041 - 1 Part
(Revelation 6)

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Now the message entitled, The Fifth Seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. Praise the Lord everybody. As I mentioned earlier off of the message, I just feel I want to put this in the message. This is a very difficult series that the Lord has given us to do. I am finding it much more difficult than Old Testament prophesy. I really cannot tell you why. I am averaging seven to eight hours of study for every message that I bring you. Compared to the previous messages that we have done in these meetings, the messages have been short. That is how much time I am spending on it. It is very difficult, very hard, but I believe God has told us to do it. I think it is very exciting.


I have seen a lot of series on the Book of Revelation, but I have never seen or heard anything like this. We are just going to do the best we can to plod through. If you do not understand, you have to tell me, and you have to ask me questions. I hope that everybody here knows I will answer you on the floor of the church. I will answer you in person. I will answer you on the telephone. I will do everything I can to help you. If you need prayer to get yourself through, come up for prayer, because when you start falling behind, then everything just escalates. So if you are having any kind of a problem, I cannot do any more than tell you that I am here to help you.


You have got to tell me that you need prayer or you have got to come, and talk to me, no matter what the problem is. You have got to talk to me, and you have to level with me. If you do not communicate, and it is not only with me, if people do not communicate, there is no resolution to the problem. If you will not or you cannot communicate, there is no resolution to the problem. You might succeed in sweeping it under the rug for a season, brethren, but you had better believe it is going to manifest again, probably twice as bad. These things have got to be resolved. They have got to be resolved. You have got to come together, and talk, and pray, and let God into the problem.


If you cannot do that, there is no need for condemnation. You have got to ask God to help you, because we are all in the same boat, and we are all under severe trials. We have been for years. We are all trying to make it with God. We have to do the best we can to be honest, and to implement His principles, and to communicate, or there is just no hope. That is the truth. I am telling you the truth. If you think that you have succeeded in burying it, and covering it over, and that it is okay, it is not. It is not okay. It has to be dealt with. It has to be dealt with. A certain pastor preached that for years. He said, do not just manifest, get delivered. These things have got to be dealt with. If you hide behind whatever your facade is, there is no deliverance in any manner, shape or form. It has got to be exposed. Glory to God.


I have some comments on the last message. On the last message I said in Chapter 6, Verse 6, and the verse reads in the second phrase, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. I got it a little messed up. I said a measure of wheat for a penny, and three pennies for a measure of barley, but it was three measures of barley for a penny. Basically the revelation that was in the message is correct. I believe it is what God told me to impart to you. What we got out of that was the number thirty. It is still number thirty because we have done Bible numerology before, and we know that the penny is a denarius worth ten or ten animals. It is a denarius worth ten. So it is three measures of barley times the denarius, which is ten, and we still get the number thirty.


The revelation that God gave us from that scripture was thirty, typifying the thirty pieces of silver for which Jesus was sold out. What we said was what that meant in our lives was that it represented the slaughter of our soul. Our soul is trying to sell the Christ, in us, down the river for thirty pieces of silver, but glory to God, we are going to rise from the dead. He is, indeed, going to slaughter us. He is, indeed, going to kill us. He is going to set us against ourselves, in our own minds, and He is going to set us against one another. He is going to kill us because of sin, but glory to God, we are going to rise from the dead in the power of Christ.


It is a little different, but the principle that I taught you in the last message was correct. It is the living soul that is being slaughtered. As we were told in Verse 4 of Chapter 6, the weapon that God is using to slaughter our soul is Satan in our conscious mind, causing us to destroy ourselves, and causing us to destroy our brothers, and causing us to destroy unsaved people. It is just men against men, and men against themselves. The second weapon that the Lord is using to destroy our sin ridden soul, which brings death into our life, is Satan, in our unconscious mind. We talked about him in the last message. If you want to read about that, it is in Verse 8 of Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. It is in the message preceding this. Glory to God.


He is letting us be slaughtered by Satan in our unconscious mind, causing us to do things because we either are unable, or unschooled, or not willing to dissect our motives for everything that we do. We have studied all of the methods that Satan in our unconscious mind is using to destroy us. What is being destroyed is the sin ridden soul of the natural man. When he dies, indeed, Christ shall rise. The morning star shall rise in us. He shall rise to a position of preeminence in glory. He shall prevail in each vessel, and He shall prevail over the entire living soul. So we are all brothers in tribulation as we go forward in the process that is going to bring forth Christ in us. Did I make this clear?


The second point that I wanted to make is that apparently I had a bad day last Sunday. I made a couple of mistakes, with regard to the Alternate Translation of Verse 7. When he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth beast. When I described the fourth beast in the Alternate Translation of Revelation, Chapter 6:7, I made a mistake. It should have been the flying eagle. The fourth beast opening that seal should have been the flying eagle. If I am not mistaken, I described him as Satan. I am going to reread you that Alternate Translation in a little bit. I just wanted you to know that there is a change in it, and that I did make that mistake when I prepared my notes. Glory to God.


Let me read you Verse 7 of Chapter 6. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. Verse 8; And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and him that sat on him was death. What I am suggesting to you here is that the flying eagle, the fourth part of the living soul, released the seal. The flying eagle is the spiritual aspect of the living soul. He is the aspect of man that is flying in the heavenlies. We have the positive spiritual realm dealing with the negative spiritual realm. The pale horse is Satan in the unconscious mind, and the beast that is saying let him be dealt with is the spiritual man in the living soul.


He is saying, I am opening you to the hidden realm of the unconscious mind. How? By the power of the flying eagle in man, by the power of that part of man that has become a spiritual being. We are going to enter into the unconscious mind, and we are going to deal with Satan, who has been destroying us with death, and with hell, and with the sword, and with hunger, and with death again, and with the beast of the earth. By the power of the flying eagle that is in spiritual man, we are going to enter into our unconscious mind, and oppose Satan in every way that he is trying to destroy us.


As we mentioned on Sunday, this is a very difficult and painful process. It is not painful for me anymore, but I know it is painful for a lot of people. For me it is just work. You have to lay hold of every thought that comes into your mind. You have to put it under a microscope. You have to get on your face before God. You have to ask Him where it comes from. Is it Him? What does He want us to do about it? I am telling you, brethren, I do this when it comes to walking across the street, because I do not want to be motivated by Satan in my unconscious mind in the smallest thing. It could be something that you might think is simple. It could be true. It will have no devastating consequences. Maybe you are going to walk down the left street instead of the right street. You say what is the big deal? It was my carnal mind that told me to take the left street.


Well brethren, maybe God had a man waiting for you on the right street that He wanted you to minister to. If we are going to go on with God, if we are going to break through into the realm of the Spirit, into the place in the Spirit, where when we abide there, every problem is solved in our life, and every need is met, if we are going to break through into that realm, we have to lay hold of every thought that comes into our mind, and every motive, and we must be honest. We must be honest. If we are not honest about it, we are not going to find out the truth of its source, and we are not going to defeat Satan in our unconscious mind. We have to defeat Satan in our unconscious mind if Christ is to appear in us. It is part of the process, and he is the fourth seal. Satan in the unconscious mind is the fourth seal, and that is the last aspect of the mind that we are dealing with.


Just for a brief review, the first seal is that Christ appears in us. Therefore we have power to deal with the carnal mind. The second seal is that Adam is revealed for what he is, the carnal mind bringing death into our life. That is the second seal. The third seal is that the slaughter is revealed that results from the warfare between Christ and Adam being revealed as our enemy. Adam is revealed as our enemy in the second seal. The third seal is Adam being slaughtered. The third seal is the black horse, meaning death. There is no light in him. There is no life of God in him, but the slaughter comes forth. First of all, the wheat that is purchased for a penny, he has redeemed. He is redeemed by Christ. As soon as he is redeemed by Christ, the slaughter takes place. His soul is slaughtered and then the battle moves into the unconscious mind to finish him off. That is the way it goes. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I do not know why I put this down on Sunday, but I am going to read it now. This is a review Alternate Translation from Revelation, Chapter 4, Verse 7, which describes the four parts of the living creature. And at the beginning, the living creature was like a fierce untamed nocturnal beast. And afterwards, like a domesticated castrated male, and the third part had the appearance of a man, and the squared beast was like a large strong bird with keen vision, whose nature it is to fly in the heavenlies in the light of day. The reason I put that in is that I am trying to show you that it is the fourth part of the living soul who is the strong bird that flies in the heavenlies, that is revealing to each of us, in our mind, the first phrase, at the beginning the living creature was like a fierce untamed nocturnal beast. He is still that in our unconscious mind. It is that part of Christ, in you, that is overcome. That is the strong bird that is flying in the heavenlies that is revealing the hidden realm, which is really is the spiritual realm of the natural man. Glory to God.


The first member to be redeemed of the fierce untamed nocturnal beast are now the sons of God. They have become the first fruits of the large strong bird with keen vision, whose nature it is to fly in the heavenlies in the light of day. They are pronouncing the same glory that has happened to them upon the balance of the living soul. Glory to God.


Additional study regarding the slaughter of our souls, if you would like to pursue it, can be found on message 31, Babylon Is Fallen, Part 7. That is the second half of the first side of that message. I believe it is a study in Isaiah, Chapter 14. Glory to God.


I know I just said it, but I am going to say it again. I just want to go over a so of the Book of Revelation starting with Chapter 4, which is the chapter that comes right after the seven churches. Chapter 5, Verses 6 thru 14 reveals God’s plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of the Spirit, after God thought it into existence. God thought it and the first thing that happened is that it appeared in the spirit before it appeared in the earth. Chapter 5, Verses 6 thru 14, reveals God’s plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of the spirit after God thought it into existence.


First Christ, Verse 7; then the first fruits company, Verses 8 to 10; then the spiritual men of the balance of the living soul, Verses 11 to 12; and then the souls and bodies of the entire living soul, Verse 13, redeemed. You may recall, if you do not, I will remind you of Verse 14 of Chapter 5. I will read it to you. And the four beasts said amen, and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him, that liveth forever and ever. That means they saw it in the spirit. They are in agreement with God. That next thing that is going to happen is that it is going to appear in the natural realm. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Chapter 6, Verses 1 thru 8 reveal God’s plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of appearance. After it appeared in the realm of the spirit, the firstfruits company first. Number 1, the first seal, Verses 1 to 2 in Chapter 6. Christ is birth in human spirit and goes forth to overcome the soul. Second seal, Verses 3 to 4, the first Adam is revealed for what he is, even anti-christ, the carnal mind. The carnal mind is anti-christ. When Christ appears, and the war of the ages begin within man’s own conscious mind, and between men; and between men. The third seal, Verses 5 to 6, men are brought into agreement with Christ in their conscious mind, one penny for a measure of wheat. They are redeemed. That means they are in agreement with Christ. Together with Christ, which is the conscious mind of the natural man joining with Christ to slaughter their own soul.


I think everybody here in this ministry is going through this right now. We are laying hold of our own souls, and saying that sin is wrong, you have got to stop doing it, and by the power of Christ we are putting it underfoot. That is the slaughter of the soul. You are being destroyed. That is the third seal, Verses 5 to 6, now brought into agreement with Christ in their conscious mind, one penny for a measure of wheat, and together with Christ, they slaughter their souls, separating themselves from all unrighteousness. One penny for three measures of barley is the separation, of that part of us which is joined to Christ, from all unrighteousness.


The Bible expresses it by saying the soul must be separated, the bone from the marrow, and the soul from the spirit. That part of us, which is joined to Christ, must now be separated from all unrighteousness in our soul. We have to lay hold of it, brethren. We have to identify it. We have to call it what it is. I do not care how horrible it is. You have to look at it. You have to see it. You have to call it what it is, and lay hold of it, and you have to slaughter it. That is what we have to do. God is calling us to do this. Christ can be glorified in us only after the rebellion, and every other evil work in our human soul has been totally crushed, and brought into submission to the authority of the Christ in your mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


The fourth seal, Verses 7 to 8; Satan is revealed in the unconscious mind of men, and the spiritual warfare over who will rule the unconscious mind begins. There can be no more of I do not know why I did it. Why did you do it anyhow? What do you mean? I do not know. That is not acceptable. If you are entering into the deep things of God, that is not acceptable. You have to find out why you did it, and if you do not know, you have to ask God to help you. The next time that thing rises up in you, you have to kick it real hard. That is what He is calling us to do, brethren. He never said it would be a rose garden. Glory to God.


I now have a preview of the fifth and sixth seals. Tonight we are doing the fifth seal. The name of this message is The Fifth Seal. It is basically Verses 9 thru 11. I am going to give you a preview of what I think it means, and then the same thing for the sixth seal. Then we will go on and do the fifth seal word by word tonight. The fifth seal, Verses 9 thru 11 of Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. The firstfruits company has overcome their souls by the power of Christ, and are commanded to stay in this condition until Christ overcomes in the rest of the living soul. Remember there is one more step, the glorification of the body. The firstfruits company in the fifth seal overcomes Satan in their unconscious mind. He is the last frontier. He is the last thing in their own soul that needs to be overcome. They have overcome him.


As you will see in a few minutes, they have put him underfoot, and they are petitioning the Lord to be glorified. The Lord says to them, no, I want you to wait for the balance of the living soul. Hallelujah. The sixth seal, which is Revelation 6 verses 12 to 17 and Revelation 7 Verse 1 to 17. It is the beginning of the process that will convert the balance of the living soul. That is the way it looks to me from here, that the sixth seal, Revelation Chapter 6 Verses 12 to 17, and Revelation Chapter 7 Verses 1 to 17 is the process. If it is not the whole process, because I have not gone beyond that, it is at least the beginning of the process that will convert the balance of the living soul. Christ in the firstfruits company is going to war with the carnal minds of the members of the living soul. Hallelujah.


I have to tell you that I made another correction. I do not want to confuse you. I am going to tell you what I did. If it bothers you in any way, just roll with it. If I see that I missed something, I have to tell you. I cannot not tell you. If it is going to throw a monkey wrench into your brain, let it go for another time, but I have to tell you. You have to hear it. Maybe it will go into your spirit, and the next week God will give you the understanding. This is with regard to the expression, the first, second, third and fourth part of the living soul. I had already changed it. At first I taught it was just the many members of the living soul, starting with Verse 1 of Chapter 6 of Revelation. And one of the beasts said, open it, and the second beast said open it. I told you that it was referring to the many members of the living soul. Then I changed it, and I said, no, it is the first part of the living soul, and it is the second part of the living soul, and it is the third part of the living soul.


I have to change it now because what God showed me is that it is the firstfruits. It is not the first, second, third and fourth part of the whole living soul. He is dealing with the firstfruits company in these verses from 1 thru 8. He is dealing with the firstfruits company. I am sorry if I am confusing you, but what can I tell you. This is really tough. Did I make it clear about what I am telling you? It is not the whole living soul. It is the firstfruits company. In Verse 9, we are moving into the fifth seal. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


I am just going to read you the Alternate Translation recap of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verses 5 thru 8. And as the power of Christ released the third part of the firstfruits of the living soul from Satan’s control, I understood that the part of redeemed man which was seen in the realm of appearance, even Adam, was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the firstfruits of the living soul, and let men be aware of it. And I saw in the spirit, and there it was, the part of the living soul which was in darkness, and without the light of God, even the human soul, and he was under the yolk of the law in his part of the living soul. And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth from the deepest recesses of the redeemed man, saying, may the firstfruits of the living soul be purchased back unto God. But the vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit, and the life of the Father within him, must not be violated so that the life of Christ may be birth in them, and then persecuted, and crucified, so that Satan can be swallowed up, and the new lives in Christ harvested into the kingdom of God. And as the power of Christ released the fourth part of the firstfruits of the living soul from Satan, I understood that the flying eagle in redeemed man, even the large strong bird with keen vision, whose nature it is to fly in the heavenlies in the light of day, was saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the firstfruits of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. And I looked into the realm of the spirit, and there it was, a sickly looking horse, not qualified to reproduce, and the spirit ruling him was the spiritual pestilence of God, the judgment of the Lord, even Satan in the unconscious mind. And he caused the spiritual members of the living soul to separate from their bodies, and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls, and bodies, of natural men. And authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of men to utterly destroy them from off of the face of the earth, by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds, by depriving them of the bread from heaven which gives eternal life, and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies because of sin, and with the demons, whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ. (AT)


Verse 9. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar, the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. Glory to God. Now I would like you to note that starting with the fifth seal, the living creature or any part of him, previously described as the first, second, third or fourth beast, is no longer saying, let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the firstfruits of the living soul, and let men be aware of it, and understand it. He is no longer saying that, let it be done, let men be aware of it, and let them understand it. The living soul is no longer saying that. It is merely going to say, he, meaning the Lamb, open the next seal.


The reason for this is, is that because in the fourth seal, the firstfruits company have become aware, and have enough understanding so that they are now joined with Christ in their conscious minds. Once joined to Christ in their conscious minds, they go to war against Satan in their unconscious minds by the power of Christ. In the fifth seal they have overcome Satan in their unconscious minds. They have overcome Satan in their unconscious minds. Therefore, starting with the sixth seal, there is no command to be aware or understand. What do you have to be aware of or understand what is going on in your unconscious mind?


Now I remind you that when the living creatures are saying let them be aware and let them understand, it is not just idle words. Let them be aware and let them understand. They are speaking this with spiritual authority, and there is power imparted unto the firstfruits company to be aware of what is in their unconscious minds, and to understand it. There is no longer any reason to speak this command into the realm of the spirit, because the firstfruits company have, indeed, become aware. They have understood, and they have defeated Satan in their unconscious minds. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now this is really interesting because I find that I am getting some questions answered that I did not have the answers for. I know that I have had discussions with people in this ministry as to how the balance of the living soul was going to enter into this process. Was it going to be harder or easier for them than it is for us? Are they going to have the knowledge that we have or not? Is it going to be by surprise, because Jesus talks about being a thief in the night? How is it going to happen to them? We know that those of us that are entering in now, we are really struggling. This teaching is tough. This is tough teaching and the trials are tough. Everything is tough.


I know that a few believers, and myself, are of the opinion that there are a lot of people out there who could never survive these trials. They would never abide, sitting night after night, in a schoolroom like this with these studies. They would never abide it. They just would not sit for it. Well how are they going to get this salvation? It has got to be different. I am just pointing out to you that from the sixth seal forward, which it looks to me now is the conversion of the balance of the living soul, there is no command to understand or be aware. There is no command to be aware or to understand.


As we go forward, it looks to me from this point, that there is going to be a lot of people that are going to get it without understanding, and without awareness. They are just going to get it. Now whether or not it is going to be more painful than what we are going through, I do not know. Maybe we will have the answer to this question as we plod through the balance of this book of Revelation. I really do not know. I cannot imagine it being more painful than this. Of course, it could be more painful than this. Things could be much worse. Glory to God.


Let us try and understand this fifth seal here, which is the last that we hear about the firstfruits company. And when he had opened the fifth seal. That is the Lamb opening the fifth seal. I saw under the altar of the souls of them that were slain, those that had been slaughtered for the word of God, and for their testimony, which they held. The word under is Strong’s # 5270 and it means underneath, implying that there is something present that is higher. They are in the lower position. You are in the lower position. You are down, you are under, you are beneath, you are at the bottom.


The word altar is Strong’s #2379 and it is a place where sacrifice takes place. The altar is the place where sacrifice takes place. We have an altar. This is Paul speaking.


Hebrews 13:10. We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. (KJV)


It is talking about the Levite priests, brethren. We, of the new covenant, have an altar that the Levite priests have no right to partake of.


Hebrews 13:15. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (KJV)


By him, by Jesus, therefore, let us, the Church of the living God, offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. Now I am going to diverge here to do an Alternate Translation on that scripture. I think that it is important that we understand who the altar is, and where it is, and how he relates in our life. This is also addressing a very important issue in the church world, which thinks that this means that people are to stand there, and raise their hand, and say praise you Jesus, praise you Jesus, praise you Jesus. That is not what it means.


Let us find out what it means. By him, by Jesus, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continuously. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Well, it really sounds like it is talking about words like thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. The word lips is Strong’s #5491 and it can be used to describe the banks of a river. It is translated shore as of seashore in Hebrews 11:12. In the Hebrew it is Strong’s #8193 and it means a natural boundary, a border, or an edge. I am going to give you an Alternate Translation, and we will talk about it for another minute, and then we will go on.


Alternate Translation of Hebrews 13:15. Therefore, by the power of Jesus Christ, our altar, which is within us. Because if you have the Spirit of Christ, your altar is within you. Let us offer the sacrifice of putting our soul life underfoot continually. We have done studies in this ministry showing that the true meaning of the word praise is submitting your soul life to the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot jump around in church, and scream, and yell, and run around the church, and go out and do the exact opposite of what He tells you. The praise is when your soul life submits to the desires of the Lord Jesus Christ for you. If you want to go downtown, and He wants you to go uptown, and you go uptown, you have praised the Lord. I am sorry, brethren, but that is the truth of it. That is what it means. It is much more than running around the church twice or even four times a week. You have got to live every minute of your life doing what he tells you. Do that and you will be praising the Lord.


Let us offer the sacrifice of putting our soul underfoot continually, which will result in Christ,in us, being the source of our thoughts, and thus our words, which word, because they are coming from Christ, will give thanks to the Spirit of God. If it is Christ speaking through you continually, what you will be saying is praise the Lord, worthy is the Lamb. We studied that in Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation. They sang a new song and they were saying, worthy is the Lamb, thanks be unto God. That is what you are going to say when the Christ in you is ruling over your soul.


Let us get this again. We are trying to find out where the altar is. We are told here in Hebrews 13:10 and 15 that the altar is within us, that the Spirit of Jesus Christ that dwells within us is our altar, and that our sacrifice is praise. Our sacrifice in the new covenant is praise, and that is submitting, and putting our soul realm down underneath the altar. Indeed, we are trying to understand Verse 9, which says, and when he had opened the fifth seal, we saw under the altar the souls of them that had been slain. I am suggesting to you, brethren, that the souls that were slaughtered in the previous verses were now down under the Christ that was in them. That is what we are talking about. Let me just read you this Alternate Translation of Hebrews 13:15 again.


Hebrews 13:15. Therefore, by the power of Jesus Christ, our altar, which is within us, let us offer the sacrifice of putting our soul life underfoot continually, which will result in Christ, in us, being the source of our thoughts, and thus our words, which words, because they are coming from Christ, will give thanks to the Spirit of God. (AT)


Brethren, we are no longer sacrificing animals. We are not killing them, butchering them, slaughtering them, burning them, or boiling them. What is being slaughtered is our own souls, brethren, and it is indeed being burnt. It is a continuous burnt offering, as it abides in the fire of God, but it is not consumed, like the burning bush that Moses looked upon. Wood is a fuel that should be consumed. Our souls have been, and shall be, and will be, slaughtered, butchered, and placed in the fire of God. They will be a continual sacrifice before the Lord, even a sweet smelling savor, but the sacrifice shall not be consumed. In the old covenant, they had to keep burning more goats, more cows, more of whatever animal they were sacrificing.


When the true sacrifice comes, when our own soul is sacrificed, and placed in the flame of the Lord Jesus Christ, there will not be many offerings. There will be one continual offering, that will for all intents and purposes, be joined to the offering of the Lord Jesus Christ. That man, when he sat down at the right hand of the Father, was made one sacrifice for sins for all time, and we are becoming a part of his sacrifice. What did he sacrifice? He sacrificed his own soul. Jesus Christ sacrificed his own soul. He became a Spirit, and he is now dwelling in our hearts, and he has become our altar under which our souls are partaking of his sacrifice. We are being joined to him in sacrifice. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The word slain is Strong’s #4969 and it means to slaughter a man violently. That is the word that we have been dealing with in the previous verses, talking about the slaughter of our soul. This word for, with regard to the phrase, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God. For is Strong’s #1063 and it can be translated because of. The word testimony is Strong’s #3141 and it is the Greek word, martus, from which we get the word martyr from. What it really means is much more than a testimony. It is evidence. It is judicial testimony, and it means evidence given of a judicial nature. Glory to God.


And for the testimony which they held. The word held is Strong’s #2192 and it can be used to describe a condition. It means to possess, but it does not necessarily mean something that you are holding in your hand. It can be used to describe a condition. I possess femininity. I possess motherhood. It is something you possess. You possess what you are. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:9. When the power of Christ continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the power of Satan, I saw in the spirit the human souls of those having been slaughtered because the word of God, even Christ, had appeared in them, and because their spiritual condition of submission to the Christ, gave evidence of his overcoming presence, I saw that those souls were indeed covered by and in submission to the soul of Jesus Christ. (AT)


The souls slain under the altar, brethren, are the butchered human souls, the human souls that have been butchered by their own owner. They are our souls that have been butchered as we join with Christ, and as we come into submission to Christ, into a position under Christ, in us. The living soul and the human soul in us must be put down. He cannot rule and reign. He must come in submission to the altar, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. I just have two more references for you here.


Hebrews 9:26, 2ndhalf. But now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Hebrews 10:12. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God. (KJV)


Jesus Christ is the sacrifice, and he has become the altar in our life, and our souls are joining to him in the perpetual sacrifice that he is. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Revelation 6 Verse 10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (KJV)


Glory to God. And they cried. The word cried is Strong’s #2896 and it is the cry of a raven. It means to croak. It is particularly used of inarticulate cries. That means cries that are not necessarily forming words. We sort of touched on this in other scriptures, where we talked about the word voice. We found out that the word voice does not necessarily mean the voice of a man. It means a sound. It can be the voice of a man. It could be the meowing of an animal, or it could be used to describe a spiritual disclosure.


It does not have to be as the sound of English. It does not have to be as the sound of language, but when there is a communication, that word voice is used to describe the fact that there has been a communication. We are dealing with something similar here. This word cry does not mean language. It means a communication was made, and usually the cry of a raven, which is a bird that flies, and particularly an inarticulate cry. I have chosen to interpret this to mean the cry of the spiritual being, because it is a bird, it is flying, and the sounds are inarticulate.


The Alternate Translation is going to indicate that these souls, that have been slaughtered, that have come underfoot of the Christ, that the Christ is sitting on them, are now flying in the heavenlies, and they have spoken a spiritual disclosure. They have made a spiritual statement, not with words as we know it, but they have made a spiritual statement into the realm of the spirit, crying out, saying, O Lord, how much longer do we have to be in this condition? They are speaking it from their newly acquired position of spiritual height. That is what I am going to suggest to you.


The scripture says they cried with a loud voice. The word loud is Strong’s #3173. That word is feminine. So even though they are flying in the heavenlies, the scripture still describes them as feminine. They are still in submission to the Christ. They are still female, even though they have become spiritual beings, and they have access to the heavenly realms. They are still female because they are still under Christ. Christ is still sitting on them. Christ is going to raise his bride up into the realms of the Spirit, but in relation to Christ, she will continue to be female. This cry is towards Christ seeking deliverance, therefore these souls are still female. It does not matter how spiritual they have gotten, they are still crying, directing their cry up higher to the Christ, and for that reason they are still female. Glory to God.


Loud means to make conspicuous. What we are seeing here is they made a conspicuous spiritual sound. They spoke a conspicuous spiritual sound into the realm of the Spirit. God could not miss it. They spoke it right to His realm. Hallelujah. They said, how long, O Lord, holy and true? Now I did not look up the word holy, because I think we pretty much know here that holy means without sin. We have gone over it many times. Hallelujah. The word true is Strong’s #228 and it means truthful. To be truthful is to be un-hidden. If you are not truthful, you are hiding something. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


If you are not truthful, you are hiding something. Either you are one or the other. Either you are up front, and you are speaking it, or you have got a veil over you, and you are not revealing what you really are. This word true also means that which has not only the name and semblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name. We have a lot of people in the earth today, going around saying that they are sons of God, but they do not really have the nature that would make it a reality. They are speaking the words. They have got the revelation. Maybe they have cast out a few demons, and maybe they have healed a few people, but brethren, you are not a son of God until your state of being becomes Christ.


You can do all these other things under an imputed anointing. You can cast out demons, you can heal the sick, and you can have great revelation. We know you can because Paul said knowledge puffeth up. So it is possible to have great revelation and not have the imparted anointing, that it is not coming from your state of being. We mentioned in these meetings, a couple of services ago, that God had revealed to us that the true test of the imparted anointing, or the true test of a son of God, is that they shall have a love for one another. In this way you shall know my disciples, that they shall love one another.


This is the explanation for those believers that were knocking on Jesus’ door and saying, how can we be locked out here? We have cast out demons. We healed the sick. We understood your word. How could this be? The answer is that His life, His nature, His state of being had not appeared in them. To be a person that is manifesting the imparted anointing, or to be a son of God, however you want to say it, you have to have all of these things.


We did a message in this ministry on the signs of apostleship. We said to be an apostle, you have to have all of the signs. You have to have all of the signs to be an apostle, but to be a son of God, you have to have more than all of the signs. You have to heal the sick. You have to cast out the demons. You have to have the revelation, and you have to have the love of Christ, the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Brethren, I am going to tell you the truth, the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ does not exist unless it has been tested. It does not exist unless it has been tried. When they are crucifying you, brethren, if you still love them, you have the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you fall down, if it is only for five minutes, if you hate your tormentor, you do not have it. Can you hear that? Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I believe that we can be in transition, but no one is a full son of God, or no one has a full imparted anointing until this becomes their state of being. I believe that it is possible to enter into a situation where you are being crucified and to love that person. At that moment you are manifesting the imparted anointing, and then tomorrow something else can come at you, and you could fall right down, and come right back at them on their own level, and you do not have it. Maybe you are in transition. Maybe you are half in and maybe you are half out. What I am telling you here is that the love of God is not the love of God unless it is tested. You cannot tell me that you have the agape love unless someone crucifies you, and you love them. It is worthless if it is untested. Do you hear what I am saying? It has got to be tested. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


We are talking about the title of the Lord Jesus Christ being called true. He is un-hidden. There is nothing about Him that is unrevealed. It is also means the real nature corresponding to the name. To say that the Lord Jesus Christ is true, that means that He has the nature of God. It is not today, yes, and tomorrow, no, but that He has the nature of God one hundred percent of the time, and He is true. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


It is particularly applied to express that which is all that it pertains to be. For instance, pure gold as opposed to adulterated metal, in every respect corresponding to the idea signified by the name. It means genuine. It means genuine, one hundred percent genuine. Brethren, I understand that we are in an in between stage, but either you are pregnant or you are not pregnant. It is possible to manifest the imparted anointing today, and not tomorrow, but when Christ looks at you in an overview, for him to say that you have it, it has to be one hundred percent of the time. Do you understand what I am saying? Did I make it clear?


I think a lot of us here, maybe we manifest it today and not tomorrow, but when Christ looks at us, and passes a judgment, we are not genuine. I do not know anybody at this point that has it a hundred percent, all of the time. But I will tell you, the way that you are going to get there is that when they crucify you, if you cannot love them, you have to ask God to help you to do it. At the very least, you have to say, Lord, they are killing me. Look at what they are doing to me, and I am right down there on their level. Stand me up. If you are not doing, at least that, what kind of hope do you have? Can you hear this? Can you hear this? Hallelujah.


We are dealing with Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (KJV)


This word judge is Strong’s #2919 and what it means is to distinguish or decide, either judicially, as we will decide whether you are guilty or whether you are innocent. It could also apply to situations where we are dealing with mental situations, to distinguish mentally. Well, what does that mean? To distinguish between Christ and adam. What are we distinguishing mentally? Between good and evil, between Christ and adam. We are distinguishing motives.


Holy and true. How long dost thou not judge or distinguish between Christ and adam, in us, and avenge our blood? The word avenge is Strong’s #1556 and it means to demand punishment, to do justice, to protect one’s right. To demand punishment. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear the word avenge, that is the first thing that pops into my mind. I want someone tied up at the stocks or getting forty lashes. I want vengeance. That is what it means to me, but there is another meaning in the Greek, and it can also mean to do justice, and it can also mean to protect one’s right. One of the scriptures where it is used to protect one’s right is Luke 18:5.


Luke 18:5. Yet, because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming, she weary me. (KJV)


I will defend her against her enemy. I used to read this scripture, and I used to think that the widow wanted someone to be punished, but the widow did not want someone to be punished. Just like you, you did not want anyone killed. You just wanted a place where you could earn your living, right? The Lord did, indeed, avenge you. He did justice for you. So we have a positive interpretation of this word avenge.


How long dost thou judge and avenge our blood on them? This word on is Strong’s #575 and it is only translated on five times out of five full columns of New Testament entries in Strong’s Concordance. It means away from something that is near to you, in the sense of time, place, or relation. If something is close to you, it means you are going to push it away from you. The phrase is avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth. The word them is Strong’s #846 through the idea of a baffling wind. We has this a couple of weeks ago. It is really a reflexive pronoun, and it is talking about themselves. Glory to God.


Those that dwell on the earth. Dwell is Strong’s # 2730 and it means to house permanently, to inhabit, to reside. We are talking about spiritual things here. The one who is currently inhabiting our houses is Satan; permanently, until. Permanently, until, Jesus Christ either wipes him off the face of the earth or displaces him. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Let us see what we have got here.


Revelation 6:10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? (KJV)


Now this word on is a different word on. It really means over or upon.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:10. And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit, even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored, meaning how much time must we wait, O Lord, before you, who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us, defend our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind. (AT)


They want Jesus Christ, in them, to be defended. They have joined with him in their conscious mind. They have joined with him and slaughtered their own soul. They have fought. They have overcome the unconscious mind. They are flying in the heavenlies. They are speaking. They are making spiritual utterances. They have direct communication with the spiritual realm of God. What they are saying to the Lord is, we have been through all these things. When are you going to defend us? Defend us against who? Defend us against Satan. There are those of us in this ministry that are going through this now. We have been fighting for years. We have been fighting spiritual warfare for years. We have been fighting our conscious minds. We have been fighting our unconscious minds. We have been doing everything that we know how to do. I will tell you something. For at least these last six months, I have been crying out, almost on a daily basis, how much longer? How much longer am I going to be tread underfoot like that? I am never destroyed, but I am not there an awful lot, brethren. Glory to God.


This is what they are saying to Christ. How long before you defend us? How long before you defend our souls, and what do we want you to do? What do we mean by defending our souls? We mean how long is it going to be until you separate us away from Satan, to whom we are fused to in the incorrect moral order, which is killing us, Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind, of which we are a part? Well, we have done all these things. We have heard your word. We fought, we battled, we prevailed, and you still have not separated us from Satan. He is still there bringing destruction into our life, and the battle still goes on. I am going to read that again.


Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:10. And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit, even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored, meaning how much time must we wait, O Lord, before you, who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us, defend our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind? (AT)


Brethren, there is a divorce coming. We must be divorced from Satan so that we can marry our new husband, Jesus Christ. There is a divorce coming. We are being ripped away from him. Despite all the spiritual warfare that has been going on for years, we are still joined to him. Hallelujah. We are waiting for our Savior, for our new husband, for our defender, for our judicial judge, the one with judicial authority, to pronounce us divorced, so that we can marry our new husband, because we have not married him yet, brethren.


We know that the Holy Spirit enters into our vessel, and joins with our human spirit, and Christ is birth. That is not the marriage. When Christ is birth in us, he has to marry our soul. That is what we are waiting for. He is in us. He is our altar. He is in our mind. He has come with blessings, and gifts, and power, and He has brought us a long way into the realm of the Spirit, but He has not married us yet. That is not the marriage. His birth is not the marriage. The marriage is between he, who has been birth in us, and the balance of our soul. That is what the marriage is. Before that can happen, we have to be ripped apart totally from Satan. Hallelujah.


Revelation 6:11. And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. (KJV)


Now what this is saying to me is that we can only go so far. We can only go so far, and before we take the next step, the Lord is saying you have to wait for the others to catch up to you. That is a real trial. It is one thing when you are in ignorance, but to get a vision of this thing, to see this thing on the horizon, no more being tyrannized by Satan, but having Christ be our every source of supply, and the answer to every problem, and not be able to lay hold of it, I do not know about you, but it torments me. I cry for it. Hallelujah.


White robes were given unto every one of them. White is Strong’s #3022. We had this a couple of messages ago. It means light, white, dazzling. The word robes is Strong’s #4749 and it can be translated equipment. It is a long fitting gown that was used as a mark of dignity. This word is in constant use for the holy garments of Aaron and his descendants. I got that information from a reference book.


Exodus 28:2. Thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and beauty. (KJV)


That is this word translated robe. It is the Hebrew equivalent of it.


Exodus 31:10. And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s office. (KJV)


So their robes are associated with holiness, and righteousness, and ministry, priesthood unto God.


2 Corinthians 5:2 thru 4. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven. If so be that being clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. (KJV)


Something is going to be added to us, and we are groaning in our present condition. We are groaning, waiting for that something to be added to us, so that we can move into immortality. Hallelujah.


I do not know whether you are picking it up now or not, but I just want to put this in the message that this scripture that I just read to you, 2 Corinthians 5:2 to 4 really does not apply to the soul. It applies to an outer garment. I just want to say that in Bible days the men wore two garments. They wore their robe, and there was an undergarment. I am not going to go into it any more deeply than this comment, but I think we established on other messages that the undergarment relates to the soul, and the outer garment relates to the body. Now I have read you the scripture that talks about us getting a new outer garment, but implied therein is the promise of a new undergarment also. In these scriptures of Revelation, I believe that we are dealing with the undergarment. I hope I made that clear to you. I could not find any scripture that was referring to the new undergarment, but when you have an outer garment, the undergarment is implied. This is how the Lord showed it to me. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


We are dealing with Revelation, Verse 11 of Chapter 6. And white robes were given unto every one of them. (KJV)


Alternate Translation of the first third of Revelation 6:11. And the souls of every one of them. (AT)


That word every is Strong’s #1538 and it means everyone; every single man, every single woman, everyone. And the souls of every one of them were redeemed, and white robes were given unto every one of them, and the souls of every one of them were redeemed. Glory to God.


It was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season. It was said unto every one of them that they should rest yet for a little season. This word said is Strong’s #4488 and it is translated said very few times. Most of the entries in Strong’s for said is a different word. It means more than to speak. It means to break the silence, and it has the connotation of someone with a great authority that has not been speaking. You have been petitioning them, and petitioning them, and finally they break the silence. How many times have you been trying to hear from God, and you cannot hear Him, and you petition Him, and petition Him, and finally He speaks to you. That is what this word means. It is speaking with authority after a period of silence.


It was said unto every one of them that they should rest yet for a little season. This word rest is Strong’s #373 and it means to repose, to refresh, to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labor, in order to recover, and collect his strength, to give rest. We have spoken a great deal in this ministry about the coming sabbath rest of the Lord, and the spiritual labor that we labor daily. Lord willing, I hope we are all laboring daily in the spiritual labor of discerning Satan in our hearts, and putting him under our feet. It is laborious. It is tiresome. It is painful. It is difficult. Sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we fail, and that is our spiritual labor.


When the Scripture talks about rest, it is talking about Christ moving into a position in our minds where we no longer have to perform this labor ourselves, but that Christ, in us, utterly subdues Satan in us, and we can rest. That is the rest that is coming to us. Christ, in us, doing the labor of putting sin underfoot. It was said unto every one of them that they should rest yet for a little season. The word yet means longer, and the word little means small in quantity, size or number. It is pretty much what it sounds like. Hallelujah.


The word season is Strong’s #555 and it means a space of time. It is different than the word eon, which we know means an age. It is more likely to be described as an individual opportunity that is never going to come again. It is an individual opportunity, an isolated moment of time that is never going to come again. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation of the second third of Revelation, Chapter 6:11. And every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time. (AT)


Every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time. What I see happening here is that these sons of God are petitioning the Lord, and they are petitioning the Lord, and I am telling you I am one of them. I am banging on heaven every day. I am doing what you told me. I am doing it. I am faithful. Where is it? I want a rest from my labor, and the heavens are silent. I do not hear the command coming forth to say that I can rest from my spiritual works.


For this firstfruits company, they petition loudly, and they sounded right into the realm of the Spirit, and finally God spoke, and He said, rest from your labors. Hallelujah. This was not just conversation, brethren. When the voice said rest from your labors, it was done. The power was imparted to the firstfruits company to rest from their labor. Satan was castrated. Hallelujah. Then the voice said to them, recover, and collect your strength for an additional period of time. This is the way I see it at this point. You are not going on to be glorified. Your body is not going to be glorified at this time. Rest. Christ is risen to a place of preeminence in you where He is going to put Satan underfoot. So rest, and recollect your strength, but you are not going on to the next step right now. The reason why was that they were commanded to wait for their brethren. We are going to find that out in another minute.


Every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time. After Christ rises in you, and puts Satan underfoot, you are going to stay in that condition for an additional period of time. Until their fellow servants, also, and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.


Before I go on, I would like to read you that phrase from the King James 2 Translation. Until might be fulfilled also the number of their fellow slaves, and their brothers, those being about to be killed, even as they. What I am emphasizing there is that the tense of the verb in the King James was wrong. That they should be killed as we were sounds like it is just something vague and hazy, way off in the future. But the King James, which I believe has the correct tense, says, those being about to be killed. It is really close. It is really close. They are being about to be killed. Being is a present participle; being about to be killed. Being is in the present, but it did not quite happen yet. In other words it is so close that the Scripture is still calling it in the present.


Now this word fellow servants. The King James translated it fellow slaves. It is Strong’s #4889, sundoulos, and it means co-slave or servitor of the same master. Glory to God. Co-slave or servitor of the same master, and it is from another verb that means denoting union by possession. In other words, if we were living in ancient Rome, and there was a wealthy man that had a houseful of slaves, or even in the south in America, however long ago it was before the Civil War, all of those slaves could be called co-slaves or fellow servants because they had one master. What they had in common was that they had one master. It did not matter whether they were black, white, Chinese, green, or from Mars, because they had one master, who was their owner. They became fellow servants. That is the intent of this word in the Scripture.


What they are saying is, until might be fulfilled, also, the number of your fellow slaves. Well, who are we joined to, that are owned by the same master, brethren? We are joined to every human being on the face of the earth. We are all owned by Satan. If you are not owned by Christ, you are owned by Satan. I want to tell you something, and I do not care how mature you are in Christ, you are still owned by Satan. You are still married to him, brethren. Your divorce is coming. The divorce is coming. You are still married to him. You are not married to Christ. He is in your life. He is moving in power, but your husband is Satan.


If Christ is your husband, he has swallowed up your soul. Has he swallowed up your soul? Is every sin in your mind put underfoot? This is a tough word. A lot of Christians would get mad at me for saying this. But I am sorry, you really are still married to Satan. Christ is moving in great power in your life, but he has not ripped you free, and divorced you from Satan. Because when he does, he shall marry you, and you shall be one blood with him, and you will be in the condition of the souls that were under the altar. Your soul will come under Christ, and he will be sitting on you. I have a flash for you, brethren, that most of you that are getting mad at me for saying this, not only are you still married to Satan, but that in many areas of your life, you are not even in submission to Christ, who is here to rescue you. It is just the truth.


How many times did he tell us to do something, and we do not do it? It happens to me. Oh, do you really mean that? I thought you were kidding me. Oh I heard you, but you know. I hope it does not happen to me too often, but it happens to me. I would be lying to you if I told you it did not happen to me. Sometimes I do not understand what he tells me. Sometimes the thought that is flashing through my mind, I do not lay hold of it. I say, Lord, was that you? What did it mean? What do you want? Is there anything that you require of me? I go through this whole ritual with every thought that I can lay hold of. Sometimes I am weary, and the thought goes through my mind, and I do not grab it. Well, I did not do what he told me. I did not do it. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


We are still married to Satan, and not only not married to Christ yet, we are not even in total submission to him. Well, it is the truth. It is the truth, and the truth shall indeed set you free. It is not going to do you any good to get mad at me because of what I am telling you. If I am wrong, I cannot hurt you, and if I am right, it is still not going to do you any good to get mad at me, because it is just the truth. It is going to take you receiving the truth to set you free. Getting mad at me is not going to help you. Hallelujah.


Until their fellow servants, also, and their brethren that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Brethren is Strong’s #80 and this word means coming from the same womb. Now brethren are joined just like fellow servants are joined, but by a different basis. To be a brother you have to come from the same womb. In Acts 17:26 it says, And have made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth. We all came from the same womb, and have made of one blood. We are all born out of Eve. She is the mother of all living. Every human man, woman or child, every member of the living soul has come out of the same womb, the womb of the earth of the living soul. We are joined in two ways. We are joined in the fact that we come from one blood. We all come out of the original creation of God, and we are also joined in that we are all slaves of Satan. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Until might be fulfilled, also, the number of their fellow slaves, and their brothers, those being about to be killed, even as they. The word killed is Strong’s #615 and this does not mean slaughter. This is not the word that means slaughter that has been translated slain. This means to kill outright. Now you might remember that the word slaughter means to cut in pieces, and the word slaughter has a positive connotation. It is being cut in pieces, but the result of it is that you are being joined to Christ and set free from Satan. It is a positive connotation to that word slaughter. After you are cut in pieces, you become the perpetual sacrifice that is burning in the perpetual fire of the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is in your soul. So that is a good connotation. But this word means killed outright, destroyed, abolished, and it is not necessarily talking about the body. It can be talking about spiritual things.


Romans 7:11 says; For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. (KJV)


Sin slew Paul. This was Paul speaking. Although in the Scripture it is clear that it was Paul speaking, I personally believe it was the living souls speaking through Paul, because when Adam was first created, he was glorious, and he was without sin. When the law of God was put to him in the Garden of Eden, it slew him. How did the law of God slay the first Adam? Now if you recall the teaching, God removed Himself from the creation so that Adam could multiply, and in his place, God gave Adam the law. Adam knew what was right, and he knew what was wrong, but the law did not impart the power to him to keep the law.


There is no power in the law. Therefore he had no power to keep the law, and when he broke it, the judgments associated with the law pronounced death upon him. What I am suggesting to you is that this was a prophetic word coming out of the mouth of Paul when he said this; for sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me, and by it slew me. It was just a prophetic word that was describing what had happened in the Garden of Eden. That was just a little extra. I do not know why I told you that.


We are dealing with the word killed, Strong’s #615 and we are saying that it means to kill outright, to destroy, to abolish, and it does not necessarily speak of the body.


Ephesians 2:16. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby. (KJV)


We know that Satan is being swallowed up. He is being swallowed up, and for all intents and purposes, he is being utterly destroyed. He is being nailed to the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will never rise again. But nevertheless, we are told in Ephesians 2:16 that he might reconcile both unto God in one body on the cross. Satan, in Christ, in one body on the cross, thereby having slain the enmity; Satan being the enmity. We are saying the natural man. That is what that means. Glory to God.


We are talking about the human soul being slaughtered, and becoming the perpetual sacrifice that burns in the flame of Christ, that is within us, and that Satan is being utterly destroyed, because he is being nailed to Christ, and being utterly swallowed up. Glory to God.


We are dealing with the two parts of the living soul. Until their fellow servants, also, and their brethren that should be killed, as they were, should be fulfilled. What we are talking about in this verse is dealing with the unconscious mind. We are not talking about being slaughtered here. We are talking about the word killed, and that word refers to Satan. The word slaughter refers to the soul, and that is translated slain frequently. Slain and slaughtered refers to the soul, and to be killed or destroyed outright refers to the judgment upon Satan, which is us. Of course, Adam or the soul is our conscious mind, and Satan is the unconscious mind.


Alternate Translation of the third, third, of Revelation, Chapter 6:11. Until the other slaves that serve the same master, all the members of the living soul, even Satan, who are birth out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who are about to be destroyed, as they were destroyed, should be filled with Christ also. (AT)


Genesis 3:20; And Adam called his wife’s name Eve;  because she was the mother of all living. (KJV)


Until the other slaves that serve the same master, even Satan, who were birth out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who are about to be destroyed as they were destroyed. That is the firstfruits company. They are waiting until they are going to be filled with Christ also. They are waiting for the balance of the living soul to birth Christ, and overcome Satan in their conscious mind, and in their unconscious mind, and to be redeemed.


Alternate Translation of Revelation, Chapter 6:11. And the souls of every one of them were redeemed, and every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time, until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan, who were birth out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who are about to be destroyed, as they were destroyed, should be filled with Christ also. (AT)


The sixth seal appears to be the firstfruits company, overcoming Satan in every area, the last area of which is the unconscious mind. Christ; the soul of Christ sits upon them. They are under the altar. They have rested from their spiritual labor of keeping Satan underfoot, but nevertheless, they cannot go forward with the glorification until the balance of the members of the living soul come to the same place that they have come to. As we will find out on Sunday, starting with the sixth seal, is the dealings of God with the balance of the members of the living soul, to bring them to the place where the firstfruits company is.


I think it should be pretty obvious to everybody here that the dealings of God with the balance of the members of the living soul is through the firstfruits company, through the men that make up the firstfruits company. I do not fully understand how it is going to happen, but He is going to be dealing with mankind through the firstfruits company after they have reached the place where Christ is sitting on their soul, and they have rested from their labors. We see it here in this ministry. I know that you all are as frustrated as I am. We have seen some miracles, some healings, and some demons cast out. We want to go out and lay hands on people. We want the excitement that comes from seeing people set free.


Most of us here have experienced it for years, ministry to other people. For this season, in this ministry, God is not giving it to us. What He has us doing is getting understanding. Remember what the beast said? Let them be aware and let them understand. That is what is happening to us now. We are becoming aware, and we are understanding, but we are not going out to the world, brethren, until Christ sits on our soul, and we cease from our labors. I know that we are really craving to go out. Well the truth never hurts. That is the truth. That is the situation. That is what we are doing here. We are getting understanding, and we are getting awareness. God is not sending us out, brethren, until we come to this position. I would just like to recap these few verses.


Alternate Translation of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verses 9 thru 11. And when the power of Christ continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the power of Satan, I saw in the spirit that the human souls of those having been slaughtered because the word of God, even Christ, had appeared in them. And because their spiritual condition of submission to the Christ gave evidence of his overcoming presence, I saw that those souls were, indeed, covered by, and in submission to the soul of Jesus Christ. And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit, even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored, meaning how much time must we wait over before you, who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us, defends our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind. And the souls of every one of them were redeemed, and every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time, until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan, who are birth out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who were about to be destroyed, as they were destroyed, should be filled with Christ also. (AT)


I just want to leave you with one thought. In verse 10 they are saying to him, Christ has appeared in us, but when are you going to defend us? I can see Christ in you. I can see Christ in you. I can see Christ in me, but he has not defended us yet. He has not separated us from our husband, Satan, and that is the marriage. Glory to God.


Any questions on this message? God bless you, and may this word be quickened to you, and may God keep you safe until we meet again.


09/25/13 Transcribed by MJS

09/27/13 1stEdit MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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