The Following Message Has Been Transcribed and Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
That is a good thing to keep in mind, that when you stand for righteousness, you will be attacked. There is no question about it. There are no "if's, ands, or but's." Count the cost, you will be attacked if you stand for righteousness. There is no way to get away from it. It has to be. Why must it be? That is one of the signs that Christ is being revealed through you. Now, of course, as with everything we have abuses, we have people that are obnoxious, and then when people attack them they say it is for righteousness sake. The offenses must come, the abuses must come, but if you are truly in Christ you must be attacked.
You have to be. Why? Because Christ is an invading force into this world system. The world system, the high principalities, and rulers thereof will rise in any mind that lets them in. They will attack you through that mind. That is the way it is, it is a many-membered soul. The members of the living soul that died are ruled by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. At this moment, they are much greater than the members that are yielding to Christ. It is a fact. Many people in the church love Jesus but are yielding to their carnal mind on a regular basis.
That is the way it is going to be. Those that are manifesting Christ are going to be smitten. It has to be because that is the sign that you are chained to Him, that is the sign that He is being revealed through you. It cannot be any other way. If it is not happening to you, you have no reason to believe that Christ is being revealed through you. This is a very hard word. I am sorry. It is wonderful that God is going to bless you, I love to get blessed, I love to get nice things, I love to have people tell me they love me, and I love to be appreciated, but the signs that Christ is appearing in me are the wounds that you see in me.
It is the wounds in my soul. It is important that you all understand this, that no matter how many times you fail to reveal Christ, if you will just go humbly before God, and say, "Father I failed, or Father did I fail? Or Father I think I failed."
I go before the Lord, and say "What happened." If you are just humble enough to do that, then to receive the correction when He shows it to you, in due season, you will keep your cool. You will do it, receive the correction, and practice the correction. God instructs me with details.
Every time I am overtaken by another mind, I go before Him, and I say, "Father, what did I do wrong, how do I deal with the person in love? How would you deal with them if you were in full stature in my shoes?" Then He tells me. The next time it happened, I try. If I cannot succeed in doing what He told me is the proper thing, I repent, then He sends another trial my way, and I try again. Then the day comes that, that kind of a problem is like kindergarten for me. Then, a bigger problem comes.
You will do it. You have to do it because He wants to be revealed through you, so He is going to do it through you. He will just yield your member to do it.
The Lord showed me something in Genesis today that sort of blew my mind a little bit. I was looking at Genesis 1, "In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the earth, and the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The spirit of God moved upon the waters."
In the beginning, and I remind you that Jesus Christ is the beginning. He is the Alpha, and the Omega, He is the beginning, and He is the end. In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the earth. He created the Heaven, and earth out of the beginning. He created Heaven, and earth out of the spiritual Son of God. That Heaven and earth, I suggest to you, the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance, the two of which constitute the living soul. Let me get ahead of you. I am going to show you what I am going to establish.
This is what I am going to suggest to you. I am going to try to convince you of tonight. Let me start this way. If you recall, we have been blowing holes in some traditions here. One of the traditions is the trinity. We found out that there is not a Father, a Son, and a Holy Ghost, but that the Holy Ghost is a manifestation of the Father. There is just the Father and the Son. You ask yourself why would somebody say there were three when there were just two? The Lord revealed to us that it is Mary sticking her head in there. Mary also known as Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, trying to stick here head in there, trying to get glory in the Godhead.
There is the Father, and there is the Son. There is an unseen element in this union. It is like the human skeleton under our skin. God calls her nothing. He gave her no name until she separated out and started upon an independent existence. Her name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That is the trinity, the Father, the Son, and Satan. Only the Father will not name Satan. The Father says there is the Father and the Son. Satan trying to be in there in an attempt to be accepted and to be worshiped by men. To get men to worship her, she has lied and said her named is the Holy Spirit.
She is saying that it is not the two forming this creation, but it is the three. That is what we found out about the trinity, that there is just the Father who is spirit, and the Son who I have told you is soul. Spirit and soul. For today we are going to change that soul to earth. Does anyone disagree that our soul is made out of earth? Our soul is the flesh. The flesh is not this body, but the flesh is our carnal mind which is the soul.
We have been taught that there were three in the trinity. We found out that there were two. After the Lord revealed to us that we thought that there were three, we thought that there was Adam, Christ, and the carnal mind. We thought there were three, but we found out that there were only two, that Adam is the creation of God. He is the living soul, and that when the Father is revealed through him, he appears as Christ. When Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who has separated herself from the creation and taken on the stolen role of manhood or spirit is revealed through Adam, he is known as the carnal mind.
There is not three, there is only two. Either Christ or the carnal mind. Is everybody with me? Well, this is what the Lord is showing us today. We have been taught that there is a realm of the spirit, there is the realm of the soul and there is the realm of appearance. We have been taught that there are three, but there are not three. Adam is the living soul, is he not? Adam is either appearing in union with His Father in the realm of the spirit, or he is appearing in the realm of appearance as earth.
There is really only spirit and earth. You can say soul, but it gets confusing that way. Let me put it on the board for you this way. The realm of the spirit we found out in our recent studies in Daniel has two levels to it. It has the spirit of the Father, and it has Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Satan is the lesser horn, she is the lesser horn. God help me to bring this forth.
Satan is really soul, but the Father does not want her named, and He does not want her seen. We have the realm of the spirit also known as Heaven. Spirit cannot be seen. It has no form or shape. It is breath, air. It is like a light wave or a radio wave. The Father wants to be seen, He has made a creation, and He has called the creation soul.
When that living soul appears with the Father, it gives the Father form in the Heavenlies. Oh Father, help me to bring this forth please. The role of the living soul is to be in union with the spirit of the Father, not separated from Him but one with Him. What it does is create a lower level of spirit, which is the Father expressed through a man. There are two levels of spirit. When God is a pure spirit....when is God a pure spirit? When He is the Holy Spirit, He is pure spirit. There is no soul attached to Him at all when He is the Holy Spirit.
Let me remind you the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father alone. The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of the Father that is being revealed through His Christ. Two levels of spirit, one that is spirit alone, and the other that is attached to soul. There is heaven, and there is earth. The earth, we see, is on two levels also, soul or personality and body.
The heaven is the realm of the spirit. The earth is in two levels, personality and body. The personality is the conscious mind. Spirit is the unconscious mind. There is only Heaven and earth. There are two levels of both. In the earth, we see the Father manifesting through His creation, the living soul, on two levels, personality or the conscious mind or the body. Both of these appear in the realm of appearance, also known as the earth.
The soul is the skeleton. When he is manifesting in the realm of the spirit, he is the Father, as the unconscious mind of man, not just a spirit floating out there, like a little wisp of air. The reason the soul is there is that He is manifesting in the unconscious mind of man. I will keep saying it. As I said, Adam is either manifesting Christ, or he is manifesting the carnal mind. Adam is the living soul. When I say soul over here I can say Adam, the creation of God. He can appear on two levels. He is either joined with the spirit of the Father in a man as the unconscious mind of that man, or he is appearing in the earth, the realm of appearance, as that mans personality.
I will keep going over it. He is appearing in the earth or the realm of appearance as personality and as behavior. The living soul of Adam is changeable, depending on what spirit is being revealed through him, and what his function is at the moment. The purpose of the living soul is that he is the mediator between the heaven and the earth. Now, is one of Jesus' titles not "the last Adam?" Please, anyone listening to this tape, do not tell me that I am stealing Jesus' deity. Jesus is the last Adam. The function of the soul is to give form to the creation, both in the heaven and in the earth.
When Adam or the soul is appearing in the Heavens, he is the lower horn of the ram which typifies the creation. That soul is joined to the spirit of the Father, they are appearing together as the unconscious mind of man. Now remember, the teaching about the Sons of God, and the first and second generation of Christ, the glorified life that was Jesus Christ of Nazareth has ascended up into the Heaven. The glorified life that was Jesus Christ of Nazareth that ascended up into the Heaven is in our minds. If Christ is being formed in us, He is in our mind, and He has become our unconscious mind. He is the only mediator between God and man.
What does that mean? The spirit of the Father joins with that glorified life Christ, up here, and this mediator faithfully repeats every word that the Father speaks to Him. He repeats it thought the mouth, and the behavior of the man that He is in, in the earth. Do you understand me at all? Praise the Lord.
We found out that there is not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There is just the Father, and the Son. Now we are finding out that there is not Heaven earth, the realm of appearance. There is just Heaven and earth. Where does it say in Genesis, the realm of appearance? It is not Scriptural. I have been teaching it for years, and now I have to tell you that it is not Scriptural. There is only Heaven and earth.
The Scripture tells us in Genesis 1:1, we know that in other Scriptures that the Scripture talks about the Heavens, plural. I am going to suggest to you that the plural Heavens is the glorified Christ appearing in the Heavens with His Father. They are two, the Father and the Son in the Heavens.
At this point in Genesis 1:1 the Father just created the Heaven. He created the Heaven and the earth, He created the substance out of which this living soul would be made.
I want to also remind you that when the Father creates, He also imagines. He has a thought, just like you pick up your paint brush. Before you pick up your paint brush, you have an idea on what you are going to do. When the Father gets an idea in His mind, for all intents and purposes, that painting has been completed. Do you realize that this world we live in is a spiritual painting. It is a painting that has been painted by a life form that is much greater than us. That life form is so great that the object to the persons in the picture is walk, talk, speak, and have babies. Is that incredible?
We are a picture that has been painted by a corrupt ungodly mind. Her name is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.
The Lord Jesus Christ intends to take the framework, the canvas, the paints, and not waste them. He is such a high life form that He is going to take that painting and us, all of the substance in which it is made, all of the material of which it is made, and cause it to reflect the glory of His mind. Is that incredible? That is quite incredible.
We find that there is only Heaven and earth, the third realm. It is not really a third realm, but we are calling it a third realm for purposes of explanation, which is soul. It is really not a third realm. It is a presence for lack of a better word that either joins itself to the Heaven or joins itself to the earth. It never stands by itself. Soul never stands by itself. It is either being revealed as a spirit, or it is being revealed in the earth as either personality or behavior.
The way God has set up this creation is that when the Father wants to be revealed in the realm of appearance, however He communicates with the last Adam, which is Christ. He says "Come up hither." Christ presents Himself to His Father.
Now, is this not what we see revealed in the Zadok priesthood? He puts on his Holy garments, He presents Himself to the Father, He hears what the Father has to say, then He leaves the Father. He changes His garments, and He comes down to the earth realm. He reveals faithful every word and every thought that the Father has spoken to Him through the personality and the behavior of the man in whom His mind is appearing.
Why do I emphasize that he repeats Him faithfully? Because the carnal mind does not repeat it faithfully. If this man that He is appearing in has a carnal mind that is still active, there is going to be a warfare to repeat that word faithfully through that man's mouth and behavior.
COMMENT: I was just thinking of Jesus and the high priest. The definition of the word is bridge builder.
PASTOR VITALE: Is it? Praise God. That is what He is. At the end of this process of regeneration every man on the earth will be reflecting the personality and the behavior of the Father in their conscious mind. Our problem right now is that we have someone called Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who was created to give form to the Father. She was created to be an intermediary part of this whole diagram that you see, and she got loose. She set herself up as a man over here somewhere.
She is being revealed, she is passing herself through the soul realm, and revealing herself through the personality and the behavior of men. We have double-mindedness. We have Christ in the earth today, and we have the carnal mind. James said, "You are double-minded, and you are unstable in all your ways." That is the situation. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was an element of this soul that God made. She was never intended to be separated out from under Adam.
Adam was made with the ability to reveal the spiritual strength of the Father plus the form that God created in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The Scripture says, "I created the darkness, and I formed the light." First God created the darkness. Then, He used it to reveal the light or to give the light form. The light always existed. The light is Christ. He always was, He is now, and He shall always be, but the darkness had a beginning, the darkness was created in the beginning. Its function was to show the light. It was made to be a part of this soul realm that cannot exist by itself.
It spirited itself out, and took on the role of spirit. There is only Heaven and earth. There is a higher and a lower level of Heaven. The Scripture calls it the Heavens. There is a higher and a lower level of the earth, personality and behavior. We have the realm of the spirit, and we have the spiritual realm of the soul, which is not made to be separated from the Father.
In this hour, it is separated from the Father. Our personality is spirit being revealed though our conscious mind, our behavior is spirit being revealed through this body. This body is just a slave. This body reveals the spirit and the soul that is ruling in it. It reveals the spirit that is joined to a soul that is being revealed through it.
I have talked to you about this before. There have been scientific experiments, we have talked about this recently, that have proven when a multi-personality person reveals one personality, the body has certain diseases and certain problems that disappeared in a matter of minutes when a different personality is being revealed through the body. The body is like... the only way I can describe it, it is not an exact analogy, it is like mud, it has no form, and it just cleaves to whatever the spirit is.
In other words, if no one could see us, if we were invisible, there was a pile of mud, and they put it all over me. I would have one shape. If they put it all over you, you would have another shape.
That is what the body is like, only it does not work like that in this world. Something went wrong with this creation. Now, we have the Father revealing Himself since 2000 years ago. We have the Father revealing Himself as spirit in the realm of the spirit. Then we have Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, revealing herself as spirit, but, of course, she is a lower realm than the spirit of the Father. Until this creation is all reconciled into one, for a season we have the spiritual realm of the soul. We have two spiritual realms for this season of separation, but it was never meant to be that way. The situation is going to be corrected soon.
What is the spiritual ream of the soul? It is the unconscious mind that is revealed through the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the conscious mind of the unregenerate man. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, rules through it, through the spiritual realm of the soul. When Christ is our mind, the Father is our unconscious mind.
She has taken an authority that is illegal, and that was always illegal. We found out in our recent messages that the Father knew that, that potential for separation was there, and He warned Adam to stay on top of this aspect of his personality. Brethren, surely if you stop to think, everybody has an aspect of their personality that they know if they let it out it is going to bring destruction in their life. Everybody has to have it. There must be something about yourself that if you do not watch over yourself, you are going to say something out of line, you are going to cause trouble with your mouth.
Maybe you have a sexual weakness, maybe if you do not take the proper precautions, you will wind up in bed with a man, and you know it is ungodly.
Everybody has some weakness that they have to restrain within themselves. Any honest person would say that it is there. This is what Adam had. God said to Adam, righteous Adam who was revealing Christ, God said, "Do not let your lower horn out. She did not have a name at the time. She was just your lower horn. There is a spiritual authority that when you are ruling her, when you are riding her, when you have got reigns on her, joined with her you are appearing in the realm of appearance. I have made her to give form to the Christ in you, if you let her go, it is going to be a disaster."
I want to tell you something, I do not think that the Lord told Adam what would happen if he let her go. I think He said, "Just do it. Take authority over her, ruler her, and do not let her out."
It has been my personal experience, God will talk to me and He will say "Do something" or "Do not do something," and He does not give me any more information about it, just do it.
As we found out in Daniel 8, Adam got a little lifted up in pride. I remind you that the Scripture says, "That one horn was more arrogant than the other horn." That means that Adam, the living soul himself, was arrogant. He was as arrogant as his lower horn. Now what does that mean? They were in agreement in their arrogance.
I want to tell you that when you have Christ, there is nothing that can bring you down except your own arrogance. You must agree with the sin in your mind, brethren. When you are in Christ, you can only come down if you are in agreement with your lower horn. If you have Christ, you have a lower horn. You are Christ, but you have a lower nature, a lower horn, a lower side. It is your carnal mind, it is supposed to be in total submission to you. You are supposed to be so in tune, and so in step with Christ ruling that she has no identity of her own.
That is what we are coming to. Right now, if Christ is being formed in you, you are Christ, you have a lower horn, and God is saying to you, "Get that thing on a leash, and bring it into unison with you and become righteous." We are doing it, we are fallen, and we have to get back up. That is what we are overcoming. That is what the command is, for us to overcome. It is our carnal mind, it is our lower nature, it is our lower horn. We are going back to the creation where Adam was righteous.
The creation is out of whack, there has been an addition. This just popped into my mind. Mongoloid is a condition, if I am not mistaken, of an extra chromosome. Something has been added. It has caused severe retardation. Brethren, we are spiritually retarded. God has a physical example of everything that has happened in the realm of the spirit. Something was added to His creation that poisoned us. A type of it was the poison gourd that was put into the stew by one of the prophets in Elijah's school. I remind you, what was the answer to that poison gourd?
Did Elijah spill it out and start cooking all over again? No, he did not. He added something that neutralized the poison. Christ is being added to us. Hallelujah Glory to God.
Our salvation, our perfection, is in the addition of Christ. Do not tell me I am against deliverance because I am not. It has a purpose, it has a place, it has a function, but the end of everything is Christ. Do not fall into idolatry of deliverance, either of Old Order or New Order. Your goal is the appearance of Christ in you.
When He appears in you, He shall destroy your carnal mind or slay the enmity in your flesh. Did I make this clear? Did everyone understand this? We are saying that there is no Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There is just the Father and the Son. There is only spirit and soul, there is no realm of appearance. It is confusing the way I said that. There is only spirit and earth. We have to get our terminology changed now. There is only spirit and earth. There is no Christ carnal mind, and Adam. There is only Adam who is either revealing Christ or revealing Satan.
We are saying that there is no Father, Son, and Holy spirit. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is another name for the Father. When we say Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we are really saying the Father, the Son, and the Father. This makes no sense at all, until we find out that there is an unnamed element in the creation of God who desires worship from men.
When righteous Adam fell, the unnamed element in the creation was given the name of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Satan, in this hour, is using the name of the Holy Spirit and the false doctrine known as the trinity to seize worship that rightfully belongs to the Lord.
There is only the Father and the Son, both of which have more than one name in the Scripture. Why does the Father and the Son have more than one name in the Scripture, you say? Because the Lord emphasizes the different aspects of His nature by using different names. Indeed, are not the Father and the Son two different aspects of the nature of the one true God? We are also saying that there is no Adam, Christ, and the carnal mind. Why? Because Christ and the carnal mind does not exist apart from Adam.
Adam is either revealing Christ or the carnal mind. When Adam reveals Christ, he is male and known as the righteous Adam or Adam before the fall. When Adam reveals the carnal mind, she is female and known as the fallen Adam, the living soul that died, Adam after the fall. There is only righteous or unrighteous Adam, Christ or the carnal mind.
We also found out that God never created a realm of the spirit, realm of the soul, and realm of appearance. Why? Soul was not created to have an existence of its own. Soul is expressed either in the realm of the spirit through union with the Father, or in the realm of appearance through man's personality. There are two levels of spirit. The Father alone, and the Father appearing together with soul.
The Father alone, for example, hovered over the waters in Genesis 1. He also hovered over Mary when He fertilized her. The Father appearing together with soul appears as the unconscious mind of man. There are also two levels of soul. The expression of soul in the realm of the spirit appears with the spirit of the Father as the corporate unconscious mind of God's creation, the living soul. The expression of soul in the realm of appearance appears with the living soul as the many individual personalities of mankind.
Personality, also known as the conscious mind, could not exist without the spiritual authority known as the unconscious mind. When our unconscious mind is Satan alone, our personality must be an individual expression of the carnal mind.
When our unconscious mind is Satan appearing as one spirit with the Father, our personality must be an expression of Christ. The personality of Christ is appearing inconsistently, and only sporadically today because most believers today cannot distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind, either in themselves or in others.
Such an inability weakens a believer's option to willfully decide to manifest Christ by repressing his own carnal mind. The Scripture expresses the idea of the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance as Heaven and earth. The realm of the soul has no independent existence, but is either expressed as spirit in Heaven, which is man's unconscious mind, or as personality and behavior in the earth, which is man's conscious mind.
Satan's (the unconscious part of the carnal mind) appearance in Heaven without the Father is a spiritual perversion which has produced the many-membered personality known as the carnal mind in the earth. The age or time period in which humanity is separated from the Father is called death. The physical world in which we live is an expression or an image of the spirit or the unconscious mind that is ruling in the men who are presently occupying this planet.
Needless to say then, soul is being expressed as spirit apart from the Father in the fallen Adam, the living soul that died. Thus for a season, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is appearing in Heaven, as we see in Revelation 12, as the corporate, unconscious mind of the living soul. Satan's offspring, the carnal mind, is appearing in the earth as the personality of the many individual members of humanity.
Now, we know the Father carved a two-sided creation in the earth out of the spiritual life of His Son which He named Adam. As we learned from a previous message, the Father placed His creation in and joined it to a life-sustaining environment called Eden.
Adam, the living soul, then consists of the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance also called Heaven and earth. Only righteous Adam or fallen Adam, the living soul that died, that is Father and is Christ, or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind can be appearing in our personal Heaven and earth or our unconscious mind and personality at any one moment.
The righteous Adam and the fallen Adam, the living soul that died, cannot be appearing in our mind at the same time. Christ and the carnal mind cannot be appearing in our mind at the same time. There can only be one spirit ruling in our unconscious mind, and one personality ruling in conscious mind at any given moment. Likewise, the world that we live in known as the land of Nod or Hell can only reflect the carnal mind or Christ at any given spiritual moment. Christ and the carnal mind can rise and fall from second to second in the minds of fallen men, but the physical world that we live in cannot be displaced by Heaven until Christ is presently appearing in the mind of the first fruits of the second generation of Christ.
Brethren, from one sentence to the next you can be manifesting either Christ or the carnal mind, but this physical world which is hard cannot be changed from moment to moment, nor can it change from hour to hour, or day to day. It cannot be changed, it cannot and will not be changed until the mind of Christ is presently manifesting through a group of men. Why? Because that permanent manifestation will bring forth a new image in the earth.
Our present physical world reflects the permanent appearance of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind in men. Momentary appearance of Christ in some believers who are still imperfect cannot produce a change of our physical environment. Christ's ability to materialize His environment, which is Heaven in the earth, shall prove to be greater than Satan's ability to sustain the environment that she has already established here, which is Hell. When the mind of Christ permanently appears in the mind of the first fruits of the second generation of Christ, Heaven shall materialize in the very same place where Hell once existed just as a righteous lifestyle swallows up the destructive habits of a repentant sinner.
Hell and Heaven can only be appearing in the earth of our world or the earth of our mind at one time. Your mind, which has no physical expression, its thought and its idea can change from moment to moment, but our physical world which is a thought that has been made solid can only change when the mind of Christ is permanently appearing in this world.
I am sorry if I have confused you with the change of this terminology, I have to make changes as the Lord shows them to us.
If you are listening to tapes that I have preached prior to this one, and you hear me speak about the realm of the soul, or if I slip and use that expression in the future, please understand that I am speaking about soul as it is expressed in the realm of the spirit which is the unconscious mind, or soul as it is expressed through a man's personality which is the conscious mind.
How can you determine when I am speaking about the unconscious mind and when I am speaking about the personality? You can determine that by understanding the overall meaning of the idea that I am trying to express.
Let us see if we can understand a little more about what God did here in Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth." What it does not say is that He created the Heaven and earth out of the beginning, which is Christ. We all know that Christ is the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth. He was slain, or dressed for market, or cut into many pieces. We are those pieces that He was cut into.
"The earth was without form, and it was void." Brethren, I want to suggest to you that when the Father slew the lamb at the foundation of the earth, what He made out of Him was the basic building blocks of the creation. It says right here that it was without form. God made the basic building blocks of the creation out of His Son. Then, we will see as we go on, He proceeded to form Him into a man. Is that not what it says in Genesis 2? God formed the man. Is that not what it says? Genesis 2:7 "and God formed the man." In Genesis 1:2 "the earth was without form." First, God made the raw material. You know we have a whole element in the church that fantasizes that this is a second creation.
All these fables and fantasies, brethren, it does not matter what you think, it does not matter what your carnal mind thinks. It only matters what the truth is, and all truth is in Christ. There were not two creations. God created the building blocks of the creation. At the beginning, it was without form. I suggest to you, I cannot tell you that this is what I have heard from God, but this is what I believe at the moment. You can say yea or nay. It was basically the molecules, it was the atoms that were just floating around without form. Your whole body is made up of atoms and molecules.
There are atoms and molecules that are put together in a particular order. I am suggesting to you that He just made the atoms and the molecules, but they were not put together in any form yet. He planted the tree, He grew the tree up before He cut it down and made the house out of it. He likens it to that somewhere in the Prophets. I cannot tell you where it is. First, He made the tree, then He cut the tree down, then He made a house out of the tree. He made the raw building blocks. Yes, we are all living trees, amen.
"And the earth was without form," it was empty. All the earth was made to be filled. What was it made to be filled with? It was made to be filled with the spiritual life of Christ. When it is filled with the spiritual life of Christ, it will be formed. Now remember, the invisible life of Christ is being given form by the earth. Remember our example of the spiritual man. You could not see him but when you wrapped bandages around his face and put clothing on him, you realized what was invisible really had substance to it.
I want to tell you that this concept, it took me quite a few years to really comprehend this, God really has substance to Him. My understanding of the Scripture is that if a spirit was not inside of us, this flesh that is on us would collapse. Just like a canteen that is made out of an animal skin, when the water goes out of it, it flattens out. These bodies we have, have been generated by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, taking on the form of spirit. Is that not what happens when someone dies?
You know I was driving along the road the other day and I saw a dead animal on the road. This revelation popped into my mind. It was just lying there lifeless just a sack, an empty sack. The spirit that had given it breath was gone. Now remember, it is the false prophet who has authority to give breath to the beast. Did I get it right? Let me look. It is in Revelation 13. Let me get it again, I do not want to say it wrong on the tape. We are talking about the second beast here that had two horns and he spake like a Dragon.
Verse 15, "And he had power to give life." That word really means "breath." Power to give breath unto the image of the beast. The image of the beast is the carnal mind. "That the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."
The image of the beast is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, appearing in the personality and behavior of men. The second beast, we found out if you have studied these teachings, the second beast is the human spirit. She is the human spirit who was joined to Satan in a spiritual sexual union and gives birth to the carnal mind. That is how she gives breath to the beast. She gives birth to the carnal mind which is the image of the beast. Let me take a minute with that so I can make sure you understand that.
Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is in the stolen role of spirit in this hour, and he has an illegal union with Eve, who is the spiritual seed of the Father in man. Her function in the creation is to produce a child. Brethren, this creation cannot exist without a spiritual male, a spiritual female, and a spiritual offspring all joined together.
Now, just like a fetus is formed in a human woman's womb, it starts with two cells, an egg and a sperm. It builds and it grows. That is our natural type. The egg is typified by Eve who is the female seed of God. The sperm in this illegal ungodly union is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The two have joined, and they have produced a child.
The name of the child is the carnal mind. The carnal mind is appearing in the earth, appearing on two levels, appearing in the personality, and in the behavior of men. This personality, and this behavior is the reflection of Satan in the earth. It is not the reflection of Eve. Brethren, Eve has no reflection. She is only the product of the male spirit that is joined to her. She has no existence of her own.
The female seed has no existence of her own, but she reveals the male that is in union with her. Right now Eve is in union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, their offspring. The carnal mind is the image of the beast. What is an image? An image is an engraving. Satan has pasted through Eve. The Scripture says that he has engraved his nature on the offspring. That nature of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is being revealed through the personality and the behavior of the men who are expressing the carnal mind. Glory to God.
I do not remember how I got into that, but let us go back to Genesis 1 and I will try to remember how I got into that. We said that God created the earth, the realm of appearance, which we see on two levels, behavior and personality. Let me remind you that at the beginning, the earth was not appearing on two levels. It was not appearing in behavior yet, because I do not believe the creation had a body at that point. It was just appearing as personality.
We are told even before that, that it was not even appearing as personality because it was empty. There was no spirit in it yet. At this point, I think I jumped ahead of myself. It was just appearing, it was not even personality. It was without a spirit. It was without a male spirit. It was a female creation. It was without an offspring. It was just like a female egg in a uterus. That is all that it was. It was a female egg waiting to be fertilized.
Then we are told, "darkness was upon the deep." Now one of the reasons that I am surprised that God gave me this message for today is that I asked Him a question about this when He showed it to me, and I do not know what the answer is. Now whether He will give it to me as I am teaching it or not, or whether I will leave it with you as a question or not, this is my question to the Lord, "and the darkness was upon the face of the deep."
Now, let me jump ahead and tell you what the face of the deep is before I give you my question. The face, I remind you, is referring to the part that faces the surface, and God is within. The surface is referring to the earth. In our spiritual diagrams we draw the Father, or the spirit, or the Heaven which is within. The earth or what we used to call the soul is outside. Let me show it to you another way.
The Scripture likens us to a tree. Inside of the tree is the spirit, and on the outside of the tree, we can say it is the realm of appearance, or we could say it is soul.
We did a series in the early chapters of the book of Revelation, where we said the spirit, the soul, or the spirit in the realm of appearance, or Heaven and earth are really just opposite sides of the same thing. Can you see this? This is a tree. Inside the tree is either spirit or Heaven. The outside of the same tree, it is the same tree on the outside, and it is either the earth or the realm of appearance. Some people call it soul.
I am sorry, with all these different names, I did not do it. God did it. He gives all these different names to this. Can you see the outline of the tree? On the inside of the bark, it is spirit or heaven. On the outside, it is earth, or the realm of appearance or the soul. Another name for it is the face, that part that turns outward. Spirit is inward. Does anybody not understand this? Hallelujah.
"Darkness was upon the face of the deep." Well, where did the deep come from? I just read "God created the Heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form, and the darkness was upon the face of the deep. The spirit of God moved upon the waters." What is He talking about? If you look up this word "deep" in the Hebrew, it is talking about the pit. I think it is the same one, Lord help me. It is the abyss. Thank you.
I was just saying, "Lord I had no idea I was preaching this tonight," and I studied this awhile ago, and that it means, it is the same Hebrew word translated "the pit." What in the world is God talking about? He must surely hate me, and be trying to confuse me, or really there is no God, and some man wrote this, and he was so stupid he could not keep his words consistent. No brethren, God has hidden all knowledge in Christ so that the carnal minds of men will be confounded. It should be made manifest to them, their ignorance, and how they are nothing without Him.
"The earth was without form," and it had not been filled with spirit yet. It was void. "Darkness was on the front of the abyss." I am going to suggest to you that the abyss is the living soul that died. I have been teaching that for years, that the living soul is the pit, it is the bottomless pit. You just keep sinking down lower and lower. There is no end to it. There it is in a mystical way, if you can receive it, receive it. That the creation, where it says, "God created the Heaven and the earth." He created the living soul, and that living soul was and still is the abyss. It was empty, there was no spirit filling it.
After that, "And darkness was upon the face of the living soul." This is the face of the living soul. It is everything outside of the tree. This is the question I asked the Lord that I do not know the answer to. If darkness was out here, well I thought that before God made the creation that there was just light everywhere, that there is nothing outside of God. If God is in here, and darkness is out here, does that mean Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was out here in the beginning?
Now remember, when God created the Heaven and earth, He did it by separating Himself from the Son. This was the Father over here, the Son broke off, and broke off into...was formed into atoms of matter. If you remember the 38 series, there was a fallout, there was an ash that fell out of the explosion. We can liken this to, an atomic explosion. That ash, remember the Father was spirit, and the Son, even though they were broken down into the atoms, they were still spirit. There was a byproduct of the explosion
that can be likened to the atomic ash that falls out in an atomic explosion. This by-product was the formation of matter, the physical substance of which this world was made.
This would be the darkness over here. It sounds to me right now the Lord is saying to me, "The Son separated from Him, and broke down into the atoms. The ash of the fallout, which was Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was on the surface."
The Son of God was made into the atoms of the universe. I have told you recently, or you may know without me telling you, that atoms look like little universes. They have rings around them. Depending on what that atom is, that is how many rings they have. Every atom, if I remember the teaching from the 38 series, every atom has, I think the element is hydrogen, every atom has hydrogen in its nucleus.
There is not one atom known to man or to science that does not have as its basis the element hydrogen. It is the lightest element known to man, and every element known to man has hydrogen in it. When the Son of God broke off from the Father, and He broke into many atoms, each atom of which He was the center, the fallout fell in line around Him. Can you hear this?
Remember, they are inside of these circular orbits. Outside of each atom we have elements called electrons. Electrons are negative, and in the nucleus we have protons and neutrons. The protons are positive, and the neutrons are neutral. The Son of God was separated from the Father, and He was made in the atoms that would form the universe, He being the central point of the atom, the ash, which is darkness or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, forming in orbits of electrons around Him. That was how God formed the atoms of the universe. It that not exciting.
God broke the Son into many little pieces, and the ash layered over Him. The earth was without form, but all of the atoms had not formed the earth, they were just atoms. That was the creation of the elements. Does anybody not understand this?
The earth was without form, and empty, no spirit was forming it. The darkness, well for anyone who is thinking, Jesus Christ must have been forming, no Jesus Christ was broken into many pieces, out of Him was made the molecules of the universe. The next step was for God to take all these molecules, and form a man out of Him. Are you OK? Please the people need to hear your questions. There is someone else that has the same question as you do.
COMMENT: The Father was created, and Jesus was the Father?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, exactly the Father latterly broke a part of Himself off. If we are looking for a natural example, the natural example is sperm. The Father forced it out of His being, and began the creation. He began it by forming the atoms, and His Son, the spiritual life of Christ is the center of every atom that there is. Glory to God.
"The darkness was upon the face of the living soul." Even though it was not formed yet God is calling it the living soul, it is just a bunch of atoms, He is already calling it the living soul. The darkness of the fall out was on the outside of the atom, or the outside of the living soul. I remind you. I am not scientist, but to the best of my ability, that this is Gods basic plan for the universe. That is what the atoms look like, that is what the universes look like, that is what the planets look like. I want to suggest to you, spiritually that is what we look like. That is what we look like spiritually. We are supposed to be having the Father at our center. The Father, and His Son, that is supposed to be our center. That is the nucleus of our atoms, and then we have rings around us.
This is the face of the earth out here the farthest ring away from the Father. We have a whole series of diagrams on that in the 38 series. Of course, in our center right now, or in our world or cosmos, one of the Greek words that is translated "world" is "cosmos." Every time you see the word "world" it is not the same Greek word. There are three Greek words translated world. One is "eon" which means age, one is "cosmos" which usually refers to the cosmos of this body. Then there is another word, I cannot recall it, but it is referring to this life, it is referring to this existence that we are existing in.
That is God's basic building block, a center, orbits, people circulating around it. Come to think of it, that is what the family looks like. There is a head of the family, and everybody circles around the head of the family. This is God's plan. You have a police force, there is a police chief, you have an army, there is a general, and everyone circles around them. That is God's plan. That is how it is all set up.
COMMENT: Inaudible.
PASTOR VITALE: In the physical universe they are called orbits. I do not know what they are called in the atom. I may have it in that 38 series, I just do not remember. Did I mention it? I know you listened to it recently. No, a molecule is atoms that are joined together, I do not know what those rings are called in chemistry.
"The earth was form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the living soul." God is already calling it a living soul. The fall-out from the explosion is on the outside, not the inside. The Bible tells us on the outside. "The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Again we have a witness that the living soul is typified by God as water. The living soul is typified by God as we taught earlier...let me make this a little clearer here. We know that there is just Heaven and earth. There is no realm of appearance, it is just called earth,
that there are two levels of earth. We said that personality in an unseen realm and behavior. I remind you in 2 Peter, I think it is 2 Peter 5, it talks about at the beginning when the heavens were of old, and the earth was in the water, and standing out of the water. We have that on the tape, "And the Earth Stood Up Out of the Water." I think it is #15.
The earth that is in the water is the personality, and the earth that is standing out of the water is behavior that is manifested through a physical body. Our physical bodies can be likened to trees or mountains, any other appendage that is standing up right on the face of the earth or up out of the water.
The living soul, in this hour, did not yet have physical bodies. The Scripture says that the spirit of God moved upon the waters of the living soul that faced outward, that faced away from the spirit. What does that mean? We had a creation, Christ was in the center, we had all this matter out here, and there was darkness. Then the Scripture says, "and the Father moved upon that face of the waters." Now this is the living soul, the face is the most outer realm. The living soul is water so the face of the waters would be out here. Anybody having a problem with that?
How could the Father move upon the face of the waters? The Father is in His Christ, He vibrated forth, went beyond the face, went beyond the living soul, went beyond it forming another ring that was above, and beyond the darkness, and the Father said, "Let there be light. And there was light." Can you hear what I am saying? This is how God said, "Let there be light." What happened was the Father in His Christ arose, vibrated out beyond the face of the waters, or the edge of the creation, and His light shown. There was no more darkness upon the face of the earth, and there was now light upon the face of the earth.
Let me remind you that this is the promise of our resurrection, that the Christ that is dwelling in you and His Father through Him in the day of the end of our salvation is the perfection of our soul. He is going to rise up in the Christ in you, He is going to vibrate out past the ends of your earth which is this body. He is going to appear in this world system, and the light of Christ is going to be revealed, the whole world system and outside of our bodies. Light shall be imparted to the earth.
These parables, I have been telling you for awhile now, they have to become real for us. We have got to get out of this fantasy. God said, "Let there be light," and something happened. When God says, "Let there be light," it does not necessarily materialize like a genie. When God says, "Let there be," the earth responds to Him.
This is where intellectual human beings falter because they cannot see the hand of God in it. There are all kind of books written on how a meteorite caused the flood, or the big bang caused the universe. They cannot see God's hand causing the meteorite to go out of its orbit. You are spiritually blind.
When we read in the Scripture God said, "Let it happen," we should know that something natural is going to happen. When God says in His realm of spirit, "Let it happen," something in the earth responds to His word, and does whatever it has to do to cause the word of the Lord to come to pass. Brilliant men have stumbled over this.
We know that God created the atoms. Those atoms where not formed, and there was no form, therefore it had to be empty because it was not even formed yet. What was not even formed yet? The man was not formed yet. The darkness of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which was the fall-out from the explosion that occurred when the Son separated from the Father was on the outside of the living soul, and the spirit of God vibrated out from the center where Christ was, and "He moved upon the face of the waters." God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. "God saw the light that was good. He separated the light from the darkness."
I looked up that word "divided." I got a little excited, what it sounds like to me...I had no idea I was going to be preaching this tonight, what came to me when I looked up the word...well, let me tell you what the word meant. The word meant, "to distinguish." Is that not what we have been teaching in the book of Daniel?
We have a whole three-tape message on Daniel 12 where God is preaching, "The hour is at hand where we must distinguish between the living soul and the carnal mind." The hour is at hand where God is challenging all men to distinguish the living soul and the carnal mind, between light and darkness. Where? Out on the street? Is He talking about this fluorescent light bulb? No, we are all being challenged to learn how to, in Christ, distinguish between the light of Christ or that darkness of the carnal mind in someone's personality. That is what we are in training for.
What is in my heart, I am going to tell you what is in my heart, because I really have not studied it out. That has not happened yet. It is happening now thousands of years later after this verse was written or this verse took place. Man is just starting to distinguish between the light and the darkness. I want to suggest to you that when Eve was seduced by the Serpent, she was seduced. Why? Because she could not distinguish between the light and the darkness.
We have that on Tape #2. She was deceived. Paul tells us in the Book of Timothy, Eve was deceived. She thought that it was God when she yielded to Satan's sexual advances, and bore his child, the carnal mind. She could not distinguish between the light and the darkness.
COMMENT: Light is light, and darkness is darkness.
PASTOR VITALE: You are making it sound easy, but I meet people everyday that cannot distinguish between Christ in me, and the carnal mind. The Scripture clearly states that the only one that will recognize Christ in you will be the person who is reveling Christ. The person who is revealing their carnal mind will totally misunderstand every motive that you have and everything that you do. Do not expect them to recognize Christ in you, because they are not going to recognize Christ in you. They are not going to love you for what you have done. They are going to hate you because they are going to attribute evil to your motives. It is in the Bible.
You want to say something?
COMMENT: Was it possible Eve was deceived because she was deceived by the enemy, who led her to believe something that was not true because it sounded good?
PASTOR VITALE: I do not think that it sounded good. I think that she probably knew... she was not a woman as a woman is today. She was Adam's fertile parts. My understanding of this is that she really did not have much of a mind. She was a stereotype woman. All these stereotypes of women are that they are just good to have babies and be in the house. That is what she was. She knew on some level she was supposed to have sex with the Father and bare His child.
When someone came to her in the guise of a male, she did not know that it was not the Father. She probably could not have conceived in her wildest dreams that there was a man other than the Father. Well there was not. We know that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, was a lesbian. Do you know that there are some young women, I do not know about today, women are so sophisticated today, years ago a young woman, an eighteen year old woman, she never even heard of a lesbian. Women were sheltered. They were not taught anything, they were just protected.
Their father and their brothers would kill anyone that went near her, they were not taught anything. I want to tell you something, it hurts me when I have to counsel young women today, and talk to them about the garbage that is going on in this world. It hurts me because their ears should not be hearing it, because there is no man to protect them.
I saw a movie one time, I think it was one of the Godfather movies where he was living in Sicily, and he saw this gorgeous sexy girl. He could not even get near her. Her brothers where ready to crucify him. He could not even talk to her. Four brothers and her father where ready to hang him by his thumbs. There is no protection for young women today, so they have to hear this filth. I am sorry that you have to hear this, it hurts me.
COMMENT: I understand the Tree of the Knowledge of Good, and Evil, this is the knowledge. There is so much that is knowledge.
PASTOR VITALE: Eve did not know any of this stuff, and Adam was told to protect her. All of the protections, a large measure of the protections are torn down. A lot of the parents today are just children themselves that are in rebellion against authority themselves.
COMMENT: I do not know if this is out of context right now, but you were talking about Satan being a lesbian. It says in Genesis 3:14 "Dust thou shall eat all of thy life." He said to the Serpent, we know Serpents....
PASTOR VITALE: It is a curse.
COMMENT1: They do not eat dust. They eat meat. They eat rats, and mice, rodents, and all of that. They do not eat dust. It said to the Serpent, "Thou shall eat dust."
COMMENT2: Did it not mean give birth to the earth, to the person?
PASTOR VITALE: This is what it means. Remember now, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind was a part of the soul, which either has to go up or down. What the Father was saying to Satan, "For the rest of your days, you are not going to experience union with the Father." Now remember Satan was giving form to the creation, and there is only Heaven and earth. What the Father was saying to him was, "You are only going to be appearing in the earth for the rest of your days. You are not going to be appearing with Adam and the Father in the realm of the spirit. You are going to be appearing in the earth, in the behavior, and the personality of men."
This word "eat," you have to get spiritual if you want to go on with God. You have to get spiritual. This word "eat," it means "to totally consume," and in God's mind when...Jesus said Himself, "I want you either hot or cold or I will spew you out of my mouth." Jesus is eating us, He is spiritually consuming us. What does that mean? It means total, complete union to the extent of the example that we used is a dyed garment.
When a garment is dyed, that garment is penetrated by the dye to such a degree that it is irreversible. That is the concept of the word "eat" in the Scripture. That is the way Jesus is eating us, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is eating the dust. She is completely joined, and locked down here in the earth. She cannot arise to the heavenlies where the Father is. Of course, we know that she has created her illegal heaven. We now have heavens, but she is not up where the Father is.
She wanted to be where the Father is, she wanted to be spirit, she wanted to do what He did. She did succeed in doing what He did, but she has brought forth corruption instead of the glory of God. She did do what He did, but the results where different. She fertilized Adam. She did function in the male role, but it has turned out to be a disaster, and we are all her descendants. We are her offspring.
Oh, you did not know that your father was the devil? Your father is the devil. Wait let me finish this for the people that are having a heart attack listening to the tape. Your father is the devil, but God, Jesus Christ, by His mercy and His grace is offering you the opportunity that is impossible to human beings, and that is to change your father without dying. In Christ all things are possible, and your father can become God. (End of Tape 1)
Tape 2
In Christ all things are possible, and your father can become God. Your father is not God because you speak in tongues. Glory to God. I am sorry what were you saying? Who was talking when I interrupted? Glory to God.
"God said, Let there be light, and there was light, and God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness." This is what I am suggesting to you, this is what is in my heart, I really have not studied it thoroughly, this is what is in my heart, that this is still happening, that the light is still being divided from the darkness. The light is being distinguished from the darkness by whom? By us, by the descendants of the living soul who failed on two levels. His female part could not distinguish between the light, and the darkness. His male part...Paul tells us that he was not deceived. The male was not deceived. His male part could distinguish but was so lifted up in pride that he agreed with the darkness.
This fall could have never come if Adam did not agree with the darkness. In the account of the seduction we are told that the Serpent told Eve that "You could be like Gods." Her protector must have heard the words, and said, "That sounds good." If he did not hear the whisper and say, "That sounds good," why did not he step on Satan's head? Adam liked the thought. We are in the same condition today, there is nothing new under the sun. The travail that we are all going through is the same that righteous Adam went through. We like the Serpent whispers into our mind, otherwise there would be no temptation.
Well, where does that leave us? It leaves us with a condition of either loving Christ even more or not loving Christ enough. I have had so many people tell me how much they love Jesus. I know one woman, I have her in mind. She loves Jesus. I am not mocking her, my heart is breaking for her. How many times she has told me she loves Jesus, but she will not stop fornicating. She has been fornicating since I know her. For years she never stopped. She was fornicating in the world, and she never stopped. When she met Jesus, she did not love Him enough to stop fornicating. Do not tell me that you love Jesus. Love is not an emotion. Love is an action word, and when you love somebody, you do not cheat on them. When you love somebody, you love them enough to resist what is going to hurt them.
There is a false definition of love in our country today. Love is commitment, love is honesty, love is decency, love is not a good feeling. The same person, if you are hearing this tape, I love you, I am telling you the truth. The same person told me that she, well she goes to church, she does not come here. She told me she loves to go to church on Sunday. She goes in, and she feels the Holy Spirit wash over her, and she feels clean.
I want to tell you that is what they do in the Catholic church. They go in, they go to confession, the feel clean, and they go home, and fornicate. She drinks and does whatever else she is doing. She had not changed from the way she was in the world.
We have a whole church world full of people that have not changed. This woman talking in tongues, she has prayed for me, she is anointed. How could that be? Imputed anointing. God has not taken it from her yet. He is being very merciful to her. Do not be deceived because someone speaks in tongues. I want to tell you something, all of us, we bring everything that we were in the world into the church. The cleansing process does not start right away for everybody. Some people get convicted sooner than others, some people have a revelation that their worldly behavior was destroying them. I had that revelation,
I went running to the Throne of Grace, and said, "Jesus help me I will do anything." I got cleaned up.
I had one of the fastest clean-up jobs of anybody that I personally know in the church, and it took years at that. There are a lot of people in the church that are not doing that because they think they are righteous because they speak in tongues, and they go to church every Sunday. Do not be deceived by them, they are everything that they were in the world. Now maybe they have stopped taking drugs, maybe they have stopped drinking, maybe they stopped fornicated, but they have not been converted. Do not believe the lie that because they are coming to church, and they are speaking in tongues that they have been converted. They have not been converted.
COMMENT: I was just thinking about Peter when Jesus said to him "When you are converted." Peter was just walking along, and doing what he knew to do, what Jesus told him.
PASTOR VITALE: Amen. Thank you for putting that on the tape. I am telling you they have not been converted. It is a lie. It is a lie that is being sold to God's people.
COMMENT: Are there many people in the church world under a spirit of Jesus, another spirit of gospel.
PASTOR VITALE: Oh, it is another gospel. The big problem with it is that the other gospel is intertwined with some truth. That is anti-Christ, mixture is anti Christ. I remember the day God taught me that. I was in a church where I was receiving a steady diet of truth. Enough truth that God never revealed any error in it to me. It was a steady diet from the pulpit of truth under a heavy anointing. A visiting preacher was brought in to the church, and I left there in such confusion, I was physically upset. I was crying out through the whole service because I did not understand what was wrong. God is so faithful, the minute I got into the house the phone rang.
He had someone that was at that service call me. They understood, they had the answer. We cannot all understand everything at the same moment. I was always pretty sharp in that congregation, but I did not understand this one. There was someone in the congregation that understood, they called me the minute I walked in the door. They did not know why they called me. When I told them how I felt, they explained it to me. Some things he said were true, but a lot of what he said was not true. It was causing an emotional distress in my soul. I did not understand what was wrong.
That is anti Christ. They do not come in and give you a totally false doctrine. They are going to give you enough truth that you think it is God. This is not easy, anyone telling you this walk is easy is lying to you.
There definitely is a false gospel in the church. That is coming to an end, there is nothing we can do about it. We preach it for whoever has ears to hear. At the proper moment, God is going to expose the error. He is going to reveal His truth. Which ever preachers will not transfer over, He is going to take them down.
I am very encouraged, I see a lot of preachers making changes, XXXX XXXXX was in deliverance, and he has got thousands of people, they are entering in with him. They are entering into deliverance with him. They are doing it right on TV. You cannot stand still with God. Either you grow or you die, either you go forward or you die. The test is the anointing. What does that mean? It means that God zigged, and they zagged, that is what it means. It is the same principle as the lesser and the greater horn. When God zigs, and you zag instead of zigging, it means you are no longer in unison with Him. It means you have separated from Him. That is what it means.
Brethren, man cannot lead. Man must follow God. When you follow Him, He will be revealed through you, believe me He wants to be revealed through you. He is not rejecting anybody that will yield to Him. If you see somebody who had an anointing and no longer has an anointing, or a ministry that had an anointing and no longer has it, God zigged, and they zagged. It is as simple as that. You have to be wide awake all the time. You follow a ministry, and you follow a man as they follow Christ. When they do not follow Christ, you do not follow them, but just be careful that you do not deceive yourself because you get mad at your preacher and convince yourself that they have lost their anointing. Be careful because you are only destroying yourself.
Look for fruit in the ministry. When God puts you in a ministry, you make a commitment to the ministry. When you start seeing signs that they are not following God anymore, you go before the Lord, and you ask Him what He wants you to do. This is grow up time, God is challenging us to grow up. I know of several people that heard from God in a particular way. They wound up in a ministry where the spirit of God left, and they expected, I think you are one of the people that it happened to you, you may not agree with me, but I think you are one of the people that, that happened to you. They were waiting for God to tell them the same way that He told them the last time, but God did not move that way.
I am telling you that when you think that, possibly, the anointing has left the ministry, we are to ask the Lord what He wants us to do. You say, "Father this is my perception, first of all is it true? Is it a spirit in me that is trying to get me out of you will?" You pray that through. If you should get the answer that "Yes I have left that ministry." Then you ask Him, "Father what do you want me to do?" Because we are getting older in Christ.
COMMENT: What do you mean by the fruit of the ministry, you are not being fed? You are not growing? The characteristics of Christ?
PASTOR VITALE: The fruit is Christ. What do I mean by the fruit of the ministry? There has to be growth. The fruit of the spirit is growth. Well, there are many aspects to the fruit of the spirit. There is the love of God, and the many manifestations that we read about in the Scripture. There is the righteousness of God. People have to be getting helped, people have to be growing.
If you know someone that has been going to a ministry for ten years, and they are getting deliverance for the same problem, something is wrong. Well, maybe it is one person, but that is an indication of the whole ministry that something is really wrong.
You look on at least three levels, number one you look for righteousness. You look to see if there is righteousness in the minister, you look to see if righteousness is being taught, and you look to see if righteousness is being practiced.
One of the things that alerted me is that adultery was being tolerated in the church, and the man that was involved was put in the pulpit to preach. That is a very serious error. That is really something to pray about. Righteousness is the number one thing. Then next to that, I would not say lesser than that. Righteousness is number one, but next is the love of God.
COMMENT: This is just a hypothetical thing. Say I was living in adultery and coming into your ministry. How would you handle it?
PASTOR VITALE: Every situation is different. The situation that I am talking about right now. Well let me distinguish it. This was...there are two categories that I see right now. One, that it would come to my understanding that a member of the congregation is discreetly in adultery, but it is not evident in the congregation.
That is not the situation. The situation was that there was a married man in the congregation whose wife did not attend the church who was having a flirtation with a single woman, and they were doing it in the church so blatantly that the children, my daughter was in the church at the time, the children were coming to their parents, my daughter came to me, and said, "Mom, I thought that was against God's law?"
To answer your question, when something that blatant is going on that there is such a lack of respect for God, and for every person in that church that they are doing it openly, I would call the people in, and I would tell them that they are on notice, that if I see any contact between them in the church or on the church premises I would ask them to not come back.
Beyond that, I would have to pray to the Lord. I did have two people in this congregation that were in fornication. Not adultery, they were in fornication. I knew it, the Lord did not tell me to put them out, He was dealing with them.
Every situation you have to take individually, and bring it before God, with that one exception, that they are blatantly flying in the face of everyone in the church. I would not tolerate that.
This is where the letter killeth, and the spirit maketh alive, you have to hear from God on every circumstance. I would certainly not put anybody out without calling them in, and talking to them, counseling them, telling them it is sin, and asking them if they were convicted, and if they are willing to repent. It is God's purpose to restore people. It is God's purpose to convict them, bring them to repentance, and to heal them.
I do not believe that you execute any kind of judgment unless God has told you to, that is my principles. You do not do things that are going to damage people unless you are sure that it is Christ. You cannot tell, and to whoever your critics are, it cannot be revealed whether or not it was Christ sometimes for a year to two years later when you see what happens to that person. Even though it seems to be the righteous thing, why would I want to do it if it is not what God wants me to do it in this circumstance.
The Lord has shown me without a shadow of a doubt that He does things that does not look like it is Christ. I want His mind on everything. That is my job, my job here is not to rule over any of you in any spirit. Sometimes I may have to rule if it is His spirit. That is not my job. My job is to build you, not to destroy you.
COMMENT: I guess what I was saying underneath it, was would the anointing be lifted because of the various sins in the congregation.
PASTOR VITALE: No. God does not remove His anointing over night. God is so long suffering that it amazes me. When an anointing leaves a congregation, you have every reason to believe that God has been laboring to convict this person that He put in charge, probably for years. You have every reason to believe that.
That is where so many Christians stumble. They see the sin, and they see the sin going on for years, and they walk in, there is a heavy anointing, and they turn against God. They cannot comprehend. What they do not understand is that God is ministering to the people, He is having mercy on the people in the congregation. He will plead, He will beg, He will send prophets, and He will deal with that minister for a long time. He only removes that anointing as a last resort. The man will not respond to his boss. Especially when it is an independent church, they think that there is no one over them. It is very dangerous being an independent if you forget God is over you.
The spirit of God, He is greatly misunderstood by the people who, by and large, are very much lifted up in pride. Human beings and members of the church are very much lifted up in pride. They view Him in their own eyes, which is a false picture of the Father. I think everybody needs to know that we can zig when God zags. He is not baby sitting us. When He zags, He wants us to zag. If we do not zag when He zags, we are going to find our self lying up on the banks of the Jordan for the lack of His spirit.
Then what does the mind of man do? It turns around, and says, "I do not know that God, He is not what He told me He was. He abandoned me, He let this judgment fall on me, He let all this happen to me, He is not what He says He is." That is the mind of man, God does not fit the cartoon character of Him. They are not being taught in the church that we have to accept God for what He is.
We are blinded. We see Him as a man, and He is not a man. He does not think like a man, He loves us the way we are. Grace has been imparted to us because we cannot change all at once. It is not acceptable to Him that we stay this way, and that is not taught in many of the churches either.
Glory to God. I do not know how all of this happened. Did we finish this? Yes, we finished this. I think what I was saying was, God divided the light from the darkness, and it is in my heart that this division is first happening now, thousands of years later. The light is now being divided from the darkness now that Christ is being born in us, and being born through us, and all forms of wisdom which is His wisdom being birthed into our mind. He is imparting the ability to distinguish Him from the darkness. This move of God is just starting. The average member of the church fails a great deal of the time to distinguish the light from the darkness. It is not easily done.
The Scripture says, "If it were possible, the very elect would be deceived." I find that it is a very exhausting labor laying hold of every thought and praying it through. Sometimes I get very tired, but it seems to me that this is what the Lord wants me to do in this hour. Sometimes I wake up having such detailed dreams, it is amazing. Sometimes I wake up, and spend the first two hours of the day typing the dream into the computer and praying about it trying to find out what God is saying to me, trying to discern the light from the darkness.
If I have a problem with somebody, I have to pray about their motives, I pray about what happened, I pray about my response. I am trying to distinguish the light from the darkness in myself and in other people. We must perceive Christ where ever He is. It has got to be doable. How to I know it is doable? Because Jesus said it is doable, it must be doable.
As I have been teaching you for weeks here, our mind defaults to the carnal mind.