Part 5 of 11 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
This is Jehovah speaking. “I said surely when I bring judgment upon your mind, emotions and physical body, you will confess your sins and repent so that your spirit can separate from your soul and join with Christ. The only one who can preserve your soul alive. But they earnestly” -- who? The peoples of the world: the church and the heathen alike. “But they earnestly continue to act out the wicked deeds of fallen Adam.” And this is a great mystery, brethren, but it is not unheard of that the heathen find it more easy to confess their sins than the members of the church. Why would this be? Because some people in the church -- some simply because they have not been educated properly; others because of pride -- think that there is righteousness in religious works. Some people think that obtain spiritual righteousness as a result of going to church, reading the Bible, praying for the sick, tithing, casting out demons, healing and doing all kinds of good works. But to those people who believe that, I say unto you unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees, you shall surely not see the Kingdom of Heaven.
And what is the Kingdom of Heaven? The Kingdom of Heaven is a mind. The Kingdom of God is a mind. The Kingdom of God is Christ Jesus. The mind of Ch- -- and whom is the mind of Christ which is formed in you as a result of the union between the Lord Jesus Christ and your human spirit. If you have the Kingdom of God within you, you have two kingdoms within you: the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness. Your carnal mind is the Kingdom of Darkness. And they are both operating, but they cannot both operate at the same time. So from second to second, from minute to minute, from thought to thought, from word to word, it is either the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Darkness which is revealing itself through you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a condition of mind whereby the Kingdom of God in you has flipped the Kingdom of Darkness over on her back, and is lying on top of her, and is paralyzing her so that she cannot do through you, and so that she cannot speak through you or act through you. The Kingdom of Heaven is a mind which has bound itself to the Kingdom of Darkness in a position with the Kingdom of God in dominance and the Kingdom of Darkness in paralyzed passivity underneath. The Kingdom of Heaven is a mind which has produced a condition of righteousness, holiness and sinlessness in a human being. The Kingdom of God is a righteous, holy, sinless mind which has not yet produced righteousness, holiness and sinlessness in the whole man.
The Kingdom of God -- the presence of the Kingdom of God in itself does not cause us to stop dying. The presence of the Kingdom of God itself may, but will not necessarily, prevent us from being sick or being hurt or experiencing any of the devices of Satan. The Kingdom of Heaven will produce everlasting life and preservation in our flesh and life in our soul and the absence of disease and disaster in our life.
The condition of having two active minds, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness, is a condition of active, spiritual warfare where both minds are warring for dominion over your person. The Kingdom of Heaven is a condition of mind where there is a negotiated peace. I do not think negotiated is correct. Where there is a peace which has been effected as a result of the overtaking of the Kingdom of Darkness by the Kingdom of God. Although the Kingdom of Darkness is still alive, still has existence, can still think. You can hear her thoughts. When your mind is the Kingdom of Heaven, you can still hear Satan’s thoughts. How do I know that? My Bible says Satan spoke to Jesus who was Christ. Not only spoke to him but tempted him. But your warfare is largely at rest because you have got her behind bars, but she still needs to be guarded and watched until the day of her execution, and you have to watch out for jailbreaks and for other carnal minds coming to get her out. Hallelujah. It is like a fairy story.
God help us. God help us to believe everything that is true. Let us believe it, Lord. Let our carnal mind be cast down, and let the spirit of truth prevail.
Verse 8 of chapter 3 of the Book of Zephaniah: “‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ saith the Lord, ‘until the day that I rise up to the prey for my determination is to gather the nations that I may assemble the Kingdoms to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.’”
Therefore is Strong’s 3651. We have seen this word in other verses of Zephaniah. This is a great mystery, but in the Hebrew Lexicon another translation of [?the?] word translated therefore is upright, erect, honest, rightly, and as a matter of fact, the words I just read to you are the first translations in the Hebrew Lexicon written by Gesenius. We shall choose the idea which is righteousness which is behind those words, and I suggest to you it is referring to Christ. There is only one righteous, brethren, and that is Christ.
“Therefore, wait ye upon me,” says Jehovah. To wait upon is Strong’s 2442, and Gesenius says right in his lexicon that the primary idea of this word translated wait upon is to tie or bind. Now, what that has to do with wait upon, your guess is as good as mine, but I am taking this information right out of the lexicon. The primary concept of the idea being conveyed through this word is to tie or to bind.
Brethren, if you are laying hold of literal interpretations of words or literal definitions of words, you are hurting yourself. Words are merely vehicles by which we express ideas. The whole purpose of speech is to express and transmit to another person’s understanding an idea that is in your heart and that is in your mind. So if I use a word, and you choose to believe that that word means something that does not line up with the idea that I was trying to express to you, the whole purpose of my speaking to you is defeated because the whole purpose of my speaking to you was to convey what I am thinking and what I am feeling to you. So therefore, it is very important that people speak the same language. Now, if you are speaking Spanish and I am speaking French, we know that we have a problem. But if we are both speaking English, but the same English word means one thing to you and something else to me, we have got a real problem because I think I know what you mean but I do not know what you mean. Therefore, I think you meant something that you did not mean. Therefore, when you are trying to bless me, I am mad at you because I got you backwards. That is a very serious problem, and the way I deal with it, brethren, is I take people at face value. If you are lying to me about your motives or your intents, God will reveal it. If you use a word that means something different to me than it means to you, and you set me straight on that -- if you say to me, Sheila, that is not what I intended to say to you, what you heard by the use of that word was not the intent of my heart, I will take you at face value because if I do not, I am just utterly destroying our relationship, and if you are lying to me or if you are deceiving yourself, God will make things straight. So unless the Lord shows to me that you are outright deceiving and lying unto me, I will believe whatever you tell me so long as it is not obviously destructive unto me. I am not going to believe you if you told me God said, “Jump out the window.” Let us keep this in context here. Jesus.
So the primary intent of this word is to bind. So we have two words in verse 8 of Zephaniah: “Therefore, wait upon me.” But the writer of our Hebrew Lexicon says the idea behind the two words are to bind righteousness. “Therefore, wait upon me,” to bind righteousness. Brethren, I do not know about you, but what that says to me is to bind myself to the mind of Christ. Bind righteousness. What is being bound to righteousness? My unrighteousness. Bind up your unrighteousness to the righteousness of Christ. Let the Kingdom of Heaven be formed in you. Let the mind of Christ in you bind up the Kingdom of Darkness in you. Let your mind be the Kingdom of Heaven that you might be found without sin, that you might be found blameless in the eyes of God. “Therefore,” says Jehovah, “wait upon me.” That sounds very different than the idea of Jehovah’s heart unto you, brethren.
We call it the spirit of the word versus the letter of the word. If you would like to believe that this Scripture is saying that Jehovah is saying sit there on your lees in passivity, if that is what you choose to believe, you believe it, but I will not fight with you. But I am here today to tell you that you are not receiving in your conscious understanding a transmission of the idea which Jehovah is intending to convey to you. Now, he may be conveying a very important idea to you. Everything the Lord says to you is very important. So if you are choosing to believe an understanding of his words which are anything less than what he has to say to you, you are being robbed, and the one who is stealing from you -- who is the thief? Who is the thief? Satan is the thief. She has got your jewels. The Word of the Lord unto you is more valuable than anything this world could give you, and your carnal mind has stolen your valuables. You must wound your carnal mind. You must war against her for she will steal your very life if you will not fight.
Bind your carnal mind to the Christ mind in you. How do you do that? How do you bind up your carnal mind? You weaken her. You cause her to die from lack of use. You refuse to agree with her thoughts and her motives. You confess her thoughts and motives as sin and reject them, and that is how you bind her up. Every time you refuse a thought which comes from her, Christ finds strength within himself to put her that much more underneath him. It is not enough to ignore her. When you ignore her, you are like the person hovering in the corner putting his shoulder to -- or shoulder up to take the blows. Eventually, she will break your shoulder. You have got to come out punching. You have got actively resist her by declaring that her thoughts in your mind are not of God and that they are sin, and that you will not agree with them, but you will surely expose them as unrighteousness in your own mind.
“‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ saith the Lord.” The Hebrew word translated saith is not the typical Hebrew word translated said. It is a different word that is used in verse 7 where Jehovah is saying -- Jehovah is relating an account. He said, “I said surely when I bring judgment upon them,” such and such will happen. Jehovah is merely speaking to somebody when he is saying that. We will find out a little later on that the one he is speaking to -- does anybody know who he is speaking to? I mentioned it briefly this morning. Does anyone know who he is speaking to? Jehovah is speaking to the Lord Jesus Christ, the archangel whom he is sending to carry out his plan of salvation for humanity. Jehovah is saying, and I told these people, you know. I told those people. I told that -- so I told that wife of mine, but she cannot do it so she needs help. Well, in verse 8, it is a different Hebrew word translated saith the Lord. This is Strong’s 5002. It is a word which means utterance and it is -- oh, Gesenius says, “In the Holy Scripture it is almost always used of the Oracle of God.” In other words, it is not just recounting a story. It is not repeating something with h- -- w- -- that happened, but it is the creative word of the Lord coming forth, saying thus saith the Lord. Let it come to pass. Let -- I have spoken it. Let it come to pass.
“‘Therefore, wait upon me,’ saith the Lord.” I do not know why I put this in. I must have put this in the wrong place so I will just read it to you [?though?]. Oh, I know why I put it in. OK. The Oracle of God. Another way of saying the Oracle of God is to say the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God, the truth which comes forth from God, and we are told that Christ Jesus is the wisdom of God.
1 Corinthians 1:30 says, “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption?” So we are going to translate -- this Hebrew word translated saith, we are going to use it -- we are going to translate it Christ Jesus because it means the wisdom of God. Christ Jesus is the one who faithfully repeats the Word of Jehovah in a human language that men can understand. Jehovah speaks in symbols, Jehovah speaks in a high, spiritual communication, and he speaks to the only mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, and the Christ Jesus faithfully repeats every word that Jehovah says in a language that men can understand, and that means more than a -- than an ethnic language. It means more than English. It means more than Spanish. It means more than French. It means when Christ Jesus repeats what Jehovah says to you, he does anything he has to do to make you understand. He speaks in parables. He gives you natural examples. He tells you over and over and over again until you can understand because it is Christ Jesus’ job not to repeat words which are language, but to repeat speech which typifies ideas. The Lord is not satisfied with the repetition of li- -- of language of formed, spoken words. He wants you to know and have an intimate understanding of the ideas of his heart for you.
And this is the job of Christ Jesus. And that is why preachers who are preaching out of their carnal minds can only preach the letter to you. Preachers who are preaching with their carnal mind have a limited ability to convey to you their understanding of the language of the Scripture, and there is some good in that. They can convey morality to you. They can convey financial principles which are in the Bible to you. They can convey some instruction in faith to you. They can convey the gospel of the cross to you. But they cannot convey the heart of God to you.
Only Christ Jesus can convey the motives and ideas of the very heart of God to you, and in so doing, brethren, in conveying the very idea and motives of the heart of God to you, a man who has the ability to do this actually conveys the heart of God to you because only the heart of God in you can understand the heart of God which is being spoken through me. Jesus said, “My words are Spirit and my words are life,” and if it is Christ in my speaking to you, my words are falling upon your heart and forming the heart of God in you. So therefore, brethren, your understanding is this -- is in the form of the reproduction of the very life of God within yourself. So we see that listening to a preacher who is preaching out of the heart of God is a very spiritual experience. If that man is truly preaching out of the mind of Christ, your mind or your heart is being pelted with the seeds of his life, and you just might wind up pregnant with his life. Praise God.
“‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ saith the Lord, ‘until the day that I rise up to the prey.’” “Until the day.” That is pretty much what it means. We know that a day in the Scripture could be -- in this case I believe it is a spiritual day. It is a time. It is an age. It is an appointed time that the Lord has declared certain events will happen, and usually when the Scripture talks about that day, the event that it is speaking about is the spiritual age in which Jehovah is moving to deliver fallen humanity out from under the authority of Satan. You see, brethren, Satan has authority over us. He is our jailer. He is the warden in hell. If we behave ourselves, we get privileges down here, and we have some freedom in our life and some good things. The more rebellious and unmanageable we are, the more authority the warden and the guards have to mess with us, and you can get pretty messed. OK.
“Until the day I rise up to the prey.” The phrase “I rise up” is Strong’s 6965; it means to arise against anyone or to stand, and Jehovah rising or standing up is pretty much the expression which typifies the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Brethren, none of us in this hour is standing. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who is standing. The Scripture says that humanity is lying in a bed, and some of us who have some spiritual power are sitting up in that bed but we are all spiritual cripples. How do I know that? Nobody in their right mind would be voluntarily staying in this place. Everybody is in some form of torment: either in your mind, in your thought life, in your emotions or in your flesh. Everybody. You -- nothing is perfect. Everybody down here that is in touch with reality knows that, so therefore anybody who thought for a second that they had the power to go to a place where there was no pain or torment or discomfort ever would go. Who in their right mind would stay? So we see that we are in a bed of affliction. A bed of affliction. Much of humanity are lying down in that bed. We are sick. We are spiritually weak. We are powerless to get up and get out. The very best of us are sitting up in the bed.
But very soon a company of men will be standing. The indication being when we stand, the powers and principalities of this world are under our feet. That means we have authority over them. What does that mean? They cannot cause us to die. They cannot cause us to be sick. They cannot cause us to sin. They cannot compel us to do anything that is unrighteous. So we see that the Lord Jesus in that day shall stand. He shall stand in the flesh of his people. That means the Lord Jesus as the form of man’s new mind will cause a company of people to arise above the authority of this world system and ascend out of this realm of death. Not physically, brethren, but in our mind. That means practically to you. The practical application of this word is that you shall walk in this world without any danger of damage to your flesh from any source of the criminal aspects of this world. No man will be able to take your life. No disease will be able to cleave unto you. No car accident will be able to kill you. No curse will be able to steal your finances. Poverty will be unable to activate in your life. Hunger and famine will be impossible unto you. Either the food will manifest supernaturally or you will not need it. It will be impossible to experience hunger. It will be impossible to experience thirst. It will be impossible to be burnt by a fire unto the destruction of your flesh. There will be nothing in this world that will by any means hurt you.
Now, a lot of Christians read that Scripture and think it is happening now. I do not know about you, but a lot of things hurt me down here in hell, so I know that that Scripture has not been made real to me. If you want to live in fantasy, you live in fantasy, but the things in this world hurt me all the time. That means there is something wrong with my doctrine if I believe that nothing can hurt me. But I do not believe it, so my doctrine is lined up with reality in this area. You are the one who was in fantasy, and you are the one who is in denial, and you cannot appropriate the promises of this Scripture with mind control. You must receive the promises of this Scripture as a dar- -- as a direct outgrowth of spiritual maturity which is Christ Jesus being formed in you and winning the warfare and over -- and utterly subduing the death of your carnal mind. Let me say it again. Every promise in this Bible will be a direct outgrowth of the ascendency of the formation of the man Christ Jesus in your mind, and that man, Christ Jesus, taking authority over your carnal mind and paralyzing her into total inactivity. That is the primary event which you are striving for, or you should be striving for, and as that occurs and when that condition finally comes to pass in your mind, the results of the winning of that war over your carnal mind is the fulfillment of every promise in this book. Now, you will have some fulfillment of the promises as you walk with Jesus. But for you to think that you have every promise in your life right now, the Bible calls you fool. I am sorry, but you are fool because it is just a lie. Jesus.
“To the prey.” “‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ saith the Lord, ‘until the day that I rise up to the prey.’” “To the prey,” Strong’s 5706. This is one of those instances in the King James translation where the King James translators took a lot of license because they simply could not figure out what the Hebrew meant. This word -- this Hebrew spelling of the Hebrew letters that I see in the Interlinear does not line up with Strong’s #5706. The spelling of this phrase in the Interlinear text lines up with Strong’s # -- the exact spelling, with Strong’s #5703 and 5705, both of which have the same exact spelling. This word in the Interlinear text also has the prefix which is the Hebrew letter lamed before it. Now, the prefix before the word means until or into, OK? Now, we have two Strong’s wor- -- two Strong words which line up with this spelling: 5703 and 5705. 5705 means until or into. It means the same thing as the prefix before the word. So if we were to choose 5705 as our translation, we would be saying that the word means until into. And I suggest to you that makes no sense at all so I am therefore choosing 5703 as the correct translation of God’s intention in this Scripture, and 5703 means to pass over. To pass over and when we add to it the prefix, it means to pass over into. To pass over into.
So what have we got here? Let us try to put this together. Well, what are we trying to pass over into? I suggest to you we are passing over into the Kingdom of Heaven. Remember, the Kingdom of God is not full stature. The Kingdom of Heaven is full stature. What does that mean? It means that you have two minds in you right now. You have a human spirit that has two husbands and two offspring. You have a human spirit that is pa- -- has one foot in the carnal mind and one foot in the Christ mind. So to pass over, I suggest to you, means for your spirit to leave your carnal mind completely and pass over primarily, if not completely, into your Christ mind. Let us not have one foot in death and one foot in life because, brethren, if you have one foot in death and one foot in life, you are still dead, you see. To rise from the dead, you have to have two feet in life. So let us pass over, let us pass out from the carnal mind and pass into the life of Christ. We are passing over death the type of which is the River Jordan and in another Scripture the Dead Sea. We are passing from one life to another, from one spiritual condition to another, from one state of mind to another. Let us pass over, brethren. Let us pass over from death into life.
Alternate Translation, the first quarter of Zephaniah 3:8. Believe it or not, the King James says, “‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ saith the Lord, ‘until the day that I rise up to the prey,’” but the wisdom of God says, “‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven.’”
It is much clearer to me, you see. When I read, “‘Therefore, wait ye upon me,’ says the Lord, ‘until the day that I rise up to the prey,’” I do not know about you, but that is not a clear instruction to me as to what the Lord requires of me. Now, I have got somebody in the ministry that says to me all the time what do you require of me? That is a very godly question. What they -- what she is saying to me is I am not sure I understand what you said. What do you require of me? There is no way I am going to do it if I have not understood your communication. This is what the Lord requires of us, brethren. “‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Now, brethren, [?know?no,?] the King James translation is not wrong. It is merely unclear. Anybody reading the King James translation with an honest heart, I believe, will be blessed. I believe the Spirit of God is in it. He will bless you to the fullest extent that you can receive that blessing. He will honor your efforts to read his word. You will receive something good from your efforts. But as for me, if I have a choice of receiving a parable from the Lord or receiving a clear-sounding communication from the Lord, I will take the clear-sounding communication. However, there is a problem with hearing the clear-sounding communication. Does anybody know what the problem is? You are now responsible for that which you have heard. You can no longer claim ignorance. To who much is given, much is required. Therefore, brethren, “‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Continuing with the second quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “For my determination is to gather the nations that I may assemble the Kingdoms.” Sounds wonderful. I have no idea what it means. Sounds good. Makes me feel good that I am reading the word of God. Got a good Spirit on me. But what does the Lord require of me? I have not the vaguest idea. “For my determination is to gather the nations that I may assemble the Kingdoms.” My determination, Strong’s 4941. The Interlinear says, “Justice,” and Gesenius says, “It means the sentence of a judge.” The determination of Jehovah, brethren, is his sentence. He has made a judgment. He has made a decision as what he is -- as to what he is going to do with you. And why is it necessary for him to make a decision as to what he is going to do with you? Well, we found out in another chapter in Zephaniah that the Lord has told his wife, “You are dead. You died. Do not be deceived because you have an existence. You died.” So the Lord has made a decision as to what he is going to do with us. We are his wife, and he is going to tell us what his decision is.
“For my decision is to gather the nations that I may assemble the Kingdoms.” To gather, Strong’s 622. Now, brethren, the -- well, the nations is the nations of the world. Please note that the Lord has not -- the Lord is not just addressing Israel. He is addressing the entire soul, all of humanity, and he says he is going to gather the nations that he might assemble them. Now, with regard to my knowledge of English, he has just stuttered. He said the same thing twice, to gather and to assemble. You know, that is -- those are two very close words. So when I see something like that, I am looking for a second interpretation of one of those words that might give me some more information. The word gather, Strong’s 622, according to our writer of the Hebrew-English Lexicon, says, “An acceptable translation of that word is to heal a leprous person.” It is in the book. It is in the book. Look it up yourself. I did not write the book. I did not write the language. Every Hebrew word has a multitude of potential translations. You have to find out which idea Jehovah was trying to convey to you.
Now, if you insist that he intended to convey an idea that is in the book, a legitimate translation, that he did not intend to convey, and you insist on it because your pride wants it that way, well, then you believe it. But if you are listening to me, if you have not stopped reading this message yet, you have a choice, and you have an opportunity to pray and say, Lord, I have heard a communication in a language that I can understand that says something radically different than the King James translators. What are you saying to me? And he will answer your prayer. He will send you the Spirit of truth.
“For my judgment is to assemble the leprous person.” He is going to assemble, to put in a logical order, all the members of this soul which is fallen and dead and in a spiritually leprous condition. Brethren, we are untouchable. We are dangerous. Sin contaminates. Brethren, you put someone who has deep sin in their life next to someone who is spiritually cleaner, and the spiritually cleaner person cannot raise up that sin-filled person, and if that person who has not been tainted by this sin yet is not very much in Christ and very strong, they will come down with the same disease. And even if they are spiritually strong, unless Christ has actually sent you in, your harlot soul in due season will be seduced by the sin in that person who was actively engaged in the sin.
Brethren, the world knows this is true. The world knows that it is true. You cannot hang around with -- let me give you an example. If you are not a homosexual, you cannot hang out with homosexuals without being touched by their homosexuality after a season. The world knows it. I watched a talk show once where they were interviewing married couples who were swinging, and there was one married couple up there that joined a swinging club but they did not swing, and they were actually on national TV saying they were just looking for a way to spend some spare time so they hung out in this club with a couple of hundred people, and they were the only ones who did not swing. They could not find any place else to fellowship, you see. So all of America watching the TV show knows that they really want to swing but they have not found the guts to do it yet, and they are around all the people having all the opportunity until the day comes that they will find some excuse for swinging. Well, it just happened to -- I cannot imagine how this happened to me. I have been hanging out with these people for two years and just one night it just happened to me. I just cannot figure it out.
Sin is contagious. People with worldly wisdom know that. Is this world, evil is stronger than good. Only righteousness is stronger than evil. But the evil of this world is stronger than the good of this world. You cannot hang out with sin and stay clean. Only your pride would tell you that. And homosexuality is notoriously catching. They made a movie about it with Al Pacino. Was it Al Pacino? Wh- --
Well, it is notoriously catching. They made a movie -- an excellent movie about an undercover cop who went undercover in a heavy metal community to catch a murderer. The guy was as straight as an arrow. When he came out, he was bent. And he went to his commanding officer and said, “Get me off this case. Something is happening to me,” and his commanding officer said, “You complete your assignment, mister,” and he completed it all right. And he came out a changed man. You see, our soul is a harlot. She commits adultery with every sin that presses on her hard enough and long enough. You have to guard your heart, keep clean, honest company, or you will go the way of your companions. Jesus. God help us.
So this is the leprous soul. We are catching, we are dangerous, we are sick unto death, and the Lord is going to assemble us. Strong’s 6908, to gather oneself means to gather oneself. Now, there is only one oneself. Brethren, this soul is the Lord’s oneself. We are his flesh. We are his wife. No man ever hated his own flesh. We are his flesh, a many-membered flesh, that he [?toils?] in the midst of, and he is going to gather us unto himself which means he fully intends to fill us with his mind. Only he has a problem. Before he can fill us with his mind, he has to get rid of the mind that is already possessing us. We are occupied territory.
Alternate Translation, the second quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “Because” -- “says Jehovah, ‘Because my decision, my legal decision, is to not destroy you, to not bring you to a place where you cease to exist, but to heal you because my decision is to heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together into one body by raising my Christ in the dead from [sic] them.’”
You see? Jehovah’s decision is not to wipe us off the face of the earth, but, “To heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together unto one body,” and the way he is doing it is by raising his Christ from the dead in you. This is a legal decision of a judge. He has decided against capital punishment. He has decided against life in imprisonment. He has decided to put us in a mental institution until we are healed. Only he has the power to heal us. When our society does that, the murderer gets out of the mental institution and he is not healed. The whole key is that Jehovah has the power to do the work. What work? To restore us to righteousness. It is a miracle. The Scripture says, “He is restoring us -- he is restoring our virginity.” It is impossible in this world.
God could do it. How do I know? We are told in the Book of Revelation that there are virgins that follow him everywhere he goes. See, in this world, there are things once you lose it, you cannot get back, but there is not anything that God cannot get back. That is why he took his time getting to Lazarus when he was sick unto death. There is not anything he cannot get back. This world is death. It goes forward and there is no way to recover the past. Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty-Dumpty together again. But the Lord Jesus Christ can put Humpty-Dumpty together again. He is not restricted by the physical laws of this world system. He can go backwards, he can go forwards, sidewards, left, right, up or down, and he can do anything that he wants to do. He can redeem the time. Every t- -- every second that you have lost, he can make something good out of it. He can restore you. He can restore everything that was stolen from you.
But do not be naive, brethren. He does not necessarily restore it in the same exact form that he took it from you or that you lost it from -- that it was in when you lost it. Job lost his wife and his children and his houses and his cattle. He lost all of his possessions. He got a new wife. He got new children. He got money that came from his friends. It was not the same that he lost. The restoration is in principle. If you are looking for an exact restoration, you may think the Lord has failed you. You must become spiritual. He has promised to restore your life and to restore the good things of his Spirit unto you, but they most likely will not be in the form they were in that you lost. Jesus.
“Because my decision is to heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together into one body by raising my Christ from the dead in them.” Romans 12:5 says, “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone members one of another.” I am giving you these witnesses because the Scripture says that he is assembling the nations unto himself, and himself is a many-membered body. 1 Corinthians 12:12: “For as the body is one and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.” Ephesians 3:6: “That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.”
“Because my decision is to heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together into one body by raising my Christ from the dead in them.” You see, brethren, sometimes human beings are carnal. Let me give you a parable. This has to be for somebody here. This has to be a question in somebody’s mind. Listen, if you own a car, and your car is wrecked, and God chooses to restore your loss, do you expect him to go to the junkyard and get your car and rebuild it for you? No, of course not. You know he is getting you a new car. So in the same manner, if your life was wrecked in some way, would you expect him to exactly replace that which you lost? No, brethren, it is not realistic. It is your carnal mind putting you in bondage. Do not get caught in a religious spirit. Go with the flow and let the Spirit of God take the lead. Avoid that bondage, brethren. It is never of God.
Continuing with the third quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “To pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger.” “To pour out upon them,” Strong’s 8210, means -- one of the meanings is to cast metals, to pour out molten metal into a cast, and I am going to suggest to you that the Lord is casting the gold of the human spirit in his image. He is pouring out our spirit. Well, before he can pour out our spirit, he has to melt it. So we are going on to judgment, the judgment is melting the gold of our human spirit which is presently in Satan’s image, and in that melting we will be separated from Satan, OK, because in our union with Satan, our human spirit is the softer of the two spirits. The human spirit becomes formed in the image of the male Spirit. So we are being melted in the lake of fire, we are being separated from Satan, and we are being joined to the Spirit of Christ, and will therefore be cast in the image of the new man through judgment. There is no other way.
“To pour upon them mine indignation.” Indignation, the Interlinear says fury. It is Strong’s 2195. Gesenius says that this word properly means to foam. Webster says, “To foam means to bubble up,” and a bubble is a drop of gas which is contained in a drop of liquid. So I suggest to you that the spiritual meaning of this word, indignation, it means to foam up. It is speaking about an increase or a rising up of the Spirit of Jehovah. It is speaking about an increase of the Spirit of Jehovah. Spirit is gaseous, typified by gas, so when the Spirit of Jehovah increases, it means it is rising into the soul realm, and the soul realm is typified by water. We are speaking here about the appearance of the Spirit of Jehovah in the soul realm, the joining of the drop of gas with the drop of water. So gas, we cannot see at all; water, we can see. We are speaking about the appearance of Jehovah in the spiritual realm of this world system, and when Jehovah appears in the spiritual realm of this world system, he is appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ and also known as the Holy Ghost, and as he arises in the individual, he is appearing as Christ Jesus, our new mind.
“To pour upon them mine indignation.” Indignation, the Interlinear says fury. It is Strong’s 2195. Gesenius says that this word properly means to foam. Webster says, “To foam means to bubble up,” and a bubble is a drop of gas which is contained in a drop of liquid. So I suggest to you that the spiritual meaning of this word, indignation, it means to foam up. It is speaking about an increase or a rising up of the Spirit of Jehovah. It is speaking about an increase of the Spirit of Jehovah. Spirit is gaseous, typified by gas, so when the Spirit of Jehovah increases, it means it is rising into the soul realm, and the soul realm is typified by water. We are speaking here about the appearance of the Spirit of Jehovah in the soul realm, the joining of the drop of gas with the drop of water. So gas, we cannot see at all; water, we can see. We are speaking about the appearance of Jehovah in the spiritual realm of this world system, and when Jehovah appears in the spiritual realm of this world system, he is appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ and also known as the Holy Ghost, and as he arises in the individual, he is appearing as Christ Jesus, our new mind.
So we are speaking about the Lord Jehovah giving himself to us because we have died, we have failed to take dominion over the moral impurity in the earth of our own soul. We have failed to cease from sin. We have utterly failed to take the victory over our flesh. So the judgment of the Lord, the sentence of God, his legal decision is what he is going to do for us is not to kill us forever. He has decided to rehabilitate us. He has decided to give us what we are lacking. And that which we are lacking is him. We need his strength, his righteousness, his salvation, his love, his glory, his strength and we shall live and not die. And the way he is getting himself from Spirit form into us, fallen, physical beings, is by using a mediator. He is putting himself into a form whereby he can live inside of us and strengthen us without killing us, and the name of that procedure -- that procedure is a man, and what he is giving us is His Son, and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ.
And as I hope to show you before this message is over, the beginning part of Zephaniah 3 is the -- is Jehovah speaking to his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, saying, “Now, look. This is the situation. My wife has died, and I have made a judgment to save her life by giving you to her, and you are to leave the realm of the Spirit and you are to join yourself to this dead soul which is filled with sin, and you are to purify her from her sins, you see. I am sending you in. You are not to catch leprosy. You are not to become leprous. But your righteousness will heal her leprosy, and you will stay with her, and you will stay joined unto her for the fullest length of the age that is necessary for you to purify her from her sins.” And this is the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ has made for humanity. And although I have offended many people, I stand by what the Lord has told me. Jesus died on the physical cross so that men would believe. The true depth of his sacrifice for humanity is that he will be joined to a leprous woman and has been joined to a leprous woman for several thousands of years until he has healed our leprosy.
The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is a spiritual sacrifice. The only reason he was physically crucified was so that men would believe. He died for us so that he could be spiritually joined to us because we are cripples, we are in spiritual wheelchairs, we cannot walk, we cannot stop from sinning, and he is our only hope of restoration. So he has nailed himself to our spiritual filth because he is the only one who can save our life.
“To pour out mine indignation, even all my fierce anger.” Fierce, Strong’s 2740, is speaking about heat or burning, and anger, Strong’s 639, is a Hebrew word which means the breathing place. It is really speaking about the nose. The reason they get anger out of this word is from the fact that when someone gets really angry, they frequently breathe heavily. But the basic intention of the word is the breathing place, the nose. Now, all I could think about when I read this was that this verse sounds like an instant replay of Genesis 2:7. Here is the King James translation of Genesis 2:7. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils” -- that is the same Hebrew word translated anger -- “and breathed in the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.” And I am suggesting to you that what is all this blood and guts that we are reading about in Zephaniah 3 verse -- what are we? Verse 8? We are at verse 8 -- is Jehovah really saying I am going to do it again. I am going to breathe the breath of my life into you again. I breathe the breath of my life into you. I gave you the mind of Christ. You messed up. The -- you brought for- -- you were adulterous. You brought forth the carnal mind who killed the Christ mind that I gave you, and I am going to do it again. I am going to breathe the breath of my life into you again, and I am going to form the mind of Christ in you again, but this time I am going to do it in a way that Christ will not be killed.
So I would like to read to you our Alternate Translation of Genesis 2:7, and then I would like to incorporate this concept into our Alternate Translation of Zephaniah 3:8. Genesis 2:7: “And this is how the earth became filled with the light or the life called the soul life. God cast his son, the one who gives life, away from him into the member or the soul that breathes, which is called the enclosed place or the field, and the Son of God caused great pressure” -- we are under tribulation now. Great pressure. “And the Son of God caused great pressure upon the powdered, gray rubbish” -- that is what we are made of -- “of the field into which he was infusing the light of his life.” That is what is happening to us. Christ is the light of his life, and he is being forced into us, and he is putting great pressure on the rubbish that our carnal mind is made out of, and the result of this pressure is that the rubbish was converted into fertile soil, and the Lord God caused the soil to cleave unto his Son, and the man was formed. And what it does not say here is that the man was formed in the image of God. So you see, we are all messed up, and we died, and we are made out of rubbish, and we are formed in the image of the devil, and God is doing the same thing all over again. He is breathing the breath of his life into the enclosed place, and it is coming into us with great pressure and great heat, and we are in tribulation, and we are suffering, but the end of the whole thing is that we are being born again. He is breathing his life into us again. He is forming us into the image of his Spirit again.
Do you really think that you are born again by saying I receive you, Lord Jesus? You are a silly woman if you believe that. At the very least, use your natural example. What does a woman go through or what does a human being go through to be born? They have -- they say more than I receive you, Lord Jesus. There is physical stress. There is pressure. There are problems. There is birth. There is emotional upheavals. Stop being silly. Are you born again? No, you are not born again. You have to go through a birth to be born again. You have to go through the pressure of going through the narrow place of the birth canal. A baby is traumatized being born, constantly pressing against the cervix of the mother until it breaks through the womb. It comes out all messed up, black and blue sometimes. Sometimes a baby is born with a broken arm. All kinds of problems. And you think all you have to do is say, yes, I do, and dance. You are silly.
Alternate Translation, three-quarters -- the third quarter of Zephaniah 3:8. Now, this is a very difficult translation to follow. I am going to go through it once or twice. If you cannot follow me, do not worry about it. It is one of these translations where you really have to pray about it. I have just put the words together. If you cannot follow me, do not worry about it. “Jehovah is breathing.” That is our translation of the English word in the King James translation anger. “Jehovah is breathing.” That is the translation of the word anger. “His Spirit” -- he is breathing his Spirit and that is the translation of the word fierce, Strong’s 2740 -- “into the nations.” “He is breathing” -- what did I do here? OK, his Spirit is speaking about heat. “Jehovah is breathing anger. The heat of his Spirit” -- his Spirit is fire -- “into the nations which Spirit is casting o- -- casting the spirit of man in Jehovah’s own image.” That is the King James words pouring out, Strong’s 8210. “And the two Spirits” -- that is Jehovah and the spirit of man -- “are bubbling up together or increasing into Christ.” That is the English word in the King James, indignation, 2195. So this is what we have got.
Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “Jehovah is breathing his Spirit” -- which is fire -- “into the nations. Which Spirit” -- which is fire -- “is casting or melting the spirit of man and casting it into Jehovah’s own image, and the two Spirits, that is Jehovah and the spirit of man, are bubbling up together and increasing into Christ.”
Let me give it to you again. Third quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “Jehovah is breathing his Spirit into the nations. Which Spirit is casting the spirit of man in Jehovah’s own image, and the two Spirits, that is Jehovah and the spirit of man, are bubbling up into this world system together. They are increasing into Christ.”
We have some New Testament witnesses to this. Revelation 6:1 says, “And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying come and see.” Well, what are you talking about, Sheila?
Here is our Alternate Translation worked up several years ago. Revelation 6:1: “And since my intention was already turned toward the vision as it passed before my eyes, I saw the power of Christ beginning to release the firstfruits company from Satan’s control, and I heard the lion in them expressing his spiritual authority saying, ‘Let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the firstfruits company and let them be aware of it’” -- here it is -- “‘and understand it,’ and the lion in the firstfruits company spoke it, and it came to pass in the realm of appearance” -- now listen to this -- “and I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ.” “And I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ.” Zephaniah 3:8: “Jehovah is breathing his Spirit into the nations. Which Spirit is casting the spirit of man in Jehovah’s own image, and the two Spirits, that is Jehovah and the spirit of man, are bubbling up together or increasing or expanding into the spiritual dimension of Christ.” Can you hear it? It is the same thing. This stuff excites me.
Amplified Translation, the third quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “Jehovah is forming man in his own image by breathing into the nations, and their human spirits are joining with the Lord Jesus Christ and increasing or expanding, and Jesus Christ is bubbling up into this world system.” Hallelujah.
John 5:37 says, “And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me. He hath neither heard his voice in any time nor seen his shape.” Brethren, you are not yet in the image of God. All you preachers preaching you are in the image of God, now hear this. You are in the image of your daddy the devil. That is why you need to be adopted. You are not in the image of God and neither am I. We are being formed in the image of God, and before we can be formed in the image of God, the image of the beast must be removed from us, and that image of the beast is being removed from us through melting our spirit in the lake of fire, and that is what the tribulation is all about. It is the mercy of God in our life.
2 Corinthians 3:18: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord.” We are changing, brethren. We are in change. We are being formed into his image. We are not there, and we were not in his image. Well, we were in his image at -- until the fall, but we have not been in his image since the fall.
2 Corinthians 4:4: “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Christ is in the image of God. We are in the image of the devil, and that image is in our carnal mind. Christ is in the image of God, and when the mind who is in the image of God overtakes the mind which is in the image of the devil we shall be reformed into the image of God. Do not worry about getting the mark of the beast. You already have it. He is in your mind and he is in your behavior, and yet it is not going to be as simple as getting a tattoo or getting a skin graft. You have got to change your behavior and the way you think. That is much harder than getting a skin graft.
Colossians 3:10: “And have put on the new man which is renewed after the image of him that created him.” The image of God is in your new man, and not only do you have to get your new man but you must put on your new man, or you are still in the image of the other guy also known as the beast.
Hebrews 1:2: “Hath in these last days spoken unto us” -- talking about the Lord -- “by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world -- the worlds” -- plural -- “who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person.” Who? The Son. Christ, the Son of the living God, is the express image of the person of God. No fallen man is in the image of God, brethren. We are in the image of creeping, crawling things. We are an abomination unto the Lord. We are filthy, we are vile, and we are disgusting, and there is no condemnation in the truth, especially when God is giving us the opportunity to be holy and righteous and clean. So do not tell me that I am condemning you. Confess your true condition and let God change you from glory to glory unto the image of his son. Do not stand up against me saying I am condemning you because what you are doing is blocking God changing you, and that is the spirit of pride and anti-Christ in you which does not want to change, and you would rather fight with me, and tell me that I am condemning you then admit that you are in that condition and be changed, and that is the operation of sin in your mind. Repent and go on with God.
Continuing with the fourth quarter of Zephaniah 3:8. This is the end. We just did verse 8 tonight. “For all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” “All of the earth.” The earth is referring to the earth of the soul. It is speaking about the whole, many-membered soul. “Shall be devoured.” The Interlinear says consumed. It is the Hebrew word Strong’s 398. This is the same Hebrew word which is used to describe eating food. When a man eats food, what actually happens to it when it enters into the body is that it is burnt up for fuel for the human body, and this is the word that is used here, consumed. It means consumption by fire. “Shall be devoured with the fire.” With the stri- -- fire, Strong’s 784. It is referring to the brightness, the heat of the sun. It can also be used to describe the destruction of war. It is consumption by fire. “Of my jealousy,” Strong’s 7068. This word can be translated ardent zeal towards anyone. I suggest to you that the same principle applies here as applies to the Greek word translated wrath. That is, the word sounds negative but it is actually indicating the intensity of Jehovah’s desire to be reunited with his wife, the soul which he formed from the earth and which received life when Joseph -- when Joseph? -- when Jehovah breathed into his Son -- that is when Jehovah breathed his Son into the soul, and the breathing of the Son of God into the soul was the breathing of the spiritual seed of the potential for the soul to give birth to the Son of God. You see, the breath of God when it was in God was male, but when it was transferred into the earth of the soul it became the female seed. The spirit in man, the female potential which when joined with the male seed would produce Christ, the Son of the living God.
Alternate Translation, the fourth quarter of Zephaniah 3:8: “Because the whole earth shall be burned up in the lake of fire.”
Amplified Translation, fourth quarter, Zephaniah 3:8: “Because the many-membered carnal mind of fallen Adam shall be completely broken apart and destroyed when she is cast into the lake of fire.”
“‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ.” This is the whole Alternate Translation of the whole of Zephaniah 3:8. “‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven because my judgment is to heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together into one body by raising my Christ from the dead in them.’ Jehovah is forming man in his own image by breathing into the nations, and their human spirits are joining with the Spirit of Christ and increasing, and Christ Jesus is bubbling up into this world system because the many-membered carnal mind of fallen Adam shall be completely broken apart and destroyed when she is cast into the lake of fire.”
I put that in better English and a more logical sequence as follows.
Amplified Translation, Zephaniah 3:8: “‘Confess your sins and repent,’ says the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven because my decision is to heal the leprous nations so that I may gather them together into one body.’ Jehovah is forming Adam in his own image by breathing the Lord Jesus Christ into the nations, and their human spirits are joining with him and increasing, and Christ Jesus is bubbling up into this world system because the many-membered carnal mind of fallen Adam shall be completely broken apart and destroyed when she is cast into the lake of fire.”
I would like to give you verses 7 and 8 together. Hmm. Well, maybe I do not have to do that since we have made two messages out of this. I guess I will not do it. What I would like to give you is I will give you verses 7 and 8. I intersperse them. Let me give you that one.
Verses 7 and 8, amplified and interspersed: “‘Therefore,’ I, Jehovah, said, ‘surely when I bring judgment upon their mind, emotions and physical bodies, they will confess their sins and repent so that their spirit can separate from their soul and join with Christ Jesus, the only one who can preserve their soul alive.’ ‘Therefore,’ the Lord Jesus Christ said, ‘confess your sins and repent until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven because it is my decision to heal your spiritual leprosy and form you into my own image by breathing myself into you, and that is why I am joining with their human spirits and increasing into Christ Jesus who is bubbling up into this world system so that I can gather them together into one body, and that is also why I am casting their carnal minds into the lake of fire where they will be completely broken apart and destroyed.’ But despite these great and precious promises, they earnestly continue to act out the wicked deeds of fallen Adam.”
2 Peter 1:4: “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” So we see that God has given us great and precious promises, but we are told in Zephaniah 3 that despite all this, the many members of humanity continue to act out the wicked deeds of fallen Adam.
I would like to read to you at this time our Alternate Translation of Revelation 14:18 which clearly spells out what the Lord is requiring of us in these last seconds of the last minutes on the last hours on the last days. “And those who had become spiritual men were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over their thoughts, and were furiously determined to live by the emotions of Jesus Christ and the righteous thoughts of the Father, and they were saying to Jesus, let your emotions and the Father’s righteous thoughts prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which shall separate us from our Adamic souls now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, and the firstfruits of the second generation of Sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan.” Glory to God.
I would like to do one more thing if you would bear with me. I really believe that the Lord tells me to do this. I know you are saturated. I feel it in the Spirit. But if you will just stay with me another five minutes, I would like to read to you a recap of Zephaniah 3:1-8 which I have amplified and interspersed and put in a logical sequence.
“Woe to the soul which is unclean because of her rebellious mind. She did not obey Jehovah’s voice or benefit from his instruction because her carnal mind was not overthrown, and her carnal mind was not overthrown because she was not sacrificed to Jehovah, and her carnal mind was not sacrificed to Jehovah because she would not confess her sins and repent. And because she would not confess her sins and repent, her priests have committed treason by violently prostituting Christ Jesus and tearing away the Spirit of Christ, which is the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that is why Satan, the fallen, dead soul’s unconscious mind, is like an army of fierce, young soldiers executing, sowing and reaping judgment upon herself because of the sins of her carnal mind. But Satan shall be cut off because of Christ’s righteousness when her many-membered human spirit is boiled and then joined to her true husband, Christ Jesus, the only one who can preserve her soul alive because he is the only one strong enough to make her confess her sins and repent. You see, Jehovah incarnates the mind of Christ in the midst of his soul from age to age, but only Satan, the one who is presently, illegally possessing her, forms the carnal mind which is the expression of her own deadly existence.
“And so, because the carnal mind lies in wait to murder Christ so that Satan can live with my wife, I made a covenant with the nations that I would destroy the carnal mind’s consciousness and dry up Satan’s power to pierce through Christ. Nevertheless, Satan shall be ashamed when her carnal mind is weeded out and she is returned to the correct moral order. It is therefore my decision to heal their spiritual leprosy and form them into my own image by breathing myself into them. So I am casting their fallen souls into the lake of fire where they will be completely broken apart and destroyed. And after I burn up their fallen souls, I am sending you to gather whatever is left of them into one body with yourself through union with their human spirits so that they can increase into Christ Jesus, the only one who was able to overcome the satanic government of this world system. And I, Jehovah, said to the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘Surely when I bring this merciful judgment upon their minds, emotions and physical bodies, they will confess their sins and repent so that their spirits can separate from their carnal mind.’ So the Lord Jesus Christ said to them, ‘Confess your sins and repent until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven.’ But despite these great and precious promises, they earnestly continue to act out the wicked deeds of fallen Adam.”
So please let me point out to you that the first several paragraphs of what I just read you, the amplified, interspersed translation of Zephaniah 3:1-8, was Jehovah speaking to the Lord Jesus Christ telling him about the situation of his wife, the soul which had died, and if you have copies of this -- of these printouts which I gave out this morning, in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth -- in the sixth paragraph, it is Jehovah speaking directly to the Lord Jesus Christ telling him that Jehovah has decided to heal their spiritual leprosy and is therefore sending -- it actually says in the middle of the paragraph, “Therefore, I am sending you the Lord Jesus Christ to gather whatever is left of them into one body with yourself” -- et cetera, et cetera -- “through union with their human spirits so that they can increase into Christ Jesus, the only one who was able to overcome the satanic government of this world system.” That is the commission of Jehovah to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Then in the next paragraph, we see Jehovah once again relating to the Lord Jesus Christ, giving him information about what is going on. Surely, I said, when I bring this judgment on them, they will repent. And then in the last paragraph of this page beginning “So the Lord Jesus Christ said to them” is indicating the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully repeating the words of Jehovah to the members of humanity. So the Lord Jesus Christ said -- how did the Lord Jesus Christ say it? He is saying it through preachers. “So the Lord Jesus Christ said to them, ‘Confess your sins and repent until Christ Jesus rises from the dead in you and enables you to pass over into the Kingdom of Heaven.’” That is the message that we are preaching here. It is the message of the gospel of peace. It is the message of God to you which will bring peace in your soul which will bring your mind into the Kingdom of Heaven.
But nevertheless we are told, fallen man, despite the preaching, earnestly continue to act out the wicked deeds of fallen Adam. So we see clearly that the preaching is not enough. The preaching is not enough. I know there is a Scripture that says man is saved by the foolishness of preaching, but I encourage you to understand that frequently the Scriptures are abbreviated. There are ideas and concepts which are not stated. The thought is not completed by the English word. What do I mean? They are saved by the foolishness of preaching. Well, it is true. When you listen to preaching, if it is under the anointing, if the words are Spirit and [?life?light?], they are falling on your heart, and if it is the Lord’s will -- because one can plant and one can water, but only the Lord can give the increase. If it is the will of God, Christ is being formed in your heart, and the rest of it is a mystery. What happens after Christ is formed in your heart is a mystery. What happens after Christ is formed in your heart? He judges your sin-filled soul. Tribulation. He kills the oppressor which is in your own mind, and you are present while he is killing him. That is only for the mature believers.
Brethren, this -- I am telling you the truth. You do not tell little girls what married life is like. When they are ready to get married, you tell them. I am telling you the truth. You are not entering into life without pain, and you are not entering into life without a full, spiritual experience which includes warfare. You are not crossing over without a war. And if that is what you think because God has not yet revealed to you the truth of married life in the Spirit, or if God has revealed the truth of married life to you, and you have rejected it because you do not believe it, it is still going to happen anyway because you are the bride of Christ, and he will fully marry you, and that is the way it goes. And your mind will not mold the mind of Christ, but the mind of Christ will mold your mind. God is not changing his plan because you do not like it. You are going to accept your fate in Christ, and he is going to raise you from the dead with or without your cooperation and with or without your approval. Any questions about this message? Anybody?
Praise the Lord. The following is the exhortation from this morning’s meeting followed by the music ministry. That is a little too loud now. Thank you. Little too high. Just a little. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. OK, good, thanks a lot.
So let us give some natural examples here. If you are deaf, you see all kinds of activity around you, but you have some awareness that you are not entering in, you are not sharing, you are not partaking of the interaction of the communication between the other people around you who are functioning in the realm of sound. Likewise, if you are dumb, you may be able to hear, and you may have much to say, but if y- -- the string of your tongue is tied up or if for any reason you cannot articulate words, you are crippled in the realm of sound or in the dimension of sound. Brethren, if you cannot swim, that means you cannot partake of water activities. There is something lacking.
Maybe it bothers you and maybe it does not. Maybe if you grow up in a town where everybody is deaf, you will never miss it. Maybe if you grow up in a town where nobody speaks, you will never miss it. There is another dimension other than sight and sound and speech and touch and taste. There is another dimension. It is called Spirit. If you do not have spiritual senses and nobody tells you about it, you can live for your entire life denying its existence and never operating in it and not missing it. Or, in the alternative, you may spend your entire life never acknowledging it, denying its existence, and operating in it on an unconscious level to a large extent.
And if that is true of you, you are a dangerous person. Why? Because we all have a wild beast in our unconscious. The heathen know that even more than the spiritual men. Well, one of the Christians. The Christians. Are the youngest and most immature and naive spiritual people on the face of the earth. Is that not what the Bible says? Is that not what the Bible says? That is what the Bible says. That the children of light -- is that not what the Bible says? Yeah, that is what the Bible says. That the children of light do not know which end is up. It is just the children of darkness that know which end is up and which end is down and which end is to the left and which end is to the right. The Scripture says that the Christians are like lambs. We are like sheep. Look, brethren, I do not mean to insult you but I am here to tell you the truth. I know a preacher that used to be a sheep farmer. I have it on the good authority, they are the dumbest animals going. They are so dumb, they need a dog to protect them from the wolf. Jesus said it, not me.
Listen, brethren, every human being ever born into this world system is born with a beast nature. It is called the libido. It even has a name. It is written up in all the books. Go to the library. You have got to control that thing or he is going to ruin your life. Some people control him or her -- it is the her actually. Some people control her better than others. Some people just deny her, and you are a dangerous man because if you are denying her, that means you are not controlling her, and if you are not controlling her, that means she is doing whatever she pleases because her guardian is blind. You are like a parent whose little boy is wrecking your neighbor’s house and garden and car, and you are insisting that your son would never, ever do anything like that. And the only way you are ever going to admit that your child could do something like that is when he begins to wreck your garden and your house. True? Somebody must have had a little boy or been a little boy at some time.
And, look, I am going to be perfectly honest with you. I had at least four people come and tell me my daughter was smoking. I said not my daughter. She would not smoke. My daughter? Never. So the Lord had to set me up in somebody else’s car. Well, I had no idea what was I -- someone took me out to lunch. One of the sisters from the church came and called me up and said I would like to take you out to lunch, and as we were driving home, the school bus was pulling up. So we stopped for the school bus. Which bus do you think it was? [?Marge [SP]?], our daughter, she pops out of the bus, pops a cigarette in her mouth like she real cool, lights up. I am sitting there in the car that she does not recognize watching this whole act. The Lord says to me, “Sheila, Marie [SP] is smoking.” I said thank you, Lord. I got the message. I tell you the truth. She is sitting there -- standing there, cool cat, and all of a sudden, her friend looks up and sees me sitting in this car watching her, gives her the elbow. Well, that was the end of my denial. People are funny, brethren. The mind is funny, brethren.
So it is dangerous to have a wild beast that you are not dealing with at all. She is free to do whatever she wants without restraint. She is dangerous. Now, no matter how vicious your beast is, if you know you have got her, and you are up against her day and night, at least you can cry out to Jesus, and you have got some control.
So we see it in the realm of the Spirit. There is a jungle. There is all kinds of activity going on, godly activity and ungodly activity. It is a dark place, the spiritual realm of this world. It is a dark place. The whole world lieth in -- anybody? Darkness, wickedness. Wickedness. The whole world is covered with wickedness in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, Isaiah says, “Darkness outside of the people, and the darkness is inside of the people.” Now, I know it is dark in there where your heart is, where your internal organs are, but the internal darkness Isaiah speaks about is in your mind --
So, brethren, the Lord is saying to his children, he is saying to his Sons -- because we are all potential Sons in the Kingdom of God. You do not stay female, and you do not stay a child. You group up eventually, Lord willing, into spiritual manhood. You are not supposed to stay a woman. You are supposed to mature into spiritual manhood unto the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. So the Lord comes and pushes us out of the nest because most of us Christians are coward warriors. It is the truth. Those of us who are tough are this way because the Lord has threatened us. Amen. He threatened me. I sat right on that couch. He said, “Fight, you son of a gun, or I am going to leave you on the banks of the Jordan for carrion for the birds.” He said it to me. He really said it to me. Now, I have said it to a lot of people since then. I have said the same thing. Fight, you chicken liver. Get up off your lees and fight. No one in their right mind wants to take on Satan. We are all a bunch of cowards. It gets better though. When you get the revelation that there is no place to run, and that you better turn and fight, it gets better. Hallelujah.
So just let me round out this exhortation lesson, brethren. You have got to start to fly. You have got to start to fly. If you are not functioning too well or not at all in the spiritual realm, you need to tell the Lord that for whatever reason, you are not functioning. You cannot see in the Spirit, and you cannot hear in the Spirit, and you cannot walk in the Spirit, and you cannot talk in the Spirit. Neither can you touch or taste in the Spirit. You need to confess it so that he will enable you to begin to do these things. What things? Walk in the Spirit, talk in the Spirit, see in the Spirit, hear in the Spirit, taste in the Spirit, move in the Spirit, travel in the Spirit. All of these experiences are real. Spiritual experiences are real. As your spiritual senses begin to function, you begin to see what is going on in the darkness. But as your senses begin to function, like a newborn baby, you just see -- or like the man whose sight was restored unto him. Jesus said, “What do you see?” The man who had blind from birth. And what did he say? Anybody know?
Yeah, he said, “I see men walking like trees.” Hi- -- at first sight, he thought they were trees, so Jesus prayed again, the Scripture says, and then he saw the whole picture. Then he saw accurately. So when our spiritual eyes start to function at the beginning, we may not see accurately, we may not hear accurately, and it takes -- it is a process. We begin to see and hear accurately over a period of time of practicing seeing and hearing in the Spirit. Jesus said, “Unless you become like a small child, you shall never see the Kingdom of God.” Is it Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven, or did he say both?
The Kingdom of Heaven. “Unless you become like a small child.” Yeah, most believers do not know what that means. What it means is you have to start to learn everything from the beginning because all the knowledge of this world is worthless to you when it comes to functioning in the realm of the Spirit. You have to learn to walk all over again. You have to learn to talk all over again. You have to learn the language of the Spirit. You have to learn how to perceive the move of the Spirit. What does that mean? When a Spirit moves, what does that mean? It means activity. When a Spirit begins to do something, it is possible to perceive it. When the Spirit of God begins to respond to your prayer, it is possible to perceive it with your spiritual senses. What does perceive mean? It means you become aware of it. How? I cannot explain it to you. You must experience it. I can talk about it, I can talk about it, I can talk about it, and the most I can do for you is that when the Lord begins to open your spiritual eyes, he will bring to your memory one of my testimonies, and he will say that is what she was talking about. But you must perceive it. I cannot be your eyes. I cannot be your ears. There is a hearing in the Spirit.
Do you know that it is possible to hear people’s conversations on the other side of the world? This is real. Do you know that it is possible to hear unspoken thoughts in people’s minds? This is possible, both in the occult and in Christ. In the occult, the way they hear t- -- the conversations between two people is that they merely astral project into the room in an invisible state and listen to what you are saying. I do not know to what extent the Spirit of God does that because I do not have all information. At this point, I am inclined to believe it is more -- the obtaining of this information is more in the form of a word of knowledge, just a knowing, but it could be that the Lord let you go into someone else’s presence. I do not know. There is so much I do not know about these things. But I know that the knowledge of other people’s conversations is available in Christ. The technique I am not that knowledgeable about, or the range of techniques I am not that knowledgeable about. But I know that it is possible. I have experienced it. I have heard people’s conversations, and it -- they have proven to be accurate.
Now, God is not an eavesdropper. He is not a Peeping Tom. But when people are plotting evil against you, and the Lord Jesus Christ makes a judgment that it is the right thing for you to know so that you can deal with it in Christ, he may decide to let you hear their conversation. In the same manner, God is not an invader of your privacy for unrighteous reasons. He is not a sinner. God is not a man. He is righteous always. Everything he does is righteous, and he may make a judgment that it is right for you to be aware of sinful thoughts towards you or towards someone you have authority over in somebody’s mind, and the Lord may let you either hear their thoughts or have an awareness of their thoughts. This is real. The workers of witchcraft operate in this.
Brethren, spiritual is spiritual. Everything workers of witchcraft do can be done legally by the spiritual authority of Christ. At the time, however, to the best of my knowledge, I do not know any Christian who has the authority to operate or to move in this high realm of the Spirit what -- excuse me. Did you close that door, Michelle [SP]? Please, thank you. What high realm of the Spirit? An ability to hear two people’s spoken conversation, an ability to hear people’s thoughts, an ability to perhaps perceive the intents of someone’s unconscious mind when that very person is not even aware of his own unconscious thoughts himself. I do not know any man in this hour who has the authority in Christ to decide when they will exercise this ability and when they will not.
It is still a gift for me. What does that mean? When the Lord opens my ears, I hear. When the Lord opens my eyes, I see. When the Lord opens puts me in another geographical location, that is when I go. I do not have any decision-making power at this time in this area. I believe Jesus did. I take what God gives me. I look at it, I pray about it, and I ask him what he wants me to do with it. And when he tells me. I do it. I am still pretty young, you see. I do not have that kind of authority to do this at will or to make my own judgment as to what to do with it. Sometimes, it wearies me. I see and hear in the Spirit so much it wearies me. Frequently, it comes forth in symbol form. I do not even know what it means so I merely say, Father, I am just so tired of all of these thoughts streaming through my mind. I just -- and I simply say I rebuke the devourer. Whatever you mean, whoever you symbolize, I rebuke the operation of Satan, and I pray for deliverance for whoever needs help. May the power of God go forth and help whoever needs help, whatever this thing that I am looking at means. Let God be glorified in it because almost without exception what God shows me and what God lets me hear is sin. It is usually people’s sin.
Now, why would God be showing me people’s sin? Because people either need help seeing their own sin because they are in denial, or their own sin is too strong for them and they do not recognize it, or they think that they are strong enough and they are not, or sometimes people know they are not strong enough and they are crying out to Jesus, help me, help me, and Jesus is saying to me, “You help her.” I do not know. Sometimes I know what it means. Sometimes it does not. I have some skills and understanding. Sometimes I am just too tired to even evaluate the information anymore. I am 95 to 99 percent accurate with regard to identifying the sin which is shown to me in symbol form. I am only about 25 to 35 percent accurate in discerning who the person, the human being, this sin is associated with. I am wrong a lot of the time in that area. A lot of the time. Not all of the time; I am right some of the time. But I am very aware that my track record in discerning who the person is, is not good.
Same thing with interpreting dreams. The person or the people you see in the dreams are almost never the person who the dream is about. Almost never. There is usually a clue that if God helps you, you can follow these clues and find out who the dream is about. But most of the time, I do not guess right until after the fact when the event comes to pass. Then I say, oh, that is what that dream was about, and this is the person that was being symbolized by that other person. So that is why I can pray against a perverse spirit. I might think I know where it is coming from, but if you think you know where it is coming from, and for any reason you should wind up talking to the person about it, and they say it is not true, brethren, you have to take them at face value. You cannot be arguing with people about what is in their unconscious mind. You cannot be doing that. It is an invasion of their person. You cannot be doing that unless it is Christ in you doing it. Unless it is Christ who sa- -- who has told you, and you are doing it -- you are doing what? You are exposing sin in someone’s unconscious mind for their own good, and the Lord has said to you, “Now is the time to do it.” Outside of that circumstance, you cannot be arguing with people about what you perceive in the hidden recesses of their mind. It is rape. You cannot do it.
So what do I do? I pray for God to expose it, you see. There is a perverse spirit that has been powerfully manifesting in the realm of the Spirit for the last couple of weeks. Even the people in New Jersey have been touched by it. It has been showing its ugly head. Where? In people’s dreams, in words of knowledge, in visions, in trances. Sometimes it manifests in the natural. Someone might get an obscene phone call. Someone might meet someone on the street doing or ob- -- saying obscene things. These -- this is no accident where over a two-week period, all of a sudden, all these things are happening. Where for the last two years, no one has been saying things like that to you or doing things like that to you, all of a sudden you are meeting total strangers speaking obscenities to you, and it is happening to five other believers also. All this means something. All of this is a sign to you of the operation of a perverse spirit.
Now, all you spiritual detectives, here is the question. Where is she hiding? Listen, this has to stop. You can resist all you want, but resistance will not cut it. Brethren, if you hover in the corner with your shoulder up, and the person keeps punching at you, eventually you are going to get a broken shoulder. You have got to turn and punch back. I am telling you the truth. So since we do not know where it is coming from, we pray in the authority of Christ against the sin, and if the prayer is godly, which I believe this prayer right now is godly, the Lord will honor it and send forth the power of his Spirit to flush this thing out into the open. That means one of two things. If the person really does not know it is there, they are going to find out that their daughter is smoking. That is a joke. You c- -- if they really do not know it is there, the Lord is going to put it right in front of your face. Why? So that you could deal with it. How do you deal with it? How do you deal with it? You confess that it is in your mind, that you hate it, that you want it to be gone, that you are in great distress that it is there but you can no longer deny that it is there, and you ask the Lord Jesus to rip it out of you, and then you live with it, denying its operation in your mind with all of your strength, until the Lord rips it out of you. But he is not going to rip it out of you while you are denying that it is there. First, he will expose it.
And if you are a person who knows that it is there and are yielding to it secretly, if you have a skeleton in your closet, if you are doing the works of darkness under the cover of night and you think nobody knows about it, brethren, everybody that is spiritual knows about it. If you are a Christian, nothing shall be hidden. If you are not a Christian, if you are a heathen, God may show it to spiritual people, but he may not. It depends on whether or not the Lord is dealing with you. The Lord is not frequently dealing with heathens, but he does deal with them sometimes when they are in -- when a heathen is touching the life of a believer. I do not know. I do not have all the answers, but I know that there is a general rule in the Spirit, as every place else, and that there are exceptions to the general rule, and this is the general rule. The Lord is not judging the heathen. All you Christians that are enraged that the Lord is after you, showing you your sins and the heathens are out there doing their thing with impunity, that is the way it is. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord and with the elders thereof. Now, the elders of the church are not only the preachers. The elders of the church are the Christians who are called to spiritual maturity. The elders of the church are Christians whose spirit has strength. Whether you know that your spirit has strength or whether you do not know that your spirit has strength, if there is power in your mind, and you have made a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, you are an elder, and the Lord is punishing your emotions, your mind and your body to weaken it so that you should learn to do righteousness with a mind which has spiritual power. Let me say it again. The elders of the church are Christians whose mind has power, whether you know it or not, whether you acknowledge it or not. No matter what you say, the Lord makes the judgment.
Why? Because you cannot be walking around with Daddy’s gun killing people because you thought it was a cap gun and you found out that it is got live bullets in it. Cannot be going around killing people saying I did not mean it. The person is dead. So the Lord is moving in your life to teach you how to take care of your weapon. See, he is not taking your weapon away from you. The Lord wants Christians to be armed. He is not taking your weapon away from you in most instances, but he will teach you how to care for it and how to use it whether you want to learn or not because if you have a mind which is a weapon, you are in the army of God, and you are wanted there, and you are needed there, and you are in the marine corps so you can cry for your mother every night if you want, but you are going to shape up, says the Lord; not says me. I do not need all this aggravation from you. I am just the sergeant.
So that is what it is all about, brethren. There is a Spirit world, and men have within them the potential to operate, to function in this Spirit world, and if you are a Christian, the Lord is calling you to function in it. If you are functioning in it and you are in denial, you have got to come out of denial and see what you are doing with your mind. You should be in control of your mind. You should know what you are doing with your mind. If you do not, you are like an amnesia victim walking around, or someone with a multiple personality going out and committing all kinds of crimes and coming back into another personality and saying that you are innocent. You are not. Your body did all those crimes. They are putting your body in jail, and even if you are in an innocent personality, it is your body that is locked behind the bars. I do not care if another mind did it. He did it with your body and that makes you guilty. So you better start struggling with that other mind that is in you because you are going to pay the price for everything he does. So you better start fighting with him for dominion over the body that you live in.
So this is why we pray against a perverse spirit. God is flushing it out, and God will deal with it, and God will destroy it. There has been a lot of activity along this line. God is forcing it to the surface somewhere. Why? Well, probably somebody prayed about it. Probably somebody prayed about it. Probably somebody asked for help with regard to it, or it answered to some prayer somewhere. God is doing this. He is putting pressure on it. It is running like a cockroach in the darkness of the kitchen. I actually had a dream once that Jesus walked into the kitchen, and he put on the light, and all the cockroaches started scattering, and he was going after them killing the cockroaches, and he had these real pointed shoes. You know the pointed shoes? They call them cockroach killers. And he was going in the corner with his pointed shoes killing all the cockroaches. I actually had a dream like that. Spiritual cockroaches.
So, brethren, we should expect to see some activity in the natural with regard to this perverse spirit over this next week. We will see what God will do. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions about this issue?
06/14/17 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
06/20/17 1st Edit rh