018 - Part 8


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 Part 8 of 9 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


At the last meeting, we did Genesis 2, Verse 19 and Verse 20.The Lord said that He wants me to give you another witness to it. That is what we are going to do now. That second witness is in Psalms 139:13. I am going to read Genesis 2, Verse 19 in the Alternate Translation, and then go on to a study in Psalms 139, Verses 13-16, to give you another witness to the Alternate Translation of these last two verses,19 and 20.


Genesis, 2:19, And the Lord God caused the ground which was forming the whole of the Son of God, to cleave to all of his members within him, even the sons of God, thus separating them from Him. He also caused the ground to cleave to the spirit which God had given to the living soul that died, even the part of the imputed anointing called Euphrates. (AT)


That is how Adam was divided into many members each one having a human soul and a human spirit. What we see on the earth today is one living soul that died. God just created one living soul and that soul died. It is in many parts and each one of us is a part of that living soul that died. If you would like to turn with me to Psalms 139:13, I will read from Verses 13-16.


Psalms 139:13-16


13, For thou hast possessed my reigns, thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14, I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.
15, My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16, Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them. (KJV)


We are going to start with Verse 13, picking it apart a word at a time. Verse 13, For thou hast possessed my reigns, thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. The Hebrew word translated possessed, strangely enough, means to erect or to set upright.


We, in this congregation, know that the soul man is lying down. He is spiritually weak and, therefore, we have all kinds of problems in our life; sickness, disease, emotional problems, deep hurt. The reason for this is that we are spiritually weak.


The promise of God is to raise us up into spiritual authority and power, typified by a standing, upright position, where we will no longer be subject to these things that the soul man is plagued by. The word possess means to stand up straight, to stand upright, to give spiritual authority to, to give overcoming power to the soul man. It also means to acquire for oneself.


For, indeed, when God acquires the soul man for Himself, and we become one with Him, we will be standing upright because God is standing upright. We are only in a lying down, weak position when we are separated from God. The Hebrew word translated reigns means instrument or vessel. It is used throughout the Old Testament to express the innermost mind of man or the innermost soul. The word covered is very misleading. The Hebrew word translated covered really means to entwine as a screen, to fence in or hedge in.


We have been told in earlier meetings that when the Son of God was propelled into the earth, He was interwoven with the Satanic realms of the earth, just like a screen and pieces of wire being woven in and out. The Hebrew word translated mother is mother, but I would like to point out to you here that the expression is to be used metaphorically. It means that the word mother represents the earth as the mother of men. Indeed, our Father is God and the earth is our mother.


Job 1:21 (KJV) says, Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I shall I return thither. We know that we cannot return to our mother's womb, and the indication is that the earth is the mother of all men.


The Hebrew word translated womb merely means fertile parts. It is the same word that is translated belly. We have had a lot of teachings on this recently. I have an Alternate Translation for you for that short phrase that I read.


I will read it in the King James.


Psalms 139:13, For thou hast possessed my reigns, thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. (KJV)


This is the Alternate Translation.


Psalms 139:13, For God has established me with all provision in the eternal realm of God, by joining Himself to my innermost soul or mind. He has interwoven me with the fertile parts of the earth. (AT)


Psalms 139:14, I will praise Him for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.


The Hebrew word translated praise is from a word that means the hand. It refers to anything that has to do with the hand, to use the hand, to hold out the hand, to throw something away or cast something away. It is translated praise from the concept of raising your hands. The intent of the verb is that something is being done with the hands, the raising of the hands; it could be to praise God, it could be to swat somebody, it could be to throw something away.


The word him, in I will praise Him, is a reflexive pronoun, and we have run into this before (I do not know if you remember this) when we were doing a study in the Greek, where it was talking about Jesus Christ dealing with the powers and principalities, and nailing Himself to them within Himself. The King James merely says it, but it was a personal pronoun. That is what we have here. The Hebrew says him but it really means himself.


The Hebrew fearfully means to fear, to frighten. In the King James, in two translations, it is translated fearful things or fearful ones. The Hebrew word translated wondrously means, strangely enough, to separate or to distinguish. We have mentioned earlier that in these really deep spiritual Scriptures, the King James translators had no spiritual knowledge. They were Hebrew scholars, and they just could not figure out what God was saying. They made sense out of it in the best way that they could.


They translated this Hebrew word wondrously. It is Strong's #6395. What it really means is to separate or to distinguish, to mark with a name. We were speaking about this last week. We were saying that all of the Sons of God were led into Adam by the Father, from the heavenlies. They were all inside of Him together, and Adam had to mark out each one.


Can you imagine all of us stuck together in a big bowl with no separation, no separation of thoughts, and no separation of body, just clumped together like Siamese twins? What kind of a life could you have? That was the condition of the Sons of God. They were in Adam, all stuck together, and Adam was going to separate them out and mark them as individuals. That is what this word wondrously means. It also means, and can be translated, to cleave. A little further along in this study we are going to find out that God speaks about cleaving. Cleaving is the English word used to describe the division of cells in a developing embryo.


If you are a woman, and one of your ovarian eggs is fertilized, the first thing that happens is that egg becomes one with the male element, and then it starts to divide. It is called a zygote at that point. When a male sperm penetrates an ovarian egg and joins with it, the fertilized egg becomes a zygote. It is a one-celled unit. Then it divides into two cells, the two cells divide into four, the four divide into eight and this continues. From a zygote, it becomes an embryo. The embryo becomes your fetus, which becomes your baby that is born.


What is happening in the creation is that God is forming Adam in the same way. We know that everything in the natural is an example of the spiritual, so that we could understand spiritual things. The way a human baby is formed in the womb, is the same way God was forming Adam, but on a much higher spiritual realm.


At this point, Adam was not a man. When God says that he formed the man, we are talking about the mind, or the soul, or the personality. The man did not have a body yet. When God formed the mind of Adam, He used a process very similar to what happens in a woman when a fetus is developing.


In the English language that word is called cleave. It means cell division, and this word wondrously can be translated to cleave or to name. We are saying the same thing. Either he is going to cleave and separate out a cell from himself and give them an individual identity, or he is going to separate out from himself and name an individual cell. We are saying the same thing; this is what God was doing.


The word made, in I will praise him for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, is not in the Hebrew. The King James writers just stuck it in for the same reason, just trying to make sense out of it. Marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth well. I am going to give you an Alternate Translation on the first half of that verse, I will praise him for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


Alternate Translation, He cast down His hand so that the ones who were fearful might be separated from Him and be formed into distinguished individuals with their own name.


He cast out His hand, He thrust out His hand, so that the fearful ones might be separated from Him, and be formed into distinguished individuals with their own name.


We are talking about cell division.


I have a little study for you here which, hopefully, will establish who the hand of God is, and who the fearful ones are, and that the fearful ones are indeed the wicked of the earth.


We had a prior study, Job 26:13, which established that the hand of God is indeed the Son of God, and we know that the world was made by Him, and without Him nothing was made.


The Scripture that I wrote down for you is Job 26:13, KJV, By His Spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. By the Spirit of God, God has caused the heavens to come into being. His hand or His Son gave birth to or was birthed as the Serpent, the one who has pierced through the spiritual veil into the realm of appearance.


When we say in Verse 14 of Psalms 139, that God cast out His hand, we are talking about Him casting out His Son. As you may recall, when His Son landed in the earth He gave His Life to the earth. When you give something away you do not have it anymore.


He gave His Life to the realm of death. He gave His Life to the earth, and He lost His spiritual authority. He became helpless, totally dependant on the Father God in the heavenlies, to keep Him. He gave everything He had away. He gave all of His substance away.


Webster's definition of the word fear is an unpleasant, often strong, emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. A state or a state marked by this emotion. Who are the fearful? Verse 14 is saying that God cast out His Son so that the fearful ones might be separated out. Let us try and find out who the fearful ones are.


I John 4:18 says, There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.


To understand this we have to look at the words love and perfect. The word love here is the agape love. We know there are three kinds of love, Eros, physical love, Phileo, love of the soul or friendship type love, and Agape, which is the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, which asks for nothing in return. It just gives and gives and gives. We, as human beings, will some day inherit the ability to manifest all three types of love in one relationship.


In every instance of I John 4:18, we are talking about Agape love, but it says, He that feareth is not made perfect in love. What does made perfect mean? The Greek word translated perfect means accomplished, fulfilled, perfect.


What is the love of God? A lot of people think that because they have a salvation experience, and some of them think that because they have the Holy Spirit, that means they have the love of God. A salvation experience which gives you faith does not give you the love of God. Having the Holy Spirit does not give you the love of God. The only way to get the love of God is to manifest the Son of God.


I personally know many people that have the Holy Spirit. They speak in tongues, they pray for the sick, they cast out demons, and they are the most black-hearted wicked people I have ever met in my life. The love of God only comes forth from the Son, and that is the only love worth its salt.


What John is saying is that there is no fear when you are manifesting the Agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Son of God is manifesting in you, there is no room for fear. He is saying that if the Son of God is not manifesting in you, there is room for fear.


If the Son of God is not manifesting, who is manifesting? Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, fallen adam or the soul realm is manifesting. Fear is prevalent in the soul realm. Fear is the result of separation from God.


Proverbs 28:1, The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion.


The Hebrew word translated wicked means morally wrong, the opposite of God.


Natural man is the opposite of God. We talked about this in the last service. We said that God wants to be revealed as righteous. He shows us His righteousness by contrasting Himself against the unrighteousness of the natural man. He puts us up against Him so that we can see ourselves for what we really are, unrighteous.


The Scripture says that there is no good thing in us. Without the Son, life is not worth anything. We might have a good life. There are some people that live a good life, they do good deeds and they are happy in this earth, but it cannot get them eternal life. Eternal life is only in the Son. We talked about this last week.


Even those of us that have a half-way decent life, have much grief in this lifetime. I really do not know anybody that has not had their share of pain and torment. The only way out is with the Son.


I hope that I have established for you that the fearful ones are the ones that have been separated from God. When Adam and when the Sons of God were cast into the earth to give life to the earth, they were separated from God. They became the soul realm, and they became the fearful ones. That is who they are, fearful souls until the day of restoration into a saving relationship with the Son of God. Christ in you the hope of glory.


Alternate Translation of verse 14, first half, He cast out His hand, His Son, so that the fearful ones that have been buried in the earth and lost all their spiritual power may be separated from Him, and formed into distinguished individuals with their own name.


I Peter 3:17 (KJV) says, Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.


The evil one, the wicked one, the fearful one is our carnal mind, the mind of the natural man.


Once we are called into the beloved and the Lord Jesus Christ gives us His Spirit, His Son starts coming forth in us. We now have two minds. We do not have to be fearful. We can be bold in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will indeed teach us all things by His mind and by His Spirit which we have.


There is great need for change, brethren, because the reason for Him imparting His Spirit to us is that we, who are the natural man, should confess our condition which we all have. We should confess our unrighteousness in relationship to God, not in relationship to our mother, or our cousin, or the President of the United States.


I know somebody that used to tell me all the time, My brother is really bad, he is a bank robber, so I guess I am okay. No, you are not. You measure yourself up against the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only valid measure, and not until you can look at yourself and say that there is no good thing in you is there any hope of the Son coming forth in you.


You must repent. Jesus said to the Pharisees, You say that there is nothing wrong with you, therefore your sin remaineth with you. If you do not think you have a sin you cannot get delivered. There is no way to get delivered unless you admit that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.


This is the second half of Verse 14, Marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. What is He talking about? I love studying in the Old Testament. After we rewrite it, it does not sound anything like the King James at all, but at least we now know what God is trying to say to the people.


Marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. The Hebrew word translated marvelous is the same word that is translated wonderfully, and it means to separate. How did they get marvelous out of that? It is the same word. It means to separate or to cleave.


The word my in That my soul knoweth right well is the Hebrew word #1700, and it is not a pronoun at all. It does not mean my at all. It means a reason, a suit or style, a manner, a mode, or according to the manner of. Strangely enough, that is what it means. Strong's #1700 comes from a root that means speech, promise, word.


The word soul means the human soul. The Hebrew word translated knoweth means to perceive, to acquire knowledge, to be acquainted with. The Hebrew word translated right means the right side, and in the Scripture the right side typifies power and blessing.


If you are sitting on the right hand of Jesus, that is where all authority is. With the authority comes power to have our every need met. We need power, we need power to get food, we need power to have a place to live in, we need power to stay healthy.


A lot of people living in this country do not understand this because they are so blessed here. It is a blessing of God to be able to have any kind of food that you want, to have any kind of medication you need. (Hopefully, in the Lord we do not need medication, but if you do it is available to you.)


We are really blessed in this country. Jobs are available to us, cars are available to us; everything is available to us. Most of the world does not have this. In India they sleep all over the streets. I know that this is becoming not so uncommon in this country now, people sleeping all over the streets.


I have an Alternate Translation of you. This is all of Verse 14, let me read it in the King James.


Psalm 139:14, I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. (KJV)


Alternate Translation,


Psalm 139:14, And God cast His Son into the earth, so that His not yet formed offspring could be separated out from Him and molded into individuals with their own identity and, indeed, His children were separated out from Him in accordance with the manner which would provide their souls with prosperity, blessing, and all good things until the fulfillment of the promise to restore them to the eternal realm of God. (AT)


When we live in this realm of the soul, we are weak. If we have food, if we have clothing, if we have one person to love us, husband, wife, children, if we have any good thing, it is a gift from God. We are powerless to obtain these things by ourselves; it is a gift from God.


This is not commonly known. The Lord can lift His hand and devastation could come across this country, and we could have nothing. We could be without homes, without clothes, without food, without loved ones. We are powerless to get it ourselves. Repent America!


Verse 15 says, My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.


A verse down, the word substance is used again, and I want to point out that it is not the same word substance. We have two English words substance translated from two different Hebrew words, and they mean totally different things. This is the first instance of the word substance, and it means power and might.


It is from a root that means to make numerous or to be increased. The implication is reproductive strength. As you may recall, we have been speaking in these meetings about the Scriptural principle that when a man has a first born child, the bulk of his spiritual genetic substance, is deposited in that first born.


That is what the Scripture says. I am not saying it. That is what the Scripture says. I know that is not very a popular belief in this country today, but that is what the Lord says. We studied Hebrew words that indicate when a man gives his spiritual strength to his firstborn he is depleted; you cannot give it away twice.


We are going to find out, as I am sure most of you already know, that when God gives away His spiritual substance to His firstborn, He is not depleted. He still has because He is an unending fountain.


He is an unlimited source of supply, and when He sent His firstborn Son to give life to the earth, the Son became weak, but God did not become weak. God was not depleted. He lost nothing, because God changes not. He does not change. When something flows out of Him, it just keeps on flowing, and this is great mystery of the realm of the spirit. I cannot understand it. Praise the Lord.


The verse that we are working on is, My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. The Hebrew word translated hid really means to deny, to disown, to cover over, or to hide.


The Hebrew word translated secret means to cover, to protect by covering, like an eagle would cover its young with it is wings. The Hebrew word translated curiously, strangely enough, does not mean curiously at all. This is the only time in Strong's that this Hebrew word is translated curiously. What it is talking about is to diversify in external appearance.


I am sure most of you know that if you take a prism and shine bright, white light through the prism, the light is dispersed, and you get all the colors of the rainbow, all of the colors of the spectrum. When you put all those colors together you get bright, white light. Do you understand?


When you take light and you put it through an object called a prism, it separates the light down to its basic parts. The basic parts of bright, white light are all of the basic colors of the spectrum that is in the rainbow. If you know anything about art, you know that. Do you know how many basic colors there are? There are not that many colors. I believe there are six basic colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.


What we are talking about here is that the word translated curiously, is referring to something that looks in a particular way, and something is done to it to break it down to its components, for example bright, white light, broken down to its basic component parts. That is what this word translated curiously means.


It is especially used of weaving a garment of variously colored threads. We are talking about taking an external appearance and diversifying it. That is what God is doing with Adam. He put His Son into the earth, and He broke Him down into many parts. Let us say the Son was one piece of paper, but God wants many members, so He took what He was and He broke Him down into many parts. The parts did not look like Him.


When you break down light, you have yellow, red, green, blue etc. If somebody does not teach you that these colors are a part of basic white light, how would you ever know? When God took His Son and broke Him into many pieces, the many pieces did not look anything like the Son.


The Hebrew word translated wrought is the same Hebrew word translated curiously. I do not know why they did it twice but they did. The Hebrew word translated lowest talks about the lowermost, the depths, the pit. It could mean hell, or it could mean womb. It is sometimes translated womb. The word part means to cut something off. It is just a piece, and the earth is merely the hard part of the creation as opposed to the sea.


I have an Alternate Translation for you here, of Psalms139:15 (KJV), My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.


Psalms139:15, My reproductive strength which I received from God but, nevertheless, did not weaken God or deprive him when I was formed under the protection of the cover of His Spirit, and also my spiritual life which was pure white light was separated into many colors and interwoven with the realm of death. (AT)


We mentioned in the last meeting that when God created man, He took His Son and He interwove Him, like you would weave a basket or weave fabric, with the earth. That is what He did. I am going to read this again. This is the son of God talking.


My reproductive strength which I received from God but nevertheless did not weaken or deprive God, when He formed me under the protection of the cover of His Spirit, and also my spiritual life which was pure white light was separated into many colors and interwoven with the realm of death.


His reproductive strength and the pure white light of His Spirit were woven with the realm of death. I want to tell you about this. We spoke for quite a while on weaving and the warp and the woof in prior messages, and God showed us that the warp and the woof are not interchangeable. The warp is the foundation of the garment, and it is the original threads that you hang on the loom. The woof is the threads that you weave through it.


God let me see a picture (maybe it was on TV, I am not even sure where), of someone weaving, and the warp was very dull. It was obviously the foundation, but it was dull. It was made of threads that you could not see, almost like plastic threads. The color of the garment was the color of the woof. The thread that they wove through it was what gave color to the garment.


I could not understand that, because I know that the bright colors are the Lord Jesus Christ. We were told in that teaching that He is the foundation. He is the warp because He is the foundation, and it was the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that was woven through Him. How could the woof be the bright colors? It was a contradiction.


The Lord reminded me that everything in the natural is a mirror image of what is happening in the spiritual. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the creation, and in the natural on a loom, that foundation, those threads through which the woof is woven, is dull, but in the spirit, the bright color is in the warp, not in the woof. It is just the opposite.


I would like to make a notation for you, that in Verse 13, this Psalm talks about the Son of God being interwoven with the fertile parts of the earth. In Verse 15, He talks about being interwoven with the realm of death. What happened? We know that the living soul that died has three parts, the human spirit, the human soul and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


First, God sent His Son into the earth, then He wove Him together with the fertile parts of the earth, the human spirit, and then they became one. Then He took that thread and wove it together with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. We have two separate joining processes here, in forming the mind of the creation that God calls Adam.


Psalms 139:16, Thine eyes did see my substance being yet unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them. (KJV)


This is the second Hebrew word translated substance. It is Strong's #1564, and it is the only time that this Hebrew word is translated substance. It means to be wrapped in an unperfect mass, such as the embryo, the parts of which are not yet unfolded and developed, an undeveloped embryo, with many potential parts that are all stuck together.


That is what this word substance means, wrapped in an unperfect mass, such as the embryo, the parts of which are not yet unfolded, and developed. Webster's definition of embryo used a couple of words that I really did not know myself. I had to look up the words to understand what he was talking about.


Rather than making this anymore confusing for you than necessary, I included the definitions of the words I did not understand in what I am going to read to you. If you look this up in Webster's, it is not going to sound like this, because I took some of the words that he used, and I looked those words up. I hope you understand what I am talking about.


Webster's definition of embryo, The developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week. It also is a vertebrate at any stage of development prior to birth. It can be an animal in the early stages of growth and development, where the original cell becomes many cells. This is the cleavage and the division we were talking about. Each cell is then marked as an individual by the process known as cell division.


Cell division results in a single fertilized egg becoming a multi-cellular embryo. Another function of cell division is that the existing body parts are modified for the performance of particular functions. We know that what we have been studying for the last few services is that Adam, the whole creation, is being broken down into a many-membered body.


If you remember, God tells us in Genesis 2:21, if I am not mistaken, that Adam had no way of passing these many members out. It says here that one of the functions of cell division is to modify existing body parts for the performance of particular functions. That is what God did when He created Eve.


Adam was a creation with many parts, just like we could be pregnant with fifty fetuses (which is impossible for a human being; that is the only example that I could think of giving you), and there was no apparatus by which Adam could pass these many fetuses out. Therefore, God had to modify him. That is a function of cell division.


There is no such Hebrew word translated unperfect,. The King James translators just put it in. I want to read that for you in the King James again before I go on, Thine eyes did see mine substance being yet unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there were none of them.


What kind of a book was He talking about? The Hebrew word translated book can mean a bill of sale. It can also mean a bill of divorce. I want to read you a few Scriptures from Jeremiah 32:8-10, talking about a book.


First, let me give you a little background on this. Jeremiah wrote to the house of Judah, and the house of Judah went into captivity. They rebelled against God. They would not repent. The Lord sent a prophet to tell them that they were going into captivity, and that there was nothing that they could do to stop it. The Word of the Lord to them was to go peaceably into captivity.


Israel was a warring nation, and the prophet comes to them and says, Go into captivity, give up your homes and go, I will bring you out again, but go into captivity. The royalty of Judah rejected the prophet Jeremiah; they rejected the Word of the Lord. They decided it was not God speaking through him, because it did not tell them what they wanted to hear. They decided that it was not God. Jeremiah was persecuted; he came close to death several times. It was just the mercy of God that kept him alive.


There was a false prophet who gave the Judeans the word that they wanted to hear. He said to them, Do not go into captivity, fight. We mentioned this at the last meeting. If you fight and God is not with you, you are sure to be smitten, you might as well just kill yourself, you cannot make it. If you fight, and it is not the Word of the Lord to you to fight, you are as good as smitten.


The Word of the Lord to Judah was, I am sending you into captivity, go, submit yourself to the judgment, and I will bring you out. For bringing this word, the Judeans persecuted Jeremiah. This is the background. I do not have time to read you the whole thing.


When the Jews went into captivity, God told Jeremiah to buy a field and bury the bill of sale. This was symbolic of God redeeming Judah. It was his way of saying, The field is going under the ground, I am burying the deed under the ground, but I am going to bring you out. Just do what I tell you, and I am going to bring you out.


This is where we are picking up.


Jeremiah 32:8-11,


8, So Hanameel, mine uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the Lord and said to me, buy my field, I pray thee (remember, Adam was the field) that is in Anathoth, which is the country of Benjamin, for the right of inheritance is thine, and the redemption is thine, buy it for thyself, then I knew that this was the word of the Lord.

9, And I bought the field of Hanameel, my uncle's son, and was in Anathoth, and weighed him the money, even seventeen shekels of silver.

10, And I subscribed the evidence, which is the deed and I sealed it, and I took witnesses, and I weighed him the money in the balances.

11, So I took the evidence of the purchase, both that which was sealed according to the law and custom and that which was open.


There were two evidences. I took the evidence of the purchase, both that which was sealed according to the law and custom and that which was open. Nothing could be done in Judah without two witnesses, so they have the written evidence which was the deed, and then they have a testimony of a modern day affidavit of the two witnesses that this was all legal.


12, And I gave the evidence of the purchase unto Baruch the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, in the sight of Hanameel mine uncle's son, and in the presence of the witnesses that subscribed the book of the purchase, before all the Jews that sat in the court of the prison.

13, And I charged Baruch before them, saying,

14, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.


Thus saith the Lord of hosts.... this is what God said to Jeremiah. He did what God told him. He bought the field. Remember, Adam was the field, he had two witnesses, a deed and an affidavit. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase....


Who was purchased? Do you remember? Adam was purchased by the Satanic realm. Do remember that teaching a couple of messages back?


15, For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land. (KJV)


He sold Judah into captivity but God said, I will bring you back.


We are talking about a verse in which they are talking about a book. I am suggesting to you that the book that God is talking about is the book in which He wrote down all of the names of the Sons of God in which He sold His Son into. He sold the Son of God, and all of the children that He had, to the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but God has promised to redeem us, the whole human race. He has promised to redeem the entire living soul that died. He is getting back everyone.


Romans 7:14, For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. (KJV)


God has sold us under sin; the natural man is sold under sin. The Greek word sold means to travel, and it is from a root that means to pierce through. We have had a lot of teaching here on piercing through from one realm to the other. When the Son of God and all of His children came from the spiritual realm into the earth, they pierced through the spiritual veil. You can pierce from the spiritual realm down to the natural realm, or you can pierce from the natural realm back up to the spiritual realm.


We all fell down. Everybody alive today except Jesus Christ has fallen down. We have pierced through the spiritual veil. We left the heavenlies where God is, and we are in this fallen condition. The promise of God is that we are going to pierce that spiritual veil again, and we are going to get back into the heavenlies with God where our every need is met.


The Scripture says, there will be no more pain, no more tears, no more torments, no more curse. That is the word of God. We are going back up, but it is not rapture. We were spiritual beings without a body, we fell down to the earth, we became carnal men with bodies, and we are going back up. We are going to be spiritual men with bodies.


When we go home, we are taking our bodies and our soul with us, just like the dream that xxx had today. We left the spiritual realm of God just a spirit, and we are going home with a soul and a body. That is what this is all about. Our being here in the earth realm, with all of our suffering and all of our torment, is so as to be birthed into the spiritual realm with a soul and body.


What comes after that, we do not know. Paul said, in 1 Corinthians 2:9 Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what God has in store for us, once we are actually birthed. We are in the womb. We are spiritual beings in the womb of the earth. We are in utero, and we are being birthed back into the spiritual realm as a new creation, a spirit possessing a soul and living in a body, the creation of God; Christ in you, the hope of glory. Hallelujah, glory to God.


Psalms 139:16, Thine eyes did see my substance being yet unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them. ( KJV)


The word translated all means the whole. It is the same word used in Genesis 2:19. This Psalm is almost word for word the same as Genesis 2:19.


This is the only time that this Hebrew word is translated continuance. It is the same word that is translated in Genesis 2:4 as day, Strong's #3117. If you could figure that one out, maybe you could let me know because I cannot.


The Hebrew word translated fashioned is the same word that is translated form in the man was formed. The word yet means assembled, and it is from a root meaning to gather. I am telling you I do not understand this, but you can look it up it is Strong's #1571. It is translated in the King James yet and it means assembled. It is from a root meaning to gather.


I am going to read you Verse 16 and give you an Alternate Translation.


Psalms 139:16, Thine eyes did see my substance being yet unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them. (KJV)


Psalms 139:16, God's eyes saw my unperfect mass and in His bill of sale, when He sold us to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, all of my members were included, which were formed within me in the time period called day, or lust, or passion, before my sons ever experienced the Life of God. (AT)


I will read it again, God's eyes saw my unperfect mass or embryo, and in His bill of sale by which He sold us to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, all of my members were included, which were formed within me in the time period called day, or lust, or passion, before they ever experienced the Life of God.


We know that this soul realm is the realm of emotion. In the spirit, we do not have problems with emotions. We do not have crimes of passion in the realm of the spirit. Emotion, intense emotion, emotion that drives us to do things that we know we would not do if we were calm, is a sign that we are manifesting the soul realm.


We are ruled by our passions, but when we receive the Lord Jesus Christ our passions go under foot, and we are ruled by the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Our passions are not supposed to be motivating us to do anything. If we have the Lord Jesus Christ, He motivates us. If we do not have Him, His law is supposed to motivate us, not our passions.


There is no excuse for being driven by your passions, even if you have not birthed the Son, because you still know that you are not supposed to kill and that you are not supposed to steal, and that you are not supposed to be angry at your brother without a cause, that you are to treat your neighbor as you would treat yourselves.


We all know the law and that if we break the law, no matter what the reason is, even if we have been driven by our passions, or any kind of emotional experience, we have sinned. There is no excuse. If you have sinned, you must repent. If you do not repent, there is no deliverance.


I want to read these four verses to you of Psalm 139, so that you can get the whole picture.


Psalms 139:13-16,


13, For God has established me with all provision in the eternal realm of God, by joining Himself to my inmost mind, He has interwoven me with the fertile parts of the earth,

14, He cast out His hand or His Son, so that the fearful ones may be separated from Him, and He formed them into distinguished individuals with their own name and indeed, His own children were separated out from Him, in accordance with the manner which would provide their souls with prosperity, blessings and all good things until the fulfillment of the promise to restore them to the eternal realm of God.

15, My reproductive strength which I received from God, but nonetheless did not weaken Him, when I was formed under the protection of the cover of His Spirit, and my spiritual life which was pure white light, was separated into many colors and interwoven with the realm of death.

16, God's eyes saw mine unperfect mass, and in His bill of sale to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, when He sold us to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, all of my members were included, which were formed within me in the time period called day, or lust or passion, before they ever experienced the life of God. (AT)


We again have the story of the creation, and we know that there must be at least two witnesses to any deep truth that we find anywhere in the Scripture. There must be at least two witnesses. If you cannot find it, ask God, He will show it to you. Sometimes it is really hidden, as we just found out. This is really hidden, this is very deep. This truth of how God made man is hidden very deep in the bowels of the earth.


We know that we are still being made. We are not finished. God did not make us to live the life that we are living now. No matter how good it is there is always pain and torment involved, for some people more than others.


God did not make us to leave us in this condition. He made us so that He can birth His Son, the Christ, in us. Christ will come forth and dwell within us, join Himself to us, become one with us and, thus, impart His eternal life, the realm of all provision, to us. There will be no more pain, no more torment, no more problems, no more curse, no more tears. That is how we are going to get out of this mess. Jesus, the Christ, must be birthed within us and join Himself to us.


I would like to read to you my Alternate Translation of Genesis 2:19, but first the King James version, and then we are going to finish out Chapter 2 tonight. Hallelujah. I did not think we would ever get through this.


Genesis 2:19, And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (KJV)

Alternate translation,


And the Lord God propelled the spiritual life known as plants and herbs into the ground, which was already forming the man, and the pressure caused by their entrance into the earth caused the earth to rise up and cleave unto them, and God changed their name, when the earth covered them.

He called the plants, covered with earth, beasts of the field, and He called the herbs, covered with earth, fowls of heaven, and God brought them into their proper place within Adam, and watched Adam divide himself into many pieces so that each plant and each herb would no longer be lumped together with him, but would have an individuality of its own.

Adam, the whole of the creation, marked each plant and herb which was now called beast of the field and fowl of the air, and he gave a mark of identification to each human soul, which is the beast, and each human spirit which is the fowl, and Adam wove each living soul together with a human spirit, and then wove the soul and the spirit together with the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.

Adam called the living creature formed (a soul, spirit, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind), cattle. The spiritual life previously known as plants and herbs were now mute beasts, cattle, who had lost their spiritual authority to merely speak and have their every need met, and Adam marked them clearly, so that when it came time for God to call them back from the depths of the earth, He would be able to find them.

Adam who was now pregnant with many fetuses, had no mechanism within him by which he could pass the fetuses out from him so that total separation and individuality could be accomplished. (AT)


I would like to reiterate at this time that we are talking about the formation of the mind of man. God has not yet formed the body. This is the mind or the soul realm of man. You will see as we go on that God spent much more time forming the mind or the personality, than the body. The body was real easy. He does not even say much about it. We are not these bodies. We are our mind, we are our personality, and we are our soul. That is who we are. We are not these bodies.


I would like to go on with Verse 21 of Chapter 2.


Genesis 2:21, And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept, and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. (KJV)


Some of you might know that this Hebrew word translated rib, Strong's #6763, does not mean rib. I do not know how many of you know that it does not mean rib. It actually means side. He cut Adam open, and He took one of His sides. There were two sides, He took one.


He took the side out. Adam did not look like we look now, because he did not have a body yet. He was a spiritual entity. Can you understand that? He was a spiritual entity. We do not really know what he looked like, because spirit has no shape or form. It is like you have a mass of jelly, and God just took half of it, or took a chunk out of it. What He did was He formed his reproductive parts.


We know that entities that exist in a high realm of the spirit are both male and female. We are a fallen creation. At the point that we are talking about now, Adam had not yet fallen. He existed in the high realm of the spirit with his Father. Entities that dwell in that realm are both male and female.


We have discussed that there must a natural type for everything. The natural type of this is the plants in our world that have both male and female organs. There is a name for it when a plant or an animal has both reproductive organs, hermaphrodite.


With a person it is a perversion, but there are plants that have both male and female organs, and they reproduce from within themselves. Last week, God reminded us that this natural realm is a mirror image of the spiritual realm. Whatever we see here is the opposite of what obtains in the spiritual realm. It is just like you are looking in a mirror.


We see the lowest life form, the plant, reproduces from both male and female organs within them. In the realm of the spirit, it is not the lowest life form but the highest life form that reproduces from having both male and female organs within them. Those of us that have any knowledge of the Scripture at all know that God is both male and female.


God has many names, and one of His names is the Breasted One. There are many Scriptures that indicate that He has nourished and raised up children. When God reproduces Himself, He merely breaks off pieces of Himself, because He is the only one. He is the highest spiritual form of life known to the entire universe. God does not have a Mrs. God; He is it. He is self sufficient, and He is male and female.


Adam, being made in the likeness and image of God, was male and female. What God did when He put Adam to sleep was, He took his side and He formed it into the apparatus for reproduction. He did not have a body like we have, so we cannot even say He gave him a womb. He was a spiritual entity.


God gave him an apparatus that permitted all of his members to be passed out and separated so that there would be many, many souls. Each one of us is a soul, a living soul that died, that has fallen down even lower and taken on the flesh. This life in the flesh is the lowest form of spiritual life.


At that point in Genesis 2:21, it was the mind of man that was formed, and Adam was pregnant with many, many, members. When God took half of him, or took his rib, what He did was give him an apparatus by which Adam could pass these many members out from him into total individuality. The next step was that they would fall down into the earth and receive bodies and appear like we appear now.


The creation was formed at its highest spiritual level, and it continued to descend, it continued to descend. Just like when you form a glass, or when you work with metal, if you want to reshape it, you have to put it in the heat. You have to melt glass and make it liquid and put it in a mold. Then you cool it off. When it is cooled off, you still have glass, but you have completely changed the shape of it.


To work with the glass you have to melt it. That is pretty much what God has done to His Sons. They were spirit which is a high spiritual realm. He lowered them into the soul realm so that He could form them and change them. When He gets us the way He wants us, He is going to bring us back up into the heavenlies again.


Genesis 2:22, And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man. (KJV)


The word woman is a contraction of womb and man. He made a womb man. He took half of Adam, and He formed it into something that was a womb. He was going to bring forth the many members. That word unto is a preposition. And He brought her unto the man. The word unto can also be translated into.


The context of the verse says that He literally brought the womb man back to Adam and joined them, and they again became one flesh. It would be like God took your arm off. Let us say you had a withered arm, and God took your arm off, then He fixed it up, and stuck it back on again. We know that God could do that.


In the New Testament we are told that Peter sliced the ear off of the soldier and Jesus just stuck his ear back on again. He is able to do this because all that we are to Him is lumps of clay. He is such a superior being that, that it is nothing for Him.


What God did was He broke Adam in half (if that is how you need to look at it to understand it), and He fixed him up into a form that could birth the many-membered soul, and He stuck him back together again, just like Jesus put the ear back on the servant. God is powerful enough to do that, and they again became one entity. They were not separated into men and women at this point, like we are today.


Genesis 2:23, And Adam said, this is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (KJV)


In the Scriptures bone typifies the spirit, and flesh typifies the soul. We have a lot of people running around in the churches speculating whether or not the glorified creation is going to have blood, and why Eve did not have blood. God is not talking about blood here. What He is saying is that she was made of My Spirit, and she was made of My Soul. We know that the living soul that died is in three parts, the human spirit, the human soul and the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


God is not mentioning the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. He did not mention it here, and He did not mention it up in Verse 20. He is just talking about soul and spirit, but we know that the Satanic realm, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is there because we just had two witnesses.


In the last service and this service, we learned that the way God made a man was that He wove the soul to the human spirit and they became one. Then He wove them into one piece of fabric with the Satanic realms, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


When you look at that loom, you see the strands (warp) strung across that you weave through. When you weave those colors (woof) through, you cannot see the original strand. They were plastic, they were like plastic white. God showed me a picture of a woman taking these bright colored threads and weaving them through the white plastic. When the fabric was finished, all you saw was the bright colored threads. You did not see the foundation that went this way.


You cannot see Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but he is in there. God does not talk about him because he is not important; he is not a part of the creation. He is there to give us form, bulk, and substance. He is not supposed to be where he is today. He is out of his place, he is unlawful, and he is criminal. God is going to put him back down underfoot.


Adam is saying here, This apparatus that God gave me that can pass forth the many members and separate out the mind of man into a many-membered creation, every one of these members is going to have a spirit that comes from my spirit.


We talked about this when we talked about Euphrates. We said that is a gift from God. The human spirit is pure spirit, and it is a gift from God, so that we should be able to reproduce His Son. When the Holy Spirit comes to fertilize us, we have to have something of God in us for us to be fertilized. The human spirit is a pure gift from God.


And Adam said, she is bone of my bones.... meaning the spirit that I had, that is the spirit that she has.


She is flesh of my flesh.... meaning the soul that I had, that is the soul that she has ....and she shall be called woman.... or womb man ....because she was taken out of man. She is indeed the reproductive organs of man, that apparatus that brought forth the many-membered Adam into the earth.


Genesis 2:24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. (KJV)


We know that the Father of Adam was God, and we mentioned earlier in this service that the mother of mankind is the earth. Adam, the living soul that died, was born of the spirit of God, and the womb of the earth. The Hebrew word translated cleave means to adhere as with glue.


Ezekiel 3:26 says, And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth that thou shalt be dumb. This is talking about an actual cleaving; God stuck them back together again.


In the New Testament Paul tells us that a man and his wife are one flesh, and that this is a great mystery, because when we look at a married couple, like xxx and xxx, they are married, but are sitting across the room from one another, not joined physically. However, in the realm of the soul, they are joined. That is the Word of the Lord.


Adam and Eve had no body, but they were one flesh. They were joined.


Genesis 2:25, And they were both naked the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed. (KJV)


There has been all kind of speculation about what this nakedness means. I suggest to you Adam and Eve did not have any bodies yet. It is as simple as that. They were a mind without a body. When the Scripture says that they were not ashamed, what it means is that they could exist because God was sustaining them.


We know that when this body dies, our mind cannot live without this body. Depending on our relationship with Jesus Christ, when this body dies, our soul either dies, or it goes with our spirit back to the Father. The soul cannot keep itself alive.


Adam and Eve were naked, but they were not ashamed. Even though they did not have something to protect them, to wrap around them and protect them, Jesus Christ was sustaining them. They were alive. They were nailed to the spiritual realm of God, the realm of all provision.


However, something went wrong and in Genesis Chapter 3, we are told about the seduction. If you want to learn about that, you could get LEM message #2, The Seduction of Eve. It tells all about what happened to Adam and Eve living in the mind or the earth that God had created for them, and how they were seduced by the Serpent. It tells about the result of that seduction and the condition that we are all in today.


I thought that I would finish up this study here, but the Lord told me that He wants me to go into how we got our bodies. Therefore there will be one more message on how we got our human bodies. Then, I guess that will wrap up this series. Praise the Lord, I hope you enjoyed it.






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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