494 - Part 1
(Mk. 5:1-20)




Part 1 of 4 Parts 

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord. This message comes right upon the end of message #493 entitled Jesus, The Pillow In The Boat which is an alternate translation of Mark 4 verses 35 to 41. That account on the verses just named is the experience that Jesus and the disciples had which transferred them from the visible world across the sea, which is the astral plane into the etheric plane. Now our study for today in Mark 5 verses 1 thru 20 is an account of the experience of Jesus and the disciples after they arrived at the etheric plane. When the Lord first gave me this message, I told the Lord that I had a problem with the etheric plane being on the other side of the astral plane because I had always thought and taught that the etheric plane is the spiritual side of our physical body and that it stands out from this physical body approximately one invisible inch and I didn't see how we would have to cross over the astral plane to get to the etheric plane. The result of my inquiry is on the board and I will comment on it in a minute. It makes a lot of sense when the Lord answered my question. I guess if I had stopped to ask where the astral plane was before I asked my question, I might have been able to answer it myself. So as you see on the board, I have a picture of our heart center and if anyone is listening to this message and is not familiar with my drawings of the heart center or the left and right hand side of the heart center, you might want to review the messages entitled Left Hand, Right Hand and The Circumcision Of The Heart.


The heart center is divided into two halves and the lower half or the right side of the heart center is under Satan's sea. Now this is just another way of saying the firmament or the upper window and the lower window or the world above the firmament or the world beneath the firmament. This scripture expresses this principle in several different ways. The creation is the creation that consists of two windows; two halves. The half above is the heaven and the half underneath is the earth. It is the Lord's intention that the earth underneath should be dry because dry earth or the earth that is not dissolved is what the scripture calls barren earth. This earth that's in the right side of the heart center or in the lower window or in the world underneath the firmament; this is spiritualized earth, which when it is dissolved in the waters of Jehovah's semen, brings into existence an entity; a being. I don't want to say comes alive because the only true life is in Christ Jesus. But this spiritual earth, when mixed with Jehovah's spiritual semen comes into existence. It arises, it appears, it comes into being; it takes on being.


This world that we live in is not life; it is an existence called death. It is an existence that is not suppose to exist. This existence that we know of as our world and our life exists outside of the will of God. Therefore it is a criminal world. The spirits that inhabit this world are criminal or hurtful spirits because the whole world has come into being at the will or by the thought of someone other than Jehovah. Any thought that deviates from the thoughts of God is sin. If you think that sin is only in your behavior, you are at a great disadvantage because sin is in the way we think. Then the behavior follows the way we think. In some instances however, we restrain our behavior because we're socialized individuals, but we are still sinners because of the thoughts of our mind.


Now of course, it's desirable to not act out the sin and you're much better off in life if you do not act out the sin because we do reap what we sow. But you're still a sinner because the thoughts of your mind deviate from the thoughts of God. Now the people have to hear this. How many people have you told, you're a sinner and they say, I'm not a sinner. What are you talking about? I don't steal; I don't cheat; I take care of my wife and my kids; I'm a good person. If the thoughts of your mind deviate from the thoughts of God in any way, you are what the bible calls a sinner. What we hear in the church today is mortal man's concept of what a sinner is. The world has to know the definition of sinner. A sinner is someone who has a sin nature, which sin nature thinks through them. We sin in the thoughts of our mind and rejection of a thought that we know to be wrong does not change the reality that there is a spiritual foundation in us which has generated this thought. It is a spiritually criminal foundation. That foundation must be torn down and we must begin to build upon our new foundation, which is Christ Jesus, which is our salvation. Our salvation is in the building of a new life, of a new personality, of a new man, upon the immortal foundation of Christ Jesus. The world waits for this message. The world waits for this message. Praise the Lord.


I do have a drawing on the board for you. I think it's pretty clear. I'll just speak about it from here and if there's any questions, I'll go to the board. We see on the board the heart center. I've drawn it as a heart, just as a symbol. I'm sure it does not look like that. Does anybody know what a completed heart center looks like? It's a square. For the heart center to be completed means that it is under the dominion of Christ Jesus and He is a parallelogram. He's not a triangle and He's not a circle. To date, I have not found the symbol of a heart anywhere in my spiritual or scriptural studies. If it's there, I haven't found it yet. So the symbol of the heart is just to help you to understand. On the right side of the heart center is the hydrated earth, the spiritual earth that is infused with the waters of Jehovah's semen. Out of that hydrated earth has grown a spiritual tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You're part of that tree even if you're a good person. You see we're all spiritual trees.


One of Jesus' miracles is that He helped a man to see. The blind man began speaking as soon as his sight was restored, by saying, I see men walking as trees. We're all spiritual trees. Ezekiel talks about the many trees on both sides of the river; one many membered tree. There is not two trees. There is not even the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even those two trees are one and their division is temporary. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is in the midst or should be in the midst of the tree of life under the dominion of the tree of life; just as a peach pit is in the midst of a peach. So we see that in our fallen world, the spiritual earth has been illegally hydrated with Jehovah's semen. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has sprouted and mortal men, as we know mankind to be, are appearing in this earth and our whole world exists under a spiritual sea or a cosmic sea. We are a water based creation. We cannot live without water. The foliage of our world cannot live without water. There is water vapor in the air that we breathe. We exist under the sea today on the right hand side of the heart center and the name of the sea that we live under is Satan. She is a spiritual sea. That is her symbol.


The left hand of the heart center is not touched by Satan. This can be likened to the upper window of creation or the world above the firmament. Actually what has happened, if you recall the studies from several years ago, is that all of Jehovah's semen was in the window above and the earth and the window below was dry and barren and was just the dark side of the negative that the light of Michael would shine through to produce the visible world. The waters of creation, which were fully in the window above and held up there by the firmament fell down into the lower window. So when all the waters of creation fell down into the lower window, they departed from the world above. That's why the left hand of the heart center is dry. Now on my drawing it is not dry because my drawing signifies a man in whom Christ Jesus is regenerated and ascended into the left hand of the heart center and ruling from that position. But if you are not yet in that spiritual condition, the left hand of your heart center is dry because all the waters are fallen down into the right side of your heart center and that is a diagram of your sin nature.


So we see that in Adam's case, when Adam is regenerated in a man and he fights his way through Satan's sea and he pierces through into the left side of the heart center, he rules in the air. The spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the sea; it's a different kind of water. Water appears in different levels. The water above the firmament or the water in the left hand side of the heart center is water vapor or steam. We can liken it to steam. According to the drawing on the board, we see this man in whom Christ Jesus has ascended and he has passed over the astral plane to the etheric plane. What that really means is that the mortal man who's dwelling underneath Satan's sea is in the astral plane. We are in the astral plane right now. When we overcome Satan, we ascend beyond that astral plane and transfer over to the left hand side of our heart center or into the upper window. Does anybody not understand this? To be honest with you, the Lord had to show this to me. I really didn't understand it. I have known for a long time that whenever the scripture says Jesus passed over to the other side or come let us go to the other side, that Jesus was passing into the etheric plane, but this is the deepest revelation that I've had of it to date.


Now the drawing on the board is of a man in whom Christ Jesus has ascended beyond Satan's grasp, but that is not the end of the warfare. You may recall that the warfare continues until Christ Jesus rules over the whole heart center. This drawing on the board shows Adam has ascended to the left side, but Satan still exists. Satan must be dried up. The judgment upon Satan is that her sea will be dried up so that all of the mortal men who are not strong enough to ascend beyond Satan's grasp will be delivered. No mortal man can overcome Satan and ascend beyond her grasp. It's a supernatural miracle for whoever it happens to. It is the plan of the Lord to find a few strong men and give them this experience of ascension into the etheric plane from where they will wage a warfare that will dry up Satan's sea in the individual. Satan is in each and every one of us. A drop of her sea is in each and every individual and that sea within us is called our spiritual blood. That's not Jesus' spiritual blood; that's the spiritual blood of this fallen being. It exists in our etheric body. So Adam's or Christ Jesus' job is not over until Satan is completely evaporated from the lower window. At that point, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil will shrivel and die. All of the waters of the creation must be restored to the world above, at which point this visible physical world, which is an aberration, will cease to exist.


I believe with all of my heart that the miracles and the depths of the deliverance of this creation that is to be coming forth from the body of Christ will not be waged or performed from this side. Our power is limited from this side. We've had some healings, some deliverances, and we've brought forth a measure of the Doctrine of Christ. I tell you openly, this doctrine is glorious and I'm just in love with it. It's just absolute life to me to hear the translations that are coming forth here, but we have not touched the depths of it. It goes much deeper than this. We can only bring forth a translation in direct proportion to our own spiritual growth and I'm not in perfection. So that means the word and the understanding that we can anticipate as we mature has to be more glorious than this although I can't even imagine how. As we mature we need stronger and stronger meat. This word that's coming forth in Living Epistles today is the meat that will raise up the believers who are brave enough to pursue it. I received an e-mail from someone recently who said to me, you know people are afraid of what you preach. He's the second person who told me this. I believe it's true. People are afraid of what I preach. But his e-mail went on to say, but there are web sites all over the internet from occult sources that are preaching a similar message which has gone off and is not the truth and they have thousands of people pursuing them and following them and believing it. Thousands, if not millions of people in the world today who are not afraid to believe the lie, but in the church, the majority of the people are afraid to believe the truth. But this is the word that will set us free. As we mature, the word must get deeper because God's people must be fed. See, the scripture says there's going to be a famine in the land. There's a famine in the land now. For everybody who cannot recognize the Doctrine of Christ as the food. But this is not the ultimate level of translation. Not only because I am not perfected, but because we couldn't even understand it on a higher level. People can't understand what I'm preaching now. They would never understand it on a higher level. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions about the drawing?


I think I didn't finish making my point. We have had ministry on this side of the heart center. We have had ministry under the sea through the Holy Spirit for years and years now. Well certainly since the revival of Pentecost in this area of the world which goes back to the 1940's, I believe. We've had some healings, some deliverances; some miracles; and of course we have the Doctrine of Christ coming forth. But we're not doing what Jesus did. I don't know about you, but I'm not doing what Jesus did. I am convinced that to do what Jesus did, we must have the ability to migrate to the etheric plane, to migrate to a place which is beyond Satan's influence. You see, all of the miracles and ministry that has taken place to date in the Spirit of God has taken place despite Satan. We're in her territory. So when you look at it from this point of view, the miracles that have occurred to date are even more miraculous than we have even acknowledged. We're doing this right in Satan's parlor. But she is definitely hindering us. So we must ascend to a place beyond her grasp in order to really set people fully free and to be fully free, you have to be ascended into the brow energy center. To be fully free means to have full dominion over this world. But this world had dominion over us. The proof of it is that we cannot leave at will. We cannot depart from this world except by dying and that is no departure at all, which is of course, contrary to the occult message in the world today; which is that there is no death and you just pass over to another state. This is not true. The personality dies, the physical body dies, just your worm passes over and your worm is the fiery serpent that's within you. She's the only one that passes over and that's not you. You are the personality for the purpose of this exhortation.


Sometimes I tell you, you are the son of God. Sometimes I tell you, you are the fiery serpent. It all depends on the context of what I'm saying to you. For the purpose of this concept of there being no death; you are not the one for whom there is no death. There's just the fiery serpent for whom there is no death. It is the fiery serpent that is incarnating, taking on a new body and a new personality. With every incarnation; you dissolve. Now isn't this lie exactly along the same order of the lie that the serpent told the woman in the garden? She said, if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely not cease to exist. That's what the Hebrew word means. You will surely not cease to exist. Well, Jehovah and Elohim never told Adam or the woman that they would cease to exist if they ate of that tree. They merely said, you will die to your immortality. You will not die dead. In the Greek, die dead is nekros. Die to this world is thanatos. In the Hebrew, die dead, is mooth. I don't really know what the equivalent of thanatos is in the Hebrew at the moment. I don't recall it. So the serpent in the garden was telling the same kind of lie that she's telling today. She's saying there is no death. You just pass over to the other side. Well that's not a complete lie because there are many parts to us. As far as the serpent is concerned, the true us is the fiery serpent. So is she lying? You're not going to die. The core of you will pass over, but she's telling this to the outer sheath which the personality is. The personality will surely die. Does anyone not understand what I just said?


So to do the ministry that will liberate the personality and set both the fiery serpent and the personality free, it must be done from the other side of creation. It's the personality that dies from generation to generation and the personality is the present day manifestation of the primordial ox. We die from generation to generation. The fiery serpent that reincarnates from generation to generation is having tormenting experiences. The tormenting experiences of reincarnation do not lead to perfection, but will go on for all eternity unless the Lord intervenes.


We are the present day manifestation of the primordial ox, the personalities that are dying from generation to generation. I believe our liberation must take place from the other side of the creation, from the other window, from above the firmament. We do not have the power to minister liberation from Satan while we're under Satan's dominion. Brethren, this principle exists in our life, in our world here, in our relationships with people. Every principle that I teach here can be seen in human relationships.


I personally was in an ungodly relationship with a family member. I did not know how to get out of it. I was in it for a long time. Several years ago the Lord just broke it apart. I thought the relationship was destroyed. He just broke it completely. I knew it was ungodly; I just didn't know what to do. There was enmity for a good year and then a miracle and He restored the relationship in the right moral order. Now I see Him doing what I believe to be the same thing today, when you are in an ungodly relationship with somebody. We are in an ungodly relationship with the primordial serpent's household. Now I'm talking about us, as sons of God. She's made us the woman and she's made herself the man. We, as the sons of God are to be the man and she's to be the woman. We're in an ungodly relationship with our own spiritual virginity and the god that she serves, which is Satan and Leviathan. So that relationship must be completely broken and restored in the right moral order. There's no way we can break away from her when we're under her dominion. I believe that Jesus gave His disciples many experiences in the etheric plane. I believe that Jesus spent long periods of time in the etheric plane. I believe He spoke to the woman at the well in the etheric plane.


We're limited in this world. This world is the underside of the garment. All of creation is a woven tapestry. This world is the underside of the tapestry. If you want to make a repair to the top of the tapestry, you have to be above the tapestry. If your hands are underneath the tapestry, you could only repair all the knots of the thread underneath it. Repairing the knots and the threads underneath the fabric of the tapestry does not affect the surface of the tapestry. Another way to put it is that this world is the reflection of the spiritual world and any repair that you make to this world is a repair that's made in the mirror. Whether it be your physical body or your mind or your emotions or relationships; any repair that you make to this world is a repair that's made in the mirror. Therefore the real problem, which is in the other side of the mirror, will continue to regenerate itself; will continue to reflect itself in your life and in this world. You must get to the root of the problem. You must make your repairs to the spiritual root of your condition. If you want your condition to change, the repair must be made to the spirit.


In this hour, our human spirit is flowing with Satan. The human spirit in the mortal man is flowing with Satan as the spiritual blood of mortal humanity. The human spirit must separate from Satan, ascend beyond Satan's grasp and minister from the etheric plane. The only way that is possible is for Christ to be formed in the individual and for the human spirit to join with Christ, who then can ascend. Well, Christ cannot ascend by Himself, but Christ Jesus can ascend with the help of the Spirit of Christ. We need more than Christ Jesus formed in us to ascend into the etheric plane. We need the glorified Jesus Christ. We need the Spirit of Christ from above to make sure that our personality is fully covered and protected to go to the other side. So even if we ourselves are not in perfection, we could only go to the other side with impunity, without being damaged, by being in a condition of imputed perfection. That means the glorified Jesus Christ grants us the spiritual level of perfection for a day, for a moment, for a week, for however long it is, to ascend beyond Satan's grasp and do this ministry. To have imputed perfection means that you are not perfect because you have overcome Satan yourself, but that Jesus has granted you a limited time of perfection for a specific purpose. But you cannot stay in that condition because you have not achieved it yourself. You only stay in a condition of imparted or permanent perfection when you have achieved that condition yourself; by overcoming your own sin nature and the fullness of the household thereof and are ruling over it continuously from second to second. That is the imparted perfection. It's the perfection that you maintain by your own strength, which of course, is the strength given to you by Christ Jesus. This strength has woven together with your personality and you, the new man, is maintaining your imparted perfection by your own will power in Christ Jesus and your own strength in Christ Jesus.


We do not have to be in perfection to go to the other side. We see that Jesus who was in perfection joined Himself and the Spirit of Elijah that was in the man, Jesus, to the disciples. He joined to the disciples and granted them imputed perfection so that they could not only cross over, but so that they could pass through the astral plane with impunity. There is great danger in the astral plane. There is criminal spiritual activity in the astral plane. If you try to pass through without the protection of the Spirit of Christ, your spirit will be gathered into Satan's service. This is the anatomy of mental illness. I have just described the foundation of mental illness to you. Mental illness and emotional instability is the result of spiritual activity, whether the individual is conscious of it or whether the individual is not conscious of it. Mental illness, emotional instability and life threatening illness, is the fruit of spiritual activity that is flowing with Satan. You could inherit it. Ascended spiritual activity is killing you. Depending on your family line and everything that your ancestors have reaped and sowed, the whole picture can be drawn for any one person. Some people become mentally unstable. Others become physically ill. I've heard of people having three major diseases; cancer, Hodgkin's Disease and diabetes. I saw some woman on TV with three major life threatening diseases. Who could come into a position like this? How do you get into that condition? It's all the fruit of sin. That's the fruit of witchcraft and idolatry and malignant pride which all requires spiritual activity to manifest.


Now if you're hearing this message, you may not know what I'm talking about, but your carnal mind is raging, no, no, no, not me; I'm innocent. Brethren, nobody is innocent. Every human being born of a woman has a spirit which is a hurtful spirit. This whole world and the universes are one spiritual penal colony for the fallen spirits that are indwelling us. The good and evil of this world is not the same thing as spiritual good and evil. Many many many stumble because by the standards of this world, they are good, but the goodness of this world cannot give you eternal life. The goodness of this world continues to subject you to the evils of this world and death. Jesus said, only God is good. Do you claim to be God? So we see the goodness of this world is not the equivalent of the goodness of God. It's a different goodness. It's the goodness of God that gives eternal life and deliverance from this penal colony. Praise the Lord.


I will start this message by reading the recap of Mark 4 verses 35 thru 41 which is our account of Jesus and the disciples passing through the astral plane and the ship that they pass through the astral plane in is Christ Jesus. The vulnerable parts of themselves, the personality in particular, is surrounded by Christ Jesus who envelopes them like a ship or a big fish. That's the big fish that Jonah was in. He was within Christ Jesus, who was not killing him, but who was saving his life. So this account is of Jesus and the disciples passing through the astral plane. The astral plane is deadly. It's filled with all kinds of dangerous evil entities in the sea. Alternate translation of Mark, chapter 4 verse 35; And Jesus said to the disciples who were in the spiritual day, let us cross over the existing carnal mind and enter into the etheric plane. I'll have to see if I have to change that carnal mind to astral plane after I check it out with the Greek. It should be the astral plane. I remind you, I continue to get a deeper and deeper understanding of my translations every time I read it. I come back a day later and I see something that has to be changed.


Jesus said to the disciples who were in the spiritual day, let us cross over the existing astral plane and enter into the etheric plane and Jesus sent the spiritual disciples forth into Christ and they assumed the same office that Jesus had and Christ in the disciples were gathered together with the regenerated Adam in Jesus. And the Spirit of Elijah appeared in the great seventh energy center of Jesus, the one who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah. And Satan was behind the regenerated Adam in Jesus because the Spirit of Elijah was covering the astral plane. And the Spirit of Elijah restrained Satan in the disciples and the Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, be muzzled and be mute and let the fiery serpent be limp and Satan, that mighty sea, was motionless. And the Spirit of Elijah filled Christ in the disciples to completion and the disciples entered into their brow energy center and fully awoke to the mental plane of Christ Jesus. When the disciples awoke from the death of their carnal mind, they said to Jesus, their teacher, Satan intends to destroy us because she is concerned that the Spirit of Elijah is covering the astral plane. And the disciples were amazed at how fearful they were when they found out that Satan intended to destroy them. But Jesus said to them, the disciples who belong to Leviathan are fearful. If you're still living out of your carnal mind, you're going to be afraid of this message. They were fearful until Christ covers the fiery serpent in them. Maybe that should be Satan. I don't know; I'll have to pray about that. You are fearful until Christ Jesus covers your carnal mind (whatever aspect of your carnal mind that is). But the disciples who are near to their Christ mind draw the conclusion that both the Spirit of Elijah and Satan do whatever Christ Jesus asks them to do.


Now Satan becomes the servant of Christ Jesus. But is the Spirit of Elijah the servant of Christ Jesus? No. The reason the Spirit of Elijah does whatever Christ Jesus asks him to do is because Christ Jesus has the same thoughts as the Spirit of Elijah. The Spirit of Elijah does not serve Christ Jesus, but the two are of one mind. Therefore the Spirit of Elijah is in agreement with everything. He just doesn't do what Christ Jesus asks him to do, which is the case with Satan. The Spirit of Elijah is in agreement with everything that Christ Jesus asks him to do and therefore he agrees to do it because the Spirit of Elijah is the head of Christ Jesus. But the two have one mind; this is the foundation, this is the basis of spiritual power with God. If you want your prayers to be powerful or if you want them to be more powerful than they are, pray God's mind. Pray what God would pray and He'll do it and He'll do it quickly. Now if you want Him to do something that He's not in agreement with or not likely to be in agreement with, you might have to pray for a long time to get Him to do it; if you can get Him to do it.


But if He is in agreement with what you're praying, you can expect immediate responses to your prayers. If you pray a prayer and there's no immediate response, that means that either the Lord is not in agreement, your prayer was out of order or He cannot manifest it in your life right now because you cannot handle it right now and you don't even understand the depths of what you're asking for. He wants to give you everything. He wants to give you your heart's desire. Delay means you couldn't cope with it now. You're not mature enough for it now. It would destroy you now or it was completely out of order. So if in the day, if in the very moment, in the crisis, you pray for a solution that the Lord Jesus Christ agrees with because you have His mind, you can expect a very very quick response to your prayer. If you don't know what His mind says, if you haven't achieved that wisdom yet, if you honestly put the problem before Him, say, Lord, I don't have this wisdom. I don't know what your mind is in this circumstance, but please do whatever you say to be right. You can expect a quick response also. He honors His own mind, you see. He honors His own intelligence. He honors His own wisdom. So we have a whole church full of people praying physic prayers and getting disappointed when the Lord doesn't answer them. Praying to keep alive the people the Lord doesn't intend to keep alive; praying for experiences when the Lord is sending you in the other direction; praying for things that are not in line with His will for your life.


There was a time I wanted to be a musician. I have no talent at all. But I had heard testimonies of the Lord imparting musical ability to people without talent. I prayed and I prayed and I prayed for it every time a musician would come into the church with a testimony. One particular young man was so without talent that his music teacher told his parents I cannot take your money. This boy will never play an instrument. He now plays several instruments; extremely talented. He had a miracle anointing from the Lord. So every time someone like that came into the church, I'd run up to them and say pray for me, pray for me, pray for me. Do you know what the Lord did for me? He gave me one night in the house of some brethren. They turned their whole house over to me and I sat at their piano. I prayed for the whole evening and He gave me a spiritual experience where I was hitting that keyboard and actually made something that sounded like music. When I walked out of there after that one day, He said, Sheila, you are not called to spend your hours practicing music. You're called to study. He said, I could make a musician out of you if I wanted to, but that's not my plan for your life. We have to line up with the mind of God and He does everything we ask for. You heard not one of Samuel's words fell to the ground because everything that Samuel asked for, was in agreement with the mind of God. Praise the Lord.


We will be doing Mark 5: 1 thru 20. This is now the account of the experience of Jesus and the disciples when they appear in the etheric plane. Let me explain to you what I've done here. I have reproduced the interlinear text for you and you may not be able to follow this. The reason that I have done this is that I have translated twenty verses in two days. This reproduction of the interlinear text is really more for me than it is for you. There's no way that I can translate twenty verses in two days if I follow the procedure that I follow with most of the old testament translations where I explain everything and I put down comments and give you dictionary definitions, etc. etc. There's no way I could do twenty verses in two days. So why did I do twenty verses in two days? Because that's what the Lord told me to do with this translation. I'm much more inclined to do this with the new testament than with the old testament. The old testament, for me, is much more difficult. The new testament I used to think was light bread compared to the old testament. I now know that this is not true. But the depth of the new testament can only be revealed through a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ which is old testament principles. For years all I worked in was the old testament. I barely touched the new testament except for the book of Revelation and I wasn't sure why. Now I know why. Because you really cannot know the truth of the new testament without the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ. It is impossible to dig this truth out of the new testament, to the best of my understanding, without the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ coming forth from the old testament first. The Greek does not reveal spiritual doctrine to the depth that the Hebrew does. There was no way to get this understanding from this Greek translation, which is a translation of a translation of a translation. Greek was not the original language of the new testament and it is a translation of a translation originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic. So you really have to have the original language to dig in to find out what the scripture is really saying. Hebrew is much richer than Greek.


So I now find out that the new testament is not light bread, but the King James and her sister translations are the surface parable translation and that there is tremendous spiritual depth to the new testament, if you interpret it in accordance with the principles and the symbols that have been unlocked with the doctrine of Christ. So I can do much more with the new testament much more quickly if I just have the interlinear text in front of me. So this interlinear text is really more for me than it is for you. If you can benefit from it, praise the Lord. If you cannot, then don't let it stop you. I have preached many messages where I don't give you a word for word exhortation. Usually when I do that it's not likely that I get through more than three or four verses in a two hour message. So what I'm going to be doing here is looking at this interlinear text and exhorting or elaborating on the spiritual principles that I see. You may not see it without me writing it up for you. But I'm going to preach it from this interlinear text, based on all the knowledge that I have from studying the doctrine of Christ in the old testament. I don't know how long it's going to take me to preach it, but at least I got the work done in two days which is what the Lord instructed me to do. Praise the Lord. Well let me just remind you of what these different rows are. There are five lines to every row. The first line you'll see is in Arabic letters. That's what the letters of our alphabet are called. It's called the transliterated text. That means that it's the phonetic spelling of the Greek word in Arabic letters. The second line is the actual Greek letters. The third line is the Strong's number. The fourth line is the King James Translation. The fifth line which is in capital letters that are bolded are my alternate translations. I've only put in the alternate translation where it significantly differs from the King James translation. Any questions on that?


Mark 5 verse 1 King James Translation: And they came over unto the other side of the sea into the country of the Gadarenes. The other side; we're amplifying that other side as the etheric plane. If I have brackets around my words, that should be an amplification; the etheric plane. It's not a literal translation of the other side. If you go down to the next set of five lines; the sea, we're translating astral plane and the word country, we're translating as territory. I just point out to you again, that if I was doing a full study on this, I'd have a whole research into the word Gadara and research into the word territory. So we're skipping over that detail stuff for this particular purpose. The territory, Gadara, that is just the scriptural name that is given to this territory. The etheric plane is a territory. I have researched the words; I just haven't written them up for you. When I researched this Greek word translated Gadara, I found this information. Thayer, who is my advanced lexicon that I use, quoted someone who did a study on Gadara and apparently, historically, they cannot prove the area even existed. Now that is an indication right there that we're talking about a spiritual plane.


Alternate Translation Mark 5:1: And Jesus and His disciples passed over Satan's sea, which is the astral plane and appeared in the left side of their heart center which is the etheric plane. Verse 2: And when He was come out of the ship, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. My comments are the fifth row down for each line, so that's where I am. The words, when He came over, we're translating to spread abroad or to cover. That word, spread abroad, it signifies a spiritual expansion. If you want to think of steam just emanating forth from a boiling pot, Christ Jesus spread abroad and covered the astral plane and covered Satan in the individual disciple; He restrained Satan. The word ship, we're translating Christ Jesus and that is a symbol that we're carrying over from studies in the old testament, in particular, in the book of Jonah. Christ Jesus is the ship that we travel through the astral plane in. Now the next line down in the fifth row, the word immediately; that's Strong's #2117 and it can be translated righteous. The words, there met, can be translated encounter. The word tomb is a place of internment. I have done a little work up here because some of the things that I'm going to tell you, I really felt I did have to substantiate for you. So I did do a little work up. I'm going to translate the word tomb as pharisee. I felt that I really did have to support that for you. So we're doing a side study in Mark 5:2 to establish that the tomb is the pharisee. The spirit of the pharisee is entombed in this mortal man. It's the same Greek word that is translated graves; tombs. In Mark 5:2 is the same Greek word as the word translated graves in Luke 11:44. We will translate Luke 11:44. This is the King James Translation. Woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites; for you are as graves which appear not and the men that walk over them are not aware of them. In our translation there is only one word that I've given an alternate translation to and that is the word hypocrites. The Greek word translated hypocrites #5273 means an actor under an assumed name.


What that signifies, brethren, is that any human being that is not manifesting Adam or in this administration, Christ Jesus, is an actor. It means you're an actor, living out of your personality and the scripture says you're an actor. An actor, spiritually speaking now, is a liar. An actor plays a role that is not himself, right? Well we are suppose to be Adam or Christ Jesus in this administration. We're suppose to be manifesting Adam and who is Adam? Adam is the thought form that completely expresses the nature of Jehovah. Adam is the thought form that is the representation of Jehovah's original thought that began the whole creation. Adam is what we are suppose to be. Now Christ Jesus is what we call the regenerated Adam in the new testament. Any mortal man who's living out of Christ Jesus is Adam. Adam is a many membered supernatural man. You do not have to be a supernatural man, but if the majority of your thought process is coming out of the mind of Christ; scripturally speaking, you are Adam. You'll see in one of these verses, Jesus is speaking to Satan (I think). Jesus says, you come out of this Adam. The King James Translation just translates it man, but there's more than one Greek word translated man. The Greek word that signifies Adam, the real man, is Strong's #444, anthropos, meaning a man faced creature. But that word doesn't appear very often. The Greek word that usually is translated man is simply a word that means anyone; a very ambiguous word; anyone, man, woman. If you look it up in the lexicon, that's what it says. Anyone, man, woman, thing, some very vague that one, because mortal man is a vague that one. The only true man is the regenerated Adam and if you're living out of him, you are a real man; you are an Adam.


What's really interesting is that if you read occult philosophy, they talk about the real man. Occult philosophy will tell you that if you're just living the life of this world, if you're living the existence of this world, that's not the real man. The real man is coming. He wants to make contact with you and He wants to live through you and He wants to bless you and do great things for you. But, of course, the real man that the occult philosophy is talking about is the primordial serpent, you see. There's only one real man and that's Christ Jesus and then there's a pseudo man, who is the primordial serpent, who is manifesting in this generation as Satan and Leviathan. That's the pseudo man (actually the woman). There's only one man and there's only one woman. That's all there is in all of creation. One spiritual man and one spiritual woman and they're many membered entities. The woman has risen up and usurped the male role and they both want to occupy the many members of the spiritual primordial ox which we are. They want to occupy us as a man occupies a woman. They want to live in us and express themselves through us; the man and the woman. Occult philosophy will tell you and they make it sound great; oh, you're going to come in contact with the real man; supernatural wisdom, you'll never be poor again; you'll never be hurt again, when you meet your real man and start living out of him. It's true, except that their real man is a counterfeit. Their real man is really a woman.


But it's true of the real man. When you meet the real man, when Adam is regenerated in you, when you live out of Christ Jesus, when you're in submission to Him; when His wisdom covers you, there is no problem available or known to mortal man that you cannot overcome when the real man is expressing Himself through you. There is some truth to this with the real woman if you've got the woman expressing herself through you. Your personality is a manifestation of the primordial ox. If you are making contact with the woman in the depths of your spirit and you're submitting to her as you should be submitting to your true husband, which is Christ Jesus, she'll give you wisdom; she'll give you everything that she's promised. She'll give you supernatural power. She'll give you money. She'll give you that job that you wanted. She'll get you that man or that woman that you wanted and you will think that you have it made until payoff day. When it's too late to get away, when you're in so deep; she's going to call in her marker, which could manifest in a variety of ways in your life from the sheer torment of mental illness to I don't really know what. I know that there has to be a good and evil side of her possession. The evil side is the sheer torment of mental illness and demonization.


I've talked about this recently. I knew a woman who worked in a local mental institute right here. She would have to walk past the padded cells and look through the patients every night. There was one person that every night, without exception, was fully levitated in their cell screaming. I don't know if it was a man or a woman. I guess it was a woman. She told her she was raped continuously all night long from within. So that's the evil side of possession by the woman. Now there has to be a good side to it and I know that in the good side are practicing witches, but I don't know what the consequences are of being fully ascended into the serpent's perfection. I don't know what those consequences would be ultimately. But she will call in her marker; there is a price to pay for everything that she gives you.


So we, the personality; we are the actor. If we're not living out of Christ Jesus, that means we're somebody else. Isn't this a wonderful word? The scripture is saying you're Christ Jesus; you're Adam, you're Christ Jesus. Now if you're not acting like Christ Jesus, well then, you're a phony. But you could stop being a phony. It's not irretrievable. You're living as an actor right now. But the door is open and the way is open to become who you truly are. You are Adam and in this generation you are called Christ Jesus. Why are you called Christ Jesus in this generation? Because the Lord Jesus Christ is the manifestation of Adam who has begotten you. So you take the name of Christ Jesus. But Christ Jesus is Adam. It is just another generation. Praise the Lord. That was Strong's #5273 which means hypocrites. That's really interesting, if you want to take a minute to look at this Greek. If you notice where I have it typed actor under assumed character, there are two lines missing. There's no Greek word and there's no transliterated word. I want to tell you what that means because lots of times, both in the Greek and in the Hebrew, I'll tell you this word was not in the original Greek or the original Hebrew. Here it is and you can see it for yourself. This word, Strong's #5273 was added in. There's no Greek word for it. Sometimes what the translators added in was acceptable to God. I have no problem with it. It fits in and we just really had an exciting exhortation because of it, but the truth is that there is no Greek word translated hypocrites. You can see it for yourself. There's no Greek word for either scribes or pharisees. Someone added all that in. Okay, down to the next row. Graves, we're translating place of internment. Now remember the whole purpose of doing Luke 11:44 is to show you that the same Greek word translated tomb, Strong's #3419 is translated graves in Luke 11:44.


We are going to translate this Greek word #3419 as, place of interment. In one verse it is translated tombs and that's in Mark 5:2 and Luke 11:44 the same exact word is translated graves. We will be consistent and in both verses we will translate it, place of internment. The Greek words translated, which appear not, we will translate, to hide. Next set of words on page 3. Here's what I was telling you about in the very first or second word. You can see my typing of Adam, Strong's #444 translated in the King James as men. But that's the Greek word, anthropos. I'm not nearly as proficient in Greek as I am in Hebrew. I'm not really familiar with the different endings. But the root of the word is anthro, which even in our English language we have several words beginning with that root. Anthropology has to do with man. I translate this word Adam. This is the real man. The word walk, we're translating lifestyle, which translation we get from our studies in the old testament. We find that verb, to walk, translated as lifestyle frequently in the old testament. Yet there is no indication in the Greek lexicon that this word, to walk, can be translated lifestyle. So you see when we bring our understanding of the same verb from the old testament over into the new testament, we get a whole new message. I study in the Hebrew and in particular look in Gesenius' lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldean language. As far as I know it's the deepest lexicon available today that is keyed to Strong's numbers. If you look up this same word, to walk, you get a whole slew of potential meanings; one of which is, to live a particular lifestyle. That's your walk. That's the lifestyle that you live. It makes sense. But if you look up that word, Strong's #4043 in the Greek, you don't see any such potential translation. So we are transferring over our understanding of particular English words that we worked up in the old testament. We're transferring that understanding over to the same English word in the new testament although the Greek lexicon does not give us that option. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


We're translating the word walk as lifestyle. Alternate translation: Luke 11:44; You scribes and pharisees are experiencing grief because your etheric body, the spiritual grave that your spirit lives in, hides Adam. That means it's on top of Adam, not letting Adam live through it, controlling Adam. Therefore you are acting out the fiery serpent's lifestyle rather than Adam's lifestyle. You scribes and pharisees are experiencing grief. This is why you have grief in your life, everybody hearing this message. Because your spiritual body (I don't know if it's going to be etheric or astral body until I hear from the Lord) this spiritual grave that your spirit lives in hides Adam and therefore you're acting out the fiery serpent's lifestyle rather than Adam's lifestyle. Adam is buried in you if he's alive. What Jesus is really saying here is that Adam has been raised in you.


Brethren, this is what happened to Israel. Adam was raised in the men of Israel. I've been preaching this for a while. Adam was raised in the men of Israel. Why did they die as a nation? I believe today that there are Jews who are involved in the scripture and that they are touching the Spirit of God, whether it's the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ; I don't even know. But I'm told that there are groups of religious Jews that pray day and night. They read the old testament and they pray to the God of that bible day and night and that they are touching the Spirit of God. But they're limited until they acknowledge that Jesus is Messiah. My whole point is that Israel died as a nation. They died to their governmental call to bring this word to the world. They died to their commission to evangelize the world and to bring salvation to the world. But there are many Jews today who have a relationship with the Spirit of God on some level because they seek Him continuously. What the scripture is saying is that Adam was raised in these pharisees. Adam was in there but they weren't living out of him. Brethren, it's the same thing that's happening in the church today. If everybody were living out of the imputed Christ in them, they would be drawn to a message or a person that would impart the root of the tree. I guess I have to review that principle for you.


Well let me say this. The tree of life is in two parts, root and branch. The Holy Spirit is the branch of the tree; the energy. The Holy Spirit is the energy of the tree and it is possible to come into the church to receive the Holy Spirit and to have a big tree, a big manifestation of the tree of life rise in you. You could have a manifestation of the tree of life rise in you to the degree that He looks just like Christ. You could be doing great things; signs and wonders and miracles. But that tree will eventually die unless the root is grafted to the tree. The root of the tree is the root that Jehovah planted in Israel. So at some point, the dead root of the tree of life that's in Israel has to come together with the energy of the Holy Spirit that's in the church. Once that root and branch come together in someone who has received the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, the seed of Christ comes forth; the seed of Christ which is graftable to every human being whether they have the root or not. The seed of Christ is the seed of the whole tree. The seed of Christ, that little seed, that humble seed that Jesus was talking about. He wasn't talking about the Holy Spirit. He was talking about the seed of Christ, the seed of the whole tree. The Holy Spirit is a seed. I have messages on it. The Holy Spirit is a seed, but it's not the seed of the whole tree. You have to get the seed of the whole tree: Christ, root and branch, which is now going forth in the church. James calls the seed of Christ, the grafted word. It's now going forth in the church today.


You don't have to be a Jew to get the branch of the tree. You don't have to go to a Jew to get the branch of the tree because the branch and the tree came together in Jesus Christ. Now the whole seed is available in the men today that Christ Jesus is manifesting in the flesh. If you can hear it, it's not the Holy Spirit. You've got to find a man that's manifesting the whole life of Christ Jesus to get the seed of the whole tree. It's easy to get the branch. The Holy Spirit is all over the world. It wasn't always that way. I understand that when the Holy Spirit first started to fall in this country in the 1940's, people were flying in from all over the world to get the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is all over the world now. But the seed of Christ, the seed of the whole tree, is not all over the world, yet. So if you have the Holy Spirit, you either have to find a Jew that has the root of the tree of life or you have to find someone that has the whole seed. Believe me, it's much easier to find someone that has the whole seed, that's going forth in the form of the doctrine of Christ today. This can be likened to saying, if you're a gardener, do you want to start your plants from seed or do you want to go to a nursery and buy plants that are already blossoming? Most people will go and get the tree that is already blossoming. You have to have the whole tree. If you have the branch alone, it's just a matter of time until it dies. The branch cannot exist without the root.


Back to Mark 5 verse 2: We started working up verse 2 in the middle of page 2 and the King James verse is; And when He came out of the ship, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. We said that we're translating, when He came, to spread abroad or to cover. Ship, we're translating Christ Jesus. Immediately, we're translating righteous. Met, we're translating encounter. The word tombs, we're translating, place of internment. Now we're going to page 3 in the middle where we're picking up with Mark 5:2: And Christ Jesus was covering them when they appeared in the etheric plane and they met a righteous grave or a pharisee. They met a righteous grave. Why am I saying that this pharisee is righteous? Does anybody know why I'm saying that he's righteous? Because Adam was raised in him. Christ Jesus is our righteousness. He is our righteousness. So this pharisee was righteous, but he wasn't living out of his righteousness. But we see that this particular pharisee, when he meets Jesus, recognizes that Jesus is the Son of God. Actually I have to go back on what I just said. This pharisee was doing the best that he could to live out of Adam because if he wasn't living out of Adam to some degree, he would never have recognized Jesus as the Son of God. So he was a righteous pharisee. He was living out of Adam to some measure, but he was being tormented by Satan at the same time. So Christ Jesus was covering the disciples when they appeared in the etheric plane and they met a righteous pharisee. Now I'm going on with verse 2. We're translating man as Adam. That's the #444 word, anthropos. Unclean, we're translating morally impure. The morally impure spirit is Satan. Satan is the morally impure spirit. If you're morally impure, Satan must be operating in you. Leviathan is basically pride and moral impurity is Satan.


Alternate translation Mark 5:2; While Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane they met a righteous pharisee (that's the translation of grave) and Adam and Satan, the unclean spirit. While Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane; actually that's really wrong. Christ Jesus was covering Satan, I think. I have to really change that. While Christ Jesus was covering Satan in them. Why would Christ Jesus be covering Satan? If you look at the board, the whole point is that they had to pass over the astral plane to get into the dry land. Their etheric body is the dry land. So Christ Jesus was covering Satan in the midst of them so that their personality could ascend to the dry ground. So therefore I have to change this. I now know (and this is how I learn from the translations) Christ Jesus was not covering the personality. He was covering Satan so that they were beyond Satan's grasp. While Christ Jesus was covering Satan in the disciples, they met a righteous pharisee and Adam and Satan, the unclean spirit. So we see that this pharisee had Adam and he had Satan, the unclean spirit and that the disciples could see this condition because Christ Jesus was covering Satan in them. Christ Jesus was covering Satan. If Christ Jesus isn't covering Satan in you, you cannot see the things that you see because you're blinded. You may recall from the study that we did in Mark 4 verses 35 to 41 that when the disciples ascended beyond Satan's grasp, they got the revelation that Satan really wanted to kill them. So we see the truth; we come into the truth as we ascend beyond Satan's influence on our life.


So Christ Jesus covers Satan. Satan influences us. So Christ Jesus covers her influence and then He influences us. That's just another way of saying, do we think with the mind of Christ or do we think with the carnal mind? It's just another way of saying that. The mind that we think with influences us, the personality. So when Christ Jesus covers Satan, we think with the mind of Christ. When these disciples were thinking with the mind of Christ, they met a pharisee and they realized that Satan was operating through this man that Adam was raised in. We're talking about discernment here. When we think with the mind of Christ we have discernment. The same thing is happening in the church today. I think Adam was raised all over Israel and Christ is raised all over the church; not Christ Jesus, but Christ; an imputed Christ. I don't think it happens with many people, but it's possible to have all of the signs of Christ Jesus. The only thing that you lack to the best of my knowledge today, is the root. If you have an imputed Christ in you; you have the branch without the root and you could have the wisdom of God. You could have the spirit of revelation. You could have everything available in Christ Jesus except one thing. Anybody know what that is? The doctrine of Christ. Someone who's manifesting an imputed Christ will not bring forth or will not comprehend the doctrine of Christ. You can do miracles. You can have a tremendous anointing. You can have wisdom. You could have the power to change your personality, to deal with your character flaws, all of the goodness of God, but it stops short of the doctrine of Christ.


So if you have the doctrine of Christ growing in you; that means you're able to give it out on some level. Now the doctrine of Christ can be in you and you may not be able to give it out yet. So the fact that you can't give it out doesn't mean that He's not in you. But if you can give it out to any measure and you're leading a holy life and you're confessing your sins and repenting (so you know it's not a counterfeit) then the chances are very very high that the root of the tree has grafted to the Christ that's formed in you. This is the Lord's desire for everybody. It is the Lord's desire for everybody that we should have the root of the tree grafted to us, that we should have the whole tree. Verse 3, King James; Who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him, no not with chains. The only word I'm changing here is the word among. We're going to be translating among; within. The word tombs, we're translating pharisee. The word no, we're translating Satan. No is a negative particle which can be translated into any member of the serpent's household that fits the context of the verse. Then we have the negative particle not, which we're translating fiery serpent. The Greek word translated bind, Strong's #1210 means to knit together. Can anybody tell us who's knitting together with whom in the scripture? What is the spiritual significance of that word to knit together, to weave together? The spiritual significance of the word to knit together; Christ has to apprehend the fiery serpent. First He has to get on top of her. Then when He gets on top of her, He has to lasso her and bring her under. Then when He's got her under Him, He penetrates her and knits together with her. When He is knitted together with her, it is very hard to escape. Once He is knitted together with her, then Satan has to come and unravel their union in order for her to escape. When she's just lassoed and under Him, it's very easy for Satan to strengthen the fiery serpent and free her from Christ Jesus' influence. It's much more difficult when Christ Jesus is woven together with the fiery serpent. But it's still doable as long as Satan exists. Satan will cease to exist. The fiery serpent will not cease to exist, but Satan will cease to exist.


Alternate translation Mark 5:3; And Adam was living within the tomb or within the pharisee, but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Now how do I know to amplify it like that? Because Satan had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. I got that from our studies in Samson. This is how I bring forth this doctrine. You may recall and I can't tell you whether it was in Samson's Riddle or Samson and the Foxes or Samson and Delilah; I don't know which study it was in, but we have the following scriptures where Satan says, I am going to marry the fiery serpent in the mortal men of Judah to Leviathan. You, Adam, want to marry the mortal men of Judah through Samson, but I'm going to show you that you can't do it. I'm going to show you my power. I'm going to marry the fiery serpent in the mortal men of Judah to Leviathan. So I'm taking that revelation and I'm superimposing it or I'm weaving it together with the message in the Greek of the new testament. And Adam was living within the pharisee, but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Here's an example of that word mortal man. Let me show it to you because I've been talking about it. It's right at the top of page 4. It's translated no man. But that's the word, Strong's #3762. That may not be the word I'm talking about. I'm sorry. There may be another word that means that one or that person; that vague word that I was talking about. Okay, I'm going to read you the alternate translation of verse 3 one more time and we're going to break for dinner. And Adam was living within the tomb or within the pharisee, but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Brethren, I will just leave you with this thought; we are all tombs, not only our physical body but our etheric body is a tomb for our human spirit which is dead. Unless our human spirit has been quickened by Christ, it is dead. So we're all walking tombs. See if you don't understand that the scripture is an allegory and that you have to unlock the meaning of the symbolic words or it is virtually impossible to get the depth of the understanding. But as I tell you almost every time I preach because I don't know where these tapes are going, the King James and her sister translations are miraculous and they're powerful. The parable, the allegory is powerful and it's good and it's right and God bless the King James Version for the people who are in that stage of their development. What stage of your development? You're still in your carnal mind, but you're being drawn towards Christ. But once Christ Jesus begins to be formed in you, you need stronger meat for Christ Jesus to grow. Conversely, Christ Jesus is our ability to comprehend the doctrine of Christ. Christ Jesus is our potential, our spiritual potential, to comprehend the doctrine of Christ. Also in our recent study in Samson and Delilah, we found out that Satan wanted to steal and destroy the potential of the mortal men of Judah to be Samson's disciples. To disciple in a spiritual ministry under Christ Jesus you must have a potential to be a disciple. That potential is Christ. You've got to have Him, even if it's just the grafted seed that hasn't begun to open yet, because your carnal mind cannot comprehend this. But, of course, if you don't have Christ and you want to pursue this course of study, just ask the Lord. But you should know that when you ask for Christ, what is involved is the exposure of the hidden sins of your heart and you're required to confess them and repent if you want to pursue this course of study and make sure that you're in Christ. If you're pursuing a message like this or this very message and there's no confession of sin or repentance (if it has not already happened to you) you are in very great danger of learning with the serpent's mind. It is possible; some people have a spiritual ability out of their carnal mind. I never had this spiritual ability. It took me years to get to this point of preaching the doctrine of Christ. The Lord brought me into spiritual doctrine only a few years ago. Within the last three or four years, the Lord has brought me into spiritual philosophy. So I was studying with God for like sixteen or seventeen years; studying the scripture and teaching the scripture. I had to have this spiritual potential built into me. Some people are born with it. I wasn't. So no matter where you are, there's no reason for hopelessness. You just tell the Lord that you want it and all things are possible with God. Any questions?


Question: Did you say that the world as we see it now is what the astral plane is?


Sheila: Yes, the world that we live in is covered by the astral plane. She covers this world; she's in the air. The astral plane is the spiritual aspect of this world. So of course, the water and the atmosphere and the water in the earth is just the visible expression of the spiritual water that we cannot see. But spiritually speaking, we're under the astral plane. Did I answer your question?


Verse 4 of Mark chapter 5: King James Translation: Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces; neither could any man tame him. The word because, we're translating, therefore. The word often, we're translating, frequently and this Greek word translated fetters is Strong's #3976. It is specifically a foot shackle. The foot signifies the carnal mind. So this Greek word that's translated fetters specifically implies the shackling of the carnal mind. Then on the next row down, the phrase, had been plucked asunder, that's all a translation of one Greek word, Strong's #1288 which we are translating, severed. The English word by, we're translating under, Strong's #5259. I see that I have the word Adam written under there. That word Adam is in brackets. That means that's an amplification. We're going to say that Adam is the one who is the chain. Paul clearly said that he was bound with a chain, meaning a spiritual chain; meaning that Christ Jesus had apprehended him and married him. Remember he was spiritually chained to Christ Jesus. So Adam is the chain or Christ Jesus is the chain. Then we have the word fetters again. That's a foot shackle referring to the carnal mind. The English word neither, is a negative particle, which we will translate Leviathan. Then we have another negative particle translated, neither any man. We'll be translating that as the fiery serpent. When the English says, neither any man; if you look up that word, Strong's #3762 in the lexicon, it will tell you that you can translate that any way you want; neither any man, neither any woman, neither anything. It's just a general negative particle. So we can translate it the negative fiery serpent.


Alternate translation, Mark 5:4; And even though Adam had shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind by chaining Leviathan and knitting together with the fiery serpent, Satan had broken Adam's chain, which was upon the righteous pharisee's carnal mind in pieces and severed Adam from the fiery serpent who was under him and indeed no mortal man has tamed Leviathan, yet. I couldn't resist putting in a witness to that King James version of James 3:8; But the tongue can no man tame. It is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. This scripture is not talking about your physical tongue. Neither is James talking about the sounds that come out of your vocal cords. He's talking about the carnal mind which generates the words which come out of your vocal cords. What comes out of our mouth, the audible sound that people hear which is the result of the vibration of the vocal cords is the final expression of a thought that started in your unconscious mind. It traveled from your unconscious mind to your subconscious mind to your conscious mind and finally you spoke it out. So if you think that you thought of that thought, you're mistaken because Satan thought of that thought; unless it's Christ. Satan generates every thought that comes forth in mortal man and Satan is good and evil. Satan is good and evil. Every thought that you have that's not Christ is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the root of that tree is Satan. All thought, everything you speak, every motive that you have (if you're not in Christ or if you're in Christ, but you're having this manifestation out of your carnal mind) it's Satan. We need to know this. Jesus said that He has much to tell us, but we cannot bear the truth. But it's the truth that will set you free.


Why did Jesus say, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear the truth now? Because only the Christ mind can bear the truth. You see, you cannot bear the truth so long as you're living out of your carnal mind alone. You cannot bear the truth. Only Christ can bear the truth. Doesn't Paul say when he's speaking about the fruit of the Spirit; love beareth all things. Love bears the truth of what and who we are and gives us the strength and the confidence to know that in Christ Jesus, we can be everything that we are not in the carnal mind. Let's just go over this verse and see if I have any comments on it for you. Even though Adam had shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind, there's more than one aspect to the carnal mind. Leviathan is chained. How can you enter into a strongman's house if you do not first bind the strongman. Leviathan must be bound or chained and Christ Jesus knits together with the fiery serpent. The reason that Leviathan must be bound is so that Christ Jesus can knit together or join with or marry the fiery serpent. So Christ Jesus has a three level warfare to marry our spiritual virgin.


Does anyone know who is the first one that He has to wage war against? Who is the first defense of the primordial serpent's household? Satan, Leviathan's mad dog. Christ is fighting against Satan before He even becomes Christ Jesus. Then once Christ increases into Christ Jesus, the battle is with Leviathan. When Christ Jesus binds Leviathan, then He goes after the fiery serpent who's biting and snapping at Him, just like in some species of animals. I think it's true of cats. The female bites and scratches until the male subdues her. So it's a battle every step of the way and then when Christ Jesus apprehends the fiery serpent, first He lassoes and brings her underneath Him and then He has to penetrate her. It's a permanent penetration that the scripture describes as weaving together or a knitting together with. Knitting is a weaving that goes in and out. Therefore once Christ Jesus is woven together with the fiery serpent in you, it's very hard to overturn Him, but it is possible for those threads to be unraveled. Can anyone tell us, basically, under what circumstances such a union can be unraveled? Willful sin; willful sin will cause the marriage or the union of Christ Jesus and the fiery serpent to unravel. So Satan comes to tempt you. Satan comes and whispers in your ear; whispers in your heart; locates your greatest weakness and sends that temptation into your life. There's no excuse for falling prey because if you were to call out to Jesus for help, this is too strong for me; you would receive all the help that you need. There's a difference between backsliding and being overcome. If you fall prey to the temptation, you have backslided. If you fight with everything that you've got and you're still overcome against your will, you'll be restored relatively quickly because the Lord knows that you've done all that you can do.


So Satan comes in and breaks Adam's chain. Adam is the one who has chained Leviathan and he's knit together with the fiery serpent and Satan comes in to break Adam's chain. He breaks it in pieces according to this verse. Well Sheila, I thought you just said that Satan had to be overcome before Leviathan can be chained. Well Satan rises from the dead. Satan may be overcome in one individual (let's say me, for example). Christ comes forth in me and overcomes Satan and increases into Christ Jesus and binds up Leviathan and knits together with the fiery serpent. I think that my spiritual being is in that condition. Where does Satan come from if Satan is defeated? Well Satan is underfoot in me. God only knows, she's not dead, but she's underfoot. Where does Satan come from if I've got control over Satan in my life? Where is this attack going to come from that could potentially unravel Christ Jesus' union with the fiery serpent in me? Where is that attack going to come from? Yes, it's going to come from Satan in other men; Satan in other men. She's coming to break Christ Jesus' chain. She's coming to free up Leviathan and free up the fiery serpent and it is the fiery serpent that generates Satan, if you remember the teaching. Satan is the spiritual urine. She is the by-product of the fiery serpent's feeding on the energy of the personality that she dwells in.


When the fiery serpent is knit together with Christ Jesus, she is not feeding off the energy of the personality. Does anybody know why? Why does marriage to Christ Jesus put an end to the fiery serpent's feeding off of the energy of the personality? Because Christ Jesus is an unending source of energy. He has more than the fiery serpent could ever hope for. He will meet all of your needs and all of the needs of every aspect of you, which includes the fiery serpent. Christ Jesus is an infinite source of energy, so the fiery serpent doesn't have to feed off the personality anymore. Therefore Satan is not generated anymore. So the collective Satan who's in the astral plane (we each have a drop of her inside of each of us) Satan will raise up mortal men who are willing to speak Satan's words and do Satan's deeds. Now brethren, you've got to understand where I'm coming from. That doesn't mean that these men are doing Satanic rituals. Satan's activities, especially in the church, are very subtle. They come forth very subtlety. If you want an example, read the gospels and look at what the pharisees did. They were not lighting candles or sticking pins in dolls, but they came with subtlety to cause the man of God to fall down out of the brow energy center, whether they knew what they were doing or not. If you let your mouth be used in that way, I condemn you not, but you've got to know that that's what you are; that you are Satan's mouthpiece. You are Satan's mouthpiece every time you do that. Don't condemn yourself, but ask the Lord to help you to be able to hold the line, and not repeat and not vomit out every thought that comes into your mind. Every thought that comes into your mind must be scrutinized. It has to go through a metal detector (a mental detector) and you have to decide whether or not you want to speak it out or not. If you want to be living out of Christ Jesus, you must rule over your negative principles.


So Satan raises up Satan in other men who are not holding the line. Maybe they know about it; maybe they don't know about it. That person comes and through words, speaks to the son of God in whom Christ Jesus is knit together with the fiery serpent and has Satan underfoot. The carnal mind in that person is designed to strengthen Leviathan to break Christ Jesus' chains in the son of God. The way Satan strengthens Leviathan to break Christ Jesus' chains is that whatever that word is, whatever it says, it tempts the person who has Satan underfoot to react out of their carnal mind. That's what Satan does. She comes and she tempts you to react out of your carnal mind and as soon as you react out of your carnal mind (because it's a provocation no matter how subtle it is) Christ Jesus goes to the bottom and your carnal mind comes to the top and you're unraveled. Of course Christ Jesus can knit together with your fiery serpent again, but if you continue to be defeated, eventually there will be a major separation between Christ Jesus and the fiery serpent and He could even deteriorate or die. Now you've got to hear this correctly. There's no fear here. There's no condemnation here. I'm telling you the truth of the warfare. If today you are Satan's mouthpiece, that's okay, because tomorrow you won't be, but maybe someone else is going to be Satan's mouthpiece to you. You'll be on the other side of the fence. So this is not just a rebuke for people who are Satan's mouthpiece. This is a vision of what you are entering into. As soon as you start taking the victory over your carnal mind, Satan is sending someone to you. She's going to stop you wherever she can every step of the way. She will stop you wherever she can. This is the warfare. It's coming from people that you love; people that you admire; people that you respect; people that you think are on your side and who are on your side, but they just didn't take the victory in that instance. Praise the Lord. So that's how Christ Jesus' chains on Leviathan is broken. Satan sends in reinforcements. Christ Jesus unravels in His union with the fiery serpent. The fiery serpent no longer has an infinite source of energy to feed on, so she starts feeding on the energy of the personality and she starts urinating again and Satan is flowing freely in that vessel. Praise the Lord. And indeed no mortal man has tamed Leviathan yet. But the tongue can no man tame. It is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. This is speaking about the carnal mind. It's not the tongue of your mouth. So sealing your mouth and not speaking, holding your lips together and not speaking, that is not the answer to your problem because the thought is still in your mind and you're still guilty of the sin. In Christ Jesus we go to the root of the problem through the exposure of your true motives and the confession that it is not of God and the warfare prayer that destroys it. So you could spend the rest of your life not speaking and you'll still be responsible for all of the thoughts that Satan has generated, even though you didn't speak them out. Praise the Lord.


Verse 5 of Mark chapter 5 from the King James. And always night and day, he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones. Always, we're translating therefore. Night is Leviathan and day is Adam. The tombs we're translating pharisee. The mountains are referring to the sixth and seventh energy center. Those are the high places. The crown center is the seventh center and the brow center is the sixth center. The Greek word translated crying is Strong's #2896. That is a word that really mystified me for many years. If you look it up in the lexicon, whether you're looking at the Greek or the Hebrew equivalent, it's really talking about the croaking of a raven or the screeching of a bird or sometimes in the Hebrew lexicon, it calls it a stridulous sound, a sound that you could make from playing a violin. It's the sound that's made from running something across strings. For years I couldn't figure out what this meant. Brethren, it's talking about spiritual speech. That's what it's talking about. It's distinctly not talking about audible speech. It's not talking about language. It's talking about spiritual speech which is vibration. Spiritual speech is the vibration of a thought which in its unconscious state either generates from Satan or the Spirit of Christ and it vibrates through the earth of your personality and it comes forth eventually into your mind as an idea or as a thought. That's what this word is talking about. Crying, not audible screeching, but the stridulous sound of energy vibrating through the earth. It's talking about spiritual speech. Actually, I've never looked this word up, at least to my knowledge, in the Greek before. I've always looked it up in the Hebrew. It talks about croak as a raven. What came to my mind was Elijah after the sons of God killed him with their mind. The scripture says a raven came and brought him food and water. I always wondered why a raven. Now when I have the time, I have to go back in and see what that really means. A raven, perhaps it was his own spiritual speech crying out when the physical man, Elijah, was so overcome by the minds of the sons of Israel. Perhaps the regenerated Adam in him cried out from his heart, not from his mouth and fed him. The raven brought him food. It must have brought him spiritual food. That's probably what it means. Very interesting.


The word cutting, we're going to translate, cut to pieces. The word himself, we're translating, Adam. The word stones; this is one of the newest revelations that has come forth in this ministry. The word stone can be translated pit, such as the pit of a piece of fruit, which pit contains the complete genetic code to reproduce the whole tree. One pit from one piece of fruit contains the entire genetic code to reproduce the whole tree. Now when Jesus talks about giving us a new stone in the book of revelation, that's what He's talking about. He's talking about giving us a new genetic code. Isn't that what we're expecting? I don't know about you, but I'm expecting it. I sure can't wait to get it. A new genetic code for our emotions, for our intellect and for our spirit. So long as we have this body, for as long as we're in it, we want a genetic code where this body will not corrupt. So it's going to be a total revision of our genetic code in every aspect. The word that symbolizes that is, stone. So we're translating the word stones as genetic heritage.


Alternate translation, Mark 5:5; And therefore both Leviathan and Adam were living in the righteous pharisee. But the righteous pharisee was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown energy centers. Even though Adam was in there, Adam was not strong enough to stop Satan from speaking from this high spiritual place. What is the significance of the pharisee speaking from the sixth and seventh energy center? His words had power. When you're in the sixth and seventh energy center, you have the power to kill with your mind. There are people who kill with their mind. Their consciousness must be ascended, I would think, as far as I know, at least, into the sixth or seventh energy center to kill with their mind or to maim with their mind. So even though this pharisee had Adam regenerated in him, Adam alone was not strong enough to tame the carnal mind in the personality that he was regenerated in. I've heard so many times from Christians saying how can the Holy Ghost live in the same place with a demon? Brethren, when the Holy Ghost comes in or when the seed of Christ is grafted to you, He is grafted to a totally demonic entity, if that's the word that you want to use. We are in the image of Satan; our physical body, our mind and our spirit are completely interwoven with Satan when the Holy Spirit enters into us. By the time Christ is grafted to us, there has been some cleansing. The Holy Spirit has produced some cleansing, but brethren, we are highly highly in the service of Satan. If you're still getting sick, if you're still aging, if you're still having all the problems of this life, you're still a mortal man under Satan's dominion and the very best that could have happened to you is that you've gone from evil to good; from sickness to health; from poverty to financial stability. But you're still a mortal man. So when Adam is regenerated in you or as Adam was regenerated in the pharisee, he came forth into a man that not only was completely under Satan's dominion, but Adam in this pharisee came forth into a highly spiritual man because Adam had not been present; it doesn't say for how many generations. Satan had laid hold of the man's high spiritual potential and was ascended into the sixth and seventh energy centers and the man was being tormented. Praise the Lord.


Therefore, both Leviathan and Adam were living in the righteous pharisee. But even though Adam was living in him, the righteous pharisee was speaking from Leviathan's brow (that's the sixth or the crown, the seventh energy centers) which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage to pieces. Can anyone tell us what that means? How do you cut Adam to pieces? Who is Adam and what is his symbol? He's a tree. Which tree is Adam? Yes, Adam is the tree of life. Can anyone tell us what the two parts of the tree of life are? Yes, the branch and the root. Who are the branch and the root? When they are synthesized, when the branch and root are synthesized, when they're woven together, their name is Adam. The name of the tree is Adam. When the branch and the root separate, what's the name of the branch and what's the name of the root? Does anybody know? (Congregation)The root is Abel and the branch is Christ? Yes, the root is Abel. The branch is either Abel and the Spirit of Elijah or Christ and the Spirit of Christ, depending on what dispensation you're in; but that's very good. So to cut Adam in pieces signifies the unraveling of Abel and the Spirit of Elijah, which is a very strong union.


To cut Adam in pieces implies the unraveling of that marriage and as soon as those two are unraveled from one another, as soon as Abel is freed from his union with the Spirit of Elijah, who attacks Abel? What happens to him? What happens to Abel as soon as he's separated from his protector? Who is Abel's enemy? Yes, it's Cain. Cain rises up out of the fiery serpent's ground and kills Abel and forces him back down under the ground. So the spiritual principle of cutting Adam to pieces signifies the destruction of the tree of life through the separation of the root from the branch and the murder or the murdering over and over again of Abel, since the fall. It is the undoing or the unraveling of all of the work that the regenerated Adam has done in that individual. So we see that every judgment in the scripture, every destruction in the scripture is significant. If the scripture says someone is ground to powder or someone is cut to pieces, that will be a clue, if you have the solution to the puzzle. From now on if you hear of someone being cut to pieces, the first thing you think about is wow, I wonder if that isn't Adam being cut to pieces; Abel being separated from the Spirit of Elijah. This is how we unlock the scriptures, as we remember the symbology of these words and phrases; this understanding of the word stone, meaning genetic heritage and this understanding of Adam being cut to pieces. Look at what's happening in the new testament because of all of the work that we've accomplished in the old testament, even recently. The old testament is unlocking the truth of the new testament.


Therefore both Leviathan and Adam were living in the righteous pharisee, but he was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown energy centers which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage to pieces. Verse 6 of Mark 5 from the King James; But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshiped Him. The word saw, we're translating perceive and the word off, Strong's #575 can be translated time and time can be translated age. We're going to translate that word as age. The English word afar, we're translating far away. Ran, we're just changing the tense. I'm sorry. To say he ran, that word according to Thayer's Lexicon can be talking about running a race. So running a race being a scriptural principle, we will take that translation. The pharisee was running the race. This righteous pharisee wasn't running up to see a physical man. The pharisee was running the race. He was a believer. He had Adam. He was a worshiper of Jehovah. He had Adam regenerated in him. He was confessing his sins and repenting. He was running the race for perfection, for the salvation of his soul. He was doing everything he could do to follow the plan and apparently he had a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ. He was running the race.


The word worship, we're going to translate, to crouch down or to submit. What this means is that it had to be Adam in the pharisee because the carnal mind never recognizes Christ in another person. So Adam in the pharisee submitted to the regenerated Adam in Jesus. Does anybody know why? Why would the regenerated Adam or Christ Jesus in one man submit to Christ Jesus in another man? This is so common in the church today. Christians walking around and saying, we're all equal. Why should I submit to another man? We're all equal; I've got Christ Jesus, too. Who do you think you are? Why do you think Adam in this man submitted to Adam in the man Jesus? Adam in the man Jesus had an active union with the Spirit of Elijah. They were married. Adam in the man, Jesus, had a marriage with the Spirit of Elijah. You know you could have Christ if you're in the church today. but I remind you if you're new to this teaching, the Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. You can have Christ in you and you can have Christ Jesus regenerated in you. But until Christ Jesus in you joins with and weaves together with the glorified Jesus from above, you're not married to Jesus from above.


Of course, there are degrees of union with Jesus above. Every expression of Christ Jesus in a man is not equal. Christ Jesus is growing in wisdom and grace in every person where He is present. He's not the same age in every person that's present. In some cases, He is joined with the Lord Jesus above. Even in all the cases that Christ Jesus in a man is joined with Jesus above, there are degrees of union. So if you have three men and they all have Christ Jesus regenerated in them and all three men were in the process of joining with the Lord Jesus above, one of those three men would have the headship. Only one of those three men would have the headship; the one in whom Christ Jesus was most joined to the Lord Jesus above. The majority of Christ Jesus rules. The majority of Christ Jesus rules. Adam in the pharisee recognized that not only was the regenerated Adam more mature in the man. Jesus, but that that Adam was married to the Spirit of Elijah to the point that the personality was perfected. Now we have a lot of people in the church today that don't know this. They may have Christ. They may even have Christ Jesus. So to have Christ formed in you or to have Christ Jesus regenerated in you and to go around saying everyone is equal and why should I submit to anyone tells me that even though Christ Jesus is in you, you're thinking with your carnal mind. We see that Adam had risen in this highly demonized pharisee and in his condition of demonization, he was thinking with the regenerated Adam, even though Satan was highly active in him. I started to say he was thinking with his Adamic mind, but Adamic in the church world is a bad word. He was still thinking with the mind of the regenerated Adam, but did not have the power to overcome Satan and her whole household within himself.


I want to tell you and I've told you this before, the sign that somebody is emotionally unstable does not mean that they're without the power of Christ. I spent five years in a deliverance church and I heard people say, I would never let that person pray for me; look at how unstable their life is. Well I got high powerful deliverance from one man in that church who was very emotionally unstable. I hear, even to this day, he still is. Every time I went for deliverance, I said, Lord, who do you want to pray for me? Whoever the Lord directed me to, I took that man. I don't care whether you are working or not. I didn't care whether you were divorced or not and I didn't care what your reputation in the church was. If the Lord said, that man should pray for you; I went. I want to tell you there was a woman in that church who was highly despised and she did have a spirit of divination and she did have a strong spirit of Jezebel and her behavior was out of order most of the time. If nothing else, she was being rejected and talked about by even the Pastor. I'm not saying he was talking about her maliciously, but the talk was, don't let this woman pray for you. She's got all this other stuff; don't let her pray for you. One night I said to the Lord, who do you want to pray for me and He said, that woman. I went over to her and I asked her to pray for me and the Pastor and a couple of people close to him looked at me with their mouth open. I had a good reputation in that church. I got deliverance every time the prayer line opened. I was a powerful deliverance worker, myself. They could not believe that I could be so stupid as to ask this woman to pray for me. They may have called me stupid, but the Lord Jesus said, that woman. You want to know something; I got delivered and I didn't get anything bad from her because the Lord Jesus said, that woman. So beware of living out of your carnal mind. If you ask Jesus to be with you every step of the way, you will have a handle on your problems in life. You cannot go wrong asking Him to be with you every step of the way.


After the Lord removed me from that church, there was no other deliverance church to go to and it was a couple of years later that I came under a severe allergy attack. I had been delivered from allergies in stages and I had not had an allergy attack in a couple of years. My allergies were very bad and I was really suffering and I couldn't sleep at night. It was manifesting as a nasal drip and a tickle in my throat. It would wake me up at two o'clock in the morning and I had to go into Manhattan, N.Y. to go to work. I was just miserable and I had to sit up because that would be the only way that I would get any relief in my throat. I tried every medication that I could get without a doctor and I was crying out to Jesus. He sent me to a church out here and I sat in that service and I said, Lord, who do you want to pray for me? The Pastor and his wife were pastors and the Lord said to me, the Pastor's wife. I went up to her and she wasn't really happy about it. I guess she had a lot of people looking for her just because she was the Pastor's wife. But she never asked the Lord, did you send this woman here, you see. So she wasn't too happy about it and she prayed for me and I was not healed. So I suffered for another week and I said to the Lord, where do you want me to go and He said that same church. I said, who do you want to pray for me? He said, Pastor's wife. I headed for her and she saw me coming and she walked away from me. She left the floor of the church deliberately to avoid me. So I went up to the person on the prayer line. I said, Lord, what am I suppose to do? There was no power there at all. I stood there and I prayed, Lord, you've got to help me. I cannot tell you exactly how it happened, but the Pastor's wife came over. The Lord brought her over somehow.


It was obvious at the time; I just don't remember. As she submitted to God and agreed to pray for me even though she had run from me, she suddenly got a word of knowledge. She said, I got a word of knowledge; you've been abused. I said, yes. She said, the Lord didn't tell me that last week. Well I'm sure the Lord told her that last week, but you see, she didn't want to pray for me. So I suffered another whole week. Now I'm not telling you this to put this woman down. I'm telling you this to show you what happens when we're not obedient. Sometimes we're not obedient because of wrong thinking. Maybe there were twenty thousand other people chasing after her out of their carnal mind because she was the Pastor's wife. But when she saw a new face, she didn't say Lord, who should I pray for? She didn't go into that service that morning saying whoever you want me to pray for, put them in front of me. She didn't do that and I suffered for another whole week. So when we're sent to somebody and we're disobedient, someone gets hurt. Disobedience is not defined by conscious or unconscious disobedience. If we don't do what the indwelling Christ tells us to do, we're disobedient, even if we're ignorant, even if it's not a conscious decision, even if we didn't hear His voice. If He spoke and we didn't hear, we're disobedient. We all need to know that our disobedience hurts the people that we're sent to. Well she got the word of knowledge. She prayed in His will, the power came down and I was completely delivered. I think it took a couple of days to work its way out of my system, but I was completely delivered.


I don't know why I'm giving this exhortation in the middle of this message, but I have another testimony for you. This is something that I heard from another preacher. He gave this testimony when he was preaching. He woke up one morning at 7:00 A.M. He went into prayer and He heard the Lord telling him to leave the house and go down to a certain street corner and just stand there. He said I don't believe that's God. It's 7:00 A.M. and I have all this stuff to do. That's not God; I'm not going. He didn't go. Several hours later a need came up and he had to go to the post office and as he was coming out of the post office, this older woman was walking up the steps as he was walking down the steps and this woman stopped him dead in his tracks and she said, son, I want you to pray for me. He looked at her and he was shocked. I don't remember what he said to her, but she said, you've got to pray for me. She said, I want you to put your hand on my heart right here. Put your hand right here on my chest; I want you to pray for me. The man was put off. He didn't know if she was unstable or not. She said I'm not going to let you go. The Lord told me you are to lay your hand on my heart because I'm having a heart attack. The Lord told me to stand on that street corner at 7:00 A.M. this morning and some man would come and lay hands on me and heal me and he never showed up. The Lord said, I should have you lay hands on me. She didn't know he was the man that didn't show up at 7:00A.M. I don't know what this is doing in the middle of this message, but apparently somebody has to hear it. So if you hear the voice of the Lord and your pride says, oh that can't be God, you're risking being disobedient if you don't check it out by saying, Lord, was that really you? I can't risk being disobedient. I say, I'm going to go, but if it's not you Lord, I'm begging you to turn me around. If you don't live like that, you don't know who you're hurting.


I'm not telling you this to condemn you. I'm telling you this to stir up your obedience because when Christ is in you, He wants to do things through you. He wants to help people through you and when you shut up your ears and deny Him, who is life within you, you need to know that you are hurting people. You're not just hurting yourself. So at the very least, if you feel to do something, you have to say, Lord, is that you? At the very least, that's what you must do, whether you like it or not. You've chased Christ for all these years; you've gone to church; you have the Holy Spirit; you've run around; and you didn't know it but you got pregnant somewhere along the line and now you have a baby inside of you that's the son of God. He wants to go out and heal people and you're sitting home and saying I'm not going. So I circumcise you all tonight, saith the Lord. I circumcise you; I cut your carnal mind, saith God. You're holding back my son. I have given him much to do and you the nursemaids, are saying, no, don't go. But this night I remove your flesh saith the Lord. Praise God! Thank you Jesus.


I have a vision in my mind right now of Zipporah.. The King James Translation says that she circumcised her son. I know that I looked at that in the Hebrew. I don't really remember the details, but for years I couldn't understand why the Lord was angry at Moses. I know the Lord never told him to take his wife, but Moses was apparently going in the wrong spirit. He was going in his carnal mind. His Christ mind would have never taken his wife. But that circumcision wasn't of Zipporah's little boy. That circumcision was of Moses' heart because his Christ mind, the regenerated Adam in him, was under the dominion of his carnal mind. The King James Translation says Jehovah was so mad, He came to kill Moses in His heart. No, it wasn't in His heart to kill Moses. It was in Jehovah's heart to kill Moses' carnal mind. The scripture says the Lord is angry at the wicked all the day long. But, we mortals, He has mercy on us because we're so dumb; all of us including me. Jehovah was angry at Moses' carnal mind and He came looking to kill it. I don't know how Zipporah got in there. I don't know how the translation came forth that she circumcised her son. But that's not what it's about; she didn't circumcise any little boy. Moses got circumcised because he was under the influence of the witch and his wife was not suppose to be going with him. She wasn't even a Hebrew. She was the daughter of a Midianite high priest, probably a high priestess, herself. Can you imagine the Lord sending you on a high spiritual mission and you're taking a witchcraft high priestess with you? Jehovah was angry at this wrong thinking. God can be angry at your wrong thinking and still love you. If Jehovah didn't intervene, that wrong thinking probably would have resulted in Moses' death. The Lord didn't want Moses to die. So we see that the carnal mind has translated the King James and her sister translations. Well, praise the Lord.


Father, is there anything else you want me to do along these lines? I'm completely out of Mark 5. I just don't want to go back under my own accord. Thank you Father in the Name of Jesus. (Tongues) All I hear is circumcision tonight.


We will continue with our Alternate Translation of Mark 5:6: But when Adam in the righteous pharisee who was running the race perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off, the righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus. Does anyone know what age Jesus was from? Jesus was from the new age. He came as the forerunner, as the advertisement, the announcement of the new age. Paul said we don't know what we're going to be, but we see Jesus. Then in another place, Jesus said I am the beginning of the creation of God. There is a new race of men coming forth. This is what the New Agers preach. It's true. There is a new race of men coming forth. Actually there are two new races coming forth simultaneously and there will be a conflict to the death over which race survives. Jesus is the first. There is a race of spiritual men coming forth where humanity, Homo-sapiens as we know ourselves today, are very fallen. There is a spiritual ascension; there is a regeneration coming of higher races of men. Satan is bringing forth her race on behalf of the primordial serpent and Jesus is bringing forth his race on behalf of Jehovah. These two companies of men will appear. They're going to manifest in this earth in the very near future. There is going to be open conflict between the sons of God and the sons of men or the sons of the serpent. I'm not quite sure how the Lord wants me to phrase it yet. There are going to be spiritual giants walking on this earth again. There's going to be a big conflict and cataclysm, the result of which will bring down this whole visible world.


So Adam in the righteous pharisee, was running the race. If you are really running this race, you will recognize Christ Jesus when you see Him. Even if you can't recognize Him, you will hear the Lord telling you; that man. What does running the race mean? Confessing your sins and dealing with your sin nature, repenting, doing everything you can to hear the voice of the Lord and walking in obedience. The New Age talks about a higher mind. We have a higher mind; His name is Christ Jesus. They have a higher mind; her name is the fiery serpent. The New Age philosophy even talks about the real man. We, the personality alone, we're not even a man. We're female. So running the race means doing everything you can to prepare yourself to ascend spiritually. Then Christ Jesus comes in and catches you up. So because the pharisee was running the race; because he was confessing his sins and repenting, Adam was present within him. Even though Adam was not strong enough to overcome the carnal mind, Adam was functioning. The man was living out of two minds. James says that you're double minded and unstable in all your ways, when you have two minds. Well this pharisee was living out of both of his minds. Adam was not lying prostrated in the street. He was active and he was functioning and the personality was cleaving to that mind to the best of his ability and Adam recognized Jesus as being a representative or an ambassador from a future age.


Now listen to what this says. He perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off. That means that the pharisee knew that there was a future age. He knew the doctrine of Christ. He also knew what to expect from the future age. He recognized that Jesus was from the future and he knew that this race of men that inhabited the future would have the power to deliver and heal him. Do you know that if you are living out of Christ Jesus, that you are from the future? You see, the science fiction movies always show a whole man, physical body and all, coming into our world from the future. But there is a whole spiritual man penetrating into our world from the future, but He's not coming in a physical body. He's rising up within us in a form of a new mind. The future man is rising up within the man of this age and converting him. So the science fiction movies, they don't have it quite straight. It's not somebody that lives in the year 2050 coming into our world. The man from the future is a spiritual man rising up within us converting the present race of men into that future race. The skin, the outer shell, the physical body, the personality, is being reformed to express the man from the future that's rising up inside of the skin. We're a race of skins; that's what we are. The man of the future, the race of the future, is us in a reformed condition.


Now I know that science fiction tells you that the future already exists. Well, I don't have the last word on this kind of teaching, but what's coming to me right now as the anointing is on me, is that that's not true. The future is not yet formed. I have no problem believing that the past still exists in parallel time lines. But from what the Lord is bringing forth now, the future is us; these skins that we are, reformed in the image of the man from the future that's welling up within us. I believe the Lord is telling us that right now. So who is it that's in the future? It's us! Or even if it is true that we exist in our reformed state in a parallel world in the future, it is not true that a physical man from the future is coming into our time. That's what the Lord is telling us tonight. It's the spiritual man from the future. He's not appearing outside of us; He's welling up inside of us. Not only is Christ Jesus doing this, but the man from the future age that is not in Christ is doing this. He calls himself Maitreya and he represents a whole company of immortals. They too are trying to well up inside of humanity. So there's a war going on right now to determine whose image the future will be in. Now if you watch the science fiction movies, they tell you the men come back from the future and they say you can't touch anything, you can't do anything that will alter the future. Don't talk to anybody. If you're a man, don't fall in love with anybody. You can't do anything that will alter the future. You have to come into our world, for whatever your purpose, and be careful not to alter the future. Well, that's not true.


Right now, at this very time, there is a war going on between two mighty spiritual beings, the Lord Jesus Christ and this company represented by the name Maitreya, representing the immortals of the serpent's household. These two companies of spiritual men are attempting to enter into the members of humanity and reshape their mind and their physical form from the inside. So I tell you that the future is not formed yet; that it's a lie that the future is already formed and that it's a lie that beings from the age in the future will come here and be careful not to change history because history is being made today. History is determined; it will be Christ Jesus that will take the victory. We know that Christ Jesus will take the victory. But I do not believe that the future of every individual human being and that the future of specific events are written in stone. They're being written today. The future is being written today and Christ Jesus is in the business of rewriting history. As far as the serpent is concerned, the future is written already. Christ Jesus, the man from the future has come into our world and He is deliberately rewriting the future. In every science fiction movie I've ever watched, that has been prohibited. Isn't that interesting?


How is Christ Jesus rewriting the future? How is He changing us into the race of new men? He begins by shaping our thoughts. Eventually His mind will affect our outer body, but He begins by reshaping the way we think. You have to yield your mind to the way He thinks. Most people don't want to yield their mind to the way He thinks. Why? Because their present mind is a manifestation of the serpent. To yield up your mind to the way the Lord Jesus Christ thinks is death to the carnal mind. The personality perceives yielding up that will, which does not want to change the way one thinks as death. The carnal mind perceives it as death and it is death! But it is the death of this existence that we might be born again into the eternal life of Almighty God. You're not born again. New life is in you, but you're not born again, yet. If you were born again, you wouldn't die; you wouldn't age; you wouldn't have any of the problems that you have, if you were born again. You have to be born again into the world above, into the life of a righteous perfect son of God. We're not born again. The day is coming, brethren, and now is, that the truth will flood the church. It's present doctrine is just a lie. They announce the Holy Spirit and faith in Jesus Christ and there's truth in that, but that's where it ends. They're preaching a lie. They're preaching a lie. Every pharisee that will not yield to the pressure of the indwelling Christ Jesus will die. You've got to give it up.


But when Adam in the righteous pharisee who was running the race perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off... Now this was two thousand years ago. The righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus even though he had Adam regenerated in him. He knew that he was still a part of this present age. Verse 7. King James; And cried with a loud voice and said, what have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I adjure you, by God, that you torment me not. On the second row down, we have the word, what, which we know is a symbol for Elohim. Right after that we have the word, I, which can be translated I Am Jehovah. I suggest to you that this verse is not a question. The word adjure means to solemnly implore or to beg, seriously beg. Then we have a negative particle, not, which we're translating, Satan. Alternate Translation; Mark 5:7: And Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee, saying, Elohim and I Am are with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I recognize you. I see who you are. He even knew His name. Elohim and I Am are with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore you in the Name or in the Nature of God to deliver me from Satan who is tormenting me.


So we see that this righteous pharisee was fully opposed to Satan's activities in his mind. He knew exactly what was going on. He probably knew who Jesus was. As a matter of fact, Jesus was probably sent by the Spirit of Elijah to this righteous pharisee who was crying out day and night. Lord, help me, Lord, help me and the Spirit of Elijah sent Jesus and the disciples to help him. This wasn't just an accident that Jesus and His disciples appeared in the etheric plane and they just happened to see some arbitrary choice of a man. No, they were sent to this man who was crying out for deliverance day and night. Brethren, you only see Jesus if you're looking for Him. He'll be standing right in front of your face and you won't recognize Him unless you're looking for Him. You have to be looking for Him everywhere. This pharisee probably heard about Jesus. He probably heard about Him and said, Lord God, if this man, Jesus, is really of your Spirit, if He's really Messiah, please send Him to me; I need help. Jesus and the disciples appeared and the pharisee had the opportunity to try the Spirit on Jesus himself and he said to Jesus, Elohim and I Am are with you; Elohim manifesting as the Spirit of Elijah. Elohim and I Am are with you. I know who you are; help me. He was looking for Him. The pharisee was looking for Him.


A couple of weeks ago I had a vision of a woman who came to this ministry a couple of years ago and left under unpleasant circumstances. I had a vision of her on her knees crying out to God. The Lord said to me, send her books. So we sent her books. Well, they came back this week. The package was refused and I still see her on her knees crying out to God. She couldn't tell that this was His answer to her. You have to be looking for Him. If you have a preconceived idea of how He will appear to you, you are very likely to miss Him when He appears.


And Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee saying, Elohim and I Am are with you Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore you in the Name or the Nature of God to deliver me from Satan, who is tormenting me. Please notice that Adam spoke with the voice of the pharisee. Adam, the spiritual man was not speaking spiritual speech. He was speaking audible speech. When Adam, the spiritual man speaks audible speech, he has to use the vocal cords of a man. Verse 8, King James: For He said unto him, come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. The word for, we're translating then. The word come, we're translating depart. The word unclean, we're translating morally impure. The word out, we're translating out from an assembly. According to Thayer, we can translate that word, out from an assembly. Then we have the word, anthropos; that's the real man; Adam. Alternate Translation, verse 8: Then Jesus said, let Satan the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. Well the word we have there is assembly, so I have amplified, in who is assembled. Now the word assembly signifies union and for Satan to be ascended into the sixth or seventh energy center, there has to be a union. Remember the fiery serpent generates Satan when she feeds on the energy of the host that she's living in. After she eats, she urinates and Satan comes forth through this process. The fiery serpent feeds on the energy of the personality and Satan comes forth through this union of the fiery serpent and the energy of the personality. As the fiery serpent matures, she ascends from the root energy center into the second energy center. When she wakes up from her sleep, she ascends into the second energy center.


I haven't had much information about the second energy center yet. We've known all along that it's a morally impure center. From this point, from the second center, as the fiery serpent begins to ascend, she divides. You see, Christ is not divided. It's the same Christ in you, in me, and all of us. It's one Christ; He's a spiritual man and He spreads Himself abroad and He takes up residence in as many people as He desires. But the fiery serpent in the individual divides. The serpent divides. That's why the astral plane is filled with entities; thousands, millions, maybe trillions of entities of all different character. The etheric plane is filled with entities. The astral plane is filled with conscious entities of different classes, just like we have insects and animals. Insects are animals, by the way, which I was surprised to learn. Insects are animals and snakes are animals. Just as we have all of these classes of animals in our world here, the etheric and astral plane are filled with spiritual life that are formed from the earth which has been saturated with Jehovah's spiritual semen. It is my understanding at this time that they do not have a fiery serpent in them. Therefore they are just dust. You may recall that the fiery serpent is the sperm of Jehovah which has fallen and been apprehended and woven together with the earth; with the ground. That's who the fiery serpent is. The fiery serpent is redeemable. It's the fiery serpent who is becoming the Seraphim, who surround the throne of God, crying holy, holy, holy, day and night. Satan is not redeemable and Leviathan is not redeemable, but the fiery serpent is redeemable. The fiery serpent is the fallen son of God, presently in a female role. She is redeemable; he is redeemable.


But all of these thousands or millions, God only knows, of entities in the etheric and the astral plane; they are just made from the clay. The fiery serpent is eternal; the clay is not eternal. The fiery serpent is Jehovah's sperm. The fiery serpent is eternal. The fiery serpent can change form but cannot be destroyed. The beings in the astral and the etheric plane can be destroyed. They turn to dust. Everything that's made of the earth turns to dust. That's why the scripture says this physical body is made from the dust and will return to the dust. That is true of our personality also. Some occult philosophies call all of the beings; elementals. They're just made from the clay. They're made from the dust and the water of Jehovah's semen. In the hour that the Lord Jesus Christ withdraws the water completely from this world, they will turn to dust and they will cease to exist. Just like the moths of this physical world; you hit a moth and it turns to dust. That's what they are. How did I get into that? Oh, we're talking about an assembly. So the fiery serpent wants to get from the first energy center up to the seventh energy center. That's her intention. How is she going to climb this mountain? That's a mountain for her to climb. Well, she ascends into the second energy center and from the second energy center she begins to divide herself, just as any one cell organism may enter into cell division. She begins to divide herself and as she divides herself, each division becomes what (the Lord has shown us) our spiritual insects.


What does the world know these spiritual insects as? Can anybody tell us that? The world calls them fairies. There's more and more said in our present day society about fairies. The world and the occult which is behind it glorifies fairies and makes them wonderful little people with wings. But the scripture says they're ugly beings with wings and can be likened more to the ugly moths of this world than to the beautiful little creatures that the carnal mind makes them to be. They're spiritual moths; that's what they are. So the fiery serpent divides herself into a whole colony of spiritual insects which inhabit the third energy center. The more ascended the fiery serpent is in you, as she fills your belly, your third energy center, the more likely you are to have the lust for the things of this world. The belly is the place from which lust comes forth. The fiery serpent divides herself into these flying beings, who now have the ability to ascend into the higher centers because they have wings and they fly; they fly up the mountain. So we see that the fiery serpent has assembled herself as a company of flying spiritual insects. In this form she has assembled herself as a company of flying insects and in this form she ascends, she flies up to the highest centers. She is ever seeking more energy. She's never satisfied. She's ever seeking more energy and in particular in the seventh energy center. She meets Leviathan who is connected to the cosmic sea of the astral plane. So at this point, the fiery serpent in the individual who is ascended into the brow energy center, has made contact with the collective Leviathan, with Leviathan beyond the Leviathan within herself. She's made contact with the collective subconscious mind of mortal humanity which has a very large supply of energy.


So the individual in whom the fiery serpent is ascended and feeding out of the seventh energy center is an individual who is highly active in witchcraft. The fiery serpent within him is so active in witchcraft that there is not even enough energy in that man's body to sustain her. She is gaining energy from the astral plane. Can anyone tell us what potential forms this witchcraft can take? This is not talking about sticking pins in people and lighting candles. This man is a pharisee. He's a Jew. Who can tell us what potential forms this witchcraft can take? I call it socially acceptable witchcraft. The answer is anger, rage and envy. There's one more and it's what I call malignant pride. There are different degrees of pride. When pride comes to the place where self preservation is so important that that pride will accuse another person of the original person's own guilt just to cover their own self up; when pride becomes so strong that it destroys another person to preserve self, I call that malignant pride. That goes in the same category with anger, rage and envy.


So you could be this nice little grandmother and you could have envy in your heart and no one would ever know it unless they have discernment because you hide it. You don't show it to anybody. You cover it up, but neither are you confessing it as sin and trying to kill it. Maybe you're not even aware of it. Maybe you so automatically repress it, that you're not even aware of it. But it's alive and well in your subconscious and unconscious mind and the fiery serpent in you is ascended very high and people are getting hurt because envy kills. Envy destroys. So if there's a lot of destruction in your family, in your children, in your grandchildren, in your nieces and nephews; if there's a lot of destruction going on, you need to know that there's high spiritual activity in this family. It may not be you, but maybe in the family, there's high spiritual activity, high Satanic activity. It could be rage. It could be envy. It could be malignant pride and it's probably all three. Praise the Lord.


We're in verse 8. Alternate Translation Mark 5:8: Then Jesus said, let Satan the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. Now this is how Jesus responded to the pharisee's cry for help. He said, let Satan depart from the spiritual insects that the fiery serpent is assembled with and assembled into. Satan, the morally impure spirit; rage, envy and malignant pride are manifestations of Satan. I've been teaching this for years. It is Satanic activity. It kills the person who's manifesting it and it hurts the people that that person is manifesting towards; usually your immediate family. So this is how Jesus dealt with the pharisee's request. He said, let Satan depart from the assembly of the fiery serpent into the spiritual insects. Well what does that mean? Brethren, as I preached several times on this message, the fiery serpent is now assembled or appearing as a multiplicity of spiritual insects that are all feeding out of the individual's seventh energy center. As they feed and ingest this energy, Satan is generated in the individual. So for Jesus to say this, that means Satan is present right in the midst of the spiritual insects. So for Jesus to say, let Satan depart, that's just another way of saying let the spiritual insects stop feeding at the seventh energy center. Do you remember in another place, Jesus said to the man; your sins are forgiven you and the pharisees were enraged. You can't be healed unless your sins are forgiven. You can't be healed unless your sins are forgiven. This is a parallel situation. Jesus said, let Satan depart, but the only way Satan can depart is if the spiritual insects stop feeding.


So as we go on with the next few verses we will see that after Jesus pronounced the judgment, let Satan depart, the very next thing that happened was that Jesus and His disciples entered into the etheric body of the pharisee and scattered those spiritual insects and they went crashing down to the lower energy centers. Brethren, if you want to believe that it was a bunch of natural pigs that went off of a cliff, God bless you, I will never argue with you. But I'm telling you that that's not what happened. I don't believe it ever happened. Sometimes I believe these events take place in the spirit and in the natural, but I do not believe that there was any herd of swine that went off a cliff; I'm sorry. The swine, brethren, is the ascended fiery serpent. The fiery serpent has assembled herself as a company of spiritual insects with wings for the specific purpose of flying into the higher energy centers to feed off of the cosmic energy. She is the swine; her name changes. This is a scriptural principle. When your spiritual position changes, your name changes. That's how Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah and Jacob became Israel; and the fiery serpent became the swine. She's a pig; she can't be satisfied. She eats and she eats and she eats and she can't be satisfied. The more she eats, the more she urinates and the more she urinates, the more Satan is active in the individual. She's insatiable. She's a spiritual tapeworm. That's who the swine is. If you're hearing this tape and you choose to believe the allegory, that's fine with me; I've got no problem with it. But if you want to mature in Christ and you have heard this message, you are challenged to go before God and ask Him if this is not true; if these things be not so. The scripture clearly says if you're afraid, let the fearful depart. That's what happened to Gideon. Of course, the new testament says let the fearful say I am strong; in Christ Jesus, I can do all things.


Then Jesus said, let Satan the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. You see, Jesus is not even referring to the personality of the pharisee. He's calling this man Adam. This is an Adam. I think I began this message by telling you that if Christ Jesus is manifesting through you, you are Christ Jesus. You do not have to be in perfection to be called Christ. If Christ is living through you; if He's manifesting through you and what are the signs that He's manifesting through you? The signs are the way you think and the words you speak. We know that words can be deceptive. But the way you think, either expressed through your words or recognized by discernment and your behavior. What am I talking about when I say your behavior. Am I talking about being calm and quiet. Men living out of their carnal mind can be calm and quiet. Christ Jesus heals; Christ Jesus delivers; Christ Jesus ministers to the widow and the orphan; Christ Jesus is concerned with people; and of course, you can be in your carnal mind and be doing this too, but Christ Jesus goes about doing spiritual good works. That means the people that you have mercy on and the people that you have compassion on experience deliverance. They experience deliverance in their life. So if you have these signs following you and Christ Jesus manifests through you and it doesn't have to be all the time; if He's manifesting through you, you are Christ. You may not be Christ in perfection, but you are Christ.


Any pharisee that tells you, who do you think you are; they don't know what they're talking about. Of course, anybody running around saying I am Christ, you know most likely that's not Christ. Christ doesn't run around saying, I am Christ. You have to recognize Him by the thoughts of His heart, by the words that He speaks, by His behavior and by His acts; that's how you recognize Him. Even if this manifestation of Christ is still imperfect to the point where they could still be harsh on occasion, they could still lose their temper on occasion; you must judge the whole life of the man. You must judge the whole life of the man knowing that we're all double-minded in this hour. So because you see one outburst of temper doesn't mean that the man cannot be Christ. Obviously he's not Christ at the moment that he's having an outburst of temper. Of course, you should ask the Lord Jesus to confirm your decision. Praise the Lord. Then Jesus said, let Satan the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. You see, the scripture says you're going to get a new name. The book of Revelation says you're going to get a new name. Well of course, it means a new nature, but it also means a new name. The man Jesus was called Christ. Our new name is Christ; the anointing of God.


Verse 9: King James; And he asked him, what is thy name and he answered saying, my name is Legion, for we are many. I must tell you I've tried to understand and interpret this word, Legion, for many years. If I haven't got it, I think I've come close today. You can see in the notes on verse 9, I have amplified Satan. It is Satan that asked. The word name, we're translating authority and Adam; authority. So let's see what this is talking about here. The word name means nature. The word many means great. So I see that I brought forth the translation first and then I will explain to you how I translated Legion. Let me read you the alternate translation first. This was a difficult translation. Alternate translation Mark 5:9; And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered, saying you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. Can you imagine that? I think this was the verse that made me scream and cry. I believe Jesus never batted an eyelash, never raised His voice, never got excited; just said to him, you have to leave now because you can't beat us. No contest!


Thayer says that the Greek word translated Legion, Strong's #3003 signifies the number 6,826 soldiers. In a perfected man, the heart center which is the fourth center and the crown center which is the seventh center and the two centers in between the fifth and sixth center form the city of God, the New Jerusalem. I think I'm going to put this on the board for you. The drawing on the board #2 is a very inaccurate picture of the seventh energy center. The seventh energy center vibrates at a very high rate of speed and all of the lines emanating from the centers signify vibration. The heart that I've drawn in the center, according to the pictures that I've seen of the seventh energy center, there is merely another circle in the center. I've drawn it in the shape of a heart to help you understand that it is the heart center that is appearing and it's the view of the tunnel; there's a tunnel, you see. The heart center is the foundation and the seventh energy center is the pinnacle or the high point of the tunnel. The tunnel is not running horizontally; it's not running along the earth. You might want to call it a tower, as in the Tower of Babel. The foundation of this tunnel is the heart center. When you can get to the heart center, you now have access through the fifth and sixth energy center to ascend into the seventh energy center.


Now the fifth and sixth centers don't appear. I don't really know why, but this is a facsimile of the pictures that I have seen of the seventh energy center. The Lord has not told me that they are not accurate, so I feel in my spirit to work from these models and I have been doing that for a couple of years now. I do not know why the fifth and sixth energy centers do not appear, but this picture on the board and I'm not sure that I made it clear; that would be a view from above the seventh energy center. If you're above the seventh energy center, looking down, you see the seventh energy center is closest to you; that's why it's so big. Then you go down to the sixth and the fifth and you see the heart energy center because that's the foundation of the city, whether it's the city of God or whether it's the city of Leviathan. So when you look at this tunnel or at this city from above its high point, as if you were in an airplane and looking down on it, apparently it is transparent and you can see all the way down to the foundation of the city and that is the heart center. The fifth and the sixth energy centers make the sides of the tunnel. I don't have any further explanation at this time.


So we see that ascension in a spiritual city can be for gaining energy and it can be for fellowship or ministry. I have not experienced it yet, but I am convinced that at some point in our spiritual development, we will be able to ascend into the spiritual city of Christ Jesus within us and meet other people. The computer network is just a physical example of what is possible in the spirit. No matter where you are in the states or in the world, if you can log on to the internet, you can join our on-line meeting. Whether it's the city of Leviathan or the city of God is the spiritual reality of the internet. When you have the ability to do it, to ascend into that spiritual city, which is beyond your own individual person, you can meet anybody else anywhere in the world who has the ability to ascend into this spiritual city. Because once you get into your spiritual city, it's just like turning on your computer; you now have access to all the other people that have turned on their computer and logged on to the internet. So once you have the ability to ascend into the spiritual city within you, you find yourself in a big room, so to speak, or a big space with everyone else that has the ability to ascend into that place.


Praise the Lord! Are there any questions? I don't know about you, but I'm just looking forward to the day that I can experience this. I tell the Lord all the time, I do not want it unless it's Him. I have to keep saying that because I really don't want my excitement or my pride to bring this to pass in Leviathan's time line. So I make that statement frequently. I'll wait for Christ Jesus. I'll wait for my true husband. But to me the thought of it is just so exciting. Praise the Lord.


So we were working on verse 9, alternate translation. I was reading you the explanation of what I did with the word legion. Strong says that legion, #3003 signifies the number 6,826 soldiers. In a perfected man, the heart center which is the fourth center and the crown center, which is the seventh center and the two centers in between the fifth and sixth form the city of God, the new Jerusalem. Of course, the same experience occurs in Leviathan. The crown center vibrates at one thousand undulations and the second energy center vibrates at six undulations, from six to one thousand. The second energy center has a very slow rate of vibration. As we descend, we vibrate at a slower and slower rate. For anybody that doesn't know it, this whole world is vibrating. We are vibrating, every cell in our body is vibrating, the couch that you're sitting on is vibrating; everything vibrates. But we are so used to it that we do not perceive the vibration. If you take any kind of skin sample and put in under a microscope, you'll see all of your cells vibrating at a rapid rate of speed. If you take a piece of wood, a piece of finished wood like this, that you think is completely dead and you put it under a microscope, you will see movement. Everything vibrates. The more solid the object is the slower it vibrates. So the second energy center vibrates at a rate of six undulations. The seventh energy center vibrates at the rate of one thousand undulations. Let me read you my explanation. I have it all worked up here hoping to help you to understand this. The number six in the thousandth place signifies that the moral impurity of the second energy center which vibrates at a rate of six is manifesting at the level of power of the seventh energy center. The seventh energy center is signified by the number one thousand. When the one in the one thousand is replaced with a six, it indicates that the moral impurity of the second energy center which vibrates at a rate of six undulations has ascended into the strength, that moral impurity signified by six, has ascended into the strength of the one thousand. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


The seventh energy center vibrates at a rate of one thousand undulations. The second energy center, which is a morally impure center vibrates at the rate of six undulations. When that moral impurity symbolized by the number six ascends all the way up to the seventh energy center, that moral impurity is manifesting with the strength of the one thousand vibrations in the seventh energy center and this is indicated by the one being changed to a six, the number in the one thousandth place. Instead of one thousand, it now says six thousand. That position in the number that changed from one to six, that indicates that the strength of the seventh energy center is given over to the moral impurity that vibrates at six undulations. I don't know if I read this so I'm going to read it again. The number six in the thousandth place signifies that the moral impurity of the second energy center is manifesting at the level of power of the crown energy center. The righteous pharisee who was the subject of our study is righteous because Adam is regenerated in him. But the impure fiery serpent within him, who is ascended into the seventh energy center as a flock of spiritual insects in Leviathan's time line is too strong for the regenerated Adam to overcome. The Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Jesus shift the balance of power. When the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Jesus and the disciples shift the balance of power in the pharisee, they strengthen Adam. But of course, it's really Jesus because the disciples wouldn't even be there if it weren't for Jesus. When Jesus enters into the pharisee's spiritual being, they strengthen Adam in the pharisee and bring the Spirit of Elijah into his being. Jesus and the pharisee, together, are stronger than the fiery serpent in the righteous pharisee who is communing with Leviathan at the seventh energy center and ascended all the way up to the seventh energy center where she is communing with Leviathan. Of course this condition produces a high degree of satanic energy. The more energy that is available to the fiery serpent and the spiritual insects to consume, the more urine they produce, the more active Satan is. The more the fiery serpent eats, the more of Satan we have. This is the understanding that the Lord has given me of the word, legion.


And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered saying, you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's time line, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. Verse 10, King James; And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. So the very next verse is that the fiery serpent was convinced by this exchange that Jesus had the power to do what He said He was going to do. He said, you've got to go, and Satan said, who do you think you are? Jesus said, my authority is the Spirit of Elijah, the representative of Jehovah and the fiery serpent said please don't send us away. I honestly don't know whether the fiery serpent knew the name or that the fiery serpent recognized the power. I don't know. But look, Satan is in the male role. Satan stood right up to Jesus and said, who do you think you are? But the fiery serpent, the woman, (the fiery serpent is the woman) recognized Jesus' authority and said, please don't send us away. I remind you that the fiery serpent is Jehovah's spiritual sperm woven together with the ground. But she's still Jehovah's spiritual sperm and she recognized her own heritage in the man, Jesus. Satan, who is not redeemable; Satan, who is the manifestation of the primordial serpent in this generation did not recognize the authority in Jesus any more than the primordial serpent recognized Adam's authority or Michael's authority at the time that she seduced Adam and used witchcraft on him to bring him down. But the fiery serpent, even in her fallen condition recognized her Father and said, please don't send us away. Isn't that interesting?


We're in verse 10 now. The English word besought, we're translating, to request earnestly. The words he would send away, we're translating, to set apart. And out of, we're translating, from. Now the word country; Thayer says, the space lying between two places or limits. Well that's the space lying between the second energy center and the seventh energy center. The fiery serpent does not want to leave Leviathan's city. What I have on the board for you is my understanding of the seventh energy center. At the moment I don't have any explanation for the city that extends from the second energy center to the seventh energy center. I have to let it go. We're not going to finish this study tonight. Perhaps the Lord will give me an explanation by Thursday. If not, I just have to wait on Him. But apparently, according to this study, Leviathan's city stretches from the second to the seventh energy center of Leviathan's time line and knows that Adam intends to cast her down into the root energy center. The fiery serpent does not want to leave Leviathan's city, but knows that Adam fully intends and has the power to cast her down into the root energy center.


Alternate translation; Mark 5:10; And the fiery serpent requested earnestly that Adam not separate her from Leviathan's city. You might see that I have an asterisk next to Adam. Jesus has strengthened Adam in the righteous pharisee and it is Adam in the righteous pharisee, who is casting down the ascended fiery serpent in the personality that he lives in. You see, it's not Jesus doing it. The pharisee is doing it. You see, you have to do it. I have to do it. I have to overcome my own negative principles. Jesus gives me the power. Jesus gives me the wisdom. Jesus gives me everything that I need to do it, but I have to do it and you have to do it and every man has to do it for himself. The Lord just gave me an example for you of what is commonly practiced in our world, especially by the superpowers, above the smaller countries that are not superpowers when they engage in conflicts. The superpowers are always arming one side or the other. We don't want to send our troops in. We don't want to get into war, but we're sending arms all over the world. Russia is sending arms all over the world, supporting rebels and civil wars or whoever they're supporting, one side or the other. Well Jesus is supporting us. He's supporting our righteous side, the resurrected Christ Jesus, but He's not fighting this war for us. You've got to fight it; you have to do it yourself. He is giving you everything that you need to defeat your carnal mind, but you have to fight; you have to change; you have to hate the serpent's nature in yourself enough to change.


Verse 11, King James: Now there was nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. The word now, we're translating and. The word nigh, we're translating among. The word mountains, we're translating the sixth and seventh energy center. The word herd; that can be translated assembly and I've been translating that word herd, that which is gathered together. The word herd refers to the fiery serpent ascended into the third energy center where she generates the multiplicity of spiritual insects of that world. Now I don't know if the word herd legitimately describes insects. I've heard of a swarm of insects. I've never heard of a herd of insects, but insects are animals and we really don't understand what form they take in the etheric plane. But the scripture calls them a herd and I'm suggesting to you that the animals of the herd are the spiritual insects of the etheric plane that are gathered together and their collective name is the fiery serpent. The swarm or the herd of insects has a collective name. When you talk about the spiritual insects of the third energy center, their name is the fiery serpent. This is the same principle as me telling you that there's a fiery serpent or a worm in every individual. When you talk about the collective fiery serpents of all of humanity; the name of the collective fiery serpents of all of humanity is Leviathan. Well the name of all of the collective insects from your third energy center is the fiery serpent. The word swine, we're translating as the married fiery serpent. She's the one that's married to her own self in the form of these many insects. I may change that on the alternate translation; married or certainly the ascended fiery serpent. I don't know; I'll have to see what the Lord wants me to do there. The word great, we're translating mighty. That word is speaking about Leviathan. He is the mighty one. The scripture, the old testament in particular, talks about the mighty. It's talking about Leviathan.


Alternate translation: Mark5:11: And as soon as they heard this, the spiritual insects of the third energy center (that's the herd) who are married to the fiery serpent (I may have to change that word) that were feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan and as soon as they heard this, the spiritual insects of the third energy center who were gathered or assembled or the assemblage of the fiery serpent that were feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan, as soon as they heard that, (Verse 12) all of the devils besought him saying, send us into the swine that we may enter into them. Once again, if you want to believe that's what happened, that there were a whole bunch of demons in this man and rather than be cast into the bottomless pit, they petitioned Jesus to go into pigs; if you want to believe that, that's your privilege, but I don't believe it. I believe the swine is the ascended fiery serpent and as she ascends she divides herself into a swarm or a herd of spiritual insects and that these spiritual insects were about to be cast down. You see the spiritual insects take form in the third energy center. If Jesus cast that fiery serpent down to the second energy center, the spiritual insects cease to exist. They only have existence in the third energy center. As she ascends, she divides. Now the fiery serpent is an energy force and as she ascends, she spreads herself out. So if she gets cast down to the second energy center, there's no more spiritual insects. The fiery serpent has to be ascended at least into the third energy center to be manifesting as an assemblage of spiritual insects.


Let's take a look at this verse 12; And all the devils besought him saying, send us into the swine that we may enter into them. I have a note here for you. My study materials include two different interlinear texts; one with Nestle numbers and one with textis receptis numbers. That's a Latin rendition of the scripture. Nestle says that there is no Greek foundation for the English words, all the devils, in verse 12. You can see on page 10 if you want to look at your interlinear text, you could see that I've drawn a line through the words, all the devils. You can see that there is no Greek foundational word for those three English words. The numbers 999 that you see is how my interlinear text places to show that there is no number. I can switch my interlinear text to Nestle and Nestle would give me numbers for these three words. It would give me the number of the Greek word that means all and the number of the Greek word that means thee and the number of the Greek word that means devils. But there is still no Greek foundation for the three words. They're not in the Greek text. I looked in a couple of translations, but I didn't do an exhaustive study. I looked in a couple of translations and these words are in there; all the devils. So we see that the translators took it upon themselves to determine the subject of the verb and the verb is besought. The question is who besought? The King James translators took it upon themselves to decide that it was all these devils that besought. Now there's nothing wrong with that. I do it more than the King James translators do it. To the best of my ability I try to come up with a subject for every verse, but the King James Translation is notoriously non subjective. There are many many many verbs that are without subjects. They're just with pronouns; he, she, it. So it is perfectly legitimate for the King James translators to have made this decision, but I am not in agreement with their decision.


We know that the scripture frequently does not name the subject of a verb and it is therefore very possible that the words, all the devils, were added by some translators or scribe. In view of the context of the whole study that we are involved in, we will eliminate the questionable words, all the devils, in our translation of verse 12 and amplify the subject as Jesus. The word besought means to call to. Him, we will translate Adam. The word send can legitimately be translated thrust into, Strong's #3992. We have the word swine, once again. I think we're going to be changing this word married, to ascended fiery serpent. Alternate Translation of Mark 5:12: But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent or who are assembled as the fiery serpent. But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the spiritual insects who are assembled or we will enter into the midst of the fiery serpent who is manifesting as an assemblage of spiritual insects. I'm going to have to work on that translation. We will enter into the midst of the fiery serpent who is assembled as the spiritual insects of the etheric plane.


In the next verse, verse 13, we see that the pharisee gave Jesus permission, you see. Verse 12 says that Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, actually we would like to or may we thrust ourselves into your etheric body? Does that mean that Jesus would not have done it without the pharisee's permission? Well, it looks that way. You see, I have preached here that the time is coming that Christ Jesus will go forth and forcibly impregnate a large portion of humanity with Christ and that He will do it against their will to save their lives. But this is a different situation. You see, at the time that Jesus manifested towards this righteous pharisee, it was not the time to be taking men against their will. This righteous pharisee was crying out for help and Jesus was saying, I'll help you. The pharisee said, yes, please do. It's not the same situation. It was not the hour; it was not the age; it was not the time for the plan of Jehovah to go forth and take human beings against their will. I don't recall at the moment any account of Jesus healing anybody against their will. You see, this man, this righteous pharisee, he was not being called unto perfection. We have no reason to believe that this man lived forever. He lived his lifetime and Jesus gave him deliverance in his lifetime. But the hour is coming that Christ Jesus will go forth and impart immortality to humanity. So this is a totally different situation.


In this hour if you want a healing from the Lord Jesus, you must ask for it and you must pursue Him until you get what you are asking for. Sometimes He heals you right away, but sometimes it takes years. He has been healing me for years. I still have all kinds of problems with my body, but I'm functioning at a very efficient level these days. I work long hours. There was a time that I had to go take a nap at 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Now I work all day and into the night. There's still all kinds of problems with my body, but I'm getting healthier every year. So He's healing me very slowly. Christ Jesus manifests through me and generates His energy which spreads abroad through my whole body and as I restrain Satan in me more and more, I am healing. Praise the Lord.


Maybe we'll take one more; verse 13: And forthwith Jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea. They were about two thousand and were choked in the sea. Well, I've changed my mind. I think we'll stop here and pick up on Thursday night, Lord willing, with verse 13 and finish out this study then. Are there any questions or comments before we close for the evening? Praise the Lord. God bless you all.


Congregation: Earlier when you were praying, I closed my eyes and I saw a worm going into a tunnel. When I saw the tunnel on your diagram on the board, it just reminded me of it.


Sheila: Who is the worm?


Congregation: We are.


Sheila: What part of us is the worm?


Congregation: The fiery serpent.


Sheila: Yes, the fiery serpent. What is the tunnel?


Congregation: The passageway from the heart to the seventh center.


Sheila: Right, or according to this scripture, it seems to be the second energy center. According to this account, I don't know whether the information that I've received from the occult philosophy books is incorrect now. Every account that I have ever seen in occult philosophy of the energy centers, in particular of the seventh energy center, it shows what appears to me to be the heart center. Now I have not read this in a book, that it's the heart center. I have read in occult books where it says in the seventh energy center, there is another mini energy center in the midst of the seventh energy center. I've examined it and I've prayed over it and I've looked at the colors of it. Each energy center has its distinctive colors. I came to the conclusion that it was the heart center in the midst. Now the colors of the second energy center are, I think, they're basically orange and brown, dark colors. These colors are not appearing in the images that I have seen of the seventh energy center with that inset in it. That little center in the center of the seventh energy center looks to me like the heart center. So I now do not know, according to my studies; I don't know if I'm making this clear to you. Each energy center has identifying colors. Each energy center has its own signature and that signature is manifested as a color, a rate of vibration and a musical tone, you see.


According to everything that I have read along these lines, the appearance of that center within a center or that wheel within a wheel of the seventh energy center could not have been the second energy center. So I now have to pray and ask the Lord if the books that I've read are wrong or it could be that this is true. I don't know. It could be that it's true in the serpent's timeline, but it's not true for the person in which Christ is regenerated. That could be also. I found situations like that also, where I found information in the occult books where it really is true for the people ascending in Leviathan. But it's not true for us. So I now have to find out from the Lord exactly what this means. Perhaps when the fiery serpent is ascended in us, she comes from the second center, but when Christ Jesus ascends in us, the city of Christ Jesus within us is from the heart center to the crown center. But Leviathan's city is from the second energy center to the seventh energy center. The occult philosophy that I've read on this issue does not acknowledge that there can be a projection from the second energy center to the seventh energy center. The occult philosophy books that I read, as I've told you many times, the spirit is a highly intellectual spirit. It's not a dirty spirit and they take the position of Christ Jesus. I'm having a little trouble explaining this. You're not understanding me and I'm feeling it. Maybe I have to put it on the board for you. Let me see; I'm going to try one more time. The New Agers, for example, are the various occult philosophies that show these pictures of the chakras. They place themselves in the position of Christ Jesus. So there are two cities; one is a righteous city and one is an unrighteous city. Somebody is not getting this; I have to put it on the board.


This is drawing #3. I have divided the board into two sections. Facing the board, the one on the left shows the city whose foundation is the morally impure second energy center. Here's the foundation. The pinnacle or the high point of the city is the seventh energy center. This is Leviathan's unrighteous city, the city that extends from the morally impure second center up to the seventh energy center. That means that there is a mixing of the spiritual forces of the second and the seventh center and all of the centers in between. But the significant point is that the morally impure second energy center, or the energy of the morally impure second center is flowing through this city. Now I have never seen such a drawing in any of my occult studies. In all of my occult studies I have seen the picture of the seventh energy center as I have drawn it for you in drawing #2 and as I have it here for you on the right side of this board. The foundation of the righteous city in Christ Jesus is the heart center. The heart center locks out and keeps down in the bottomless pit, which is the lower centers, all of the negative energy of the three lower centers. The city begins with the heart center. Everything below the heart center is impure, unclean. So the righteous spiritual city is founded in the heart center and it ascends up to the seventh center.


But we find a phenomena in the occult philosophy. I try not to say New Age because occult philosophy extends way beyond New Age. It includes Hinduism, Buddhism and a whole slew of philosophies out there. It's not just New Age; Theosophy, there's many of them. The philosophies that I have studied to some degree always take the position of the righteous city. They consider themselves good. They don't consider themselves evil. The teaching and understanding that they have places them, to their way of thinking, where the sons of God are placed. They place themselves in the righteous city. I've never seen a drawing of the spiritual city in occult philosophy that says it begins with the second energy center. All of the drawings that I have seen of the seventh energy center with the secondary center in the middle, appears to me from my examination of it, that it's a picture of the seventh energy center with the fourth energy center as its foundation. That's why I say over here, Leviathan claims that this diagram that I have on the board here on the right with the heart center, is the foundation and the seventh center is the high point. Leviathan claims this diagram for her good city. All of the occult books that I've looked in that have shown pictures of the seventh energy center look like this; with the heart center as the foundation of that spiritual city. But we have just had a truth revealed to us today.


I tell you all the time, the Lord has placed me in certain occult philosophy books where the spirit is not dirty because there are no Christian books with that information. What we're bringing forth here are the only Christian spiritual philosophy books in the world. As far as I know we're the only ones in the world that are formally publishing publications of spiritual teachings in Christ Jesus. So the Lord has me in the occult books and He's with me saying this is true and that's not true and this is okay and that's not okay. I believe things as they hit my spirit correctly until the Lord brings a correction. So until tonight, I have always believed that the spiritual city was from the fourth energy center as its foundation and the seventh energy center as its high point. That's what all the occult philosophy books show. But tonight the Lord has revealed to us that this is true of the city of Christ Jesus where the fourth energy center is the foundation and the seventh energy center is the high point. But the occult philosophers have taken this diagram which is true of Christ Jesus and they have made it their truth. But tonight the Lord has revealed to us that it's not true; it's a lie that it's their truth. Whether the individual is on the good side of Leviathan or on the evil side of Leviathan doesn't matter. Their spiritual city is founded in the second energy center. I have never seen that in any occult philosophy book anywhere. Every occult book I've read claims this diagram on the right, that the fourth center is the foundation of this city. Tonight the Lord has brought a correction. I have been believing that this is the diagram of all seventh energy centers in Christ Jesus and in Leviathan. I've been believing that for a couple of years. It's taken the Lord several years to bring this correction that outside of Christ Jesus, the spiritual city of Leviathan, whether it be good or evil, extends from the second energy center.


Now this is not the first time this has happened. The Lord brings forth a truth that you can't find in any of the other books anywhere. But I now know it's true and there's not a doubt in my mind because I wasn't even looking for this. I didn't even pick it up when I did the work up on the scriptures. It just came to me now as I preached it. I didn't even realize it until I put the other drawing on the board for you. Then I went back and I read my notes on the meaning of legion and I said, wait a minute, something is wrong here. The message coming forth from the scripture is varying from the information in the occult books. Does anybody not understand what I'm saying here? So of course, this is not true that the diagram on the right is a diagram of Leviathan's good city. This is not true, but it's what the occult philosophers say. This was what I was trying to tell you before I got up and drew the drawings, that the occult philosophers take the position of the sons of God. For their way of thinking, for their philosophy, they put themselves in our position because they believe that they are the sons of God.


But the truth is that they are coming from Leviathan's spirit, if they're not in Christ Jesus and what's the test of them not being in Christ Jesus? How do you know whether you're ascending in Christ Jesus or not? What's the acid test? You have to be confessing your sins and repenting. You must be submitting to the exposure of your sin nature. When your sin nature is exposed, if you can't believe it, you're suppose to be taking it before the Lord. Say, Lord, if it's true, I want to see it. If you're not doing that, you are not ascending in Christ Jesus. No matter how good your spiritual experience looks, this diagram on the right is not your spiritual condition. The foundation of your spiritual city is not the heart center. The significance of the foundation of your spiritual city being the heart center is that the lower centers are sealed off. If you are ascending in Leviathan, even if you're on the good side of the tree, Leviathan is not sealing off her own lower centers; and your foundation is the impure second energy center and you are unclean. So I guess I'll have to write something on this board to indicate that this is a lie over here. This is not a diagram of Leviathan's good city. That's a lie. This is a diagram of Christ Jesus' righteous city and this is Leviathan's good and evil city. Any questions on this issue? Praise the Lord.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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