Part 5 of 5 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Isaiah 22, reviewing the Alternate Translations of verses 15 through the end which I worked up two years ago. I am going to review them, put it on this series and tie it into what we have done so far. So I think I am going to use the board here. Just want to -- I want you to know that this issue -- whoever works here, this -- once this dries out, it is useless. You got to have a cap on it.
This issue of Christ crucified. I do not think I have the whole understanding of what the Lord has given us right now. Whether or not it will come out as we go over it, and whether or not it will come out over the next weeks, we will see, but I would like to exhort you once again that if it ever does happen that I have to completely withdraw something that I have taught you, it ever turns out that I just really made a mistake, and I have to make a 360 degree turn, I will tell you, OK. But that is not what has happened here, OK. The basic truth of what I taught you still stands, and what is that? Christ crucified, one, does not kill Christ. The crucifixion of Christ does not kill Christ. Let us do it this way. The crucifixion of Christ does not kill. I have taught you that it kills who?
The carnal mind.
OK. That is still true, but not exactly in the way that I told you. How we got there is a little different. But eventually -- how can I say that? Well, if the crucifixion of Christ is the resurrection of your dead human spirit, OK, if it is the strengthening, if it is the empowering of your human spirit, what happens when your human spirit grows up and becomes Christ? What does he do? Who --
OK. If the crucifixion of Christ is the empowering of your dead human spirit, if it is the resurrection of your dead human spirit, which is what I am saying now, -- let me -- let us get it down here. The crucifixion of Christ is the empowering of your human spirit. When your human spirit becomes empowered, her name changes to what? What is the resurrection of your dead spirit?
Christ. And when Christ becomes full grown, he does what?
Kills the carnal mind.
He kills your carnal mind. OK. So it is still true. What I told you is true just exactly how what happens. I had it -- I did not have it exactly right. So the crucifixion of Christ empowers your human spirit. It does not kill Christ. It does kill the carnal mind eventually. I will take questions as we go on this. If I am not making any sense to you, I will take it right now. The crucifixion of Christ will eventually kill your carnal mind, OK. What I told you is that the crucifixion of Christ took place -- I told you that it took place while the man Jesus hung on the cross. I told you that while his body was being crucified, while his physical body was being crucified, and that it -- an event that you could see in the realm of the Spirit, the carnal mind was being crucified by the Christ mind, OK. That is still true. That is still true because the Scriptures that I gave you still stand. Of the twain, of the two, he made one new man. Of the two minds, he made one new man, the beginning of the creation of God, OK.
So that is true, but the problem is that that truth is not expressed by the expression “Christ crucified”. Are you with me? What I told you really happened, but that event is not described by the expression “Christ crucified”. I put the wrong name on it, but the event that I described to you is true. Everybody OK? Is everybody OK? Are you OK? OK.
So the crucifixion of Christ is the empowering of the human spirit which will eventually kill the carnal mind, and it takes place in a spiritual place. I do not know what to do with that, Lord, but it takes place -- or let us not say it takes place. Let us give it other names, other ways of expressing it -- is the resurrection of the dead, the engrafting of the Word of God, the conception of Christ Jesus. And, see, Christ alone is your human spirit. When she is crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, or when she is penetrated or fertilized by the Lord Jesus Christ, she brings forth a Son and takes on the name of her Son, which is not Christ alone, but is Christ Jesus. So we see Christ Jesus is a powerful male warrior manifestation of Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ is the glorified spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ alone is the human spirit which is likened to the female seed which is weak because she is incomplete and lacking the contribution that comes from the male seed.
Now, is this not interesting because if you examine the literature of the New Age Movement, they almost never talk about Christ Jesus. They almost never talk about the Lord Jesus Christ. I will not say never because I could be mistaken. I have not read every piece of literature they have, but I have never seen a piece of New Age literature refer to anything or anyone other than Christ alone or Christ consciousness. Has anybody ever heard a New Age teaching refer to Christ in any way other that Christ alone or --
-- Christ consciousness?
That is it.
That is it. So what are they saying in a secret way? They are saying our God is the dead Christ, the human spirit in you, which is weak because she has not borne the man-child of Revelation 12. This female seed alone is weak. She is weaker than the evil of this world, and that is the God that the New Age Movement worships. Not only is she weaker than the evil of this world, she is in fact married to the evil of this world. What does that mean? She is in submission to and dominated by her husband, Satan, the god of this world. So when you worship the Christ of the New Age Movement, you are worshiping Satan. Can you hear this? They are talking about Eve alone who was married to Satan, and they are what? There is no separation between your human spirit and Satan in a fallen man. So if you are subscribing to a New Age doctrine and worshipping their Christ, your god is Satan, but he is not up front. He is lying to you, and he is telling you that he is Christ Jesus, but he is not. He is your human spirit who is married to Satan. For all intents and purposes, you are Satan.
So the term, the expression “the crucifixion of Christ” is the same event -- or at least it is a -- as I have always taught you, whenever there is a variation in terms, each of these terms are referring to different aspects of the same event. The crucifixion of Christ is the resurrection of the dead, but the crucifixion of Christ is the beginning of the resurrection of the dead. Why? Because the way the dead is raised is by having the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ engrafted to your human spirit. So we see the crucifixion of Christ is the engrafting of the Word of God to your human spirit. The resurrection of the dead is also the conception of Christ Jesus as a result of the engrafting of the Word of God. That is another aspect of the resurrection of the dead. And then we have the actual resurrection of the dead Christ, which is the exaltation of that dead Christ to a position of power greater than the evil of this world. Brethren, let me tell you something. Christ has not been raised from the dead in you until you are more powerful than the evil of this world. So all you sell-professing Sons out there, let us see you head into the witchdoctor’s camp and do your thing because you are all phonies. You do not have that kind of power and you know it.
So what was off? What kind of a correction am I making here? What kind of a change do you have to make in what you believe because of what I taught you? As I can see it, basically the change you have to make if you want to follow what I am teaching you now is that the crucifixion of Christ took place when the man Jesus of Nazareth hung on the cross. It did not take place when he hung on the cross. It took place when the Holy Spirit engrafted to his human spirit while he was still in utero in Mary’s ovaries. The crucifixion of Christ for the man Jesus of Nazareth took place in utero when the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary. He was born with a fertilized human spirit. And with regard to you and me and the people in the church today, Christ is crucified at the moment that the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, called the Holy Spirit unto you, penetrates your carnal mind, finds place with your own human spirit and engrafts himself to her. He crucifies her, he penetrates her, and the result of it is that Christ is conceived.
So the crucifixion of Christ for you is much earlier than I told you. It took place much earlier than I told you. What I taught you was that the crucifixion of Christ as a personal experience for you would take place at the time that you ascended to full stature, so that was my error. The actual crucifixion of Christ in you -- you see, what I thought was I thought that the expression “the crucifixion of Christ” was referring to the crucifixion of the Christ mind, but when the study came forth, when we did Zechariah 11, the Lord said to me, “No, the crucifixion of Christ is not the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. It is the crucifixion” -- because it does not say the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. Does the Scripture say Christ Jesus crucified?
No, it says, “Christ crucified,” so where I went off was I did not see the difference between Christ and Christ Jesus, OK. I -- and I taught you that that expression “the crucifixion of Christ” was the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. That is what was wrong. It is not the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, it is not the crucifixion of the mature mind of Christ, but it is the crucifixion of Christ your human spirit alone.
So I just would like to go over these Scriptures with you, and if God shows me anything else with subsequent weeks, I will share it with you. I think we are -- at least we are on the right path. Does anybody have anything to say before we go over these few Scriptures?
I just drew a mental block. I do not know what it is. I drew a mental block completely on this.
OK. So you listen to the message, OK. I am sure you will have questions after you listen to the message, and that is fine, yeah. Some people just need more time than other people to absorb.
So when I did this study, I found out that there are three Greek words translated crucify, OK, and that the one which seems to be used the most, Strong’s 4717, has more than one translation because all of us when we th- -- speak about crucify, we think about being nailed to a cross, and I had taught you that the spiritual crucifixion was the mind of Christ or Christ Jesus being nailed to the wood -- the spiritual wood of the carnal mind. That was what I told you. And this is what the Lord revealed in Nigeria, that there is another meaning to the word crucify, Strong’s 4717. It can be translated to fortify. Not to kill but to build up with driven stakes, to palisade a fence of wooden or iron stakes, and it means to strengthen. So we see that when our human spirit which is Christ is crucified, she is strengthened by the Lord Jesus Christ who gives her the Son that will save her in childbearing, because we shall be saved when we bear the Christ child. You are not saved when you go to Heaven, brethren. You are saved when you bear the Christ child because he who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit, and when his Spirit is your spirit, you have got all the benefits that he has, and one of his overriding ben- -- the overriding benefit that he has is everlasting life, and when you marry him, you inherit everything that he has. And when you marry Christ, you are not one soul. This is a great mystery, but a man and his wife is one soul. You are not one soul with God. When you marry God, you become one spirit and you receive everything he has, everlasting life, up front.
So let us just take five minutes to go over these Scriptures, please. These are the three Scriptures that indicate that the crucifixion of Christ is the strengthening or the empowering of Christ, our weak and human spirit.
Colossians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.” So in the Scripture, we see the Greek word which means the s- -- not the killing of Christ, you see. See, I realized that this was a positive Scripture, so the way I was dealing with it is that the crucifixion of Christ does not kill Christ; it is killing the carnal mind. That was how I dealt with it, OK, but I see now that the Lord shows me that it is not the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, but the crucifixion of Christ, the dead human spirit. And Paul is saying that because the Lord Jesus Christ crucified Christ, his dead human spirit, there was a conception of the Son of God, Christ Jesus, and now Paul is raised from the dead because Christ J- -- because his spirit has borne Christ Jesus. So he is crucified, he is pierced through, but nevertheless, it is a mystery. It did not kill him. He lives. But, “Yet not I. Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” And the faith of the Son of God is another way of saying I now live because Christ Jesus is -- has been formed in me as a result of that crucifixion. Is everybody OK?
[INAUDIBLE] in verse?
Pardon me?
We are [INAUDIBLE] Colossians.
Colossians 2:20. Moving on now to the book of Matthew 27.
Whi- -- Matth- --
Matthew 27:44.
“The thieves also which were crucified” -- oh, well, that is a mistake. That should be in another place. Where is my pen? Somebody have a pen for me?
So [?that means?let me?] --
Where is it? Here? That is not it.
I am sorry.
OK. This with Matthew 27:44 is Strong’s 4759, which means to crucify along with thieves. It is not the word which means to fortify. Let us try Mark 15:32. It is the same thing. OK. That should be Strong’s 4759, to crucify along with thieves. Then we have one more Greek word which mean -- is translated to crucify, Strong’s 4362, and this Greek word means to fasten. Now, I -- when I taught this earlier, I assumed -- I -- see, you cannot make these assumptions -- that there was just one word translated crucifixion which meant to fasten, to join the carnal mind to the Christ mind. That is how I taught it to you.
So we see 1 Corinthians 1:23. 1 Corinthians, chapter 1 --
-- verse 23: “But we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness.” “We preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness.” I hope I have these words right. I know I did this study in Nigeria. Well, according to my notes, this is Strong’s 4362, which means to fasten. Now, I was taught and always believed that the reason Christ was a stumbling block to the Jews is that they could not deal with God in the flesh. Was anybody here taught that?
They could not believe the Son of God was appearing as a man. Is that what you were taught? That is what I was taught, and that is what I believed, but I when I did this study, the Lord brought to my memory that I have a relationship with a ultra-orthodox Jew, and they believe that Messiah is a man. As a matter of fact, the man who they -- who this particular group called Lubavitch -- their choice, their -- the one who they thought was Messiah just died, and he was on national TV, and there was a lot of coverage about it. His followers expecting him to rise from the dead. They thought he was Messiah. So the Jews think that Messiah is a man. Therefore, I must have received a false teaching unless things were different 2,000 years ago, which I doubt.
I think it is much more likely that I received a doctrine of devils out of somebody’s carnal mind that the reason Christ crucified was a stumbling block unto the Jews was because they could not believe that the Son of God would appear in the flesh of a man. The Lord said to me, “No, they believe Messiah is a man.” What they stumbled over was Christ crucified. They stumbled over the teaching that their Christ, that their human spirit, was not complete in its present condition. They stumbled over the teaching that their human spirit Christ needed to be crucified by the male Spirit of God to bring forth the Son of God in them. They stumbled when they were told that they had not already arrived.
Can you hear it? It is happening all over today. It is happening to the Jew. It is happening to the Pharisees in the church. It is happening to the New Ages. It is happening to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is happening to the Kingdom Church, the whole Christian world and what other groups you may not consider Christians. The whole aspect of the world that is interested in spiritual truth is stumbling over what the Jews stumbled over 2,000 years ago. The Christ, or as they were trying to say -- or as they were saying and trying to get me to agree within Nigeria, the light which every man is born with, the spirit which man is born with, is all that you need. Just -- you are just having some amnesia. Just remember who you are and you will be it. All you need is to get your memory back. It is all over the world. Well, I do not know about the world. This country is the most advanced with the -- with doctrine which is in Christ. You know, Africa is the most advanced in the negative spiritual world. But as far as doctrine that least claims to be Christ, it is basically all here in the United States with just little bits of it outside. They are all stumbling and tripping and flipping and flopping because their pride wants to believe that they are born with everything they need. What does that mean?
Listen, brethren, if you are born with everything you need, that means you can ascend unto a position of God by your own power. The pride of man does not want to confess his powerlessness, nor does he want to bend his knee to the Spirit of God, nor does he want to give up his own ways, his own willpower or his own strength. He does not want to be crucified so that Christ can live through him. He does not want to die so that the life of Christ can empower him to a place beyond anything that he could ever attain to on his own. Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block, unto the church a stumbling block, unto the Jehovah’s Witnesses a stumbling block, unto the New Age Movement a stumbling block. Brethren, if you are going to enter into any of the promises in this Bible, the Christ or the light that you were born with must be crucified. You know what that makes you? It makes you a spiritual woman. Your problem is you think you are a man, and you are not, and whose thoughts are in your head?
Satan, the original woman that thought she was a man. And if you are running around acting like a man, you are a spiritual lesbian and you have got to repent if you ever want to be a man in Christ because without the seed of the Father, you just do not have what it takes. And you could live a lie as long as you like, but you are going to wake up one morning when the real thing manifests, and you are going to find out that you are publicly exposed as a phony. You see, right now Christ is not appearing in the fullness of his manhood. You know what the situation is like? Humanity is like a bunch of little kids running around who have never seen a man. They have never seen a man. They have heard about a man. They have read books about a man. They may even have seen pictures of a man. But mostly what they think a man is is some fantasy in their mind. So we have a bunch of people running around saying, I am a man, and they are saying, oh, all right. Looks good to me. Looks like a man, walks like a man, talks like a man, acts like a man. I guess it is a man. But, brethren, when the husband then returns to his house, when the real thing appears in the earth, when the only true man, Christ Jesus, stands up in the fullness of his life in a company of men, when the comparison is seen, you shall be exposed for what you are, a spiritual lesbian, and the Bible says you are going to be ashamed. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? What a message. Unbelievable.
But we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness, and what does that mean? It means the Jews typify everybody that is into this doctrine which comes out of the Bible, and the Greeks are everybody that does not believe in the Christian Bible. They think it is just ridiculous from the get-go. Jesus. OK. I just have one more Scripture.
2 Corinthians 13:4: “For though he was crucified through or because of weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God.” I always wondered about that. Jesus was crucified because of weakness. I said, well, you know, he -- I said, well, what it means was that he had a human body that was capable of being crucified. That must be what it means. But that is not what it means. What it is saying is that the Lord Jesus Christ was a man just like you and me. That his human spirit needed to be crucified too because the Christ in him, who? The Lord Jesus Christ at his inception was weak. It was dead. It was in a spiritually female condition. The man Jesus of Nazareth, when he was still a female seed in Mary’s ovary, he had a microscopic human spirit which was dead just like you and me. He was a man born of a fallen woman.
And the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary and caused her body to conceive by a spiritual act. Not by a physical act; by a spiritual act. And that child that was conceived, at the same time that he was conceived, the Holy Spirit caused the human spirit of that microscopic [?ovary?] to receive the seed of the Father at that same moment. So Jesus of Nazareth, while he was still in Mary’s ovary, had his human spirit crucified or penetrated by the Holy Spirit, and the child Jesus, born of the woman Mary, was a human being, a male child, physically male, born with a human spirit that was crucified in which the Word of God -- or to which the Word of God had engrafted. But in my opinion, brethren, I believe it is an educated opinion, although the man Jesus of Nazareth was born with a fertilized human spirit, the Word of God was engrafted to him. He had conceived Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus did not mature into full manhood until the baptism -- the water baptism of the man Jesus of Nazareth at the hands of John the Baptist.
The resurrection of the dead is a process which begins with the crucifixion of Christ, your dead human spirit, which results in the conception of Christ Jesus who begins to be formed in you, and Lord willing, increases in wisdom and in grace and in truth until such time as he defeats and overturns your own carnal mind. Until such time -- let us say it another way. Christ Jesus in you continues to grow in wisdom and in grace until such time as he becomes stronger than the evil of this world. Christ Jesus continues to grow in wisdom and grace until he exceeds the goodness of this life, and until he exceeds the wickedness of this life, and until his life, which is based in righteousness which is greater than both the good and the evil of this world -- until that righteousness matures to a point where it can dominate, control and ultimately paralyze the evil spiritual power which is ruling this world system, at which time we can say Christ is raised from the dead in that man -- fully raised from the dead. The Christ mind is fully raised from the dead. Is everybody OK?
So we see that the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified because his human spirit was weak just like ours was before our Christ was crucified. Yet the Lord Jesus Christ lived by the power of God. Why? Because when his human spirit was crucified, despite the fact that it was weak, the crucifixion resulted in the formation of Christ Jesus. And then Paul goes on to say that we are having the same experience, for we also are weak because Christ in us is dead. We were born --
See, I had two really great, young guys in Nigeria. They were really sharp. But they were trying to get me to admit they were f- -- they had some Pharisaical moments, and they were trying to get me to admit -- she was cracking -- we had some warfare there one night --
[?That is?] the one.
They were trying to get me to admit that ever man is born with a light --
-- and the answer is, you are right, but the light is dead. You are born with a dead light. It is no good. It is phony. It cannot get you out of hell. Have a question?
Can I ask questions now, or --
OK. Just let me finish what I am -- I will stop for you in a minute, OK.
So Paul is saying here that we are in the same condition. We are also weak like he was. We are born with Christ. We are born with a light. You are right, but he is dead, and he does not have the power to raise himself from the dead. We need the Lord Jesus Christ to raise him from the dead, but we shall live with him by the power of God towards you after our human spirit is crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus begins to be formed in us. We are crucified because of weakness, but because of that crucifixion, we shall live by the power of God which will be born in us as a result of the crucifixion. I call it the empowering of the saints.
You may be the most successful man in this world. You may have your health. You may be a genius. You may be a fantastic success in your career. You may be an absolute success in every area of your life. And you will still die after a season on this earth. That makes you weak, brethren. I do not care if you are a karate expert. I do not care if you are a mental genius. I do not care. You cannot keep your own soul alive. And spiritually speaking, and when I compare you to our standard, the Lord Jesus Christ, that makes you weak. I am not impressed with your muscles. I am not impressed with your black belt. I am not impressed with your money. I am not impressed with your power in business or law or medicine. I am not impressed because when I compare you to our standard, you cannot keep yourself alive, and there is no way you could keep me alive. You have a question.
Thought this was on. I am so sorry.
It is OK.
Yeah, there is a verse here that makes me think that every man was lit up by Christ when he came into the world because it says in f- -- in the -- in St. John 1:9, “That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,” and that is what it sounds like. So I do not know if that is what they are getting at, but that is what that sounds like. It sounds like every man that comes into this world is lit up with the light of Christ.
That is not what it is saying. The verse -- OK. Verse 6: “There was a man sent from God whose name was John. The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light” -- he came to bear witness of the Lord Jesus Christ -- “that all men through him might believe.” That all men might believe through the Lord Jesus Christ might believe. John was not that light, was not the Lord Jesus Christ, but was sent to bear witness of the light, the Lord Jesus Christ. “That was the light which was the true light” -- the Lord Jesus Christ -- “which lighteth every man” -- the Lord Jesus Christ -- “which cometh into the world.” OK. And I have -- I -- what it means is that the Lord Jesus Christ is the one who has the power to light every man who comes into the world. He has the power to crucify the human spirit of every man who cometh into the world, and eventually he will do just that. But to draw the conclusion that he has already done it, I believe, is a faulty conclusion. Did I answer your question?
[?It says?There is?] something where Jesus [?says?is?] watch that your light shine [?in?] darkness.
Well, you will have to get me the Scripture if you want me to comment on it.
Just to bring this down to very basic terms, you are saying that we come into the world a dead Christ and Jesus came into the world with a living Christ.
Jesus came into the world with the beginnings of the living Christ. Our example is a woman with a very young pregnancy, but it was life, and it continued to grow until he was baptized in the Jordan. He came in with life in an --
Other words, he was pregnant with the life.
Yes, he came in -- OK, that is excellent. He was pregnant -- he came into the world pregnant with the life, and he -- and that life continued to grow and was born in him. Yes.
Is that what it means about this holy thing?
Yes. See, this is where so many people stumble. They think that the whole man was holy, but the whole man was not holy. How do I know that? He was born of a sinner. He was born of a fallen woman. It is impos- -- aside from all that, just this flesh alone is in the image of Satan. You could not have a body like this if you did not have a carnal mind. This body is not the image of Christ. It is the image of the carnal mind. Jesus had a carnal mind. OK. That holy thing was inside of this unclean flesh. That is why the Scripture clearly says that Mary was the mother of the man Jesus, but after Jesus ascends to full stature, someone says to him, your mother is here to see you, and he says, “Who is my mother and my brethren?” Well, if you do not understand, you say what is this -- can this guy not make up his mind? Yes, she was the mother of the man Jesus, but at the point that Jesus said that she is not my mother, he was no longer the man Jesus. Christ in his mind had ascended to full stature and he was no longer the child of the woman Mary, but he was the Son of the living God, and the Son of the living God does not have a fallen mother. He was calling himself or identifying himself by the mind which had ascended in him. When he was born to Mary, his primary mind was the carnal mind, and he was her son, but at the moment that his Christ mind rose to ascendency and dominated his carnal mind, he no longer was the son of the woman Mary, but he was the Son of the living God. If you can hear it, hear it. If you cannot, do not worry about it. Do you have a question?
[INAUDIBLE] this really might throw you off track, so I do not know if I should ask it right now. It might take it out of -- well, you know how this light that -- I mean, we are talking about lights. The other night on TV -- and you have heard this in the past where people are on their deathbeds and they have -- and they wer- -- they become revived over this light at the end of the tunnel, and they wake up, and it is a miracle, and the doctors are going, I do not know how this happened. They were dead. So -- and any -- what would that have to do with the spiritual life, or was that just something that just -- because everyone says it. They were going into many cases about how everyone saw this light, and now you got two Nigerians talking about men are born into light.
Does --
Well, yeah, the -- well, the two young men in Nigeria were speaking about a spiritual light, but what you are talking about, I believe, is a spiritual experience that does not come from God. That is my opinion. The Scripture says that Satan is an angel of light, OK, and I believe that these experiences that we read about -- both heathens and Christians have documented this same experience. So I do not know what that says to you, but what it says to me is that even the Christian that had the experience is not a Christian but a heathen having a heathen experience because most Christians are not Christians anyway. They are just heathens like everybody else. They are just heathens who speak in tongues and carry a Bible around. So --
That sounds [?right?].
So I believe it is an experience, this tunnel and this light, which is an after-death experience, and you are perfectly free to disagree with me. This is my opinion. There is no way I could prove this to you, OK. In my opinion, it is not an experience that comes from God, but that is an illusion which is generated by the carnal mind, and I believe it is real, I believe it is genuine, but I do not believe that it comes from God. OK, so I do not have any more information about it than that, and usually associated with this light and this tunnel is this feeling of love and goodness, and it is all an illusion. Satan is a worker of witchcraft. He has spiritual power. He is the god of this world.
And I hear a question in somebody’s mind. Well, some people have had an experience where they have spoken to the Lord and he has told them, “Well, you have to go back.” Well, I am separating such an experience as that as the Lord telling you, “You have to go back,” -- I am separating that out from the experience of the tunnel with the light. It is very possible that the Lord sends you back, and the Lord also will appear to you in a -- I have had people say, well, they saw Heaven, and they went here, and they went there. Brethren, in my opinion, it is all an illusion, and if in fact it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is speaking to you and sending you back with a message -- or I know one preacher, Howard Pittman, has written books on his experience and became an evangelist after his experience. If it is in fact God, well, my comment is this. The Lord has communicated with you in a medium that you can believe. He has shown you an illusion. He has spoken to you. He has let you see him as you expect him to be because he has a purpose for you at the spiritual level at which you are presently at. Brethren, if you have to explain something heavy to a 5-year-old child, you do not talk to them like you talk to a 20-year-old man. So if the Lord has something to say to a spiritual child, he gives it to them in a form that they can understand it. You do not have to believe me, but you know what I am talking about? OK. Everybody know what I am talking about? OK.
Would you believe that is the exact same question my daughter [INAUDIBLE] said to me tonight?
Yes, I believe that, and I believe God answered it for you. If you did not know the answer, he gave you the answer tonight. Spirit operates an illusion, you see. Spirit is invisible, has no form, has no shape, and when Spirit communicates with a carnal man, whether that spirit is satanic or whether it is God, a superior lifeform communicates with an inferior lifeform by coming down to a level where that inferior lifeform can understand what it is saying. That is why, brethren, Jesus said, with regard to the Sons of God, “The greatest amongst you shall be their minister,” because there is no way ever that they are going to get up where you are. If you want to teach somebody, you have to come down to where they are, and did Jesus not come down to where we were, and did Jehovah not come down to where we were when he sent the Lord Jesus Christ?
So I find that up-and-coming Sons have experienced at some point in their training a frustration with the people that they are sent to teach. They get frustrated that their disciples do not understand them. Well, brethren, you are just spinning your wheels getting mad at somebody that is not capable of understanding you. It is your responsibility to meet them at the point where they can understand you. You do not like it down there, that is too bad. That is too bad. Yeah.
I was just thinking about we talked about the -- forgetting exactly how your phrased it, but what I wanted to say is that rabbis and Jewish men start off with prayers of thank God that I was not made a woman, and I am thinking that the spirit of pride, you know, that they feel that --
-- they are already [CROSSTALK] --
Oh, I see what you are saying, yeah. Yeah, I have heard that. I do not have any firsthand knowledge of that, but I have heard that. Well, you know, in -- not so much in our society today, women have made so many inroads, but traditionally over the years, it has been very preferable in many ways for many reasons to be a man. That is why we are having this women’s lib rebellion because women want to be men, and what they do not understand is that you have to accept what God has given you in this life, but the great equalizer is Christ, you see. The great equalizer is Christ. You cannot improve your lot by killing men so that you could become a man, you know. It just does not work. We have had a whole bunch of women try in this country, and our society is in trouble. Does not work. You have to turn to God, brethren. You have to turn to God. Yeah.
Would you say then that there was two crucifixions? One of the Jesus and one of the Christ?
Absolutely, two penetrations. I preach that. The Holy Spirit going in to you, Christ is formed, OK, -- actually, there is three penetrations, if you want to call it a -- I guess it is not a penetration. Then Christ underneath circumcises the carnal mind, cuts away the carnal mind -- well, actually, it is a penetration. Pierces through the carnal mind and cuts it away. And the third penetration is when he turns around and comes back and completely crucifies the -- fastens together the two minds, and that is the stitch, OK. We are being sewn back together.
If you do a word study in Isaiah 53, one of the words -- it is not translated sew in the King James, but we are healed by his something -- one of those words in there. But we are healed by his -- I cannot think of the word right now, OK. Maybe we are healed by his strengths. One of those sentences in there. If you look up every Hebrew word, what it is saying is we are being sewn back together to him because when our spirit separated from his Spirit, that was our death. So death is in separation from his Spirit. Life is in union with his Spirit. We have to be sewn back together again. So Jesus Christ, he is the needle. He is coming in. He is penetrating our heart, OK. First penetration, OK. Then he is penetrating through the carnal mind. Second penetration. Then he is turning around and he is going back in. He is making a stitch and completely fastening the two minds together, and we are being stitched back together to the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a matter of fact, I had a dream a couple of weeks ago. It was really weird. It was -- it was not too clear, but I think my arms -- where the bone was laid bare in my arm and maybe down my midsection too. I remember the arms mostly. The bones -- the flesh was sliced, and the bones were laid bare, and something -- because bone typifies Spirit, and something was laid on top of my bones and being stitched back together again. I knew what it meant, but it was just really funny.
OK. Anybody else on this issue. Let us not get off because I really want to go over the Scriptures from Isaiah 22, so I do not want this to go off like we might if it were the end of the message. Any more questions on this issue of the crucifixion of Christ? Oh my goodness. That heavy anointing is here. I am getting slain. Praise the Lord. OK. If you have your Alt- -- if you want one of these, they are over there. You have one? OK.
Alternate Translation of the Old Testament. We are looking for Isaiah 22. Isaiah 22. We worked up these Alternate Translations on message number 36, part 6, message 2, and this is verses 15 through 25. Perhaps -- I think I will read the Alternate Translations of verses 1 through 14 which we completed on the prior message before we start. OK.
Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:1-14. OK. Thank you. That is OK. Just leave it. OK.
Are we going to do that?
I am just going to read the Alternate Translation, verses 1 through 14. “Thus says Jehovah to his fallen wife, ‘Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul and bound you together with the carnal mind.’ All of you are taken as prisoners of war and your collective strength completely broken because you have turned away from Christ and put him to flight. Your mind is filled with animalistic noisy restlessness because you have been mortally wounded by the carnal mind, and you are dead.
“But how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice the completed elect fallen souls of the Sons of God in full stature who were publicly judging the people up to Satan? She was able to do it because in the day that Christ disclosed Judah’s sins, he looked to the carnal mind for protection from Christ and brought forth the carnal mind underneath the mind of Christ, and the carnal mind despised Christ and sacrificed him unto Satan, and Satan respected his sacrifice. And Satan, taking advantage of the situation, broke down the altar which was formed when Jehovah joined himself to their human spirits and joined herself to them. And the beast nature of the man of sin was revealed, and fallen Adam shook his fist at the sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds, and this is how humanity was separated from the Christ mind and sealed with the carnal mind.
“And Jehovah, the God of battle, pulled back the veil of my carnal mind, so that I could understand him when he said, ‘You shall not be freed from the carnal mind until she dies. Therefore, I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest of the carnal mind of my human people so that this same spiritual substance, which is the foundation of fallen Adam’s carnal mind, is gathered together and increased into Christ so that they, once again, may be righteous,’ says Jehovah.
“Therefore, let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled and pass away, and let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind. And in the day that Jehovah, the Lord of battle, called mourning humanity unto himself, he is destroying the deformed personality Satan fashions out of the human spirit that are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind which has covered over humanity’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure.”
Your spiritual senses, brethren, are blocked out because of the loud screaming of sensual pleasure. It blocks out your spiritual impulses, and he is liberating their human spirits by drawing Satan up, [?training?trading?] the corporate carnal mind down unto Christ, plucking their individual carnal minds, and covering them with Christ. And there is the -- and there it is, the whole plan of salvation: the crucifixion of Christ, the castration of Satan and the swallowing up of the prince or of the individual carnal mind. So, brethren, consume or swallow up your carnal mind because you will experience spiritual joy, peace and contentment only when Satan dies.
And now we go on to verse 15, and I will tell you up front that it is a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 15: “The Lord God of battle says to his prophet Isaiah, ‘Go to my familiar friend who is poor, needy and endangered, but does not know it.’” -- that is you and me, brethren. We are poor and we are needy and we are endangered, but most of us are so filled with pride, we either do not know it or we are in denial. “‘Go even unto my creation, natural man, who is still in his youth, and who, in his present stage of development, is ruling over my dwelling place, and say,’” -- so we see the Lord is sending a messenger to humanity which is still in its youth. And you may remember the teaching here that we are about to enter our -- into puberty. We are about to start to show signs of spiritual activity, either on the negative side or on the positive side, although, there has been some precocious children in this human race. Some people practicing negative spiritual power with a lot of strength for a while now. But the children who are growing up to the positive side of the creation are developing more slowly than the children who have grown up practicing negative spiritual power.
And this is interesting because anyone who has raised several children would know that as a general rule, the girls mature more quickly than the boys. Is that not true, mothers? The girls mature more quickly than the boys. So we have spiritual girls out there practicing witchcraft, some of them very powerfully, especially in Africa, but all over. Witchcraft is all over. But I am told the most powerful witchcraft -- red witchcraft is only in Africa, and I have had Africans tell me that. OK. And the spiritual boys or the spiritual young men are just now coming forward. Those human beings who are coming forth manifesting spiritual power in Christ Jesus are just beginning to mature.
So we see Jehovah sending a messenger to this people, and the messenger, I suggest to you, is the Lord Jesus Christ and his offspring, Christ Jesus, who we are. So this the message we are coming to humanity with. Humanity, you are poor, you are needy, and you are in danger, and you are so filled -- you are in danger of what? Death. And you are so filled with pride you do not even know it.
And he also tells us in verse 15 that humanity, that we are still in his youth, is ruling over God’s dwelling place. Well, that sounds harmless enough. We have got some children -- women and children ruling in God’s dwelling place. The way the Lord puts it in another Scripture is that there is a man of sin, you see, and he is sitting in the Temple of God, and he is calling himself God. It sounds pretty harmless in the Alternate Translation. Or it sounds pretty harmless in Isaiah 22. We have got a bunch of kids sitting in God’s dwelling place, but when you get down to it, we have got a man of sin sitting there, and he is not just sitting there, he is calling himself God. And I suggest to you that it is a form of spiritual incest. Remember Reuben who went up to his father’s couch -- we are in our Father’s place, brethren. Cannot be.
Verse 16: “What do you think you have done here, and who do you think you are?” God is mad. At us? Yeah, we are ruling the house, and we are killing the prophets he sends to us, and we are killing the Sons, and God says, “What do you think you have done here, and who do you think you are? Do you think that you are the one who formed the body you live in? Do you think that you are the one that can form a body from a high position of authority in the realm of the Spirit of God? Do you think that you are the one who engraves his own spiritual substance in a place of rest for himself? You think you are great, but you have done all that you can do because you have stolen my wife. You could never do it in and of yourself. You cannot do it without the human spirit. You cannot do it if you did not have what you inherited from me. Do you think that you are the one who engraves his own spirit in a place of rest for himself?” These souls that we live in, it is a place of rest for his Spirit.
Verse 17: “Look, the Lord will execute a powerful judgment upon you. He will separate you from him and make a natural man out of you and will surely destroy your spiritual life.” So we see that the Lord is not speaking to the man on the street here. He is speaking to Judah, and he is speaking to the church, and he is speaking to all of the people that have received the imputed anointing. He is speaking to the all of the people in whom Christ is being formed. He is speaking to everyone who has ever received power from God who has abused it, and he is saying, “Who do you think you are? Killing my prophets and rejecting my Sons and turning the children away from the Kingdom and taking authority over my church and trying to run the show?” He says, “I am going to strip you of your power. How long do you think you are going to get away with this stuff?”
Verse 18: “He will roll you up into a mass of an abundant and powerful piece of land. Even the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. There your human soul shall die and there all of the souls of man’s glory, which are the female reproductive organs of the Lord’s house, shall also die.” See, now this is the judgment. If you do not understand it, it sounds terrible. He is saying, “God has a group of people” -- in the past, Judah and presently the church -- “and they are messing up.” They think that they are the big shot. They think they can do anything they want with God’s power and with God’s people, and the Lord says, “Even though you are manifesting my Spirit, they are all following after your own pride, and I am going to show you your powerlessness. I am going to roll you up. And who are you with your human spirit? I am going to roll you up into a mass of an abundant and powerful piece of land.” That is the Lord Jesus Christ. “I am going to join you to the Lord Jesus Christ. And there your human soul or” -- I did this two years ago so I do not have the revelation I have now. And in that place, OK, your carnal mind shall die, and all of the carnal minds of man’s glory shall die. And the human spirit which is the female reproductive organ of the Lord’s house, she shall die also. She shall die to her marriage to Satan. She shall die to her present existence. She shall die to everything she is now so that she can be reformed in the image of Christ. The Lord is heralding the death of the carnal minds of his people.
Verse 19: “And I will expel you from your defensed military position and drag you down from the high places you have established with the imputed anointing I have given you.” Now remember, the carnal mind is the military machine, and the Lord is saying to the human spirits of his people, “I am going to separate you from the carnal mind, and I am going to drag you down from the place that you have exalted yourself to thinking that you are God because I have given you an imputed anointing without repentance, and you have forgotten that the power that I have given you was loaned unto you, and you have forgotten that the power I have given you -- the gifts and the calling of God which you have done nothing to earn -- I have given them to you to bless my people, and you have used them for self-gain, and I am going to take it back. I am going to take my life back from you. You have abused it.
Verse 20: “And at the appointed time, after the imputed anointing has been torn down, I will reveal my servant, the one sent of God, who will raise my Sons back up into the Heavenlies, whose name is Jehovah’s portion of land, the Son of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ.” And of course, I will add -- because we have more revelation two years later -- the second generation of Christ, the Sons of God. “At the appointed time” -- I suggest to you, brethren, this is it. It is the appointed time. “After the imputed anointing has been torn down” -- it is being torn down right now, brethren. “I will reveal my servant, the one sent of God, Christ Jesus in a many membered company, who will raise my Sons back up into the Heavenlies.” That is the whole church and eventually the world. “And the name of his Son is Christ Jesus,” also known as the Sons of God, coming in two stages. The Sons of God are coming in two stages, brethren. They are manifesting in their high office before their imperfection, and before their imperfection they are called, somebody, that you [?witness accompanying?] and when they ascend into perfection, their names change to the Sons of God.
Verse 21: “And I will cover him” -- who? Christ Jesus, the Sons of God -- “with the salvation of God within and without.” They are speaking about the imparted anointing. “And I will fuse him together with the imputed anointing in the correct moral order, and I will set in motion his spiritual authority to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God by which he shall govern my creation.”
Brethren, we saw it here this morning. We saw it in operation this morning. The manifestation of Christ which is capable of judging angels. You have not seen it in the church to date because it is not present in Pentecost. It is only present in tabernacles. And it is just beginning to function. “I will set in motion the spiritual authority of Christ Jesus to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God by which he shall govern my creation, and Christ Jesus and everyone who was a manifestation of him shall be a nourisher and a teacher of the many membered soul he marries and a foundation of power to the family of spirits which shall possess his peace.”
Well, “I will set in motion the spiritual authority of Christ Jesus to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God by which he shall govern my creation, and he shall be a nourisher and a teacher of the many membered soul.” That means of the men that he ministers to who are still in their soul. Brethren, if you are not in your soul, if you are a purely spiritual man, you will not be having a conflict with anybody. You will not need a mediator. You will not need to be governed. But the people who are being raised up into Christ, they are still carnal in certain areas. They need someone to mediate disputes between them. That is one of the functions of Christ Jesus, and that is what this is saying right here. The man in whom Christ is manifesting, he shall not only govern, but he shall nourish them. That means he is going to -- that his government over them will not keep these people weak, but will nourish them that they might grow eventually into a member of the two-witness company who can govern themselves. He will be a spiritual nourisher, a nourisher of their spirit and a teacher of their soul that they might eventually ascend into spiritual maturity also. “And the man who is manifesting Christ Jesus shall be a foundation of power to the family of spirits” -- which we are. If you have the Spirit of Christ in you, you are of the family of spirits -- “which shall possess his peace,” and, of course, his peace means that you are a spirit who are defeat -- who each of you is a spirit who is defeating your carnal mind. The family of spirits, the family of men who are living out of Christ and waging the warfare which will eventually bring their carnal minds into submission.
So please note that Christ Jesus, or the Sons of God, are governing and nourishing and raising up the people in whom Christ is being formed. They are not governing the heathen, at least not by this verse. This verse is for the body of Christ which is being trained up. His spiritual authority to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God is directed towards believers who are in training to be Christ. Well, what about the heathen? Brethren, the heathen is under judgment. The righteous judgment of Christ, or for those who are submitting to the law of God, those are in submission to Christ. The heathen, which is outside of the family of spirits, is still under the dominion of Satan.
Verse 22: “And I shall give Christ Jesus the job of delivering, engraving his image upon, appearing in, and freeing his children from the vile body of sin in which they dwell.” Well, this is written as if it is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also Christ Jesus. They have the job of delivering the people from the carnal mind, engraving the image of Christ upon them, and impregnating them with Christ that Christ Jesus might appear in them so that his children -- and everyone in whom Christ is being formed is one of his children -- shall be freed from the body of sin, which is their carnal mind and the soul which is ruled by it in which they dwell. And Christ Jesus shall thus open the door into the spiritual realm of all provision, known as the Kingdom of God, for them. And for those to whom he makes the Kingdom of God available, no man will be able to keep them out, but for those who he will let into the Kingdom of God, no man will be able to get them in.
Now, who do you think the Sons of God will be closing the door upon? He will be closing the door upon the reprobate and upon the profane who are trying to take the Kingdom by force, who are trying to steal the Kingdom, who are trying to obtain it without repentance, who are trying to lay hold of it to use it for their own good. What this Scripture is saying is that the Son of God will be able to discern the man whose heart is false. The Son of God will be able to discern or recognize the man who is trying to lay hold of the Kingdom insincerely or in vain and will expose his true motives and block him from it. We are told he will judge between cattle and cattle. He will be able to look at the heart of a man way beyond anything available or any discernment available to the carnal minds of man.
Verse 23: “And I will save the living soul from death by fastening Christ Jesus to her.” I have the Lord Jesus Christ here, but -- well, I guess you could say that. “And I will save the living soul from death by fastening the Lord Jesus Christ to her.” That is speaking about the crucifixion of Christ. We just had a teaching on that this prior -- it is right on this message. “And I will save the living soul from death by crucifying Christ in her with the Lord Jesus Christ thus securing her to a firm, unshakable foundation from which she can prosper and live.” What is the firm, unshakable foundation? It is Christ Jesus. It is Christ Jesus. He is sending the Lord Jesus Christ to crucify our human spirit, to fasten himself to our human spirit, thus forming an unshakable foundation, a three-fold cord made up of our human spirit, Christ, the male Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God, Christ Jesus. A three-fold cord, an unshakable foundation that will never fail, and a foundation which is capable of giving us life -- everlasting life. “And in addition to his life,” -- I am sorry. “And the addition of his life to the living soul shall make her an abundantly rich and glorified soul lacking nothing and a member of God’s family.” So we see that Christ Jesus being formed in us makes us a member of God’s family. It is the promise of an unshakable foundation upon which everlasting life can be built, and it is also the promise of complete provision.
Brethren, we do not have it yet. If you have any worry in your life at all about your job, about finances, about your health, about anything -- brethren, you hopefully have the beginnings of the life of God in you, but he has not completed you yet. You must know that you are not saved and that it is a lie. That is there is a spiritual labor for you to do that is in Christ. Not works of the flesh, but that use that you are to put the talents to which the Lord has given you. You must go on, brethren, that you might be lacking nothing.
Verse 24: “And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of the Lord’s family to him, both his spiritual descendants and the members of the living soul that shall be birthed alive during the time of his dominion.” Let me stop there. That is -- I did not even realize it. I remember having this revelation, but there seems to be a promise in the Scripture. I have it -- a message on it, other than this. It is the message after the fall. It is message 20, whatever that message is, where the Lord brings forth a revelation which is a promise that sometime in the future, this soul, human women, will be bringing forth live young. Now remember, right now every baby you bear is born dead. Every baby that comes out from between your legs is born dead, brethren, OK. Now, at the time that I preached this message, I thought that it meant human women would be bringing forth human children with a fertilized human spirit. That is what I thought it meant then, two years ago. As I am preaching it now, I am not saying it does not mean that, but I have a question in my mind. Is that what God meant, that you will be bringing forth human children with a fertilized spirit? It may mean that. Or does it mean that you, once you have Christ in you, will be bringing forth the live, or will be raising Christ from the dead, in other men. So which does it mean? At this point, I do not know, but I will put it before the Lord. It may mean both, but I am sure of this, that it does mean that once Christ begins to mature in you, that you will be birthing the children of the Kingdom, that you will be raising Christ from the dead in individuals. Whether or not it means that human women will be bearing children with fertilized human spirits or not, I do not know. That may have been some carnal revelation that I had back two years ago. You see how much I have grown? It is amazing.
OK, we are in verse 24. “And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of his Father’s family to him, both his spiritual descendants and the members of the living soul that shall be birthed alive during the time of his dominion, and also the vessels of lesser importance shall honor him.” Who were the vessels of lesser importance? The men in whom Christ is not yet formed. And we have other Scriptures with -- which indicate once Christ makes his public appearance, everyone, those that have Christ and those that do not have Christ, will recognize him.
“And also the vessels of lesser importance shall honor him. The bodies that are used for purifying the soul and the skins of the bodies which keep human life from pouring out.” Let me get the beginning of that sentence. “And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of his Father’s family to him, both his spiritual descendants and the members of the living soul that shall be birthed alive during the time of his dominion, and also the vessels of lesser importance shall honor him. The bodies which are used for purifying the soul and the skins of the bodies which keep human life from pouring out.”
Well, I think that must mean -- it is not really clear. “The bodies which are used for purifying the soul.” These bodies, brethren, are prison houses, and we have some Scriptures in the Prophets which speaks about Egypt being a smelting furnace or an iron furnace. Is that correct? Yeah. I think that when I worked up this Alternate Translation, that was the understanding that I had in my heart, that our soul is imprisoned in these bodies.” [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
“Or it will use infirmity to purify your soul.” I know he did it for me, so that is one possibility of how affliction to the physical flesh can result in the purification of the soul. Brethren, this is a great mystery, but those of us who have had or who have a reprobate soul, the answer for us is judgment to our flesh that we might learn to be spiritual beings. It is the wounding of the flesh. It could be the wounding of the physical flesh through infirmity or some sort of physical problem, or it could be the wounding of the emotional flesh. But that which grows us up is the wounding of the flesh, just like the natural example of our natural children who ought to be paddled. And the Scripture says, “Paddle them until they are blue. Do not worry. They will not die. You will save their life.”
Verse 25: “Then the Lord of battle says, ‘when all of the foregoing has been accomplished, the Lord Jesus Christ who has been nailed to the living soul, making himself a firm, unshakable foundation for her and giving her life, shall be pulled back and stripped of his power and become useless as a withered arm. The job of mediator between God and man will no longer exist because the living soul will have become so purified from being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ that the Father himself will walk in the midst of her, for the Lord has said it.’”
So please note that beginning with the middle of verse 25, -- well, actually I guess it is the whole verse 25, is prophesying the glorification of the creation. So we see in verses 15 through 25 a more detailed explanation of the Father’s plan of salvation. We see the promise of a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, we read about the crucifixion of Christ, and we read about the ministry of the Sons, and eventually in verse 25 we read about -- and we read about judgment. In verse 24, we read about judgment. In 25, we read about the reconciliation of the whole creation unto pure Spirit. Glory to God. What an anointing. I am getting slammed. I am getting conked out here. Jesus.
Eat breakfast.
Holy. Any questions or comments on the balance of Isaiah 22? Yes.
Where it said that you do not know if they would be birthing live births with the fertile -- children with fertilized spirits?
I think of that Scripture. We are barren. We have lost --
It is Isaiah 50 -- I think it is Isaiah 53, if I am not mistaken, yeah.
Would that not say that it would be in the spiritual rather than in the physical?
Well, I am convinced it will be in the spiritual. I just do not know whether it will be in the physical also or not. It may be, it may not, but it definitely will be spiritual.
So we see, brethren, in the whole of chapter 22 of the book of Isaiah -- in that one chapter, we see the Lord declaring the fall of man, the fallen condition of man, how it happened, and how he is going to raise us up. And then in almost three stages, he gives us more and more details of how he is going to do it. This is one of the literary techniques of the Scripture. The first few sentences, when you get a place where the Lord is starting with a new topic -- it is the case in Genesis 1:1. God in one or two verses gives you the whole story, and then in the next six verses, for example, he gives you more of an explanation, and then in the following six verses, you get even more details. So it is a literary style of the Bible, and we have a lot of people reading Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and saying, ah, there was another creation. No, there was not another creation. That is just God giving you the whole story in two verses. Then he begins to go into detail. Anybody else?
I am a little confused by that statement. I thought there were two creations. One was spiritual but visible, and then the full -- the second creation.
No, there is only one creation. It changes form, but there is only one creation. When Satan has hold of it, it is spiritual and physical. When the Lord Jesus Christ has hold of it, it is spiritual -- it is visible and spiritual. When Satan has hold of it, it is visible and physical. But it is the same creation. When the mind in it is Christ is -- it is alive, and when the mind in it is carnal, it is dead, but it is the same creation. OK? But we have some people reading this Bible and thinking that this is the second creation, that it is God’s second try. That the first try got wiped out or some such thing. A misinterpretation of the Scripture. There is only one creation. Its condition changes. You can be a woman. You are either pregnant or not. You are either healthy or not. You are either young or old. You are either all asleep or awake. But you are just Mary. You could be married or not.
It seems to me there is a tremendous difference between being visible -- between being invisible and physical.
Both -- no. The creation is visible. It is either spiritual or physical, but it is always visible. It is visible. When Satan has hold of it, it is physical, and when Christ has hold of it, it is spiritual, but it is always visible. The whole purpose of this creation is that it should be visible. It is Spirit joined to earth, and it is the earth that provides the visibility. The Spirit forms the earth, but the earth provides the visibility because Spirit is invisible.
Today, we had a discussion about the process. I had asked a question of how did this world become physical, and you said it was a process.
How it became physical, yes.
I am confused, and I do not know how to pose the question [CROSSTALK]
OK. Well, I do not understand your question. OK. Anybody else? This anointing is incredible. Anybody else? [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
The following is an experience which took place in the morning service.
As you have all heard me say many times, we have a multifaceted ministry here. It is a school of the Prophets. It is a Bible school. It is also a law school where we are supposed to be learning to judge righteous judgment. So we had a little controversy earlier, and it is settled down now, but I do have just a few comments to make. What happened inside -- I assume everybody heard it. The door was open. You did not?
OK. We had a little skirmish inside, and it was necessary -- you -- in our society, you might call it mediation. The Bible calls it righteous judgment. You see, whenever there is a controversy between two saints, the job of the man in whom Christ is manifesting is to see both, is to evaluate the situation and to identify the carnal mind in Christ, to identify righteous and to identify sin without condemnation for the specific purpose of bringing forth reconciliation. Everybody with me?
OK. Now, what I did inside -- because the meeting was supposed to be starting, and you cannot come into a spiritual meeting with hostility and people all upset. It kills the anointing. So what I did was, I called the two people in and I did a quick work. I did not make an evaluation of where the carnal mind was appearing or where the Christ mind was appearing. I just ministered mediation, and I said, you do this, and you do that, and let peace reign, OK. And I told the two parties that I had not made any judgment as to where the carnal mind was appearing. But as I sat inside and had breakfast, I had made a judgment, and the Lord has told me to make this public. Why? Because we are all supposed to be learning how to judge righteous judgment. Let me say it again. Identify the carnal mind and identify the Christ mind without condemnation for the purpose of everybody concerned obtaining an ability to lead a better life, because whenever the carnal mind is expressing herself through us, she is killing us, and she is killing our life, and she is killing our relationships.
So I have no intention of getting into any long thing, OK, but in the message that we are doing right now, I am just going to take 10 minutes on this, and then if anyone tries to elongate it, I am telling you in advance, I am going to stop you, OK. In the message we are doing right now, Isaiah 22, I believe it was in the last message, we found Scriptures. Let me tell you what verse it is in since you all have these Alternate Translations here. In verse 1(b), “But how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice the completed elect fallen souls of the Sons of God in full stature who were publicly judging the people?” Brethren, one of the primary functions of the Sons of God which is theirs exclusively, we do not see it in Pentecost, is that the Sons of God who have the mind of Christ have an ability to judge righteous judgment. Moses did it in the wilderness. Men with an imputed anointing who minister healing and deliverance do not have this gift. And it is not a gift; it is a state of being which is in Christ, OK.
So as I sat down and had breakfast, Christ manifested in me, and I have made a judgment out of my Christ mind without condemnation as to what caused this controversy amongst God’s people. And I want to share it with you, and I want you to put it in your heart. I do not want to hear anything from any of you. It was resolved. We resolved it. I want you to listen to what I say. I want everybody to listen to what I say. Put it in your heart, pray about it and ask God to make you holy, OK. This is what happened. This is my judgment, and I believe it is in Christ.
We had a controversy between the two music ministers here as to who would play today. There was a standing agreement that they would play on alternate Sundays. June is going away on vacation. Hold her hand, please. Someone give her a tissue. OK.
Can I be excused, please, [?Sheila?]?
You need to hear this.
I do not need to. Please? May I please?
If you -- OK, just wa- --
I will listen to the message. Please, I am asking you.
I will take [?it outside?].
OK. June is going away on vacation, OK. June approached Rita, and in -- I believe this with all my heart, that in June’s heart, she wanted to -- she felt -- June made a judgment that she was overburdening Rita by not being here for all of this time. Whether she was in denial or not is besides the point. That is what she believed. And you moved on your feelings to write what you felt was an injustice. OK. Now I have two things to say to you. First of all, Rita is the head of the music ministry, so you usurped her authority.
OK. Number two, she has told you -- she tells she has told you several times, and I do believe this, that she is not overburdened when you are gone. That she could play -- she could take the whole music ministry if she wanted to. You did not realize that? OK. But you claim you did in fact tell her that.
OK. So you did not --
-- hear it.
Just this morning, I made it very clear --
-- but I do not think it was that clear to her.
I did not know how to deal with what was -- she was saying to me.
Only this morning did I finally [CROSSTALK].
OK. So you did not know that, OK. Rita feels that she is not burdened, so to the two of you I say there was a lack of communication, OK, as to how you felt. You did not communicate it to her, OK, and there was a lack of communication, and I am not passing a judgment right now on where this originated as to your motive, OK. And you are certainly free to think what you want about her motive, but you came, you took authority that was not yours, OK, based on your judgment that you were abusing her, OK, and now she confesses that she did not make it clear that she did not feel abused. So communication broke down right there, OK.
Second of all, when we started to speak about it, OK, -- no, I am not going to say that. OK. And Rita, I say unto you, OK, that in my opinion, -- if I am wrong, God will have to show me, I really believe that your discernment was incorrect. That I do not believe that June is doing this because she wants to play more times, OK. I think that she is doing what she said she was doing, that she was trying to compensate for her going away, but I say unto you that you took an ungodly burden, OK. Not only is Rita the head of the music ministry and did you jump her authority, but even if you were the head of the music ministry, which you are not, the thing to do is to say to the person, how do you feel about it? Would you like the times that I am not here to just be dropped, or would you like me to make it up? So you did take an authority that even if you were the head of the music ministry would have been out of order because what you did was make up her mind for her, you see? All right. OK.
And you need to become stronger in your ability to communicate, and part of what hinders your communication, at least an aspect of it, is that this rage rises up in you, and probably the rage rises up in you because you were abused in this manner as a child. But you see, in this ministry, we hear your feelings, and we acknowledge your right to decide for yourself, and if another person involved is not as skilled as she might be, I am here to set it straight. So technically speaking, there is no reason for your rage, but of course it is in your emotions because it is going back to your childhood. So based on the righteous judgment which is being manifested here, we fully expect a complete deliverance from this rage for you, because it is a rage that goes back to your childhood. It is not appropriate here because we have righteous here, OK. And I just pray that that be broken over you, and that God set you free from it, OK. And if in fact my judgment is true, and I believe it is, that you have attributed an ungodly motive to June. I pray that God make it real to you.
So what I am saying is I believe she sinned. She took an authority she did not have, and she tried to force it on you. And, June, I have seen you do that. You have done it to me. You have offered me clothing that I did not want. You have just forced it in my hands, and I have talked to you about it. So you did perceive sin in her, but I believe that your identification of the sin was inaccurate. Do you understand what I am saying?
OK. This is my judgment, OK. If you do not agree with it, if anybody here does not agree with it, you are free to not agree with me. You are free to tell the Lord, I do not agree with her. You are not free to pray psychic prayers against me to change my mind. But you certainly are free to pray. Lord, give Sheila wisdom, increase her ability in righteous judgment, and let Christ appear in her because when it appears in her -- when he appears in her, he is going to appear in the whole ministry. That is what you do, and if you think that I am wrong, you say, Lord, let righteous appear. Do not presume that I am wrong because I am the head, and if it is between you and me, the chances are nine out of 10 that I am right and you are wrong. Why? Because I am the head, and the wisdom of God is on me. OK. So do not defeat yourself. Be wise. Does anybody not understand that? You can disagree, but do not go before the Lord assuming that you are right and I am wrong, because that is the sin of pride and you are in trouble. Is everybody OK? I am very excited that the court of law of Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, has appeared here this morning.
I believe with all my heart, it is the same Spirit that was on Solomon, I believe it is the same Spirit that was on Moses, and I believe it is the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ, and to me it is a sign of true Sonship. Not Pentecost. It is the sign of tabernacles, and I am excited, and I bless these two, and I bless the whole ministry, and I praise God because there is a beautiful Spirit here in a service that could have been knocked out by Satan. OK. That is all I have to say, and I am -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
I lift this meeting up to you right now, Lord, in the name of Jesus. I just break the powers of the enemy in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I just break the bones of the carnal mind, and I pray that the bones of Christ be erected here this morning, Lord. I just rebuke any ungodly manifestation wherever it is coming from, Lord, and just repent myself and on behalf of the whole ministry here, Lord, of anything that we need to repent of in the name of Jesus. I just break all curses of destruction and pride and any spirit of division or misunderstanding in the name of Jesus, and I do rebuke rage in the Spirit in the name of Jesus, and criticism and judgment that is coming from the carnal mind, and I curse it at its root in the name of Jesus. I just rebuke envy and jealousy and Jezebel and witchcraft and mind control and manipulation and seduction. I curse all of you in the name of Jesus. I rebuke rebellion in Jesus’ name, and I pray, Father, that you put us in right order, you help us to submit to your will, and help us to see clearly, Lord, what you are doing and your purpose, and give us clear understanding and clear discernment in Jesus’ name. And I pray, Father, for an anointing here this morning on the message, and I thank you for the anointing that was on the music, Lord, and I just bless you for it, Father. I pray, Father, for a continued blessing, Lord, on these meetings in Jesus’ name. And I pray, Father, that you meet the needs of the people here this morning, Lord, that you raise us up in Christ, Lord, and help us to repent of our sins, to overcome, just break all curses of perversion and lust in the name of Jesus. I just break all curses of abuse and rage. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you. Thank you, Jesus.
Praise the Lord. So just let me get this on. So when you read the Alternate Translation of Isaiah 22 or in any other place, you read about the Sons of God or a king anywhere judging in the gates of Israel or judging in the gates or judging in the gates of Jerusalem, what you have experienced this morning is what the Scripture is speaking about, and what you have experienced this morning is what you were called to as a Son. And, brethren, there is no way that you can judge righteous judgment unless you first judge your own sins. You must see your sins because the end of it is the glory that you saw this morning, and I believe this to be glory. When Jesus said, “You shall be the peacemakers,” this is what he was talking about, and the ability to be a true peacemaker is in Christ, and you cannot do it unless Christ in you is first judging your carnal mind. You cannot judge your brethren unless you are judging yourself.
Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 03/07/17
03/10/17 1st Edit rh