038 - Part 9

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Praise the Lord, this is part 9 of the series entitled God’s throne, and for the last several months we have been studying the book of Revelation, we have done chapters 1, 2, 3, and we are now in chapter 4, but we took a turn at verse 7 of chapter 4 which says;


7. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face like a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. KJV

The Lord sent us into the book of Ezekiel, where we have almost 28 verses almost word for word. What we just read in chapter, in verse 7 of chapter 4 of the book of Revelation, and we have taken a turn from the book of Revelation, and we have taken a turn from the book of Revelation to try and understand that verse and we are just about at the end of that series. We will do the best to fill in where I think you might not understand. We are up to part 9 of Around God’s Throne, and we are in chapter 1 of the book of Ezekiel. I am going to read you the alternate translation of verses 18-22 which we did last week, and then we are going on to verses 23-26 and Wednesday Lord willing we will finish this up.

The Lord has revealed to us that this strange sounding description typifies or is a spiritual description of God’s new creation man and that all of these words are symbols representing spiritual aspects of the new creation man’s make up. That is basically where we are at. Recap Ezekiel 1:18-22; this is an alternate translation now, and you may have a little trouble following it. What we did was we went into all of the words and took the translations right out of our Gesenius and Strong’s lexicons which the Lord quickened to us and as we have been explaining in this ministry for months, just as you go into an English dictionary and there are many definitions of every English word, when you look up the Hebrew or the Greek word, there are many potential translations, and depending on your revelation, the revelation of Christ that is within you, you can choose any one, up to possibly twenty definitions of a word. We have gone into Gesenius and Strong’s and we have taken the definitions or the translations of the Hebrew words very frequently other than which were the choice of the King James translators; but what we are doing is a legitimate practice of any translator from one language to the other. This is what is happening in the church world today, there are many translations of the Bible available today, and we have to pray very strongly about what translation we use because most of these modern translations are including the revelation of the translator. You cannot translate from language to the next something that you do not understand. The revelation in your own heart is going to come through in the translation. We have to pray very carefully about which translation of the Bible we use and basically this is what we are doing here, we are retranslating the Bible in accordance to the revelation that the Lord Jesus Christ is giving to this ministry. Every translation of every word is legitimate, it is in the lexicons that are available to everybody. We have just made in many instances different choices than the King James translators and we get a translation that is totally different. I just pray that the Spirit of God quickens this to the hearts of everyone that He would, and we are just going to go forward. Recap alternate translation Ezekiel 1:18-22;

EZEKIEL 1:18-22

18. As for the souls which surrounded the spirit, they were so highly exalted that they were fearsome, and all of the valleys or spiritual emptiness which existed in their unglorified condition were filled in at every point in their squared glorified state with fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God. ATB

Let me just go over this with you. We have been studying here for months that our spiritual condition looks something like this; that is our soul; that is the living soul and in the midst of the living soul is the human spirit, when the Holy Spirit enters into our heart, the human spirit plus the Holy Spirit equals Christ, and that is how Christ appears in the heart of natural man; Christ in His holiness, in His righteousness and in His glory is inside our natural soul which is still fallen and corrupt. What He starts to do is He starts to grow like a mustard seed, and He grows outward and He starts placing pressure upon our soul realm, and we have been preaching here that everything that happens in the spiritual, is the exact opposite or the mirror image of what happens in the natural. There is, we talked, the Scripture talks about the crushing of the grapes to get the wine out and wine typifies the life of God.

There is a circumcision that is a spiritual circumcision, we know in the natural something is cut off from the exterior, and what I am suggesting to you is that the life of Christ as it grows, it places pressure on our soul life which is fallen and it ruptures it, and eventually the life of Christ overtakes and swallows up the soul realm, and the soul realm by virtue of this process becomes righteous and becomes spirit. I am making this as simple as I can, I have maybe 20 messages on it. I will let you ask questions after I get through it, I just want you to make it through this teaching with some understanding.

We said as for the souls which surrounded the spirit, the soul surrounding the Spirit of God, they were so highly exalted, they became righteous and glorified because of the indwelling Christ within them, radiating His life towards them and terrifying them. They were so highly exalted that they were fearsome and all of the valleys and spiritual emptiness in their unglorified condition were filled in at every point in their squared glorified state.

I am going to stop right here, I want to show you too. This is another teaching that is coming forth here for weeks. I just drew that as a circle for the purposes of understanding. The Scripture talks about mountains and valleys, and basically this is the condition of our soul, it really looks like this. Each mountain is a manifestation of the pride of man, and each valley is a lack of righteousness that is the condition of the natural man. He cannot help himself because Jesus Christ is our righteousness. The natural man is lacking Jesus Christ. He is lacking righteousness, there is no way for natural man to become righteous, not by works or any other way, he must have Jesus Christ added to him. When Christ comes forth from the center, He radiates out, He vibrates out because He is a Spirit, what He does is He fills in every valley, every lack over here gets filled in with righteousness, and He presses down every mountain. He presses down the mountains because they are pride and He prevents pride from manifesting and He fills the valley which are a lack of righteousness in natural man. What we get is a smooth even soul. We know that the soul is typified in the Scripture by the sea and the sea is known for its turbulence, it roars, it rises up and goes down and it typifies the emotions man.

Christ has emotions but they are under the control of the Holy Spirit. They are stabilizing. If you are manifesting the Spirit of Christ and someone comes to you hysterical, that Spirit of Christ should be able to calm that other man down. If you are manifesting Christ and God sends someone to you who cannot express their emotions, who are utterly withdrawn, a manifestation of the power of God should bring them up to a place where they can function emotionally. Christ is the stabilizer, natural man is unstable in all his ways. In all his ways he is unstable, Christ is the stabilizer; we are a partially created creation.

God formed the negative realm first, and He is in the process of adding the positive realm to us, and when are joined together the natural which is negative and Christ which is positive we are going to be a whole creation. We are going to be complete, and the Scripture says, we are complete in Him. Who knows what that means, our spiritual life is completed in Him. Right now there are big gaping places in our soul, and we cannot function in certain areas, specifically righteousness because we are lacking, we are the negative realm.

What we are saying here is all of the valleys and the spiritual emptiness which existed in their unglorified condition; we may have the Holy Spirit but brethren we are not glorified. We are not glorified, we are still in vile bodies and we are still capable of sin. At the very least we do sin, at the very least in our minds and we are quite capable of it, we are not glorified yet.

All of the valleys and spiritual emptiness which existed in their unglorified condition were filled in at every point in their squared glorified state. I am just going to take a minute on that. If you are familiar at all with these Scriptures in Ezekiel, it is talking about four sided creatures. The Scripture is talking about four sided creatures and everyone I have ever heard teach this says it is an imaginary creature, but I suggest to you that, Lord how do I make this simple, help me Lord, that the glorified man is in the form of a square, that God is not putting this creation together haphazardly, that God is a scientist and everything that is happening in our being is based on scientific physical principles, the principles of physics and chemistry.

Our bodies are made of 96% water and a handful of chemicals. God is not someone who is slopping finger paint on a piece of paper. He is methodical, He is systematic. He is brilliant beyond our ability to understand it and He knows exactly what He is doing. This has been the teaching here over the last nine messages; man is a linear man. The first, okay let me do it this way, God is forming man in three steps; natural man, spiritual man, and glorified man; natural man, what we are today, spiritual man as typified by Jesus Christ of Nazareth before the crucifixion, walking with the soul realm under his feet, but still in a body that was capable of being crucified, the third stage, glorified man, Jesus after the resurrection incorruptible, incapable of being crucified.

God expresses these three stages of the development of the creation mathematically. This is how He does it; natural man is a linear man, he is on one plain, he is linear, he is natural, he lives in this realm. Jesus Christ comes to him, and He changes him, He adds something to him, this line, I just cannot get into it anymore deeply, okay, this line, this linear man that exists on one realm is bent. This is all in Ezekiel 1, if you ever want to get the earlier messages, and this linear line is bent and what happens is that Jesus comes down from heaven, He comes down from heaven and He meets the linear man right here on the earth.

This is the earth and this is the heaven, Jesus comes down and He meets the linear man. Mathematically this spiritual man which was typified by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is mathematically expressed as a right angle; glory to God. We have been teaching that Satan is the existence in the earth that, he is the spiritual skeleton and he gives form to the creation. God does not name him very often. He is there giving form to the creation and what we have here is a right triangle. We have a right triangle, the spiritual man is a right triangle.

We mentioned in earlier meetings that in occultish circles and in some circles of the church, they are teaching that Jesus Christ with His body is a triangle, and they show you Jesus up here, they say He is the cornerstone, and that this is the body of Christ down here, and they draw lines like this and they say Jesus is a triangle. I just got that in the mail from somebody. The Lord showed us that there is a truth in every error. The spiritual man is a triangle, but He does not look like that, He looks like this. He is a right triangle. This is the occultish triangle. It is not true because what it says is that Jesus is staying in the heavenlies and the body is down here. I declare to you that Jesus came down to the earth, Hallelujah and He joined Himself to the natural man and He is a part of our being and He shall never leave us, even though He is in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Father, He is still in the earth, glory to God, and if you are a spiritual man, if you have Christ, you are a right triangle or are in the process of becoming a right triangle. I do not know anybody that is a completed right triangle man except Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but we are moving into it.

Then we have learned from this study in Ezekiel 1, that the next step, the step that makes us a glorified man, the way it is expressed mathematically is that Jesus squared us, He squares the spiritual man. The spiritual man is a right triangle. Remember, to form the spiritual man, He added the spiritual man to the, He added Jesus to the natural man, but to become a glorified man, we are not using addition anymore, we are using multiplication, and what He does is He squares the right triangle man, he squares the glorified man, and when you square the glorified man, what you get is a square, what you have is two right triangles. This is the mathematical expression of the glorified man, he is a square, and a square is just about one of the most stable geometrical forms. Circles roll, triangles can topple. This is a perfectly balanced geometrical figure, and that is the mathematical expression of the glorified man, hallelujah.

It is expressed, it is translated in the book of Ezekiel as four sided creatures. This is the glorified man, he is four sided alright, but it is not what people think it is. That is glorified man, incorruptible, unchangeable, having been swallowed up by the Spirit of God, and glorified in every aspect.

This is what we are talking about in verse 18 of chapter 1 of Ezekiel, all of their spiritual emptiness that existed in their unglorified condition was filled up at every point and what it was filled up with was fountains of the spiritual life of almighty God. He is pouring into our souls, hallelujah and filling up every empty place and suppressing every manifestation of pride which only exists because there is no restraint. There is no restraint, the restraint is Jesus Christ, and when we have no restraint, we manifest pride in every evil ungodly work, and I declare to you that what we have teaching here for months, that these works are not going to be cast out and thrown away, what is going to be cast out is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. if your natural state of being has produced ungodly fruit, it must be cast out, but your natural state of being which is wicked is not being cast out, it is being joined to the life of God and becoming neutralized, we are the negative realm, and for God to appear in the realm of appearance, there is a positive realm, there is a negative and there is a spiritual skeleton which gives the creation structure and form, and you will be going through that in the next study in chapter 18. Going on to verse 19, alternate translation;


19. And when the glorified men rose up from the earth… ATB

What we found out in one of the studies in one of these verses was when the Scripture talks about lightning, are you familiar with Ezekiel 1 at all where it talks about lightning comes out of them and fire and burning, and all of this, we found out by intense word study that what the Lord was talking about was an expression of electricity. The glorified man is going to be power. God is power. He is a consuming fire and as we ascend and as we are joined to him, we shall become power, and it is expressed in the book of Ezekiel as electricity. We found out that what the Lord was talking about in these verses is something that is expressed in science and it is the fact that this whole world is moving at a very rapid rate of speed.

This desk for example, it looks solid to you but it is made of millions of tiny particles that are moving, pulsating at an intense rapid rate of speed, there are whole fields of science written about this. As far as I know it is pretty established as a fact in the scientific community that nothing is solid, it is just moving at such a rapid rate of speed that it appears solid to us. This is true of everything including our own bodies, and that we are made of many, many particles, spiritual and physical, that rise and subside, that come together and subside, at such a rapid rate of speed that we not only appear to be solid for all of our intents and purposes, if you stick a knife in you, you are solid. It is a mystery of the creation, of God. It has been established and understood by scientists for years, they cannot repeat it, but they understand that this is what is happening to us. When we did this word by word study in the book of Ezekiel, we found out that this is what God was talking about, that I heard this years ago. I never knew that it was in the Bible. We found out that this is what God was talking about. Just like when we were kids, we use to get these pictures that were all just a hair different, and you thumb them with your finger and they would move like a moving picture. That is the condition of our spiritual being; that is how we appear in the realm of appearance. I remind you that it was God’s intention from the beginning to appear in the realm of appearance, and He has formed a creation and created the creation which He intends to totally possess, and which by He will appear, because God has no form or shape. He is invisible. This whole creation is based on scientific principles rooted in mathematics and physics, and to some extent chemistry.

We found out that this description in Ezekiel of the living creatures of the glorified living creatures, was that they had become electricity, they had become power, they had become glorified and they were rising into the realm of appearance and subsiding in such a rapid rate of speed that they appeared. I am going to read that verse 19 for you.


19. And when the glorified men rose up from the earth, and they appeared, and subsided on their regular rhythmic cycle causing outburst of light to become visible suddenly and briefly, like the rapidly moving frames of movie films, the spirits within them, the unseen spirits, Christ, rose up and subsided also, and when the glorified men appeared in the realm of time, that is where we are right now, the spirits within them, Christ appeared with them. ATB

This is how God has made a way to appear in the realm of time. Verse 20;


20. Wherever God intended to go, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went also, and the Christ appeared together with the living creature. ATB

Christ is the Son of God in the flesh, the Father is the brain of the creation. We now have a creation, we have God is the brain, He is Spirit, He is unseen, God the Father, anybody know where the Father is. Where does the Father dwell anybody? He dwells within His Christ, the Father is in Christ, and they are one, and around Christ, He is surrounded by the soul which is glorified at this point, and the soul is surrounded by the body. This is the creation. What we have in the earth today in this instance and many instances Christ is not in here, in many instances it is the human spirit that is in here and the human spirit is ruled by Satan.

We have a creation which is spirit, it may just be the human spirit, ruled by Satan, soul and body that is being ruled by a mind that is not the father, and when Satan says do something, the soul does it and the body does it. We have a change here, the spirit of man which is now Satan is being converted into Christ in whom dwells the Father. The Father is the mind and the ruler and He makes every decision as to where this whole creation shall go.

When the Father says I want to go to California, the body gets up and goes. In the church world today the Father says to many people,Go here, and they go in the opposite direction, that is in the Scripture. They do the exact opposite of what God tells them to do. In many instances they believe that it is Satan.

We have one creation, that is it, the Father, Christ, the soul and the body, a threefold creation, and in the glorified man the Father is making the decisions. However the Father does not appear in the realm of appearance except in His Christ. Christ appears in the realm of appearance in the personality. Do you know when someone is manifesting Christ anybody? It is because they manifest righteousness, they manifest love, and the bring life to you through your relationship with them. You know Christ is in somebody when they are manifesting the things of God. That is how Christ appears in the realm of appearance through the personality and the Father with him. The Father also appears or Christ also appears in the realm of appearance in the flesh through the body, through the body. You can see Him by his body, and you can know Him through the personality.

The Father is not seen, Christ is seen and the body is seen. The brain of the whole creation is the Father. That is what we are talking about here, wherever the Father intended to go, the body went, the living creatures went, and thus the Father went with them, because the Father was in Christ who was in the body. And when Christ appeared together with the living creature, because when the living creature appeared in the realm of appearance, he had the personality. I cannot just stand here like a dummy, maybe an autistic person does, but every human being that you meet, their personality appears too. It is appearance on two levels, and we are saying, and the Christ appeared together, in His personality with the living creature, the appearance, what we look like of the living creature, because the mind of the Father, the spirit of the living creature was in Christ.

If we had a soul and a body it would not be much good, we need a mind and we need someone ruling us, and it is either the Father in Christ, or it is Satan and I am sorry if that upset somebody but there is nothing else. Either you are ruled by Satan, either you are doing what Satan tells you to do, or you are doing what the Father in Christ tells you to do. There are no other gods in mankind.

Once we receive the Holy Spirit, it is possible for us to respond to either Christ or Satan. This is a great error in the church, if you could just hear this word it is going to bring great deliverance in your life, that it is possible for you, even though you have the Holy Spirit, to receive a thought from Satan, and obey it. You could be deceived into thinking that it is God, or you could know that it is not God, and be not powerful enough to overcome it. We are in a transitional stage, we are being converted from natural men to spiritual men, and we can slip and slide and we do.

I do not know anybody that does not manifest the natural man along with Christ, we just go back and forth, back and forth.

The conversion is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our part is to join with Him, to confess our sins when He shows them to us to repent and submit to the change which is usually very painful. It is His work, there is no way we are going to be converted into the spiritual man without Jesus Christ doing the work. I am sorry Adam you do not have the power to do it. Verse 21;


21. When the living creatures move, that is the whole, the Christ moved, and when the living creatures stood still, the Christ stood still, and when the living creatures were born up into the realm of appearance, the Christ appeared in the personality, in the realm of time with them, because the spirit of the living creature, even the Father was in the wheels of Christ.

22. And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul appeared as a clear colorless, solid, many faceted chemical compound. ATB

Let me tell you this before we go on. We discovered in these earlier teachings, that there are two processes known in the science of physics with regard to the atom, one is fission, and one is fusion, and fission refers to splitting the atom, and fusion refers to joining atoms, and that great intense energy is released during both of these processes, more energy is released during the process of fusion, than during the process of fission. We found during this study, that when God separated Himself from Adam at the beginning, it was likened unto splitting the atom because they had been one. God and Adam had been one, and when God separated Himself from Adam, so that Adam could go forth and multiply, it was likened unto the splitting of the atoms.

We know that there was a scientist name Albert Einstein that split the atom and the result of this was the atomic bomb, intense power and that it was that power that formed the creation as we now know it; and that scientists today will tell you that our world came into being with a big bang, it is called the big bang theory, but they cannot tell you where the big bang came from. We found out in our study in the book of Ezekiel where it came from. The atom that was the Father, and Adam was split, there was one big bang brother, and this whole world came into being, so we in this room and whoever is listening to this message, if you can receive this you know more than those brilliant physicists in the world today.

They will tell you about that big bang, but we know where it came from and what it was and what is coming is that Christ in this hour is gathering all things into one, we are being joined again and this process is likened to fusion and there is going to be more energy given off, than was given off with the big bang. Can you imagine this brethren, and what is it going to do, what is this energy going to do? It is going to convert us, glory to God, it is going to join the negative realm of the creation which we are, to the positive realm which is Christ, we are going to be joined permanently, soldered, fixed, fused, and eventually our body is going to be converted into a glorified body. In this verse we are going to find out it is likened to crystal. It is no longer soft and vulnerable, it is going to hard and resistant, and this is all, what is happening in accordance with the basic principle of physics, God is building His creation systematically scientifically and quite orderly. Verse 22;


22. And the construction of the heavenly material covering the individual members of the living soul, this is the new body now, appeared as a clear colorless solid many faceted chemical compound, even the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ. ATB


We found out that crystal is clear and colorless, the body that we live in today is not clear, it is not colorless. The Scripture calls it ruddy and it is dark and it is dense and we cannot see through it. We are finding out in our glorified body, even though it is going to be hard and protective, it is going to be light because it is going to be filled with the light of God. Nevertheless it shall be solid, it will not be a prison house, it will have many facets, it will be filled with chemicals, and it will be which we are, it is what we consist of, and it will be the cooled off product which resulted from the fusion which joined the living soul to Christ and which caused the individual member of the living soul to turn aside against their own nature and bend towards that which is above.

We are being turned from our own inherent nature, and we are being bent, we are being turned into a right angle, we are being bent and turned upward to that which is above. Our nature is not being cast out, it is being swallowed up, it is being joined to something that will cause a chemical change, and we will be converted.

We are in verse 23, Ezekiel chapter 1;


23. And under the firmament were their wings straight, and the one toward the other, every one had two which covered on this side and every one had two which covered on that side their bodies. KJV


This is going to be a heavy one brethren, and I like I tell you all of the time when the King James write it, they just did not know what to make out these verses. It took me three hours to do this one verse. And under the firmament, and we discussed in prior meeting that the firmament is the arch of the sky, it is the realm of the spirit that is above the creation. If this is the glorified creation okay, there is a realm of the spirit, the realm of the spirit is eternal, it is infinite and the creation has limits, it has bounds. It has to be surrounded, that which has bounds must be surrounded by that which is infinite. Can you all hear that? This is the realm of the spirit out here. The Scripture says above, so that man can understand it, but the truth is, that is all around.

We had teachings in this ministry that our spiritual life is not measured from here to here. That is how you measure a man, how tall are you? Our spiritual life from here to here. How far are you away from life? Life is at your center, His name is Christ. Are you living in here or are you living out here? This is outer darkness, outer darkness, the farther you get away from Christ, the darker you are; glory to God.

The spiritual life is measured from within to without. When the Scripture says the firmament was above the living creature, above is over here, it is over here, and it is over here, it is anywhere that is above his center. Can you see that? Above is anywhere away from his center. This is above, this is above, this is above, and this above. You cannot say this is above and this is not, because this is not the bottom, this is a circle.

And above the firmament were their wings straight. The wordstraightis Strong’s #3474, and it means even, level, tranquil, it is used of an even mind, it means to esteem as right, to approve, and I am suggesting to you that, that word means that all of their emptiness was filled and all of their pride was suppressed, and they were made even, they had received the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

The wordwingsis Strong’s #3671 and it means, one of the interpretations is the extremities of the earth, the extreme bounds of the earth. Time or earth has a boundary, we just said that and we are depicting here as a circle so we can understand it. When the Scripture talks about the extreme bounds of the earth, this is what it is talking about, this line right here. All of this space from the center to the earth, it is all in between stage, but the extreme realms of the earth, as far as the earth goes, it is this outer rim, it is called outer darkness, it is called the ends of the earth, it is the extreme border of the earth. When we are looking at a human being, the extreme border of my earth is this body.

I have a border of the earth that is not this extreme, it is my soul, and it is underneath my body, it is in here. My soul is in here, this is the spirit, this is my soul, and this is the ends of the earth, this is as far as you can go. When you get past it, you are in the realm of the Spirit of God.

I want to give you some witnesses that the ends of the earth, or that this word translatedwings is also translated ends of the earth. Job 37:3;

JOB 37:3

3. God directeth it under the whole heavens, and His lightning unto the ends of the earth. KJV


That wordthe ends ofis Strong’s #3671, translatedwingsin Ezekiel 1:23. In Isaiah 24:16;

ISAIAH 24:16

16. From the uttermost parts of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. KJV


That worduttermost partsis the same word translatedwingsin Ezekiel 1:23. Ezekiel 7:2;


2. Also thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God unto the land of Israel, an end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land. KJV


The four cornersis the same word translatedwings. I suggest to you when the Lord uses the word wings with regard to the glorified creation, He is talking about the natural border of glorified man which is now a square. When He talks about His wings, He is talking about His natural border.

We are dealing with the phrase; and under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other. The wordtowardmeans to tend to anything, to verge to or towards any place, whether it be reached and even entered into or not. The wordtoward can mean when two things are coming towards one another, it can mean that they can reach one another, touch one another, and penetrate one another. It means, whether it means by motion or turning and direction of the body or of the mind. It can be two minds reaching towards one another and touching and entering into one another, we call this a soul tie when that happens.

Sometimes it is godly and sometimes it is not. This wordtowardcan mean turning to anything in thought. I am going to read you this alternate translation of the first half of verse 23 and then we will talk about it some more because it is really exciting. And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other, and it sounds like their wings were the one towards each other, but I do not think so. Let us see what I have got here; and having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God; remember they were straight, they were even, they were level, they were tranquil, they were brought into, and the only way you can get that way is to be pressed down by the Spirit of God. And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down, and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up, as the spiritual realm of God reached down and entered into the living soul. Can you hear this? And under the firmament, under the expanse of the Spirit of God, their wings, the outer edge of their being, were made straight, all of the pride was pressed and all the lack of righteousness was filled in, they became righteous, they became approved, and the one toward the other. Everybody that reads Ezekiel thinks it means one wing towards the other, no brethren, it means the Spirit of God descended upon the natural man and filled them in and they faced the one towards the other, the spiritual realm of God and the soul of man.

Let me show it to you, this is really exciting. This is what the soul of man looked like, he is up and down, he is valleys and he is mountains, I will do it in another color here. The spiritual realm of God which is without form, it came down and it filled him in, hallelujah, and it made him even. This is what he looks like, this is what he looks like. The natural man is still in there, but he had new borders, he no longer is a mountain in there, he is level and he is even, because all of this substance of the natural man has been dealt with, either it has been suppressed or it has been exalted, hallelujah, glory to God. And they faced one towards another, not one wing towards another brethren, no, the Spirit of God entered into the living soul and filled in all of the empty places, and they faced and entered into one towards the other.

And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level, as the mountains of pride were pressed down and the valleys which lacked righteousness were filled up as the spiritual realm of God reached down and entered into the living soul, that is spiritual intercourse brethren, it is spiritual intercourse.

We are moving on, and this is the second half of verse 23, of Ezekiel 1;


23. Everyone had two which covered on this side, everyone had two which covered on that side, their bodies. KJV

Two what? There is a lot of supposition going on in this translation. Everyone had two; I looked up every single word, the word translated every one is the Hebrew word ish, which means man. We studied this word in the messageAnd Jacob Prevailed, where we are told that there is a natural man and that at some point a spiritual man is birthed in that natural man, and he stands up and he is seen. The spiritual man that is standing up and being seen in you and in me is named Christ Jesus. We are a natural man, and there is a second man, there is a new dimension being added to us, hallelujah, He is the line that came down from heaven, and met us at a right angle and He is standing up and He is appearing in the personality of the natural man in whom He has been birthed. This word and every one is saying, and every man that appears, it means a man that is seen. It is the Hebrew ish, and every man that appeared had two; had two what? Everybody assumes it means he had two wings. I do not know about that, the wordtwois Strong’s #8147 and if you want to study it, that word that meansmanis Strong’s #376 if you want to study it out.

The word two is Strong’s #8147 and besides meaning two, it can mean double, it can mean two-fold, it can mean couple. I suggest to you that the Holy Spirit in the Scripture is saying, and every man was double. Every man was a natural man, and a spiritual man that met at a right angle, the heaven met the earth at a right angle, and they became a spiritual man, they were doubled, they were natural and they were spiritual, they were two-fold, they were layered over, hallelujah. And every one had two, and every man had two sides to him, not a left and a right side but a spiritual and a natural side, glory to God.

Everyone had two, every man was double the natural and a spiritual personality, which covered on this side, and everyone had two which covered on that side, their bodies. Let us find out what the Lord is saying here. The wordcoveredis Strong’s #3680 and it means to plump, to fill up hollows, exactly what you see here, it is filling in the valleys. It means to fill up hollows. It is not just a covering that you lay a sheet over something, it is a covering that fills in all of the empty spaces and joins with it.

It means to close, it means to put on, and it means to cover over sin. It means to pardon, and it means to be clothed with or cover oneself over. I declare to you that this drawing that we have on the board right here, this joining in the realm of the spirit with the realm of the soul that gives the creation a new squared form is the covering over of sin. You may have the Holy Spirit brethren, but your sin is not covered unless it is in submission to the Spirit of God. You receive the Holy Spirit brethren and He is the vehicle that is going to bring you into this condition and the sooner you submit the faster it is going to happen. If you go running down the street saying you do not have a demon honey you are going the long and the hard way.

The word covered, well let me get back to the phrase, everyone had two sides, he was a natural man and he was a spiritual man, and which were covered on this side. Everyone had a natural man and a spiritual man which were covered. They were covering each other, they were filling each other in. The wordthisis Strong’s #2007 and it means themselves, it is a reflexive, it means themselves. What are they covering? It bounces back when they covered themselves, and it is often used to express connections. Each man had two sides, a natural man and a spiritual man, and they covered each other, they covered themselves and they connected and they became one and they became a squared man, hallelujah, glory to God.

And the word side is not in the Hebrew, it is not in the Hebrew, King James translators added it in, because the poor things, they just could not make any sense out of this one at all, you cannot do it without the Holy Ghost, you cannot steal the revelation of God brethren; you cannot do it. You can give all of the money you want, and you can play all of the games that you want, and you could sit in a meeting like this for a hundred years and you are not getting it unless God quickens it to you. You better believe it because it is true. Alternate translation, the second half of Ezekiel 1:23;


23. Every man which appeared was doubled, he was natural and spiritual, he was filled in, they filled each other in, and connected to themselves, and every doubled man which appeared in the realm of appearance had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space. ATB

We are going to go over this. This is the spiritual condition of the connection, and now the second part of it says that every man which appeared in the realm of appearance also had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space. First their soul was clothed, it was joined to the Spirit of God, and what this Scripture is saying is that after the soul was clothed, then the body became clothed.

What we are saying is, I am trying to put it simply for you, we had a soul here that was deficient, and we had a body that was vile. The soul was joined to Christ, and the soul became covered, and next thing that happened and we will just call it Christ for simplicity sake, the next thing that happened was that the vile body was joined to Christ, and then the body became glorified. This is the procedure brethren, God is a God of order.

First your soul is going to become glorified, and then that glorified soul is going to join itself by the power of almighty God to your body, and your body is going to become incorrupt, it is going to become clear, it is going to become colorless, it is going to become transparent and alive and incorruptible with the life of almighty God that is dwelling where? He is in the Christ which is now one with your soul.

What we are saying is that God is working from inside out. Here is our circle again, soul, body, Christ, with the Father in the middle of the Christ. Here is our spiritual center. We are being glorified from inside out. We are being glorified from the deepest depths of our spiritual being, outward to the most outer outline of our being. What you see when you look at me, this is outer darkness brethren, it is the end of my earth.

I have a couple of witnesses for you on the fact that the body is going to be covered over also. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4;


1. For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.

2. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven.  KJV

Paul clearly states that this natural body is not going to be thrown in the garbage, it is going to be clothed upon, there is something coming upon us, it is coming from deep within the recesses of our being, and it is vibrating forth outward, it is going to overtake our bodies, and this, well this is what it is going to look like. This is Christ within us, He is working His way out to the realm of outer darkness, and when He pierces through that, when He pierces through, when He gets so powerful and mature in us that He pierces through the ends of the earth, He is going to go beyond the ends of the earth. He is going to be in the midst of us, radiating forth such glory that it is going to permeate the ends of our earth, and it is going to form an incorruptible shield around us. This is our natural body, this is our soul, and there is another shell coming around us. The natural body is not leaving us, it is not going away, it is part of the form of the creation. This is our incorruptible body over here.

We are going to be a four-fold creation, we are going to be a square, glory to God, or a triangle. We are in the process of becoming a triangle. We were a straight line, we are in the process of becoming triangle, and we shall by the grace and mercy of God, become a square creation. Hallelujah, glory to God. I have two more verse here in 2 Corinthians 5, verse 3;


3. If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked, for we that are in this tabernacle, this vile body do groan, being burdened, not for that we would be unclothed, we are not waiting to come out of this body, but to be clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life. KJV

This body is being added to, it is being added to. If you want to be raised or resurrected from the dead brethren, you must have a natural body. You cannot fly away to heaven, you cannot die and fly away to heaven and be glorified because the natural body is part of the glorified creation. I am not going to get into a hassle with anyone on where that body is coming from, I am just telling you, you have got to have one, you have to have one. You cannot be a four sided creature without your natural body. Hallelujah. I am just going to rea you the whole alternate translation of Ezekiel chapter 1, verse 23;


23. And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down, and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up as the spiritual realm of God pressed down and entered into the living soul, (spiritual intercourse brethren),and every man which appeared was doubled, he was spiritual and he was natural, he was filled in and connected to himself and every doubled man which appeared had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space. ATB

Glory to God. I now have what I call an alternate, alternate translation of the second half of Ezekiel 1, verse 23;


23. And every man which appeared in the realm of the soul was now complete. He was both negative, natural man and positive, spirit man. He was soul and spirit joined in one and every man doubled in the realm of the soul also had his body doubled over because Christ covered over the soul and the completed soul covered over the body. ATB

Glory to God. Hallelujah. Colossians 2:9-11;


9.For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.(in Christ brethren, and He is in you)

10. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:(ye are complete in Him which is your soul and your body)

11. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: KJV


We are doing to deal with this, the Scripture is sure, but it has been mistranslated or misunderstood in the church. Let me read you that last one again.



11. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands

What is being circumcised? Your soul and your body. The natural example that we have of circumcision, it says something is cut off and disposed of, but in the spiritual, everything is opposite of that in the natural. What is thrown away in the natural is preserved in the spirit. We are given the example of when a woman has a baby in the natural realm, it leaves her body, it exits her body, grows and matures and ultimately can be living on the other side of the world from its mother. When a spiritual man births Christ, he abides in the house forever. He never leaves your body, he never leaves your spiritual being. I am declaring to you that the circumcision without hands, the spiritual circumcision is not cutting anything away. We are going to find out, I am going to prove that to you in just a minute.


11. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: KJV


Christ is indeed circumcising you, He is cutting through alright, but the Greek word translated put off is Strong’s #555, and it means divestment. Webster says that to divest means to deprive or dispossess especially of authority, property, or title. I declare to you that the soul and the body is not being cut off and thrown away, it is about to be deprived or dispossess of authority, property, or title, and all of that authority, property, and title shall now be in Christ. It shall be in Him, it shall belong to Him and it shall be His. This is the second half of Ezekiel 1:23


23. And every man which appeared in the realm of the soul was now complete. He was both negative, natural man and positive, spirit man. He was soul and spirit joined in one and every man doubled in the realm of the soul also had his body doubled over because Christ covered over the soul and the completed soul covered over the body. ATB


The spiritual circumcision brethren is not throwing anything away, it is stripping it of power, stripping your soul and your body of power. This soul and this body will obey the Father who is in Christ who is ruling and reigning in your mind whether you choose or whether you refuse, each man in his own order, it is happening to you. Glory to God. Verse 24;


24. And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters as the voice of the almighty, the voice of speech as the noise of an host, when they stood, they let down their wings. KJV


Both the wordnoiseandvoiceis the same word, it is Strong’s #6963, and it means a sound, whether of animals or of men, it can mean speaking, it can mean crying out in joy or in sorrow, it can be the bleeding of cattle. It is the sound that comes from living beings, man or animals. The wordwingsagain it is the same word #3671, it can also be translated armies and in this instance we are going to choose that translation, and I remind you that when the Hebrew children came out from Israel, God called Israel His armies. I am suggesting to you that what God calls His armies are the natural men on the earth that He manifests through.

We have prophecy that we are going to be weapons, sharp keen threshing instruments with teeth, I declare to you brethren, only when Christ is ruling and reigning in us shall we become sharp threshing instruments with teeth and what we are threshing is our own souls which is denying the dominion of Christ.

The armies of God are the natural man that has come into submission to Him, who is ruling and reigning in us. The wordalmightyis the word El Shaddai, Strong’s #7706, and it comes from a root #7703 which means to be powerful, impregnable, it also means to ravage, destroy, spoil, rob or utterly lay waste. We had a teaching here not too long ago that the word thief can be applied to the Lord not that He is stealing, but that the word thief can mean to come upon somebody suddenly without warning, and that is exactly what Jesus has promised to do to those who are not watching and waiting for Him. Everything that God does is righteous so we have a righteous manifestation of the word thief.

In our society there is no manifestation of the word thief, but God has a righteous manifestation of the word thief, and He tells us in the book of Revelation that He shall come upon us as a thief in the night. What that mean is, He is going to come, He is going to take our souls, and it will be for our good. Everything that the Lord does is for our good, even if it appears evil to people who do not understand He does evil perfectly, it will always ultimately be for our good. Hallelujah.

That is where we get the word Shaddai from, El Shaddai, He is God almighty, powerful God that will come upon you and ravage you and take what you do not want to give up because He knows that you are going to be better off when He takes it from you. This demonic doctrine in the church today that the Lord will not violate your will is in the process of being exposed brethren. He will violate your will when the time comes, He is going to convert you into a spiritual man, and it is for your good. If you perceive it as evil, it is still evil done perfectly by almighty God, and you will thank Him in due season. Man is very stiff necked and hard hearted brethren, he will not turn from his evil ways.

God does not have to burn you in hell forever brethren. He is God almighty, He has created you and He will complete the creation, He will join Himself to you so that you are delivered from your suffering and torment, even though the darkness of your own heart prevents you from understanding the glory of His ways. Hallelujah.


24. When they went, I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the almighty, the voice of speech… KJV


This wordspeech, first of all it is a feminine word which means we are dealing with the soul realm is a past participle and it is from an unused root meaning to rush as rain with a windy roar, it means a sound, a tumult, a great commotion. I do not know why it says speech, but that is what it is. It is a great commotion in the soul realm,

…as the noise of a host… KJV


and that wordhostmeans an encampment either of travelers or troops, it can mean of soldiers, it can mean of cattle, angels, locusts, stars, it can mean a drove of animals, or it can mean tents. We know that these tabernacles that we live in are tents.

When they stood, they let down their wings. KJV


The wordstoodis Strong’s #5975 and it means to stand up to arise, often used of a new prince, it is used of a war springing up and I hope you all here know that when Christ appears in you brethren, He goes to war with your soul.

I spoke to a man a few years ago, he said his life was not really that bad until he got saved, we was saved twelve years and things were just getting worse and worse and worse, and there were many believers in the church world that were persecuting him, and telling him that he was in sin and that there were all kinds of things wrong with him, but I declare to you brethren, that his hour for being joined to Christ has come a little sooner than the brethren that did not understand.

If you are in Christ and your life is wonderful and you are being blessed that is fine because God does bless His children, but the day is coming that you shall be joined to Him and that is the hour of Jacob’s trouble, it is tribulation, it is painful, it is difficult. I am not scare you, if you are prepared for it, you are going to go through like a hardened and trained soldier.

You have to be prepared for it brethren or you are going to fall. I am not going to tell you it is going to be a dance up to heaven, it is not! There is no way you are going to stand if you are not prepared for it. Hallelujah. This wordto standmeans a war springs up, and it means to be constituted, set or appointed, it means to impose a law upon anyone. Brethren, when Christ appears in you, He is the law, and He shall impose Himself upon your soul brethren. He shall make you righteous, and He shall destroy everything in you that desires sin. Thank God for it. Hallelujah. It means to cause to stand firm, to establish, to preserve, to be set or placed.

We are dealing with the phrasewhen they stood, they let down their wings, and the wordlet downis Strong’s #7503, it means to slacken, to abate, to cease, to consume, to weaken, to decline as the day, to draw to a close. Let us see what we have got.


24. And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters as the voice of the almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host, when they stood, they let down their wings. KJV



24. And when they appeared, I heard the sound of their souls like the sound of many spirits, soul, spirit, as the voice of God, Christ, consuming His enemies, the sound of a great tumult, God is ravaging the soul realm, as the noise of a great herd of cattle, body, spirit soul and body, and when they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, their souls declined as the day and drew to a close. ATB


Their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close. When they appeared I heard the sound of their souls, like the sound of many spirits, human spirits as the voice of God consuming His enemies. Who is His enemies? Your soul and your human spirit are His enemies. There was the sound of a great tumult. God is making war on your soul brethren, as the noise of a great herd of cattle, that is our bodies, and when they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, because the result of God making war on you brethren, is that you shall ascend. You are not destroyed forever brethren, you shall ascend when God makes war on you brethren, you are coming up where He is, and He is only making war on you because the darkness of your own mind will not let you come peaceably.

When they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close. Why is this? It is because the son had risen in their hearts, yea, even the son of righteousness had risen with wings in their heart. Glory to God. Here is verse 25;


25. And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads when they stood and had let down their wings. KJV


After they stood up, the firmament was over them and there was a voice coming out of it. When they stand up, glory to God; that means that Christ is ruling in them, and all of a sudden they become aware of the firmament that is down here. I had it on the board before, that the realm of time whether we are glorified or whether we are not glorified, has limits in the eternal realm of the spirit. In this eternal creation, when they receive the awareness of Christ, we realize that there was a whole spiritual realm out there surrounding him without limits and there was a voice coming from it. Again the Scripture says above, and again I remind you that if our spiritual life is within, above can be anywhere, it really means around. And there was a voice form the firmament that over their heads, the wordheads, one of the translations of the wordheadis Strong’s #7812 is top, your head is at the top of your body. We had this several, maybe six months ago on another message, God gave us a teaching on hills and mountains in Scripture, and what He showed us was that the mountain was the projecting spiritual power. Remember this line over here, we have Christ within, He is spirit, and He is projecting past our soul and past our body, He is projecting past the ends of the earth, He is vibrating forth and is forming a hard shell around us. This projecting of the life of Christ that goes out beyond the outline of our body, the Scripture calls it mountains, and the hills are the tops. If you look up hills in Webster’s, it means the top of the land. Mountain means protruding beyond the land. The hills are our outer realm, the hill is the outline of our body and the mountain is the spiritual life that projects beyond it. I just cannot go into it any deeper right now, but if you have any questions I will answer it. We spent some time on it; that was the teaching.

The hill is the top of our spiritual being, and our spiritual being is within us, it works its way out and the top is the outline of this body, it is not from the top of our head to the bottom of our foot, it is the top of our spiritual being, which is from within to without. The mountain is the spiritual life which extends beyond the outline of our being which is out body or the hill. That is what this word head means. I will read you an alternate translation and we will go over it.

When they ascended and their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close, there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their souls. The sound came from out here and it was beyond the top of their glorified body, it was out here from the eternal realm of God. Let me read it again. And when they ascended to a high spiritual place and their soul lives declined and they started hearing in the spirit, there came a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their beings. It came from out here. Here is verse 26;


26. And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone, and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man upon it. KJV


26. And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone…


The wordthroneis Strong’s #3678 and it means canopied seat, it is from a root that means to fill in, it is the same word, we had a couple of verses back, it means to fill in all of the places. The throne of God is a place that is completely filled in, He is spiritually sound, He is whole, He is complete, and He is total. The wordsapphireis Strong’s #5601, I should not say the Spirit of God, I should say the place, the throne, the place where God sits is completely filled in and complete. The wordsapphireis Strong’s #5601, it is a very hard gem, close to a diamond, it is used for scratching other surfaces, other substances, the surfaces of other substances and it comes from a root that means to mark, to inscribe, and it is blue, it is hard, blue meaning the sky or the heavenly realm, it is hard, meaning incorruption, and it is transparent meaning that it is clear and without sin. The alternate translation, the first half of Ezekiel 1:26;


26a. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls, beyond the outline of this body in another realm, was the structure of a canopied seat which appeared to be heavenly without sin, and incorruptible. ATB


It was out here, out beyond their own being was something that God calls a throne, but we know it is just a symbol. It was heavenly, it was complete, and it was without sin, sounds like Christ to me. It was heavenly, it was complete, and it was sinless. It was all of the way out here, for all intents and purposes sitting on top of them. God is building a creation here remember. Let us go on.


…and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. KJV


I have some references for you, back to the first half of Ezekiel 1:26,


26a. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls, beyond the outline of this body in another realm, was the structure of a canopied seat which appeared to be heavenly without sin, and incorruptible. ATB

Let us find out what it was, Exodus 24:10,

EXODUS 24:10

And they saw the God of Israel, and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. KJV


According to that verse, I am suggesting to you that this throne was under the feet of almighty God. I will it to you again it is not that clear.

EXODUS 24:10

And they saw the God of Israel, and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. KJV

This does not say a throne, it says a paved work, I did not look it up, I did not have the time, of a sapphire stone, but it is made out the same substance, sapphire, and as it were the body of heaven, heaven, a glorified body, the body of heaven in his clearness. And this throne I am suggesting to you according to Exodus 24:10, was under the seat of almighty God. What do we have here?  We have a glorified body, we have a throne, it is under the seat of almighty God. Exodus 25:22;

EXODUS 25:22

And I will meet with thee and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat. KJV


God is meeting and communing with us from above the mercy seat. We cannot have direct contact with God, we would burn up and be destroyed. This is what we need a mediator, we need someone between us and God, and that someone is Christ, He is both God and man, and God said He will meet with us upon the mercy seat. We have gotten this far because Christ is within us. Christ is also the mercy seat and out here if Father God. This is a great mystery, the Father was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, therefore we became glorified because we became glorified we had access to the mercy seat which is Christ, and because we have access to the mercy seat, we have access to the Father. Remember He is within us, and He is without us. It is a great mystery, I cannot explain it to you any better myself, that is all that God has given me. He is within us and He is without us, and because He is within us, we can see the throne.

Remember what the Scripture says, we are told in an earlier verse that when the soul was caught up, when the soul life died and we entered into the spiritual realm of God, we saw a throne. It is not possible to see this throne while you are a natural man. The whole purpose of Christ being built in us was that we could be glorified so that we can start anchoring into the true realm of God. God came down and put Himself inside of us. There was no other way to get us up to the spiritual of God in the condition that we are in, so He has come down and He has put Himself, He has put His son inside of us, and as His son grows, we are being elevated to the place where we can see the throne or the mercy seat.

There is no, and the throne and the mercy seat is the place where God is going to commune with us. There was no way that we could get to the throne unless Christ was built within us first. What He really did if you can see this, I know it is complicated, if this was Christ out here in the form of the mercy seat, He came down into the hearts of the natural man, He did not stop being mercy seat, He is spirit, He can extend Himself like this. He came down, He entered into the hearts of men, He raised up us, and as soon as we are raised up, the first thing that we saw was the mercy seat, the place where God communes with man.

Even though Christ and the Father are within us, it is a temporary measure brethren because at the end of this whole process, we are going to be totally immersed within one another, Christ, God, and natural man which will no longer be natural man, He will be glorified, we are going to be one creation flowing together as electricity and light and power flowed. It is not going to be one, two, three, the end of the process is that we shall be glorified, be one with God, and have direct communion with Him.

And we have been taught within this ministry, I personally think it is thousands of years away, but the day is coming, that we do not even need Christ anymore. Do not get all upset with me, it is in the Scripture, and when Christ has put down every enemy, when every enemy is under His feet, even that last enemy death, He shall offer up the kingdom to the Father, and the Father shall be all in all. I am not degrading or denigrating Christ, we shall have been so purified and glorified that there will be no more purpose for Him, He will still rule and reign with the Father, He is still glorified, but we will not need Him inside of us anymore. We have a whole message with a second witness to this and I think it was the book of Isaiah.

We found it in the Old Testament. There is going to be no more need for the mediator, we are going to dwell face to face with almighty God. I think I have one more reference for you here. Hebrew 9:11;


But Christ being come a high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say not of this building. KJV

I am trying to establish that this throne is Christ. There is a Scripture, I could not find it last night, there is a Scripture that says Christ is our mercy seat, and the word that is in the Scripture is not mercy seat, it is another word, and if you look it up in Strong’s, you will find out that it is mercy seat, and I just could not remember the word, so I could not give you the Scripture, but that would have been the best reference for you, that this mercy seat is Christ. He came down to earth, He is bringing us back up, and when we ascend, the first thing we are going to see is the mercy seat, the other side of which is almighty God. The day is coming that we are going to go directly to our Father. Remember Adam and Eve, Adam spoke directly to the Father in the garden, there was no mediator. Glory to God.

We are continuing with the second half of Ezekiel 1:26;

…and upon the structure of the canopied seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam, the creation of God sitting upon it. ATB

That was my alternate translation, let me give you the King James first;


...and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man. KJV


There was a man sitting on the throne which is the mercy seat. He certainly could not been you or me brethren. Alternate translation;


…and upon the structure of the canopied seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam, the creation of God sitting upon it. ATB


45. And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul, the last Adam, two Adams, was made a quickening spirit. KJV


45. And so it is written, the eternal one was made into Adam, the living soul, at the last or at the end Adam was made a quickening spirit. ATB


The Son of God, Jesus Christ, left his riches in glory in the heavenlies and was made into a man, at the beginning, this was the beginning of the creation and the end of the creation is that, that man known as natural man shall be made into a life giving spirit, and Jesus Christ shall return to the heavenlies, return to His Father, was a glorified soul and a glorified body. Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:26;


26. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls was the structure of a canopied seat which appeared to be heavenly without sin and incorruptible, and upon the structure of the canopied seat or the mercy seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam, the creation of God, sitting upon it. ATB


He returned to the realm of the spirit, He was the glorified man, He took all that we were; and was sitting on the throne of the mercy seat, in direct contact with almighty God. Recap Ezekiel 1:22-26;


23a. And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down, and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up as the spiritual realm of God pressed down and entered into the living soul, and every man which appeared was doubled, he was filled in and connected to himself and every doubled man which appeared had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space.

23b. And every man which appeared in the realm of the soul was now complete. He was both negative, natural man and positive, spirit man. He was soul and spirit joined in one and every man doubled in the realm of the soul also had his body doubled over because Christ covered over the soul and the completed soul covered over the body.

 24. And when they appeared, I heard the sound of their souls like the sound of many spirits, soul, spirit, as the voice of God, Christ, consuming His enemies, the sound of a great tumult, as the noise of a great herd of cattle, body, spirit soul and body, and when they ascended up into the spiritual realm of God, their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close.

25. And when they ascended and their soul lives declined as the day and drew to a close, there was a sound from the heavenly place which extended outward beyond the tops of their souls.

26. And above the high spiritual place which extended out beyond the tops of their souls was a structure of a canopied seat, which appeared to be heavenly without sin and incorruptible. And upon the structure of the canopied seat, was a shape which looked like Adam from above, even the second Adam the creation of God sitting upon the throne. ATB


I have been asked to go over the second half of Ezekiel 1:23, and I am just going to read the alternate translation of the first half so that I get into what I am talking about here.

23a. And having been brought into submission to the spiritual realm of God, the edges of their soul were made level as the mountains of pride were pressed down, and the valleys lacking righteousness were filled up as the spiritual realm of God pressed down and entered into and joined with the living soul, and every man which appeared was doubled, he was filled in and connected to himself and every doubled man which appeared had their bodies clothed upon in the realm of time and space. ATB

23b. Every one had two which covered on this side, and every one had two which covered on that side their bodies. KJV


What I discovered when I looked up these words, was that it is not that every one had two wings, I looked up the word every one, and I found out that it is the Hebrew word #376 which means man, the Hebrew word Ish, and it means a man that appears, not a spiritual man that you cannot see, the word every one means man that appears. Every one had two, so every man that appeared had two; he had two what? I declare to you that it just does not mean that he had two wings, as we think of wings that flap in the sky, he had two sides, he had two natures, he was now a natural man and he was a spiritual man, he had doubled. If you recall that I said earlier, natural man is expressed mathematically as a straight line and the spiritual man is expressed mathematically by the line that comes down from the heaven and meets the earth at a right angle. He was now two, he had been doubled, he was a line that lives along the earth, and the second part of him was the line that ascended up into the heavenlies. He had two sides to him, the earth side, the natural man, and the heavenly side the heavenly man. This is the verse that took me three hours, this was really tough. Every one had two sides to him, he was natural and he was spiritual, which covered on this side. The wordcoveredis a word that means, he does not throw a sheet over you and you are covered, it is the covering that has the ability to fill to all of the empty places when it covers you, like water. If you would spill water, if you would have a swimming pool for example or a tub that had a bottom that looked like this, when you filled the swimming pool, the water would not stay across the top, the water would fill in. If you had a crazy looking swimming pool, the water would fill in over here too.

This is the kind of covering that we are talking about, it is a covering that filled in the empty spaces. Every man had two sides which covered on this side. The word, when I say that covered on this side, the word side is not in the Hebrew, the King James writers put it in. What it is really saying, is every one had two which covered on this. The Hebrew wordthisis Strong’s #2007 and it means themselves, and it is used to express connection. What we are really saying is that every man had two sides spiritual and natural which were filled, which were covered over, they were filled in on this, which filled in themselves. You have two elements, you have a swimming pool that looked like this, and then you had the element which was the water that looked like this and it filled in, here it is dark over here.  They had two sides, the natural man looked like this, the spiritual man looked like this, and when they joined together, they filled each other in, they filled themselves in and they joined and they connected and they became one. Glory to God. Everyone had two sides, natural and spiritual, and which side filled each other in.

7/14/14 Transcribed by RLR

7/25/14 1stEdit CAS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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