Part 2 of 2 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Tonight we are doing the second part of The Seventh Seal. Now some of you may know that the seventh seal is the seventh trumpets. The seventh seal is broken down into seven parts. What I have done is, I have had two messages. Last Sunday’s message was the second message that I call the Seventh Seal. Just to save the message numbering from getting really confusing, I am going to start numbering the messages of the First Trumpet or the First and Second Trumpet. I would like you to know that the seven trumpets are a part of the Seventh Seals, but for clarity sake, this will be the last message that will be marked The Seventh Seal, and starting next Sunday the messages will be marked either the First Trumpet or the First and Second Trumpet, depending on how many we get into one message.
I got very excited when God gave me this message tonight. Brethren, as we go through this Book of Revelation, God just witnesses it to me over and over again, we are entering in. It has begun. It has begun in a very small corner of the world, but the redemption of the living soul is moving along. It is really happening. Those of us that He has called to this firstfruits company, especially to be preaching the message at this early hour, we are being persecuted. We are being persecuted spiritually, and people are coming against us, and they do not even know why they are coming against us. The whole soul realm is coming against us, and infirmity is coming against us. Mental distress is coming against us. The whole world is rising up trying to destroy us, but glory to God, I declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ has purposed to redeem this living soul. He is going to do it through men, and He has started, and there is nothing that could stop it.
I prophesy unto the soul realm, there is nothing that could stop it. The Lord might or might not let you kill me. He might or might not let you kill any one of us, but brethren, the redemption of the living soul shall be accomplished. The methods that are going to bring it to pass shall be preached, and the sons of God shall stand up in full stature, and the whole church world, and the whole world will recognize them for what they are, in accordance with the word of God. There is nothing that you could do to stop it. I just rebuke every enemy of this ministry. Yes, we pray for you, and we bless you, but we rebuke your witchcraft, and we rebuke the death that you have prayed against us. We expose you for what you are. Hallelujah.
We are going to start with a recap of Revelation, Chapter 8, Verses 1 thru 3. Then we are going to do verses 4 to 6. Starting on Sunday, we will start with the first trumpet. Let me tell you this before I start the recap. Up until now, through the beginning of Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation, we have seen the firstfruits company manifested. We have seen the Lord, through His firstfruits company, move to redeem the entire living soul, every member of the entire living soul. What I am suggesting to you is that the trumpets, and later on the vials, which we will talk about later, are the judgments that the Lord God is executing upon the living soul for the specific purpose of destroying their rebellion, so that He can redeem them. I declare to you, brethren, there is no redemption while you are in rebellion.
We have studied several scriptures, where we pick the scriptures apart, and the Lord has shown us that this is His mind. We did a message called And Jacob Prevailed, and we talked about a scripture in the Book of Genesis, where Jacob wrestles with the angel. When we understood what that scripture was saying, we found out that the angel was saying to Jacob, I am going to break your struggling with me. Jacob said to the angel, bless me, and what the angel did was He broke his rebellion, because he could not bless him until he broke his rebellion. God cannot bless you when you are in rebellion. When you are in rebellion, you are His enemy. There is no discussion. There is no negotiation. There is no mercy. You must submit to Him, and then He has mercy on you.
The seven trumpets and the seven vials have been preached on and written about, and talked about, for probably the two thousand years since the Bible has been written, saying that the whole world is about to be destroyed by Almighty God. I declare to you that this world shall not be destroyed. It is the souls of men that shall be destroyed, but only because Christ shall be standing there ready to impart his sinless soul life to the person in whom he has just destroyed their soul. He is destroying the living soul, brethren, to give them life in a new form. God wants this message out. The false message has been preached for a couple of thousand years. It is an abomination. It frightens people. It scares people. It scares some people into thinking that they are saved, but we do not even know if it is a genuine conversion. You cannot be converted through fear. You can only be converted when the Spirit of Jesus Christ attaches Himself to you.
We have been talking about the fivefold ministry for the last few weeks. We have said that they have served their purpose, and they have done a lot of good works, but there is a lot of error in their doctrine. The Lord is now bringing forth the true doctrine of His love, and His mercy, towards the world. However, He is a righteous God. I declare to you, that no matter how much you love your children, and have mercy on your children, hopefully you are rebuking, and disciplining their rebellion, and their sin against you. If you are not, I declare to you that you are not supposed to be victimized by your children. If your children are in rebellion against you, you are by the power of Almighty God, to stand up and rebuke them, and do whatever is necessary in accordance with the word of God to bring them into submission, because you cannot help them when they are beating you. How can you help them when they are beating you?
They must be broken. Their rebellion must be broken, and then you can bless them. This is how God is dealing with the living soul. Yes, all of these judgments are very strong, and they are very terrible. My daughter has been under judgment for three and a half years. I think I have suffered as much, if not more than she did, but there was no other way. The rebellion had to be broken, and now God Almighty is having mercy upon her. He did not have mercy on her when she lived in this house. She was in outright rebellion. I thought He was going to deliver her in her sleep. Well, He did not, brethren. He dealt with the rebellion, and I had to send her away to do that. He is God. He is not some softy. He is not some softy. He is righteous, and He will kill you before He will let you taint His righteousness. He will not become unrighteous because He loves you. He will not. He will not. Glory to God.
AT Recap Revelation 8:1-3. And as the power of Christ continued to release the many members of the living soul from the power of Satan, there was a waiting period between the time they began to receive the sealing of the imputed anointing, and the command from heaven to slaughter their souls, which waiting period lasted about half of the time period allotted to bring the whole of the living soul to full salvation. And I saw the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, and they were given trumpets to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual man, dwelling with him in the same vessel, and to announce the time of his redemption, and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. And Christ appeared, and was established in his rightful place, in the minds of the spiritual men, and he was possessing a sinless body, and many souls were delivered to him, so that when he possessed their desires and wills, and become joined to them in their mind, he could then turn over to God the wills and desires of all of the members of the purified holy living soul, which were now directed towards God, so that their souls could be consumed in the fire of God, which had appeared in their own human spirits, which was appearing in the realm of appearance in front of the prostrated soul of Jesus Christ. (AT)
I would just like to remind you that the fire of Almighty God is appearing in the human spirit. Does anybody remember how that is happening? How is Christ getting into our spiritual beings? The Holy Spirit is entering into our hearts. We are being baptized with the Holy Spirit, who is the male, and He is joining with our human spirit, which is the female, and they shall have a child. His name is Christ, and when he is birth in your human spirit, he shall swallow up your entire human spirit. There shall be no more human spirit. There shall be no more Holy Spirit. There shall be Christ, and your spirit shall be Christ. When this happens, Christ, in you, shall swallow up your sin filled soul. He is going to swallow him up. He is going to burn him on the altar of incense. The result of this shall be that you shall be purged of sin, and you shall become holy, and you shall receive the life of the ages. That is because what is killing us and causing us to die is sin. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
And at the end of this process, Jesus Christ shall appear in our bodies, and in our souls, and we shall be righteous. Everybody speaking to us, or looking upon us, shall be able to discern the righteousness of Christ in us. It is a painful procedure, brethren. It can be likened unto the labor of bringing forth a natural child. The counsel of God to His people is the counsel of a doctor to a woman bringing forth. Obey God, and push when He tells you to push. Do not push when He tells you not to push. What that means is find out what God wants you to do, and do it, and when He tells you not to do it, do not do it. Try and get your mind in union with God. Submit yourself to Him. Resist the sin in your own heart, and this baby shall be birth, and we shall be saved in childbearing. We shall be saved by the Christ who is born within us. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Revelation 8:4
4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. KJV
I looked up this word smoke in the Greek, and all it said was smoke, so I looked it up in the Hebrew. It is Strong’s#6225 in the Hebrew, and we are told that it appears to correspond to wind, breath, or spirit. So we find out that smoke in the Scripture is likened unto spirit. I am suggesting to you something about the smoke of the incense. If you recall, we studied incense last week, and we studied the four parts that made up the incense that was offered at the altar of incense, in the tabernacle, in the wilderness. We established that incense typified our souls, the souls of man. Now what I am going to suggest to you is that the smoke that ascends, when the incense is burnt, is the human spirit, because in our souls, the soul and the human spirit are joined together. God is separating the bone from the marrow, and the soul from the spirit.
The purpose for that is that the soul is sin ridden, and so is the spirit sin ridden. He wants to separate them. He wants to purify the spirit, join it to him, bring forth Christ in it, and then have Christ swallow up our sin filled soul. There must be a separation between our soul and our spirit. That separation comes through burning. I am suggesting to you that the smoke, or the spirit, that ascends up when the incense is burnt, is the released human spirit. Do you hear that? The soul and the spirit are joined. They are one. The fire of Christ burns them. As the result of the burning, the spirit is released in pure vapor form that is called smoke. Remember, we are in a very symbolic book, brethren. Everything is symbols. There is no other way God could explain spiritual things to us. Hallelujah.
I just want to give you a testimony at this point. It is very exciting for me when I see my spirit being separated from my soul. Those of you that know me, know that I go through a lot of trials. I am not feeling well tonight at all. I do not even know what is wrong with me. I just feel terrible. I go through a lot of trials in my body, and in my mind. I used to be totally overtaken with depression, totally overtaken with wrong thinking, and totally overtaken by infirmity in my body. If it lasted a month, if it lasted six weeks, I was just totally overtaken. Then when it was all over, God would show me this is what happened. This one was sending a curse against you, and this is what happened, and you did not even fight. Why? Because you could not even see what was happening. Well brethren, for the last six months, I would say, in the midst of my most intense trial, glory to God, the mind of Christ is operating. In the midst of the most severe depression, I am praising God for this beautiful home that He has given me, for the fact that I do not have to work a secular job while I am preaching.
I am praising Him, and glorifying Him, for every miracle and blessing He has given in my life, while my soul is in great pain. I could be sitting here crying, and weeping, wracked with self-pity and depression, and the mind of Christ stands up in me, and has a different thought, separate and apart. There are two souls in me, brethren, and they are both manifesting. Glory to God. The next step is that the soul of Christ shall swallow up the soul of Adam. First you have to get the soul of Christ. When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, you do not have the soul of Christ. The soul of Christ is in Christ that has been birth in you. The soul of Christ is in the Christ child, after your human spirit has been fertilized. Even after Christ has been birth in you, brethren, he may not be manifesting. I personally believe Christ had been birth in me four years ago, and it has only been the last six months, that in the midst of my greatest torment, he is standing up, and thinking a different thought.
Then I can choose which soul I am going to throw my mind in line with. I will tell you, when he was not standing up in me, I did not have a choice. I was totally overtaken. But, glory to God, he is standing up. He is waging war. He is being victorious. He is living independently of my demonized sin filled soul, and he is saying to me, come over here. He is saying, behold, I stand at the door of my soul, and if you knock, I will come in and sup with you. Brethren, he is saying enter into my soul. Get out of that rotten place, where you are depressed, and where you are sick, and where your heart is broken, and where you cannot pick yourself up off the floor, and where you are still filled with unforgiveness. He is saying, leave it. I have made a new place for you to dwell in. I am building the house of my Father, and I am here in your vessel, at the part of that house. Enter in and live.
I hope you can hear that, brethren. There is so much false doctrine going around today. This is such an exciting word. This is such an exciting word. This is, not the word, but the spiritual experience that is going to deliver the hopelessly insane. I am telling you, brethren, you are not going to go over to Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital and preach about the Rapture to the hopelessly insane, and see them stand up and walk out. They are not going to do it. You can sit there and read the Bible to them for days, weeks, and months, and unless God chooses to move sovereignly, they are not going to get up and walk out of there.
Brethren, when God says, now is the hour, and you walk into Kings Park, and you speak a word that is going to fertilize their human spirits, Christ is going to stand up in them. Brethren, they are going to walk out of the institutions with a sound mind, because Christ shall have appeared in them, and utterly possessed, and swallowed up their demonized, demented, diseased soul. Do you hear this? I used to be in a church where we prayed for the restoration of the soul. Brethren, I do not want my soul restored, so do not pray that prayer for me. I want the soul of Christ. I do not want my old demonized soul back. I want a new soul, a renewed soul, because Christ is my soul. I hope you can hear that. It is the message that is going to usher in the kingdom, brethren. Glory to God.
I am suggesting to you that the smoke of the incense is that part of your soul which is spirit. I have a reference for you.
Exodus 19:18-19
18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.
19 And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. (KJV)
This Scripture is saying that smoke is typifying Almighty God. I remind you of last Sunday’s message. We were talking about angels that had received trumpets in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 8, starting with Verse 6. I will read this scripture to you again. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake. The prophet spake when the trumpet sounds. Those to whom God has given this word, that is going to bring forth the Christ, they are going to speak, and the next thing that is going to happen is that God is going to answer by a voice. By an audible voice, brethren, but I declare to you that, that voice is going to be spoken through men. God only speaks by His Spirit when there is no man thru whom He can speak through. God is raising up His firstfruits company. Glory to God.
When the prophet speaks, when they say God have mercy, the voice of the Lord shall come forth in prophesy, and human souls, human spirits, shall be fertilized. Christ shall stand up, and He shall put demonized, wicked, evil, reprobate souls, under his feet. All of you people out there in the church world that cannot forgive sin, because you have judged it unforgivable, I declare to you, repent, or you shall be ashamed in that hour. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Trumpets and smoke are heard before God speaks. The trumpet is the word, and the smoke typifies the spiritual presence of Christ. I declare to you, brethren, if you have ears to hear, and eyes to see, the word is coming forth, at least in this ministry. I do not know about any place else. It is being spoken in the world today, the trumpet is sounding. The trumpet of Almighty God is sounding. You do not have to do it yourself. You do not have to stand up and be strong. You do not have to do it yourself. You do not have to pray in tongues for four hours. You do not have to do religious works. You have to love Jesus and throw yourself on his mercy, and ask that his soul be burnt in you, so that he can wage war through you. Then you join with him in that warfare. You cannot do it yourself. You cannot stand up and fly straight. You cannot stop smoking. You cannot stop taking drugs. You cannot stop eating compulsively any more than you can stop being sick. Glory to God.
You are just men, and you happen to have the Holy Spirit. You are still men, brethren. Glory to God. Miracle working power is in Christ, and if God has mercy upon you, it can come through the Holy Spirit as an act of mercy. But you cannot do whatever you want with it. I heard a preacher say this once. There was a particular incident in the news, and I heard a preacher say, if we wanted to, we could sit down and turn this thing over. No, you cannot. Maybe God does not want it turned over now. Maybe He does not want it turned over ever. I do not know unless He tells me.
I was in a meeting a couple of years ago. There was a preacher there with a curse of paralysis on her family. Her grandson had been hurt, and paralyzed, and had just gotten out of the wheelchair, and now her daughter had taken a bizarre fall, and the doctors were prophesying she would never walk again. This same preacher, that I just mentioned, said we are going to pray tonight, and we are going to get that woman up out of that wheelchair. Oh really? She did not get up, brethren. You cannot do a thing. You are the vessel through which Almighty God shall express His will. If your will is in agreement with His will, you can do something. If your will is not in agreement with His will, brethren, you are going to make a fool out of yourselves. Hallelujah.
What we do is make our prayers, and supplications, known before the Lord, and we pray for His mercy and His will. Then if He anoints us to pray, so be it. If not, brethren, do not try and make yourself a God away from the Spirit of God. Yes, ye shall be gods when your mind is utterly interwoven with the mind of Christ. Ye shall be gods. But man said, I am going to lift myself above the stars of heaven. He said I shall be as God. You are not God, brethren. You are not God. You are man, and you are imperfect, and the Lord Jesus Christ has come in this hour to put down all rule, and all rebellion, and put every manifestation of that rule, and rebellion, and power, under His feet, so that He can turn you over to the Father, spotless and without sin. Glory to God. Help us to understand, Father.
We are dealing with the smoke of the incense. These words, which came, are not in the original Greek. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. Now I remind you that we did a word study on prayer at the last meeting, and we found out that true prayer is to have your will, and your desire, in accord with the will and desire of God for your life. If you are praying for something that is not God’s will, it is not a true prayer, brethren. Some people call it psychic prayers. You can really hurt people if you are praying for other people, if you are praying for them to marry somebody, if you are praying for a job or a business, and you have not received a personal word from God that, that is His will for that person. Especially if they do not want to marry that person, you are causing them great damage, brethren. Maybe, they do not want to get married at all.
Psychic prayers, praying with your soul, outside of the will of God, is witchcraft. I do not know how to put it kindly. Witchcraft is rampant in the church today. Witchcraft and mind control is rampant in the church today. A believer moving in the realm of the soul decides that he knows what God’s will is for your life, and he starts praying to bring it to pass, can hurt you really bad. If that is happening to you, you need prayer. You need the power of that psychic prayer broken in your life. Hallelujah.
The smoke of the incense, which is the released human spirit, together with the prayers of the saints, which are now interwoven with the will and desires of God, they ascended. Why did they ascend? Why were they able to ascend? Because they were in agreement with God. Where did they ascend? They ascended up before God, out of the angel’s hand. This word, out of, is Strong’s #1537 and it means the point from which the motion or action precedes. The word hand, brethren, I could not find it the Greek, so I looked it up in Webster’s Dictionary. Webster says that hand can mean control, to have someone in hand. It means that they are under your control, under your direction, under your assistance, and aid. A hand is also one who performs or executes a particular work. I am going to read you an alternate translation, and then we will talk about this some more.
Revelation 8:4. And the human spirits that were in the midst of the many human souls, together with the desires and wills of the now sinless members of the living soul. (AT)
Why are they sinless? Because their desires and wills are in line with God, woven together with God. They were released from the control of the Holy Spirit. Do you hear that? They were released from the control of the Holy Spirit, even the school master supplied by God. As Christ appeared in their separated human spirits, they stood up in full stature before God. We have been studying these last few messages that the human spirit must be separated from the soul, both the soul and the spirit must be purified, and Christ must appear in the human spirit. Now we are being told that as this is happening, when it is happening to you, your soul is being released from the control of the Holy Spirit. I just want to remind you, brethren, that these processes that we talk about, they are not necessarily happening consecutively. We are trying to understand spiritual things. I know that I told you the Holy Spirit joins with the human spirit, and Christ is formed. So somebody out there is saying, well then how can the soul be released from the Holy Spirit? Brethren, it is happening simultaneously. As Christ is appearing in you, the Holy Spirit is dissolving, and you are being released from His control, and from His authority over you.
Galatians 3:23-24
23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. KJV
We did a whole message, message #14, where we explained that the church is still under the law. It is not under the law of ordinances, which ancient Israel was under. It is under the law of the Holy Spirit. It is under the law that says do unto your brother as he would do unto you, and love God with all of your mind, your heart, and your soul. I do not know one person today besides Jesus Christ of Nazareth that is capable of keeping the law. We break the law every day, so we need a sacrifice. Our sacrifice is no longer cows, and bulls, and goats. Our sacrifice is the Lord Jesus Christ, which exists for the life of the ages in the realm of the Spirit, but I declare to you, brethren, when you are brought to a point of sinlessness, you no longer need a sacrifice. You no longer need a sacrifice. Do you hear me?
We are under the law, brethren. We are under the law, and the sacrifice for us to cover our sin is imparted to us by the Holy Spirit, who is our schoolmaster. I do not know about you, but lots of times, I do not know what is right. I have to look up the law in the Bible. I do not know what is right in a particular circumstance. I have to pray and tell the Lord, I really do not know what is right. I do this from time to time, particularly in money matters. I am still under the law in the area of money matters. Very frequently, I do not know what is right, and I have to pray, and the Lord will tell me what to do, and I will do it because, brethren, I do not want to be breaking the law without repentance. It is not worth it. Do you hear what I am saying?
As Christ appears in us, as Christ becomes our conscience, as we automatically know what is right in every situation, it is because Christ is appearing in our minds. The Holy Spirit is simultaneously dissolving. We no longer have to say, Father, I do not know how much money to give. I do not know what to do. I do not know if my heart is wrong with this money situation. I really do not know. Wait for an answer, because the answer is going to be a part of my state of being. I am going to automatically know the answer. When that happens the Holy Spirit will have been dissolved in that area of my life. Can you hear this? Can you hear this?
The church is under the law. It is not under the law of ordinances, which governed ancient Israel. It is under the law of the Holy Spirit, because we are natural men, and very often we do not know what is right. We do not know what is right. There are all kinds of sin in the church, and believers are doing it, and really thinking that it is okay. We do not know what is right, and then we have to go under conviction. The Holy Spirit has to convict us. We have to find out that we are wrong, and we have to repent, and we have to get deliverance. Why? Because the law of God is not yet completely written on our hearts. Christ has not yet stood up in full stature in us, being our conscience, automatically convicting us, and directing us to do everything right in every situation, not only in our behavior, but in our mind and in our thoughts.
Did you ever hate somebody, no matter how briefly? Did you ever feel envy? Brethren, I feel it all the time. It flips through my mind like that, and I repent immediately. I am still under the law. I have to repent, and I need a sacrifice. I mailed these messages to someone that I was friends with for years. She got so upset because I said the church is still under the law, that she sent back the messages in a very cold manner, and I have not heard from her since. Brethren, I am sorry, but it is the truth. We shall not be delivered from the law until the law of God is written on our hearts, until we are incapable of sinning. We have to be incapable of sinning. As Christ, who is the vehicle by which we will be incapable of sinning, as he comes forth, the Holy Spirit is dissolving. The law is dissolving, and the vehicle for our sacrifice is dissolving, because we are becoming without sin. There is a period of time that there is an overlapping. There are certain areas in my life that I do not sin in. There is righteousness in my heart in certain areas. So in that area Christ is functioning, but there are other areas where righteousness is not in my heart. I am under the law. I have to hear this is what you do.
I will give you an example. I purchased a file from a local distributor, and I thought it was a certain price. I had read the ad wrong. When he billed me, he read the ad wrong too. The price that I saw was per file, and it was a file cabinet of six, so I owed him six times what he charged me. I owed him six times what I thought the bill was going to be. He called me up on the phone. I will tell you this is a man that has the law of God written on his heart. I do not think he has ever cheated anyone in his life. The guy is a millionaire. I went in his store when I purchased a couple of things, and I wanted to get a desk chair. He said, no, do not get that $99.00 one. Here, this one is just as good for $65.00. His employee was standing there having a fit. His employee was trying to tell me to get the $99.00 chair. This man was being perfectly honest telling me the cheaper one was just as good. He called me up, and he said to me, you know I made a mistake when I wrote up your bill. You owe me six times what you paid me.
I am telling you, brethren, I know what manifested in my mind. I wanted to get away without paying it. I heard it in my mind. I also heard the Holy Spirit. He said you had better do what is right. I ran down there with the check, repenting every step of the way, not because of what I did, but because the thought entered my mind. It was in there. I do not know where it came from. What an abomination, but it came up from the depths of my unconscious mind, and it pierced through into my conscious mind, and I heard it. I was guilty and I needed a sacrifice. I was horrified at what I heard in my own mind, but it was there. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
This word schoolmaster in Galatians 3:24 is Strong’s #3807 and it means a servant, whose office it was to take the children to school. It means a tutor or an instructor, and it is referring to the Holy Spirit. The Scripture says that before faith came, we were kept under the law. Brethren, do not tell me you have faith because Jesus Christ is our faith. We can have faith in Jesus Christ or we can have the faith of Jesus Christ. You might have faith in Jesus Christ. Your soul is not being saved because you have faith in Jesus Christ. What is saving your soul is that the faith of Jesus Christ is dwelling in your heart. The faith of Jesus Christ is his soul life. You are not being saved because you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins. You are being saved because the faith of Jesus Christ is dwelling in your heart, and shall eventually swallow up your sin filled soul.
So when faith has come, but before faith came, we were kept under the law. Do not tell me you have faith, brethren, because you do not. You do not have the faith that is spoken about in the Scripture, because you shall be under the law until the faith of Jesus Christ, which exists in his soul life, takes over your entire mind. Then you will not need the schoolmaster, the Holy Spirit, anymore. I will tell you something, brethren, you think you have faith. You do not have faith until you have been tried. You do not have faith until you have been tried, brethren. I just want to make that clear. We need the faith of Jesus Christ, not faith in Jesus Christ.
Although faith in Jesus Christ is a blessing, what is saving our soul is the faith of Jesus Christ. I declare to you, your faith is not valid until it has been tried. God is testing your faith, brethren. When you are sick, and you are about to die, if you have the faith not to go to a doctor, and you get healed, you have faith for healing. I am not condemning anybody that goes to doctors, because if you do not have faith in that area, you had better get to the doctor. You had better get there, but do not tell me you have faith for healing until you have been healed, and I am not talking about a cold. Do not tell me you have faith for healing until you have walked around for weeks, if not months, with a disease that might kill you, with a heart condition; with cancer; with a tumor; and you waited on God until He healed you. If you have not experienced something intense like that, do not tell me you have faith to be healed.
I am warning you, if you ask for the faith to be healed, be prepared. There is a good chance you are going to get sick. How can you have faith to be healed, brethren, if you are never sick? Let us get it together here. You think you have faith to be supernaturally delivered from jail like Peter? I want you to know, I pray all the time, Lord, I do not have that faith, and I do not want it. I do not want it. Do not give it to me. I do not want to go to jail. You have faith for finances? Have you been without food? I have never been without food. I do not have faith for God to supernaturally provide my food. I have never experienced it, to be perfectly honest with you. I have great faith to be healed, and great faith to be delivered in my mind, and in my body, but I have never been without food, and I have never been without a home to live in. So I cannot tell you that I have faith for God to provide a home while I am living on the street, and I do not want it. I really do not. It will not be my choice if I get it because there is only one way I am going to get it, and that is to be out on the street, or to be without food. I know there are people in the church world that go through this trial. I have heard testimony of supernatural manifestations of food. I am not asking for it. If God gives it to me, there is nothing I can do about it. Hallelujah.
1 Timothy 3:15
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. KJV
You becoming wise unto salvation is through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. That is Christ in you. It is not the faith of the soul man. Do you hear what I am saying? Your soul cannot have the faith to be healed. It is Christ in you that has the faith. I look back on some of the things I went through. I think I must have been crazy, lying on a bed with bronchial pneumonia, unable to get up, and the thought of going to a doctor never even crossed my mind. That is faith, brethren. I have been tried in this area. There are areas that I have not been tried in. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:4. And the human spirits that were in the midst of the many human souls, together with the desires and wills of the now sinless members of the living soul, were released from the control of the Holy Spirit, even the schoolmaster supplied by God, and as Christ appeared in their separated human spirits, they stood up in full stature before God. (AT)
So all this is happening at once. Our spirit is being separated from our soul. We are being delivered from sin. We are being released from the control and the authority of the Holy Spirit, and Christ is appearing in us. It is all happening simultaneously. Hallelujah.
Revelation 8:5
5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. KJV
Now this word filled is Strong’s #1072 and it means to fill up entirely, to swell out, to be full. It means to be filled up with the fullness of God, and become a four dimensional man. Brethren, we have talked about this. Natural man exists on the linear plane. Spiritually speaking, we are flat. If you know anything about geometry at all, a line exists on a linear plane. It is two dimensional. Natural man has a linear existence. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive a measure of the spiritual realm, and we become spiritual men, but we are going to be filled with the fullness of Almighty God as described by the number 144. We have to receive that double portion of the sealing of Almighty God. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the first seal, and we have to get the double portion, by which we shall be filled up with the fullness of Almighty God. I declare to you that this is what Paul had possessed when he was bitten by the snake, and threw it off, and he was not killed.
I do not know anyone in the church today that has this gift. There might be someone that has it as a gift, but we are not talking about gifts. We are talking about our state of being. We are talking about existing in a spiritual condition that nothing can hurt this body. Why? If the Spirit that dwells in you is the Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, it shall quicken your mortal body. They have to be dwelling in you. His soul life has to be dwelling in you, and his Spirit has to be dwelling in you in full stature. I have Christ, brethren, but I had the most horrible day today. I was really ill all day. Preparing for this message was horrendous. It was a nightmare. I am so glad that I have a message for you tonight. God blessed us. He would not let us suffer because I am being tried in this area. I talk and I think about going overseas. I hear people evangelizing to Africa and India. Brethren, I do not want to go. I have told the Lord, there is no way. Not only have I told the Lord, I believe the Lord has told me that there is no way that I am going until He stands up in me in more strength so that my mortal body is quickened.
If I am this weak, I would be crazy, unless I had an express command of God to go, which I have not had. To go to another country that is ridden with plagues, and all kinds of sicknesses, without the modern conveniences that I have here, I would have to be out of my mind, knowing that I have this weakness in my body. I have not been filled with the double portion yet, brethren, and yet I have birth Christ. Just the fact that I preach this message should tell you that I have birth Christ. I have the doctrine, and I have the supernatural signs and wonders in a measure, and I do pray for you, and a lot of people are healed frequently, but not always. Still, I do not have the full double portion, brethren. I am not in a place where not one of my words fall to the ground. I am in the process. He has to stand up. That Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead has to be dwelling in me in full stature. Paul had it. I believe Peter had it. I believe John had it, but the most obvious scripture is the snake with Paul. Glory to God.
We are talking about being filled up. So the verse is, and the angel, which we established in the last message was Christ, the Spirit of Jesus Christ in our minds, took the censer. I remind you from last Sunday’s message that we established that the golden censer was the vessel which held the incense, and the incense is the souls of men. We drew the conclusion that the censer was the outline of the body of Christ. It was the vessels of the men in which the souls that were being purified existed. Glory to God. The golden censer are the members of the living soul, in whom Christ was manifesting in enough authority to be consuming the souls of these men by the fire of his Spirit. The angel, which is Jesus Christ, took the body of Christ, and he filled it with the fire of the altar. I remind you, from last week’s message, that the altar is the human vessel. It is made of wood, but it is overlaid with gold. It is a human vessel in which Christ dwells, in which incense is burnt. Incense typifies the soul. If you want to find out how I got that, you would have to listen to last Sunday’s message.
Jesus Christ took the body of Christ, the many membered body of Christ, and he filled them with the fire from the altar. That is the Christ that was dwelling in them. The scripture says it, but it is not in the Greek. He cast into the earth. Let us see what that means. This word cast is Strong’s #907 and it means cast down. It means to arise, to apprehend, to cast out, or forth. It denotes a deliberate hurl. Before I give you the alternate translation, I wanted to comment on the fire that came from the altar. I wanted to remind you that the fire of God is sacred. The fire of Almighty God cannot be replaced by man’s fire. The Scripture very often leaves words out. You really have to understand by the Spirit what it is saying. I declare to you that the fire being discussed in Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation is the fire of God. It is not the kind of fire that you cook with. I have some scriptures just emphasizing that only the fire of God is acceptable.
Numbers 3:4
4 And Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord, when they offered strange fire before the Lord, in the wilderness of Sinai. KJV
You cannot be burning up your soul by witchcraft power, brethren. You cannot be getting deliverance by witchcraft power, because the result of it shall be that you shall die. In case you do not know it, there are people all over this world that do deliverance. I have seen it on TV. I saw a picture of a mass deliverance in Greece by an orthodox priest. I read a book on Hinduism once. I could not believe it when I saw pictures of what looked like a mass deliverance service. I read the caption, and sure enough, they were having deliverance. They were being purged of evil spirits that were tormenting them. Brethren, if the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead does not dwell in you, you could cast out demons for the life of the ages, and you shall not receive that life of the ages, because Christ must be in you replacing the demons that are being cast out. Can you hear this?
There is no life in the casting out of demons. The casting out of demons weakens the sin in your soul, and it is part of the warfare that Christ, in you, wages against your soul. It is part of the process that puts your soul under the feet of Christ in you. The demons must come out, and the curses must be broken, but there is no salvation in the casting out of demons. There is only one name by which men might be saved. Names in the Scripture are spirit. There is only one Spirit by which men might be saved, brethren. It is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I do not care if you are casting out demons for a hundred years, there is no salvation in that. There is salvation in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Numbers 16:35
35 And there came out a fire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense. KJV
Now we just determined that the offering of the incense, according to the Levitical feast, is typifying the offering of our sin ridden soul. The ends of the burning separates the human spirit from the human soul, and purges out the sin. Well, why would God kill two hundred and fifty men that offered incense? Why? Brethren, it was because they offered it with strange fire. You can get your deliverance, but you are going to die. You are not going to receive the life of the ages. You might get immediate relief for a season, but if Christ is not dwelling within you, the problem shall return, and you shall not receive the life of the ages.
Alternate Translation of the first half of Revelation 8:5. And the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and they were filled up with the fire of God that was within them, which had consumed their sin filled soul, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ hurled them into his soul life. (AT)
And the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and as a result of it, they were filled with the fire of God that was dwelling within them, because the fire is in Christ. When they were filled with the fire, that fire consumed their sin filled soul, and then the next step. Brethren, I think everybody here is having their sin filled soul consumed by Christ. Well brethren, the next step is that the Spirit of Jesus Christ in you, and in me, is going to hurl us forcibly into his soul life. What does this mean? It is when he burns our souls, brethren. When he burns our souls it is going to be destroyed. He is going to take that substance that is our life, which is spirit, and he is going to hurl it into the soul life of Jesus Christ. As the human soul is joined to the sin filled adamic soul, the human soul shall now be joined to the sinless purified soul of Almighty God in the form of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
It is coming, brethren. I cannot wait. I had a dream the other day. I was looking at a dresser. In my dreams, dressers typify people. There was a part missing from the dresser. It was a knob. I wanted to replace the knob. I was looking for a way to remove one of the existing knobs so that I could go to the store and match it. The Lord said to me, no, do not do that. He said you do not have to replace that broken part. I have a lot of broken parts in my body. He said, you do not have to do that, look up over there. The dresser was being changed from a wood dresser to stone; stone typifying spirit. In the stone were beautiful colors of red, and purple, and green, and gold, and blue. What the Lord was saying to me is, do not worry so much about fixing your body. Rest in me. I am giving you a new one. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
The Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and they were filled up with the fire of God that was within them, which had consumed their sin filled soul. And the Spirit of Jesus Christ hurled them into his soul life. What is not clear there is that the adamic soul life had been destroyed. If they were not hurled into the soul life of Jesus Christ, they would have died. A spirit will not exist in the realm of appearance without a soul. It would have returned, been gathered, unto their Father. If they wanted to continue in this realm of appearance, they had to have a soul. The Lord Jesus Christ had just consumed their soul. So to save them from being removed from this realm of appearance, he forcibly hurled them into, joined them to, the soul of Jesus Christ that was standing up in full stature in their body, in their mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
The next thing that happened was there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. Now we have already studied voices, thunderings, and lightnings. If you want to review it, it is on message #38, Part 1. I will just briefly remind you that we said that lightnings refer to spiritual happenings in the realm of appearance, something that you could see. Thunderings refer to warring, that which you hear, which could be prophesy or doctrine. The word voices are not necessarily spoken in English. That is a spiritual communication, not necessarily language. What I am suggesting to you is that after the sons of God were transferred into the soul of Christ, the next thing that appeared in their vessel was that they were doing the signs and wonders of spiritual miracles. They were roaring like the lion, Jesus Christ. They were speaking in spiritual authority, both with doctrine and with wisdom, and that the voices, that spiritual communications, were imparted. First the spiritual communication came forth from them, and then it was spoken in language. The Scripture shows it in two separate parts.
Now brethren, I do not know whether I have ever spoken to you about this or not, but the day is coming, and it has already started in my life, that we will speak to each other without words. We will speak to each other without words. I will know what you are thinking because you will be disclosing a spiritual communication. Because the Christ in me shall have been developed to a particular point, I shall hear that spiritual communication without you speaking it in language. So communication is in two parts. First we disclose a spiritual communication, a thought, and the second stage is that we speak it in language for the people that are not yet equipped to be engaged in mind communication.
Brethren, I have experienced it. Several years ago, the pastor of the church that I was going to, and I, were involved in a project. We were sitting together working on this project. I was a little childish at the time, I have to admit. There was a lot of entertaining going on in that church. I was just about never included when other pastors came into town. I was never a participant. It was a big church. They could not possibly invite everybody. It was impossible, and I was just not in a position where I was invited. This particular day my pastor was working with me on a one to one basis, and I knew that he was leaving me to go have lunch with a visiting preacher.
I also knew that another couple was present who was buying the lunch, who I happened to be very friendly with. I knew they would not have minded if I went along. I prayed in my heart, and I said, Lord, I would really like to go to this luncheon. Would you make a way for me to go? Then my pastor looked up from the manuscript that he had, and he said to me, I cannot let you come because it would not be fair to the others, or whatever he said. He answered my thought in language. Oh wait a minute. Before he answered my thought in language, I heard his answer in my mind. I heard him telling me no, for maybe sixty seconds before he spoke it. Apparently he did not know that I had heard it, so he had to speak it out in language.
He heard me, and I heard him. Brethren, we are moving into this. You are going to be a spiritual people. If it is by the Spirit of God it is not a cult. It is just a cult if it is by the spirit of Satan. He is the great deceiver. He is the liar. He is imitating everything that is of God. We are going to do it all. We are going to have mind communication. We are going to travel in the spirit. We are going to do miracles. If our body, if our flesh is damaged, it is going to grow back. It is going to happen to us. That is right. There is no Rapture. There is life in the realm of the Spirit, brethren. It is a spiritual ascension, so that your feet are on the earth, and your head is in the clouds of the Spirit of Almighty God, and it shall not corrupt any longer. You will not even need language unless you come to a member of the living soul, that is not where you are. Then you will have to speak language because they will not be able to understand you.
There is a great danger in this if there is sin in your mind though, brethren. Do not get around someone that is getting involved in mind communication because they are going to know what is in your heart, brethren. You will no longer be able to cover it up with happy faces, as we discussed at the end of Chapter 6. You will not be able to hide it, brethren, with a smile on your face, with a glib word, with quick talking, with manifesting the imputed anointing. If you come up against someone that is moving high in God to the point that they can be involved in mind communication, brethren, you have had it. Did not Paul say, nothing shall be hidden? Nothing shall be hidden. You had better repent because you are not going to be able to fool these people that are moving into the true fullness of sonship. You are not going to be able to fool them. Do you hear what I am saying? You had better repent and get delivered, brethren. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
I just want to call to your attention Revelation 4:5, the scripture that talks about lightnings, and thunderings, and voices. It states it in the order, lightnings, and thunderings, and voices. There is no earthquake. This statement is coming forth in the realm of the spirit. Revelation 8:5, where we are now, states the exact opposite. It states the exact opposite, voices first, thunderings, and lightnings. It is the exact opposite of the way it is stated in Revelation 4:5. I suggest to you the reason for that is that in Revelation 8, it is taking place in the realm of appearance. In the realm of appearance, it is the exact opposite of the realm of the spirit. In Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation, we have something added. We have an earthquake. If you want to review the study that we did on earthquake, that is on message #42, Part 1, and that appears in Revelation 6:12. That is the message where we study that word, earthquake, in detail.
Alternate translation of the second half of the Book of Revelation 8:5. And spiritual authority could be discerned in the body of Christ, in their doctrine, and in the way they dealt with their fellow men, and miraculous signs and wonders were worked by them. And there was a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels, and Christ appeared. (AT)
That is the earthquake. The appearance of Christ is the earthquake. If you want the details, you have to read the other messages. Spiritual authority could be discerned in the body of Christ, in the doctrine that they are preaching. Why? Because they are preaching, not as the scribes, but with authority. Remember that? Jesus did not preach as the scribes. The people were astonished because he did not preach as the scribes, but he preached with authority, spiritual authority. Those in whom Christ is appearing, they shall preach with spiritual authority. That spiritual authority shall also be evident in the way they deal with their fellow men. I declare to you, brethren, that what that means is that they will execute judgment with love and mercy. Now there are men, and when I say men, I will just remind you that when I say men, I am talking about people. There are men in this world, that are natural men, that exercise authority. Military men really exercise that authority. If they come up against rebellion, they will bang their hand on the table. They will tell you that they will not discuss it. They will just put that rebellion right down until the person is in proper order.
The sign of the son of God is that, that authority will be tempered with mercy and love. Hallelujah. We are told if your brother repents seven times, you are to forgive him. I believe, unless the Lord specifically tells me otherwise, once repentance comes forth, the judgment is abated. Judgment falls until you repent. When you repent, there is no more need for judgment, and you restore your brother with love and mercy. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Revelation 8:5. And the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and they were filled up with the fire of God that was within them, which had consumed their sin filled souls, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ hurled them into his soul life, and spiritual authority could be discerned in the body of Christ in their doctrine, in the way they dealt with their fellow men, and miraculous signs and wonders were worked by them, and there was a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels, and Christ appeared. (AT)
I remind you that this happens after our spirits have been joined to the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that happens after our souls have been burnt. Our souls are the sacrifice, brethren. Our souls are typified by the sacrificial incense in our bodies, or typified by the burnt offering. Eventually our bodies will be offered up too, but we shall live in another form in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. Sin shall be consumed on the fire of Almighty God, both in the body and in the soul. Glory to God.
Revelation 8:6
6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. (KJV)
You can review the seven angels and the seven trumpets on message #44, Part 1, if you like. That was the message before this message. Message #44, Part 1, explains the seven angels, and the seven trumpets.
Revelation 8:6. And the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, which had been given full authority, that is the seven angels, to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him, with the living soul in the same vessel, and to announce the time of his redemption, the living soul’s redemption, and of his restoration, the living soul’s restoration, to the spiritual realm of God, began to preach the message God had given them in the realm of appearance. And the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, the seven angels, which had been given seven trumpets, full authority to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel, and to announce the time of his redemption, and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. They, who are the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, began to preach the message God had given them in the realm of appearance (AT)
Brethren, do you hear it? It is being preached here. Glory to God. It is happening. It has started, and it is happening here. They are preaching the message that is announcing the warfare against the living soul. We have preached that here. We have to wage war against our soul, brethren. We have to join with Christ and wage war against our conscious and unconscious mind, and put it underfoot and see that it gets burnt. Glory to God. We are preaching that here. We are also preaching a warning to the spiritual men dwelling within the same vessel with the living soul. Join with Christ in the judgment of your soul or the judgment shall fall upon you. We are preaching that here, and to announce the time of the redemption, and the restoration to the spiritual realm of God. It is being preached here, brethren, in an audible voice in the English language. Glory to God.
I am so excited. We are pretty far in, brethren. We are pretty far in. The program of God is really operating, and the very next step is the judgment of the masses of the living soul. But that is not going to happen until the sons of God stand up. The very next step is that the sons of God have to manifest. We are waiting for that half an hour of silence in heaven. We are waiting for the silence to be ended when Jesus Christ says, slaughter the souls of the many, which he will not say until we stand up in full spiritual strength. We are right at the door. Do you hear this? Glory to God.
Revelation 8:4-6. And the human spirits that were in the midst of the human souls, together with the desires and morals of the now sinless members of the living soul, were released from the control of the Holy Spirit, even the schoolmaster supplied by God. And as Christ appeared in their separated human spirits, they stood up in full stature before God. And the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in the members of the body of Christ, and they were filled up with the fire of God that was within them, which had consumed their sin filled souls, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ hurled them into his soul life, and spiritual authority could be discerned in the body of Christ in their doctrine, and in the way they dealt with their fellow men. Miraculous signs and wonders were worked by them, and there was a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels, and Christ appeared. Verse 6. And the fullness of the spiritually mature firstfruits company, which had been given full authority to announce the warfare against the living soul, and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel, and to announce the time of his redemption, and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God, began to preach the message. The fullness of the company that was anointed to do this began to preach the message God had given them in the realm of appearance. (AT)
Remember, first God conceived it in His mind. Then it was sketched in the realm of the Spirit, and it is now in this hour, appearing in the realm of appearance. The doctrine of God being preached by the authority of Christ, the doctrine under the anointing of Christ that can fertilize your human spirit, by which Christ shall appear in you, and full deliverance shall come to pass. There is no deliverance without Christ, brethren. I do not care how many demons you cast out. You have got to have both. You have got to have both. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
Starting Sunday we will continue with verse 7 of Chapter 8, and we are going to study the judgments that are going to come upon men. These judgments are spiritual, brethren. They might be manifesting in the natural, but I remind you that the only tribulation, that is the tribulation described in the Bible, is the tribulation that results in Christ’s appearance in you. There has been tribulation on the earth for centuries. There have been butchers. There have been tortures. There have been crucifixions long before Christ, but it did not result in the appearance of Christ in men. So the tribulation spoken of in the Bible is the tribulation that will produce Christ. I declare to you that, that tribulation is the judgment of your own soul, when Christ has appeared in you. Even if it manifests in the natural, and I do not know if some guy will stand up in the Middle East or not, but I really do not care. My soul needs to be judged so that Christ could stand up in full stature. Then no matter what happens, I am going to be walking on the water, and I will be in a position to help others.
This is spiritual, brethren. Yes, of course it is happening in the natural, but what is happening in the natural is not going to cause Christ to appear in you. What is happening in your conscious and unconscious mind is going to result in Christ appearing in you. So Lord willing, we shall continue to emphasize that in this ministry. Glory to God. Any questions?
Let me get over there. Our question ministry is getting resurrected. Glory to God.
CONGREGATION: When you were talking about tribulation, a scripture came to my mind where Jesus said, tribulation, a time such as never was, and never shall be. Are you saying that is now, and the soul is being slaughtered?
PASTOR VITALE: I am saying that it is now if it is happening to you. It is now for me. My soul is being slaughtered. It is now for me, but each man in his own order. There are people that have never even heard of Christ, that the Lord has not gotten to yet with the first sealing. I believe that this could take another couple of thousand years for God to get to every member of the living soul on the face of the earth. So when it starts happening to you, the time is now.
Each man in his own order. We are a very big sea. The living soul is typified by the sea in the Scripture. We are a very great sea, and all of the water of the sea is not washing up on the shore at the same time. Each man in his own order. Hallelujah. Anybody else?
CONGREGATION: Back to a person’s spirit or a person’s soul. Which is it? Does it either, or whether, if it damages a person’s soul, or if it helps a person’s soul, or did it damage the spirit or help the spirit? Which is it?
PASTOR VITALE: Well, it depends on what you are praying. For example, if there is a young woman somewhere that does not want to get married, and there is somebody that decided it is for her good to get married, and they start praying marriage upon her, they are damaging her soul. Because the soul is the emotions, and what they are doing is their prayers are designed to produce a desire for marriage in her soul. She does not want to get married, so she therefore enters into conflict, which could be very painful.
I do not see how physic prayers operate in the realm of the soul. They deal with our emotions, and they are designed to cause us to do things, and think in a certain way that is against our will. The will is the realm of the soul, so I do not see how it affects our spirit. Physic prayers could be operating. Even if they are operating against the spirit, in that they are operating against revelation that is coming forth, because this deep revelation that is coming forth in this ministry comes forth from the Christ. If you are understanding any part of this, you are understanding it by Christ in you. The natural man cannot understand this. So if someone were to be praying physic prayers against you to not understand this doctrine or this teaching, well that would be touching your spirit. But I do not really know how that would work on us. I will have to think about it, and if the Lord gives me any information, I will get back to you. By and large, people that pray physic prayers are concerned with forcing you to do their will, and that is the realm of the soul. That is basically the realm of the soul.
CONGREGATION: How does the spirit get wounded then?
PASTOR VITALE: The spirit gets breached, if I am not mistaken. Do you know a scripture that says wounded spirit? As far as I know, the spirit is breached. Feel free to correct me, but my recollection is that the soul gets wounded, but the spirit gets breached. It is probably in the Book of Proverbs that says a wounded soul, a man could bear, but a breached spirit is unbearable. I believe breached means broken, because your spirit is your conscience. Your spirit is your conscience, so if you lose your conscience, you fall down into utter corruption. Your soul could be wounded. Your emotions can be hurt, and you could get healed, and you could survive, and you could go on. Even if you are really hurt, you could be leading a decent life, but when your spirit is breached, when you lose your conscience, when you are without morality, God have mercy on you. If you could go out and kill babies, and butcher people, and have no conscience, what a terrible condition to be in. Who could bear it?
CONGREGATION: Could prayers affect our emotions to be hurt? How long would it take before those kind of prayers would be swallowed up and our soul to actually be swallowed up by Christ?
PASTOR VITALE: Well sister, it is taking much too long for me, in my opinion, but that does not mean it is going to take that long for you. We know that those who came into the vineyard at the 12th hour received the same pay as those that came into the vineyard early. It is taking years for me. I have been crying out. My soul was utterly overrun when I came to the Lord. I was devastated in many areas. I was dying, not only physically, but I was dying because I had been so overrun in my soul that I did not even have any desire to live. It was manifesting in my body, because I was that overrun in my soul, that it was manifesting in my body. I am moving into eleven years with the Lord, and as far as I am concerned, this is much too long.
As I told you earlier, whether it is in this message or not, but it is just in these last six months that I have an awareness that the two souls, both of Adam and Christ, are manifesting in me. When my adamic soul is manifesting an ungodly manifestation, I am aware that Christ is standing, giving me another choice, and this is almost eleven years. Even then it is a battle. I have to put my will in line with Christ. He is there, and he is standing, but he has not put Adam under his feet yet, and it is almost eleven years. As far as I am concerned, it is much too long, but that does not mean it is going to be that long for you. I do not know. I do believe that there is an hour for everything. I am one of the people that God has raised up to preach this message. I believe this group here are going to be in the ministry. What he is doing now is that he is raising up the firstfruits company.
He is not giving this message to the masses of people yet. I believe that when the hour comes, that the message is going to the masses of people, and it is going to be much faster. I hope that you all know that for everything there is a time and a season. If it is not the time of the season, even though the promise is in the Bible, you cannot get it. To the best of my knowledge, a glorified body is not available to anybody in this hour, except Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is not available. You can beg, and cry, and moan, and pray. I hear people say they lock themselves in a room, and pray, and fast until God does it. Well, I am sorry, you are not going to get it. You had better start eating because you might die. It is not the hour to have your body glorified. It is not the season. I believe that when we move into the season that this is going to start happening, that the adamic soul is going to come underfoot, and it is going to the world. I do not think it is going to take eleven years. I think it is going to happen pretty fast. Glory to God. Did I answer your question?
CONGREGATION: What I am hearing, from what you are saying, is that a prayer that is prayed from the soul can actually make the person feel different than what Christ is really making the emotion feel, like the emotion could be altered, or the person could be altered, when Christ has given them a totally different emotion. Is this true?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes. When a newborn baby is birth, he is utterly helpless. When Christ is first birth in you, he is utterly helpless, and he is in no position to wage war against your adamic soul, so you have to wait until he starts to grow up, and overcomes your adamic soul. It is possible for people to pray their will against your soul, and if Christ in you is not yet strong enough to resist it, yes, you will receive their thoughts as your own. That is wicked.
CONGREGATION: Those thoughts and emotions are deception in my soul if I receive it.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is because it is not your will. It really is not your will. Someone with a powerful mind is praying his will upon your soul, and you are receiving it as your own. The Lord first started instructing me in this area about a year ago. His instruction to me is that if any thought comes into my mind that is not typical of me, or especially that is ungodly, if it is anger, or unforgiveness, or anything ungodly, or anything that would not seem to be wise, that it is to be immediately questioned. It has to be put before the Christ in me, and I say, Lord, is this your will for me? We should do that whether it is our own thoughts, or whether it is a thought that is being impulsed from another person. Every desire that we have, in the slightest way, that appears that it might not be wise, the slightest possibility that it might not be wise, we should put it before the Lord and say, is this really your will in my life? If we continue with this procedure, the day will come that we will not have to do that.
I have experienced that also. I would have a thought to do something, and Christ will rise up immediately and tell me no. I have experienced it several times. It is very exciting. I will move to do something, and I was actually aware that his soul manifested, and covered over my adamic soul, and stopped me from doing it. I am starting to experience this also in the last six months, but this is a mature Christ. So until this happens, you have to judge every thought that comes into your mind. If you are not absolutely convinced that it is a righteous thought of God in your mind, you have to put it before the Lord. It is your only protection. It is your only protection. This procedure, if you yield to it, if you can agree to it, if you start doing it, it is going to cause the Christ in you to grow more rapidly. This is what I mean when I say throw your will in line with God. This is one of the things that you can do. Join with him. Help him, and do not work against him, whether it be your own soul, or somebody else’s soul. Put it before him, and say, Lord, what do you want? What do you want? What do you want? Anything else? Glory to God. Hallelujah.
CONGREGATION: You were saying that we are still under the law until Christ arises in our heart. I know that it is the thing to say, just like well brother, we are not under the law, in churches like that. They say we are not under the law, we are under Christ. You explained what it really means, that it is not totally written on our hearts, and that the other law comes through to rule over us until it is. It is like it is overlapping, and there is a reason for it. It explained it better to me.
PASTOR VITALE: Amen. We are under the law of God. We are not under the law of ordinances and Levitical sacrificing anymore. But brethren, we are under the law. Believe me, there is great sin in the church. Anybody else? Hallelujah.
11/22/13 Transcribed by MJS
11/23/13 1st Edit MJS