A House Divided
Abraham's Promise
Agape, Love On The Mental Plane
Anchor Of Our Soul (Personality)
And You, Too, Shall Live
Any Old Tree?
Ascension & Spiritual Marriage
Astral Projection
Behold Your Son
Bitten By The Fiery Serpent
Black Eggs
Born From Seed, Immaculate Conception, Mind Generation - Part 1
Born From Seed, Immaculate Conception, Mind Generation - Part 2
Cain, Abel, & The Fiery Serpent
Christ Jesus, The Only Spiritual Sign
Clinton - Part 6
Comments On "Matrix" - Part 1
Comments On "Matrix" - Part 2
Comments On "Matrix" - Part 3
Comments on Christmas
Compel Them To Come In
Consciousness On Multiple Planes Of Existence
Convoluted Thinking
Curses, The Fruit of Evil Thoughts
Daughters Of Jerusalem
Devolution Vs Evolution & The Doctrine Of Christ
Discipline & Adam
Doctrine Of Cain And Abel, The
Early Acts Of The Apostles, The (Jn. 6:1-21)
Elohim's Magnificent Man
Energy Centers & The Quality Of Life
Ezekiel 11:23-25
Gold Dust & The Lord's Nature
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Hidden Aggression
Higher Power, The
Holy Spirit vs The Tree Of Life, The 
Illusion Of Our World, The
Jesus Forsaken? (Matt. 27:46)
Lusts Of This World, The
Michael & Christ, Abraham's Seed
Nebuchadnezzar's Statue
Noah's Flood Waters
Oil And The Wine, The
Our Inheritance In Christ Jesus
Paul & The Venomous Beast
Physical & Adult Children, Discipline And Spiritual Growth
Physical Manifestations Of Spiritual Conflicts
Prayer - Part 1
Prayer - Part 2
Prayer - Part 3
Question About Hell
Questions & Answers
Reasonable Man, The - Part 1
Reasonable Man, The - Part 2
Residue Of The Personality
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 1
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 2
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 3
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 4
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 5 (Verse 14)
Revelation, Chapter 12 - Part 6 (Verses 16-18)
Righteous Seed, The 
Siamese Twins - The Two Worlds Of The Fiery Serpent
Some Symbols Of The Doctrine Of Christ
Spirit Controlled Meeting, The
Spiritual Couple In Mortal Man, The
Spiritual Covers & Judgment
Spiritual Foundations Of The Clinton Scandal, The   - Part 1
Spiritual Foundations Of The Clinton Scandal, The   - Part 2
Spiritual Foundations Of The Clinton Scandal, The   - Part 3
Spiritual Foundations Of The Clinton Scandal, The   - Part 4
Spiritual Foundations Of The Clinton Scandal, The   - Part 5
Spiritual Passover - Part 1
Spiritual Passover - Part 2
Spiritual Roots
Spiritual Speech And Ascension
Spiritual Synthesis
Spiritual Warfare in Washington
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 1
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 10
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 11
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 2
Spiritual Wives   (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 3
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 4
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 5
Spiritual Wives (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 6
Spiritual Wives  (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 7
Spiritual Wives  (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 8
Spiritual Wives  (Judges, Chapter 21) - Part 9
Straight Gate, The 
Ten Commandments, The (A Spiritual Understanding)
Things Strangled
Thoughts Of Our Mind, The 
Three Messages In The Church Today, The 
Tidal Waves In Mainland, U.S.A.?
Two Seeds
Voice Of The Lord Or Spirit Guide?
Worlds Within Us
Year 2000 Computer Crisis, The 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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