The Higher Power


Scriptures Commented On (In Order Of Appearance): Rom. 13:1-14, Is. 57:3, Gal. 3:2, Acts 10:38, Matt. 17:19

<LivingEM> We will start with prayer. Father, in the Name of Jesus, we thank you for all things. We thank you for this beautiful day, we thank you for helping us enter into this chat room, we thank you for the message that you have for us today, for ears to hear it, and for minds to retain it, and ask that you be glorified in this message.

Does anyone have any comments or questions? Thank you Jesus for your message. May your peace rest upon this meeting, and your wisdom.

Let's try Romans, Chapter 13 .

Rom 13:1, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. KJV

<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "soul" means "sentient animal nature," the Greek word translated "higher," means "superior," and we will translate the negative particle "no" as Satan

Let Satan's power over the animal nature be subject to the superior power, because the power of God is the only true power. Let the authority of the animal nature be subjected to the superior power, because there is [spiritual] authority other than God, but the power of God is arranged in an orderly manner.

The Greek word translated "ordained," means "to arrange in and orderly manner." This the same translation of the Hebrew word that means "to speak."

For years, I could not understand why the definition of the Hebrew word translated "to speak," would be "to arrange in an orderly manner." Eventually I came to understand the profound spiritual significance of the word "to speak," and this understanding was the beginning of the teaching on spiritual speech which has been made available to us.

I had understood for a long time that the concept of spiritual speech entailed lining up the spiritual molecules of the material world to form our visible surroundings, but I did not understand that spiritual speech was initiated only by Satan or by the Spirit of Christ. I did not understand that every aspect of our life, not only our visible surroundings, was actually called into existence either by Satan or by the spirit of Christ.

Every aspect of our life proceeds forth from a spiritual script which is written by our unconscious mind. Satan is the unconscious mind that we come into this world with. She writes the script for our life, and only the Spirit of Christ can turn around our ultimate end, which is death. The Holy Spirit can turn us from evil to good, but only the Spirit of Christ can turn us from death to eternal life.

There are some who teach that there is only one power, and only one God, but Romans 13:1 says otherwise.

Let Satan's [no] authority [power] be subjected to the superior [higher] power [authority], because that [higher authority] is of God, because God's authority arranges us in the correct moral order.

Satan has no power to arrange us in the correct moral order, which is a required condition to enter into true life, and the reason that Satan has no authority to arrange us in the correct moral order, is that Satan cannot cover her own sin nature.

"To be in the correct moral order" means to have your sin nature in subjection to righteousness, and Satan, the mortal foundation of our sin nature is incapable of righteousness. Satan cannot cover the animal nature which she, herself, has founded.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:1, There is [a spiritual] authority other than God, so let [Satan], the [spiritual] authority [that rules over] the animal nature, be subjected to the superior authority of God, because God is the [only] power [that] can arrange [us] in the correct moral order.

Rom 13:2,Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. KJV

<LivingEM> Therefore, whoever opposes (resists) the authority of God's arrangement (ordinance), opposes himself, and shall receive a legal judgment.

So we see that whoever opposes the moral arrangement of God, opposes himself, because the result of opposing the moral arrangement of God, is a legal decree which says that we are not suitable to enter into the life of God. And who executes the sowing and reaping judgment? Satan.

Whoever opposes the moral arrangement of God, denies himself everlasting life. And what is the moral arrangement of God? The carnal mind must be in submission to Christ Jesus.

Paul is telling the Church in Rom. 13:1-2 that it is our obligation to restrain our own carnal mind. The command to "let Satan's authority be subjected to the authority of God," is for the Christian. Paul is declaring that there is indeed another spiritual power in the world who will exalt herself above God whenever the personality that she indwells permits it.

Paul is warning the Church to restrain its own fallen nature so that we can enter into the true life of Christ Jesus, but the message in the Kingdom Church today, that there is no sin and that specific repentance is not necessary, is a deadly bullet in the heart of God's people.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:2, Therefore, whosoever resists [the personality that Christ Jesus lives in, also] resists [Christ Jesus], the authority of God's moral arrangement, and [Satan] seizes those who resist [Christ Jesus] their [true] self.

Rom 13:3, For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: KJV

Because (not) Satan's princes (rulers) are terrified [of Christ Jesus'] good works, but (they do) evil (anyway). Therefore (then), those who are disposed towards (wilt) Satan (not), are afraid of authority (power). [So] do good and you shall be possessed by (have) [Adam, Jehovah's] thought form (praise), [rather than Leviathan].

<LivingEM> Satan's princes, the men who express Satan's thoughts, are terrified of good works. Can anyone tell us what kind of good works Satan's princes are terrified of? They are terrified of the good works of Christ Jesus.

Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. KJV

Matt 19:17, And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. KJV

<LivingEM> Therefore, from the standpoint of God, the good works of the carnal mind, are evil.

The men who are given over to Satan's mind are terrified of the Spirit that does the good works of Christ Jesus, but are not always afraid of the Holy Spirit. The men who are given over to Satan's mind may be afraid of Christians who cast out demons by the Holy Spirit, but they are not necessarily afraid of Christians who exercise little or no spiritual power on a regular basis.

The mortal men who are Satan's mouthpiece are terrified of the mortal men who do the works of Christ Jesus, and the reason they are terrified, is that they, themselves, do evil works. Why, then, do you prefer (wilt) Satan, who is afraid of the authority [of God]?

So then, if men who do evil works are terrified of the sons of God, why do you prefer Satan who is terrified of the authority of God? Do the good works of Christ Jesus, and you will be an expression of Adam, Jehovah's thought form.

Paul is talking to the Church, saying, "you are Satan's princes who have the opportunity to do the good works of Christ Jesus and be an expression of righteous Adam, but you prefer the evil works of Satan.

I tell you this," says Paul, "today I have made you aware that you have a choice. You have the power to choose whether you will be an expression of Satan in a high manifestation of witchcraft which makes you one of Satan's princes, or to be Adam, Jehovah's righteous thought form."

It is not enough to say I desire to be Adam," says Paul, "you must put your spiritual behavior where your mouth is. If you desire to be Adam, you must deal with your carnal mind as an enemy. You must recognize," says Paul, "that if you do not oppose your carnal mind with all of your strength, you will speak for Satan. "And also," says Paul," that uneasy feeling that you have about the believers who manifest Christ, that makes you stay away from them and their doctrine, is a spirit of rebellion, which is witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:23). And your failure to confess this sin of witchcraft -- which is so developed in you that you hold the high office of prince in Satan's realm -- will result in a judgment by the sons of God that you are not Christ, which judgment will deny you eternal life.

So acknowledge the evil deeds of the unconscious and subconscious parts of your carnal mind, and turn away from the evil deeds of your hidden parts, and cover them, because they are a shame unto you, and do the good works of Christ Jesus, and be an expression of Adam, the glorious Son of God.

Can anyone tell us what the good works of Christ Jesus are?

<JSNGSNG> Kill the carnal mind.

<LivingEM> This is true but, even moreso, the exposure of sin, first in yourself, and then in your friends, because the carnal mind cannot be destroyed until her sinful thoughts and attitudes are exposed.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:3, Satan's princes are afraid of [Christ Jesus'] authority, because [they do] evil [even though] they are terrified [of Christ Jesus'] good works. Therefore, [if] you are disposed towards Satan, do good, and [Adam, Jehovah's] thought form, shall possess [you],

Rom 13:4, For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. KJV

<LivingEM> Because the minister of God [is given] to you for good, but if you do that which is evil, Satan (not) causes you to be afraid [of failure].

I want you all to know that I picked this Scripture randomly, having no idea what it was really about, and now we see that it completely coincides with the message that has been coming forth these past two days.

The minister of God is given to you to do you good [that's me], but if you have evil thoughts in your mind towards him [even if they are unconscious or subconscious], you will experience fear, or, you will be afraid that the minister has evil intentions toward you, or, your carnal mind will tell you, on some level, that the minister desires that you to fail to attain your goal -- whether that goal be healing, deliverance, or perfection.

Paul is saying, "Satan, your unconscious mind, and the fiery serpent, your subconscious mind, are generating evil thoughts towards the minister who has good intentions in Christ Jesus towards you, because Satan and the fiery serpent are afraid of being exposed, since they know that exposure is the beginning of their destruction. Therefore, beware of the thoughts which arise out of your carnal mind, because they are not to your good, but to your destruction.

The last phrase of verse 4 says,

....because he bears the sword not in vain, for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil.

<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "beareth" means "to wear as clothing," "to have as a constant companion."

So we see that Romans 13:4 is talking about the man who is rooted and grounded in, and ministers only out of, Christ Jesus -- not the man with the Holy Spirit. This is the imparted anointing. Can anyone tell us the spiritual significance of the word "sword"? Someone should know that.

<LAMB> Wound?

<LivingEM> What is the sword of the spirit?

<DANIEL42> Judgment.

<LAMB> Word of God.

<LivingEM> Yes, the Word of God. The true minister of Christ wears the word of God like a garment. This means that the word of God covers his carnal mind. He, therefore, sees with righteous eyes, and the motives for his discernment are to do you good, not evil. Because this minister, whose carnal mind is covered by Christ Jesus, takes revenge upon the one [who executes] the evil vengeance.

Can anyone guess what this means? Paul is saying that the true minister in Christ Jesus takes vengeance upon Satan, the executor of Jehovah's sowing and reaping judgment. The minister in Christ Jesus takes vengeance upon the evil avenger. The minister in Christ Jesus is sent to you to transfer you from the sowing and reaping judgment, executed by Satan, into the merciful White Throne Judgment executed by Christ Jesus. Can anyone tell us the basic difference between the two judgments?

<DANIEL42> One is unto destruction and the other unto correction.

<LivingEM> That is very close. One is unto destruction, and the other is unto everlasting life.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:4, The minister of God is given to you to do you good, but if you have evil thoughts in your mind towards him [even if they are unconscious or subconscious], you will experience fear, because the minister whose carnal mind is covered by Christ Jesus takes revenge upon [Satan], the one [who executes] the sowing and reaping judgment.

Rom 13:5, Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. KJV

<LivingEM> Wherefore, it is necessary that you submit yourself to the to minister in Christ, not only because he is come to destroy Satan within you, but for your conscience's sake.

Can anyone tell us who our conscience is? Christ Jesus is our new conscience. So it is very important that you submit yourself to the true minister in Christ Jesus who has come to destroy your carnal mind, because if your carnal mind is not destroyed, Leviathan will surely kill Christ Jesus, your new conscience, who is given to reform your mind in righteousness, so that you might not die, but live forever.

So we are to submit to the minister in Christ Jesus for two reasons:

He has come to deliver us from Satan's tyranny, and to preserve the life of Christ which has been grafted to us.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:5, Wherefore, it is necessary that you submit yourself to [the minister in Christ Jesus], not only because he is come to punish [Satan and Leviathan within you], but [so that Christ Jesus], your [renewed] conscience, [should dominate your carnal mind].

Rom 13:6, For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. KJV

<LivingEM> Because for this cause, God's ministers pay a heavy [emotional and physical] tax, since they continually persevere upon this very thing, because they belong to (are) [God's].

Can anyone tell us what "this very the same thing" is? The exposure of sin. Therefore, it is fairly important that you subject yourself to the true minister in Christ, not only because he has come to destroy Satan and Leviathan, but to save the life of the Christ child which is grafted to you.

Alternate Translation Rom. 13:6, And for these same reasons, [that Satan and Leviathan in you should be destroyed and the life of the manchild preserved], the ministers [who] belong to God persevere in the exposure of sin continually, [and] are [therefore] heavily taxed in their emotions and in their physical body.

Rom 13:7, Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honour. KJV

Deliver up (render) the whole debt (dues), that is, your whole carnal mind, [the one who] is judged (tribute) the emotions and physical body of the minister in Christ Jesus who is taxed, and receive eternal life (custom) from Christ Jesus who gives eternal life, [and deliver up Satan and Leviathan, the ones] who are afraid [that make] you afraid [of the righteousness of God], and highly esteem (honor) the honorable [Christ Jesus and the personality who carries Him].

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:7, [Therefore], let the one who is judged deliver up his whole [carnal mind to the minister in Christ Jesus whose emotions and physical body] he is taxing; [indeed, let him deliver up Satan and Leviathan], the fearful ones who [make] him afraid of [the righteousness of God], and highly esteem the honorable [Christ Jesus, and the personality who carries Him, so that he might receive] eternal life [from Christ Jesus, the only one] who can give eternal life.

Rom 13:8, Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. KJV

<LivingEM> The Greek word translated "owe," means "to accrue." Paul is saying, "let no man accuse, or gather up, the energy of another -- which we do when we sin against them -- but rather love one another, because when we love one another, we fulfill the law.

Paul is talking about the love of Christ Jesus. He is not talking about brotherly love. When we relate to one another out of Christ Jesus we cannot sin, because He who is born of God cannot sin (1 Jn. 3:9). Christ Jesus is incapable of sin. Paul is saying that when we relate to one another out of our carnal mind, we deplete each other's energy, but when we relate to one another out of Christ Jesus, we impart the energy, or Spirit, of Christ Jesus, which is the love of God. To relate out of Christ Jesus gives life, but to relate to out of our carnal mind imparts death.

Well you say, I have been relating out of my carnal mind all of my life and I have not killed anyone yet. What are you talking about, Sheila? Brethren, this world is a spiritual jungle. When the carnal mind relates to the carnal mind, there is merely an exchange of death. We exist in death. But when we respond to Christ Jesus out of our carnal mind, we kill the giver of life. Death cannot kill death, but the death of the carnal mind can kill the life of Christ Jesus which is not yet been perfected in a mortal man. Therefore, brethren, beware that you do not respond to Christ Jesus out of your carnal mind, because to do so is to agree with Satan that Christ Jesus in that minister should die.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:8, Let no man gather up the energy of another man [by relating to him with their carnal mind], but, rather, let us love one another [by relating to each other through Christ Jesus], because the one who communicates through Christ Jesus, satisfies the law, [and is a perfect man (Jas. 3:2)],

Rom 13:9, For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. KJV

There is no Greek word rendered "to bear false witness," which is an amplification of the King James translators.

Therefore, to avoid killing Christ Jesus, do not commit adultery with Leviathan, and do not murder, nor steal [your brothers energy], do not set your mind (covet), any other solution (commandment), because (if) your communication (saying) is gathered together (briefly comprehended) in the nature of [Christ Jesus]. [When you no longer commit adultery with Leviathan, you shall do none of these things, but] you shall communicate with (love) your neighbor in the same manner (as) you communicate (love) [with Christ Jesus within] yourself.

Another way to express this Scriptural principle, is that you will be delivered from narcissism, the disease of selfishness.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:9, Therefore, do not set your mind [on carnal desires, or implement] any other solution [to your problems], because when your [human spirit] is gathered together with [Christ Jesus], you shall communicate in His nature, [and when you communicate in Christ Jesus' nature] you shall not commit adultery with Leviathan, and you shall not murder [Christ Jesus]. You shall not do any of these things [any more, but] you shall communicate with your neighbor in the same manner [that] you communicate [with Christ Jesus within] yourself, [and Satan and Leviathan] will not steal [your energy].

Rom 13:10, Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. KJV

<LivingEM> To communicate out of Christ Jesus is the fulfilling of the law. Christ Jesus (love) does (worketh) not harm (ill) His neighbour: therefore Christ Jesus (love) satisfies (fulfilling) the law [of sin and death].

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:10, Christ Jesus does not harm His neighbour, therefore, Christ Jesus satisfies the law [of sin and death].

Rom 13:11, And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. KJV

<LivingEM> And be aware (knowing) that [it is] the set time (time) for Adam's timeline (high time) [to appear], so awake out of [your spiritual lethargy], for we are closer to deliverance (salvation) [from this world] than when we first believed [that Christ could save us].

"High time" is a translation of Strong's # 5610, which means "hour." We have established in previous studies that the Greek word that means the 24-hour day symbolizes Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, and that the Greek word translated "hour," symbolizes the time line of Adam/Christ Jesus. Can anyone explain the phrase "our salvation is closer than before we first believed"?

<LAMB> The sons of God are getting ready to manifest.

<LivingEM> Not quite. It means that Christ was not yet grafted to us when we first believed that He could save us, but is now grafted to us. Can anyone tell us why I draw the conclusion that Christ is grafted to the believers that Paul is writing to? Christ Jesus judges the sins of the mortal men that Christ is grafted to. We are without Christ when we first believe, but we come closer when He is grafted to our personality, which is the ground of the carnal mind. So once Christ is grafted to the ground of our personality, He is nearer than before He was grafted to us, and the judgment of our carnal mind begins.

But what must happen for Christ Jesus to be as close to us as possible? The carnal mind must be cut away from Christ Jesus. He must be circumcised. Can anyone tell us how Christ Jesus is circumcised? By exposing the thoughts of the carnal mind.

It is very difficult to distinguish between the thoughts of the carnal mind and the thoughts of Christ Jesus when the two minds are fused together with Christ underneath. Therefore, the mercy of God has sent us ministers in Christ Jesus to expose the thoughts of the carnal mind -- that they are not of Christ -- so that we might be equipped to prefer the thoughts of Christ, so that Satan might be destroyed in us, so that Christ might fully mature in us, and live through us, so that we might enter into everlasting life.

The expression "to draw near to" signifies judgment in the Hebrew Scripture.

Isa 57:3, But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. KJV

Isa 1:18, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. KJV

<LivingEM> Draw near to me and live, says your God. Reject the fear of your whole carnal mind. Resist, and you shall live.

AlternateTranslation, Rom. 13:11, And be aware that [it is] the set time for Adam's timeline [to appear], so awake out of [your spiritual lethargy], for we are closer to deliverance [from this world] than when we first believed [that Christ could save us].

Rom 13:12, The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. KJV

<LivingEM> The Primordial Serpent's timeline (The night) is coming to an end (far spent), Christ Jesus (the day) is approaching (is at hand:) let us therefore separate from (cast off) the activities (works) of the carnal mind (darkness), and let us be baptized into (put on) the Christ Jesus (light), [our] armour.

The Greek word translated "to put on." Strong's # 1746, means "to sink into a garment." I suggest to you that the significance of this word in the context of Rom. 13:12, is "to be baptized."

Well, if that is the case, Sheila, why doesn't the Scripture say what it means, and use the verb "to baptize"? Because the verb "to baptize" is associated with water baptism, but the verb "to put on" is associated with spiritual baptism.

But the Scripture says that there is only one baptism (Eph. 4:5), Sheila. This is true. There is only one baptism, with many stages thereof - all leading up to full immersion into the Lord Jesus Christ, the final stage of completed baptism, which is the marriage of Christ Jesus in the individual to the glorified Jesus Christ..

Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. KJV

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:12, The Primordial Serpent's timeline is coming to an end [because] Christ Jesus is approaching; let us, therefore, separate from the activities of the carnal mind, and let us be baptized into Christ Jesus, [our righteous] armour.

Rom 13:13, Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. KJV

<LivingEM> Let us lifestyle (walk) nobility (honestly), as Christ Jesus (the day); fiery serpent (not) lying outstretched (rioting fm 2749) and intoxication=witchcraft/illusion (drunkenness) Satan (not) male sperm (chambering) and unbridled lust (wantonness), Leviathan (not) in quarrelsome/ready for a fight (strife) and maliciously indignant and jealous (envying). KJV

The Greek word translated "honestly." Strong's # 2156, is derived from Strong's # 2158, which can be translated "noble."

The Greek word translated "rioting," Strong's # 2970, is derived from Strong's # 2749, which can be translated "lying outstretched." The erect fiery serpent is stretched out horizontally upon the circle of the earth. She is not ascended vertically into the upper window of creation. Strong's # 2749 indicates, therefore, that the fiery serpent is outstretched in a "lying down" position, which signifies ascension in the Primordial Serpent's timeline.

Alternate Translation Rom. 13:13, The fiery serpent, [the Primordial Serpent's] male sperm, is stretched out [towards Leviathan with] unbridled lust, and Leviathan, [who] is maliciously indignant [because Christ Jesus intends to capture her], is [very] jealous, and Satan, [who overcame Adam with] illusion, is quarrelsome [and] ready for a fight; [so] let us live Christ Jesus' noble lifestyle [which is our only defense against the Primordial Serpent's household].

Rom. 13:14, But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. KJV

<LivingEM> But be baptized (put ye on) the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not (consider in advance) provision for the etheric part of your physical body (flesh), to fulfil what is forbidden (lusts) thereof. KJV

There are no Greek words translated "to fulfill" or "thereof." They are amplifications of the King James Translators.

Alternate Translation, Rom. 13:14, Do not concern yourself with the forbidden activities of [the spiritual insects in] your etheric body, but be baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ,

RECAP - Rom. 13:1-14 1 There is [a spiritual] authority other than God, so let [Satan], the [spiritual] authority [that rules over] the animal nature, be subjected to the superior authority of God, because God is the [only] power [that] can arrange [us] in the correct moral order.

2 Therefore, whosoever resists [the personality that Christ Jesus lives in, also] resists [Christ Jesus], the authority of God's moral arrangement, and [Satan] seizes those who resist [Christ Jesus] their [true] self.

3 Satan's princes are afraid of [Christ Jesus'] authority, because [they do] evil [even though] they are terrified [of Christ Jesus'] good works. Therefore, [if] you are disposed towards Satan, do good, and [Adam, Jehovah's] thought form, shall possess [you].

4 The minister of God is given to you to do you good, but if you have evil thoughts in your mind towards him [even if they are unconscious or subconscious], you will experience fear, because the minister whose carnal mind is covered by Christ Jesus takes revenge upon [Satan], the one [who executes] the sowing and reaping judgment.

5 Wherefore, it is necessary that you submit yourself to [the minister in Christ Jesus], not only because he is come to punish [Satan and Leviathan within you], but [so that Christ Jesus], your [renewed] conscience, [should dominate your carnal mind].

6 And for these same reasons, [that Satan and Leviathan in you should be destroyed and the life of the manchild preserved], the ministers [who] belong to God persevere in the exposure of sin continually, [and] are [therefore] heavily taxed in their emotions and in their physical body.

7 [Therefore], let the one who is judged deliver up his whole [carnal mind to the minister in Christ Jesus whose emotions and physical body] he is taxing; [indeed, let him deliver up Satan and Leviathan], the fearful ones who [make] him afraid of [the righteousness of God], and highly esteem the honorable [Christ Jesus, and the personality who carries Him, so that he might receive] eternal life [from Christ Jesus, the only one] who can give eternal life.

8 Let no man gather up the energy of another man [by relating to him with their carnal mind], but, rather, let us love one another [by relating to each other through Christ Jesus], because the one who communicates through Christ Jesus, satisfies the law, [and is a perfect man (Jas. 3:2)].

9a Therefore, do not set your mind [on carnal desires, or implement] any other solution [to your problems], because when your [human spirit] is gathered together with [Christ Jesus], you shall communicate in His nature, [and when you communicate in Christ Jesus' nature] you shall not commit adultery with Leviathan, and you shall not murder [Christ Jesus],

10 [Because] Christ Jesus does not harm His neighbour, [and], therefore, Christ Jesus satisfies the law [of sin and death].

9b You shall not do any of these things [any more, but] you shall communicate with your neighbor in the same manner [that] you communicate [with Christ Jesus within] yourself, [and Satan and Leviathan] will not steal [your energy anymore].

11a But be aware that

13a The fiery serpent, [the Primordial Serpent's] male sperm, is stretched out [towards Leviathan with] unbridled lust, and Leviathan, [who] is maliciously indignant [because Christ Jesus intends to marry the fiery serpent, his wife], is [very] jealous, and Satan, [who overcame Adam with] illusion, is quarrelsome [and] ready for a fight,

11b [Because it is] the set time for Adam's timeline [to appear],

12a [And] Christ Jesus is approaching, [and] the Primordial Serpent's timeline is coming to an end.

11c So awake out of [your spiritual lethargy], for we are closer to deliverance [from this world] than when we first believed [that Christ could save us].

12b Let us, therefore, separate from the activities of the carnal mind, and let us be baptized into the Christ Jesus, [our righteous] armour,

13b [So that] we can live [out of] Christ Jesus' noble lifestyle,

14 [And] be baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ, [because the men who are married to the Lord Jesus Christ], do not concern themselves with the forbidden activities of [the spiritual insects in] their etheric body.

God bless you all.

Good night.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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