fiery Serpent, the beloved bride of your friend Adam, to Leviathan and there is nothing you could do to stop me. He said, I am going to do that even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. That is very interesting.


Now the Fiery Serpent is good and evil. Leviathan says, I am going to do that even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent or the people who are manifesting goodness rather than evil in the Fiery Serpent, who is Leviathan's young one in this world underneath are praying. The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's young one in this world underneath, in the lower energy centers. Even though those human beings who are the vessels that the Fiery Serpent lives in, which are gravitating or navigating towards the good side are praying to belong to Adam when he appears.


So we see in this statement in verse 2, the revelation that the personality will either belong to Leviathan and Satan and the Primordial Serpent or she will belong to Adam. We, the personality, are going to belong to one or the other. Right now, humanity, at least for the years of humanity as we know that we were in this form, for however long that has been, six thousand years or maybe more. I am not sure. We are technically spiritual virgins; even those of us who have manifested spiritual power over the years. We are really not married. But there is a marriage coming and there is a Scripture in Ezekiel, I believe, and it talks about the time of love.


The Song of Solomon is all about a marriage. There is a spiritual marriage coming. The Book of Revelation talks about the Bride of Christ. There is a marriage coming, brethren and everybody is either getting married or they are going to die and pass out of this world. Everybody that remains in this world is getting married. There are two resurrections. Marriage equals resurrection. Marriage equals resurrection. There is a maturing coming; a maturity is coming. We are going to become either a woman or a man. But we are going to become a mature spiritual being. We are either going to marry Adam, who is appearing to us today in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ and get caught up to spiritual manhood and those who do not will be married to some manifestation of the Primordial Serpent. I am not exactly sure which one it is at this moment. They will become a powerful spiritual woman, a powerful witch, in a condition that will be tormenting to the personality. The only revelation that I have on what that condition will be like, at this time, is that the people who experience marriage to the Primordial Serpent will become very fierce and violent. They will be a part of a violent society. I really do not believe I have the whole grasp of what it will be like.


Verse 4: So Samson went and captured the brow energy center of Leviathan's timeline where the mortal men of Judah that Satan is appearing in are and captured their heart center. Let us take that a little bit at a time. So Samson went and captured the brow energy center of Leviathan's timeline.


See, Samson was not put off by Leviathan's threat. We cannot be put off by Leviathan's or Satan's threat. We have to stand in faith and do whatever the Lord tells us to do, believing that in Him, we stand or we fall. All that we could do is what He tells us to do. The degree to which He protects us, that is the degree to which we are protected. I tell all of you and I will tell you again, when any kind of trouble comes into my life, my prayer is, Lord, is there anything or what am I not doing that I should be doing? Is there anything that I should be doing that I am not doing? Please tell me and open my ears and help me to understand.


Sometimes the Lord tells me things; it does not happen too often with me, but it happens. It definitely happens. Rebellion rises up in me and closes my ears and I do not hear it. That is my prayer, Lord, please make me hear. Do whatever you have to do to open my understanding, if I am doing something wrong, and stop me from doing it. I pray that prayer frequently, even when I am not in trouble. That is how I survive in this world. Sometimes I think of the pressure that is raging and all that is raging against those that are in Christ as we ascend. It is just awesome that we are still standing and that my life is normal to the degree that it is normal. I function and I am getting the work out. It is amazing when you consider what is coming against us.


So Samson ignored Leviathan and went and captured the brow energy center of Leviathan's timeline. When the mortal men of Judah, that Satan is appearing in, are. That is a clumsy sentence; I am going to have to do something with that. The suggestion there is that there had to be a word in the Hebrew that I translated mortal men. It was probably the word ish. The mortal men that Satan is appearing in because Samson had a revelation that the threat that manifested in his mind was coming out of the brow energy center of the mortal men who were vessels or transmitting stations for Leviathan. I believe that Samson heard this communication in the spirit. I do not think any physical man spoke a word to him. But Samson knew where it was coming from. It was coming from the mortal physical men of Judah, whose mind was given over to Leviathan because of envy. So Samson went and captured the brow energy center. Did he go to the men? Did he tell them off in human language? Did he start a physical fight with them? Did he rebuke them? No; he responded in the spirit.


When the communication comes to you in the spirit, you respond in the spirit, except in the occasion of the White Throne Judgment, where, if you have the authority to do it, you go to the person and say, Look, this is what your mind is doing. But that is not very common today. The person has to be under the White Throne Judgment. It is the mercy of God for someone to go to another person and say, look, I heard a communication from a high place in your mind. I am telling you about it because your eyes are closed and you do not know you are doing it and if you repent, you can save yourself some trouble. But not many people can do that. The Church is very carnal today. We are supposed to be doing that to each other everyday. But the Church is very carnal. That is the mercy of God to have somebody say that to you.


Samson went and waged war against the men who were in the brow energy center in the Serpent's timeline. So Samson went in and captured the brow energy center of Leviathan's timeline, the place where the mortal men of Judah where Satan was living or manifesting out of the mortal men of Judah. He also captured the heart energy center and turned back the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan. The significance there is that the Fiery Serpent rises up into the heart center where she joins with Leviathan and that fusion, that spiritual sexual union, creates great spiritual power. So Samson went to break their power. See, when someone is afflicting you, you move to break their power. Unfortunately, we are still not as strong as I would like to be. We come under attack from people's minds, and sometimes I can break it and sometimes it takes several weeks. But I know the Lord had told me, do not be discouraged even if it took six weeks to break the attack. How do you know where you would be if you did not have the power you have. Maybe it would just go on indefinitely. I used to be under siege every day of my life; every day of my life.


I thought it was normal. I thought everybody was under siege like I was until I came out from under the siege. Now when a spiritual attack comes upon me, it is not normal. It is an attack. It is not an everyday way of life. So Samson went out to capture the brow energy center. He wanted to break their spiritual power and stop their transmission. He captured the heart center where the Fiery Serpent was meeting in spiritual sexual union with Leviathan and he turned back the Fiery Serpent. He sent her back down to the root energy center. The tail that was added to Leviathan, the principle tail, because Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent are one, just as Christ Jesus in us is one with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is just a temporary artificial separation while we are in this physical body. But there really is not any separation.


Samson, I guess that should really be Adam, lay upon the heart center. So Samson went and captured the brow energy center and captured the heart center. That really has to be Adam lay upon the heart center. We will amplify Adam there. And Adam lay upon the heart energy center which is between the Primordial Serpent's two tails. Who are the two tails? Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent. Adam bisected them, broke the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan; broke that connection which was generating all that spiritual power that was threatening Samson to take the Fiery Serpent away from Adam. Of course, implicit in that, is that the only way you could take the Fiery Serpent away from Adam is to kill Adam. So Samson's very spiritual life was being threatened over this issue.


Verse 5: And Adam consumed Satan, the brutish spiritual blood of the spiritual Philistines etheric bodies. Satan is the spiritual blood of the etheric body. I do not know what I am going to do with this. We are talking now; I put in spiritual Philistines, but we are really talking about the men of Judah. You may remember at the beginning of the message, I said you could be a Philistine on several levels. You could be a Philistine in your heart. You could be a behavioral Philistine where you are going out in magical powers defeating people in warfare through witchcraft. Then you could be a physical Philistine just for a particular event. I believe that these men of Judah are being described as physical Philistines just for this particular event, for this time that they opposed Samson. I may have to change this wording here. Spiritual Philistines; they were physical men. It says in verse 4 that they were physical men. So they were physical men that were temporary Philistines. I will have to pray and see how I'll express it. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


So Satan is the spiritual blood of the etheric body of the man who is married to his carnal mind. Adam consumes Satan; that is spiritual blood, and consumed the Fiery Serpent in the lower energy centers. So we see that Adam did it anyway, despite Leviathan's threat. Adam did it anyway. Adam consumed Satan. He boiled Satan and when Adam boiled Satan, that means the earth loses its reproductive power and he consumed the Fiery Serpent.


That consumption is talking about fire. He joined himself through a fiery union with the Fiery Serpent. He was in the lower energy centers and he broke her ability to do evil. The earth is evil and she will always be evil. That is her nature. But she is to be restrained from doing evil. There is a radical difference between being evil and doing evil. Brethren, we do not have to do every thought that comes up in our mind. We do not have to act out every emotion that we have. Once again, here is where denial comes into it. A lot of well meaning people deal with ungodly thoughts through denial. But that is the worst thing that you can do. You have to acknowledge that that thought is there and say, I am not going to listen to you; you are wicked and I burn you with fire. But to take an attitude that I cannot believe that I would even think such a thought; that kind of denial frees up Satan to do whatever she wants and you are guilty. She is coming out of your brow energy center and doing that damage because you have refused to admit that you are capable of it. It gives her free license.


So we see that Adam and Samson boil Satan, marry the Fiery Serpent and gather together Elohim's household. That is not very clear; Elohim's household or gathered Elohim's household together with himself. The Fiery Serpent is the household. Household is just another word for wife, just like when Jesus said, How can you enter into a strong man's house without first binding the strong man and then you can spoil his goods. That word goods is talking about his wife. The property that the two male minds are fighting over is the personality. We are it. We are the household of the male mind. And Adam gathered together the household. I will have to do something with that.


Gathered the household to himself. That is the phrase. I found that expression with regard to Jesus in the New Testament. He gathered His disciples unto Himself. That is the truth of the ingathering. What you hear in the Church today is not the true understanding of the ingathering. The ingathering is the drawing together of like spirits to form a collective body of Christ. Jesus gathered Christ in the other men. Jesus' mind was strong enough to gather unto Himself, the mind of Christ in all of the people that surrounded Him. That is what I am doing here with you today. But I tell you all the time, with the strength that I have, I can only do it with your co-operation. As you sit here and submit to me, Christ in you is gathered unto me and is being fed by everything that is coming through me and Christ in me is gathered unto the Glorified Jesus Christ. So it is really the Glorified Jesus Christ that has gathered Christ in me up into Him. I have gathered Christ in you up into me and we are all being fed by the Glorified Jesus Christ.


Now it is possible to do that without the person's permission, if your mind is strong enough. My mind is not strong enough. The only way I can have any kind of a victory with a person who is hostile to Christ is to utterly shut down my carnal mind and have very little to say. I say, Lord, I am in this situation and I am saying as little as possible. You be glorified; whatever you want to say through me is fine. I have been victorious in a lot of hostile situations by doing that. But I, myself, Christ in me, who I am today, cannot deal effectively with an aggressive carnal mind. I must die to everything I am and let the Glorified Jesus Christ move through Christ in me to give the victory.


And Adam gathered together Elohim's household. I do not know if that Elohim is right. I may have to take that out. I guess it is not Elohim's household. He gathered together or gathered to himself Leviathan's household. It is probably Leviathan's household. And Adam shot forth in the men of Judah. Now this is really exciting. This is the White Throne Judgment. Samson went after the minds that were trying to tear down Adam in him and the result of Samson going after those minds that were raised up into the brow center against him because of envy was this. The result of it was that Adam rose up in the men who were given over to their evil side. I will read it again.


And Adam consumed Satan. This is in the men of Judah now, the spiritual Philistines that are attacking him. And Adam consumed Satan, the brutish spiritual blood of the men of Judah who were acting like Philistines, at the moment in their etheric bodies, and consumed the Fiery Serpent in their lower energy centers and gathered the household, gathered the Fiery Serpent, the members of Leviathan's household in all these men. Adam gathered the Fiery Serpent in all of these men unto himself. What it is saying is that Adam in Samson was strong enough to defeat Satan in all these men, to go into their spiritual being, to gather the Fiery Serpent in these men unto himself, to join with them and raise Adam from the dead in every one of the members of these men of Judah who were attacking him.


Brethren, I tell you again that this is the deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is not physically killing. He is not making you sick. He is not punishing by withholding favors or salvation or withholding the so called rapture. None of this is the nature of Almighty God. The nature of Almighty God is to go into the spiritual being, into the mind of the man to defeat the criminal spiritual power that is manifesting through him and to raise Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament from the dead in that man. When Christ Jesus rises from the dead in that man, He will cover over that criminal mind and that man, that personality, who was trying to steal from Samson, his very salvation, will be serving God. This is what our God does. None of this stuff out there, none of this punitive stuff out there is Almighty God. It is all Satan.


Now it is true that Satan is the servant of Jehovah and that Satan is the executor of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment. That is true. But that is a righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment. We cannot be without law. That is the righteous law of the universes. But in this hour, since Jehovah has made available to humanity the Lord Jesus Christ and the deliverance of Christ Jesus in the midst of the individual, there is no excuse for going the hard way. So from that point of view, it is the righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment. So every evil that happens in the world; floods, tornadoes, wars, it is a righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment. Everyone that is hurt, either he or his ancestor has sown a thought that has produced that damage in their life. It is a righteous recompense, but in this hour, deliverance from the righteous recompense is available. There are two major problems here. First of all, the world has not heard this message. The Church has not heard this message. Then of course, the problem of the carnal mind. But once you understand this message, the Lord gives you the power, if you are willing to wage the warfare. The deliverance is at hand. But the message is not out. I have never heard this. Have you ever heard this message? The message is not out.


I said something a few minutes ago that I think was not quite right. I said because the delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ is here, there is no excuse. That was not accurate because so many people have not heard about it, have not heard the message. For those who have heard the message, there is no excuse. Are they punished because they are not following the message? No! But if you do not follow the Doctrine of Christ, which is the battle plan, which is the blueprint, to avoid the destruction of the Sowing and Reaping Judgment; if you choose not to follow it, well then, it is righteous that you are subject to the Sowing and Reaping Judgment. Now if you have not heard this message, then you are subject to the Sowing and Reaping Judgment and hopefully you will be crying out to God, Lord, help me! What is the answer? Help me. But not many people are doing that. But the people who are doing it are being drawn to this message.


Unfortunately, in this hour, many who are drawn to this message cannot perceive it as God and they walk away from God's answer to them. But that is not my problem and it is not your problem. The Lord Jesus Christ is bringing the world to a place where they can hear this message and all that we could do is study to show ourselves approved, and bring the message forth more perfectly because it is still very imperfect. By bringing forth the Doctrine of Christ more perfectly and ascending ourselves into a high place where we will have the power to do what Samson did; we will go right into the people's minds. See, you have to see it this way. Someone who is trying to destroy Christ in me, that person is suicidal. You cannot destroy Christ in me. You cannot destroy Christ in anybody who is sold out to the Lord. Surely you are going to bring destruction on yourself. So that person, as far as I am concerned, is spiritually insane; so lost in ignorance and darkness, that they are insane.


So the point is, we have to get, by the grace of God, to the place where we could do what Samson did; go right into their mind and deliver them from their own insanity and bring up a sane mind in them. That is what Jesus did for the Gadarene demoniac. Of course, the Gadarene demoniac was not attacking Him. But that was what Jesus did for the Gadarene demoniac. He entered right into the man's mind. Jesus passed either into the etheric or the astral plane; probably the astral plane and corrected the man's mind from the astral plane. The correction that He made was that He released Abel. I looked it up in the Interlinear Text and it said that Jesus passed to the other side with regard to the Gadarene demoniac and He saw Abel completely bound up and entangled in the earth; unless it was not Abel. The Interlinear Text said; And He saw, completely bound up and entangled in the earth. At the time that I did that study, I think I did not yet have the revelation that Abel is not in everybody. The root of the tree of life is not in everybody, so I have to remember it a little differently now.


So Jesus passed into the astral plane and He saw the one who was entangled in the earth. He saw Cain, all entangled up in the earth and Jesus must have imparted that root of the tree of life to the man who was all bound up because Cain was completely overtaken by the earth. What Jesus imparted to him was the mind of Christ. It says that the next time they saw him, he was sitting up and dressed and in his right mind. Jesus gave him a righteous mind. That is the answer to every problem, for every person in this world; the mind of Christ and the judgment of the carnal mind, which brings it under the mind of Christ, so that we may live out of the mind of Christ. The answer to every problem that we have or that anyone in this world has, the answer is the same. Now of course, you help people along the way. If they are starving to death, you give them food. If they cannot read, they have to learn how to read. But the answer is the same; the impartation of the mind of Christ, the destruction of the carnal mind and the destruction of the Fiery Serpent's or the carnal mind's lifestyle. Our personality has to be broken free from the habit of following after the lifestyle of the carnal mind.


So Adam consumed Satan, the spiritual blood of the etheric bodies of the men of Judah who were acting like Philistines and he consumed the Fiery Serpent in the lower energy centers. He married their own Fiery Serpent and he gathered that household together unto him. He gathered the Fiery Serpents of these men together with him and he married them and Adam shot forth in the men of Judah that were acting like Philistines. What does that mean? They were using witchcraft to oppose Samson and they stood up. I have in there Samson's foundation. They stood up on Samson's foundation. They stood up upon Adam within Samson and ascended into the garden where the tree of life is. So we see that Samson, the personality, by his cleaving unto righteousness and his faith in his God fought with Adam, fought on Adam's side and not only defeated the mind of the Serpent within himself, but was strong enough by the power of God to defeat the carnal mind in the men of Judah. We do not know how many men there were. I believe that this is a spiritual account, brethren. Even in its spiritual form, its still a parable. I do not know whether Samson lived or not. Maybe he did, maybe he did not; I do not know. But it is a spiritual account.


We go through this battle over and over and over again. Maybe the first time you are in the battle, it is just one other person's mind. Then as you get stronger, it is two or three people coming against you at one time. Then as you get stronger, maybe it is twenty or thirty people coming against you at one time. So we go through this battle over and over and over again. So when the Scripture says the men of Judah; for all we know Samson went through this over and over and over again. The first time it may have been one man, the second time it may have been ten men. It is a spiritual principle. It does not even matter how many men it was. The question is, what are you up to in your spiritual development? But you better believe, that as strong as Christ in you gets, more and more people will come against you. Jesus said, they hated me and they will hate you, too. It is not a human hate, although it sometimes manifests as a human hate. Sometimes it manifests as a human hate and you have to accept it. Sometimes people really like you and they are just not in touch with their subconscious mind and their subconscious mind is attacking you. If they had a choice, they would not do anything to hurt you, but they are just not to the place yet, where they can restrain their carnal mind and their carnal mind is attacking you.


That is why the Scripture says, You cannot even trust in the wife of your youth, whose head is on the same pillow as yours. Of course, that is the King James translation, but the principle is true. You have to seek God for all of your spiritual decisions; whether it is your wife or your husband or your mother or your father or your sister or your brother that you have loved and trusted all your life. Unless there is a witness to you that they are talking to you out of the mind of Christ, you must reject their advice unless the Lord says to take it. You must go to the Lord or to someone else with the mind of Christ. If you need another witness, if you need help making a decision, go to someone who has the mind of Christ. You can go to your husband and your wife also and listen to what they have to say. But the ultimate decision must come from the mind of Christ. You do not cut your family out completely, especially if they have wisdom in a particular area. You listen to what they have to say.


Frequently, the Lord gives me counsel on what to do by leading me to people in this world who are not always Christians, but have a lot of knowledge in a particular area. I will listen to what they have to say and then when the information is in my computer mind, the Lord helps me make the right decision. So you do not cut your family out completely, but neither can you give your decision making power over to them, you see. You do not cut them out, but you do not give over your decision making power to someone who is in their carnal mind. You listen to everybody. You gather all the information you can get, assuming the person is not trying to dominate you. Anyone that has knowledge towards the issue that you are dealing with or issues that you are dealing with, you should listen to everybody's contribution. You should gather the information, but you and the Lord make the decision. You do not give away your decision making power.


We are at the beginning of verse 6 in your notes. I broke up verse 6. And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, 'Jehovah did this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent responded when Satan captured Samson's widowed wife and gave her to Leviathan for a companion'. Do you hear that? Samson bragged, but it was not an ungodly bragging. Samson said, Adam is resurrected in me. I am sinless. Adam is going to marry my Fiery Serpent. I, Samson, am punishing the Fiery Serpent within me. I am not receiving her as a husband and Adam is going to marry her and I am going to go on with God and Leviathan in the men of Judah said, oh no, you are not. Then we see that Adam in Samson went forth and defeated this group of spiritual Philistines whose mind was trying to bring down the great work that God had done in him and we find out now how this happened. Adam spoke to the spiritual immigrants, who were now in their right mind and had the mind of Christ raised in them. Adam was raised in them, too. Adam said, Jehovah did this to you. Your carnal mind was overthrown and Adam was raised from the dead in you and you now have all of the benefits associated with the resurrected Adam in you because of the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent.


Elijah knew what you were doing. Elijah knew that the warfare was just not within Samson. The mind of God is the Spirit of Elijah and the resurrected Adam, that was operating in Samson, recognized that his warfare was beyond his own person; that his warfare was beyond his own mind. He also recognized that it was Satan in the minds of the men of Judah who had risen up in envy. Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, Jehovah did this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent when she is manifesting in men, responded when Satan captured Samson's widowed wife (that is the Fiery Serpent) and gave her to Leviathan for a companion.


So you see, all of the people that attack the sons of God, the rising sons of God, the people who are going on with God, who are living out of Christ, everyone whose mind, conscious, subconscious, unconscious; if your mind is coming against the spiritual growth of a personality who was sold out to Satan, you can expect great tribulation in your life, which will result in a relationship between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. But there is great tribulation during that time.


Now of course, this is the men of Judah, also. It takes years and you have to remember that the deliverance of the Lord is not always in this generation. So if you are having trouble reconciling this with the experiences that you have had, this is my understanding of the truth of it. Someone comes against you and tries to stop your spiritual growth. This experience that we are talking about today, may not even happen until the next generation. But the Spirit of Christ, if you are really in crisis, if someone is really trying to oppose you, the Spirit of Christ will go after that person, but you have to understand that deliverance may not be in this generation.


Brethren, I have seen people die; people who have tried to stop me from going forward. I had no idea what I was called to. I had absolutely no idea what I was called to. All I knew was that I was desperate and I needed help from God. I never wanted a ministry; never asked for a ministry. All I ever said was, Jesus, help me. My life is a disaster and I just do not know what to do; help me. That was my only prayer. I never desired a ministry ever. I had no idea what I was called to. A lot of people came out of the woodwork to stop me from going on with God. At the time I was flabbergasted. I could not understand it. Why are you stopping me? Why are you trying to stop me? I am getting help over there. Why are you trying to turn me away from that man or that person or that Church? Of course, no one had the answer. I was always very outspoken and I said to the woman, Why are you turning me away? I am being helped. No answer. But it was Satan operating through their mind. Now I do not know where these people are today. I know a lot of them have backslidden. To your carnal mind it sounds like the opposite of this message here. Well, they tried to stop me and they could not. Why did not the Spirit of God in me go after them and raise Christ from the dead in them and give them this victory? Well, He still may do it. If He does not do it for them, He will do it in the next generation. We mortals find it hard to comprehend, but it is the truth of it.


The example that just came to my mind was Madeline Murray O'Hare. She is done so much damage to this country and now one of her sons is a Pentecostal preacher. He is reconciled to the Lord. So there may be no hope for her, but with all the Christians praying towards her, salvation came forth in her tree; it came forth in her family tree. You need spiritual eyes to see this, but it is the truth of it. So what happens when salvation comes forth, if you attack a rising son and the Spirit of Christ goes forth, the fruit of it must be salvation, but not necessarily in that person. People can die, but other members of their family will go on with God. That is the way it is. When Moses came against Egypt, he brought down Egyptian mystery religion, but it did not change those people right there in that generation. I do not know exactly what happened.


We know that the Exodus was largely a spiritual experience for the individual Hebrew. I do not know exactly what happened there historically. But I know that Egypt was very deep into mystery religion, pagan religion. That pagan religion died. They are Moslems now; they worship one God. It is not ideal; they are not worshiping Jesus Christ as we know Him today, but they went from being workers of black magic and all forms of witchcraft to a religion that worships one God, where they obey the law of God. The Moslems are under the law of God. They may be executing it in a manner that Christ would not execute it, but that is a big improvement over what was going on in Egypt.


So what we read about here in a couple of little verses could take generations to bring it to pass. Of course, we read here in Verse 6; And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants, 'Jehovah did this'. You have to realize that the Scripture is a spiritual book and that Adam, who exists through all generations, may not be saying this to the same men who are manifesting the evil towards Samson. Adam, who exists in all generations, could be saying this to us today or me, anyway, I am a descendent of the Tribe of Judah. How do I know what one of my ancestors did. It does not have to be Samson; it could be any man in Judah that Christ was raised in. How do I know that one of my descendants did not do that? Today, by being the recipient of this glorious message, the resurrected Adam in the person of Christ Jesus, is saying this very thing to me. Sheila, this is happening to you today because one of your ancestors tried to hold back a man that was going on with God. Maybe that is the answer. Jehovah did this because the Spirit of Elijah recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent, responded when Samson's widowed wife was captured by Satan and then given to Leviathan for a companion. Well, that certainly happened in Judah. Maybe that is why I have the message today. Who knows? Spiritual events surpass generations. You have to start thinking. Ask the Lord to help you to think spiritually.


In case I did not make it clear to you, I have had a very hard life and there has been a lot of dysfunction on my family, going back at least two or three generations. So what I am suggesting is that all of the trouble and dysfunction on my family line would have been a sowing and reaping of the evil that one of my ancestors may have done in hindering a man that Adam was rising from the dead in. Now, after all of these years and generations of troubles, I happen to be the one that came forth with a repentant heart. I was repenting since I was a little girl, before I ever knew what the word meant. I used to sit on my bed and cry, God, I do not know what I did wrong, but please help me. I was sick since I was a little girl. I had a very hard life. I know that I am the one that is raised up as the savior of my family. When families have difficulties and people are praying; I do not know, maybe there have been people praying for all generations. I do not know my family all that well. Finally, the Lord raises up one person from the family, who He draws close to Him and that person becomes the savior of the family and because that person is receiving deliverance and drawing close to Jesus, deliverance goes forth to the whole family.


So I really could be the fulfillment of this kind of a situation. Does anyone not understand what I am saying? Spiritual events, sowing and reaping; it does not always come in the same generation. Frequently it spans generations. That is why some people have very hard lives and without spiritual knowledge, they cannot understand why a little baby could be sick or why a little girl could be molested and raped and killed. People who are spiritually ignorant blame the God of Heaven. They blame Jesus Christ, but it is the god of this world who's doing it and it is the god of this world that is executing the sowing and reaping judgment. For a little girl to be raped and dismembered, some ancestor, somewhere, maybe back ten generations, had to have done some really evil deed to bring this forth in this generation. That is a very deep word for people who are basically carnal. That is very hard for them to understand. But it is the truth. Praise the Lord.


You can see that I have added in brackets after verse 6a. This is what happened. I put those words in to draw a line at this point and say, well everything that we have just heard so far is the story of Samson's ascension, of the spiritual men of Judah, who were on their evil side, that made them spiritual Philistines. They could have been sons of God, but they became spiritual Philistines because in their spiritual power they rose up against the man who was being raised up in Christ, instead of supporting him. Now we do not know what they said with their mouth. This is what their subconscious mind was doing.


I have to be very careful that I am not remiss in my delivery of this message to everyone reading these messages as well as the people here. You can be swearing allegiance to whatever ministry God placed you in, whether it is me or somebody else, but if you are not policing your subconscious mind, you could be guilty of this same thing. You do not know whether or not you are guilty of coming against Christ who is trying to ascend in another man unless you have a relationship with your subconscious mind. Unless you are watching her and you know what she is doing every second and you have a police alarm built into your spirit the second she rises up against another person and you are throwing her in the lake of fire. If you are not living that kind of a life, then you do not know what your subconscious mind is doing. That is the truth of your condition. So if you are in that condition, confess to the Lord that you may not know and ask Him to show you your sin, so that you be not guilty of casting down Christ instead of holding up His arms.


These first six verses, and it is only half of verse 6 are the introduction to the chapter, Adam rose from the dead in Samson. There were at least some and I do not believe it was all of the men of Israel, but there was a company of men in Judah who were highly spiritual, who were not policing their carnal mind or their subconscious mind and envy rose up because the carnal mind is envious of the Christ mind. Do not think you are a terrible person because you have envy. Everybody has envy. You have never seen envy in yourself? Well, maybe you are blind and maybe it never manifested in you. But you better open your eyes because as soon as you start moving in the kingdom of God, envy will arise. I will give you grace. I will say envy has never risen in you in your entire life, which I doubt that that could happen to any person. But I will give you the grace. I will say that is true of you.


The minute you start moving in the kingdom of God, that sin will manifest because messages like this, being around strong believers where Christ is manifesting, flush up your sin; flush it up and bring it up to the surface. Envy has to be there. You are not abnormal because you have envy. If you really believe you do not have it, you have got a spiritual problem because this is a sin that is inherent in all men. When you are around Christ, when you are around the anointing, pride and envy will reign. We have to wage a war against it. If you have no warfare against pride and envy in your own mind because you cannot see it, you need to know that it is there. If you cannot see it, that is not a good place to be. The best place and the safest place is being face to face with that thing and saying, you are not getting past me. It is the safest place you could be. But if you really believe you do not have it, you have got a problem.


So after all this, Adam rose from the dead in Samson and envy rose in a company of men in Judah. The Spirit of Elijah in Samson saw the envy in the other men; did not condemn the men, but rose up in high spiritual power and broke their ungodly spiritual power that had stolen Samson's wife, the Fiery Serpent.


We see, in verse 2, Leviathan is saying, Because you boasted proudly, Samson, I am giving your wife, the Fiery Serpent, to Leviathan or to myself, however it is supposed to read. You know that sometimes these different names of the household of the Serpent get confusing. I will look at it again. Leviathan made his promise come true. When I was preaching on verse 2, it is not obvious that Leviathan kept his promise. He said I am going to take that Fiery Serpent away from Adam and I am going to give her to Leviathan. I thought it was just a threat, but we see in verse 6a that Leviathan did it because verse 6a says; And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, 'Jehovah has done this great thing because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent responded when Satan captured Samson's widowed wife and gave her to Leviathan for a companion'.


So we see that Leviathan's threat was made real and that it was Satan who did the dirty deed. Satan, Leviathan's mad dog did the dirty deed. So Adam rose from the dead in Samson. Envy rose in a company of men in Judah. Elijah rose to break the spiritual power, whose name is Satan, that was reigning through envy in the men of Judah. The result of the whole thing was that Adam rose from the dead in the spiritual Philistines, the men of high spiritual power in Judah, who used their high spiritual power on their evil side and became spiritual Philistines, at least in this incident. Now we go on with some more elaboration on the rest of the story. This is what happened. This is the details of it.


Verse 7; And the Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, the hinder part of Leviathan's timeline. Hinder means the back part, the unconscious mind. Satan is the unconscious mind. The Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, the back part or the unconscious part of Leviathan's timeline, concerning Samson, 'Since you have done this, these are the details now'. We had the general story and now here are the details. The Spirit of Elijah said to Satan concerning Samson; since you have done this, since you gave the Fiery Serpent to Leviathan.


We must understand that Leviathan had to damage the ascended Adam for Leviathan to take that Fiery Serpent away from him. The Spirit of Elijah spoke to Satan, the one who took the Fiery Serpent away from Adam and gave her to Leviathan. Since you did this, Leviathan, since you gave the instruction, since you set your mad dog against Adam and succeeded in taking the Fiery Serpent away from him, the Spirit of Elijah said, I will surely punish you. The punishment is that the Fiery Serpent shall become limp and unoccupied.


Now remember, the Fiery Serpent was given to Leviathan. Leviathan said, I am going to give her to myself, but I am going to sic Satan on you to do the work. For Satan to marry the Fiery Serpent, she has to ascend from the root energy center and as she ascends from the root energy center, she becomes rigid and erect. Have you ever seen a picture of a rattlesnake or a serpent responding to a Hindu yogi playing a flute? As that Serpent ascends, her body stands erect. But the Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, She is going to become limp. That means she is going to crash down to the root energy center. You see, you cannot just read these Scriptures. You have to analyze every word, even if it is not a spiritual principle. You have to hear that the Fiery Serpent shall be limp. You have to analyze this whole thing and ask, Why should she be limp? Because when she ascends, she is erect. You have to know all these things, to really understand the true message of the Scripture. It is a discipline; it is a way of life. You cannot just pick up this Bible and understand the esoteric teaching. You cannot even pick it up and understand the parable.


So she shall become limp. She is going to go back down to the root energy center and she shall be unoccupied. The Fiery Serpent is the female. She is the spiritual virginity of the personality. She is the spiritual sexual part of the personality and from that point of view she is occupied by a male mind. The mind is the male organ that occupies the Fiery Serpent. He joins with her and occupies her. So the Spirit of Elijah is saying to Satan, the Fiery Serpent is going to become a virgin again.


See, in spiritual matters, the Fiery Serpent can become a virgin again, scripturally speaking, when she is not interacting with a male or a pseudo male. She is a virgin again when she goes back down into the root center and she sleeps and has no interaction with the powers of this world or with Leviathan of this world or of Christ Jesus of this world. She is a virgin again. We know in the Book of Revelation, it talks about the virgins that follow Jesus Christ everywhere. These are the men who have given up their fornication and their adultery with their own Fiery Serpent in the midst of them and they are not engaging in any spiritual activity, except as Jesus Christ leads them into. There is a period of time where there is no spiritual activity.


You have to give up all your witchcraft. Remember, rebellion is the sin of witchcraft. Raging and anger is the sin of witchcraft. Control is the sin of witchcraft. Manipulation is the sin of witchcraft, no matter how subtle you are when you manipulate. No matter how quiet your voice is when you manipulate. No matter how much of a lady you are or a gentleman you are, if the spirit operating in you is manipulation, it is an aspect of witchcraft. That means your Fiery Serpent is active. So this phrase or this Scripture that says these are the virgins that follow Jesus everywhere is talking about human beings who have given up all of these sins. Most of the Church world at this time, does not even know that they are sins. Those that know that it is sin, do not believe that they are doing it.


But the virgins of Revelation are the ones who have given up all of this activity. There is only one way to give up this activity; manipulation, control, sarcasm, rejoicing in evil. There is only one way to give it up and that is to live out of the mind of Christ. We must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent and pursue the lifestyle of Christ Jesus. You cannot give up what you are unless there is something else for you to become. You can go from evil to good within your carnal mind, but when you go from evil to good, Satan is still in your unconscious mind writing on your earth, engraving your earth with her evil thoughts. You see, even if you are spiritual in the carnal mind and you have the ability to see sin in yourself and the good part of you decides not to sin, that you do not want to steal, you do not want to do whatever it is, you do not want to take drugs anymore; you may stop that behavior, but it is just another part of the carnal mind opposing the evil part. Actually, you are stopping the evil behavior with witchcraft. That is the truth of it. Some people call it white witchcraft because you use it for good. But you are doing good with witchcraft power. So you are still guilty of witchcraft. You are not a virgin. Praise the Lord. I do not know that any of us are virgins yet, brethren. We are being purified.


So we hear the judgment of Elijah. First of all, the Spirit of Elijah rose up in Samson and recognized the attack. Brethren, as you mature in Christ Jesus, this is something essential. If you do not have this ability to recognize an attack upon you, it is something you should seriously consider praying for. Some people or when you first start becoming spiritual, you just feel the effects of the attack. The tendency of the carnal mind is to make light of it and say, Oh, I just had a bad day. It will be better tomorrow. Well, if you continue to pursue the Lord Jesus, for example with a course of study like we are having here, and you take that attitude towards the spiritual attacks, you are going to be overcome. You must realize that placing yourself in this room and listening to this message has enraged Satan. If you have been doing this for years, which all of you have, Satan is angry at you all the day long. If the way you are dealing with her punishment of you is to blow it off with a carnal statement like, Oh, they did not mean it or it is just a bad day, the day will come that you will be overtaken by witchcraft.


Witchcraft reigns in people's minds. You've got to learn to deal with witchcraft in other people without sinning yourself. You cannot sit under a message like this and not learn how to deal with the witch in other people's minds. There will be consequences if you do that. It is just foolishness. You must understand what you are submitting yourself to when you submit to a program like this and hear a message like this and sit under Christ Jesus teaching like this. Satan is angry at you all the time. Of course, there is a way to deal with it in Christ. You must be practicing the principles of God to stay whole while you are in the fire. But what is supposed to happen to you is that only your bands are supposed to be burnt off. You are not supposed to be destroyed. There have been people who have come to these meetings and I have tried to tell them what I have just told you and they are filled with pride and they do not listen and they are gone within a short period of time. They do not stand. Satan comes right in and they do not stand.


Verse 8; And the Spirit of Elijah attacked Satan, the spiritual energy of the other side of the mortal men of Judah, the other side, the evil side of the mortal men of Judah and pursued Leviathan who was in the neck (that is the fifth energy center) from where she was covering the Fiery Serpent (because the Fiery Serpent is no higher than the heart center and Leviathan covers her from the fifth energy center. The heart is the fourth energy center), and he was covering the Fiery Serpent, their generative parts or the generative parts of the spiritual men of Judah who were on their other side, on their evil side. And Adam (this was Adam in Samson) married the Fiery Serpent, the stronghold of the lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast. So the beast of Revelation is the Fiery Serpent. The Spirit of Elijah attacked Satan, the spiritual energy of the other side of the mortal men of Judah and pursued Leviathan who was in the neck energy center covering the Fiery Serpent, their generative parts and Adam married the Fiery Serpent, the stronghold of the lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast. She is the wild beast of Revelation. Now this is Adam in Samson.


In the next verse we see Adam in Samson. You see, these men could not fight for themselves. These were men of Judah. They had the law. They had Christ and they were overtaken by their envy. Now, you have got to hear this. These men had a relationship with Jehovah. They were a part of a nation that had a national covenant with Jehovah and they were overtaken by their envy. That means anyone of us could be overtaken by any sin at any time, any sin that does not go above that line. Although, like I tell you, we may be determined that we would never kill anybody, but with what is coming upon the earth in the near future, who knows to what degree we could be manipulated. But right now, I am talking about sins.


The only kind of sins that Satan can overtake you with are sins that you are not really convicted are very serious. You see, you are not going to murder anyone; you are not going to steal; you are not going to rob a bank; you are not going to take crack cocaine; you know you are not going to do that. Probably even under hypnotist, you would not do it; you are dead set against it. But the average person is really not all that convinced that well, a little pride here, so I was envious, I had a moment of envy. We do not take it seriously and because we do not take it seriously, that is the kind of sin that will overtake us.


When it comes to spiritual matters, of course, murdering somebody is very serious and we do not want to be doing that. But when it comes to spiritual matters, envy and pride are the murder and bank robbers of the physical world, if you can hear what I am saying. They are very serious sins in the spiritual plane, if you want to be a spiritual person. If you want to function in a community where Christ is manifested, envy and pride are the murders, not only of someone else, but of Christ in you, too. Envy and pride are the Christ killers. When the apostles went to the Jews and they said Jesus is risen; you are delivered from the law; just keep from blood and fornication and you will be OK.


I do not know about everybody here, but for years I thought that that commandment meant, do not drink the blood of animals, do not eat blood sausage, and do not engage in physical fornication and you will be safe. But that is not what they were talking about. They said, Keep yourself from the spiritual blood of your etheric body whose name is Satan and do not fornicate with her. They said, Be an enemy of the blood and do not engage in fornication with Satan and Leviathan and you will be OK. God help us brethren. The Church is not going to make it on this diet; they are not going to make it. But by the grace of God, He is going to do something. He is going to give them the mind of Christ. He told me that and I believe it. I am not believing what I see. He is going to do it. Praise the Lord.


So these men of Israel, they were overtaken by their own sin. So Adam who rose again from the dead (maybe Elijah raised him up again). That particular detail is not clear. That is why I say maybe. But Adam risen in Samson (Elijah must have raised him from the dead again) attacked Satan in the men of Judah, who had gone over to the other side and become spiritual Philistines and for the moment physical Philistines. Now what is the difference? When your personality falls into agreement with your carnal mind and that carnal mind is doing evil, you become a physical Philistine. See, if your carnal mind is raging in witchcraft and you are at war with it (well the spiritual Philistine is within you) but when your personality falls into agreement with that evil mind, for that moment, for however long it lasts that you are under that witchcraft and you are taken over (maybe it is going to last your whole lifetime or maybe you are just a true believer who just had a lapse). For that moment you become a physical Philistine because your whole being is going with it.


So Adam in these men of Judah who were given over to their evil side was either dead, either they killed him or he was completely covered over. With the Spirit of Elijah fighting with him, Adam in Samson entered into the minds of the spiritual beings of these men of Judah and did what they could not do for themselves. He captured the Fiery Serpent and he joined himself to her and he broke her ferociousness. When he did that, when he separated the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, he broke the ferociousness of the Fiery Serpent and after that happened, Adam rose from the dead in the men of Judah. Either he rose from the dead or he came out from his chains, if he was already there.


Brethren, this is what we are going to be doing. We have to get up higher than we are now. But this is what we are going to be doing for people who cannot take the victory themselves. It has to be Christ in us doing it because it is an invasive deliverance. We are actually going to be penetrating their spiritual beings. Now, people in witchcraft do this all the time. That is how people in witchcraft heal. Do you know that is how they heal? I do not know how they do it. It is my understanding that they just think it, but because they have the spiritual power, it happens. I know I think it and I cannot do it. Their spiritual being, some aspect of their mind actually penetrates the other person's mind and they absorb the disease within themselves and take it out of that person's spiritual being. Then these people who heal by witchcraft healing, have the ability to purify themselves of the disease and they throw it off. That is how they heal.


This is witchcraft. Jesus does not heal like that. He does not heal like that in our condition. He does do that, we are told in the Scriptures, with men who are in the brow energy center. Christ Jesus does that when He is very high up. He literally penetrates the other person's spiritual being and He does whatever He has to do to heal them. But I do not believe, where I am right now, that when a man is high enough in Christ Jesus to do this, that he goes into a person's spiritual being, sucks their disease out of them, takes that disease into himself and then throws it off. I do not believe that Jesus does that.


Christ Jesus will penetrate the other man and we see that the deliverance comes forth through a godly or a legal manipulation of the spiritual principles of the person that is penetrated. I am going to say that again. I have two examples for you. I cannot really quote this Scripture to you right now. When I was doing the Interlinear Text, in regard to the Gadarene demoniac, it said Jesus penetrated into the etheric body and into the astral plane of the Gadarene demoniac and saw that the part of him (I believe it was Cain) that was able to be delivered was all bound up and entangled in the earth. What Jesus did was impart the seed of Christ to the man. Jesus had the power, being in perfection, to impart the seed of Christ and it prospered very quickly. Now the Scripture says, the next time they saw the Gadarene demoniac, he was clothed and sitting upright and in his right mind. But we do not know how long that was. But even if it took a year, it was an outstanding miracle that Jesus performed by penetrating the mind of the man. It was an invasive deliverance. Jesus invaded the man's spiritual being, but He did not absorb his disease and pull it out of him. Jesus gave something. Jesus gave the life of Christ to the man, if you can hear the difference. Both methods of healing are invasive. Witchcraft healing and this high method of healing that Jesus did with the Gadarene demoniac. 


Both witchcraft healing and the healing of the man in the brow energy center, the man in perfection in Christ Jesus have this ability to heal by an invasive method, by penetrating into that man's etheric and astral body. They both invade, but the difference between the witchcraft healing and the healing of Christ Jesus is that the witchcraft healer invades, absorbs the man's disease, takes it into his own body, leaving the man healed and then has the power to throw the disease off of his own body. Christ Jesus does not heal like that. Christ Jesus invades, penetrates the etheric and the astral plane of that man and deposits the seed of the righteous Christ and has the power, apparently, to prosper that seed very quickly. As Christ rises in us, we are healed, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Now everybody that I know in the Church including me is struggling for years. We are in this deep message here and we are all struggling to be healed; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Everybody has a story. Everybody has wounds. Everybody is hurt. We get better all the time, but it is just taking years and years and years.


But apparently, when a man ascends into the brow center and he ascends into perfection, he has this ability to drop his seed and prosper it in a very quick period of time. Jesus said to the adulterous woman, go and sin no more. The King James Translation says He knelt down and drew with His finger on the physical earth. No, no, no; He changed the engraving on the earth of her personality and of her spiritual virginity. That Fiery Serpent in that adulterous woman was committing adultery in the spirit, that the personality, the woman, didn't have the strength to resist. So she was acting out in the natural what the Fiery Serpent was doing in the spirit. Jesus went to that Fiery Serpent and He wrote, no more adultery. What do you think He did? He joined Himself; Jesus joined Himself to that adulterous Fiery Serpent who was fornicating with Leviathan. Jesus touched that Fiery Serpent and satisfied her and broke that union with Leviathan and wrote a new engraving, a new mark. He put a new mark on that woman. When He said to her, go and sin no more, Jesus adjusted the Fiery Serpent in her, however He did it. I do not have any more details than that at this time. But Jesus did something to the adulterous one in her. He weakened her so that the personality could obey the law and not get stoned and killed.


I am going to say it one more time. When Christ Jesus heals from this high place, He invades the person's spiritual being, drops the seed of righteousness and makes an adjustment. He does not absorb the person's disease and then throw it off. Christ Jesus in the man is perfect and He cannot take disease into His body. That is very dangerous taking someone's disease into your body. What if you cannot throw it off? What if you are throwing it off for ten years successfully and then you try it one more time and you cannot throw it off. Aside from the fact that it is witchcraft, it is dangerous to you. Jesus does not do that. It looks like He does that because both use an invasive technique. But once the invasion takes place, their technique is different. Does anyone not understand that? Jesus is a dynamo. He is a Son. He imparts energy. He does not take sin into Himself. He is a giver of life. Praise the Lord.


So Adam in Samson married the Fiery Serpent who was in the stronghold, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast that was in the men of Israel that were overtaken by their other side. When Adam in Samson did that, he joined himself to the Fiery Serpent. It does not say it here, but in order to join himself to the Fiery Serpent, he had to break the Fiery Serpent apart from Leviathan and we are told in a prior verse, he threw himself on the heart center so that the two could not connect anymore. He separated the tail from the tail. We are told that in a prior verse. See, these Scriptures are a jig saw puzzle. Adam either rose from the dead in the men of Israel that were overtaken or if he was there and bound up, he was freed.


Verse 9; And Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, but the spiritual Philistines in the mortal men of Judah besieged him. That means the carnal minds, the spiritual Philistines in the mortal men of Judah besieged him. Leviathan in the carnal minds of these men attacked Adam as he rose from the dead in them. Brethren, do you think that Christ Jesus is rising from the dead in you with no opposition from your negative principles? This is a warfare every step of the way; a warfare against your own negative principles. Then comes your wife and your husband, your mother and your father, your in-laws, your children, your employer; Satan is going to rise up in everybody to oppose you, if you are really pressing in.


The mortal men of Judah besieged him and Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the Primordial Serpent cast Adam down in the mortal men of Judah. Wow, look at that. Adam in Samson invaded the men, freed up Adam and the carnal minds of the men who were being delivered rose up and killed the Adam that was raised from the dead in them. You think that does not happen today? I have one case in mind right now. I saw it happen. This woman was with this ministry for at least three years, faithful as could be, studied day and night. I saw Christ coming forth in her and she was a woman that really had not entered into Pentecost, for whatever reason. She never spoke in tongues, never had any of the gifts. I saw the light of Christ coming forth in her and within a couple of months, her pride rose up in her and she departed. This is not a punishment. Several years later, I kept hoping she would come back. I saw such life in her. The Lord told me that Christ had died in her. She still has a relationship with the Lord and goes to a carnal church. But Christ was coming forth in her and He died. So what happened? The spiritual Philistine within her rose up in the form of pride and killed the resurrecting Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord.


Verse 10; And Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, a mortal man of Judah. You see, Samson was a mortal man, too. I think the reason that the Scripture makes this point that Samson was a mortal man is that even when Samson ascended into the brow energy center, it was just an imputed anointing. He was not permanently ascended as Jesus is permanently ascended. He was raised up to do a job and Satan and Leviathan were not killed. For us to be experiencing perfection as an imparted condition, which means a permanent condition, Satan and Leviathan must first be restrained. Satan must be restrained in the bottomless pit and then Satan and Leviathan and all of their supporting principles or whatever the Scripture calls them, the beast and the false prophet, whatever, all of them, the whole ball of wax must get thrown into the Lake of Fire. You see, the Lake of Fire does not cause them to cease to exist. The Lake of Fire prevents them from doing evil. The Lake of Fire is Christ Jesus. They are to spend the rest of the everlasting age in the Lake of Fire. That is the union of Christ Jesus with the Fiery Serpent and the other negative principles of our being. That is what the Lake of Fire is. It never stops burning. Our negative principles are not in torment. I do not have any personal information on this, but they are probably more content than they are when they are doing evil.


So the mortal men of Judah cast down the resurrected Adam in them and Samson, a mortal man of Judah. OK, that was my point. Samson was mortal. That means that the perfection that he was experiencing because the Spirit of Elijah descended in him and raised Adam from the dead was not permanent because Satan and Leviathan were still alive. They were not yet captured and restrained and being burned for the whole age in the Lake of Fire.


You know, this was a principle for years. It still is a principle in a lot of armies across the world, in a lot of countries across the world. If you have a war and you take over a nation, if you rebel, you are a rebel force and you defeat the dictator, the dictator and everyone that is close to him is killed. They do not leave any opportunity of his son rising up to take vengeance or anyone else who would pick up his work. They kill everybody in the more vicious parts of the world. We are supposed to be civilized in this part of the world, but all that is really happened is that our aggression has taken a different channel of expression. But I cannot say that it does not happen in the world anymore, but it used to be common place. It happened in Russia. I am not really all that political, but the most recent event of this type that I can think of was in the Russian revolution; the Bolshevik Revolution. I think it was in 1914. I hope I have the right date. It may be the wrong date. They killed the whole royal family. All the potential heirs were killed.


Nebuchadnezzar did it in Babylon. He did it to the seed royal of Judah. The ones that he didnot kill, he took them captive and he castrated them so that they could not have children. Well, that is what we have to do to Satan and Leviathan. As long as Satan and Leviathan are alive, any perfection that we ascend to is not yet imparted. Of course, there are two measures of imputed perfection. Sometimes, if it serves the Lord's purposes, He will catch a man up to perfection without them overcoming anything. He just catches them up so that that man can do a particular job that will serve the Lord Jesus Christ. That is an imputed perfection. But sometimes the man has overcoming experiences and it is still imputed until Satan and Leviathan are dead. Imparted means permanent. It is not permanent while they are still standing a chance, while Satan and Leviathan still stand a chance of getting out of the bottomless pit. We have got to be thrown into the Lake of Fire. We can be in perfection; we can be supernatural men with Satan in the bottomless pit, but until she is thrown into the Lake of Fire, it is only imputed. She could still get out. It is not permanent.


Adam, in Samson, said to the other mortal men of Judah who just killed Christ in them. Now, for Adam to be cast down in these mortal men of Judah, the personalities had to be in agreement with their carnal mind. Ignorance is no excuse. Jesus said, If you are not for Me, you are against Me. That means if you are not fighting your negative principles, you are against Jesus. If you are not fighting your negative principles, that means you are on their side. If you are on their side, you are against Jesus. If you are not in the war, you are not on Jesus' side, if you can hear that.


So Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, a mortal man of Judah said to the other mortal men of Judah, 'Why do you think Adam ascended within you'? Why in the world would your personality agree with your carnal mind? Why do you think Adam rose from the dead in you? Of course, the implication is, Adam rose to save your life. Why would you kill the one who is risen to save your life? We find out that the mortal men of Judah who were given over to their evil side, were thinking with their carnal mind. Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind nailed to the mortal men of Judah answered Adam in Samson saying, Adam is ascending in us to take us prisoner and to do to us what we have done to him. They killed the resurrected Adam in them and today, men kill the resurrected Christ in them because they have a fear of being taken prisoner.


It is true indeed, the resurrected Christ wants to capture us. He wants to control every aspect of our life. This is the truth. But being controlled by the Lord Jesus Christ is heaven. You have to think with the mind of Christ. But the carnal mind was thinking through these men and the personalities not being educated in the doctrine of Christ fell into agreement with their carnal mind and said, he wants to capture us; cannot drink anymore, cannot smoke anymore, cannot fornicate anymore, I have to go to Church every Sunday even when it is golf weather. This life is not for me. That is just a carnal example. The people in the Church are like these men of Judah.


The people in the Church today, by and large, no matter what words come out of their mouth, they are terrified of getting any closer to Jesus. They do not want to become a fanatic. They do not want to believe that we, who are fanatics, are fanatics by choice. You do not have to be a religious fanatic where you are doing it in bondage, but you could become a fanatic for Jesus because He is the best thing that ever happened to you. They do not understand that. So we see that the mortal men of Judah were afraid of salvation. I want to tell you, millions if not trillions of people in the world today are afraid of what we know to be salvation. They are afraid of the control of Christ Jesus. They are afraid that they will not be able to do their sin anymore. They are afraid. What they do not understand is that they are controlled right now by their carnal mind. That is why they desire to sin.


The second thing that they answered him was, We think he is ascending to take us prisoner and to do to us what we have done to him. Now this is the carnal mind speaking through these men. What have they done to him? What have they done to him? I believe that this answer goes way beyond that one moment that perhaps they had killed the resurrected Adam once before when they thought he was rising to take vengeance. I think it goes way beyond that. I think it was the immortals speaking through these men. I think it was much more than a localized carnal mind. I think it was the Primordial Serpent, the very essence of their carnal minds, rising up and saying, We killed Adam at the beginning when time began. We killed him and we stole his seed. We, who are his seed, became entangled in the earth. We stole his kingdom. We stole everything that Jehovah said was His and we are afraid that Adam is rising from the dead to do the same thing to us. It is true. Adam is rising from the dead to take back what is his. He came to retrieve that which was lost, this whole kingdom, the whole spiritual substance of these worlds.


So we see that one fear was very legitimate. It is also true that he is come to take them prisoner. He is come to take us prisoner, but of course (we did this in another part of this message) to be the prisoner of Jesus Christ is life. So that was a misunderstanding on the part of the carnal mind. But it is true that he has come to do this to Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in each of us is Leviathan. We are the immortals of old in a fallen condition and he has come to do to us what we did to him (which we have no memory of) that caused his death. He is coming to imprison us. He is coming to bind us to him, so that we now no longer have an independent life. All of these things are true, except that those of us who are thinking this way on an unconscious level, on a subconscious level or on a conscious level, we are lacking the understanding that the imprisonment by Jesus Christ and the restoration of that which was lost or the regeneration of that which was lost is life unto us and the best thing that could happen to us. So as long as we have this carnal mind, we will not believe it.


And Adam said to Samson, a mortal man of Judah (that is Adam within Samson), I' want you to understand that Leviathan the timeline of the Philistines has dominion over the mortal men of Judah and that is why we put you in order'. So we see that Adam within Samson is saying to Samson, listen to their response. Listen to what they are saying. Did you discern that that was the carnal mind speaking through them? Brethren, do you know that every time you talk to somebody on any matter of importance; I am not talking about asking your baby if she likes her carrots now. Do you know that you are supposed to be discerning whether you are talking to the carnal mind or to Christ? If you did not know that, please know it from now on. You are supposed to know who you are talking to and you are supposed to know that the same personality can be manifesting Christ one day and the carnal mind the next day, or Christ one minute and the carnal mind five minutes later. We are supposed to know who we are talking to. Everything we do is supposed to be on a double level. I meet a stranger in the street. How are you? I am fine, thank you; how are you? Lord Jesus, who is this person? Is there anything for me to say to them? Is there any ministry here? Am I in danger? Should I leave? What are my instructions, Lord? Our whole life is supposed to be on a double level.


So Adam said to Samson, 'Understand that Leviathan, the timeline of the Philistines, has dominion over the mortal men of Judah'. That is their carnal mind. They killed Christ. You did the sacrifice. You invaded their spiritual being, restrained the Fiery Serpent, raised Adam from the dead, saved their life and the personalities turned around and killed Adam. The reason that they did that is that they are completely controlled by Leviathan, the timeline of the Philistines. You see, you may remember from a previous part of this message, we found out that Leviathan is the jawbone and that the Fiery Serpent in each one of us is one of the teeth.


So a parabolic way to put this is that I could pull the Fiery Serpent out of you or I could marry the Fiery Serpent in you and that would be the equivalent of pulling out that carnal mind, but that personality is still a part of the whole jawbone. Leviathan could still be thinking through them and can still rush in and kill that resurrected Adam. So Adam says to Samson, the men of Judah are overtaken by Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind. They are overcome not only by the Fiery Serpent in themselves, but by the group mind or the many group minds that they are a part of. For that reason, we have put you, Samson, in order. You will be a savior of the men of Judah. You will deliver them from their own carnal minds.


What is happening here is that Adam in Samson gave this information to the mortal men of Judah, because when you are a son, you understand everything that you are doing when you are a son. When you are a carnal minded person under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit speaks through you and does not give you any information about what is going on. You are just vocal cords and a mouth that He speaks through. But when you are a son, when Christ Jesus is risen in you, the Lord explains to you what is going on. You are a partner with the Lord in everything that He does.


He may not tell you beforehand, but at the moment that it is happening or even afterwards, you are going to understand why the Lord manifested through you in that way, as you get more mature. It happens to me a lot, not all the time, but I know that the ministry is coming. I know what the problem is in the person; I know what I am supposed to say to the person. I am just waiting for the Lord to come forth with it. But then again, sometimes He manifests through me and I do not expect it. But when He does that, I understand while it is happening or I understand shortly thereafter. We are not without understanding when we are a son.


So Adam in Samson spoke to Adam. He said, Look, here is your commission. Judah is a disaster. These are the people that made a covenant with Jehovah and they are completely given over to Leviathan. They are overcome by him or by her. Look at what just happened. You invaded their spiritual being; you did the work that they could not do; you beat up Satan; you married the Fiery Serpent; you raised Adam from the dead and instead of embracing him, their savior, they killed him. So for this reason, Samson, we, the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, we have put you in order. We have raised you up into a position of perfection to do what? To judge the sins of the personalities.


You see, this is what is happening. Adam in Samson did this great work. He knocked Satan out, beat up Leviathan, broke the Fiery Serpent away, married the Fiery Serpent, raised Adam from the dead. Another way to put it, he literally picked them up and stood them on their feet. The reason Leviathan was able to kill the resurrected Adam was because the men of Judah preferred the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent. The personality, the mind of the flesh preferred the lifestyle of this world.


That Scripture is in Hebrew, Chapter 6, I believe. If, after tasting of the miracles of the world to come, after tasting of the good word of God, you still prefer to sin, there is no condemnation in this, but you belong to Christ Jesus, and if this is your preference, that you prefer sin after all that the Holy Spirit and Christ has done for you, there is nothing left for you but fiery judgment. Why? Because you belong to Christ Jesus and He is not letting you go. The only way that you are going to stay with Him and not be the dog going back to its vomit is to have the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, which is engraved in you, in your earth, broken and rewritten like Jesus rewrote the nature of the adulterous woman.


Nothing is left but judgment. It is not punitive judgment; it is delivering judgment, because, says the Lord, I have done everything I could do for you including raising Adam from the dead and you killed the savior. So as a last resort, because you belong to me, you are my property, and even though you are totally ignorant of it, you are about to be tossed into eternal torment by the Serpent. I will bring fiery judgment upon you and break you of the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle for my own sake, which will deliver you out of the hell of this world system.


So Adam explained all this to Samson and he said, Samson, you are the savior. Now if you are sitting under this message, you are called to be one of these saviors. Now you have to go through your own processing. The fact that you are called to be one of these saviors that come out from Mount Zion does not mean that you are a savior on Mount Zion, but you are in the running. If you can bear this message and you can bear this course of study, you are in the running. But nothing is guaranteed. Everything is fifty fifty. But if you want it and you are willing to do whatever the Lord says for you to do and it is a true attitude of your heart, you have every reason to believe that you are going to make it. But I cannot promise it to you.


If I am not mistaken, I do not even think the Lord can promise it to you. You have got to overcome. He will give you the power to overcome. He will give you the wisdom. He will give you the knowledge. He will give you the support. You must overcome to be one of the saviors that come out of Mount Zion. What does one of the saviors that come out of the brow energy center mean? You know, I am a savior today. I help a lot of people. But I am not a savior that is coming out of Mount Zion at this time. I hope that I am one of them. Nothing is guaranteed, not for anybody. It means a savior that comes forth from Mount Zion; a savior ascended into the brow energy center; a savior that does exploits; a savior that delivers by miracle working power; a savior that can legally invade a person's spiritual being and straighten out their problem in the depth of their being.


So Adam explained all this to Samson. He said, Samson, you are the one that is going to execute judgment on the men of Judah. You are going to show them that the way they think and the attitudes of their heart is sin. By showing them their sins and executing judgment upon it, hopefully, they will change their minds and disagree with the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan and prefer Christ Jesus. So we see that this whole story so far and everything involved in it is to bring forth the principle that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Although Samson was not begotten, he was His son. He was not begotten of seed. He raises up a man for the specific purpose of judging the sins of the people who are so overcome that their only hope of going on with God is to have their sins revealed to them by a man who speaks their language. When you are given over to Leviathan, the Scripture says, you are deaf as an adder. You are deaf. All these people running around the Church today, saying, No man need teach me. God speaks to us all alike. Well, you know that is true. God speaks to us all alike. But all do not hear alike. All do not hear equally well. The more pride you have, the deafer you are. So God raises up a man to deliver the message to you and we see that Samson is that man.


And Adam said to Samson, the mortal man of Judah, 'Understand that Leviathan, the timeline of the Philistines has dominion over the mortal men of Judah and this is why we have put you in order'. You are in the brow energy center of the timeline of God because the way it is expressed as we put you in order is that the only way to get into the brow center of the timeline of God is to be in submission to the resurrected Adam in the Spirit of Elijah. In the New Testament, it is the Spirit of Christ, the Glorified Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus within you. If you are ascending without submission to these positive principles, you are ascending in the Serpent's timeline. So Samson is put in order. That means we know that his spiritual power is coming out of the timeline of God. Now after Samson receives his commission, he turns around and starts ministering to the men of Judah. And Adam in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah (this is Adam talking through Samson now), 'Since you were made to belong to me, we are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson'. What does that mean? Samson is your teacher. You are not the teacher. Samson is the teacher. You are not here to minister to Samson. He is here to minister to you. You are not here to teach Samson. He is here to teach you.


If you want to get any help from the teacher that we have raised up, you must be in right order with respect to that teacher. Adam in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, since you are made to belong to me, we are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson. The Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan in those mortal men. That is how he is putting them in order with respect to Samson because the people of God are filled with pride and they do not want to submit to a teacher. So Adam says, Here I am, I am your teacher, and the Spirit of Elijah attacks Satan in the men who would resist. Now it cannot be the teacher attacking you. That would be witchcraft. Everyone brought to a mortal teacher has to be brought in because they are convinced by their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ that this is where they are supposed to be.


As long as you are a mortal man, you cannot be twisting people's arms. Not only can you not twist their arms; it would not do any good. They would not learn from you. That is the ministry of the Spirit of Christ; not the Holy Spirit now. The Spirit of Christ is supposed to bring you in. If the Spirit of Christ is not convincing you or pressuring you (it is legal for the Spirit of Christ to pressure you) if the Spirit of Christ is not pressuring you to do what He wants you to do, then you are a bastard.


He has to be talking to you continuously, directing you the way He wants you to go. The Spirit of Christ does not punish you, but when you have a call on your life to the point that the Lord is bringing you to a place in a ministry that is going to judge your sins and you are not walking with God, Satan is right there to crush you. The closer you get to Christ, the more Satan wants to get you, if you can hear that. There are lots of people in this world that Satan leaves alone. Everybody has sown sin. Everybody has holes in their hedges, but Satan is right there. She is the dog that nips at the heels of the sheep when they stray away from the flock. When the Lord Jesus Christ is calling you and you stray, you come immediately under the sowing and reaping judgment. Hopefully, you cry out and say, Lord, what did I do wrong? Did I miss you? What am I not doing that I am supposed to be doing?


So Adam in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Since you are made to belong to me, we are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson. You are going to submit to this teacher', and that was the word from Adam, and then the Spirit of Elijah went forth to do the work. The Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan, the god of the carnal mind; prostrated Satan, the third part of the seventh energy center of the mortal men of Judah. Adam, the stronghold of Elohim's energy, covered the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast in the first energy center. You see, when Satan was smitten, Adam, the stronghold that contained Elohim's energy (I do not know whether that should be Elohim's or the Spirit of Elijah's energy. I am probably going to leave it Elohim, but I am just going to check that out.) When Satan was smitten, Adam could move in and form a healthy relationship with these people that Samson was sent to teach.


We are at verse 6b, which we moved from several verses back. And after the Spirit of Elijah smote Satan and Adam in Samson covered the Fiery Serpent, Adam shot forth in the spiritual immigrants of Judah and the Spirit of Elijah burnt Satan and Leviathan, their father, in the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire is the perfecting, purifying fires which prevent the evil or the negative principles within us from doing evil. They will never stop being evil, but we will stop them from doing evil through the relationship, through the fusion, of the negative principles with Christ Jesus.


I mentioned this several times on this message, so far, that we must have a relationship with our negative principles. We must look them right in the eye and know what they are up to and say, I know you are there and I know you are a part of me, but you will not do evil. I know I cannot change you. Most people when they start seeing the negativity and the negative principles; when they start seeing Satan and the evil thoughts within them, most people are horrified. They go running every which way saying, I want deliverance, I want deliverance; get this out of me, it is horrible. But it will not come out of you, you see. This is not a demon. This is your mortal foundation, which is evil. This cannot be cast out of you. Everything of the earth will always be evil and we, the personality, must agree with Christ Jesus to police that evil and prevent her from doing evil. The evil will always be with us. We will prevent evil deeds.


Now the next verse is in your notes. They are really just a duplication of what I have just preached on. I left it in there in case some people want to follow up some of the changes that I made. I will just leave it there. We will now continue on with verse 12 of Judges 15, unless there are any questions or comments on what I preached so far.


Okay, we will go on with verse 12 of Judges 15 in the King James. And they said to him, 'They have come down to bind thee, that we may deliver thee into the hand of the Philistines and Samson said to them, swear unto me that you will not fall upon me yourselves'. See, the King James Translation gives the impression that these are the men of the nation called Philistia. But if you have this revelation, if you could receive this revelation, even in the King James Translation, you could see that it is the Philistines in the Tribe of Judah.


It is the enemies of the men who are ascending in Christ in the Church. They are the Philistines. People who say your doctrine is false doctrine, people who say your anointing is witchcraft; to you, they are the spiritual Philistines. As I said, with this revelation it is even obvious to me in the King James Translation that it was not the men of Philistia, but the Philistines in Israel that said, we have come down to bind you. You have to ask yourself, how come the men of Philistia could have even gotten that close to Samson. These were his friend, his relatives.


The words, they said, are preceded by the verb to say. It is preceded by two prefixes, vav (nailed) and yod (mind). We see these two prefixes throughout the whole chapter signifying Adam is the mind that is nailed to Samson. There was just one instance in a prior verse where we translated it the carnal mind that was nailed to the men who were given over to Leviathan. But with that one exception, every time we see those two prefixes, it is talking about Adam; so Adam said.


The words unto them, we are translating for the purpose of. The English word, bind, means imprison and that word is preceded by a single letter prefix, which is lamed, which means widow. I mentioned this earlier on this message, the widow is the Fiery Serpent. She is the widow. When she is not married to Christ Jesus or the resurrected Adam in the Old Testament, she is considered widowed, in the same manner that she is considered a virgin when she is not spiritually active. It is just a scriptural principle. She is the widow.


The English words, we are come down, we are translating, casting down. The English words, that we may deliver thee, that is just the verb to deliver. We will see what we do with it later on. It is preceded with a single letter prefix, lamed. Then we have the English words, into the hand of, that is preceded by a prefix, beth, which means household. We have been dealing with this English word, hand, for a long time. The Hebrew word translated, hand, can legitimately be translated phallus. I am preaching it a little differently now than I was a year or two ago because the Lord recently showed me; well, let me say it to you this way. I used to say that the phallus was simply the subconscious mind, but the Lord has shown me that the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind which is in Christ is Christ Jesus joined to that Fiery Serpent. If He is not joined to that Fiery Serpent, we still have a subconscious mind which is given over to Leviathan. But Christ Jesus has to marry her.


When Christ Jesus marries that subconscious mind, she becomes the phallus of (I am not sure, maybe it is the Spirit of Elijah; I am not sure.) That Fiery Serpent becomes the male phallus of the household of God. I am not sure of the name of the exact person at this point. So we see that this term phallus is not just talking about the Fiery Serpent alone. The Fiery Serpent alone or married to herself or married to the powers or married to Leviathan is the widow. The Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus or to the resurrected Adam is the phallus of the household of God, meaning that she becomes the aspect of the household of God (at this moment it is alluding me whether it is Adam. The name of the person has alluded me right now.) But this Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus becomes the phallus, I guess, of the Glorified Jesus Christ or the Glorified Elijah in the Old Testament. That resurrected Adam or that Christ Jesus joined to the Fiery Serpent becomes the organ of the glorified man, who is beyond the body. OK, I think I have got it. Is everybody OK with that?


I will do it again. The Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. When the Fiery Serpent is married to the powers that she, herself, creates are married to Leviathan, the Scripture calls her the widow. She has nothing to do with Christ Jesus. That is the symbol. The widow is the Fiery Serpent that is married to herself and or married to Leviathan. As soon as the Fiery Serpent is married to Christ Jesus in the New Testament or the resurrected Adam in the Old Testament, the two who are joined receive a new name. The union of the two produces a new element which is called the phallus, which is the male organ of the glorified man, who is beyond the body.


The glorified Jesus Christ is beyond our physical body, but Christ Jesus is within us. Christ Jesus is within me; He is growing within me. He is my personal Savior. He is the phallus or the male organ of the Glorified Jesus Christ who has ascended above all heavens. The Glorified Jesus Christ is beyond this world, but Christ Jesus is within me. He is my personal Savior. So He is the male organ of the Glorified Jesus Christ penetrating me. Of course, this is spiritual principles. The Lord Jesus Christ has a many-membered male organ. I am going to say it one more time. The word phallus signifies the Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus and the word, widow, signifies the Fiery Serpent not married to Christ Jesus, spiritually active outside of Christ Jesus.


Then we have the word, Philistines. Next, we have the English word, said, with the prefixes vav and yod before it, meaning Adam; And Adam said. The words, unto them, we are translating, they belong to me. Then we have the word, Samson, the word, swear, and the words, unto them, we are translating, with respect to. The English words, not that, Strong's #6435 we are translating, that they will repent.


You see, this is one of those instances where a very powerful word is emasculated in the King James Translation. To me, the words, not that, are very insignificant words. But the Hebrew word translated, not that, Strong's #6435, comes from the root Strong's #6437, which means to turn away from or to turn back, which suggest repentance. Also, the preceding Hebrew word in Gesenius' Lexicon, Strong's #6434, has the same exact spelling including the vowels. It is the same exact word with a different number. As I have told you many times and I will put it on this message; in many cases, the man or the woman, or whoever it is, that is preparing these lexicons, sees such a divergence in the definitions of any given Hebrew word.


There is such a difference between two different groups of definitions that they feel it necessary to give this word that appears exactly the same, two different numbers. Either they cannot believe that it is the same word or they are concerned that it will confuse the people using their lexicons. So in such an incidence as this, it is up to the translator to decide which of the two words which look exactly the same, or the definitions of which of the two words, which look exactly the same, the translator will use. So the word translated, not that, in verse 12 of Judges, Chapter 15 (I better read that sentence from the beginning again.)


Also the preceding Hebrew word in Gesenius' Lexicon, Strong's #6434 has the same exact spelling including the vowels as Strong's #6435. The word translated, not that, in verse 12 of Judges, Chapter 15, Strong's #6434, is listed as meaning a corner. Remember that Adam's geometrical expression is a parallelogram and that the word, corner, signifies straight lines and angles. Both angles and corners are formed by two intersecting lines or two lines that meet each other. I do not know if intersecting is the right word. The inside of the area where the two lines intersect or meet each other is called an angle and the outside is called a corner. The joining of a horizontal and perpendicular line to form a corner signifies the meeting of heaven and earth.


Adam, the heavenly man who is a mixture of spirit and earth, was raised from the dead in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and the two became one, the Glorified Jesus Christ. So we see that the Hebrew word translated, not that, in verse 12 of Judges, Chapter 15, is a negation which signifies repentance and the resurrection of Adam. Accordingly, we see that this word is directed towards both the personality, the present day expression of the primordial ox and the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah. That is the Fiery Serpents. The spiritual immigrant is the Fiery Serpent.


We all have a spiritual Philistine within us, a Fiery Serpent, and when our personality falls into agreement with that spiritual Philistine, we become a Philistine. Even though we are not physically descended from the nation of Philistia, if you can hear that. We are talking about three different levels of Philistines. Everyone has a Fiery Serpent. The Philistine is in everybody. We can be a human man in a physical body who is not a physical descendent of the nation of Philistia, yet when our personality agrees with that Fiery Serpent and starts acting and manifesting in evil and witchcraft, we become, for all intents and purposes, Philistines, even though our physical bodies didn't descend from that race. Then we have the descendants of the physical Philistines, which are the Palestinians, which can be Christians today. So if I have not confused you, I will try harder next time. Praise the Lord.


This is the world we live in. This message is not simple. Brethren, anyone in the world seriously pursuing a spiritual discipline, whether it is the religious Jews, whether it is Hindus, whether it is Buddhists; it is a life pursuit. It is a pursuit for your lifetime. Some people go around quoting the King James Translation and they think that makes them spiritual. I do not mean to mock anybody, but the Church has got to wake up. Quoting printed words does not make you spiritual. You must get the understanding of the Spirit that generated the words. You must find out what the Spirit who spoke the words means.


Many times, unfortunately, I have had confrontations with people who tell me that I have said something that I have to say to them, I do not remember if I said those words or not. But if I did say those words, that was not what I meant by those words. You have to believe me, assuming that I am in a relationship with you, that you understood a different meaning of those words than I intended. You have to at least give me the benefit of the doubt when I sit here or stand here and tell you that what you think is not what I meant, but this is what I meant. I am telling you right now that this is what I meant. I will change the words. I will make it more clear for you. This is what I meant. Maybe even I used a wrong word.


These last few messages have been very difficult. I have a few wrong words on these messages. I say descended when I mean ascended. There is been several errors in my words. So if someone calls me up on the telephone and says to me, Well, you said ascended. Well yes, I made a mistake. But that is not what I meant. If you want to be a reasonable person, you have to believe what my intention was, not what the letter of my word said. That is why if somebody says something that upsets you, you really owe them, you owe it to them and to yourself and to the Lord, to give them an opportunity to explain.


See, the Scripture clearly says that relationships which are in Christ are confrontational; continuous ongoing communication. But the majority of the Church wants no part of it. They do not want any confrontation. They do not answer your letters, they do not answer your phone call. If you have a question that is the least bit controversial, they will answer you in the quickest way and just get off the hook. This is not scriptural. Scriptural relationships are confrontational in Christ. That does not mean an argument. Confrontational does not mean an argument. It means two people come together and sit down and not only say what they have to say, but really listen to what the other person has to say and asking the Lord Jesus to be in the midst of it to straighten out wrong thinking on both parts and bring a godly resolution to the disagreement. But you cannot do that if you are not willing to confront and that is no easy thing to do. But it is required of us in Christ Jesus.


We have a few more words to verse 12. The words, ye will fall, we are translating to reach the mark. We know that sin is missing the mark. That really blessed me to see that definition of this Hebrew word, Strong's #6293. A legitimate definition is to reach the mark; to reach the mark of perfection. Sin is falling short of perfection. The words, upon me, Strong's #8700, can be translated timeline. The English word, yourselves, we will translate themselves.


The following words are the words I had to work with; and Adam said for the purpose of widow imprisoning casting down widow to deliver up the household of the phallus of the Philistines and Adam said they belong to me Samson swear with respect them that they will repent reach the mark with respect to themselves. So just in case you did not understand what I just said, this is our Alternate Translation: And Adam said, 'Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent and imprison her for the purpose of delivering the widowed personalities from the Fiery Serpent. Deliver the personalities from their own carnal mind. Cast down the Fiery Serpent for the purpose of delivering the widowed personalities because the Fiery Serpent in the personalities are one; from the Fiery Serpent, their own spiritual virginity and subconscious mind.'


I have to start from the beginning again. And Adam said, 'Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent and imprison her for the purpose of delivering the widowed personalities from the Fiery Serpent, the household of the Philistines' spiritual phallus'. The widowed Fiery Serpent, who is the household or the female or the wife of the Philistines' spiritual phallus. OK now, I gave you a whole exhortation before on how the Fiery Serpent married to herself is the widow and the Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus is a phallus. I see that I did not add that the phallus could manifest on the other side. The Fiery Serpent married to the powers which exist underneath the heart center is widowed, but she can also be married to Leviathan. When she is married to Leviathan, she becomes Leviathan's phallus or she becomes Satan's phallus when she is married to Leviathan. When she is married to Christ Jesus, she becomes the phallus of the glorified man, either Elijah or the Lord Jesus Christ.


So we see that in this verse, the word phallus goes with the Philistines. And Adam said to Samson, 'The personalities belong to me. Therefore, this is your assignment, Samson. They are mine and this is the commission I am giving you'. Brethren, this is the commission to everyone who hopes to minister out of Christ Jesus. 'I want you to swear to me with respect to these personalities that I have sent you to minister to; that you will bring them to repentance, so that they will reach Elohim's timeline within themselves'. There is no way you are going to reach Elohim's timeline, which is within yourself, without repentance. This is the commission of every spiritual teacher that says he names the name of Christ. If you are teaching a high spiritual philosophy, if you are ministering to people in a spiritual plane and you are not teaching them to confess their sins and repent, you are a false teacher. You are a false teacher, if you are not telling the people to confess their sins and repent. It is not very popular to do that in the kingdom Church today. You are all false teachers.


Please note that both the personalities and the Fiery Serpents belong to Adam because the two are one. The Fiery Serpent is the spiritual virginity and the subconscious mind of the personality. The Fiery Serpents are present day formations of the seed or the fishes of Jehovah's semen, which were scattered into the earth when Adam died. They have become so wicked through their union with the earth that they are incapable of repentance. Therefore, they must be beaten into submission by their true husband, Adam. So we see that the sperm of Jehovah's semen, which were captured by the earth, have indeed multiplied and become fruitful and are presently doing their best to replenish the earth. That word replenish is Strong's #4390. It means to fill the earth. I just paraphrased Genesis 1:28. However, the sperm of Jehovah's semen, which were contained in Adam's spiritual body, went forth to do their job prematurely, before they were engraved with Jehovah's spiritual genetic code and were engraved instead with the genetic code of the earth.


Well, the Lord corrected me on that at the beginning exhortation of this message. I will have to correct the notes. The sperm of Jehovah's semen did have Jehovah's genetic code, but they were in an immature condition and their nurse, the one who was supposed to be guarding the sperm until they became full grown civilized men, was Adam. When Adam died, these spiritual babies were captured by the earth and she completely changed their nature because she got them at such a young age. It is the same principle in the Church today, brethren. A young believer is much more easily influenced than someone who has been walking with God for years and certainly someone who knows the Doctrine of Christ and who has had spiritual experiences with Christ. It is very hard to overtake them, much harder than to overtake the young ones. Even in this physical world, there is a tremendous pressure today, to capture the children through the ungodly curriculums that are being taught in the schools. They go after the children. They go after the vulnerable ones.


This very same principle is operating in our society today. Hitler knew that to change the mentality of the nation, he had to take control of the children. The principles in our society today, who are intent upon bringing unscriptural changes, have the same revelation. Wherefore, our children are in great danger. We must pray for them continuously.


Continuing with verse 13 of Judges Chapter 15; And they spake unto him, saying, 'No, but we will bind thee fast and deliver thee into their hand, but surely we will not kill thee'. And they bound him with two new cords and brought him up from the rock. Again, you have to ask yourself, how come the Philistines got so close to Samson? They were his friends, brethren. They were the people that he went to synagogue with. And they spake as the two prefixes before, vav and yod, which we are translating Adam spake. The words unto him, we are translating, with respect to. The word no, which is a negative particle, we are translating Fiery Serpent. The word, but, we are translating indeed. The words, we will bind thee, we are translating imprison. The words, to bind thee fast, Strong's #0631, we are translating to harness or to saddle. The word, their hand, we are translating phallus, and there is a prefix, beth, before that; the household of the phallus.


Now these English words, but surely, Strong's #4191, means to die. It is translations like this that are really a problem with the King James and sister translations. The word means to die. But the translators just did not know what to do with it, so they changed it to, but surely. Now it is legitimate; it is called translator's license, just as what I do is legitimate translator's license.


Then we have the word, not; a negative particle and we are translating it the Fiery Serpent. Then we have the words, we will not kill, Strong's #4191. That is the same Hebrew word translated, but surely. So right in the same verse, the same exact word is translated once, but surely, and the second time, we will not kill. Both times, we are just translating it, to die. That is the infinite and we will see how it works into the verse. The second time that the verb appears, it has a prefix, nun, which means fish. We know that Leviathan is the principle fish and that the Fiery Serpent is the baby fish. So we will see how that works in. And bound, has the two prefixes again, vav and yod, so we are translating that, Adam; and Adam bound.


Then we have the words, him with two. It is basically the word, two, Strong's #8147. The way I am going to translate this is like what we have experienced in the Peter messages. I want to suggest to you that Cain is the second in authority. She was the first born, but she is the second in authority. Depending on the context of the whole verse in other translations, I have translated the number one Cain as the first born and I have also translated the number two Cain as the second in authority, depending on the context of the entire verse that it is coming forth in. In this case, we are translating the word two as Cain, the second in authority. She is under Abel. We see that the word, cords, means to be interwoven with foliage; foliage, meaning nature, meaning the greens and the plants of the earth. Brethren, that is the condition of Cain. Cain is entangled in the earth. Abel is smeared together with Michael above. Those are the scriptural terms. So you see, it was the translation of this English word, cords, the true translation of it which means to be interwoven with foliage. That gave me the clue that the number two is speaking about Cain, the second one. She is not first.


Now the next word, new, Strong's #2319, can be translated, house or wife or name. It can also be translated, unheard of. But I want to do a bit of a study on this word, new, because I am a little bit excited. I found a scriptural reference as to what the new thing that Jehovah is doing, is. That new thing; that is a Scripture that I have heard many times when I was still a disciple. I heard this Scripture preached that God is doing a new thing. I guess I always knew in my heart, well, it is the creation of God. He is building us anew. But it is just exciting for me to find it in the Scripture, what the Lord says His own new thing is.


So we see Isaiah 43:14; Behold, I do a new thing. That is what I have heard many times during the years that I was training up. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Jeremiah 31:22 says, How long will thou go about, oh thou backsliding daughter, for the Lord has created a new thing in the earth; a woman shall compass a man.


Now that Scripture really caught my imagination because I have to tell you, that is another Scripture that I have heard many times while I was training up. It just never sat right with me. I translated it to mean, the physical body would surround the son of God. But somehow, it just never sat right with me. So I looked at it in the Interlinear Text today and from my point of view anyway, it was a simple translation. So I did not do a whole work-up here, but I have given you an Alternate Translation.


This is what I saw Jeremiah, Chapter 32 to mean: Oh, female offspring (now that is the personality together with the Fiery Serpent, her spiritual virginity), how long until you repent and become a new creature? Did Jehovah form you for the heathen? Were you formed to be married to Leviathan? A valiant warrior (that is the translation of man). This Hebrew word translated man here; it is not the typical Hebrew word that is translated man. Usually it is the Hebrew word, ish, which means mortal man and enosh means male, a mortal man that is a male, and Adam (adam) is the name for the spiritual man. I did not write down the number for you, but this Hebrew word that is translated man means a man who is a valiant warrior.


A valiant warrior shall cause the woman of the earth's household to reverse her course. Now, the woman of the earth's household is the Fiery Serpent, who is attached to the personality. So it is not that a woman is going to surround a man. It is the exact opposite. A valiant man sent by Jehovah will manifest in this world and cause the Fiery Serpent and the personality to change her course. We must die to the lifestyle or to the life course of the Fiery Serpent. We must be turned around. True repentance is to turn away from everything of this world as the Lord Jesus takes it from us. If you give it up of your own accord, it is a religious work. We are to be in an attitude of mind that says, Lord, I will give up anything that you take, believing that you would never do anything that would hurt me or my children or my wife or my family.


Oh, female offspring (personality, the woman), how long until you repent and become a new creature? The way you become a new creature is by giving your spiritual sexual parts to Christ Jesus. Did Jehovah form you to have a spiritual sexual union with Leviathan, the heathen? I know that you are not going to repent by yourself. I know that you are not going to change your lifestyle by yourself, so I have sent a valiant warrior and he shall cause the woman of the earth's household to reverse her course or her lifestyle. That excites me. Brethren, we have to change our course. We are on a course. We have to change our course because the end of this course is death, you see. We have to go in a different direction. A course is around the circle of the earth. We keep going round and round and round. We have to change our course; we have to go up.


2 Corinthians 5:17; Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.


Galatians 6:15; For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.


Revelation 3:14; And unto the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans, write these things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.


So we see the new thing that the Lord is doing in the earth is not surrounding the man with a woman. That is the exact opposite of what He is doing. He is freeing the man from the woman and Jehovah is sending a valiant man, Christ Jesus, who is strong enough to turn the peoples of the earth. We are the female descendent, the personalities of the earth, to turn us away from this lifestyle, from this course, to prefer the lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ and to die to this lifestyle. That is the new thing that He is doing. He is sending judgment on the earth to help us to prefer the one who will give us life rather than the one who gives us death.


Once again, the carnal example of that is the way things used to be years ago when parents had authority over their children. I saw a movie like this. A man saw his daughter was about to run away with a man who really just wanted her money. He really was no good. She was going to run away with him without marrying him. In those days that was a serious thing. Your family would not take you back and you were totally outcast if you lived with a man out of wedlock. If God forbid, you had his child, it was a horrendous thing in those days. Her father locked her in her room. He saved her life. That is what the Lord Jesus is doing for us. He is going to lock us in a room and cut us off from our drug addict lover who's killing us and turning us out to prostitution; and we prefer that drug addict lover who's our pimp. That is the spiritual truth, brethren.


Also, Strong's #2318, immediately preceding the Hebrew word translated new in Gesenius Lexicon, which has the same spelling as Strong's #2319, with the exception of one vowel, means to renew, to repair, or to restore. I have told you many times that the original Hebrew had no vowels. That means some scribe somewhere took these two words and decided that in one word, the vowel should be o, and in the other word the vowel should be a. So it is perfectly possible that the spirit that was writing these words intended for the meaning in this Scripture to not be the translation of 2319, which is new, but that the Spirit of God could have meant it to be 2318, which means to renew, to repair, or to restore. This word Strong's #2318 can also mean to polish a sword. Gesenius says its primary sense is that of cutting or polishing. The signification of newness appears to precede from that of a sharp polished splendid sword.


Now, you may recall that we found out that the English expression, flaming sword, in Genesis 3:24 means magical sword. Genesis 3:24 reads; So he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden, cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life. Those two English words, flaming sword, we legitimately translated it magical sword in our Alternate Translation. The word flaming can be translated magical. When Adam died, his remains were transformed into a magical sword in Genesis 3:24.


But we now see, in Judges 5:13, that the Spirit of Elijah is asking the resurrected Adam to swear that he will regenerate these fallen creatures into a sharp polished splendid sword. The resurrected Adam in Samson, received the commission from the Spirit of Elijah, who received the commission from Elohim, who received the commission from Jehovah to regenerate the Leviathan, who are the fallen sons of God. They are the sons of God who became evil. They became entangled in the earth and they took on the nature of the earth.


This same commission is given to everyone that Christ Jesus is rising in. The Lord Jesus Christ is not raising Christ Jesus from the dead in you so that you can have a happy life. I am sorry, it is not true. Now if you have a happy life as a byproduct of the Lord Jesus raising Christ from the dead in you, well, that is fine. But everyone, every personality that the Lord Jesus raises Christ from the dead in, is called to ministry. Now that does not mean that you have to have a public ministry like this. But you are called to be in ministry to be a priest to the Lord Jesus Christ. That means you are called to open yourself to the Lord Jesus and to be the hands and feet and a mouth for Him, whenever and wherever and however He chooses to manifest through you. To be a human being who is an expression of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is one of the definitions of angel, by the way, your carnal mind must be crushed. You must be brought into discipline and you must be educated. You need to know the Doctrine of Christ. You need to know how to relate to other people in a godly manner. That training does not happen overnight.


The more of this knowledge and wisdom that you have when you come to the Lord, it may make your training faster or easier. I do not know; different people have different upbringing as children. If you cannot read when you come to the Lord, you have got a problem learning the Doctrine of Christ. That does not mean you cannot learn the Doctrine of Christ. You could sit here under this teaching; you could read the messages and the Spirit of Christ could make it as real to you as someone who can read. But it is nicer if you can read. It helps if you can read.


You do not need a supernatural miracle if you can read the notes and if you can read the on-line transcripts and you sit down and say, Lord, please help me to understand this. That is not really a supernatural miracle, but if you cannot read and you sit down and you say, Lord, help me to understand this, you have got a supernatural miracle on your hands. God does not give out supernatural miracles that easily. So if you cannot read, you have got a harder time; you have got a handicap. That is my point. If you cannot read, you have got a handicap. It is doable; Jesus could give you your miracle, but you have got a handicap. So the more rebellious you are, and the more proud you are, and the more envious you are, and the more problems that you have when you come to the Lord, the more judgment you are going to have to go through to get it out, to straighten it out. So we see that the ministry of Christ to the saviors that He is raising up is the same. But the people who are being raised up to be saviors, they are not the same.


Isaiah 41:15; Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth. Thou shalt thresh the mountains and beat them small and shall make the hills chaff. I really felt compelled to translate this verse also, because it is another verse that I heard many times when I was a disciple. I find that the translation is not what I thought it was. I always thought that we were going to become the weapon with teeth. But Satan is the teeth. Satan is the mad dog with teeth. We are not the teeth. You do not hear it too much today, because we are all into this political correctness, but years ago when men were much more likely to think of women as sex objects, you might hear a man referring to a woman as, there goes the blonde one; identifying a whole woman by the color of her hair or identifying a whole woman by certain aspects of her anatomy. Well, that is what the Scripture is doing with Satan. Satan is Leviathan's mad dog that bites. The Scripture identifies her as the teeth or the tooth. She is the teeth. The teeth are attached to something.


So we see the words, make thee, and we are translating them as, I will set thee in place. A threshing instrument; I looked that up in the dictionary and I found out that it means to triturate. As soon as I saw the tri, I was wondering if it had something to do with the triangle or the Serpent. But I did not find that. What I did find in the dictionary was that triturate means to rub, to crush, to grind into fine particles or powder. But the dictionary said, especially a powdered drug. Now I have been saying for a long time that all of mortal humanity is on drugs. We are on spiritual drugs. Those spiritual drugs are largely human sexuality and other bodily pleasures and pleasures of the mind. Satan keeps us down here with spiritual drugs. So this threshing instrument has to do with the crushing of the spiritual drugs. That was the way that I saw it.


The word, sharp, we are keeping. The word, new, we are keeping. Now here is a good one. The English word, having, Strong's #1167, means husband. To me, having is a very harmless word. Husband is a very important word in this Doctrine of Christ. The word means husband, Strong's #1167. The word, teeth, we are translating Satan. The word, thresh, we are translating to tear apart and tread down. I translated it twice; to tear apart and tread down. We are tearing the Fiery Serpent apart from Leviathan and we are treading the Fiery Serpent under Christ Jesus.


The mountains are the higher energy centers. The words, beat them small, we are translating, and crushed to dust. The hills are the lower energy centers where the Fiery Serpent is. The word, chaff, refers to that which is pressed out. We are beating the whole carnal mind and that which is being pressed out is Christ. Christ or the resurrected Adam is being freed from the carnal mind in the beating, because the carnal mind is lying on top of Adam or Christ and entangling Him in the earth. Christ is raised from a lot of people in the Church today and He is utterly entangled in the earth. The only thing that will help him or that personality is judgment of their carnal mind; judgment directed towards the personality which will correct and set them free. 


Now I see that we have one more English word, establish. I do not see that word in the King James Translation. So apparently, I did not write down the English word in the King James Translation. But this word, establish, is a translation of Strong's #7760. So if you want to look it up yourself, if you have access to an Interlinear Text you can find out what English word we are replacing with the word establish. A sharp instrument that grinds to powder is Christ Jesus; that grinds the drugs to powder. Now I recognize that I am using the definition in the dictionary a little differently than the translation in the dictionary. I just feel in my spirit that this is what the Lord is telling me, that the spiritual drugs of this world are being ground to powder by the Lord Jesus Christ and then that powder or dust is being blown to the winds. Although I believe the English dictionary definition of this really means to grind drugs to powder so you can use it. But this is what the Lord is giving me in my spirit.


So we have an Alternate Translation of Isaiah 41:15; Look, I am setting a sharp new mind in place of your carnal mind, which will tear apart Satan, your husband; Leviathan's teeth. And the inhabitants of the higher energy center shall tread down. Who is the inhabitant of the higher energy centers? The Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Elijah, and the resurrected Adam shall tread down and crush the inhabitants of the lower energy centers. Who are the inhabitants of the lower energy centers? The Fiery Serpent and the powers of this world; the moths, the spiritual insects of this world. They shall be ground to dust, crushed to dust. Now that is interesting, because when you crush a moth, it turns to dust. And establish Jehovah's germ seed, which is pressed out. That which is being pressed out is the seed of Jehovah's life. It is the resurrected Christ in its immature condition and it first has to, when it is separated from the carnal mind, it has to grow in wisdom and truth. It has to be trained. He has to learn the Doctrine of Christ. He has to be disciplined. He has to learn to rule the personality that He is coming forth in and to overcome the negative principles that would interfere with His marriage to the personality.


This is Isaiah 41:15; Look, I am setting a sharp new mind in place of your carnal mind which will tear apart Satan, your husband, Leviathan's teeth, and the inhabitants of the higher energy centers shall tread down and crush the inhabitants of the lower energy centers to dust and establish Jehovah's germ seed. Establish Christ; which is pressed out. Establish Him on the foundation of the Glorified Jesus Christ.


Continuing with Judges 15:13. I have just repeated all of the words that I have already talked to you about so that you can find your perspective, if you want to follow it. But we are really up to the line that I separated at the end which begins with ascended. We are translating the English words, and brought him up. We are translating that, ascended up on the side of. That is a legitimate translation of Strong's #5927, to ascend up on the side of. The words, from the rock, we are translating stronghold, and we have found out from another verse that Adam is Jehovah's stronghold or the Spirit of Elijah's stronghold. I do not know; I have to check that out. I think we will leave that Jehovah's. These are are the words that we have to work with; And Adam spoke with respect to saying the Fiery Serpent indeed imprison harness saddle and deliver you into household of phallus to die Fiery Serpent fish Leviathan Fiery Serpent's to die and Adam bound Cain the second interwoven with the foliage new ascended up on the side of Adam Jehovah's stronghold.


This is the Alternate Translation; And Adam spoke with respect to the personalities saying, 'Leviathan, indeed, imprisoned, harnessed and delivered you into the household of Leviathan's phallus, so you must die to Satan's lifestyle and you must die to Leviathan, the fish's lifestyle and Adam bound Cain, who was second to Abel and interwoven with the foliage of the earth, the one who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth, and the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Adam, Jehovah's stronghold'. And Adam spoke with respect to the personalities saying, 'Leviathan, indeed, imprisoned you, put a saddle on you, harnessed you, and delivered you like a concubine in a harem into the household of Leviathan's phallus'.


Remember, Leviathan's phallus is the Fiery Serpent married to Leviathan. So therefore, you must die to Satan's lifestyle. Look, if you want to get free from this spiritual harlotry that you are bound by and imprisoned by, you have to die to Satan and Leviathan's lifestyle. You cannot continue with what you are doing and expect the Lord to stop you from doing it. You must exercise your will with the power of God to stop saying, stop doing, what is wrong. But before you could do that, you need a revelation of what is wrong. But then you cannot pray and expect the Lord to hold your tongue. You must restrain yourself. You must restrain your tongue; you must restrain your behavior, you must restrain yourself by the power of God.


And Adam spoke with respect to the personalities saying, 'Leviathan, indeed, imprisoned, harnessed and delivered you into the household of Leviathan's phallus'. We are all concubines in Leviathan's harem. So if you want to get free, you must die to Satan's lifestyle and you must die to Leviathan, the fish's lifestyle. This is the Doctrine of Christ. Adam preached the Doctrine of Christ through Samson to the men of Judah. After he preached the Doctrine of Christ, Adam bound Cain, who was second to Abel, and the one who was interwoven with the foliage of the earth. Cain is the one who is interwoven to the foliage of the earth. And the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Adam. That new mind arose up out of Abel. He was second only to Abel. That new mind, that root of the tree of life, ascended up on the side of Adam, Jehovah's stronghold. It ascended in the timeline of God. The other side is referring to the two timelines, depending on which timeline you are in when you say the other side. The other side is the other timeline. There is only two; Leviathan's timeline and Adam's timeline.


So after the personalities heard the truth, Adam bound Cain, who was interwoven with the foliage of the earth, the one who was second to Abel. And when Cain became bound, the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Adam, Jehovah's stronghold. I guess Cain was killing the new mind every time it tried to rise up. So Adam had to bind Cain. Cain, our own flesh, is our own enemy. Our own flesh and our own mind is our own enemy. So if someone is pointing out something and saying to you, well, that really was not right thinking and your response is I felt or thought that was the way it should be or I thought it was right at the time. Any response such as that is a manifestation of pride. It is your carnal mind rising up to oppose the opinion of Christ that is being delivered to you, for your own preservation of your life.


The Lord has recently revealed to me that to do such a thing is a manifestation of pride. But now the Lord has shown us that to do that when the wisdom of Christ is being imparted to you, for you to rise up and say, I thought or felt it was right at the time, that what you are doing at that exact moment is preferring your carnal mind over Christ. I want to tell you when the Lord showed me that, it was shocking to me. But that is what He told me. He told me and I am telling you, that when your pride rises up with that kind of a response, you are preferring your carnal mind over Christ. What should your response be if someone in Christ tells you something like your thinking was wrong? Your godly response is, I will take it before the Lord. I hear what you are telling me and I will ask the Lord to confirm or disaffirm to me what you have said. That is the godly response, for your own sake.


Recap, Judges 15: verses 12 and 13; And Adam said, 'Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent and imprison her for the purpose of delivering the widowed personalities from the Fiery Serpent, the household of the Philistines' spiritual phallus'. And Adam said to Samson, 'The personalities belong to me, so swear'. Well, this commission to minister to God's people requires an oath. We have a lot of young Christians that want to get up with a microphone in their hand and preach. This is a serious business. We have political offices in this nation. The men and women who are elected take an oath to perform the duty of the office. They put their hand on the bible and they take an oath. Well, there is an oath involved with ministering in Christ Jesus. The Lord wants you to swear that you will do your best.


It does not even say, Do your best. It says, Swear that you will bring them to repentance. That is very interesting. Swear that you will bring them to repentance. How can I swear that I will bring you to repentance. Well, I can. I can say, Lord, I am going to do everything that you told me to do. I am going to tell them everything that you told me to tell them. If I sin against them, if I make a mistake, I am going to repent and I am going to tell them. I am going to do everything that I could do and with me doing this in the earth and you doing your thing in the heaven, they will come to repentance. Therefore, I can swear that I will bring them to repentance.


'They belong to me', says Adam. 'So swear with respect to them, that you will bring them to repentance so that they will reach Elohim's timeline within themselves, so that they will not ascend into Leviathan's timeline, which is eternal torment'. The Lord is very very concerned about all of us, that we do not ascend into eternal torment. But as concerned as He is, He is doing all that He could do. We do have a free will when He frees that will. We do not have a free will when we are bound by Leviathan. So this is what He is doing for us. He knows that we are bound by Leviathan, so He is boiling Satan and He is crushing Leviathan and He is marrying the Fiery Serpent. He is raising Christ from the dead in us, who is marrying the Fiery Serpent.


The Lord Jesus is doing everything He can do for us and when we are still so bound because we are in the groove of the Serpent's lifestyle that we still cannot make the right decision, He is turning us over to Satan for the reaping and sowing judgment to break us out of that course that we are on. We must change our course. You must die to Satan's lifestyle and you must die to Leviathan, the fish's lifestyle. Satan is primarily evil and Leviathan is all of the pride. And Adam bound Cain who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth and who is second to Abel and the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Adam, Jehovah's stronghold. Is not that exciting? Oh, this stuff is so good. Any questions or comments?


COMMENT: I got a real witness in my spirit when you talked about the Philistines being within Samson and his friends. When I was going through that very difficult time when the Lord told me to drive, I knew there was a giant within me, in my very land, that I was fighting. It was holding me back and it had me trembling in terror and my knees were just buckling under the pressure that I was experiencing.


03/06/19, rh, 1st Edit